Music and Mime, Rhythm and Rhyme

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1 Music and Mime, Rhythm and Rhyme The FunSongs Approach to Language Teaching by Charles Goodger Language Expert at Bologna University and Founder of FunSongs Education PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SEND THIS TO WHOEVER YOU FEEL MIGHT BENEFIT FROM IT! WARNING! The language- teaching and memorization techniques presented in this pdf book are extremely effective but only if used with enthusiasm and joy. If you see yourself as a traditional, grammar- based language teacher who likes to keep total control of your class at all times, the FunSongs Method may not be for you. If you have no interest in music, singing and using mime in class, do not waste your time reading this. Delete it or pass it on to a colleague immediately! FunSongs Education, Edition 2015

2 Music and Mime, Rhythm and Rhyme - Contents by Charles Goodger BA Chapter One: Chapter Two: Music and action songs in language learning Choosing the right action song module Chapter Three: The FunSongs Method Chapter Four: FunSongs in the classroom step by step FunSongs Education, Edition 2015

3 Music and Mime, Rhythm and Rhyme, Charles Goodger, FunSongs Education, Edition 201 Chapter 1 Music and action songs in language learning The connection between music and language There is a fascinating and significant link between music and language. This is clear from the elements they share in common: Physically they are both made up of sound waves which our ears capture and our brains process into a meaningful, recognizable code. They both communicate emotions, meaning... They both have an intrinsic phonology: rhythm and accentuation, key and intonation. The notes in a melody correspond to the phonemes in words; change the order of the notes in a tune and it loses its sense. It s exactly the same for the phonemes in words, phrases and sentences. 3

4 Music and Mime, Rhythm and Rhyme, Charles Goodger, FunSongs Education, Edition 201 There is, of course, an important difference: Language - except in its artistic form of poetry - is functional. It is communication in sound between two interlocutors. Music by definition is aesthetic and artistic: it has to be captivating and beguiling or it has no sense; banal and cheesy songs (language courses are full of them!) can even be off- putting and thus counter- productive. So if we, in our role as language teachers, can find a way of using the emotional power of music and rhythm to enhance the language- learning process, we will have a highly effective tool. 4

5 Music and Mime, Rhythm and Rhyme, Charles Goodger, FunSongs Education, Edition Multiple Intelligences I had the honour of meeting and corresponding with Howard Gardner, the famous American developmental psychologist and educationalist at a seminar in Reggio Emilia in Italy a few years ago and he was very supportive of FunSongs. Gardner is famous for his theory of multiple intelligences illustrated in this graphic by Mark Kaser.. Combining music and mime, rhythm and rhyme brings several intelligences online at the same time. This strengthens the learning process and leads to PMA Permanent Memory Acquisition. 5

6 Music and Mime, Rhythm and Rhyme, Charles Goodger, FunSongs Education, Edition 201 Using the whole brain Combing intelligence means using the whole brain in the learning process: 6

7 Chapter 2 - Choosing the right action song module The power of action songs Action songs are a powerful and effective way of teaching new vocabulary. Kids who learn words and language chunks through song and movement will not forget them. And with worksheets to recycle the language in different contexts, the song should be seen as the starting- point of a teaching module. The language and themes in FunSongs action songs are about aspects of life of interest to young learners. They are designed to model and present many of the words, phrases and language structures children need to reach Level A2. Choose a song that is relevant to your course For example, if the next unit in your course book focuses on parts of the body, teach your class The Monster March. You can then supplement or replace the course book exercises and activities with the FunSongs Monster March worksheets. You have a class of first graders or kindergarten kids and want to teach numbers 1 to 10? Teach and work on Time to Play. You need to teach the days of the week and time- related vocabulary? The Words for Time, Time for Words song package will ensure your children never forget these key words again!! 7

8 Refer to the FunSongs Action Song Table Use the table to check the themes and language contained in FunSongs action songs. If you are a school teacher teaching from an adopted course book, try comparing the contents page at the start of your books with the table. You will find a useful correspondence in terms of language and topics. In this way you can identify an action song that anticipates the themes and language in your next unit or module. The language levels indicated for each song are based on the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. A1 is the Starter Level. Normally this level is valid for the first three to four years of a Primary School English course depending on how many hours are scheduled. Though there are variations, statistics show that in most EU countries, Primary School pupils reach Level A2 of English during their 4 th or 5 th grade year. 8

9 Table 1 - FunSongs Action Song contents analysis Song Level Themes and vocabulary fields Language and structures Time to Play A1 Playing, counting, body parts, time, animals, sport Use of can, what s, gerunds, prepositions of movement Our Autumn Song A2 Temperature, daylight, colours, school, food Imperative, present continuous, present perfect The Monster March A1 14 parts of the body, verbs of movement, aliens Imperative, prepositions, present continuous, simple present The Union Song A1 The EU, its flag, the euro, countries, no wars Use of has got, a lot of, let s, country adjectives Words for Time A1 Days of the week, months, years, dates Always and never, minutes, hours, days, weeks, years 65 Million Years Ago A2 Pre- history, extinction, astronomy, body parts Use of who, what and where, past simple, use of left, ago Water is Everything A2 Science, geography, climate change, conservation, Adjectives, simple future, use of get, use of Let s Rainbow, Rainbow A1/A2 Colours, weather, fruits, growth, meals, sunlight Imperative, there is/are, use of make + verb, adverbs The Ladybird Song A1 Animals, natural elements, geography, mythology Prepositions, use of like, negative of to be, adjectives I Love Christmas A1 English Christmas, home, Santa Claus, decorations Use of it s, use of very with adjectives, 1 st and 3 rd person Easter! Easter! A1 Easter traditions, Spring, seasonal changes Present progressive, present perfect, use of no more A Song for Winter A1 Snow, temperature, winter sports, mountains Present progressive, prepositions of position On Halloween A1 Typical aspects of Halloween, ghosts, spirits, etc. Present perfect, plurals, use of there are Nature s Plan A1/A2 Animals, transformations, growth Imperative mood, phrasal verbs, gerunds, use of every I Love Summer A1 Seaside, beach, contrasting taste, sense of touch Action verbs, adjectives, have fun Best for the World A2 Sustainable resources, population, technology Use of best, simple past, gerunds, use of so many We are the Future A1 World, continents, countries, solidarity, identity Country adjectives, use of Who are we/you/they? Who am I? Robin Hood s Band A1/A2 Medieval times, history, forests, law Possessive adjectives, adverbs, superlative adjectives We are Native Americans A1 Native Americans, nature, different cultures Object pronouns - use of us, plural you/we, imperative mood What s Your Favourite Animal? A1 Domestic, farm and wild animals and their sounds Simple questions with what s, use of each, use of it s What s Your Favourite Sport? A1/A2 Sports and where they are played, skills Gerund, imperative, adjectives, use of make sure Down on the Farm A1/A2 Farmers, cows, dairy products, agriculture Gerunds, use of to feel, Let s sing a song to farmers 9

10 Check the contents of each action song package FunSongs action song packages all share the same structure. The graded worksheets in each package are based on the song, its vocabulary and themes. Once you have downloaded the package, look through the graded worksheets with the suggestions in Teacher s Notes or Lesson Plans to plan how and when to use them in class. Table 2 Files included in each action song package The Monster March package Let s look at The Monster March package as an example. The first two files are mp3 audio files with two versions of the action song: the guide voice version for teaching the song and the music- only version to use for performances when your class has experienced PMA. All the other files in the package are in PDF format for easy printing and storage.. Our action song packages packs have teaching action videos. Viewing them is the best way to help you learn the song and its movements before you present it to your class. The Teacher Notes or Lesson Plan file has instructions for using the Worksheets. The Worksheets are graded in difficulty. Worksheet One is the easiest and Worksheet 10 the most challenging in terms of use of language. You should decide in advance in advance which worksheets to use depending on the level of your class. If your course book has similar vocabulary and themes to an action song, try to teach the song and do some of the Worksheets before starting the unit to accelerate learning.. Britty, the FunSongs puppet. He entertains and teaches kids in our FunSongs Shows 10

11 Chapter 3 The FunSongs Technique I developed the FunSongs tehcnique as an organized way of presenting and teaching new language through action songs. The balanced combination of melody and mime, rhythm and rhyme will help you to teach children English fast and effectively.. Charles Goodger teaching part of Time to Play to four and five- year olds. 11

12 As well as the emotional and expressive power of music and rhythm, the FunSongs method makes use of TPR (Total Physical Response) techniques and can produce PMA (Permanent Memory Acquisition). Properties and characteristics 1. The action song is the vehicle through which new words, themes and structures are presented. 2. The written words of the action song should not be seen until the class has learned the song and can perform it. This is also because English spelling and pronunciation are highly irregular. Just compare the different spelling of the sound in these words: four, more, saw, floor and the less common sore and flaw. The FunSongs Method follows the natural order of language skills of babies and infants to learn their native tongue: 1. Listening and understanding Natural language skills 2. Speaking and singing Natural language skills 3. Reading Artificial language skill that requires teaching 4. Writing > Artificial language skill that requires teaching The language- learning process will function more effectively if the child starts to decode 12

13 the foreign sounds of English with her ears rather than her eyes first. 3. The graded worksheets, games and activities based on the action song and its content, are designed to recycle the language in a variety of contexts. They may replace or supplement the exercises and activities in a standard English course that focus on similar themes and lexis presented in the action song. 4. The ultimate aim is for the learners to acquire English for their own communicative needs. The FunSongs method helps teachers to achieve this objective more effectively. FunSongs Show for third- graders at British Council in Riga. 13

14 Benefits of the approach Children like it. It is highly motivating. Because the class is having fun they have a strong motive for participating wholeheartedly in the learning process. It guarantees PMA. Presenting and learning new words and language through rhythm and rhyme, music and mime involves the use of both sides of the brain. The combination of kinesthetic and musical intelligence with linguistic and visual intelligence in the learning process in the context of an emotional and collective experience will invariably lead to Permanent Memory Acquisition. Phonology and pronunciation. You can t sing a song properly with the wrong pronunciation and intonation. Because the correct phonics of new words are emphasized in a song, it is the ideal vehicle for presenting the sounds of new words and language chunks correctly. It builds self- confidence. FunSongs action songs are designed to be sung and performed by groups of children in line. Successfully performing, miming and dancing an action song in front of appreciative parents and friends is a highly rewarding experience with psychological benefits. It will also bring students closer to the language on an affective level. 14

15 Chapter 4 FunSongs in the classroom step by step STEP ONE - Brainstorm the themes of the song In the first step you should focus the minds of your learners on the theme(s) contained in the action song. Let s suppose you have decided to teach your class The Monster March. The main vocabulary theme is body parts. You could start by telling your class they are going to learn an action song in English about frightening monsters from outer space. They have landed on Planet Earth near your school to capture school children to work as slaves on their planet. They march around in a funny way making lots of scary gestures that terrify the children and animals. Next pair up and invite the class to write down as many parts of the body they can think of. This first step can be done in L1 (your native language). Some of the words in their lists will include the fourteen parts of the body presented in the action song you are about to teach. STEP TWO - Present the song lplay the guide voice version.mp3 of the song. Make sure you have familiarized yourself with the words and actions from the teaching videos. Accompany the song with the actions as you present it.. 15

16 STEP THREE - Teach the song Now turn off the song and teach your class the words through repetition and mime using two- steps forward, one- step back basis. Resist the temptation to translate the words into your native language. Teach the meaning of the song chunks by creating visual associations through the mime and actions. At this stage it really doesn t matter if the children don t understand all the words it s important they get the gist, the general idea, of what each chunk means.. So, enunciate the chunk as clearly as possible as you make the first teaching action. Your class then repeats exactly what you say in sound and movement. Then move onto the next line. Once you have reached the end of the second chunk, go back to the start and sing both chunks always accompanied by their teaching actions for your class to repeat. Introducing melody using the sung voice is like applying colour to a black and white sketch. The use of strong melody as an added way of facilitating learning and memorization is indeed what makes the FunSongs Technique stand out from other methods. So many teachers have told me how amazed they are at the speed at which children learn. 16

17 As you work keep in mind that you are accomplishing several specific teaching skills at the same time: Presenting new vocabulary and language Teaching correct pronunciation Facilitating PMA through TPR combined with melody, rhythm and rhyme. Your experience will tell you how well the class is doing. Keep a good balance between the children s enthusiasm and your need for them to learn the song. Do not insist so much that the action song learning process becomes more of a duty than an enjoyable experience. Use L2 only is necessary. Try and use English as much as possible also as the service language of classroom activities. STEP FOUR - Perform the song Although the didactic function of FunSongs action songs is to facilitate, accelerate and strengthen the language learning process, they are also songs in their own right. As such they should be performed and mimed as much as possible. If, from the start of the teaching module, your classes understand that they will at some stage be performing the song to their parents or to other classes, then a new dynamic enters the teacher- learner relationship: the English teacher acquires the role of choir- master and choreographer working towards a 17

18 specific event with her class the performance of the song. Successfully performing an action song in English to an audience ideally made up of parents - will give each learner an important sense of achievement leading to increased self- confidence both in herself and in her use of the English language. FunSongs action songs are always be downloaded in two versions: the guide voice version for teaching and the kids version to be used in performances. Removing the guide voice allows the children to acquire the song for themselves it becomes their song. FunSongs Action Songs on CD. ISBN Action Songs for Learning English Vol. 1 18

19 Breaking down and recycling the words and themes As soon as your class has learnt the action song and experienced PMA, the real work begins - breaking down and recycling the language chunks in order to help learners start to acquire and adapt them for their own communicative needs. A song is like a prayer or a poem learnt by heart. If you start from the beginning and go through the lines and verses in order, you can remember it all. It is not so easy to start in the middle. This is because the words have been learned in a very specific order. So if we compare a new action song to a clay pot containing new language, this container needs to broken and smashed so learners can start to use the language chunks outside the comforting and familiar context of the song itself. Mime games John Lennon wrote a song called Mind Games (not one of his best) in the 1970s. Rather than mind games the FunSongs Method suggests mime games as a first way of smashing the clay pot and focusing learners minds on the meaning and use of individual song chunks - a first step to acquiring and internalizing language for your own communicative needs. 19

20 Let s imagine you have just taught your First Grade class Time to Play. Everyone can sing the song without the guide voice and perform the actions. Now follow these instructions: 1. Teach your class What s this? or What does this mean? And the answers It s... or It means... If you like you can write the question on the board and drill them. 2. Pair up. Everybody will be working in pairs taking turns. 3. Demonstrate Mime Games with a volunteer. Invite a child to come up to the front. a. Say What s this? or What does this mean? b. Perform an action for a song chunk such as Touch my shoulders. c. The volunteer should then answer: It s touch my shoulders or It means touch my shoulders. d. You then swap roles. 20

21 4. Kids play mime games in pairs. Go round the class encouraging and praising. Check to make sure your students are using the correct functional language: What s this?/what does this mean? It s... It means... Using the worksheets These are graded in difficulty. Read through the Teacher s Notes file first before planning how to handle the worksheets. Completed and coloured worksheets can be collected together and kept in a special FunSongs folder which your kids will be proud to show their parents. Cross- curricular modules In a growing number of primary schools across the world, English is taught to young learners by the class teacher or by the teacher responsible for other core subjects such as L1, maths and science. This makes it easier to adopt a FunSongs action song as the starting point of a cross- curricular module and benefit didactically from it. For example, if you 21

22 teach science as well as English you could use the action song Water is Everything to present some key themes about the environment, chemistry or climate change and plan your lessons accordingly. Even if you just teach English why not suggest a cross- curricular project based on an action song to your colleagues responsible for other subjects? Since music, mime, dance, singing - and with the worksheets - drawing and colouring - are all part of a FunSongs action song module, an interdisciplinary project conducted and 22

23 coordinated with the music and arts teachers is quite simple to organize. For several years FunSongs and C.A.I.L. have staged FunSongs English Weeks in Italy based on this concept. The week culminates in a grand performance of action songs to friends and parents. The show is always accompanied by an exhibition of drawings, sculptures, class mosaics and mind- maps produced by the groups of children enrolled in that FunSongs English Weeks. FunSongs Show Franchise If you are a freelance English teacher keen to develop yourself professionally and build up your own business you may well be interested in acquiring an exclusive FunSongs Franchise for your city, county or province. This is a licence which gives you or your company the exclusive right to make money out of FunSongs Intellectual property: FunSongs Courses, FunSongs Labs, FunSongs Puppet Shows, FunSongs Summer Camps and Events. Look at the website or contact FunSongs Education directly for further details. We can also put you directly in contact with other FunSongs franchisees in different countries... 23

24 Table 3 Ideas for Cross- curricular Modules Song Cross- curricular themes Subjects Time to Play Playing, Counting, Sport, Parts of the body Maths, Physical education Our Autumn Song Seasonal changes, Weather, Colours, New School Year Natural sciences, Botany, Maths The Monster March Parts of the body, Life on other planets Anatomy, Astronomy The Union Song The European Union, Money, Countries, War and Peace Geography, History, Economics, Politics Words for Time, Time for Words Telling the time, Weekdays, Calendars, Astronomy, History, Norse Mythology 65 Million Years Ago Time, Space, Extinction, Evolution, Fossils, Body parts Natural History, Paleontology, Anatomy, Geology Water is Everything Water conservation, Climate change, Global warming Chemistry, Ecology, Physical geography Rainbow, Rainbow Colours, Fruits, Weather, Growth Meteorology, Biology, Natural Sciences The Ladybird Song Animal types, Natural elements, Abilities, Human identity Natural sciences, Mythology, Life in the Sea I Love Christmas Christmas traditions in different parts of the world Human sciences, Religion, Beliefs Easter! Easter! Easter traditions, Spring, Seasonal changes Natural and human sciences, Religion, Beliefs A Song for Winter Seasonal changes, Winter Sports, Mountains Natural science, Geography, Meteorology On Halloween British, Irish and US Traditions, Festivities, Fear Religion, Beliefs Nature s Plan Growth, Transformation, Human identity Natural science, Biology, Sexual Education I Love Summer Recreation, Tourism, Summer holidays, Tastes Natural Sciences, Geography, Meteorology Best for the World Resources, Over- Population, Technology, Ageing, War Economics, Human geography, History We are the Future World citizen identity, Continents, Countries, Tolerance Human Geography, Nationalities, Languages Robin Hood s Band History, Castles, Trees and Forests, Love, Justice, Money History, Botany, Law, Economics We are Native Americans Native Americans, Nature, Resources American History, Natural Sciences What s your Favourite Sport? Team and Individual Sports, Keeping fit, Competing Physical Education, The London Olympics

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