Salisbury Township School District Planned Course of Study Sociology Salisbury Inspire, Think, Learn, Grow Together!

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1 Topic/Unit: Foundations of Sociology Suggested Timeline: 4-5 Teaching Blocks Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings: Theoretical sociological perspective defines how sociologist interpret social interactions and behavior. Essential Questions: What is Sociology? What is sociological perspective? PA Academic Standards: 8.1.9C, 8.4.9A Common Core Academic Standards: CC D, CC F, CC J, CC A, CC F, CC H Tier 3 Vocabulary: Sociology, Group Behavior, Perspective, Functionalism, Culture, Conformity Concepts: Competencies: Instructional Practices: Assessments: Learning about the past and its different contexts shaped by social, cultural, and political influences prepare one for participation as active, critical citizens in a democratic society. Biography is a historical construct used to reveal positive and/or negative influences an individual can have on society. Historical causation involves evidence-based discussion and explanation, an analysis of sources including point of view, and an ability to read Contrast multiple perspectives of individuals and groups in interpreting other times, cultures, and places. Evaluate cause and effect relationships bearing in mind multiple causations. Analyze the interaction of cultural, economic, geographic, political, and social relationships for a specific time, place, and people. Analyze primary and secondary source materials for scientific accuracy and cultural bias. Shipwreck Activity: Students will be given a group of individuals with diverse socioeconomic, race, ethnic, cultural, and educational backgrounds and a scenario where only a few can be saved. They will then work in small collaborative groups to determine which they would select and which would be left behind. Students will then support and challenge group findings. Vocabulary Word Wall: Students will take the key vocabulary and create Students will be assessed in accordance with a teacher-generated participation rubric. Students will be assessed based on their contributions, knowledge, depth and understanding of vocabulary relating to the field of sociology. Students will be assessed using a teacher-created grading rubric reflecting their knowledge and understanding. 1

2 critically to recognize fact from conjecture and evidence from assertion. Historical skills (organizing information, chronological thinking, explaining issues, locating sources and investigating evidence, and developing arguments and interpretations based on evidence) are used by an analytical thinker to create constructive arguments. definitions as to their meaning and relationship to the study of Sociology. Sociologist Role Play: Students will research a founding father of Sociology in which the will discover their background and theories. Students will then discuss the following questions rom the point of view of their character : What is Sociology and why is it an important field of scientific study? 2

3 Topic/Unit: Culture Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings: Culture creates the rules for social interaction within a society. Essential Questions: What are the characteristics of culture? What are the reasons for cultural diversity? PA Academic Standards: C, D, D Suggested Timeline: 6-8 Teaching Blocks Common Core Academic Standards: CC A, CC D, CC F, CC G, CC J, CC A, CC B, CC E, CC F, CC H Tier 3 Vocabulary: Values, Mores, Folkways, Laws, Language, Symbols, Technology, Beliefs, Schema, Ethnocentrism, Multiculturalism, Subcultures, Counterculture, Cults, Gangs, Stereotypes Concepts: Competencies: Instructional Practices: Assessments: Learning about the past and its different contexts shaped by social, cultural, and political influences prepare one for participation as active, critical citizens in a democratic society. Learning about the differences in world cultures will improve students knowledge and acceptance of cultural differences and help Contrast multiple perspectives of individuals and groups in interpreting other times, cultures, and places. Evaluate cause and effect relationships bearing in mind multiple causations. Analyze the interaction of cultural, economic, geographic, political, and social relationships for a Students will develop a vocabulary list and examples of cultural characteristics (values, norms, mores, folkways, laws, language,symbols, technology, beliefs, and schema). Students will then construct a word wall with terms and examples. Students will engage in a variety of cultural case studies Students will be assessed via a teacher-constructed rubric. Students essays will be assessed on a teacher made writing rubric adopted from the historical writing rubric. Student lab reports will be assessed through a teacher constructed rubric. Student media presentation will assessed via a teacher constructed 3

4 them gain understanding of cultural relativism. Historical causation involves evidence-based discussion and explanation, an analysis of sources including point of view, and an ability to read critically to recognize fact from conjecture and evidence from assertion. Historical skills (organizing information, chronological thinking, explaining issues, locating sources and investigating evidence, and developing arguments and interpretations based on evidence) are used by an analytical thinker to create constructive arguments. specific time, place, and people. Analyze primary and secondary source materials for scientific accuracy and cultural bias. including: The Body Ritual of the Nacirema Are we becoming Ik? The Roseto Study The Kombai Tribe of New Guinea Study Students will then write a reflective essay drawing comparisons between two. Students will conduct a social experiment in which they vary social norms and then write a lab report in which the report their findings. Students will create a media presentation based on research conducted on cultural diversity in the United States. presentation rubric. Student collage will be assessed via a teacher made rubric. Students will view TED Talk on After Millennials and create a cultural collage representing their generation. 4

5 Topic/Unit: Socialization Suggested Timeline: 6-8 Teaching Blocks Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings: There are a vast number agents of socialization that influence behavior in a variety of ways./ Essential Questions: How does socialization occur? Why does socialization matter? PA Academic Standards: C, D, D Common Core Academic Standards: CC A, CC D, CC F, CC G, CC J, CC A, CC B, CC E, CC F, CC H Tier 3 Vocabulary: Socialization, Psychoanalytic Perspective, Social Learning Theory, Symbolic Interaction, Rite of Passage Concepts: Competencies: Instructional Practices: Assessments: Learning about the past and its different contexts shaped by social, cultural, and political influences prepare one for participation as active, critical citizens in a democratic society. Biography is a historical construct used to reveal positive and/or negative influences an individual can have on society. Historical causation involves evidence-based discussion and explanation, an analysis Contrast multiple perspectives of individuals and groups in interpreting other times, cultures, and places. Evaluate cause and effect relationships bearing in mind multiple causations. Analyze the interaction of cultural, economic, geographic, political, and social relationships for a specific time, place, and people. Analyze primary and Students will examine the social constructs of self through the application of three different theories of Socialization (Psychoanalytic, Social Learning, and Symbolic Interaction). Students will view a movie clip or short television show segment and explain the behavior through one of the perspectives. Class discussion will center on the analysis of video segments. Students will complete a graphic organizer analyzing Student participation will be evaluated based on teachergenerated discussion rubric. Graphic organizers will be assessed based on the student understanding of the analysis of social influences as explained in their presentations based on presentation rubric. Student Vlogs will be evaluated based on student generated evaluation criteria rubric. Interviews will be assessed based on teacher established rubric. 5

6 of sources including point of view, and an ability to read critically to recognize fact from conjecture and evidence from assertion. Social studies skills (understanding of how societies function and maintain social institutions, social control, develop an understanding of the multiple roles individuals play in society) are used by an analytical thinker to create constructive arguments. secondary source materials for scientific accuracy and cultural bias. their own social influences and then present to class (Looking Glass, Significant Others, Generalized Others, Role Taking, Me and I) Students will explore the different agents of socialization (family, religion, school, peer groups, mass media, and non-verbal communication) and their impact on social behavior. Students will then create a Vlog in which the discuss these influences on their life. Students will explore how socialization changes over time by conducting interviews from people of selected age groups. Findings will then be placed on a aging timeline. 6

7 Topic/Unit: Groups and Organizations Suggested Timeline: 6-8 Teaching Blocks Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings: Through our social interaction within groups individuals gain a social construct of self. Essential Questions: What are groups, and how do they work? PA Academic Standards: C, D, D Common Core Academic Standards: CC A, CC D, CC F, CC G, CC J, CC A, CC B, CC E, CC F, CC H Tier 3 Vocabulary: Group, Primary Group, Secondary Group, Cooperation, Conflict, Conformity Concepts: Competencies: Instructional Practices: Assessments: Learning about the past and its different contexts shaped by social, cultural, and political influences prepare one for participation as active, critical citizens in a democratic society. Understanding of the types of groups, including social networks, and the roles they serve in society will help create a better understanding of the world in which we live and function. Historical causation involves Contrast multiple perspectives of individuals and groups in interpreting other times, cultures, and places. Evaluate cause and effect relationships bearing in mind multiple causations. Analyze the interaction of cultural, economic, geographic, political, and social relationships for a specific time, place, and people. Working within cooperative groups, students will construct a definition of a group, provide examples, and the established norms and functionality (formal and informal; primary and secondary). Students will then construct a social network web analyzing this information. Students will write a reflective essay on in-groups and out-groups and how these concepts lead to bullying and societal violence. Students organizational web will be assessed based on a student constructed rubric. Students essay will be evaluated based on the Social Studies writing rubric. Class discussion will be evaluated based upon teacher-created participation rubric. Students organizational charts will be assessed based on teacher-created project rubric. 7

8 evidence-based discussion and explanation, an analysis of sources including point of view, and an ability to read critically to recognize fact from conjecture and evidence from assertion. Historical skills (organizing information, chronological thinking, explaining issues, locating sources and investigating evidence, and developing arguments and interpretations based on evidence) are used by an analytical thinker to create constructive arguments. Analyze primary and secondary source materials for scientific accuracy and cultural bias. Students will categorize a list of social behaviors based on their type of social interaction (cooperation, conflict, coercion, conformity, group think. Student will then analyze the impacts of group expectations through researching and discussing the Stanley Milgram Experiment and other group studies. Students will conduct research on formal organization, the Iron Law of Oligarchy and construct a bureaucratic organizational chart. 8

9 Topic/Unit: Social Classes Suggested Timeline: 6-8 Teaching Blocks Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings: Social stratification develops the greater social concepts which organize societies based on power and class consciousness. Essential Questions: What is social stratification? How does social class status impact behavior? PA Academic Standards: C, D, D Common Core Academic Standards: CC A, CC D, CC F, CC G, CC J, CC A, CC B, CC E, CC F, CC H Tier 3 Vocabulary: Social Class, Power, Prestige, Stratification, Social Mobility, Castes Concepts: Competencies: Instructional Practices: Assessments: Learning about the past and its different contexts shaped by social, cultural, and political influences prepare one for participation as active, critical citizens in a democratic society. Develop a greater understanding of social classes and social stratification as a means of exploring causes and perspectives of social Contrast multiple perspectives of individuals and groups in interpreting other times, cultures, and places. Evaluate cause and effect relationships bearing in mind multiple causations. Analyze the interaction of cultural, economic, geographic, political, and social relationships for a specific time, place, and Students will explore the concept of social stratification through collaborative groups working through the Titanic exercise, discussing occupational prestige survey results, and conducting a web quest on Class Matters (New York Times). Groups will discuss their findings with class. Students will apply knowledge of American Class discussion will be evaluated based upon teacher-created participation rubric. Student essays will be evaluated based on the Social Studies writing rubric. Student projects will be assessed based on a teacher-created rubric. Students will be assessed based on teacher-created lab report rubric. 9

10 problems such as poverty, crime, racism, deviance. Historical causation involves evidence-based discussion and explanation, an analysis of sources including point of view, and an ability to read critically to recognize fact from conjecture and evidence from assertion. Historical skills (organizing information, chronological thinking, explaining issues, locating sources and investigating evidence, and developing arguments and interpretations based on evidence) are used by an analytical thinker to create constructive arguments. people. Analyze primary and secondary source materials for scientific accuracy and cultural bias. ocial classes to People Like Us episodes and write a reflective essay about the differences and influence of social classes ion America. Students will chart the factors of social mobility in American society and contrast this will an alternative social class system (caste system, or open class system). Student will conduct sociological class research through viewing television programs and/or music. Students will then write a lab report based on their findings. 10

11 Topic/Unit: Gender and Society Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings: Gender identity shapes an individuals social interaction and concepts of self Essential Questions: How do we develop gender identity? What are the impacts of gender identity? PA Academic Standards: C, D, D Suggested Timeline: 6-8 Teaching Blocks Common Core Academic Standards: CC A, CC D, CC F, CC G, CC J, CC A, CC B, CC E, CC F, CC H Tier 3 Vocabulary: Gender Identity, Determinism, Inequality Concepts: Competencies: Instructional Practices: Assessments: Learning about the past and its different contexts shaped by social, cultural, and political influences prepare one for participation as active, critical citizens in a democratic society. Social studies skills of understanding the place gender roles play in society and within social situations and structures. Contrast multiple perspectives of individuals and groups in interpreting other times, cultures, and places. Evaluate cause and effect relationships bearing in mind multiple causations. Analyze the interaction of cultural, economic, geographic, political, and social relationships for a specific time, place, and Students will explore the concept of gender identity through several gender based activities: Toy Study Little Critter Book Study David Reimer Case Study Class discussion will focus on learning gender roles and gender expectations in American society. Students will evaluate gender Class discussion will be evaluated based upon teacher-created participation rubric. Student essays will be evaluated based on the Social Studies writing rubric. Students will be assessed based on teacher-created lab report rubric. Student essays will be evaluated based on the Social Studies writing rubric. 11

12 Historical causation involves evidence-based discussion and explanation, an analysis of sources including point of view, and an ability to read critically to recognize fact from conjecture and evidence from assertion. Historical skills (organizing information, chronological thinking, explaining issues, locating sources and investigating evidence, and developing arguments and interpretations based on evidence) are used by an analytical thinker to create constructive arguments. people. Analyze primary and secondary source materials for scientific accuracy and cultural bias. identity from three separate sociological perspectives (biological determinism, brain differences, and social constructs) and write a reflective essay. Student will research sexual inequality in American society through the study of pay and occupational statistics. Students will write up their findings in a lab report. Student will explore gender and the media through conducting research on gender roles in commercial advertisements. Students will write a reflective essay on gender in America. 12

13 Topic/Unit: Marriage and Family Suggested Timeline: 6-8 Teaching Blocks Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings: Understanding marriage and family structures as a fundamental system of social organization. Essential Questions: What are the different types of marriage and family? What are the functions of family? PA Academic Standards: C, D, D Common Core Academic Standards: CC A, CC D, CC F, CC G, CC J, CC A, CC B, CC E, CC F, CC H Tier 3 Vocabulary: Family, Marriage, Civil Unions, Nuclear Family, Extended Family, Egalitarian, Monogamy, Polygamy, Patrilineal, Matrilineal, Homogamy, Heterogamy, Endogamy Concepts: Competencies: Instructional Practices: Assessments: Learning about social institutions such as marriage and family to understand their functionality and role in maintaining order and continuity in societies. Biography is a historical construct used to reveal positive and/or negative influences an individual can have on society. Contrast multiple perspectives of individuals and groups in interpreting other times, cultures, and places. Evaluate cause and effect relationships bearing in mind multiple causations. Analyze the interaction of cultural, economic, geographic, political, and social relationships for a Students will develop a word wall based on vocabulary about the different types of families and marriages. Students will then discuss the rationale for the different structures of families. Students will explore the different stages of marriage as well as research the predictors of divorce (Gottman Study). Students Class discussion will be evaluated based upon teacher-created participation rubric. Student projects will be assessed based on a teacher-created rubric. Class discussion will be evaluated based upon teacher-created participation rubric. Student essays will be evaluated based on the Social Studies writing 13

14 Historical causation involves evidence-based discussion and explanation, an analysis of sources including point of view, and an ability to read critically to recognize fact from conjecture and evidence from assertion. Historical skills (organizing information, chronological thinking, explaining issues, locating sources and investigating evidence, and developing arguments and interpretations based on evidence) are used by an analytical thinker to create constructive arguments. specific time, place, and people. Analyze primary and secondary source materials for scientific accuracy and cultural bias. will create a photo timeline of married couples within the stages of marriage. Students will explore and discuss the functions of marriage in society. Students will create a Do s and Don ts List of parenting (Robert Epstein Study), creating a parenting rubric based on their findings. They will then discuss the rubric with their parents and write a reflective report based on the discussion. rubric. 14

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