elszámol valamivel, számot ad valamiről megvádol valakit valamivel

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1 IGE VZAT JELENTÉS PÉLDA ACCOUNT (elszámol, könyvel) elszámol valamivel, számot ad valamiről Have you accounted for the wind speed in your calculations? ACCUSE (vádol) OF megvádol valakit valamivel They accused Helen of stealing the gold necklace. ADVERTISE (hirdet, reklámoz) / hirdetés által keres vmit / vkit The company is advertising for secretaries. AGAINST (doing) nem tanácsol vkinek vmit I advised him against (marrying) her. ADVISE (tanácsol) / AB vkinek tanácsokat ad vmiről He advised the king on matters of state. OF tudat vkivel vmit You are kindly requested to advise us of any changes in your personal details. WITH / AB egyetért vkivel vmiben She didn t agree with them on the holiday plan. AGREE (egyetért) WITH egyetért vmivel She didn t agree with the holiday plan. TO beleegyezik vmibe The king finally agreed to the princess s marriage. TO do beleegyezik vmi megtételébe He agreed to help. ALLOW (megenged) tekintettel van vmire, számításba / figyelembe vesz vmit Your plan doesn t allow for changes in the weather. 1

2 elismer vkinek vmit She has never stolen anything. I allow you that. (Ezt elismerem.) OF lehetőséget ad vmire It is a fair question, and allows of more than one answer. 1 válaszol valaki nevében / helyett I can't answer for Chuck, but I do have my own opinion. ANSWER (válaszol) / 2 kezeskedik valakiért / valamiért, felelősséget vállal vkiért / vmiért You will have to answer for your children's bad behavior. I will answer only for my own misdeeds. TO megfelel valaminek It answers to my expectations. válaszol valamire, megválaszol They answered all my questions. válaszol valakinek Answer me! APOLOGIZE (elnézést kér) TO elnézést kér valakitől valamiért I must apologize to Isobel for my lateness. oneself TO valamire adja magát, valamivel komolyan foglalkozik She applied herself to her studies. APPLY (alkalmaz; pályázik) TO / someone TO / someone vonatkozik, érvényes valamire valamire alkalmaz, felhasznál, vmit vkire vonatkoztat, használ The argument applies to the case. This rule doesn t apply to you. We applied his theory to this problem. Don't apply any such term to me. TO valakihez valamiért fordul, folyamodik, pályázik valamire We've applied to a charitable organization for a grant for the project. ARGUE (vitatkozik) vitat She argued the case for bringing back the death penalty. INTO doing rábeszél, rávesz valakit valami megtételére (érvekkel való meggyőzéssel) They argued him into withdrawing his complaint. 2

3 OF doing lebeszél valakit valami megtételéről (érvekkel való meggyőzéssel) They argued him out of withdrawing his complaint. valami mellett érvel They argued for the right to strike. AGAINST valami ellen érvel We argued against animal experiments. AB vitatkozik valamiről I wish you would stop arguing about politics all the time. ASK (kérdez) someone AROUND elhív valahova (szórakozni, randira) körbekérdez, mindenkit megkérdez Brian asked Judy out to dinner and a movie. I asked around but nobody has seen my wallet. BASE (alapul; alapoz) valamire alapoz Mary s novel is based on a true story. AB a közelben van Is the manager about? AB TO do AFTER valamire készül üldöz, követ valakit I was about to leave when Mark arrived. The police are after him. BE (van) AFTER vágyik valami után, keres vmit I'm after a tie to go with this shirt. AWAY távol van, eltűnik The stag was away like lightning. (A szarvas úgy eltűnt, mint a villám.) BACK visszajön I ll be back in half an hour. BEHIND hátramarad, elmarad, késik The train is behind. BEHIND IN BY el van maradva vmivel támogat valakit, valaki mellett áll I m much behind in my payments My friend was always by me when I needed. 3

4 with an illness somewhere pikkel valakire, durván bánik valakivel betegen fekszik, ledöntötte valamilyen betegség valahová készül 1. támogat, valami mellett áll I think my Maths teacher is really down on me. She was down with flu. The ship was for Southampton. I am for healthy food. 2. valami vár rá (büntetés) You are for it this time! IN 1. itthon van; benn van; befutott, bejött (hajó, vonat) Is Mr Brown in? 2. divatban van Short skirts are in again. IN sg. valami kellemetlen elébe néz The weather forecast says we're in for heavy rain this evening. IN sg. be van avatva vmibe, benne van valamiben He was in on all these events. 1. be van kapcsolva The lights are on. 2. folyamatban van, megy, műsoron van (tévében, moziban) figyel valakit 1. házon kívül van, nincs az épületben, kinn van az utcán A very good film is on in the cinema. The fight is on. I feel that someone is on me. Mr Brown is out at the moment. 2. végére ért, elfogyott My strength is out. 3. kitudódott, kipattant (titok) All what I said was out. IN with minden igyekezetével törekszik valamire téved valamiben neheztel valakire, nincs jóban valakivel She is out for finding a job. You are out in this question. I ve been out with my best friend for two days. 4

5 OVER 1. elmúlt, vége van The rain is over. 2. átmegy, átjön I thought you d be over. (Azt hittem, átjössz.) ROUND itt van, ide jön I ll be round in a minute. THROUGH elege van I am through. (Elegem van.) THROUGH WITH végére ér valaminek, elkészül valamivel Are you through with that paper? UP 1. fenn van, nem fekszik le He was up all night. 2. magasan áll, magasan van, felmegy (ár) Prices are up. 3. elmúlt, lejárt, vége van Time is up. UP TO 1. felér valamivel, elér vmit Your results are not up to the standards. 2. készül valamire, valamiben mesterkedik, valamiben sántikál I m afraid this man is up to bad. BENEFIT (hasznot élvez) / FROM segít vkinek / vmit hasznot húz valamiből, hasznát látja valaminek How can we benefit those who most need our help? I feel that I have benefited greatly from her wisdom. BLAME (okol) okol, hibáztat, vádol valakit valamiért ráken valakire He tried to blame Janet for the mistake. The police tried to blame the accident on Harry. BLOW (fúj) UP felrobban The racing car blew up after it crashed into the fence. UP felfúj We have to blow 50 balloons up for the party. BOAST (dicsekszik) AB dicsekszik valamivel She is always boasting about her wealthy parents. BREAK (tör, törik) AWAY 1. szétoszlik (hadsereg) Break away! (Oszolj!) 2. elszökik, elszabadul He grabbed her, but she managed to break 5

6 AWAY FROM elszakít, elszakad, lemarad ől away. One or two of the tourists broke away from the tour group. 1. letörik, összeomlik, ledől During the big storm a lot of branches broke down. 2. lerobban, elromlik, leáll Our car broke down at the side of the highway in the snowstorm. 3. kiborul, összeomlik (idegileg), zokogásban tör ki The woman broke down when she heard the bad news. 1. letör Don t break that branch down. 2. feloszt, csoportokra oszt, csoportosít Our teacher broke the final project down into three separate parts. 3. lebont, ledönt, lerombol, letör They have broken down every opposition. IN / INTO 1 betör, behatol Somebody broke in last night and stole our stereo. IN 1. betörik, beszakad, beomlik Suddenly, the roof of the house broke in. IN IN TO UP 2. közbelép, beleavatkozik, közbeszól betör, bejárat (pl. lovat) hozzászoktat valakit valamihez (hirtelen) abbamarad, félbemarad, megszűnik hirtelen abbahagy, megszakít 1. befejeződik, végetér, befejez (kapcsolatot) As she was talking, he suddenly broke in, saying, "That's a lie". I need to break these shoes in before we run next week. Teachers have to brear the students break in to discipline. Their marriage is broken off. He broke off reading. My boyfriend and I broke up before I moved to America. School will break up on June kacagásban tör ki The kids just broke up as soon as the clown started talking. 6

7 3. elerőtlenedik He is beginning to break up. (Fogytán az ereje.) UP OF 1. darabokra tör, szétzúz, feltör 2. feloszlat, szétoszlat, félbeszakít, szétver 3. felbont, megszakít (kapcsolatot, egyezményt) kiszökik, megszökik valahonnan I broke the potato up for dinner. The Black Army broke up the enemy in a day. They broke up their marriage after her affair with the neighbour s husband. The prisoners broke out of jail when the guards weren't looking. kitör, kifakad (tűz, háború) We were watching an interesting film in the movie, when suddenly a big fire broke out. THROUGH kibújuk, előjön When the cold weather was over some snowdrops broke through immediately. THROUGH WITH áttör, áthatol valamin véget vet valaminek, felhagy valamivel, szakít valamivel Protesters broke through the barriers. We decided to break with tradition and not spend Christmas with our family. AB előidéz, okoz What brought about this fire? ALG elhoz, magával hoz Can I bring a friend along to the party? BACK visszahoz, visszaállít Eating a lot of vegetables will bring your health back. Can you bring me back some milk? BRING (hoz) BACK TO valaki számára felidéz, emlékezetébe idéz csökkent, leszállít (árat) This brings back the last line of his poem to me. The photos brought back some wonderful memories. They've really brought down the price of DVD players. someone elkedvetlenít, elszomorít, elgyengít valakit This sad music is bringing me down. IN 1. hoz, jövedelmez Our new product brings a lot of money in. 2. bevezet vmit New safety regulations have been brought in. előidéz, okoz The loud music brought on another one of his 7

8 ROUND / TO ROUND valakinek közzétesz, kiad szóra bír valakit, felvidít vkit magához térít, feléleszt, eszméletre hoz meggyőz, saját pártjára állít valakit headaches. The new issue of the magazine was brought out in Wednesday. Paulo's very shy - he needs bringing out. I gave him a sniff of smelling salts to bring him round. At the end of the argument I managed to bring my opposites round to my point of view. someone UP felnevel valakit My grandparents brought me up after my parents died. UP 1. felhoz, felvet (témát), felidéz (emléket) My mother walks out of the room when my father brings up sports. 2. kihány He drank so much that he brought his dinner up in the toilet. IN befalaz, beépít, beszerel When drawing up a contract it is vital to build in safety measures. BUILD (épít) UP 1. megerősít, helyrehoz They gave him soup to build up his strength / build him up. 2. fokozódik Tension is building up between the two communities. AWAY elpusztul, megsemmisül Half the candle had burnt away. AWAY / UP / teljesen eléget, kiéget, elpusztít, felemészt, leéget He tried to burn down the school by setting fire to papers on a noticeboard. BURN (ég, éget) leég (tűz) The house burned down in felgyújt, felperzsel, leéget She burned the table down by setting a fire in the middle of it. 1. kiég (fizikailag, szellemileg), teljesen leég The clutch has burnt out. By the age of 25 she was completely burned out and retired from the sport. 2. kialszik (tűz) The fire had burnt out before the fire engines 8

9 arrived. kiéget The hotel was completely burnt out. UP fellángol, kigyullad, fellobban, feléled The spacecraft burned up as it entered the earth's atmosphere. BUY (vásárol, vesz) IN nagy mennyiséget beszerez, jól bevásárol valamiből, felhalmoz pénzzel megveszteget vkit We bought in lots of tinned food in case of heavy snow. They tried to buy the guard at the bank off but he told the police and the gang were arrested. AROUND körbetelefonál We called around but we weren't able to find the car part we needed. AT / somewhere látogatást tesz valakinél / valahova, benéz valakihez / valahova, megáll valahol This train calls at Didcot and Reading. BACK visszajön, visszakiált She said she'd call back later to pick up that report. someone BACK (telefonon) visszahív I called the company back but the offices were closed for the weekend. megkíván, megkövetel, felhív valamire (pályázatra), igényel Members have called for his resignation. It's the sort of work that calls for a high level of concentration. CALL (hív) értemegy, beszól valakiért I'll call for you at 7 o'clock. IN behív, behívat valakit A new team of detectives were called in to conduct a fresh inquiry. lemnond, lefúj Jason called the wedding off because he wasn't in love with his fiancé. someone 1. feleltet valakit The professor called on me for question meglátogat valakit We called on you last night but you weren't home. felkiált, segítségért kiált I hurt my leg and I called out in pain. kihív valakit Our tap was leaking so we called out a plumber. 9

10 TO kiált valamiért, követel She called out to her father for help. someone UP telefonon felhív valakit Give me your phone number and I will call you up when we are in town. CARE (törődik) / AB someone / foglalkozik, törődik valamivel / valakivel, érdekli valami / valaki, szeret / valakit I don't care for his behaviour. THROUGH átsegít vkit vmin The soldiers' courage carried them through. CARRY (visz, hord, cipel) AWAY BACK magával ragad valakit visszahoz, visszavisz The crowd were carried away by his passionate speech. végrehajt Our soldiers carried out a successful attack last night. folytat, tovább csinál Let's carry on this discussion at some other time. AT belekapaszkodik valamibe Feeling herself fall, she clutched at a branch. CATCH (elkap) CHANGE (változik, változtat) terjed (szokás), divatba jön This new hair style is beginning to catch on. UP WITH / UP utolér valakit You'll have to run faster than that if you want to catch up with Marty. kisebb sebességre kapcsol The driver change down into second before the the steep round. UP nagyobb sebességre kapcsol Change up into fifth. INTO átváltozik valamivé, átvesz (ruhát) She changed into her work clothes. CHARGE WITH megbíz valakit valamivel The management charged Peter with meeting the guests. 10

11 (terhel; feltölt) WITH / OF vádol valakit valamivel Paul was charged with stealing a valuable necklace. valakit valamiért fizetésre kötelez This hotel charges the guests for using a hair drier. CHEAT (csal) megcsal valakit She was very sad learning that her husband cheated on her. IN bejelentkezik (szállodába, reptéren) We will get the hotel keys when we check in. utánanéz valaminek, megvizsgál I'll just go and check on the children. CHECK (ellenőriz) Someone / kijelentkezik, távozik (szállodából) átvizsgál / valakit You have to check out of the hotel before 11:00 AM. The company checks out all new employees. up kivizsgál, felülvizsgál, ellenőriz I need to check up on a few things before I can decide. CLEAN (tisztít, takarít) UP kitakarít, kitisztít, kiürít összetakarít, feltakarít I found these photos while I was cleaning out my cupboards. Please clean up your bedroom before you go outside. AWAY eltakarít I want you to clear all these toys away before bedtime. CLEAR (kitisztít, kitisztul) / elinal, elkotródik, meglóg, elmenekül, meglép lomtalanít, kiürít, kitisztít Clear off or I'll call the police! On buying new furniture Paul cleared the old carpets out from the room. UP kiderül, kitisztul (idő) I hope it clears up in time for the picnic. UP 1. rendbe hoz, elrendez, kitakarít Dad was clearing up in the kitchen. 11

12 2. tisztáz, eloszlat (félreértést), megold, kibogoz (rejtélyt), meggyógyít (betegséget) These pills should clear your rash up. lezárul, bezár (üzletet) Our local butcher is closing down. véget vet valaminek, bezár (véglegesen), elfojt (felkelést) All the mines in this area were closed down in the 80's. IN / ROUND bekerít, körülkerít, körbevesz The advancing soldiers closed in on the town. CLOSE (bezár) elkülönít, elzár kiárusít és bezár (üzemet), lezár The entrance to the train station was closed off following the explosion. A rock concert closed out the festivities. UP 1. közelebb megy, felzárkózik Traffic was heavy and cars were closing up behind each other. 2. elzárul, eltömődik, bezárkózik She closed up when I asked about her family. UP bezár, lezár, betöm Can the last one out close up the office? AB (meg)történik, bekövetkezik Let me explain how the situation came about. ACROSS / ráakad, rábukkan valakire / valamire, véletlenül összetalálkozik valakivel, belebotlik valakibe I came across these old photos when I was tidying the closet. COME (jön) ALG 1. eljön, megérkezik, beállít When the right opportunity comes along, she'll take it. 2. fejlődik, halad Your French has come along a lot recently. APART elválik, leválik, lejön The top and bottom come apart if you pull hard enough. AT megközelít We're getting nowhere let's come at it from another angle. AT 1. ráront valakire She came at me with a knife. 2. bejut valakihez, kapcsolatba jut valakivel, The noise came at us from all sides. 12

13 eljut valakihez BACK 1. visszajön, visszatér You came back (= came home) very late last night. 2. magához tér, visszanyeri az eszméletét She fainted but after some seconds she came back. 3. ismét divatba jön Long hair for men seems to be coming back in. comes BACK TO BY valami újra eszébe jut valakinek hozzájut valamihez, szerez, szert tesz valamire 1. összerogy, kidől, ledől, lejön It's all coming back to me now. Jobs are hard to come by these days. The ceiling came down with a terrific crash. 2. esik, ömlik (eső) The rain came down in torrents. WITH an illness TO TO FROM somewhere megbetegszik valamilyen betegségben valameddig leér öröklődik, rámarad valakire származik, való valahonnan My nephew came down with chicken pox this weekend. Her hair comes down to her waist. All her belongings came down to her nephew. The art of origami comes from Asia. IN 1. bejön, belép Come in! IN IN IN BETWEEN 2. megérkezik, befut (hajó), befolyik (pénz) részt vesz vmiben, hozzászól vmihez részesül valamiben, részt kap valamiből közbelép, beavatkozik, közbejön She has over a thousand pounds a month coming in from her investments. Would you like to come in at this point, Susan? The government's economic policies have come in for a lot of criticism. The boys were about to fight so I had to come in between. 13

14 INTO örököl, birtokába jut valaminek 1. kifakul, kijön, eltűnik (pl. szín) 2. megtörténik, létrejön, végbemegy 1. lejön, leszakad vhonnan (pl. gomb) 2. lejön, leszáll, leesik valahonnan She came into a fortune when her uncle died. That mark won't come off. Did the trip to Rome ever come off? Your button has come off your coat. Tha little boy came off his bike. 1. Gyerünk! Rajta! Come on! Try once more. 2. jön, közeledik, beköszönt I think there's rain coming on. 3. jól fejlődik, nő, halad The project is coming on fine. TO rátér valamire 1. kijön, kinyílik (virág), kisüt (nap), előbújik I'd like to come on to that question later. Strangeley enough, some flowers came out in the middle of the winter. 2. megjelenik (könyv, újság) His third novel has just come out. OF ) 3. napvilágra kerül, kitudódik, kiderül (hír) kifakul (szín), kijön (vmi vhonnan) The news that Laura got married in secret has come out. These ink stains won't come out of my dress. This nail won't come out. OVER átjön, áthalad Why don't you come over to England in the summer? OVER hatalmába kerít valakit, megnyer magának valakit, legyőz valakit A fit of dizziness came over her. (a)round 1. magához tér, feléled Your mother hasn't yet come round from the anaesthetic. 2. átjön, betér (látogatóba) Do come around and see us some time. 3. jobb belátásra jut, véleményt változtat He'll never come round to our way of thinking. THROUGH sikert ér el, beváltja a hozzá We were worried she wouldn't be able to 14

15 THROUGH TO fűzött reményeket keresztülmegy, szerncsésen átesik valamin, átvészel vmit (pl. betegségen) 1. valamire jut (pl. megállapodásra) 2. kitesz valamennyit, kerül valamibe handle it, but she came through in the end. With such a weak heart she was lucky to come through the operation. Finally, we came to an agreement. I never expected those few items to come to so much. UP 1. feljön, kihajt, kikel The daffodils are just beginning to come up. 2. közbejön valami Unfortunatelly has come up, so I can t meet you. 3. elkövetkezik, hamarosan bekövetkezik Her birthday is coming up soon. UP TO 1. felér valameddig The water came up to my neck. 2. eléri a követelményeket, színvonalat Their trip to France didn't come up to expectations. UP WITH előjön, előhozakodik valamivel She came up with a new idea for increasing sales. CCENT- RATE (koncentrál) összpontosít, koncentrál valamire Try to concentrate on your work. CGRA- TULATE (gratulál) gratulál valakinek valamiért Ever Everybody congratulated Michael on his birthday. (to ) visszaszámol She's already counting down to the big day. COUNT (számol) / valakit / valaminek számít, tart Being rich doesn t count for much on a desert island. IN beleszámít valakit Count me in, I ll be there too. tovább folytatja a számolást Don t stop. Count on! someone / számít valakire / valamire I am counting on you to make dinner while I am out. 15

16 / valakit / kihagy a számításból, kihúz, töröl (listáról) If they don t come, you can count me out, too. The boxer was counted out at the end of the third round. CROSS (keresztez) kihúz, áthúz Please cross out your old address and write your new one. / ócsárol, lenéz vmit / vkit Those people cry down everyone who differs from them. 1. sírva kér, esdekel, könyörög valamiért The baby was crying for (= because it wanted) its mother. CRY (sír; kiabál) 2. kiált valamiért She ran to the window and cried for help. lemond vmit She usually says she'll be there and then cries off at the last minute. felkiált She tried to stop herself from crying out. OVER sír valami miatt Don t cry over spilt milk UP feldicsér, felmagasztal Joe always cries up his profession. ACROSS 1. átvág, keresztülvág valamin I usually cut across the park on my way home. 2. elmossa a határokat The new tax program cuts across party lines. BACK 1. visszametsz, visszavág We have to cut back the rose bush in our garden. CUT (vág) BACK 2. lefarag, lecsökkent If we don't sell more we'll have to cut back production. kevesebbet fogyaszt valamiből My doctor wants me to cut back on sweets and fatty foods. TO levág, ledönt csökkent, lerövidít vmire csökkent, abbahagy We had to cut the old tree in our yard down after the storm. Save time - cut your shopping down to twice a week If you want to lose weight you should cut down on between-meal snacks. 16

17 IN 1. közbevág, közbeszól Your father cut in while I was dancing with your uncle. 2. bevág valaki elé (jármű) The bus driver got angry when that car cut in. 1. levág The doctors cut off his leg because it was severely injured. 2. megszakít (szolgáltatást), szétbont (telefonösszeköttetést) The phone company cut off our phone because we didn't pay the bill. someone someone / FROM onself FROM someone kizár (örökségből) elvág valakit / ől elzárkózik, kizárja magát vmiből kizár vkit örökségből My grandparents cut my father off when he remarried. The snow cut the town off from the world. He cut himself off from all human contact. He cut his son off without a penny. 1. kikapcsol, leáll (motor) We were in the middle of the road when the engine cut out. 2. sietve eliszkol, elpucol I would cut out the bit about working as a waitress. OF THROUGH kivág vhonnan átvág, keresztülvág valamin I cut this ad out of the newspaper. They used a machete to cut through the bush. UP felvág, felszeletel He cut up the meat on his plate. be cut UP 1. izgatott lesz She was pretty cut up about them leaving. 2. megsérül He was very badly cut up in the fight. DEAL (foglalkozik) WITH bánik valakivel, kereskedik, üzletel (üzleti kapcsolatban áll) valakivel, dolga van valakivel She's used to dealing with difficult customers. 17

18 WITH 1. foglalkozik valamivel, megold vmit How do you intend to deal with this problem? 2. szól ől Her new film deals with the relationship between a woman and her sick daughter. IN kereskedik, üzletel valamivel They mainly deal in rare books. DECIDE (eldönt, elhatároz) határoz, dönt valamiben / valamiről / vmi mellett I've decided on blue for the bathroom. DEPEND (függ) / függ valakitől / ől Számít / támaszkodik valakire The country depends heavily on foreign aid. You can always depend on Michael in a crisis. AWAY elhal, elenyészik The sound of his footsteps gradually died away. alábbhagy, csillapodik It was several minutes before the applause died down. DIE (meghal) FROM belehal (közvetlenül) valamibe Bob died from a heart attack. OF valami következtében, miatt meghal Too many people die of unhealthy lifestyles. egyenként kipusztul, kihal (faj, család) Her friends are dying off. kihal, kipusztul (faj, család), kialszik (tűz) Dinosaurs died out millions of years ago. DIFFER (különbözik, eltér) FROM / különbözik, eltér ől / valakitől His views differ considerably from those of his parents. IN / AB eltér valamiben The twins look alike, but they differ in temperament. DO (csinál, folytat, űz vmilyen tevékenységet) AWAY WITH AWAY WITH eltávolít, megszüntet, eltüntet megszabadul valakitől It's time to do away with all of these old tax records. Bluebeard did away with all his wives. 18

19 OF UP kitúr, kifoszt, kiforgat valakit valamiből 1. összekötöz, becsomagol, begombol 2. feldíszít, becsomagol 3. helyreállít, rendbehoz, tataroz She was done out of her promotion. Do your coat up before you go outside. It's snowing! She was carrying a package done up in brown paper. He makes money by buying old houses and doing them up. WITH 1. köze van nalamihez It has nothing to do with you what my son does! 2. szüksége van valamire, jól esne neki valami I could do with more leisure time. WITH / megvan valami / valaki nélkül She can't do without a secretary. BACK visszahúzódik, hátrál She leaned forward to stroke the dog but quickly drew back when she saw its teeth. BACK FROM / CLOSE / NEAR elpártol valakitől, eláll vmitől, visszavon vmit közeledik, odahúzódik valakihez We drew back from taking our neighbours to court. While we were walking, a car drew close and it sprinkled us with mud. DRAW (húz; rajzol) lecsökken If we don't cut costs our reserves will draw down. lecsökkent There are many life events that can unexpectedly draw down savings. IN 1. anyagilag összehúzza magát, csökkenti a kiadásait 2. befut, beérkezik, behúz (vonat) We have spent too much lately, I think we have to draw in. The train drew in. 3. egyre hamarabb sötétedik The nights/days are drawing in. INTO belerángat, behúz valakit valamibe They tried to draw me into their argument but I refused. 19

20 felhúz, felvesz igénybe vesz, merít valamiből Help me to draw on these boots, they re very tight. I can always draw on my memory. 1. kihúz, elhúz, megtold vmit The director drew the meeting out for another hour. 2. kivesz vmit (pénzt) számláról I drew out 200. Can I draw $80 out of my account? UP odaáll valami mellé, megáll valami előtt The cab drew up outside the house. UP 1. előkészít vmit, felvázol I've drawn up a list of candidates that I'd like to interview. 2. odahúz Draw up a chair and I'll tell you all about it. UP TO odahúz valamihez Draw your chair up to the fireplace. DREAM (álmodik) OF / AB álmodik valamiről Have you ever dreamt of trams? IN valamibe öltözik They were dressed in elegant clothes. DRESS (öltözködik) megszid, elver, elpáhol, lehord valakit His father really dressed him down when he was late for an hour. UP kiöltözik, kicsípi magát, jelmezt ölt It's a fancy restaurant so we have to dress up. 1. megisz, felhajt, lenyel He drank down his coffee and left for work. 2. italba fojt (bánatot) They soon drank down their quarrel. DRINK (iszik) IN 1. beisz, felszív, beszív (folyadékot) Sponges easily drink in water. 2. elhisz, figyelmesen hallgat, bevesz, bekap They drank in the words of their leader. (to) valakinek az egészségére They drank to his victory. 20

21 / iszik, iszik vmire We ll drink your health. UP / somewhere AGAINST ALG AT 1. teljesen kiisz, az utolsó cseppig megiszik 2. (teljesen) beszív, felszív (nedvességet) elvisz, elszállít valakit / valahova (autón) nekiütődik, nekicsapódik valaminek végigmegy, végighajt (kocsival) céloz valamire Drink up! It's time to go. The earth drank up the rain. My colleague offered to drive me home. The rain drives against the window panes. A strange car was driving along the road. I don't see what you're driving at. DRIVE (vezet) AWAY / off elhajt (kocsival) I got in the car and drove off. AWAY elzavar, elkerget valakit Terrorist threats are driving away tourists. IN becsavar, bever (szöget, csavart) I couldn t drive the screw in the concrete wall. INTO / doing belekényszerít, belevisz valakit valamibe, rákényszerít valakit vmire The police drove the burgler into the corner. They tried to drive me into stealing that wine but I refused. / kihajt, kikerget, kiszorít valakit / The supermarkets are driving small shopkeepers out of business. ACROSS véletlenül találkozik, összefut valakivel While I was walking in the street, I dropped across an old friend of mine. DROP (leejt; ledob) BACK / BEHIND visszaesik, hátramarad Andrea dropped back to third place when she fell off her bike. Her long illness caused her to drop behind the rest of the class. IN / BY (on ) hívatlanul benéz valahova látogatóba I might drop in for tea some time this week. I dropped in on George on my way home from school. 21

22 Drop by and pick up that book sometime. 1. lecsökken Sales have dropped off drastically. Someone / OF AWAY AWAY AT / 2. elalszik, elszundít, álomba szenderül elvisz valakit valahova, és otthagy, letesz valakit valahol kimarad valamiből, kihagy, visszalép ől elmos, elfogyaszt lassan szétporlaszt, szétrág, kirág, szétmar, elemészt The baby has just dropped off. I have to drop my sister off at work before I come over. I dropped out of Science because it was too difficult. The coastline is being eaten away year by year. Woodworm had eaten away at the door frame. The thought of her child left helpless and alone ate away at her. EAT (eszik) IN otthon étkezik I don t like reastaurants, I always eat in. OF eszik valamiből Eat of this delicious ice-cream. étteremben étkezik I don't feel like cooking tonight. Let's eat out. UP 1. az utolsó falatig megeszik, elfogyaszt 2. felemészt, kimerít (készletet) Come on. Eat up your potatoes. Legal costs had eaten up all the savings she had. IN 1. végződik vmire The word I'm thinking of ends in -ous. END (befejez; befejeződik) UP somewhere / 2. végződik valamivel Their long struggle ended in failure. valahol kiköt, valahogyan / valahol végez We ended up renting a movie instead of going to the theatre. If you go on like this you'll end up in prison. AB gurul / dől a nevetéstől We fell about when we heard what she'd done. FALL (esik) ACROSS / IN WITH belebotlik valakibe, véletlenül összetalálkozik valakivel Yesterday I fell across my old teacher. APART széjjeljön, szétesik My new dress fell apart in the washing 22


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