Chalgrove Primary School creative topic planning: Year: 5 Teacher: Mrs Kogawa Date: Autumn Term

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1 Literacy extra writing opportunities within the topic - write a letter as a character from a Greek myth. - write a letter of petition to a Greek divinity. - recount an episode from a myth in poetic form. - turn a Greek myth (prose) into a play script. - write a scene from a myth for a Greek chorus. - write a newspaper article about my character. - learn that many English words have Greek origins, & identify some Greek prefixes, suffixes and letter strings. - write a myth. Children s ideas: SEE SEPARATE SHEET As Musicians we will: - learn about rhythm - practise ensemble playing of percussion instruments Focus subject As Historians we will: - learn about the location, climate and terrain of Greece - place the ancient Greek civilisation in time, including BC & AD - learn that ancient Greece consisted of city states - explore what is meant by democracy - compare some of the ideas of people living in Athens and Sparta - deduce information about Greek beliefs and religious practices from pictures of buildings - learn about the beliefs of the ancient Greeks - combine information from several sources -appreciate the range of different sources of information that can be used - learn that Greek architectural ideas directly and indirectly influence buildings around us Myths and Minotaurs WEEKS: 8 weeks Autumn Autumn Imaginative use of computing and ICT: - E-SAFETY & FILM MAKING (TOPICS) - use Google Earth to investigate climate/terrain of Greece - research a fact file on a Greek divinity - locate, edit & save a document on a network, re: Sparta vs Athens - use digital photography, Comic Life and text editing to create a comic book - use Moviemaker to create a short film PE indoor/outdoor: Invasion games Gymnastics Maths focus week: - Children to order significant dates from Greek history, draw a timeline and annotate it, showing understanding of BC / AD & relating this to +/- numberwork. - Children to measure distance from London to Athens using string & convert using scale of map; & to cut out & order Greek islands by size, estimating paper area. - Children to convert paper area estimate to actual estimate using map scale. - Children to budget for a holiday in Greece, using actual costs and estimated costs. - Children to calculate time to save for cost using different savings rates. - Children to work out journey time. - Children to convert Arabic / Greek numerals & perform basic calculations using Greek numerals. - Children to consider the difference between Arabic & Greek counting systems, including the importance of zero and place value. Visits/visitors/community links/world aware - trip to the British Museum Greek Galleries - visit from a potter? - visit from a musician? As Artists/Designers we will: - collect visual and other information to develop our ideas - learn about the roles and purposes of artists, craftspeople and designers working in different cultures - record from first-hand observation - apply our experience of materials and processes, developing control of tools and techniques - use a variety of methods and approaches to communicate ideas and to design and make a container form - adapt our work and describe how we might develop it - compare ideas, methods and approaches and say what they think and feel about them PSHE Spiritual moral: New Beginnings Getting on and falling out Value: Honesty

2 Subject: date Objectives/skills Main teaching: Success Criteria Differentiation/support Assessment plenary week 2 ICT 1 1. Staying safe online: to ascertain and extend children s understanding of e-safety 2. Blogging (for reading carousel) For e-safety children explore: & generate rules for our classroom. For blogging children explore blogs, discuss, & watch quality comment rappers here: identify ways of staying safe online. - use their lgfl log-in to access the blogging website. - read blogs and make quality comments on others blogs TA / Teacher support children less familiar with ICT. Stop children and explain we are going to work together to create and sign an agreement about how to use the internet with simple rules such as: If we see something that we know we should not look at, we will minimise it or turn off the monitor and tell a teacher immediately.

3 week 2 HISTORY 1 Place events, people and changes in ancient Greece into correct periods of time, using vocabulary including ancient, modern, BC, AD, century and decade. Use Google Earth to investigate climate/terrain of Greece. Discuss the date today & what dates mean when was the first day in year zero? Was there anything before it? Check for understanding of our calendar; talk time on different calendars. Introduce task & model timeline. Introduce Google Earth & explain task, finding information. - children have correctly ordered ancient civilisations. - children have understood AD & BC - Locate country on world map. - Use map to identify places - Use ICT to find distance, climate, terrain - Use ICT to research a topic - Use a word processing programme to present information on a topic Activity including differentiation: Children in mixed-ability groups. Each group has a labelled picture of: Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Aztecs, Tudors. Arrange pictures in time order. Children locate Greece on Google Earth. Children find answers to list of questions re: nearby countries, distance from London, climate, landscape & terrain, buildings etc.. Mini-plenary: Show children PPT Greece Today. Class discussion re: climate, landscape etc. Brainstorm questions re: modern Greece. Children pick three questions to answer using ICT. Show Ancient Civilizations timeline JPEG on IWB. Point out small relative size and length of Golden Age it is so important mainly because of influence on the Romans. Children evaluate work: what is good? What could be better? **teacher compiles factfiles to print out a class book as a topic reading resource. week 3 ICT 2 Children copy & paste / type into Word to organise their answers into a fact file. Save factfiles to network.

4 week 3 History 2 Characteristic features of ancient Greek societies, including development of city states Locate mainland Greece and islands on map. Discuss physical features and highlight difficulty of travel. Would it be easiest to travel by sea or land? Relate to idea of isolated city states. Display map of Ancient Greece on IWB. Discuss idea of city-states. What do we mean by a city? A state? Explain that they had their own rules and money and were rivals. - Identify features of ancient Greek city states. Independent activity: Provide maps of city states and ask children to locate them on map of ancient Greece. Complete worksheet identifying location of some major city states, in mixed pairs/threes. Mini-plenary: Locate major city states on map and ascertain prior knowledge. Plenary: Locate Athens and Sparta on IWB map and discuss location. Explain that these two states were important rivals. Show Athens site on Watch history channel video on Sparta: com/topics/ancien t- greece/videos#sp artans. Discuss differences between them and reasons for these. Which citystate would you have preferred to live in?

5 To compile a family tree to deduce information about Greek beliefs and religious practices from pictures of buildings about the beliefs of the ancient Greeks Who did the ancient Greeks worship and why? Discuss with the children plans of the Acropolis and pictures of temples, eg their size, the decoration, the materials they are made from. Ask the children to locate Mount Olympus on a map. Introduce it as the home of the gods and recap idea of myths and legends. Explain that sacrifices to the deity took place outside the temple, and then worshippers entered to ask the statue for favours or give thanks. Explain that gods had nothing to do with the afterlife and were worshipped for favours on earth. Talk time: contrasts with our own culture / religion? Assessment: make observations and inferences from pictures and plans of buildings answer questions showing understanding of myths and legends show that they can connect one or more Greek gods with their symbols and areas of responsibility Independent work Show blank family tree and discuss where different members would go. Create Olympian God family tree on template sheet. Children to pick information out from resources and fill in family tree. ** Read chapters 4,5,6 and 7 of POR text on Monday and Tuesday, ready for Weds literacy session?** Plenary Children talk through and show completed Olympian God family trees. Show a completed family tree on the IWB. week 4 History 3 Whole class talk time What do you already know about the Greek Gods? Who can name any? Read story on Zeus, Hera and Little lo from Overview of Greek Gods. Who were they, how they fitted into mythology, were often found on things like coins and drinking cups & had particular followers: people had to choose which to follow.

6 Week 4 ICT 3 Ref POR Odysseus 2&3: research & create an IT presentation To research and present a fact file Understanding of Greek mythology: show the PowerPoint slides from POR resources; ask children to work in groups using websites to research key figures from Greek myths and present to rest of group slides can be combined to make a class presentation about Greek mythology. Whole class CT to display family tree from previous lesson. Remind children there were 14 Olympian Gods. We want to find more out about each main God and present our information to class in a fact file. Some pairs will be also researching humans / monsters / demi-gods if we work fast enough... Discuss what a fact file is and the sort of information you might include. Independent work Mixed-ability pairs are each assigned a God. 15 mins to research their God using a laptop, including what symbols and responsibilities their God had. 15 mins to use this information to fill in fact file template with interesting facts and draw a picture of their God. Mixed-ability pairs then go on to research a hero / heroine / monster etc. Extn: Children to script, rehearse and record voice-over for their slides. Each pair presents their fact file and can take one question about their God.

7 what is meant by democracy some of the ideas of people living in Athens and Sparta opening, editing and saving a document locating, saving & inserting images What were the similarities and differences between Athens and Sparta? Locate Athens and Sparta on Google Earth and ask the children to describe their location. Comment on the fact that these two states had their own laws, money, rulers, etc and were rivals. Ask the children to sort the statements under the headings: Athens near the sea, outward-looking and adventurous, Sparta land-locked, inwardlooking and nervous. Give children links to useful websites on the two city states. Children to locate and edit a prepared document on the network with a number of conflicting statements, eg We welcome writers, no writers here; we welcome visitors, we throw out visitors; we like books and free speech, no reading here; our boys go to school, our boys train to be soldiers; we trade with everyone, we do not allow trade; the sea is important to us, we control the states around us to protect us; our women must not be seen outside the house on their own, our women train to be soldiers and are fit; we allow every citizen to discuss new laws and vote on them and we call it democracy, we have strict rules and expect them to be followed and our kings make our decisions. Ask them to decide whether they would prefer to live in Athens or Sparta. Why?. Week 5 ICT 4 Extn: Children to use Google Images to search for suitable images to illustrate their document, and save and insert them. Can they format the text to go around / through them using the picture format functions?

8 Characteristic features of ancient Greek societies, including the ideas, beliefs, attitudes and experiences of men and women in the past: systems of government Systems of Government How do you plan to run and govern your city state? Split children into groups and each group nominates someone to select a form of government for their Greek city state. Democracy Autocracy Matriarchy Oligarchy Kleptocracy Anarchy Teacher then reads through a script and the groups must make their choices, reaching decisions as per the political system in place. Discussion: how did each group function? Which system of govt do the children like best? Vote! Week 5 History 4 Talk through Smartboard slides: what each form of govt. is, & can we think of modern & ancient Greek examples for each one? Week 6 ICT 5 Week 6 ICT 6 Use digital photography, Comic Life and text editing to create an old book Use digital photography, Comic Life and text editing to create an old book Children to create their own ancient Greek comic strip, working with myths completed in Literacy last week. Children to complete comic strip.

9 Week 7 History 5 Research the development and organisation of Ancient Greek theatre to deduce information about an aspect of the Greek way of life from pictures of buildings and texts to combine information from several sources about the role of the theatre in the way of life of the Greeks What happened at the theatre? Ask the children to look at the plans of the Acropolis and locate the theatres. Ask them to use the plans and a range of texts to find out as much as possible about Greek theatres, eg the shape, how many people could attend a performance, the position of the stage. Draw their attention to the altar and emphasise that the theatre was part of religious festivals. Ask them to find out about the sort of plays the ancient Greeks went to see and who went to the theatre. Tell the children they are going to work in groups to present a short play in the ancient Greek style. Discuss the information they need, eg Who were the actors? How many would have had speaking parts? What costumes did they wear? What props did they have? What tasks have to be done? Help the children shape these ideas into a work schedule for the production of the plays. recognise the main features of a Greek theatre understand the religious connections between theatre and religious festivals find out the sorts of plays the Greeks liked and who wrote them contribute to the preparation and performance of a play that demonstrates the key features of Greek drama Week 7 History 6 POR Odysseus session 13: Map a journey in the ancient world Working in threes, children to create a map on a large sheet of paper to show Odysseus journey with the places he has visited and the creatures and characters he has met.

10 Literacy Children work in topic groups to type up a script from a myth. In topic groups, children continue literacy work: having been given a story, each group must write and type up a script including a cast list / character list, scenes & stage directions, The script will be used in rehearsals and the final plays shown to the rest of the class. Scripts need to include a part for the chorus which the whole class will read. Week 8 ICT 7 Children work from draft scripts in literacy books, discussing issues as they progress. Week 8 SPARE Cooking? homemade pizza (ladenia) Topic-related Art / DT: Lesson Objectives Main Teaching Key Questions Success Criteria EXTENSION CORE SUPPORT PLENARY Assessment APP Focus Week 2 To design a Greek pot - What did Greek pots look like? - What were they used for? - What decorative patterns did they - Sketch outline of a Greek pot - Use of Greek- - Colour appropriately & carefully: red & TBC

11 use? - How did they draw figures? - What colours did they use? style repeated patterns - Stylised figure drawing - Illustration from a Greek myth black Week 3 To make a Greek pot - Introduction to working clay - Shaping to form a pot - Attaching handle / handles - Use of tools for pattern / detail - Use of water to keep clay malleable - Carving of initials onto base CHILDREN MUST PAINT POT BEFORE NEXT SESSION - Pot made in Greek pottery shape - Tools used correctly - Greek pattern added Early finishers to support others to complete task TBC Week 4 To decorate a Greek pot - Children review their own Greek pot designs - Sketch modified design to fit their pot - Teacher models use of whiteboard pens to draw design onto pot: CHECK FOR PEN GRIP! - Correct pen grip - Plan successfully modified - Clear drawing on final product - Ch shows understanding of the character / scene they have drawn Write a paragraph describing their pot including the scene they have depicted, as if their pot is on display in the BM TBC Week 5 How Greek theatre used masks to - Show a film extract of Greek theatre to the children and discuss use of masks - Materials prepared correctly - Papier mache Sketch alternative ideas for masks in sketch books Gallery mode: ask children to return to the carpet and

12 portray concepts and feelings To cover a balloon using papier mache - Check knowledge of how to make papier mache (or could dilute PVA instead) - Children prepare their own materials: tear newspaper strips, blow up balloon, mix paste - Children cover one side of a balloon with newspaper & papier mache strips applied neatly - Balloon fully & smoothly covered Early finishers to support others to complete task to share effective techniques that they have observed in other children s work. TBC Activity including differentiation: Read Pandora s Box. Brainstorm abstract nouns to describe things that might have come out of Box (jar in original story) and clarify meaning. Explain that, in ancient Greek theatre, masks showed different characters and feelings. Ask children to pick card secretly then experiment with facial expressions to represent concept shown on card (e.g. greed, hatred, disease, famine.) Discuss colours we associate with different emotions. Independent activity: Design mask to represent one of things from Pandora s Box, using chalk and black sugar paper to draw design. Remind children to think about colours, patterns and textures. Mini-plenary: Invite selected children to show designs. What emotion/concept is being portrayed? Why do you think

13 so? Discuss effective choices of colours, patterns, shapes and textures. Resources: Copy of Pandora s Box, concept cards, A4 black sugar paper, coloured chalks, hairspray (for fixing), sketchbooks, sketching pencils Week 6 To design a mask based on Greek theatre To select ideas to use in work, developing experience of materials and processes and control of tools and techniques - Look again at masks of Greek theatre - Brainstorm different types of character in Greek myth - Discuss techniques for building up areas of mask to change expression - Discuss embellishment: colour, hair: show materials - Children draft mask designs & try out ideas - Children choose their best idea and draw / colour a best copy - A range of ideas tried in draft form - One idea chosen & developed - Clear final design showing understanding of character in theatre - Practical design Ask the children to create a flowchart to show the stages of making Plenary: Discuss any problems that children have encountered and ask others to suggest ways to deal with these. TBC Activity including differentiation: Think about facial expressions associated with different feelings and what happens to different part of the face. Discuss how concepts such as anger, hatred and greed could be represented on masks, focusing on shapes, patterns, colours and textures. Explain that the children will be using templates and papier mache to build up features and that other

14 materials could be added to the basic mask (e.g. twisted wire, feathers or wool.) Children make studies in sketchbook showing design ideas. Select one to make. Ensure that children identify materials, tools and techniques that they will be using and annotate designs accordingly. Mini-plenary: Ask children to show and talk about their inspiration for their designs. Demonstrate how to build up masks using papier-mache. Children begin to develop ideas into three dimensional masks. Encourage them to identify areas which may need to be built up further and emphasise the importance of building strong layers around the edge of the mask. Week 7 To modify basic mask using papier mache - With reference to final design, children cut eye & mouth holes & cut away back of balloon to create mask shape - Children mix papier mache & tear newspaper again to modify their mask - Children use papier mache to create a character with clear expression - Children build up mouth shape to - Eye & mouth holes cut correctly - Material used to create a clear expression as per design - Children can explain how and why masks were Early finishers to support others to complete task TBC

15 project voice CHILDREN MUST PAINT BALLOONS WHITE BEFORE NEXT SESSION used to show character, emotion & project voice in Greek theatre

16 Week 8 To paint and embellish a mask for use in Greek theatre To combine a range of materials and techniques - Children mix paint to correspond with design - Use paint to emphasise features and expression of their mask - Children use paint to convey character - Children use embellishment according to their plan Activity including differentiation: Briefly discuss colours we associate with different emotions then ask children to develop surface of mask by painting, drawing, adding fabric, card, paper, wire, feathers etc. Adult/peer support for LA. - Brushes & materials used competently to complete project - Paint and decoration emphasises features - Paint and decoration conveys character - Final mask corresponds with / develops initial design Early finishers to support others to complete task Complete evaluation of design in topic books, following prompts on board. Plenary: Share examples with class and evaluate TBC Resources: Masks; range of textiles and fabrics; wire; paint; brushes etc.; sequins and glitter; range of paper and card; scissors; rulers; glue; tape; cutting tools and mats; stickers; feathers; string and wools

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