AT: Kingsmead South Sites 1 And 2, Whaddon Road, Kingsmead. Parish: Shenley Brook End & Tattenhoe PC

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1 APP 04 Application Number: 15/00699/REM Reserved matters pursuant to outline permission 12/01851/MKPCO for approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for development of 206 dwellings and 360sqm of commercial floorspace (use class A1, A2, A3, A5, B1 and D1) at Sites 1 and 2 Kingsmead South. AT: Kingsmead South Sites 1 And 2, Whaddon Road, Kingsmead FOR: Taylor Wimpey Target: 29th June 2015 (extension agreed to 2nd October 2015) Ward: Tattenhoe Parish: Shenley Brook End & Tattenhoe PC Report Author/Case Officer: Stephen Gee Senior Planning Officer Contact Details: Team Leader: Nicola Wheatcroft Team Leader Strategic Applications Team Contact Details: 1.0 INTRODUCTION (A brief explanation of what the application is about) 1.1 The main section of the report set out below draws together the core issues in relation to the application including policy and other key material considerations. This is supplemented by an appendix which brings together planning history, additional matters and summaries of consultee responses and public representations. Full details of the application, including plans, supplementary documents, consultee responses and public representations are available on the Council s Public Access system All matters have been taken into account in writing this report and recommendation. 1.2 The Site Kingsmead South is located on the western edge of Milton Keynes and comprises approximately 18 hectares of development land in the grid square known as Kingsmead. The northern half of the grid square (Kingsmead North) has been completed. Kingsmead South is bordered by Whaddon Road to the north, the North Bucks Way with open countryside beyond to the west, the V1/Snelshall Street to the east and Hayton Way with the Tattenhoe Park development site beyond to the south. 1.3 There is an area of retained woodland in the centre of Kingsmead South, known as Kingsmead Spinney which is managed by the Parks Trust. The primary infrastructure to serve Kingsmead South has already been installed by the land owner, the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA). This includes

2 the main spine roads and the Linear Parks which incorporate Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) corridors. 1.4 The application site, known as Kingsmead South Sites 1 and 2, is a total of approximately 6.35 hectares and forms the northern half of the Kingsmead South development. The application site consists of two separate development parcels located either side of the Kingsmead Spinney. Existing housing in Kingsmead North faces the site to the north separated by Whaddon Road which runs west towards the village of Whaddon and Bamburgh Gate east under the V1/Snelshall Street into the adjacent Westcroft grid square. 1.5 Site 1 to the east of the Spinney is bounded by the V1/Snelshall Street to the east which is separated from the site by a thick band of planting, intersected by a Redway. An existing road, Guildford Avenue, provides access to Site 1 from the V1/Snelshall Street and then forms the main spine road, known as King Street, which will also be the bus route running through Kingsmead South eventually linking to Hayton Way and Tattenhoe Park to the south. 1.6 As well as Kingsmead Spinney, the site is characterised by an existing hedgerow running along the edge of Whaddon Road forming the northern boundary of Site 2 and a small existing hedgerow running north-south through the northern part of Site 1. The southern boundaries of both Site 1 and Site 2 are formed by the Linear Park. The site is relatively flat with a gentle fall from north to south except where the land falls by approximately 2-3 metres in the north east corner of Site 1 towards Bamburgh Gate. 1.7 Two underground fuel pipelines running north-south are located in close proximity but outside and to the west of the application site. Development is prohibited within a 3 metre easement either side of the pipelines without prior approval from the British Pipeline Agency. Details of the location of the site and its relationship to surrounding properties can be seen in the plans attached to this report. 1.8 The Proposal This application seeks approval of reserved matters for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for a total of 206 dwellings which equates to an average net residential density of 35 dwellings per hectare (dph). The scheme proposes a mix of 1 and 2-bed apartments and 2, 3, 4 and 5-bed houses and includes 62 affordable housing units (30%) of mixed tenure types. 1.9 The overall proposed housing mix comprises the following: 144 x Private 36 x 2-bed apartment 14 x 3-bed house 41 x 4-bed house 53 x 5-bed house

3 62 x Affordable 16 x 1-bed apartment (16 x affordable rent) 20 x 2-bed apartment (15 x affordable rent and 5 x shared ownership) 17 x 2-bed house (17 x affordable rent) 7 x 3-bed house (2 x affordable rent and 5 x shared ownership) 2 x 4-bed house (2 x affordable rent) 1.10 In addition, the application proposes a total 360sqm of commercial floorspace, for which use class A1 (retail), A2 (financial and professional services), A3 (restaurants and cafes), A5 (takeaways), B1 (business) and D1 (community facilities) were permitted under the outline planning permission. The total commercial floorspace consists of 280sqm split between 4 x ground floor commercial units with an additional 80sqm of ancillary storage space. The applicant has stated that the eventual use of the units will be determined by demand from prospective end-users. Apartments are proposed above the commercial units with parking for the apartments provided to the rear of the building. Parking for users of the commercial area and for deliveries is proposed to the front and the side of the building The proposed site layout is arranged around a series of perimeter blocks defined by the existing primary infrastructure already constructed in Kingsmead South. Within Site 2, 2-storey linked dwellings and the commercial area flanked by 2 x 4-storey apartment buildings front onto King Street. A 3-storey apartment building is proposed in the south west corner of Site 2 and a 4-storey apartment building is proposed at the junction of Guildford Avenue and King Street, approximately 30 metres south of the Bridgnorth Drive Roundabout. Within Site 1, 2 x 4-storey apartment buildings are proposed either side of the entrance to the site from the V1/Snelshall Street which represent landmark building locations. Elsewhere, the proposed development generally consists of 2 and 2.5 storey detached and semidetached dwellings Large detached dwellings are proposed to face the existing Kingsmead North development. Along Whaddon Road these dwellings are proposed to be set back behind the existing hedgerow with a new footpath provided between the hedge and the proposed dwellings. Improvement works to Whaddon Road consisting of raised traffic calming features and a pedestrian link from Site 2 to the existing play area at Goodrich Green in Kingsmead North are also proposed A total of 440 allocated parking spaces are proposed to the front or side of individual dwellings and within parking courts for the apartments. Parking for 158 dwellings (including the apartments) is independently accessible and for 48 dwellings is arranged in a tandem formation. A total of 95 unallocated visitor parking spaces to serve the dwellings are proposed at regular intervals along all residential streets and within the apartment parking courts. An additional 20 parking spaces are proposed to serve the mixed-use area The proposed dwellings are traditional in appearance with a mix of buff and red brick, off-white render and concrete roof tiles. Balconies are provided to

4 all apartment buildings. Details of the proposals as described above can be seen in the plans appended to this report. 2.0 RELEVANT POLICIES (The most important policy considerations relating to this application) 2.1 National Policy National Planning Policy Framework (March 2012) paragraph: 12 Accordance with Development Plan 14 Presumption in favour of Sustainable Development 17 Core Planning Principles 32 Transport 39 Parking 47 Delivering a wide choice of high quality homes Design 69 Creating healthy and inclusive communities Access to open space 98 Sustainability 103 Flood Risk 109 and 118 Natural Environment Determining Applications 2.2 Local Policy Core Strategy (Adopted July 2013) CSA Presumption in favour of Sustainable Development CS1 Milton Keynes Development Strategy CS2 Housing Land Supply CS8 Other Areas of Change CS10 Housing CS11 A Well Connected Milton Keynes CS12 Developing Successful Neighbourhoods CS13 Ensuring High Quality, Well Designed Places CS17 Improving Access to Local Services and Facilities CS18 Healthier and Safer Communities CS19 The Historic and Natural Environment CS21 Delivering Infrastructure Milton Keynes Local Plan (Adopted December 2005) D1 Impact of Development Proposals on Locality D2 Design of Buildings D2A Urban Design Aspects of New Developments D4 Sustainable Construction NE2 Protected Species NE3 Biodiversity and Geological Enhancement T1, T2, T3, T5, T9, T10 and T15 Transport and Parking H1 Land allocated for Housing H4 Affordable Housing

5 H8 Housing Density H9 Housing Mix L3 Open Space: Standards of Provision Supplementary Planning Guidance Parking Standards (January 2005) and Addendum (April 2009) Sustainable Construction (April 2007) Affordable Housing (March 2013) New Residential Development Design Guide (April 2012) Other Documents Kingsmead South Development Brief (Approved 14 th August 2006) Kingsmead South Design Code (Approved 22 nd January 2007) Minor Amendments to the Kingsmead South Illustrative Masterplan were approved by the Milton Keynes Partnership Planning Sub-Committee on 19 th July MAIN ISSUES (The issues which have the greatest bearing on the decision) 3.1 Layout and Built Form The layout and elevations comply with the requirements of the Kingsmead South Design Code and have been amended to better relate to surrounding development and Character Area requirements. Housing Density The proposed development promotes a range of densities with higher density development concentrated near to local facilities and public transport routes. The average residential density of 35 dwellings per hectare is considered appropriate to the site context. Affordable Housing The proposed affordable housing mix is in accordance with the Council s Affordable Housing SPD and current affordable housing need. Impact on Amenities of Nearby Properties In light of the distances between the proposed dwellings and the existing properties in Kingsmead North, the orientation of these properties and the change in site levels it is not considered that the proposed development will have an adverse impact on the outlook or light currently enjoyed by existing residents and would not result in direct overlooking. Street Design, Access and Parking The proposed development is based on a hierarchy of street types. Allocated parking for dwellings significantly exceeds the Council s parking standards. Parking for the commercial area is acceptable subject to a restriction on the type of uses. Whaddon Road Traffic Calming The proposed package of traffic calming works to Whaddon Road will change

6 the character of Whaddon Road to that of a residential street and will help reduce speeds and rat-running through Whaddon Village. Goodrich Green Play Area The provision of a pedestrian link from the application site to the Goodrich Green play area is necessary to ensure the proposed development has adequate access to play facilities. The proposed crossing details have been amended to provide additional safety measures and are considered to be acceptable. 4.0 RECOMMENDATION (The decision that officers recommend to the Committee) 4.1 It is recommended that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out at the end of this report. 5.0 CONSIDERATIONS (An explanation of the main issues that have led to the officer Recommendation) 5.1 Layout and Built Form The applicant has engaged in pre-application discussions with Officers and has made further refinements to the proposals following receipt of consultee comments. The resultant layout is considered to respond to the opportunities and constraints of the site and comply with the principles set out in the approved Kingsmead South Design Code and the New Residential Development Design Guide SPD in that: It provides a permeable movement framework which accommodates pedestrian desire lines and connects to adjacent development parcels and public open space. It retains the existing hedgerow and incorporates existing landscape features into the development, It arranges buildings in a perimeter block format with active public frontages, adequate setbacks and back-to-back distances. The use of rear parking courts has been minimised to serve the apartments only. Building heights are in accordance with the Design Code with increases in height to mark landmark buildings and at gateway locations. 5.2 The application site is covered by six different character areas as defined by the Kingsmead South Design Code which respond to the surrounding context and features of the site along with the intended uses proposed, housing mix, street hierarchy and public realm. Following the submission of the application, the applicant has made amendments to the layout and the architectural detailing of the proposed dwellings to ensure that there is sufficient distinction between character areas without compromising the overall character and identity of the development. 5.3 Of particular note, within the Whaddon Road character area, the proposed dwellings are predominantly large detached dwellings which are traditional in style to be in keeping with the neighbouring residential development of

7 Kingsmead North. The use of traditional materials and fenestration is considered to relate well to existing properties. Within the King Street character area the proposed development adopts a distinctively more urban feel with reduced setbacks and linked dwellings to create a more continuous frontage and greater sense of enclosure. The overall appearance of the dwellings within King Street is more contemporary with simpler window detailing and is therefore supported. 5.4 In accordance with the recommended building heights in the Kingsmead South Design Code, the proposed development is predominantly 2 and 2.5 storey dwellings with 3 storey dwellings at key corners. This includes a 3- storey apartment building in the south west corner of Site 2 adjacent to Whaddon Road which is in accordance with the Design Code requirements for a landmark building in this location. 5.5 The principal gateways within the site are proposed to be marked by 4-storey apartments. This includes the entrance to Kingsmead South from the V1/Snelshall Street which is framed by a pair of feature apartment buildings arranged around a Neighbourhood Square. The apartment building bookends are 4 storeys in height where closest to Snelshall Street and drop to 3 storeys behind to achieve this. This increased height forms a pair of pyramidal shaped roofs that frame the entrance and creates a distinctive feature and landmark from the grid road. 5.6 The commercial area is formed by a central 4-storey apartment building with two further 4-storey apartment buildings either side. A further 4-storey apartment building marks the junction of King Street to the south of the Bridgnorth roundabout. The height of these buildings is in accordance with the Kingsmead South Design Code and are considered acceptable as landmark buildings to mark visually important locations and promote legibility though the site. 5.7 In accordance with the requirements of the Kingsmead South Design Code and the New Residential Development Design Guide SPD, suitable private amenity space is provided to all dwellings with garden depths of no less than 10 metres and back-to-back distances of no less than 22 metres. Private amenity space for the apartments is provided in the form of private ground floor gardens and balconies to upper floor apartments of a suitable size to accommodate a small table and chairs. 5.8 Overall, the proposed layout and elevations are considered to provide a high quality development that both responds well to the existing properties in Kingsmead North and the design aspirations of the Kingsmead South Design Code, the New Residential Development Design Guide SPD, Policy CS13 of the Core Strategy and saved Policy D2 of the Local Plan. The layout and built form of the proposal is therefore considered to be acceptable. 5.9 Housing Density The majority of the application site is covered by the Whaddon Road,

8 Snelshall Gate and Kingsmead Wood Character Areas which the Kingsmead South Design Code states should achieve a residential density of dwellings per hectare (dph). In addition, at principal gateway locations in the King Street and Kingsmead Place Character Areas, the Kingsmead South Design Code recommends that higher densities of 40-45dph is appropriate The proposed density of Kingsmead Place is 69dph which is higher than the recommended density range within the Kingsmead South Design Code. This is a reflection of the concentration of apartments in this location, which have been provided to respond to other requirements of the Design Code for landmark buildings of up to 4-storeys Elsewhere on the site the proposed density levels are consistently lower than the recommended density range, including Whaddon Road (29dph), Park View (28dph) and Snelshall Gate (30dph) which means that the average net residential density for the whole site is 35dph. This is in accordance with the overall recommended density levels in the Kingsmead South Design Code and relates well to the density of housing generally found in Kingsmead North Overall the proposed development is considered to represent an appropriate density for a residential development in the location proposed and promotes a range of densities through the site with higher densities concentrated in the most appropriate locations near to local facilities and public transport routes. This is consistent with saved Policy H8 of the Local Plan whilst also conforming to the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework which promotes the efficient use of appropriate sites in order to fulfil continuing demand for market and affordable homes Affordable Housing In accordance with Policy CS10 of the Core Strategy and saved Policy H4 of the Local Plan, the proposed development would provide 62 (30%) affordable housing units. The affordable housing units have been pepper potted throughout the site in clusters of no more than 12 units and the proposed tenure mix of 52 (25%) Affordable Rent units, of which 10 (5%) are equivalent to Social Rent levels, and 10 (5%) Shared Ownership meets the requirements of the Kingsmead South S106 Agreement, the Affordable Housing SPD and current local affordable housing need. The proposed affordable housing mix is therefore considered to be acceptable Impact on Amenities of Nearby Properties The main issue arising from consultation with the local community has been the relationship of the proposed development to existing properties in Kingsmead North. In particular, concern has been expressed about the height of the 3 storey apartment building adjacent to Whaddon Road and the 4 storey apartment building at the junction of Guildford Avenue and King Street With regard to the 4-storey apartment building at the junction of Guildford

9 Avenue and King Street, in response to the concerns raised by residents the applicant has reduced the height of the building. The maximum height to the ridge is 13 metres on the corner of the building. However, the ridge height drops down to 12 metres as the building turns the corner. The nearest distance from the apartment building to Carisbrooke Way properties (no. 34) is 70 metres and the nearest distance from the apartment building to Bridgnorth Drive properties (no.26) is 50 metres. These distances are attributable to the location of the Bridgnorth roundabout and the set back nature of the existing housing In light of the significant distance between the apartment building and the existing properties in Kingsmead North, it is not considered that the proposed 4 story apartment building would have an unacceptable adverse impact on the outlook or light currently enjoyed by existing residents and would not result in direct overlooking of existing properties fronting the roundabout With regard to the 3-storey apartment building on Whaddon Road, the height to the ridge of the apartment building is 12 metres. The apartment building has been orientated so that it fronts south onto the Linear Park rather than towards Kingsmead North. Similarly, the Kingsmead North properties are orientated such that they do not face directly towards Kingsmead South. The distance between the apartment building and the nearest Kingsmead North property (no. 51 Whittington Chase) is 30 metres and is separated by the Whaddon Road and the existing hedgerow. It should also be noted that Kingsmead South is located on lower ground than the neighbouring Kingsmead North development which will further reduce the impact of the apartment building Again, in light of the distances between the apartment building and the existing properties in Kingsmead North, the orientation of these properties and the change in site levels it is not considered that the apartment building with have an unacceptable adverse impact on the outlook or light currently enjoyed by existing residents and would not result in direct overlooking of existing properties The applicant has also prepared a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment to assess the impact of the proposed development on other key viewpoints from around the site, focusing on their sensitivity and ability to accommodate change. All viewpoints are from public accessible areas and have been specifically chosen to represent certain views or users of certain views. Viewpoints to the north, west and east are looking toward the site from mainly existing surrounding residential areas. The viewpoints from the south represent views from major transport routes and potentially from proposed residential development, both under construction and those allocated for future housing The visual assessment identified that receptors closest to the site (residents living in Kingsmead North, Hayton Way, Whittington Chase, Carrisbrook Way and Nymans Close) had the greatest visual impact, with receptors located further away having negligible visual impacts. Mitigation proposals have

10 subsequently been incorporated into the proposals, including the retention of existing hedgerows and trees with additional planting along site boundaries, a scale of development in accordance with the Kingsmead South Design Code, and the use of materials that reflect the existing residential areas The visual assessment concluded that after mitigation, the overall effect of the development is moderate for residents with direct views into the site and negligible for all other receptors. This is not considered to represent a significant impact for existing residents. Furthermore it should be noted that loss of a private view is not a material planning consideration Street Design, Access and Parking The proposed layout is in accordance with the movement framework and hierarchy of street types as defined in the Kingsmead South Design Code with all routes and accesses clearly defined and designed to achieve speeds of no more than 20mph. A tracking plan has also been provided to demonstrate how the proposed development is capable of accommodating refuse and emergency vehicles All roads are proposed to be constructed in accordance with the recommended dimensions for the equivalent street types outlined in the New Residential Development Design Guide SPD. This includes Guilford Avenue and King Street which represent the Main Street through the site (equivalent to Type 6 Principal Street ) and a second tier of Residential Streets (equivalent to Type 8 Street ) providing local connectivity through the two development parcels. A third tier within the street hierarchy (equivalent to Type 10 Level Surface Street ) is formed by Lanes and Park Edges which are characterised by a shared surface treatment to reflect its setting along the more sensitive edges of development, adjacent to public open space areas The two main vehicular access points into the site, off V1/Snelshall Street and Whaddon Road are in accordance with the Kingsmead South Design Code. Access is also available from King Street which provides a link to the rest of the Kingsmead South development. In accordance with the requirements of the Kingsmead South Design Code, Whaddon Road is proposed to be retained and will continue to connect with the Bridgnorth roundabout. The spur of the Bridgnorth roundabout currently closed with bollards (Bamburgh Gate) will be opened as part of the proposed development to provide a new link road under the V1/Snelshall Street into the adjacent Westcroft grid square A new bus stop is proposed to be located adjacent to the commercial area on King Street. This will ensure that all new homes in Kingsmead South will be within 400 metres of a bus stop. There is also connectivity across the scheme for pedestrians and cyclists allowing links with the existing Redway and Linear Park network. The proposed development is therefore considered to provide appropriate site permeability and connects directly into the existing road structure in accordance with the Kingsmead South Design Code and saved Policy T3 of the Local Plan and is therefore considered to be

11 acceptable The Table below outlines the parking requirements of the proposed development in accordance with the 2009 Addendum to the Council s adopted parking standards. Parking Standard Total Requirement Total Allocated Unallocated Allocated Unallocated 1 bed flat bed flat bed house bed house bed house bed house TOTAL (95) 5.27 The proposed layout provides 440 allocated on-plot parking spaces which significantly exceeds the Council s parking standards and 95 unallocated visitor parking spaces which is in accordance with the Council s parking standards. All dwellings have at least 2 on-plot allocated parking spaces with many of the larger detached dwellings having space for 4 on-plot allocated parking spaces. Allocated parking for 158 dwellings, including all 5-bed dwellings and a large proportion of other dwellings (approximately 77% of the total number of dwellings inclusive of the single parking spaces for the apartments) is independently accessible. In accordance with the New Residential Development Design Guide SPD, additional width has also been provided to on-plot parking spaces that are enclosed on one or both sides and where access is required to rear gardens Allocated parking for 48 dwellings (23% of the total) is provided in tandem formation. The New Residential Development Design Guide SPD states that for small homes (i.e. 4 bedrooms or fewer), independently accessible on-plot parking spaces are preferred but tandem parking is acceptable provided that unallocated parking is visible from and in close proximity (within 15 metres) to those homes that have tandem spaces. The applicant has made amendments to the layout to ensure that all plots with tandem parking spaces are within 15 metres of an unallocated visitor parking space. The proposed development is therefore considered to be acceptable In addition to the 95 visitor parking spaces serving the 206 dwellings, 20 unallocated parking spaces are proposed to serve the commercial area. These are proposed on King Street to the front and along the residential streets to the side of the commercial area. No specific bay is shown for delivery vehicles. The Council s Highways Officer has advised that it would be prudent to reserve two of the visitor spaces for commercial delivery for certain times of the day. This would require a Traffic Regulation Order so cannot be covered by planning legislation Based on a gross retail floorspace of 280 sqm, the provision of 20 parking

12 space would exceed the parking standards of 1 space per 20 sqm (gross) of retail floor space for A1 (non-food) and A2 (financial and professional) uses (14 spaces) and would exceed the parking standards of 1 space per 30 sqm of B1 (business) and D1 (community facilities) (10 spaces) The provision of 20 parking spaces would also meet the parking standards of 1 space per 14 sqm of A1 (food) retail floor space. However 20 parking spaces does not meet the parking standards of 1 space per 10 sqm of A3 (restaurants and cafes) or A5 (takeaways) floorspace (28 spaces) The proposed uses of the commercial area are not currently known as the applicant has stated that the eventual use of the units will be determined by demand from prospective end-users. In order to ensure that sufficient parking spaces are available to support the commercial area it is therefore recommended that a condition is added restricting the use classes of the commercial area to A1 (food and non-food), A2 (financial and professional), B1 (business) and D1 (community facilities) uses only. The applicant has confirmed agreement to these restrictions The Council s Highways Officer has recommended minor amendments to the layout which the applicant is currently addressing and on that basis has confirmed no objection to planning permission being granted subject to a condition for the approval of a refuse strategy. A condition is recommended to secure this Whaddon Road Traffic Calming The Kingsmead South Design Code recommends that Whaddon Road should be retained with the introduction of changes in surface treatment and a deviation in the road opposite the Goodrich Green play area to reduce traffic speed. The character of Whaddon Road should become that of a residential street with traffic speeds of no more than 20mph and with residential properties fronting onto it. Priority should also be given to retaining and managing the existing hedgerow and incorporating it into the layout of the new development The applicant has responded to this requirement by proposing a package of traffic calming works in Whaddon Road which also retains the existing hedgerow. This consists of two raised table features at road junctions and three ramps at regular intervals. A pedestrian crossing point and associated build out is also proposed opposite the Goodrich Green play area. The proposed traffic calming scheme has been assessed by the Council s Highways Officer and Road Safety colleagues and is considered to be acceptable The resident of no. 51 Whittington Chase has expressed concern about the location of one of the traffic calming ramps on Whaddon Road which is approximately 10 metres from the property. Traffic calming features are required at intervals of approximately 60 metres in order to achieve the necessary speed limit of 20mph. The design of the traffic calming ramp in this

13 location consists of a 1 metre ramp with a 6 metre flat top which is considered to reduce potential noise impact. Furthermore, the distance between the proposed traffic calming features and dwellings are consistent with other residential areas and therefore the overall impact from traffic slowing down and speeding up at each traffic calming feature is not considered to impact on the amenity of residents to an unacceptable level Whaddon Parish Council has previously expressed concern about the potential for rat running of traffic through Whaddon Village which would increase as a consequence of the proposed development of Kingsmead South. Temporary traffic calming features were installed as a response to these concerns. The proposed package of traffic calming works would represent a permanent replacement to these temporary measures Whaddon Parish Council has stated that they are disappointed that the deviation in Whaddon Road proposed in the Kingsmead South Design Code has not been provided. However, Councillors are content that the build out and priority signing together with the raised tables and road humps will help speed reduction and hopefully the on-going rat-running problems through Whaddon Village With regard to the original proposed deviation, the plans contained in the Kingsmead South Design Code are illustrative only. Given the changing circumstances around this area, including the provision of a pedestrian link to the Goodrich Green play area and the desire to reduce the risk of conflict between vehicle, pedestrian and cyclist movement, the proposed package of traffic calming works is considered by the Council s Highways Officer to provide a better solution. The proposals are therefore deemed to be acceptable Whaddon Parish Council has also requested that further traffic calming measures are provided along the more southerly section of Whaddon Road and that the gates to the diverted section of the North Bucks Way through Kingsmead South are replaced with gates suitable for horse riders and cyclists to negotiate. The Homes and Communities Agency has confirmed that the additional traffic calming will be delivered as part of the development of future development parcels at Kingsmead South Sites 3 and With regard to the gates to the diverted section of the North Bucks Way, it is not considered reasonable to impose a condition upon the applicant to replace the gates as this in not directly associated with the proposed development. However, the Homes and Communities Agency has confirmed that the gates will be replaced prior to the commencement of construction of Sites 1 and Goodrich Green Play Area In July 2012, the Milton Keynes Partnership Planning Sub-Committee approved minor amendments to the Kingsmead South Illustrative Masterplan which included the relocation of a local play area within Kingsmead South

14 from an area of public open space between the proposed commercial area and Kingsmead Spinney to an area of Linear Park adjacent to Hayton Way. This was because the area originally identified for the local play area had reduced in size due to a remodelling of the Sustainable Urban Drainage System and could no longer accommodate a local play area The relocation of the local play area was approved on the basis that dwellings within the northern part of the Kingsmead South were still within a 400 metre walkable distance of the existing play area in Goodrich Green in accordance with the requirements of saved Policy L3 of the Local Plan. In order to promote greater accessibility from Kingsmead South to the Goodrich Green play area it was recommended that a safe pedestrian route across Whaddon Road be provided to link the application site to the Goodrich Green play area. This would also facilitate a pedestrian route for residents of Kingsmead North to access facilities in Kingsmead South and Tattenhoe Park Concerns have been expressed by three residents of Kingsmead North about the provision of a pedestrian link to the Goodrich Green play area across Whaddon Road and the safety risks that this may pose to children. It should be noted that the proposed pedestrian link forms part of a proposed package of traffic calming works on Whaddon Road that will reduce speeds on this road to no more than 20mph. Notwithstanding, the applicant has made amendments to the pedestrian crossing to provide additional safety measures including staggered barriers on either side of Whaddon Road and a build out to further reduce speeds and improve visibility along the road When the proposed development is built, the route between Kingsmead South and the Goodrich Green play area is considered to represent a natural desire line and therefore it is considered appropriate that a safe pedestrian crossing point should be provided. The proposal by the applicant has been assessed by the Council s Highways Officer and Road Safety colleagues and is considered to be acceptable. The proposed pedestrian link is in accordance with saved Local Plan Policy T3 which promotes the provision of safe pedestrian routes and greater access to local amenities and is therefore supported The Council s Play Area team are currently developing proposals to refurbish the Goodrich Green play area and have incorporated the principle of a pedestrian crossing into these proposals. Whilst it would be the responsibility of the applicant to deliver the crossing point as part of the development of Kingsmead South Sites 1 and 2, Officers are working together with the aim of delivering the pedestrian crossing and the refurbishment of Goodrich Green play area at the same time in order to minimise disturbance to existing residents Conclusion The proposed development, as amended to address the comments received from consultees, meets the general requirements of the approved Kingsmead South Development Brief and Design Code and guidance contained in the

15 New Residential Development Design Guide SPD. The proposed layout and elevations are in accordance with individual character area requirements and relate well to existing development in Kingsmead North. Permanent traffic calming measures on Whaddon Road and a pedestrian link to Goodrich Green are also proposed in accordance with the advice of Officers. The proposed development is therefore considered to be acceptable The planning application, having been assessed on its individual merits and against all key material considerations, is considered to be in accordance with the Kingsmead South outline planning permission and the policy requirements of the Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework. In accordance with the presumption in favour of sustainable development it is therefore recommended that planning permission is granted subject to the conditions set out below. 6.0 CONDITIONS (The conditions that need to be imposed on any planning permission for this development to ensure that the development is satisfactory. To meet legal requirements all conditions must be Necessary, Relevant, Enforceable, Precise and Reasonable ) 1) Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to affect or vary the conditions imposed on outline planning permission ref. 12/01851/MKPCO dated 08 August 2013, which shall continue in full force and effect save insofar as they are expressly varied by any conditions imposed hereby. Reason: For the avoidance of doubt. 2) Prior to the commencement of development, a schedule and samples of all external materials, including windows and balconies, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory appearance of the development and in accordance with saved Policy D2 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan. 3) Prior to commencement of construction of the apartments, details of all external pipe and duct work shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory appearance of the development and in accordance with saved Policy D2 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan. 4) Prior to the commencement of development, details of the proposed boundary treatment to all plots shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details shall include the type and height of fences, hedges, walls, gates and other means of enclosure and shall be provided for each plot prior to the occupation of that plot. Where hedges form the front boundary to a plot they will have a maximum mature height of 750mm.

16 Reason: To protect the appearance of the locality and safeguard the privacy of neighbours and to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the highway. 5) Prior to the occupation of each dwelling or commercial unit, a copy of the certification confirming the achievement of Secured by Design accreditation for that dwelling or commercial unit shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of reducing crime and disorder in accordance with saved Policy D1 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan. 6) Prior to the commencement of development, details of refuse storage for all dwellings including provision for the storage of recyclable materials shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details shall also include a management plan indicating where refuse will be placed on collection days. The development shall be provided in accordance with the approved details for each dwelling prior to the occupation of that dwelling. Reason: In the interests of and to secure a satisfactory standard of development in accordance with saved Policy D4 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan. 7) Prior to the commencement of development, full details of the hard landscaping including the proposed surface treatments to all adoptable and non-adoptable roads, footways, parking courts and private driveways shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be provided in accordance with the approved details prior to the occupation of any dwelling served by that road, footway, parking court or private driveway and maintained thereafter. Reason: In the interests of the visual amenities of the locality in accordance with saved Policy D2 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan. 8) Prior to the commencement of development, a detailed soft landscaping scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The landscaping scheme shall show which trees and hedgerows are to be retained and which trees are to be felled or lopped. The landscaping scheme shall also show the numbers, types and sizes of trees and shrubs to be planted including their locations in relation to buildings and associated infrastructure and species list to include native species and species beneficial to wildlife. The approved landscaping scheme shall be carried out within twelve months of the commencement of development and any trees or shrubs removed, dying, severely damaged or diseased within two years of planting shall be replaced in the next planting season with trees or shrubs of such size and species as many be agreed by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To protect significant trees, safeguarding the character of the area and preserving habitat and to minimise the effect of development on the area.

17 9) All existing trees and hedgerows and adjacent public open space areas to be retained shall be protected in accordance with the provisions of BS 5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction- Recommendations. The fencing shall be of the same specification as that depicted in figure 2, page 20 and ground protection as specified in pages 21/22 in BS 5837:2012. Signs informing of the purpose of the fencing and warning of the penalties against destruction or damage to the trees and their root zones shall be installed at minimum intervals of 10 metres and a minimum of two signs per separate stretch of fencing. Once erected the Local Authority Tree Officer shall be notified so the fencing can be inspected and approved. The Root Protection Area (RPA) within the protective fencing must be kept free of all construction, construction plant, machinery, personnel, digging and scraping, service runs, water-logging, changes in level, building materials and all other operations. All protective measures shall be maintained until all equipment, machinery and surplus materials have been removed from the site. Reason: To ensure there are adequate tree protection measures. 10) Prior to the commencement of development, details of the proposed footpath links from the development to the existing leisure routes in the Linear Parks and Kingsmead Spinney, including proposed levels and surfaces, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. All footpath links shall be completed by no later than the occupation of the final dwelling. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of connection through the site and to adjacent public open space areas. 11) Prior to the commencement of development, and before any equipment, machinery or materials are brought onto the site for the purposes of the development, amphibian fencing shall be erected in accordance with recommendations of the Ecological Mitigation Strategy prepared by ACD Ecology and dated August The protected areas shall be kept free of all construction, construction plant, machinery, personnel, digging and scraping, waterlogging, changes in levels, building materials and all other operations. All amphibian fencing shall be maintained until all equipment, machinery and surplus materials have been removed from the site. Reason: In order to safeguard the protected species identified under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended). 12) Prior to the commencement of development a scheme to incorporate additional bird and bat boxes within the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details prior to the occupation of the final dwelling. Reason: In order to safeguard the protected species identified under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) and to ensure that any loss of existing habitat is successfully mitigated for.

18 13) Prior to the commencement of development, a lighting scheme for all public and private streets, footpaths and parking areas shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The lighting scheme shall include details of what lights are being proposed, a lux plan showing maximum, minimum and average uniformity levels, details of means of electricity supply to each light and how the lights will be managed and maintained in the future. The lighting scheme shall also include a bat mitigation strategy for any proposed lighting within the vicinity of existing or proposed bat features in Kingsmead Spinney or any other trees with bat roost potential within or adjacent to the application site. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. Reason: In the interests of safety and amenity and in order to comply with saved Policy NE2 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan. 14) Prior to the commencement of development, details of the proposed finished floor levels of all buildings and the finished ground levels of the site in relation to existing surrounding ground levels, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure that construction is carried out at suitable levels having regard to drainage, access, the appearance of the development and the amenities of neighbouring properties in accordance with saved Policy D2 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan. 15) Prior to the commencement of development, a detailed surface water drainage strategy shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The drainage strategy shall include details of proposed outfall calculations and a management and maintenance plan setting out a scheme for the implementation, adoption and maintenance of the surface water drainage infrastructure. No dwelling shall be occupied until the surface water drainage infrastructure has been provided in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure satisfactory and sustainable surface water drainage to prevent the increased risk of flooding on or off the site. 16) Prior to the commencement of development, a full Code for Sustainable Homes Assessment, detailing how Code For Sustainable Homes Level 4 will be achieved for all dwellings shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. If renewable energy technology is proposed, the details shall include any elevation and design changes to any dwellings incorporating renewable energy technology. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and a copy of the certification confirming the achievement of Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4 for each dwelling shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the occupation of that dwelling. Reason: To ensure that the development complies with the Council s

19 objective of sustainable development in accordance with saved Policy D4 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan. 17) No dwelling shall be occupied until the traffic calming works to Whaddon Road, including the provision of a footpath link to Goodrich Green play area, as shown on drawing no /2002 Rev.E have been completed in accordance with details that have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Local Highway Authority. Reason: To ensure the details of the development are acceptable in the interests of public and highway safety. 18) Prior to the commencement of development, details of the adoptable estate roads, footways, cycleways and parking shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details shall include the method of disposal of surface water from the highway. No dwelling shall be occupied and no commercial unit shall be open to the public until the estates roads, footways, cycleways and parking which serve that dwelling or commercial unit have been laid out and constructed in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To provide satisfactory adoptable highway connections to the local highway network and to minimise danger, obstructions and inconvenience to users of the highway and of the development in accordance with Policy T1 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan. 19) Prior to the commencement of development details of the proposed bus stop and bus shelter shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The bus stop and bus shelter shall be provided in accordance with the approved detail prior to the operation of a bus service serving the development. Reason: In order to ensure that appropriate facilities are provided for a bus service to serve the development. 20) The commercial area shall be used for A1 (food and non-food retail), A2 (financial and professional services), B1 (business) or D1 (community facilities) uses only and for no other purpose (including any A3 (restaurants and cafes and A5 (takeaways) as defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Amendment) (England) Order 2015 or any provisions equivalent to that use class in any statutory instrument revoking or reenacting that Order with or without modification). Reason: To ensure that there is adequate parking provision and to enable the Local Planning Authority to consider any future proposal for a change of use having regard to the circumstances of the case. 21) Prior to the commencement of development, a scheme to provide cycle parking to all dwellings and the commercial area shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The cycle parking shall

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