Goa Indien december 2012

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1 Goa Indien december 2012 Blue-tailed Bee-eater. Foto: Ebbe. DOF Travel Dansk Ornitologisk Forening Birdlife Denmark Stig K. Rasmussen og John Speich

2 Forord: Fra den december 2012 afholdt DOF Travel atter stortur til den lille indiske delstat Goa. Flytransporten og opholdet på hotel Svelton Manor i Calangute blev tilrettelagt af Apollo Rejser. Turen var vellykket med mange store fugleoplevelser, hvilket fremgår af rapporten. I begge uger havde vi varmt og solrigt vejr med dagtemperaturer på over 30 gr.c. Til de daglige ekskursioner benyttede vi os atter af den lokale chauffør og fugleguide Lloyd Ferdnandes, som vi har gode erfaringer med. Udover at transportere os rundt i sin 16 personers bus arrangerede Lloyd morgenmadsbuffet i det fri, hvilket betød, at vi kunne starte tidligt om morgenen ofte før solopgang. Lloyd arrangerede også en bådtur på River Zuari med Collared Kingfisher som hovedattraktion. Hjemmefra havde vi også booket plads for 2 nætter i teltlejren Backwoods Camp, der ligger i udkanten af naturreservatet Bhagwan Mahaveer Wildlife Sanctuary. Guiden Loven, der udover Leo og Pramod ejer Campen, var atter utrættelig. Han gav os mange gode fugleoplevelser, hvilket han skal have en stor tak for. Hermed også en stor tak til samtlige deltagere for endnu en uforglemmelig tur med hyggeligt samvær og god stemning, samt en tur der bød på mange store oplevelser, en tak til: Chr. Ebbe Mortensen, Henrik Marstrand, Jette og Arne Volf, Orla Hugger Jakobsen, Peter Rodemann, Lone Frederiksen, Birthe Baun Andersen, Niels Jørgen Jensen, Stig Kjærgaard Rasmussen samt Lisbeth Strandmark. En stor tak til Stig for sit store og grundige arbejde med notater samt en tak til Ebbe for fotos til rapporten. John Speich (turleder) Sri Lanka Frogmouth. Foto: Ebbe.

3 Rejserute : Særlige steder/områder med fugleobservationer er fremhævet med fed skrift : Kastrup (Københavns Lufthavn) -- Kuwait (Airport) -- Vasco da Gama (Dabolim Airport) - Panaji - Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor) : Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor) - Arpora Forest - Baga Fields/Ponds - Baga River - Baga Fields - Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor) : Calangute - Carambolim Lake og Carambolim Fields - Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor) : Calangute - Morjim med Morjim Beach - Siolim med Siolim Ricefields - Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor) - Socorro Forest/Plains - Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor) : Calangute - Socorro Forest/Plains - Socorro Fields - Pilane Lake - Calangute - Saligao Zor - Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor) : Calangute - Bondla Sanctuary - Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor) : Calangute - Zuari River - Neura - Bartim - Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor) : Calangute - Bhagwan Mahaveer Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park (Bolkarne - Backwoods - Tambdi Surla Temple - Backwoods Camp) : Bhagwan Mahaveer Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park (Backwoods - Tambdi Surla (river) - Backwoods - Tambdi Surla Temple - Tambdi Surla Road - Backwoods Camp) : Bhagwan Mahaveer Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park (Backwoods - Toldem - Backwoods Camp) - Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor) : Calangute - Morjim med Morjim Beach - Baga River - Baga Fields - Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor) : Calangute - Velim med Velim Lake og Velim Fields - Cortalim - Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor) : Calangute - Mayem Lake - Tikanem - Marmaxaddo - Chorao Island - Mandovi River - Ribandar - Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor) og Hotel Beira Mar) : Calangute - Carambolim Fields og Carambolim Lake - Old Goa - Mandovi River - Divar Island - Mandovi River - Ribandar - Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor) : Calangute - Socorro Forest - Santa Cruz - Dona Paula - Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor) - Panaji - Vasco da Gama (Dabolim Airport) : -- Kuwait (Airport) -- Kastrup (Københavns Lufthavn). Spotted Owlet. Foto: Ebbe

4 DAGSNOTATER. Engelske fuglenavne samt artsrækkefølge er som i Helm Field Guides "Birds of the Indian Subcontinent" (Richard Grimmett, Carol Inskipp, Tim Inskipp, 2011). Afvigelser herfra ved split. Engelske navne på diverse dyr er fra internettet m.v. Ubestemte arter er kun noteret undtagelsesvis (ved særlige arter). Øvrige er udeladt. Ved registreringer af nogle få særlige arter, som kun er foretaget af en enkelt turdeltager, er dennes initialer anført. Følgende forkortelser er anvendt: M = han, F = hun. ad. = adulte (gamle) fugle, juv. = juvenile (unge) fugle, imm. = ikke udvokset fugl. 1K = fugl født dette kalenderår, 2K = fugl født forrige kalenderår osv. h angives ved arter, som på turen kun er hørt (dog evt. også set en enkelt gang). s angives ved særlige arter, som er set - for at understrege dette. OF = overflyvende fugl(e). (g) = genganger(e). t/r = tur/retur. Onsdag d. 5. december Ingen vejrregistreringer. Kastrup (Københavns lufthavn). Aftalt mødetid i lufthavnen kl Ophold her til flyafgang kl Kuwait (International Airport). Ophold for brændstofpåfyldning m.v. Ankomst kl (lokaltid) og afgang kl (lokaltid). 2 timers tidsforskel mellem København og Kuwait. Goa (Vasco da Gama, Dabolim Airport). Flyankomst kl (lokal tid). Efter bagageudlevering og langsommelig indrejsekontrol busafgang (med Ljoyd) kl (lokal tid). 4½ timers tidsforskel mellem København og Goa. Vasco da Gama, Dabolim Airport - Panaji - Calangute. Ankomst til Hotel Svelton Manor for indkvartering kl Torsdag d. 6. december Først let senere jævn vind, formiddag letskyet i øvrigt skyfrit, god sigtbarhed, temperaturer: 24 gr. C. kl. 7.30, 32 gr. C. kl , 32 gr. C kl og 27 gr. C kl Lyst kl og mørkt kl Morgenmad på Hotel Svelton Manor, frokost og aftensmad på restaurant. Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor), til kl Ved afgang kørsel med taxi. Feral Pigeon 1, Rose-ringed Parakeet 1, Green Bee-eater 2, Ashy Drongo 2, House Crow 5, Red-whiskered Bulbul 1, Greenish/Green Warbler 1, Jungle Myna 4, Purple-rumped Sunbird 1. Calangute/Baga (diverse steder). Eastern Cattle Egret 6, Black Kite 2, Eurasian Coot 1, House Crow 20. Arpora Forest, kl kl

5 Eastern Cattle Egret 2, Black Kite 10, Brahminy Kite 4, White-bellied Sea Eagle 1 ad., Booted Eagle 1 (lys), Spotted Dove 10, Asian Koel 1, Green Bee-eater 2, Blue-tailed Beeeater 20, White-cheeked Barbet 2, Coppersmith Barbet 2, Ashy Drongo 4, Indian Golden Oriole 1, House Crow 10, Barn Swallow 5, Red-rumped Swallow 20, Red-whiskered Bulbul 10, White-browed Bulbul 1, Clamorous Reed Warbler 2, Blyth's Reed Warbler 1, Greenish/Green Warbler 5, Purple-rumped Sunbird 10, Purple Sunbird 1, Threestriped/Fivestriped Palm Squirrel 1. Baga Fields/Ponds, kl kl og kl kl Indian Pond Heron 1, Eastern Cattle Egret 12, Eastern Great Egret 1, Little Egret 3, Little Cormorant 1, Black Kite 10, Black-eared Kite 4, Eurasian Marsh Harrier 1, Shikra 2, Greater Spotted Eagle 1, Red-wattled Lapwing 1, Pacific Golden Plover 14, Common Redshank 1, Common Greenshank 1, Common Sandpiper 1, Feral Pigeon 1, Common Hoopoe 2, Indian Roller 1, White-throated Kingfisher 4, Common Kingfisher 1, Green Bee-eater 1, Coppersmith Barbet 1, House Crow 100, Wire-tailed Swallow 6, Barn Swallow 50, Redrumped Swallow 50, Zitting Cisticola 1, Greenish/Green Warbler 1, Siberian Stonechat 2, Purple-rumped Sunbird 1, Paddyfield Pipit 2. Baga River (ved Baga Beach), kl kl Incl. frokost på Sunset Restaurant ved flodudløbet. Indian Pond Heron 2, Eastern Great Egret 1, Little Egret 1, Western Reef Heron 3 (mørke), Booted Eagle 1 (lys), Common Sandpiper 1, Common Kingfisher 1, House Crow 50, Common Tailorbird 1, Threestriped/Five-striped Palm Squirrel 1. Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor), fra kl Bl.a.: Rose-ringed Parakeet 1, Asian Koel 1, Little Swift 100, Common Tailorbird 1, Blyth's Reed Warbler 1, Oriental Magpie Robin 1, Siberian Stonechat 2. Fredag d. 7. december Let vind, letskyet, god sigtbarhed, temperaturer: 23 gr. C. kl og 33 gr. C kl Morgenmad i felten, frokost og aftensmad på restaurant. Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor), til kl Bl.a.: Asian Koel 1, White-throated Kingfisher 1. Calangute - Carambolim Lake. Eastern Cattle Egret 9, Black Kite 12, Brahminy Kite 2, Feral Pigeon 250, White-throated Kingfisher 2, Greater Racket-tailed Drongo 3, House Crow 140, Jungle Myna 6. Carambolim Lake, kl kl og kl kl Ophold med morgenmad. Obs 3 forskellige steder ved søen. Lesser Whistling-duck 1400, Ruddy Shelduck 8, Cotton Pygmy-goose 15, Gadwall 6, Mallard 2, Indian Spot-billed Duck 2, Northern Shoveler 6, Garganey 1, Common Teal 1, Tufted Duck 1, Little Grebe 1, Asian Openbill 7, Black-Headed Ibis 4, Glossy Ibis 75, Indian Pond Heron 25, Grey Heron 5, Purple Heron 8, Eastern Cattle Egret 150, Eastern Great Egret 15, Intermediate Egret 400, Little Egret 30, Darter 7, Little Cormorant 25, Indian Cormorant 40, Black Kite 30, Black-eared Kite 1, Brahminy Kite 8, Eurasian Marsh Harrier 2, Shikra 1,

6 Greater Spotted Eagle 1, Purple Swamphen 170, Common Moorhen 10, Eurasian Coot 10, Pheasant-tailed Jacana 6, Bronze-winged Jacana 35, Red-wattled Lapwing 8, Green Sandpiper 3, Wood Sandpiper 20, Gull-billed Tern 1, Whiskered Tern 1, Feral Pigeon 1, Alexandrine Parrot 1, Rose-ringed Parakeet 6, Plum-headed Parakeet 3, Asian Koel 5, Jungle Owlet 1, Brown Hawk Owl 2, Common Hoopoe 1, Stork-billed Kingfisher 1, Whitethroated Kingfisher 5, Common Kingfisher 2, Pied Kingfisher 2, Green Bee-eater 4, Bluetailed Bee-eater 5, Indian Grey Hornbill 2, White-cheeked Barbet 2, Coppersmith Barbet 1, Ashy Drongo 4, Indian Golden Oriole 1, Black-Hooded Oriole 1, Asian Paradise-flycatcher 1, House Crow 75, Wire-tailed Swallow 2, Barn Swallow 20, Red-whiskered Bulbul 10, Whitebrowed Bulbul 1, Common Tailorbird 6, Clamorous Reed Warbler 1, Blyth's Reed Warbler 6, Greenish/Green Warbler 1, Jungle Myna 25, Chestnut-tailed Starling 45, Oriental Magpie Robin 1, Indian Robin1, Nilgiri Flowerpecker 1, Yellow Wagtail 6, White-browed Wagtail 2, Threestriped/Five-striped Palm Squirrel 2. Carambolim Fields, kl kl Ophold med obs 2-3 forskellige steder Lesser Adjutant 4, Indian Pond Heron 3, Grey Heron 3, Eastern Great Egret 3, Darter 2, Little Cormorant 1, Common Kestrel 1, Black Kite 30, Brahminy Kite 4, White-bellied Sea Eagle 1, Eurasian Marsh Harrier 2, Indian Spotted Eagle 1, Tawny Eagle 1, Purple Swamphen 5, Black-winged Stilt 50, Black-tailed Godwit 100, Spotted Redshank 40, Common Redshank 20, Marsh Sandpiper 2, Common Greenshank 15, Wood Sandpiper 4, Common Sandpiper 3, Curlew Sandpiper 15, Spotted Dove 7, Asian Koel 1, Spotted Owlet 1, Indian Roller 1, White-throated Kingfisher 1, Common Kingfisher 1, White-cheeked Barbet 2, Coppersmith Barbet 3, Common Iora 2, Long-tailed Shrike 1, Greater Racket-tailed Drongo 1, Black Drongo 1, Black-Hooded Oriole 2, White-spotted Fantail 2, White-browed Fantail 1 (SKR), Asian Paradise-flycatcher 1, Black-naped Monarch 1, Barn Swallow 25, Red-rumped Swallow 1, Red-whiskered Bulbul 20, Red-vented Bulbul 1, Ashy Prinia 1, Greenish/ Green Warbler 2, Western Crowned Warbler 1, Siberian Stonechat 4, Purple Sunbird 1, Baya Weaver 1. Carambolim Fields - Calangute. Incl. frokost på restaurant. Ankomst Hotel Svelton Manor kl Bl.a.: Indian Pond Heron 2, Grey Heron 1, Little Egret 1, Black-winged Stilt 8. Lørdag d. 8. december Let vind, først letskyet senere skyfrit, god sigtbarhed, temperaturer: 23 gr. C. kl. 6.30, 33 gr. C kl og 25 gr. C kl Morgenmad i felten, frokost og aftensmad på restaurant. Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor), til kl Bl.a.: Asian Koel 1, White-throated Kingfisher 1. Calangute - Morjim. Indian Pond Heron 1, Eastern Cattle Egret 34, Black Kite 20, Brahminy Kite 1, White-bellied Sea Eagle 2 ad. (Chapora River), Feral Pigeon 2, Southern Coucal 1, White-throated Kingfisher 1, Blue-tailed Bee-eater 50, Black Drongo 1, House Crow 60, Jungle Myna 10. Morjim Beach, kl kl Eastern Cattle Egret 10, Brahminy Kite 4, Eurasian Marsh Harrier 1, Barred Buttonquail 1 (AV), Red-wattled Lapwing 2, Grey Plover 1, Kentish Plover 5, Greater Sand Plover 5,

7 Lesser Sand Plover 75, Black-tailed Godwit 1, Eurasian Curlew 1, Dunlin 1, Small Pratincole 8, Caspian Gull 50, Heuglin's Gull 5, Pallas's Gull 5, Brown-headed Gull 3000, Black-headed Gull 2, Slender-billed Gull 3, Gull-billed Tern 12, Caspian Tern 3, Little Tern 3, Spotted Dove 2, Alexandrine Parrot 2, Plum-headed Parakeet 3, Asian Koel 1, Southern Coucal 2, Little Swift 5, Common Hoopoe 1, Green Bee-eater 8, Indian Grey Hornbill 1, White-cheeked Barbet 1, Coppersmith Barbet 1, Lesser Goldenback 2, Bay-backed Shrike 1, Long-tailed Shrike 3, House Crow 60, Barn Swallow 10, Red-rumped Swallow 20, Red-whiskered Bulbul 5, Clamorous Reed Warbler 1, Blyth's Reed Warbler 5, Greenish/ Green Warbler 1, Rosy Starling 30, Pied Bushchat 1, House Sparrow 10, Baya Weaver 25, Red Avadavat 2, Yellow Wagtail 1, Paddyfield Pipit 2, Tree Pipit 1. Morjim - Siolim. Indian Pond Heron 2, Grey Heron 1, Eastern Great Egret 2, Intermediate Egret 10, Little Egret 5, Brahminy Kite 1, Eurasian Marsh Harrier 1, Greater Spotted Eagle 1, Purple Swamphen 1, Common Redshank 15, Wood Sandpiper 1, Little Stint 25, Small Pratincole 3, Plum-headed Parakeet 3, Stork-billed Kingfisher 2, Common Kingfisher 1, Pied Kingfisher 4, Green Bee-eater 2, Blue-tailed Bee-eater 2, House Crow 25. Siolim Ricefields, kl kl Painted Stork 1, Asian Openbill 12, Black-Headed Ibis 1, Indian Pond Heron 4, Eastern Cattle Egret 150, Eastern Great Egret 2, Intermediate Egret 2, Little Egret 4, Black Kite 50, Greater Spotted Eagle 1, White-breasted Waterhen 1, Pheasant-tailed Jacana 1, Redwattled Lapwing 8, Wood Sandpiper 1, White-throated Kingfisher 1, Black-capped Kingfisher 1, Blue-tailed Bee-eater 10, Black Drongo 1, Jungle Myna 50, Common Myna 2. Siolim - Calangute. Incl. frokost på restaurant. Ankomst Hotel Svelton Manor kl Eastern Cattle Egret 50, Asian Koel 1, Indian Roller 3, Black Drongo 1. Calangute - Socorro Forest. Afgang Hotel Svelton Manor kl Eastern Cattle Egret 65, Brahminy Kite 1, Feral Pigeon 25, Indian Roller 1, White-throated Kingfisher 4, Green Bee-eater 2, Long-tailed Shrike 1, House Crow 15. Socorro Forest/Plains, kl kl Brahminy Kite 1, Red-wattled Lapwing 2, Mountain Imperial Pigeon 1, Spotted Dove 4, Greyfronted Green Pigeon 1, Vernal Hanging Parrot 1, Plum-headed Parakeet 15, Southern Coucal 2, Jerdon's Nightjar 4 (heraf 1 s), Savanna Nightjar 2 (heraf 1 s), Coppersmith Barbet 1, Common Iora 2, White-bellied Drongo 2, Bronzed Drongo 1, House Crow 20, Greater Short-toed Lark 35, Grey-breasted Prinia 2, Blyth's Reed Warbler 1, Greenish/Green Warbler 1. Socorro Forest - Calangute. Ankomst Hotel Svelton Manor kl Søndag d. 9. december Først svag senere let vind, først skyfrit men til aften letskyet, god sigtbarhed, temperaturer: 23 gr. C. kl. 7.00, 33 gr. C kl og 28 gr. C kl Morgenmad i felten, frokost og aftensmad på restaurant. Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor), til kl

8 Bl.a.: Asian Koel 1, Red-whiskered Bulbul 1, Greenish/Green Warbler 1. Calangute - Socorro Forest. Eastern Cattle Egret 54, House Crow 14, Jungle Babbler 1, Jungle Myna 20. Socorro Forest/Plains, kl kl Black Kite 15, Brahminy Kite 2, Crested Serpent Eagle 1, Eurasian Marsh Harrier 1, Crested Hawk Eagle 1, Spotted Dove 5, Grey-fronted Green Pigeon 1, Plum-headed Parakeet 8, Drongo Cuckoo 1, Southern Coucal 1, Crested Treeswift 4, Blue-tailed Bee-eater 4, Whitecheeked Barbet 1, Coppersmith Barbet 1, Common Woodshrike 1, Large Cuckooshrike 1 F, Small Minivet 8, Greater Racket-tailed Drongo 2, White-bellied Drongo 4, Bronzed Drongo 2, Black-Hooded Oriole 2, Asian Paradise-flycatcher 1, Rufous Treepie 1, Red-whiskered Bulbul 20, Blyth's Reed Warbler 5, Greenish/Green Warbler 4, Puff-throated Babbler 1, Oriental Magpie Robin 1, Verditer Flycatcher 1, Tickell's Blue Flycatcher 1, Golden-fronted Leafbird 2, Purple-rumped Sunbird 1, Purple Sunbird 1, Chestnut-shouldered Petronia 1, Common Rosefinch 1 M 1 F, Threestriped/Five-striped Palm Squirrel 1. Socorro Fields, kl kl Asian Openbill 1, Woolly-necked Stork 1, Lesser Adjutant 1, Striated Heron 2, Indian Pond Heron 2, Grey Heron 1, Eastern Cattle Egret 5, Eastern Great Egret 1, Intermediate Egret 1, Little Egret 1, Little Cormorant 6, Black Kite 4, Black-eared Kite 3, Eurasian Marsh Harrier 3, Indian Spotted Eagle 1, Greater Spotted Eagle 1, Booted Eagle 1 (lys), Common Sandpiper 1, Indian Roller 1, White-throated Kingfisher 1, Common Kingfisher 1, Black Drongo 2, Sand Martin 2, Wire-tailed Swallow 2, Barn Swallow 25, Red-rumped Swallow 50, Malabar Lark 1, Jungle Myna 1, Siberian Stonechat 2. Pilane Lake, kl kl Little Grebe 2, Indian Pond Heron 9, Eastern Cattle Egret 210, Eastern Great Egret 1, Intermediate Egret 1, Little Cormorant 9, Black Kite 1, Indian Spotted Eagle 1 (g), Greater Spotted Eagle 1 (g), White-breasted Waterhen 1, Bronze-winged Jacana 11, Yellow-wattled Lapwing 11, Red-wattled Lapwing 34, Wood Sandpiper 1, Common Sandpiper 1, Southern Coucal 1, White-throated Kingfisher 1, Black-capped Kingfisher 1, Common Kingfisher 1, House Crow 10. Pilane Lake - Calangute. Incl. frokost på restaurant. Ankomst Hotel Svelton Manor kl Eastern Cattle Egret 10, Eastern Great Egret 1, Black Kite 10, Bronze-winged Jacana 1, Black Drongo 1. Calangute - Saligao Zor. Afgang Hotel Svelton Manor kl Eastern Cattle Egret 10, Black Drongo 1. Saligao Zor, kl kl Eastern Cattle Egret 85, Black Kite 15, Brahminy Kite 8, Oriental Honey Buzzard 7, Booted Eagle 3 (2 lyse, 1 mørk), Feral Pigeon 5, Spotted Dove 2, Drongo Cuckoo 1, Stork-billed Kingfisher 1, White-throated Kingfisher 1, White-cheeked Barbet 2 h, Coppersmith Barbet 1, Rufous Woodpecker 2, Small Minivet 2, Ashy Drongo 1, Bronzed Drongo 1, Indian Golden Oriole 2, Black-Hooded Oriole 1, White-spotted Fantail 2, Asian Paradise-flycatcher 1, Blacknaped Monarch 1, House Crow 20, Red-whiskered Bulbul 20, Greenish/Green Warbler 4,

9 Puff-throated Babbler 1, Brown-cheeked Fulvetta 1, Malabar Whistling Thrush 2, Orangeheaded Thrush 1, Tickell's Blue Flycatcher 2. Saligao Zor - Calangute. Bl.a.: Striated Heron 1. Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor), fra kl Bl.a.: House Sparrow 10 (Calangute Beach). Mandag d. 10. december Svag vind, skyfrit dog morgentåge til kl. 7, derefter god sigtbarhed, temperaturer: 24 gr. C. kl. 5.30, 23 gr. C kl. 7.00, 30 gr. C kl og 27 gr. C kl Morgenmad og frokost i felten, aftensmad på restaurant. Calangute - Bondla Sanctuary. Afgang Hotel Svelton Manor kl Striated Heron 1, Brahminy Kite 2, House Crow 45. Bondla Sanctuary, kl kl Incl. morgenmad og feltfrokost. Indian Pond Heron 8, Brahminy Kite 1, Oriental Honey Buzzard 2, Crested Hawk Eagle 2, White-breasted Waterhen 1, Spotted Dove 3, Grey-fronted Green Pigeon 3, Vernal Hanging Parrot 1, Plum-headed Parakeet 3, Blue-faced Malcoha 2, Southern Coucal 1, Little Swift 15, White-throated Kingfisher 4, Blue-eared Kingfisher 1, Green Bee-eater 5, Malabar Grey Hornbill 2, Brown-headed Barbet 3, Coppersmith Barbet 1, Heart-spotted Woodpecker 2, Rufous Woodpecker 2, Brown-capped Pygmy Woodpecker 1, Lesser Goldenback 1, Greater Goldenback 1, Common Woodshrike 1, Black-headed Cuckooshrike 2 M 1 F, Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike 4, Common Iora 2, Orange Minivet 4, Long-tailed Shrike 2, Greater Racket-tailed Drongo 2, Ashy Drongo 8, Bronzed Drongo 1, Black-Hooded Oriole 2, Asian Paradise-flycatcher 3, Black-naped Monarch 2, Indian Jungle Crow 4, House Crow 15, Streak-throated Swallow 2, Wire-tailed Swallow 2, Barn Swallow 150, Red-rumped Swallow 25, Grey-headed Bulbul 2, Flame-throated Bulbul 2, Red-whiskered Bulbul 5, Red-vented Bulbul 8, White-browed Bulbul 2, Yellow-browed Bulbul 4, Grey-breasted Prinia 4, Blyth's Reed Warbler 3, Greenish/ Green Warbler 11, Western Crowned Warbler 3, Jungle Babbler 5, Brown-cheeked Fulvetta 15, Velvet-fronted Nuthatch 2, Blyth's Starling 6, Malabar Whistling Thrush 1, Oriental Magpie Robin 3, Indian Robin 2, Asian Brown Flycatcher 1, Verditer Flycatcher 1, Tickell's Blue Flycatcher 1, Golden-fronted Leafbird 1, Thick-billed Flowerpecker 1, Nilgiri Flowerpecker 1, Purple-rumped Sunbird 4, Crimson-backed Sunbird 1, Purple Sunbird 3, Little Spiderhunter 1, White-rumped Munia 8, Forest Wagtail 4, Grey Wagtail 3, Black-footed Grey Langur 15, Indian Giant Squirrel 3, Spotted Deer 35, Mugger Crocodile 1, Oriental Rat Snake 3. Bondla Sanctuary - Calangute. Indian Pond Heron 4, Eastern Cattle Egret 175, Eastern Great Egret 1, Intermediate Egret 3, Black Kite 3, Black-eared Kite 1, Gull-billed Tern 10 (Mandovi River), Feral Pigeon 400, House Crow 25. Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor), fra kl Bl.a.: White Wagtail 2 (OJA).

10 Tirsdag d. 11. december Først svag senere let vind, først overskyet men fra kl. 10 skyfrit med slør, morgentåge til kl. 8.30, derefter moderat senere god sigtbarhed, temperaturer: 22 gr. C. kl og 32 gr. C kl Morgenmad i felten, frokost og aftensmad på restaurant. Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor), til kl Bl.a.: Blyth's Reed Warbler 1. Calangute - Zuari River. Indian Pond Heron 1, Grey Heron 1, Eastern Cattle Egret 18, Brahminy Kite 1, Gull-billed Tern 8 (Mandovi River), Feral Pigeon 20, Asian Koel 1, White-throated Kingfisher 1, House Crow 60, Jungle Myna 25. Zuari River, kl kl Sejltur kl kl Painted Stork 1, Woolly-necked Stork 3, Lesser Adjutant 4, Black-Headed Ibis 1, Eurasian Spoonbill 2, Striated Heron 3, Black-crowned Night Heron 4 ad., Indian Pond Heron 4, Grey Heron 3, Eastern Cattle Egret 1, Eastern Great Egret 150, Little Egret 20, Western Reef Heron 1 (mørk), Darter 1, Little Cormorant 4, Peregrine Falcon 1 ad. (Cortalim), Brahminy Kite 18, Osprey 3, Shikra 2, Slaty-breasted Rail 1, White-breasted Waterhen 1, Bar-tailed Godwit 3, Eurasian Curlew 1, Common Redshank 90, Common Greenshank 3, Terek Sandpiper 2, Common Sandpiper 8, Gull-billed Tern 8, Greater Crested Tern 7, Spotted Dove 1, Asian Koel 1, Stork-billed Kingfisher 2, White-throated Kingfisher 4, Black-capped Kingfisher 2, Collared Kingfisher 1, Common Kingfisher 5, Pied Kingfisher 3, Blue-tailed Beeeater 25, Ashy Drongo 5, Indian Golden Oriole 4, White-spotted Fantail 1, House Crow 30, Wire-tailed Swallow 2, Barn Swallow 20, Red-rumped Swallow 2, Clamorous Reed Warbler 1, Blyth's Reed Warbler 1, Greenish/Green Warbler 15, Purple-rumped Sunbird 3, Indian Flying Fox 55, Mugger Crocodile 1. Neura, kl kl Painted Stork 1, Woolly-necked Stork 3, Lesser Adjutant 1, Striated Heron 2, Indian Pond Heron 10, Purple Heron 7, Eastern Cattle Egret 8, Eastern Great Egret 35, Intermediate Egret 75, Little Egret 15, Darter 1, Little Cormorant 7, Common Kestrel 1, Black Kite 2, Brahminy Kite 6, White-bellied Sea Eagle 1, Eurasian Marsh Harrier 1, Indian Spotted Eagle 1, Greater Spotted Eagle 2, Black-winged Stilt 1, Wood Sandpiper 2, Common Sandpiper 1, Common Kingfisher 1, Ashy Prinia 3, Plain Prinia 4, Zitting Cisticola 1, Greenish/Green Warbler 1, Common (Siberian) Stonechat 2. Bartim, kl kl Lesser Whistling-duck 1000, Cotton Pygmy-goose 12, Mallard 4, Northern Shoveler 20, Northern Pintail 15, Garganey 1800, Common Teal 400, Little Grebe 3, Eastern Great Egret 3, Little Cormorant 4, Brahminy Kite 2, Eurasian Marsh Harrier 2, Eurasian Coot 1, Pheasant-tailed Jacana 2, Bronze-winged Jacana 10, Barn Swallow 10, White-rumped Munia 2. Bartim - Calangute. Incl. frokost på restaurant. Ankomst Hotel Svelton Manor ved tiden. Eastern Cattle Egret 100, Eastern Great Egret 2, Little Cormorant 5, Black Kite 75, Black-

11 eared Kite 25, Brahminy Kite 10, Red-wattled Lapwing 10, Feral Pigeon 500, Little Swift 1, Indian Roller 1, Green Bee-eater 1, House Crow 100, Common Tailorbird 1, Jungle Myna 5. Onsdag d. 12. december Svag vind, skyfrit dog morgentåge til kl. 7.00, god sigtbarhed fra kl. 8, temperaturer: 22 gr. C. kl. 7.15, 28 gr. C kl og 24 gr. C kl Morgenmad, frokost og aftensmad i campen. Calangute - Backwoods. Afgang Hotel Svelton Manor kl Indian Peafowl 1 +pull. (nær Bolkarne), house Crow 10. Bolkarne, kl kl Eastern Cattle Egret 1, Shikra 2, Feral Pigeon 1, Mountain Imperial Pigeon 1, Grey-fronted Green Pigeon 3, Southern Coucal 1, Indian Swiftlet 3, Little Swift 10, Stork-billed Kingfisher 1, White-throated Kingfisher 1, Common Kingfisher 1, Green Bee-eater 5, Malabar Grey Hornbill 2, Malabar Pied Hornbill 2, Great Hornbill 1, Lesser Goldenback 1, Greater Goldenback 1, Ashy Woodswallow 8, Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike 2, Small Minivet 2, Orange Minivet 2, Greater Racket-tailed Drongo 2, Ashy Drongo 2, Indian Golden Oriole 1, Black-Hooded Oriole 1, Indian Jungle Crow 4, Wire-tailed Swallow 1, Red-rumped Swallow 3, Red-whiskered Bulbul 4, Red-vented Bulbul 1, Grey-breasted Prinia 3, Common Tailorbird 1, Blyth's Reed Warbler 2, Greenish/Green Warbler 6, Western Crowned Warbler 1, Puffthroated Babbler 1, Dark-fronted Babbler 4, Tawny-bellied Babbler 2, Brown-cheeked Fulvetta 7, Orange-headed Thrush 1, Tickell's Blue Flycatcher 1, Asian Fairy Bluebird 2, Golden-fronted Leafbird 2, Thick-billed Flowerpecker 2, Nilgiri Flowerpecker 2, Purplerumped Sunbird 1, Crimson-backed Sunbird 2, Loten's Sunbird 1 M, Little Spiderhunter 1, Chestnut-shouldered Petronia 1, Black-footed Grey Langur 6, Indian Giant Squirrel 1. Backwoods, kl kl Campen og nærområde. Black-eared Kite 15, Oriental Honey Buzzard 1, Crested Serpent Eagle 3, Shikra 1, Asian Koel 1, Sri Lanka Frogmouth 2 ad., Asian Palm Swift 2, Green Bee-eater 1, Malabar Pied Hornbill 1, Malabar Barbet 1, Brown-capped Pygmy Woodpecker 1, Greater Goldenback 1, Common Iora 2, Ashy Drongo 4, Bronzed Drongo 2, Indian Golden Oriole 1, Black-naped Oriole 1, Asian Paradise-flycatcher 1, Black-naped Monarch 1, House Crow 1, Streakthroated Swallow 2, Flame-throated Bulbul 2, Red-whiskered Bulbul 4, Yellow-browed Bulbul 2, Common Tailorbird 1, Greenish/Green Warbler 4, Western Crowned Warbler 1, Jungle Babbler 4, Brown-cheeked Fulvetta 12, Velvet-fronted Nuthatch 1, Oriental Magpie Robin 1, Asian Brown Flycatcher 2, Asian Fairy Bluebird 1, Jerdon's Leafbird 1, Purple-rumped Sunbird 2, Crimson-backed Sunbird 15, Purple Sunbird 1, Black-throated Munia 10. Tambdi Surla Temple, kl kl Black Eagle 2, Oriental Honey Buzzard 1, Crested Goshawk 1, Booted Eagle 1, Rufousbellied Eagle 1 ad., Crested Hawk Eagle 2, Mountain Imperial Pigeon 10, Grey-fronted Green Pigeon 3, Vernal Hanging Parrot 2, Malabar Parakeet 1, Crested Treeswift 3, Green Bee-eater 2, Blue-tailed Bee-eater 2, Malabar Barbet 1, Heart-spotted Woodpecker 1, Whitebellied Woodpecker 2, Ashy Drongo 18, Indian Jungle Crow 1, Zitting Cisticola 1, Greenish/Green Warbler 1, Asian Fairy Bluebird 5, Grey Wagtail 1, Black-footed Grey Langur 2, Bonnet Macaque 3. Backwoods Camp, fra kl Ophold, aftensmad og overnatning i hytter.

12 Bl.a. Indian Peafowl 2 (nær campen). Torsdag d. 13. december Svag vind, skyfrit, god sigtbarhed, temperaturer: 22 gr. C. kl. 7.00, 28 gr. C kl og 26 gr. C kl Lyst kl og mørkt kl Morgenmad, frokost og aftensmad i campen. Backwoods, til kl. 7.45, kl kl og fra kl Campen og nærområde. Bl.a.: Eastern Cattle Egret 3, Oriental Honey Buzzard 1, Southern Coucal 1, Chestnutheaded Bee-eater 3, Heart-spotted Woodpecker 1, Common Woodshrike 1, Brown Shrike 1, Spangled Drongo 1, Ashy Drongo 2, Rufous Treepie 1, Indian Jungle Crow 2, Flamethroated Bulbul 2, Red-whiskered Bulbul 2, Red-vented Bulbul 2, Yellow-browed Bulbul 2, Square-tailed Bulbul 4, Blyth's Reed Warbler 2, Greenish/Green Warbler 4, Puff-throated Babbler 2, Jungle Babbler 3, Velvet-fronted Nuthatch 2, Malabar Whistling Thrush 1, Indian Blackbird 1, Oriental Magpie Robin 3, White-rumped Shama 1, Asian Fairy Bluebird 1. Tambdi Surla (river), kl kl Grey Junglefowl 1 M, Eastern Cattle Egret 13, Vernal Hanging Parrot 8, Malabar Parakeet 1, Malabar Trogon 1 M, Stork-billed Kingfisher 1, White-throated Kingfisher 1, Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher 1, Blue-eared Kingfisher 1, Malabar Grey Hornbill 1, Brown Shrike 1, Black-naped Oriole 2, Asian Paradise-flycatcher 1 (hvid), Indian Jungle Crow 1, Eurasian Crag Martin 1, Streak-throated Swallow 1, Barn Swallow 10, Flame-throated Bulbul 2, Red-whiskered Bulbul 2, Yellow-browed Bulbul 2, Blyth's Reed Warbler 3, Greenish/Green Warbler 15, Large-Billed Leaf Warbler 2 h, Orange-headed Thrush 1, Indian Blue Robin 3, Blue-capped Rock Thrush 1, Brown-breasted Flycatcher 1, Crimson-backed Sunbird 15, Grey Wagtail 1, Malabar Flying Lizzard 1, Rat Snake 1. Tambdi Surla Temple, kl kl Peregrine Falcon 1, Shikra 3, Rufous-bellied Eagle 1, Crested Hawk Eagle 1, Legge's Hawk Eagle 1, Mountain Imperial Pigeon 3, Vernal Hanging Parrot 4, Common Kingfisher 1, Malabar Barbet 1, Barn Swallow 1, Asian Fairy Bluebird 7, Grey Wagtail 1, Bonnet Macaque 3, Indian Giant Squirrel 1. Tambdi Surla Road (Tambdi Surla Temple - Backwoods). Stop med obs ca. 2 km fra Campen. Videre til fods. I campen kl Southern Coucal 1, White-rumped Spinetail 3, Common Kingfisher 3, Chestnut-headed Beeeater 8, Malabar Grey Hornbill 1, Malabar Barbet 1, Ashy Drongo 1, Rufous Treepie 1, Redvented Bulbul 1, Greenish/Green Warbler 2, Brown-cheeked Fulvetta 2, Oriental Magpie Robin 1, Black-throated Munia 1. Fredag d. 14. december Først svag senere let vind, skyfrit, god sigtbarhed, temperaturer: 19 gr. C. kl og 30 gr. C kl Morgenmad og frokost i campen, aftensmad på restaurant. Backwoods, til kl Afg. fra campen kl. 6.30, derefter obs i nærområdet. Indian Pond Heron 4, Eastern Cattle Egret 15, Eastern Great Egret 1 OF, Little Cormorant 4, Black Eagle 1, Shikra 1, Rufous-bellied Eagle 1 imm., Spotted Dove 1, Malabar Parakeet 2,

13 Asian Koel 1, White-throated Kingfisher 1, Green Bee-eater 1, Malabar Pied Hornbill 1, Malabar Barbet 2, Indian Pitta 1 h/s, Common Iora 2, Brown Shrike 1, Greater Racket-tailed Drongo 2, Spangled Drongo 1 (g), Ashy Drongo 4, Indian Jungle Crow 5, House Crow 2, Eurasian Crag Martin 2, Flame-throated Bulbul 1, Red-whiskered Bulbul 5, Blyth's Reed Warbler 2, Greenish/Green Warbler 6, Puff-throated Babbler 1, Jungle Babbler 2, Malabar Whistling Thrush 1, Oriental Magpie Robin 2, White-rumped Shama 1, Asian Brown Flycatcher 1, Taiga Flycatcher 1, Asian Fairy Bluebird 4, Jerdon's Leafbird 1, Golden-fronted Leafbird 5, Purple-rumped Sunbird 2, Crimson-backed Sunbird 7, Purple Sunbird 2, Blackthroated Munia 2, Forest Wagtail 1, Grey Wagtail 1. Backwoods - Toldem. Grey Junglefowl 1 (OJA), Eastern Cattle Egret 10, Brahminy Kite 1, Rufous-bellied Eagle 1 imm (g). Toldem, kl kl Black Eagle 1, Crested Goshawk 1, Vernal Hanging Parrot 1, Ashy Drongo 1, Black-Hooded Oriole 1, Barn Swallow 5, Blyth's Reed Warbler 1, Black-headed Bunting 2 M. Toldem - Backwoods. Kørsel med 1 stop. Malabar Woodshrike 4, Ashy Drongo 2, Black-naped Oriole 1, Asian Paradise-flycatcher 2, Black-naped Monarch 1, Flame-throated Bulbul 2, Yellow-browed Bulbul 2, Greenish/Green Warbler 2, Brown-cheeked Fulvetta 5, White-rumped Shama 1, Forest Wagtail 2. Backwoods, kl kl Ophold med frokost i campen. Bl.a.: Sri Lanka Frogmouth 2 ad. 1 juv., Greater Goldenback 2, Greater Racket-tailed Drongo 1, Nilgiri Flowerpecker 1. Backwoods - Calangute. Purple Heron 1, Eastern Cattle Egret 28, Eastern Great Egret 30 (Mandovi River) 1, Intermediate Egret 1, Little Egret 15 (Mandovi River) 1, Western Reef Heron 6 (mørke) (Mandovi River), Little Cormorant 5 (Mandovi River), Black Kite 30, Brahminy Kite 8, Gullbilled Tern 1 (Mandovi River), Feral Pigeon 5, Common Kingfisher 1 (Mandovi River), House Crow 15. Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor), fra kl Bl.a.: Asian Koel 1, Green Bee-eater 2, House Crow 2, Greenish/Green Warbler 1. Lørdag d. 15. december Let vind, skyfrit, god sigtbarhed, temperaturer: ca. 22 gr. C. kl og maks. ca. 30 gr. C. Morgenmad på Hotel Svelton Manor, frokost og aftensmad på restaurant. Calangute - Morjim. Afgang Hotel Svelton Manor kl Eastern Cattle Egret 85, Little Cormorant 1, Black Kite 1, White-bellied Sea Eagle 2 ad. (Chapora River) (g), Red-wattled Lapwing 2, Spotted Dove 1, Black Drongo 8, House Crow 9, Barn Swallow 1, Common Myna 1. Morjim Beach, kl kl

14 Grey Heron 1, Indian Cormorant 1, Black-winged Kite 1, Black Kite 10, Brahminy Kite 2, White-breasted Waterhen 1, Kentish Plover 5, Greater Sand Plover 10, Lesser Sand Plover 275, Common Sandpiper 1, Dunlin 1, Small Pratincole 1, Caspian Gull 10, Heuglin's Gull 2, Pallas's Gull 2, Brown-headed Gull +, Black-headed Gull 2, Gull-billed Tern 55, Lesser Crested Tern 5, Feral Pigeon 1, Common Hoopoe 1, Green Bee-eater 2, Blue-tailed Beeeater 2, Coppersmith Barbet 1, Bay-backed Shrike 1, Long-tailed Shrike 4, Black Drongo 3, House Crow 30, Barn Swallow 50, Red-rumped Swallow 2, Red-whiskered Bulbul 4, Whitebrowed Bulbul 2, Grey-breasted Prinia 15, Sykes's Warbler 1, Greenish/Green Warbler 1, Jungle Myna 1, Rosy Starling 50, Pied Bushchat 1, House Sparrow 2, Paddyfield Pipit 2, Tree Pipit 1. Morjim - Baga. Eastern Cattle Egret 2, Black Kite 6, House Crow 30, Black-footed Grey Langur 1. Baga River (ved Baga Beach), kl kl Incl. frokost på Sunset Restaurant ved flodudløbet. Indian Pond Heron 1, Little Egret 1, Western Reef Heron 3 (mørke), Black Kite 5, Brahminy Kite 2, Common Sandpiper 1, Common Kingfisher 1, Ashy Drongo 1, House Crow 20, Redwhiskered Bulbul 4, Common Tailorbird 1, House Sparrow 1, White-rumped Munia 12. Baga Fields, kl kl Derefter med taxi til hotellet. Eastern Cattle Egret 6, Intermediate Egret 1, Black Kite 50, Black-eared Kite 1, Eurasian Marsh Harrier 1, Feral Pigeon 35, Eurasian Collared Dove 3, Spotted Dove 8, Asian Koel 1, Southern Coucal 1, Asian Palm Swift 1, Crested Treeswift 1, Indian Roller 1, Green Beeeater 9, Coppersmith Barbet 1, Long-tailed Shrike 2, Black Drongo 2, Wire-tailed Swallow 1, Barn Swallow 100, Malabar Lark 5, Zitting Cisticola 1, Jungle Myna 3, Common Myna 1, Rosy Starling 20, Siberian Stonechat 4, Pied Bushchat 2, Tree Pipit 4. Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor), fra kl Bl.a.: Jungle Myna 11. Søndag d. 16. december Først svag senere jævn vind, letskyet, god sigtbarhed, temperaturer: 22 gr. C. kl. 6.00, 32 gr. C kl og ca. 30 gr. C kl Morgenmad i felten, frokost og aftensmad på restaurant. Calangute - Velim. Afgang Hotel Svelton Manor kl Lesser Whistling-duck 50, Indian Pond Heron 6, Purple Heron 1, Eastern Cattle Egret 40, Eastern Great Egret 5, Intermediate Egret 10, Little Egret 10, Black Kite 40, Brahminy Kite 5, Gull-billed Tern 10 (Zuari River), Feral Pigeon 8, Stork-billed Kingfisher 1, White-throated Kingfisher 4, House Crow 160, Barn Swallow 2, Jungle Myna 25. Velim Lake, kl kl Indian Peafowl 4, Lesser Whistling-duck 2000, Cotton Pygmy-goose 25, Northern Shoveler 2, Northern Pintail 10, Garganey 25, Little Grebe 2, Woolly-necked Stork 2, Black-Headed Ibis 5, Striated Heron 1, Indian Pond Heron 50, Grey Heron 1, Purple Heron 4, Intermediate Egret 75, Little Cormorant 1, Eurasian Marsh Harrier 4, Shikra 1, Greater Spotted Eagle 1,

15 White-breasted Waterhen 1, Purple Swamphen 2, Eurasian Coot 16, Bronze-winged Jacana 30, Red-wattled Lapwing 1, Green Sandpiper 1, Wood Sandpiper 1, Asian Koel 1, Southern Coucal 1, White-throated Kingfisher 4, Common Kingfisher 2, Green Bee-eater 1, Coppersmith Barbet 1, Brown Shrike 1, Long-tailed Shrike 1, Black Drongo 1, House Crow 10, Wire-tailed Swallow 4, Barn Swallow 25, White-browed Bulbul 1, Clamorous Reed Warbler 1, Blyth's Reed Warbler 2, Oriental Magpie Robin 1, Purple-rumped Sunbird 2, Baya Weaver 8, White-rumped Munia 6, Scaly-breasted Munia 2, Yellow Wagtail 3, White-browed Wagtail 2, Threestriped/Five-striped Palm Squirrel 1. Velim Fields, kl kl Asian Openbill 40, Woolly-necked Stork 5, Indian Pond Heron 3, Grey Heron 3, Eastern Cattle Egret 85, Common Kestrel 2, Black-winged Kite 1, Black Kite 175, Brahminy Kite 25, White-bellied Sea Eagle 1 ad., Oriental Honey Buzzard 2, Egyptian Vulture 1 1K, Crested Serpent Eagle 1, Pallid Harrier 2 1-2K, Shikra 1, Indian Spotted Eagle 6, Greater Spotted Eagle 4, Booted Eagle 1 (mørk), Red-wattled Lapwing 50, Common Greenshank 1, Asian Koel 1, Asian Palm Swift 40, Crested Treeswift 3, Little Swift 50, Indian Roller 1, Whitethroated Kingfisher 1, Blue-tailed Bee-eater 4, Coppersmith Barbet 1 h, Ashy Woodswallow 1, Black Drongo 1, Ashy Drongo 1, Barn Swallow 100, Red-rumped Swallow 3, Greenish/Green Warbler 1, Jungle Myna 25, Siberian Stonechat 1, Yellow Wagtail 1. Velim - Sirlim - Cortalim. Incl. frokost på restaurant nær Zuari River. Asian Openbill 32 (evt. g), Woolly-necked Stork 1, Black-Headed Ibis 2, Grey Heron 2, Purple Heron 1, Eastern Cattle Egret 375, Eastern Great Egret 15, Intermediate Egret 75, Little Egret 5, Common Kestrel 1, Black Kite 100, Black-eared Kite 1, Brahminy Kite 15, White-bellied Sea Eagle 1 ad. (Zuari River), Eurasian Marsh Harrier 2, Shikra 1, Indian Spotted Eagle 4 (Sirlim), Greater Spotted Eagle 2 (Sirlim), Feral Pigeon 50, Little Swift 100, Indian Roller 1, White-throated Kingfisher 2, Ashy Woodswallow 1 (Cortalim), Black Drongo 1, House Crow 35, Streak-throated Swallow 1, Wire-tailed Swallow 2, Barn Swallow 100. Cortalim - Calangute. Ankomst Hotel Svelton Manor ved tiden efter besøg hos Ljoyd. Mandag d. 17. december Først svag senere let vind, først letskyet senere skyfrit, god sigtbarhed, temperaturer: ca. 22 gr. C. kl og maks. ca. 32 gr. C. Morgenmad i felten, frokost og aftensmad på restaurant. Calangute - Mayem Lake. Afgang Hotel Svelton Manor kl Asian Openbill 2, Glossy Ibis 100 OF (nær Mayem), Indian Pond Heron 3, Eastern Cattle Egret 3, Eastern Great Egret 2, Little Egret 5, Black Kite 7, Brahminy Kite 2, Red-wattled Lapwing 1, Southern Coucal 2, Stork-billed Kingfisher 1, White-throated Kingfisher 3, House Crow 65, Jungle Babbler 2. Mayem Lake, kl kl Vandring t/r langs den ene side af søen. Woolly-necked Stork 6, Black-Headed Ibis 1, Indian Pond Heron 30, Eastern Great Egret 3, Little Egret 8, Little Cormorant 3, Brahminy Kite 1, Shikra 1, White-breasted Waterhen 1, Red-wattled Lapwing 5, Feral Pigeon 10, Grey-fronted Green Pigeon 7, Common Hawk Cuckoo 1, Asian Koel 3, Jungle Nightjar 1, Little Swift 2, Stork-billed Kingfisher 1, Whitethroated Kingfisher 4, Blue-bearded Bee-eater 2, Blue-tailed Bee-eater 2, Chestnut-headed Bee-eater 2, Ashy Woodswallow 10, Common Iora 1, Ashy Drongo 4, Bronzed Drongo 6, Black-Hooded Oriole 3, Asian Paradise-flycatcher 2, House Crow 4, Indian Yellow Tit 3, Red-

16 rumped Swallow 35, Grey-headed Bulbul 1, Red-whiskered Bulbul 8, Ashy Prinia 9, Common Tailorbird 1, Clamorous Reed Warbler 1, Blyth's Reed Warbler 5, Greenish/Green Warbler 5, Puff-throated Babbler 2, Tawny-bellied Babbler 4, Indian Scimitar Babbler 1 h, Malabar Whistling Thrush 1, Orange-headed Thrush 1, Indian Blackbird 1, Oriental Magpie Robin 3, Asian Brown Flycatcher 1, Nilgiri Flowerpecker 1. Mayem Lake - Tikanem. Indian Pond Heron 2, Little Egret 1, Brahminy Kite 1, Red-wattled Lapwing 3. Tikanem, kl kl Black-Headed Ibis 28, Indian Pond Heron 2, Eastern Cattle Egret 85, Little Cormorant 2, Eurasian Marsh Harrier 1, Common Redshank 3, Common Greenshank 2, Little Swift 1, White-throated Kingfisher 1, Pied Kingfisher 1, Black Drongo 1, White-browed Fantail 1, Plain Martin 50, Streak-throated Swallow 5, Barn Swallow 300, Red-rumped Swallow 50, Rusty-rumped Warbler 1 h (syngende), Siberian Stonechat 1. Tikanem - Marmaxaddo - Chorao Island. Indian Roller 1, Black Drongo 1. Chorao Island og Mandovi River, kl kl Ophold nær færgestedet. Med færge til Ribandar (5-10 min.'s sejlads). Black-Headed Ibis 2, Common Kestrel 1, Brahminy Kite 8, Green Bee-eater 1, Long-tailed Shrike 1, Oriental Magpie Robin 1. Ribandar - Calangute. Incl. frokost på restaurant. Grey Heron 1 (Mandovi River), Eastern Great Egret 8 (Mandovi River), Black Kite 2, Osprey 1 (Mandovi River), Gull-billed Tern 35 (Mandovi River), White-throated Kingfisher 1, House Crow 2. Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor), kl kl Bl.a.: White-spotted Fantail 1. Hotel Baira Mar, kl kl Ophold på hotellets terrasse. Asian Openbill 3, Woolly-necked Stork 4, Indian Pond Heron 3, Grey Heron 1, Purple Heron 2, Eastern Cattle Egret 16, Eastern Great Egret 2, Intermediate Egret 1, Little Egret 2, Little Cormorant 1, Black Kite 25, Brahminy Kite 3, Eurasian Marsh Harrier 1, Shikra 1, Whitebreasted Waterhen 1, Green Sandpiper 2, Common Sandpiper 1, Feral Pigeon 50, Spotted Dove 1, Plum-headed Parakeet 2, Asian Koel 2, Spotted Owlet 1, Little Swift 100, Indian Roller 1, White-throated Kingfisher 3, Common Kingfisher 1, Green Bee-eater 4, Brown Shrike 1, Long-tailed Shrike 1, Black Drongo 1, House Crow 25, Barn Swallow 50, Redrumped Swallow 10, Zitting Cisticola 1, Blyth's Reed Warbler 1, Jungle Myna 55, Common Myna 6, Chestnut-tailed Starling 16, Rosy Starling 6, Oriental Magpie Robin 1, Siberian Stonechat 1, White-rumped Munia 36, Scaly-breasted Munia 10, White-browed Wagtail 3, Indian Flying Fox 4. Hotel Baira Mar - Calangute. Ankomst Hotel Svelton Manor kl

17 Tirsdag d. 18. december Først svag senere jævn vind, først skyfrit senere letskyet, god sigtbarhed, temperaturer: 22 gr. C. kl og maks. 32 gr. C. kl Morgenmad i felten, frokost og aftensmad på restaurant. Calangute - Carambolim Fields. Afgang Hotel Svelton Manor kl Eastern Cattle Egret 90, Black Kite 10, Brahminy Kite 8, Eurasian Marsh Harrier 1, Feral Pigeon 100, Spotted Dove 1, White-throated Kingfisher 1, House Crow 50. Carambolim Fields, kl kl Besøg samme steder som sidst med supplement. Indian Peafowl 1 M, Ruddy Shelduck 4, Painted Stork 7, Lesser Adjutant 2, Greater Flamingo 1 imm., Black-Headed Ibis 20, Glossy Ibis 65, Eurasian Spoonbill 14, Striated Heron 1, Black-crowned Night Heron 1 ad., Indian Pond Heron 15, Grey Heron 5, Purple Heron 2, Eastern Great Egret 25, Little Egret 6, Western Reef Heron 1 (hvid), Darter 3, Little Cormorant 25, Brahminy Kite 10, Osprey 1, Eurasian Marsh Harrier 2, Pallid Harrier 1 ad. F, Tawny Eagle 1, Black-winged Stilt 10, Pied Avocet 2, Red-wattled Lapwing 2, Little Ringed Plover 1, Pintail/Common Snipe 4, Eurasian Curlew 2, Common Redshank 400, Marsh Sandpiper 4, Common Greenshank 100, Wood Sandpiper 25, Terek Sandpiper 2, Common Sandpiper 5, Temminck's Stint 3, Curlew Sandpiper 45, Small Pratincole 70, Gull-billed Tern 4, River Tern 1, Common (Feral) Pigeon 50, Red Collared Dove 3, Spotted Dove 15, Asian Koel 4, Southern Coucal 1, Spotted Owlet 2, Common Hoopoe 4, Indian Roller 3, Whitethroated Kingfisher 4, Common Kingfisher 1, Long-tailed Shrike 2, Ashy Drongo 2, Indian Golden Oriole 5, Asian Paradise-flycatcher 1, Rufous Treepie 1, House Crow 10, Streakthroated Swallow 20, Barn Swallow 60, Red-rumped Swallow 5, Greater Short-toed Lark 20, Malabar Lark 2, Red-whiskered Bulbul 15, Ashy Prinia 2, Plain Prinia 1, Zitting Cisticola 3, Blyth's Reed Warbler 5, Greenish/Green Warbler 4, Jungle Myna 40, Siberian Stonechat 3, Pied Bushchat 1, Baya Weaver 120, Paddyfield Pipit 1, Tree Pipit 1, Threestriped/Fivestriped Palm Squirrel 2. Carambolim Lake, kl kl Obs ved søens sydende, primært rismarker. Bl.a.: Ruddy Shelduck 8, Glossy Ibis 250, Purple Swamphen 165 (søen), Common Snipe 2, Little Stint 225, Small Pratincole 125, River Tern 4, White Wagtail 1. Carambolim Lake - Old Goa. Intet noteret. Old Goa, kl kl Incl. frokost. Black Kite 2, Brahminy Kite 4, Oriental Honey Buzzard 1, Booted Eagle 1, Little Swift 50, House Crow 75, Common Tailorbird 4, Greenish/Green Warbler 2. Divar Island, kl kl Incl. færgeoverfart fra Old Goa til øen og retur til Ribandar (2 gange ca. 5 min.). Indian Pond Heron 2, Grey Heron 2, Eastern Great Egret 5, Intermediate Egret 1, Little Egret 15, Western Reef Heron 2 (mørke), Little Cormorant 2, Common Kestrel 2, Black Kite 20, Brahminy Kite 15, Eurasian Marsh Harrier 3, Pallid Harrier 1 ad. M 1 ad. F 2 1K, White-eyed Buzzard 1, Greater Spotted Eagle 1, Red-wattled Lapwing 6, Common Redshank 1, Gullbilled Tern 40 OF, Feral Pigeon 15, Spotted Dove 1, Common Hoopoe 1, Indian Roller 2, White-throated Kingfisher 1, Green Bee-eater 4, Black Drongo 12, House Crow 2, Greater Short-toed Lark 600, Oriental Skylark 4, Siberian Stonechat 8, Paddyfield Pipit 6. Ribandar - Calangute. Ankomst Hotel Svelton Manor kl

18 Eastern Cattle Egret 130, Eastern Great Egret 1 (Mandovi River), Little Egret 5 (Mandovi River), Black Kite 2, Brahminy Kite 1, Common Sandpiper 1, Gull-billed Tern 8 (Mandovi River), White-throated Kingfisher 1, Black Drongo 2, House Crow 21. Onsdag d. 19. december Svag vind, næsten skyfrit, god sigtbarhed, temperaturer: ca. 23 gr. C. kl. 7.50, maks. ca. 32 gr. C og 27 gr. C. kl Morgenmad på Hotel Svelton Manor, individuel frokost, aftensmad på restaurant. Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor), til kl Bl.a.: Rose-ringed Parakeet 1, Greenish/Green Warbler 1, Purple-rumped Sunbird 1. Calangute - Socorro Forest. Indian Pond Heron 1, Eastern Cattle Egret 14, Feral Pigeon 20, White-throated Kingfisher 1, Green Bee-eater 2, Black Drongo 4, Ashy Drongo 1, Rufous Treepie 2, House Crow 6, Jungle Myna 30. Socorro Forest, kl kl Brahminy Kite 1, Mountain Imperial Pigeon 2, Spotted Dove 6, Plum-headed Parakeet 8, Asian Koel 2, Little Swift 15, White-throated Kingfisher 1, Blue-bearded Bee-eater 1, Whitecheeked Barbet 2, Rufous Woodpecker 3, Lesser Goldenback 1, Common Woodshrike 3, Black-headed Cuckooshrike 1 F, White-bellied Drongo 2, Indian Golden Oriole 2, Black- Hooded Oriole 8, Rufous Treepie 2, Red-whiskered Bulbul 2, Red-vented Bulbul 6, Whitebrowed Bulbul 1, Blyth's Reed Warbler 1, Jungle Babbler 10, Brown-cheeked Fulvetta 1, Chestnut-tailed Starling 1, Oriental Magpie Robin 2, Verditer Flycatcher 1, Tickell's Blue Flycatcher 1, Nilgiri Flowerpecker 1, Purple-rumped Sunbird 4, Purple Sunbird 4, Vigors's Sunbird 1 M (SKR). Socorro Forest - Santa Cruz. Eastern Great Egret 4 (Mandovi River), Little Cormorant 1, Black Kite 3, Gull-billed Tern 1 (Mandovi River), Feral Pigeon 1, House Crow 7, Barn Swallow 20, White-rumped Munia 2, (Indian) Grey Mongoose) 2 (nær Socorro Plains). Santa Cruz, kl kl Little Grebe 1, Indian Pond Heron 6, Grey Heron 1, Purple Heron 2, Eastern Cattle Egret 100, Intermediate Egret 5, Little Egret 5, Little Cormorant 1, Black Kite 1, Eurasian Marsh Harrier 2, Indian Spotted Eagle 1, Greater Spotted Eagle 1, Red-wattled Lapwing 6, Little Ringed Plover 2, Common Snipe 2, Common Redshank 4, Common Greenshank 1, Green Sandpiper 2, Wood Sandpiper 65, Common Sandpiper 1, Asian Koel 1, House Crow 5, Ashy Prinia 1, Common Tailorbird 1, Grasshopper Warbler 2 s, Blyth's Reed Warbler 2, Sykes's Warbler 2, Greenish/Green Warbler 1, Siberian Stonechat 1, Yellow Wagtail 30. Santa Cruz - Dona Paula. Black Kite 2, Feral Pigeon 1, Little Swift 25, House Crow 15. Dona Paula, kl kl

19 Black Kite 20, Brahminy Kite 2, Red-wattled Lapwing 3, Indian Roller 1, Indian Robin 1, Siberian Stonechat 2, Desert Wheatear 1, Paddyfield Pipit 5. Dona Paula - Calangute. Eastern Cattle Egret 31, Intermediate Egret 3, Little Egret 2, Black Kite 1, Brahminy Kite 1, Asian Koel 1, House Crow 3. Calangute (Hotel Svelton Manor), kl Ophold. Bl.a.: Oriental Honey Buzzard 1, Shikra 1, Southern Coucal 1, Green Bee-eater 10, Whitecheeked Barbet 1, Ashy Drongo 1, Indian Golden Oriole 2, Red-whiskered Bulbul 4, Purplerumped Sunbird 1, Purple Sunbird 1, White-rumped Munia 2. Calangute - Panaji - Vasco da Gama. Buskørsel (med Ljoyd) i mørke. Vasco da Gama (Dabolim Airport). Ophold i lufthavnen fra kl med en omstændelig og meget langsommelig bagageindlevering og udrejsekontrol. Flyafgang kl ½ timers tidsforskel mellem København og Goa. Torsdag d. 20. december Ingen vejregistreringer. Kuwait (International Airport). Ophold for brændstofpåfyldning m.v. Ankomst kl (lokaltid) og afgang kl (lokaltid). 2½ timers tidsforskel mellem Goa og Kuwait. Kastrup (Københavns Lufthavn). Flyankomst til Kastrup kl Efter Indrejsekontrol og bagageudlevering hjemad. Indian Roller. Foto: Ebbe

20 ARTSNOTATER. Engelske og latinske fuglenavne samt artsrækkefølge er som i Helm Field Guides "Birds of the Indian Subcontinent" (Richard Grimmett, Carol Inskipp, Tim Inskipp, 2011). Afvigelser herfra ved split er medtaget efter Netfugls "World Bird List" = IOC-listen. Danske fuglenavne (art og evt. også race) er fra "Danske navne på alverdens FUGLE" (NAVNEGRUPPEN, v. M. Behnke-Pedersen og S. Rønnest, Dansk Ornitologisk forening, 2007). Det bemærkes, at nogle af de nyeste split ikke har fået danske navne. Engelske og latinske dyrenavne i øvrigt er fra internettet m.v. Ubestemte arter er kun noteret undtagelsesvis (ved særlige arter). Øvrige er udeladt. Ved registreringer af nogle få særlige arter kun foretaget af 1 turdeltager er dennes initialer anført. Følgende forkortelser er anvendt: M = han, F = hun. ad. = adulte (gamle) fugle, juv. = juvenile (unge) fugle, imm. = ikke udvokset fugl. 1K = fugl født dette kalenderår, 2K = fugl født forrige kalenderår osv. h angives ved arter, som på turen kun er hørt (dog evt. også set en enkelt gang). s angives ved særlige arter, som er set - for at understrege dette. OF = overflyvende fugl(e). (g) = genganger(e). t/r = tur/retur. GREY JUNGLEFOWL (Gallus sonneratii) (Grå Junglehøne). Tambdi Surla (river) 13/12 1 M. Backwoods - Toldem 14/12 1 (OJA). INDIAN PEAFOWL (Pavo cristatus) (Påfugl). Bolkarne 12/12 1 +pull. Backwoods 12/12 2. Velim Lake 16/12 4. Carambolim Fields 18/12 1 M. LESSER WHISTLING-DUCK (Dendrocygna javanica) (Lille Træand). Carambolim Lake 7/ Bartim 11/ Calangute - Velim 16/ Velim Lake 16/ RUDDY SHELDUCK (Tadorna ferruginea) (Rustand). Carambolim Lake 7/12 8, 18/12 8. Carambolim Fields 18/12 4. COTTON PYGMY-GOOSE (Nettapus coromandelianus) (Indisk Dværgand). Carambolim Lake 7/ Bartim 11/ Velim Lake 16/ GADWALL (Anas strepera) (Knarand). Carambolim Lake 7/12 6. MALLARD (Anas platyrhynchos) (Gråand). Carambolim Lake 7/12 2. Bartim 11/12 4. INDIAN SPOT-BILLED DUCK (Anas poecilorhyncha) (Pletnæbbet And). Carambolim Lake 7/12 2. NORTHERN SHOVELER (Anas clypeata) (Skeand). Carambolim Lake 7/12 6. Bartim 11/ Velim Lake 16/12 2. NORTHERN PINTAIL (Anas acuta) (Spidsand). Bartim 11/ Velim Lake 16/ GARGANEY (Anas querquedula) (Atlingand). Carambolim Lake 7/12 1. Bartim 11/ Velim Lake 16/12 25.

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