Big Data Management and NoSQL Databases

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1 NDBI040 Big Data Management and NoSQL Databases Lecture 8. Graph databases Doc. RNDr. Irena Holubova, Ph.D.

2 Graph Databases Basic Characteristics To store entities and relationships between these entities Node is an instance of an object Nodes have properties e.g., name Edges have directional significance Edges have types e.g., likes, friend, Nodes are organized by relationships Allow to find interesting patterns e.g., Get all nodes employed by Big Co that like NoSQL Distilled

3 Example:

4 Graph Databases RDBMS vs. Graph Databases When we store a graph-like structure in RDBMS, it is for a single type of relationship Who is my manager Adding another relationship usually means schema changes, data movement etc. In graph databases relationships can be dynamically created / deleted There is no limit for number and kind In RDBMS we model the graph beforehand based on the Traversal we want If the Traversal changes, the data will have to change We usually need a lot of join operations In graph databases the relationships are not calculated at query time but persisted Shift the bulk of the work of navigating the graph to inserts, leaving queries as fast as possible

5 Graph Databases Representatives FlockDB

6 Graph Databases Basic Characteristics Nodes can have different types of relationships between them To represent relationships between the domain entities To have secondary relationships Category, path, time-trees, quad-trees for spatial indexing, linked lists for sorted access, There is no limit to the number and kind of relationships a node can have Relationships have type, start node, end node, own properties e.g., since when did they become friends

7 Example:

8 Example: Neo4J Node martin = graphdb.createnode(); martin.setproperty("name", "Martin"); Node pramod = graphdb.createnode(); pramod.setproperty("name", "Pramod"); martin.createrelationshipto(pramod, FRIEND); pramod.createrelationshipto(martin, FRIEND); We have to create a relationship between the nodes in both directions Nodes know about INCOMING and OUTGOING relationships

9 adding nodes Graph Databases Query Properties of a node/edge can be indexed Indexes are queried to find the starting node to begin a traversal Transaction transaction = graphdb.begintx(); try { creating index Index<Node> nodeindex = graphdb.index().fornodes("nodes"); nodeindex.add(martin, "name", martin.getproperty("name")); nodeindex.add(pramod, "name", pramod.getproperty("name")); transaction.success(); } finally { transaction.finish(); } retrieving a node Node martin = nodeindex.get("name", "Martin").getSingle(); allrelationships = martin.getrelationships(); getting all its relationships

10 Graph Databases Query finding paths We are interested in determining if there are multiple paths, finding all of the paths, the shortest path, Node barbara = nodeindex.get("name", "Barbara").getSingle(); Node jill = nodeindex.get("name", "Jill").getSingle(); PathFinder<Path> finder1 = GraphAlgoFactory.allPaths( Traversal.expanderForTypes(FRIEND,Direction.OUTGOING), MAX_DEPTH); Iterable<Path> paths = finder1.findallpaths(barbara, jill); PathFinder<Path> finder2 = GraphAlgoFactory.shortestPath( Traversal.expanderForTypes(FRIEND,Direction.OUTGOING), MAX_DEPTH); Iterable<Path> paths = finder2.findallpaths(barbara, jill);

11 Graph Databases Suitable Use Cases Connected Data Social networks Any link-rich domain is well suited for graph databases Routing, Dispatch, and Location-Based Services Node = location or address that has a delivery Graph = nodes where a delivery has to be made Relationships = distance Recommendation Engines your friends also bought this product when invoicing this item, these other items are usually invoiced

12 Graph Databases When Not to Use When we want to update all or a subset of entities Changing a property on all the nodes is not a straightforward operation e.g., analytics solution where all entities may need to be updated with a changed property Some graph databases may be unable to handle lots of data Distribution of a graph is difficult or impossible

13 Graph Databases A bit of theory Data: a set of entities and their relationships e.g., social networks, travelling routes, We need to efficiently represent graphs Basic operations: finding the neighbours of a node, checking if two nodes are connected by an edge, updating the graph structure, We need efficient graph operations G = (V, E) is commonly modelled as set of nodes (vertices) V set of edges E n = V, m = E Which data structure should be used?

14 Adjacency Matrix Bi-dimensional array A of n x n Boolean values Indexes of the array = node identifiers of the graph The Boolean junction A ij of the two indices indicates whether the two nodes are connected Variants: Directed graphs Weighted graphs

15 Adjacency Matrix Pros: Adding/removing edges Checking if two nodes are connected Cons: Quadratic space with respect to n We usually have sparse graphs lots of 0 values Addition of nodes is expensive Retrieval of all the neighbouring nodes takes linear time with respect to n

16 Adjacency List A set of lists where each accounts for the neighbours of one node A vector of n pointers to adjacency lists Undirected graph: An edge connects nodes i and j => the list of neighbours of i contains the node j and vice versa Often compressed Exploitation of regularities in graphs, difference from other nodes,

17 Adjacency List Pros: Obtaining the neighbours of a node Cheap addition of nodes to the structure More compact representation of sparse matrices Cons: Checking if there is an edge between two nodes Optimization: sorted lists => logarithmic scan, but also logarithmic insertion

18 Incidence Matrix Bi-dimensional Boolean matrix of n rows and m columns A column represents an edge Nodes that are connected by a certain edge A row represents a node All edges that are connected to the node

19 Incidence Matrix pros: For representing hypergraphs, where one edge connects an arbitrary number of nodes Cons: Requires n x m bits

20 Laplacian Matrix Bi-dimensional array of n x n integers Diagonal of the Laplacian matrix indicates the degree of the node The rest of positions are set to -1 if the two vertices are connected, 0 otherwise

21 Laplacian Matrix Pros: Allows analyzing the graph structure by means of spectral analysis Calculates the eigenvalues

22 Graph Traversals Single Step Single step traversal from element i to element j, where i, j (V E) Expose explicit adjacencies in the graph e out : traverse to the outgoing edges of the vertices e in : traverse to the incoming edges of the vertices v out : traverse to the outgoing vertices of the edges v in : traverse to the incoming vertices of the edges e lab : allow (or filter) all edges with the label : get element property values for key r e p : allow (or filter) all elements with the property s for key r = : allow (or filter) all elements that are the provided element

23 Graph Traversals Composition Single step traversals can compose complex traversals of arbitrary length e.g., find all friends of Alberto Traverse to the outgoing edges of vertex i (representing Alberto), then only allow those edges with the label friend, then traverse to the incoming (i.e. head) vertices on those friend-labeled edges. Finally, of those vertices, return their name property.

24 Improving Data Locality Idea: take into account computer architecture in the data structures to reach a good performance The way data is laid out physically in memory determines the locality to be obtained Spatial locality = once a certain data item has been accessed, the nearby data items are likely to be accessed in the following computations e.g., graph traversal Strategy: in graph adjacency matrix representation, exchange rows and columns to improve the cache hit ratio

25 Breadth First Search Layout (BFSL) Trivial algorithm Input: sequence of vertices of a graph Output: a permutation of the vertices which obtains better cache performance for graph traversals BFSL algorithm: 1. Selects a node (at random) that is the origin of the traversal 2. Traverses the graph following a breadth first search algorithm, generating a list of vertex identifiers in the order they are visited 3. Takes the generated list and assigns the node identifiers sequentially Pros: optimal when starting from the selected node Cons: starting from other nodes

26 Bandwidth of a Matrix Graphs matrices Locality problem = minimum bandwidth problem Bandwidth of a row in a matrix = the maximum distance between nonzero elements, with the condition that one is on the left of the diagonal and the other on the right of the diagonal Bandwidth of a matrix = maximum of the bandwidth of its rows Matrices with low bandwidths are more cache friendly Non zero elements (edges) are clustered across the diagonal Bandwidth minimization problem (BMP) is NP hard For large matrices (graphs) the solutions are only approximated


28 Cuthill-McKee (1969) Popular bandwidth minimization technique for sparse matrices Re-labels the vertices of a matrix according to a sequence, with the aim of a heuristically guided traversal Algorithm: 1. Node with the first identifier (where the traversal starts) is the node with the smallest degree in the whole graph 2. Other nodes are labeled sequentially as they are visited by BFS traversal In addition, the heuristic prefers those nodes that have the smallest degree

29 Graph Partitioning Some graphs are too large to be fully loaded into the main memory of a single computer Usage of secondary storage degrades the performance of graph applications Scalable solution distributes the graph on multiple computers We need to partition the graph reasonably Usually for particular (set of) operation(s) The shortest path, finding frequent patterns, BFS, spanning tree search,

30 One and Two Dimensional Graph Partitioning Aim: partitioning the graph to solve BFS more efficiently Distributed into shared-nothing parallel system Partitioning of the adjacency matrix 1D partitioning Matrix rows are randomly assigned to the P nodes (processors) in the system Each vertex and the edges emanating from it are owned by one processor


32 One and Two Dimensional Graph Partitioning BSF with 1D partitioning Input: starting node s having level 0 Output: every vertex v becomes labeled with its level, denoting its distance from the starting node 1. Each processor has a set of frontier vertices F At the beginning it is node s where the BFS starts 2. The edge lists of the vertices in F are merged to form a set of neighbouring vertices N Some owned by the current processor, some by others 3. Messages are sent to all other processors to (potentially) add these vertices to their frontier set F for the next level A processor may have marked some vertices in a previous iteration => ignores messages regarding them

33 One and Two Dimensional Graph Partitioning 2D partitioning Processors are logically arranged in an R x C processor mesh Adjacency matrix is divided C block columns and R x C block rows Each processor owns C blocks Note: 1D partitioning = 2D partitioning with C = 1 (or R = 1) Consequence: each node communicates with at most R + C nodes instead of all P nodes In step 2 a message is sent to all processors in the same row In step 3 a message is sent to all processors in the same column

34 Partitioning of vertices: Processor (i, j) owns vertices corresponding to block row (j 1) x R + i = block owned by processor (i,j)

35 Types of Graphs Single-relational Edges are homogeneous in meaning e.g., all edges represent friendship Multi-relational (property) graphs Edges are typed or labeled e.g., friendship, business, communication Vertices and edges in a property graph maintain a set of key/value pairs Representation of non-graphical data (properties) e.g., name of a vertex, the weight of an edge


37 Graph Databases A graph database = a set of graphs Types of graphs: Directed-labeled graphs e.g., XML, RDF, traffic networks Undirected-labeled graphs e.g., social networks, chemical compounds Types of graph databases: Non-transactional = few numbers of very large graphs e.g., Web graph, social networks, Transactional = large set of small graphs e.g., chemical compounds, biological pathways, linguistic trees each representing the structure of a sentence

38 Transactional Graph Databases Types of Queries Sub-graph queries Searches for a specific pattern in the graph database A small graph or a graph, where some parts are uncertain e.g., vertices with wildcard labels More general type: sub-graph isomorphism Super-graph queries Searches for the graph database members of which their whole structures are contained in the input query Similarity (approximate matching) queries Finds graphs which are similar, but not necessarily isomorphic to a given query graph Key question: how to measure the similarity


40 sub-graph: q 1 : g 1, g 2 q 2 : super-graph: q 1 : q 2 :g 3

41 Sub-graph Query Processing Non Mining-Based Graph Indexing Techniques Focus on indexing whole constructs of the graph database Instead of indexing only some selected features Cons: Can be less effective in their pruning (filtering) power May need to conduct expensive structure comparisons in the filtering process Pros: Can handle graph updates with less cost Do not rely on the effectiveness of the selected features Do not need to rebuild whole indexes

42 Non Mining-Based Techniques GraphGrep (2002) For each graph, it enumerates all paths up to a certain maximum length and records the number of occurrences of each path Path index table: Row = path Column = graph Entry in the table = number of occurrences of the path in the graph Query processing: candidate search 1. Path index is used to find candidate graphs G 1, G N which 1. contain paths in the query q and 2. counts of such paths are beyond threshold specified in query q 2. Each G 1, G N is examined by sub-graph isomorphism to obtain the final results verification

43 Non Mining-Based Techniques GraphGrep Pros: The indexing process of paths with limited lengths is usually fast Cons: The size of the indexed paths could drastically increase with the size of graph database The filtering power of paths is limited Verification cost can be very high due to the large size of the candidate set

44 Non Mining-Based Techniques GString (2007) Considers the semantics of the graph Models graph objects in the context of organic chemistry using basic structures Line = series of vertices connected end to end Cycle = series of vertices that form a closed loop Star = core vertex directly connected to several vertexes Order of identification of objects: cycles, stars, lines Graphs and queries are represented as string sequences Sub-graph search problem = subsequence string-matching domain Suffix tree-based index structure for the string representations is created

45 Collapsing of basic structures into single nodes

46 Non Mining-Based Techniques GString Basic structure has: Type Size Line/Cycle = number of vertices Star = fan-out of the central vertex Edits = set of annotations

47 Non Mining-Based Techniques GString Cons: Converting can be inefficient for large graphs Suitable for, e.g., chemical compounds but not in general

48 Sub-graph Query Processing Mining-Based Graph Indexing Techniques Idea: if features of query graph q do not exist in data graph G, then G cannot contain q as its sub-graph Graph-mining methods extract selected features (sub-structures) from the graph database members An inverted index is created for each feature Answering a sub-graph query q: 1. Identifying the set of features of q 2. Using the inverted index to retrieve all graphs that contain the same features of q Cons: Effectiveness depends on the quality of mining techniques to effectively identify the set of features Quality of the selected features may degrade over time (after lots of insertions and deletions) Re-identification and re-indexing must be done

49 Mining-Based Techniques GIndex (2004) Indexing unit = sub-graphs (of labeled undirected graph) Pros: improves query performance (higher filtering power) Cons: number of graph structures can be large GIndex considers only frequent discriminative sub-graphs Frequent: its support > threshold Support threshold is progressively increased as the graph grows Discriminative (distinctive): presence cannot be predicted by the set of all their frequently occurring subgraphs Among similar fragments with the same support only the smallest common fragment is indexed Query processing: given a query graph q 1. If q is a frequent sub-graph, the exact set of query answers containing q can be retrieved directly q is indexed 2. Otherwise, q probably has a frequent sub-graph f whose support maybe close to the support threshold q is infrequent => the sub-graph is only contained in a small number of graphs = small number of candidates to verify

50 (1) Carbon chains upto length 3 are present path-based approach cannot prune (a) and (b) Motivation from indexing text: Vocabulary size is small index phrases rather than individual words

51 Mining-Based Techniques TreePI (2007) Indexing unit = frequent sub-trees Observations: Tree data structures are more complex patterns than paths Trees can preserve almost equivalent amount of structural information as arbitrary sub-graph patterns The frequent sub-tree mining process is easier than general frequent sub-graph mining process. Mining: 1. Mining a frequent tree on the graph database 2. Selecting a set of frequent trees as index patterns Query processing: given a query graph q 1. Frequent sub-trees in q are identified and matched with the set of indexing features to obtain a candidate set 2. Candidates are verified

52 Super-graph Query Processing cindex (2007) not so extensively considered in literature Idea: If a feature f (sub-graph) is not in q, then the graphs having f are pruned The saving will be significant when f is a sub-graph of many graphs in the database. Indexing unit = contrast sub-graphs (features) = sub-graphs contained by a lot of graphs in database, but unlikely contained by a query graph Extracted from the database based on their rare occurrence in historical query graphs Pros: index is small Cons: query logs may frequently change index maybe outdated often Needs to be recomputed to stay effective

53 graph database: features: graph-feature matrix: query graph: - g a and g b can be pruned based on f 2 - f 1 has a low pruning (filtering) power

54 Super-graph Query Processing GPTree (2009) Similar idea, different approach to identification of frequent sub-graphs Based on approach for compact organization of graph database members (GPTree) All of the graph database members are stored into one graph Common sub-graphs are stored only once Complexity: Optimal construction is NP-complete => approximation algorithm Indexing unit = frequent sub-graphs Determination is based on the containment feature from the representation Exact + approximate algorithm


56 Graph Similarity Queries Find sub-graphs in the database that are similar to query q Allows for node mismatches, node gaps, structural differences, Usage: when graph databases are noisy or incomplete Approximate graph matching query-processing techniques can be more useful and effective than exact matching Key question: how to measure the similarity?

57 Graph Similarity Queries Grafil (2005) Feature-based structural filtering algorithm Models each query graph as a set of features Feature = can be any structure indexed in a graph database e.g., elementary structures, paths, frequent structures, Feature-graph matrix to compute the difference in the number of features between q and graphs in the database Column = graph in the graph database Row = feature being indexed Entry = number of embeddings of a feature in a graph

58 query graph q: features: feature-graph matrix: for some graphs G i in the database edge-feature matrix: for q and features f a, f b, f c Example: no match for q in our database which has 7 embeddings of f a, f b, f c => we relax one edge (e 1, e 2, or e 3 ), we still have at least 3 embeddings (we may miss at most 4 embeddings) we can discard graphs that do not involve at least 3 embeddings

59 Graph Similarity Queries Grafil Query processing: 1. Feature-graph matrix is used to calculate the difference in number of features between each graph database member and q 2. If the difference is greater than a threshold T, then it is discarded The remaining graphs constitute a candidate answer set 3. Substructure similarity (verification) is calculated for each candidate to prune the false positives candidates Many existing approaches not considered in Grafil Extension: Edge-feature matrix used to compute the maximum allowed feature misses (T) based on a query relaxation ratio (r) Row = an edge Column = embedding of a feature Entry = feature embedding involves the edge

60 Graph Similarity Queries Grafil Graph relaxation = allowing feature misses = approximation Feature miss in q = edge deletion/relabeling Inspiration: n-grams in approximate string matching Feature miss estimation problem: Given a query graph q and a set of features contained in q, if the relaxation ratio is r, what is the maximum number of features that can be missed (T)? i.e., the maximum number of columns that can be hit by k = r. G rows in the edge-feature matrix Maximum coverage problem NP-complete Approximated by a greedy algorithm Percentage of edges we relax

61 Graph Similarity Queries Closure Tree (CTree) (2006) For both similarity and sub-graph queries Similar to the R-tree indexing mechanism Extended to support graph-matching queries Each node in the tree contains information about its descendants To facilitate effective pruning (filtering) Closure of a set of vertices = generalized vertex whose attribute is the union of the attribute values of the vertices Closure of a set of edges = generalized edge whose attribute is the union of the attribute values of the edges Closure of two graphs g 1 and g 2 under a mapping M = generalized graph (V, E) V is the set of vertex closures of the corresponding vertices E is the set of edge closures of the corresponding edges

62 CTree

63 Graph Similarity Queries CTree CTree: Each node is a graph closure of its children The children of an internal node are nodes The children of a leaf node are database graphs Each node has at least m children unless it is root, m 2 Each node has at most M children, (M+1)/2 m Insertion/splitting/deletion take polynomial time Query evaluation: 1. Traverse the CTree, pruning (filtering) nodes based on pseudo sub-graph isomorphism A candidate answer set is returned 2. Verify each candidate answer for exact sub-graph isomorphism

64 Graph Query Languages Idea: need for a suitable language to query and manipulate graph data structures Some common standard Like SQL, XQuery, OQL, Classification: General Special-purpose (= special types of graphs) Inspired by existing query languages

65 PQL = Pathway Query Language (2005) Special purpose graph query language for biological networks Targets retrieving specific parts of large, complex networks Declarative Syntax is similar to SQL Queries match arbitrary sub-graphs in the database based on node properties and paths between nodes SELECT sub-graph-specification FROM node-variables WHERE node-condition-set

66 PQL Data model: Set of nodes and directed edges A node is either an interaction or a molecule The graphs need not be connected

67 PQL Basic Structures Constants (in double quotes ) Operators prefix, binary infix, and function calls with arguments in parentheses and, union, =, <>, like, Logical quantifiers (for all, exists) SELECT * has this name FROM A, B WHERE = 3-Isopropylmalate AND = EC has this type a path exists SELECT * FROM B, C, D WHERE = L-Lactaldehyde AND B ISA Enzyme AND B[-*]C[-*]D AND = Lactaldehyde

68 PQL Query Evaluation Node variables are bound to nodes of the database graph s.t. all node-conditions in the WHERE clause evaluate to TRUE All possible assignments of the variable to nodes of the graph are determined Node variables are equally assigned to molecules and interactions Query result is constructed from these variable bindings according to the sub-graph specification of the SELECT clause SQL works on tables and returns tables PQL works on graphs and returns graphs

69 GraphQL (2008) General graph query and manipulation language Supports arbitrary attributes on nodes, edges, and graphs Represented as a tuple Graphs are considered as the basic unit of information Query manipulates one or more collections of graphs Graph pattern = graph motif and a predicate on attributes of the graph Simple vs. complex graph motifs Concatenation, disjunction, repetition Predicate = combination of Boolean or arithmetic comparison expressions FLWR expressions

70 aliases

71 edges are unified if their nodes are unified

72 recursion = path itself + new edge declare a new node and unify with a nested one simple path = edge examples of repetition (Kleene star)

73 a root node v 0 arbitrary repetition as a child node of v 0

74 predicate pairs of authors co-authorship graph extract pairs of co-authors FLWR expression construct the graph each author occurs only once

75 Other Graph Query Languages GraphLog (1990) graphical query language for graph databases GOQL (1999) and GOOD (1994) extensions of OQL Object-oriented graph data model BPMN-Q (2007) determining whether a given business process model graph is structurally similar to a query graph Nodes, edges, wildcards, paths, negative paths SPARQL (2008) W3C recommendation for querying RDF graph data Describes a directed labeled graph by a set of triples

76 BPMN-Q Example Variables

77 BPMN-Q Example Paths

78 BPMN-Q Example Excluding

79 References Pramod J. Sadalage - Martin Fowler: NoSQL Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Emerging World of Polyglot Persistence Eric Redmond - Jim R. Wilson: Seven Databases in Seven Weeks: A Guide to Modern Databases and the NoSQL Movement Sherif Sakr - Eric Pardede: Graph Data Management: Techniques and Applications

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