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1 k"j{ ah]6sfnlg cgt/lqmof sfo{qmd jt{dfg cfly{s l:ylt, ;/sf/l ah]6 / cgt/lqmof sfo{qmdsf] cf}lrto k :t'tstf{ M g/axfb'/ yfkf sfo{sf/l lgb]{zs g]kfn /fi6«a}+s cg';gwfg ljefu

2 k :t'lt vfsf k[i7e"ld ;dli6ut cfly{s l:ylt, ;/sf/l ah]6 sfof{gjogsf] l:ylt / ah]6 th"{df k lqmof, cgo d'n'sx?;fu g]kfnsf] ;/sf/l ljqsf] t'ngftds l:ylt, cgt/lqmof sfo{qmdsf] cf}lrto tyf ck]iff.

3 k[i7e"ld ;fndf g]kfn ;/sf/n] klxnf] jflif{s ah]6 th"{df u/]sf] / ;f] kzrft of] k lqmof lgoldt epsf]. k To]s jif{sf] h]7!% ut] b'a} ;bgsf] ;+o'qm a}7sdf ah]6 k :t't ug'{ kg]{ Joj:yf g]kfnsf] df /x]sf]. k"j{ ah]6sfnlg ;dliff k ltj]bg tof/ u/l ah]6 cfpg' sl/j Ps dlxgf cufj} g]kfn /fi6«a}+sn] g]kfn ;/sf/ ;dif k]z ug]{ u/]sf]. k"j{ ah]6sfnlg ;dliff k ltj]bg tof/ ug]{ qmddf k To]s jif{ o; a}+sn] ;/f]sf/jfnfx?;fu cgt/lqmof sfof{qmd ;~rfng ug]{ u/]sf].

4 ;dli6ut cfly{s l:ylt 4

5 ;dli6ut cfly{s l:ylt Gf]kfndf ul/al b/ (NLSS-III) /x]sf], - ljutdf $!=*% (NLSS-I), #)=(%% (NLSS-II) /x]sf] _ cfly{s j[l4b/ Go"g /xfb} cfpsf] &@ df #=$%) s[lif If]q Joj;foLs/0f x'g g;s]sf], xfn phf{ ;+s6 /x]sf], ljk ]if0f cfo cfl>t cy{tgq &@ df ^!& ca{, GDP %) art tyf nufglm -s_ s'n /fli6«o art (46.4% of GDP in 2013/14) -v_ l:y/ k"fhldf nufgl (23.1 % of GDP in 2013/14) / -u_ s'n nufgl (37.1% of GDP in 2013/14) o;n] nufglsf] nflu kof{kt dfqfdf cfgtl/s ;fwg xfn pknaw /x]sf] b]vfp+f5.

6 ;dli6ut cfly{s l:ylt ======== Jofkf/ 3f6f lgs} km/flsnf] (32.4 % of GDP), t/ rfn' vftf art 5 (5.1% of GDP), z]fwgfgt/ / ljb]zl ljlgdo ;+lrlt xfn ;'lawfhgs /x]sf] l:ylt, d'b f:kmllt ;'wf/ftds, shf{ k jfx ck]lift?kdf lj:tf/ x'g g;s]sf], ;/sf/sf] ljsf; vr{ ug]{ / lghl If]qsf] nufgl ug]{ Ifdtf Go"g /x]sf].

7 Indicators k d'v cfly{s kl/;"rs -jflif{s j[l4b/_ 2009/ / / / /14 R 2014/15 P Real GDP at Basic Price Real GDP at Producers' Price Nominal GDP at Producers' Price Nominal GDP at Basic Price GNI at Current Price Gross National Disposable Income Consumer Price Index Wholesale Price Index Salary and Wage Rate Index Broad Money (M2) Domestic Credit Private Sector Credit Time Deposits Total Exports Total Imports Gross Forex Reserves Government Revenue Government Expenditure

8 k d'v cfly{s kl/;"rs -s'n ufx{:yo ptkfbgsf] cg'kft_ Indicators 2009/ / / / /14 R 2014/15 P Gross National Disposable Income Gross National Savings Gross Fixed Capital Formation Total Investment Total Debt Domestic Debt Foreign Debt Broad Money (M2) Domestic Credit Private Sector Credit Time Deposits Total Exports Total Imports Trade Deficit Current Account Balance Gross Forex Reserves Government Revenue Government Expenditure* Budget Deficit (Gross) Gross Domestic Borrowing Net Domestic Borrowing

9 cfly{s jif{ &# sf] cf7 dlxgf ;Ddsf] l:ylt kmfu'g d'b f :kmllt 10.2% 7.0% lgof{t -24.9% (42.73 ca{_ -6.6% (56.87 ca{_ cfoft -13.9% ( ca{_ 10.5% ( ca{_ k]6«f]lnod cfoft ca{ ca{ -jflif{sm!!@.09ca{_ ljk ]if0f cfo 15.2% ( ca{_ 4.0% (371.0 ca{_ zf]wgfgt/ ca{ ca{ s'n lgif]k ca{ ca{

10 cgo d'n'sx?;fu g]kfnsf] ;/sf/l ljqsf] t'ngftds l:ylt 10

11 ;/sf/l ah]6sf] qm=;= b]z s'n ufx{:y ptkfbg;fusf] cg'kft - k ltztdf_ 1 k mfg; Hffkfg ;+o'qm /fho cd]l/sf ef/t g]kfn kfls:tfg 19.8 ; f]tm cgt/f{li6«o d'b f sf]if, WEO Database April 2016 * ljqlo Joj:yf cgtu{tsf] vr{ afx]s

12 ;/sf/l s/ /fh:j qm=;= b]z s'n ufx{:y ptkfbg;fusf] cg'kft -k ltztdf_ 1 e'6fg ef/t dflnbe; g]kfn >Ln+sf 9.6 ; f]tm cgt/f{li6«o d'b f sf]if, Government Finance Statistics, Economic Survey , Government of India.

13 ah]6 ;Gt'ng (Net qm=;= b]z s'n ufx{:y ptkfbg;fusf] cg'kft -k ltztdf_ 1 a+unfb]z ef/t g]kfn kfls:tfg >Ln+sf k mfg; Hffkfg ;+o'qm /fho cd]l/sf -3.7 ljzjsf] cf}ift -3.6 ; f]t M WEO Database April 2016, International Monetary Fund

14 ;fj{hlgs C0f qm=;= b]z s'n ufx{:y ptkfbg;fusf] cg'kft -k ltztdf_ 1 a+unfb]z ef/t g]kfn kfls:tfg >Ln+sf k mfg; Hffkfg ;+o'qm /fho cd]l/sf ljzjsf] cf}ift 81.3 ; f]t M cgt/f{li6«o d'b fsf]if WEO Database April 2016

15 s/ ;+/rgf -k ltztdf_ qm=;= b]z Direct Tax Indirect Tax 1 a+unfb]z e'6fg ef/t g]kfn >Ln+sf ; f]t M cgt/f{li6«o d'b fsf]if, Government Finance Statistics Database

16 g]kfn / ef/tdf s/sf b/x? s/ g]kfn ef/t JolQmut cfos/ 15, 25 10, 20, 30-3 j^f Slab) -k ltztdf_ ;xsf/l ;+:yfm 10, 20, 30-3 j^f Slab) ;+:yfut cfos/ 25, 30 :jb]zl sdkglm 30 ljb]zl sdkglm 10, 40, 50-3 j^f Slab_ k}7f/l dx;"n cgtz'ns 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 80-6 j^f Slab_ 5 b]lv 60 ;Ddsf -9 j^f Slab) 0 b]lv 150 ;Dd -20 egbf j(l Slab_ 0 b]lv 360 ;Dd -15 egbf j(l Slab) lr6\7f, pkxf/ / k'/:sf/ k"fhlut nfe s/ 2=5, 5 10, 15 Aofh s/

17 ;/sf/l ah]6 sfof{gjogsf] l:ylt 17

18 cfly{s jif{ sf] ah]6sf] r}t d;fgt;ddsf] k ult -? ca{df_ zlif{s ah]6 r}t ;Ddsf] k ult ah]6 cg'dfgsf] k ltztdf s'n vr{ #%=) rfn' vr{ $#=& k"fhlut #@=$!%=% ljqlo Joj:yf vr{!@^=# $@=& ##=* /fhzj ^!=) /fi6«a}+s;+u df}hbft!%)=&

19 If]qut ah]6 -k ltztdf_ 2070/ /72 * 2072/73 ** ;fdfgo ;fj{hlgs ;]jf /Iff / ;fj{hlgs zflgt ;'/Iff cfly{s dfldnf s[lif, jg, dt:okfng tyf lzsf/ OGwg tyf phf{ oftfoft lziff :jf:yo ;fdflhs ;'/Iff cgo s'n ah] * ;+zf]lwt cgdfg, **ah]6 cg'dfg 19

20 g]kfnsf] s/ ;+/rgf s'n s/ /fh:jdf ljlegg s/x?sf] c+z -k ltztdf_ 2061/ / /72 Eof cfgtl/s ptkfbg cfoft eg;f/ dxz'n cgtmz'ns cfgtl/s ptkfbg cfoft cfo s/ ;+:yfut cfo s/ cgo cfo s/ cgo s/

21 cgt/lqmof sfo{qmdsf] ck]iff cfufdl cfly{s jif{sf] ah]6sf] l;4fgt, p4]zo / k fyldstf, /fli6«o dxtjsf ljsf; lgdf0f{ sfo{nfo{ k efjsf/l agfpg cfufdl ah]6n] ;Daf]wg ug'{kg]{ ljifox?, If]qut?kdf ah]6n] ;Daf]wg ug'{ kg]{ ljifox?, -s[lif pbf]u ;]jf k"jf{wf/ If]qsf] cj:yf, ;d:of, r'gf}lt / ah]6n] ;Daf]wg ug'{ kg]{ ljifox?_, Af}b]lzs Jofkf/sf] jt{dfg cj:yf, cfoft lgof{t ul/g] k d'v j:t'x?, lgof{t k j4{gdf ah]6sf] ;Daf]wg, k"fhl vr{ a9fpg] pkfox?, s/ ;DaGwL k fawfg, ljqlo ;fwg kl/rfng -cfgtl/s / jfxo_, ;+/rgfut -;+:yf, P]g lgod, gllt / k lqmof_ ;'wf/ / ah]6n] ;Daf]wg ug'{ kg]{ cgo ljifox?df ;'emfa. pk/f]qm ljifo If]qx?df oxffx?sf] /fo ;'emfj ====

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