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2 RAL S INDICE / INDEX 2 TAVOLI / TABLES / TABLES page T240 4x4 4 T245 Bombo 4 T246 Bombo allungabile 4 T250 Diamante 4 T241 Dragonfly 5 T310 Eclipse 5 T315 Eclipse Legno 5 T260 Matrix 5 T200 Metrò 6 T205 Metrò Legno 6 T201 Metrò Fisso 7 T211 Milanodue 8 T215 Mito Basic 8 T220 Mito 9 T225 Mito CR 9 T233 Opera 10 T255 Plano 10 T290 Skylab 11 T265 Star 11 T276 Tunny 11 T271 Tunny CR 12 T230 Wing 12 T235 Wing Legno 13 T231 Wing Up 14 LEGENDA / LEGEND 1 8 T210 MILANO 2 Kg 65 mc 0, Due gambe dotate di ruote. Wheels under sliding legs. Roulettes sous les pieds extensibles. Tavolo da pranzo in legno allungabile anche nella struttura, piano e prolunga interna in legno, 2 gambe dotate di ruote. Wooden frame extendable dining table, wooden top and extension. Wheels under sliding legs. Table pour salle à manger, structure extensible, plateau et rallonge en bois. Roulettes sous les pieds extensibles x85xH. Essenza: rovere Wood: oak Bois: chêne Essenza: noce Wood: walnut Bois: noyer Codice e nome articolo / item code and name Tavoli e complementi/tables & complementary items n colli / nr boxes Kg: peso lordo / gross weight mc: volume totale colli / volume boxes Sedie e sgabelli /chairs & stools n pezzi per collo / nr pieces for box Kg: peso netto sedia / chair net weight mc: volume totale colli / volume boxes Dimensioni articolo / item size Descrizione articolo / item description Finiture / finishes Prezzo in / price in Solo per tavoli / for tables only 2 Gambe dotate di ruote / Wheels under sliding legs Novità / new item RAL S TOP SELLER F.E.S. Simbolo colore a campione Sample colour Simbolo colore RAL RAL colours Simbolo TOP SELLER 5 5 Piano e gambe l wengé Oak wengé Chêne wengé PZ99 Due gambe dotate di ruote. Wheels under sliding legs. Roulettes sous les pieds extensibles. DISPONIBILE FINO A ESAURIMENTO SCORTE AVAILABLE UNTIL STOCK CLEARANCE LIVRABLE JUSQU À DISPONIBILITÉ DE STOCK 6 5 MADIE / SIDEBOARDS / BAHUT page X300 Alizée 15 X031 Stripe 15 SEDIE / CHAIRS / CHAISES page S321 Blitz 16 S033 Diva 16 S037 Hat 16 S320 Inn 16 S324 Jazz 17 S400 Kai 17 S319 Linea 17 S322 Lunette 18 S323 Luxy 18 S032 Mia 18 S032 Mia Br 18 S328 Natural 19 S318 Nexus 19 S260 Nobys 20 S261 Nobys Carrello 20 S210 Nobys/Ripiego Gancio 20 S150 Oplà 21 S151 Oplà Carrello 21 S152 Oplà Gancio 21 S283 Pagoda 22 S331 Pop 22 S309 Premiere 22 S215 Ripiego 23 S216 Ripiego Carrello 23 S026 Smile 24 S316 Sofia 24 S329 Soul 24 S214 Tak 25 S213 Tak Carrello 25 S330 Viva 25 S335 Viva BR 25 S340 Vivalta 26 S345 Vivalta BR 26 POLTRONCINE / ARMCHAIRS / FAUTEUILS DE SALON page S295 Arena 27 S297 Boogie 27 S452 Eliot 27 S298 Nelson 27 S451 Nigel 28 S298 Rock 28 S296 Swing 28 SGABELLI / STOOLS / TABOURETS page S510 Bingo 29 S520 Bingo Basic 29 S027 Bongo 29 S523 Charlie 30 S501 Chuf Basic 30 S524 Etienne 30 S540 Gerry 31 S522 Lunette Sgabello 31 S550 Piquet 31 S545 Simple 31 S560 Slang 32 S525 Soft 32 LISTINO IN ORDINE ALFABETICO PER SEZIONE PRICE LIST IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER FOR SECTION TARIF EN ORDRE ALPHABÉTIQUE PAR SECTION CONSOLLE / CONSOLE / CONSOLE page T021 A4 33 T036 Glass 33 T035 Golia 33 T022 Golietta 33 T037 Inside 34 T013 Metrò Xelle 34 T020 Minima 34 T026 Voilà 34 X096 Sacca porta all. 35 X097 Sostegno porta all. 35 X098 Porta allunghe 35 TAVOLINI ELEVABILI / MULTIFUNCTIONAL COFFE-TABLES / TABLES DÎNETTES page T061 Bellagio 36 T061 Bellagio Quadro 36 T061 Bellagio Round 36 T060 Flat 36 T063 Markus 37 T062 Metrino 37 T064 Radius 37 TRASFORMABILI / TRANSFORMABLE TABLES / TRANSFORMABLES page T127 Apple 38 T110 Box 38 T111 Box Legno 38 T105 E-Motion 38 T112 Globe 39 T113 Globe CR 39 T098 Light 39 T100 Magic 39 T130 Magnum 40 T131 Magnum Legno 40 T125 Mini 40 T124 Minilong 40 T096 Mondial 41 T097 Mondial CR 41 T123 Newood 41 T115 Planet 41 T090 Saliscendi 42 T121 Sydney 42 T122 Sydneylong 42 COMPLEMENTI / COMPLEMENTARY ITEMS / COMPLEMENTS page X032 Boat 43 X026 Byblos 43 X027 Demie 44 X200 Four Seasons 44 X031 Lady at night 45 X030 Look 45 X095 Supporto porta all. per specchio 45 T065 Move 46 T066 Move XL 46 X100 Smart Living 47 X101 Smart Living 47 X033 Trixy 48 X011 Uno 48 1

3 CONDIZIONI GENERALI DI VENDITA PREZZI Prezzi di vendita consigliati al pubblico, espressi in Euro ( ) Imballo incluso, Iva esclusa. Il Listino Prezzi in vigore sostituisce ed annulla tutti i precedenti e potrà essere variato senza preavviso. ORDINI E CONFERME D ORDINE Clienti e Rappresentanti sono invitati ad inviare gli ordini per iscritto (a mezzo fax o ) precisando con esattezza quantità, articoli, codici, colori, finiture e rivestimenti dei prodotti ordinati: la Ditta non si ritiene responsabile per discordanze di fornitura derivanti dalla poca chiarezza degli ordini pervenuti. Non si accettano ordini telefonici. Al fine dell esecuzione dell ordine vale quanto riportato nella Conferma d Ordine inviata dalla Ditta. Si raccomanda a Clienti e Rappresentanti un attento controllo della stessa e la segnalazione di eventuali inesattezze e/o divergenze entro il limite massimo di 3 (tre) giorni. ANNULLAMENTO L annullamento di un ordine dovrà essere comunicato per iscritto e avrà validità solo se confermato per iscritto dalla Ditta, che si riserva comunque il diritto di addebitare al Cliente i costi per materiali e lavorazioni sostenuti fino all annullamento dell ordine. TERMINI DI CONSEGNA (ITALIA) Gli ordini di importo inferiore a 500,00 netti saranno evasi con un addebito automatico forfettario di 40,00 più IVA senza l obbligo da parte della Ditta di chiedere il consenso del Cliente. Gli ordini di importo superiore a 500,00 netti verranno evasi in Porto Franco. I termini di consegna comunicati dalla Ditta sono indicativi, non si intendono vincolanti ed eventuali ritardi non potranno dar luogo ad annullamenti, contestazioni o richieste di rimborso danni. La Ditta si riserva comunque il diritto di sospendere le consegne in caso di intervenuta inadempienza, anche parziale, degli obblighi assunti da parte dell Acquirente. TRASPORTO E CONSEGNE La merce, anche se venduta in Porto Franco, viaggia a rischio e pericolo del committente o destinatario. La consegna si intende perfezionata anche se effettuata tramite corriere, vettore o spedizioniere: spetta al destinatario verificare il numero dei colli, controllare lo stato dell imballo della merce ed eventualmente fare le dovute riserve scritte a corriere, vettore o spedizioniere, essendo gli stessi responsabili di eventuali mancanze e/o danneggiamenti che non potranno in alcun modo essere imputati alla Ditta. Le medesime eventuali riserve scritte vanno fatte al conducente dell autocarro nel caso in cui la consegna fosse fatta con automezzi propri della Ditta. RESI E RECLAMI I resi di merce si accettano solo se preventivamente autorizzati per iscritto dalla Ditta e se inviati in Porto Franco nell imballo originale o comunque idoneo alla protezione del prodotto. Eventuali reclami di qualunque genere devono essere notificati per iscritto entro 5 (cinque) giorni dal ricevimento della merce, inviando immagini del difetto riscontrato e del suo relativo imballo. PAGAMENTI Le modalità di pagamento sono indicate nella conferma d ordine. La mancata osservanza comporta l addebito degli interessi di mora. Eventuali inadempienze autorizzano l azienda a sospendere la produzione della merce in ordine e a richiedere il saldo anticipato per le forniture in corso e future. PRODOTTI E TOLLERANZE Per i prodotti fanno fede le misure e le caratteristiche riportate nel Listino in vigore, fermo restando il diritto della Ditta ad apportare modifiche e migliorie senza obbligo di preavviso: misure speciali o varianti di colore devono essere concordate preventivamente con gli uffici commerciali della Ditta che ne confermerà fattibilità e costi aggiuntivi. I colori di legno, laccatura, tessuto, pelle, cuoio, Vitrex, metallo ed altri materiali in campionario sono indicativi ed eventuali lievi differenze riscontrabili con il prodotto consegnato non impegnano in nessun modo la Ditta. DIVIETO DI UTILIZZO DEI MARCHI: L azienda pone il totale divieto di utilizzo del marchio e dei contenuti riferiti alle collezioni OZZIO ITALIA. Al rivenditore è fatto divieto di utilizzare a scopo promozionale, pubblicitario o commerciale, qualsiasi contenuto riferito alle collezioni OZZIO ITALIA (Marchio, Immagini, Video, ecc ), salvo autorizzazione formale accordata fra le parti. NORME E CONTROVERSIE Per quanto espressamente non richiamato nelle presenti Condizioni di Vendita, vale la normativa prevista in materia dal Codice Civile vigente; per qualsiasi controversia è competente esclusivamente il Foro di Monza. VARIANTI SEDIE Per la fornitura di sedie grezze verrà applicata una riduzione del 10% dal prezzo di Listino fino ad un massimo di 20,00 di Listino, salvo dove precisato diversamente. Per lucidatura al campione: + 60,00 per sedia, dove indicato. Se la struttura è in metallo, per lucidatura al campione: + 50,00, dove indicato. Si prega di verificare con la Ditta la fattibilità e i tempi di realizzazione per lucidatura non di serie. TAVOLI Tavoli grezzi: 10% quando non già indicati, dove possibile. Tavoli lucidati a campione: + 20%, dove indicato. Si prega di verificare con la Ditta la fattibilità e i tempi di realizzazione per tavoli fuori misura e lucidatura non di serie. CONSULTATECI PER EVENTUALI QUANTITATIVI, FORNITURE SPECIALI E PERSONALIZZAZIONI. 2

4 GENERAL SALES CONDITIONS PRICES The present Price List cancels and replaces all former quotations and might be modified without any previous notice. The prices indicated are retail prices, expressed in Euro ( ) and V.A.T. is not included. ORDERS AND PRO-FORMA INVOICES Both Customers and Agents are kindly requested to specify accurately quantity, number/name, code, colour and finishing of each item ordered. The Company declines all responsibilities for discrepancies in supplies, due to unclearness of orders received. For orders execution purpose the only suitable data will be the ones reported on the Pro-forma invoice issued by the Company. Both Customers and Agents are requested to check thoroughly the Pro-forma invoice and to report any possible inaccuracies or misapprehensions within 3 days from Pro-forma invoice receipt. CANCELLATION An order cancellation will be considered valid only if sent in written form and confirmed by the Company by fax or by . The Company has the right to charge the Customer for the costs relative to the materials used or processed. DELIVERY TERMS All orders to be delivered out of Italy s boundaries will be EX WORKS. Delivery terms stated on the Pro-forma Invoice are to be considered as merely approximate; any delays will not be accepted as justification for order cancellation. TRANSPORT AND DELIVERY During delivery, goods travel at buyer s risk. Delivery is considered valid even if carried on by forwarding companies or related companies supplying such services. Customers are kindly requested to thoroughly check the goods, boxes and number of packs upon receipt of goods; any claim must be communicated to the forwarder, and reported on the delivery note, as they will be the sole responsible party concerning the delivery of the goods. GOODS RETURN CLAIMS Goods returns will only be accepted by the Company if previously announced, through a written communication, by the Customer and if sent, free of charge, to the Company s warehouse. Goods must return in their original, internal and external, packing. Claims of any kind must be notified within five days from receipt of goods by sending images of the problems and its packaging. PAYMENTS As far as terms of payment are concerned, please refer to the conditions in the pro-forma invoice. Any delay in payment will automatically imply charge of interests on arrears. In case of delays, Ozzio Design may stop production of goods in order and require advance payment for the current or future orders. PRODUCTS AND TOLERANCE Regarding measures, sizes and characteristics of single products, please consider official the ones reported on the Price List. The Company holds the right to introduce variations, without any prior notice, however and whenever required. Special measures and colour variations are to be formerly agreed with the Company. Colours reported on the Company s samples board are to be considered as approximate. Slight differences between them and the final product can not be a matter for claims. PROHIBITION OF USE OF MARKS: The company puts the total ban on the use of the brand and content related to the collection OZZIO ITALIA. The dealer is forbidden to use for promotional, advertising or commercial purposes unless formal authorization given by the parties. RULES AND CONTROVERSIES For any controversies the competent court will be the one in Monza, Italy. VARIATIONS CHAIRS A 10% reduction, up to a maximum amount of 20,00 on the Price List price, will be applied for raw wood chairs supplies. Please check when differently reported. For O.E.M.: When varnished: + 60,00 per chair, when it is specified. For metal frame chairs, when varnished: + 50,00, when it is specified For non standard varnishing, please kindly check with the Company about its actual feasibility and time required. TABLES Raw wood tables:- 10% except where differently indicated and where possible. For O.E.M. varnished tables: + 20%, when it is specified. For non standard varnishing and for special size tables, please kindly check with the Company about the actual feasibility and time required. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR ANY FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING ANY SPECIAL QUANTITIES OR ORDERS AND PERSONALIZED ARTICLES. 3

5 TAVOLI / TABLES / TABLES T240 4x4 2 Kg 103 mc 1,04 TOP SELLER Tavolo da pranzo allungabile con base in metallo, piani e allunghe in legno, scorrimento guide metalliche. Extendable dining table with metal structure, wooden top and extensions, metal sliding mechanism. Table de repas à rallonge, structure en métal, plateau et rallonge en bois, système coulissant métallique. Piano legno/wooden top/plateau bois Wild oak Noce canaletto Canaletto Walnut Noyer Canaletto PZ51 termotrattato Heat treated Oak Chêne thermtraité PZ98 vecchio Ancient oak Chêne ancien PZ91 - PZ90 100/ / x100xH.76 Struttura verniciato tortora opaco MT90, verniciato grafite opaco MT Structure matt tortora coating MT90, Matt graphite coating MT98 Structure Verni tortora mat MT90, Verni graphite mat MT98 T245 BOMBO 2 Kg 76 mc 0,51 Tavolo da pranzo fisso con base in metallo, piano in cristallo. Metal frame dining table, glass top. Table de repas avec piétement en métal, plateau verre. Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre Cristallo antimpronta glass Verre anti-empreintes CR09 - CR13 - CR x130xH.74 Gambe verniciato tortora opaco MT90, verniciato grafite opaco MT98, Ferro Grezzo MT00 Legs matt tortora coating MT90, Matt graphite coating MT98, Raw Iron MT00, Pieds Verni tortora mat MT90, Verni graphite mat MT98, Fer brut MT00 T246 BOMBO ALLUNGABILE 3 Kg 104 mc 0,68 Tavolo da pranzo allungabile con base in metallo, piano in cristallo. Extendable dining table with metal structure, glass top. Table de repas à rallonge avec piétement en métal, plateau verre. Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre Cristallo antimpronta glass Verre anti-empreintes CR09 - CR13 - CR19 120/ x120xH. Gambe verniciato tortora opaco MT90, verniciato grafite opaco MT98, Ferro Grezzo MT00 Legs matt tortora coating MT90, Matt graphite coating MT98, Raw Iron MT00, Pieds Verni tortora mat MT90, Verni graphite mat MT98, Fer brut MT00 T250 DIAMANTE 4 Kg 148 mc 0,56 Tavolo da pranzo struttura in metallo. Piano e prolunghe a scomparsa in cristallo temperato. Dining table with metal structure, tempered glass top and glass hide-away sliding extension. Table pour salle à manger avec structure en métal. Plateau et rallonge en verre tempré. Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre CR08 CR01 - CR16 CR x90xH. Struttura mirror e telaio del piano alluminio spazzolato MT Mirror structure and polished aluminium MT72 top frame Structure mirror et cadre plateau alu poli MT72 Struttura verniciato tortora MT90 e telaio alluminio spazzolato MT72 Matt tortora coating structure MT90 and polished aluminium MT72 top frame Structure Verni tortora mat MT90 et cadre plateau alu poli MT

6 T241 DRAGONFLY 2 Kg 118 mc 0,50 Tavolo da pranzo allungabile con base in cristallo, piani e allunghe in legno, scorrimento guide metalliche. Extendable dining table with glass structure, wooden top and extensions, metal sliding mechanism. Table de repas à rallonge, structure en verre, plateau et rallonge en bois, système coulissant métallique. Piano legno/wooden top/plateau bois Wild oak Noce canaletto Canaletto Walnut Noyer Canaletto PZ51 termotrattato Heat treated Oak Chêne thermtraité PZ98 vecchio Ancient oak Chêne ancien PZ91 - PZ90 TAVOLI / MADIE TABLES / SIDEBOARDS 100/ x100xH. Gambe trasparente extrachiaro CR14 Feet extrawhite transparent CR Pieds extrablanc transparent CR14 200/254 Telaio verniciato tortora opaco MT90, verniciato grafite opaco MT98 Frame matt tortora coating MT90, Matt graphite coating MT98 Cadre Verni tortora mat MT90, Verni graphite mat MT98 T310 ECLIPSE 3 Kg 77 mc 0,59 TOP SELLER Tavolo da pranzo, allungabile, base in metallo, piano in cristallo, allunga centrale in nobilitato in tinta. Extendable dining table, metal central column, glass top and inside painted melamine extension. Table pour salle à manger, piétement en métal, plateau verre, rallonge centrale en mélamine dans la même couleur que celle du plateau. Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre CR01 CR16 CR08 118/163 Ø 118xH. Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, crema caffé lucido MT60, tortora opaco MT90 / High gloss white coating MT61, high gloss coffee cream MT60, mat tortora coating MT90 structure / Structure en verni blanc brillant MT61, crème caffé brillant MT60, tortora mat MT T315 ECLIPSE LEGNO 2 Kg 71 mc 0,62 Tavolo da pranzo, allungabile, base in metallo, piano e allunga centrale in legno. Extendable dining table, metal central column, wooden top and inside extension. Table pour salle à manger, piétement en métal, plateau bois, rallonge centrale en bois. Piano legno/wooden top/plateau bois Wild Oak PW61-PW91 PW95-PW97 termotrattato Heat treated oak Chêne thermtraité PZ98 vecchio Ancient oak Chêne ancien PZ91 - PZ90 Ø118xH. Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, crema caffé lucido MT60, tortora opaco MT90 / High gloss white coating MT61, high gloss coffee cream MT60, mat tortora coating MT90 structure / Structure en verni blanc brillant MT61, crème caffé brillant MT60, tortora mat MT90 118/ T260 MATRIX 3 Kg 82 mc 0,21 Tavolo da pranzo con struttura in metallo. Piano in cristallo temperato, prolunghe in cristallo. Dining table with metal structure. Tempered glass top, glass extensions. Table de repas avec structure en métal. Plateau verre tempré, rallonges en verre. Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre CR01 CR08 CR16 CR09 CR11 CR x74xH.73 Struttura mirror e telaio del piano alluminio spazzolato MT Mirror structure and polished aluminium MT72 top frame Structure mirror et cadre plateau alu poli MT72 Struttura verniciato tortora MT90 e telaio alluminio spazzolato MT72 Matt tortora coating structure MT90 and polished aluminium MT72 top frame Structure Verni tortora mat MT90 et cadre plateau alu poli MT

7 TAVOLI / TABLES / TABLES T200 METRO 2 Kg 74 mc 0, T200 METRO 2 Kg 84 mc 0,46 TOP SELLER T200 METRO 2 Kg 100 mc 0, Tavolo da pranzo in estruso di alluminio, allungabile anche nella struttura, piano e prolunga a scomparsa in cristallo temperato, 2 gambe dotate di ruote. / Extruded aluminium extendable frame table, tempered glass top and glass hide-away sliding extension, wheels under sliding legs. / Table pour salle à manger, structure extensible en alu, plateau et rallonge en verre tempré, roulettes sous les pieds extensibles. Prolunga supplementare in laminato cm 39: 115. Additional melamine extension cm 39: 115. Rallonge optionelle en mélamine cm 39: x85xH. 180x90xH. Struttura alluminio anodizzato MT71 Anodised aluminium MT71 structure Structure alu anodisé MT71 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, nero luc. MT68, moro opaco MT63, grafite opaco MT98, tortora opaco MT90. / High gloss white coating MT61, high gloss black coating MT68, matt moro coating MT63, matt graphite coating MT98, matt tortora coating MT90 structure. / Structure verni blanc brillant MT61, noir brilliant MT68, mat verni moro MT63, mat verni graphite MT98, mat verni tortora MT90. Tavolo da pranzo in estruso di alluminio, allungabile anche nella struttura, piano e prolunga a scomparsa in cristallo temperato, 2 gambe dotate di ruote. / Extruded aluminium extendable frame table, tempered glass top and glass hide-away sliding extension, wheels under sliding legs. / Table pour salle à manger, structure extensible en alu, plateau et rallonge en verre tempré, roulettes sous les pieds extensibles. Prolunga supplementare in laminato cm 49: 115. Additional melamine extension cm 49: 115. Rallonge optionelle en mélamine cm 49: 115. Struttura alluminio anodizzato MT71 Anodised aluminium MT71 structure Structure alu anodisé MT71 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, nero luc. MT68, moro opaco MT63, grafite opaco MT98, tortora opaco MT90. / High gloss white coating MT61, high gloss black coating MT68, matt moro coating MT63, matt graphite coating MT98, matt tortora coating MT90 structure. / Structure verni blanc brillant MT61, noir brilliant MT68, mat verni moro MT63, mat verni graphite MT98, mat verni tortora MT90. Tavolo da pranzo in estruso di alluminio, allungabile anche nella struttura, piano e prolunga a scomparsa in cristallo temperato, 2 gambe dotate di ruote. / Extruded aluminium extendable frame table, tempered glass top and glass hide-away sliding extension, wheels under sliding legs. / Table pour salle à manger, structure extensible en alu, plateau et rallonge en verre tempré, roulettes sous les pieds extensibles. Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre CR04 - CR08 CR01 - CR03 CR Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre CR04 - CR08 CR01 - CR03 CR16 CR09-CR13 CR Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre CR08 CR01 - CR03 CR16 CR09-CR13 CR CR09-CR13 CR x100xH. Struttura alluminio anodizzato MT71 Anodised aluminium MT71 structure Structure alu anodisé MT71 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, moro opaco MT63, grafite opaco MT98, tortora opaco MT90. / High gloss white coating MT61, matt "moro" coating MT63, matt graphite coating MT98, matt tortora coating MT90 structure. / Structure verni blanc brillant MT61, mat verni "moro" MT63, mat verni graphite MT98, mat verni tortora MT T205 METRO LEGNO 1 Kg 53 mc 0, Tavolo da pranzo con struttura in alluminio, meccanismo telescopico allungabile anche nella struttura, piano e prolunga in pannelli compositi di alluminio e legno. / Aluminum frame dining table, telescopic mechanism extending frame, aluminum and wooden panel top and extension. / Table à rallonges pour salle à manger, structure en aluminium, mécanisme télescopique, plateau et rallonge en panneaux stratifiés aluminium et bois. Prolunga supplementare in laminato cm 39: 115. Additional melamine extension cm 39: 115. Rallonge optionelle en mélamine cm 39: 115. Piano legno/wooden top/plateau en bois Wild Oak PW61-PW91 PW95-PW97 termotrattato Heat treated oak Chêne thermtraité PZ98 160x85xH. Struttura alluminio anodizzato MT Anodised aluminium MT71 structure Structure alu anodisé MT71 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, moro opaco MT63, grafite opaco MT98, tortora opaco MT90. / High gloss white coating MT61, matt "moro" coating MT63, matt graphite coating MT98, matt tortora coating MT90 structure. / Structure verni blanc brillant MT61, mat verni "moro" MT63, mat verni graphite MT98, mat verni tortora MT

8 T205 METRO LEGNO 1 Kg 58 mc 0,33 TOP SELLER Tavolo da pranzo con struttura in alluminio, meccanismo telescopico allungabile anche nella struttura, piano e prolunga in pannelli compositi di alluminio e legno. / Aluminum frame dining table, telescopic mechanism extending frame, aluminum and wooden panel top and extension. / Table à rallonges pour salle à manger, structure en aluminium, mécanisme télescopique, plateau et rallonge en panneaux stratifiés aluminium et bois. Prolunga supplementare in laminato cm 49: 115. Additional melamine extension cm 49: 115. Rallonge optionelle en mélamine cm 49: 115. Piano legno/wooden top/plateau en bois Wild Oak PW61-PW91 PW95-PW97 termotrattato Heat treated oak Chêne thermtraité PZ98 180x90xH. Struttura alluminio anodizzato MT Anodised aluminium MT71 structure Structure alu anodisé MT71 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, moro opaco MT63, grafite opaco MT98, tortora opaco MT90. / High gloss white coating MT61, matt moro coating MT63, matt graphite coating MT98, matt tortora coating MT90 structure. /Structure verni blanc brillant MT61, mat verni moro MT63, mat verni graphite MT98, mat verni tortora MT TAVOLI / MADIE TABLES / SIDEBOARDS T205 METRO LEGNO 1 Kg 65 mc 0,41 Tavolo da pranzo con struttura in alluminio, meccanismo telescopico allungabile anche nella struttura, piano e prolunga in pannelli compositi di alluminio e legno. / Aluminum frame dining table, telescopic mechanism extending frame, aluminum and wooden panel top and extension. / Table à rallonges pour salle à manger, structure en aluminium, mécanisme télescopique, plateau et rallonge en panneaux stratifiés aluminium et bois. Piano legno/wooden top/plateau en bois Wild Oak PW61-PW91 PW95-PW97 termotrattato Heat treated oak Chêne thermtraité PZ x100xH. Struttura alluminio anodizzato MT71 Anodised aluminium MT71 structure Structure alu anodisé MT71 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, moro opaco MT63, grafite opaco MT98, tortora opaco MT90. / High gloss white coating MT61, matt moro coating MT63, matt graphite coating MT98, matt tortora coating MT90 structure. /Structure verni blanc brillant MT61, mat verni moro MT63, mat verni graphite MT98, mat verni tortora MT T201 METRO FISSO 1 Piano legno/wooden top/plateau bois Kg 50 mc 0,33 2 Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre Kg 69 mc 0,45 Tavolo da pranzo fisso con struttura in alluminio, piano in cristallo o legno. Aluminum frame dining table, wooden or glass top. Table pour salle à manger, structure en aluminium, plateau verre ou bois Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre CR01 - CR03 CR04 - CR16 Cristallo antimpronta glass Verre anti-empreintes CR09 - CR13 CR18 - CR19 Piano legno/wooden top/plateau en bois Wild oak x90xH. Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, moro opaco MT63, grafite opaco MT98, tortora Misure opaco MT90. personalizzabili da 180 a 300 su High gloss white coating MT61, matt moro richiesta (solo in coating MT63, matt graphite coating MT98, lunghezza). matt tortora coating MT90 structure. Tailor-made sizes from 180 to 300cm Structure verni blanc brillant MT61, mat verni on demand. moro MT63, mat verni graphite MT98, mat Mesure à verni tortora MT90. personnaliser de 180 à 300 sur demande T201 METRO FISSO 1 Piano legno/wooden top/plateau bois Kg 85 mc 0,59 2 Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre Kg 110 mc 0, Tavolo da pranzo fisso con struttura in alluminio, piano in cristallo o legno. Aluminum frame dining table, wooden or glass top. Table pour salle à manger, structure en aluminium, plateau verre ou bois 240x120xH. Misure personalizzabili da 180 a 300 su richiesta (solo in lunghezza). Tailor-made sizes from 180 to 300cm on demand. Mesure à personnaliser de 180 à 300 sur demande. Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, moro opaco MT63, grafite opaco MT98, tortora opaco MT90. / High gloss white coating MT61, matt moro coating MT63, matt graphite coating MT98, matt tortora coating MT90 structure. /Structure verni blanc brillant MT61, mat verni moro MT63, mat verni graphite MT98, mat verni tortora MT90. Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre CR01 - CR03 CR04 - CR16 Cristallo antimpronta glass Verre anti-empreintes CR09 CR13 CR18-CR Piano legno/wooden top/plateau en bois Wild oak 7

9 TAVOLI / TABLES / TABLES T201 METRO FISSO 1 Piano legno/wooden top/plateau bois Kg 105 mc 0,42 2 Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre Kg 138 mc 0,68 Tavolo da pranzo fisso con struttura in alluminio, piano in cristallo o legno. Aluminum frame dining table, wooden or glass top. Table pour salle à manger, structure en aluminium, plateau verre ou bois Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre CR01 - CR03 CR04 - CR16 Cristallo antimpronta glass Verre anti-empreintes CR09 - CR13 CR18 - CR19 Piano legno/wooden top/plateau en bois Wild oak x120xH. Misure personalizzabili da 180 a 300 su richiesta (solo in lunghezza). Tailor-made sizes from 180 to 300cm on demand. Mesure à personnaliser de 180 à 300 sur demande. Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, moro opaco MT63, grafite opaco MT98, tortora opaco MT90. / High gloss white coating MT61, matt moro coating MT63, matt graphite coating MT98, matt tortora coating MT90 structure. /Structure verni blanc brillant MT61, mat verni moro MT63, mat verni graphite MT98, mat verni tortora MT T211 MILANODUE 2 Kg 68 mc 0,20 Tavolo da pranzo allungabile, piano e struttura in legno, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio. Extendable dining table with wooden frame and top, aluminium telescopic mechanism. Table à rallonges, structure et plateau en bois, mécanisme télescopique en alu. Piano e gambe legno/wooden top and legs/plateau et pieds en bois Wild oak x90xH T211 MILANODUE 2 Kg mc 0,21 Tavolo da pranzo allungabile, piano e struttura in legno, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio. Extendable dining table with wooden frame and top, aluminium telescopic mechanism. Table à rallonges, structure et plateau en bois, mécanisme télescopique en alu. Piano e gambe legno/wooden top and legs/plateau et pieds en bois Wild oak 160x90xH T215 MITO BASIC 2 Kg 43 mc 0,25 F.E.S. Tavolo da pranzo in estruso d alluminio, allungabile anche nella struttura, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, 1 prolunga interna a libro, 2 gambe dotate di ruote. Aluminium frame dining table with telescopic extending mechanism, inside extension, wheels under sliding legs. Table pour salle à manger, structure en aluminium, mécanisme télescopique en alu, rallonge intérieure, roulettes sous les pieds extensibles. Piano /Top/Plateau Laminato Laminate Laminé LA01 - LA02 LA03 Oak Chêne PZ72 - PZ97 PZ80 - PZ99 Laccato bianco poro aperto White open pore lacquered Laqué blanc à pores ouverts PZ61 108xxH. Struttura alluminio anodizzato MT Anodised aluminium MT71 structure Structure alu anodisé MT71 DISPONIBILE FINO A ESAURIMENTO SCORTE AVAILABLE UNTIL STOCK CLEARANCE LIVRABLE JUSQU À DISPONIBILITÉ DE STOCK Struttura alluminio spazzolato MT72 Polished aluminium MT72 structure Structure alu poli MT

10 TAVOLI / TABLES / TABLES T215 MITO BASIC 2 Kg 52 mc 0,30 F.E.S. Tavolo da pranzo in estruso d alluminio, allungabile anche nella struttura, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, 1 prolunga interna a libro, 2 gambe dotate di ruote. Aluminium frame dining table with telescopic extending mechanism, inside extension, wheels under sliding legs. Table pour salle à manger, structure en aluminium, mécanisme télescopique en alu, rallonge intérieure, roulettes sous les pieds extensibles. Piano /Top/Plateau Laminato Laminate Laminé LA01 - LA02 LA03 Oak Chêne PZ72 - PZ97 PZ80 - PZ99 Laccato bianco poro aperto White open pore lacquered Laqué blanc à pores ouverts PZ61 TAVOLI / MADIE TABLES / SIDEBOARDS x90xH. Struttura alluminio anodizzato MT Anodised aluminium MT71 structure Structure alu anodisé MT DISPONIBILE FINO A ESAURIMENTO SCORTE AVAILABLE UNTIL STOCK CLEARANCE LIVRABLE JUSQU À DISPONIBILITÉ DE STOCK Struttura alluminio spazzolato MT72 Polished aluminium MT72 structure Structure alu poli MT T220 MITO 2 Kg 43 mc 0,23 F.E.S. Tavolo da pranzo in estruso d alluminio, allungabile anche nella struttura, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, doppia prolunga interna a libro, 2 gambe dotate di ruote. Aluminium frame dining table with telescopic extending mechanism, inside double extension, wheels under sliding legs. Table de repas à double rallonge intérieure, structure en aluminium, mécanisme télescopique en alu, roulettes sous les pieds extensibles. Piano /Top/Plateau Laminato Laminate Laminé LA01 - LA02 LA03 Oak Chêne PZ72 - PZ97 PZ80 - PZ99 Laccato bianco poro aperto White open pore lacquered Laqué blanc à pores ouverts PZ61 110xxH. Struttura alluminio anodizzato MT Anodised aluminium MT71 structure Structure alu anodisé MT DISPONIBILE FINO A ESAURIMENTO SCORTE AVAILABLE UNTIL STOCK CLEARANCE LIVRABLE JUSQU À DISPONIBILITÉ DE STOCK Struttura alluminio spazzolato MT72 Polished aluminium MT72 structure Structure alu poli MT T220 MITO 2 Kg 52 mc 0,31 F.E.S. Tavolo da pranzo in estruso d alluminio, allungabile anche nella struttura, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, doppia prolunga interna a libro, 2 gambe dotate di ruote. Aluminium frame dining table with telescopic extending mechanism, inside double extension, wheels under sliding legs. Table de repas à double rallonge intérieure, structure en aluminium, mécanisme télescopique en alu, roulettes sous les pieds extensibles. Piano /Top/Plateau Laminato Laminate Laminé LA01 - LA02 LA03 Oak Chêne PZ72 - PZ97 PZ80 - PZ99 Laccato bianco poro aperto White open pore lacquered Laqué blanc à pores ouverts PZ x90xH. Struttura alluminio anodizzato MT Anodised aluminium MT71 structure Structure alu anodisé MT DISPONIBILE FINO A ESAURIMENTO SCORTE AVAILABLE UNTIL STOCK CLEARANCE LIVRABLE JUSQU À DISPONIBILITÉ DE STOCK Struttura alluminio spazzolato MT72 Polished aluminium MT72 structure Structure alu poli MT T225 MITO CR 3 Kg 79 mc 0,26 F.E.S. Tavolo da pranzo in estruso d alluminio, allungabile anche nella struttura, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, piano in cristallo, doppia prolunga interna a libro, 2 gambe dotate di ruote. Aluminum frame dining table with telescopic extending mechanism, inside double extension, glass top, wheels under sliding legs. Table pour salle à manger à double rallonge intérieure, structure en aluminium, mécanisme télescopique en alu, plateau verre, roulettes sous les pieds extensibles. Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre CR01 - CR16 CR09 - CR15 CR18 Ceramica Pyroceram Céramique CC xxH. Struttura alluminio anodizzato MT71 Anodised aluminium MT71 structure Structure alu anodisé MT71 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, mastice lucido MT65. High gloss white coating MT61, high gloss mastice coating MT65 structure. / Structure verni blanc brillant MT61, mastice brillant MT DISPONIBILE FINO A ESAURIMENTO SCORTE AVAILABLE UNTIL STOCK CLEARANCE LIVRABLE JUSQU À DISPONIBILITÉ DE STOCK Struttura alluminio spazzolato MT72 Polished aluminium MT72 structure Structure alu poli MT

11 TAVOLI / TABLES / TABLES T225 MITO CR 3 Kg 84 mc 0,39 F.E.S. Tavolo da pranzo in estruso d alluminio, allungabile anche nella struttura, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, doppia prolunga interna a libro, 2 gambe dotate di ruote. Aluminum frame dining table with telescopic extending mechanism, inside double extension, wheels under sliding legs. Table pour salle à manger à double rallonge intérieure, structure en aluminium, mécanisme télescopique en alu, roulettes sous les pieds extensibles. Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre CR01 - CR16 CR09 - CR15 CR18 Ceramica Pyroceram Céramique CC DISPONIBILE FINO A ESAURIMENTO SCORTE AVAILABLE UNTIL STOCK CLEARANCE LIVRABLE JUSQU À DISPONIBILITÉ DE STOCK x90xH. Struttura alluminio anodizzato MT Anodised aluminium MT71 structure Structure alu anodisé MT71 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, mastice lucido MT65. High gloss white coating MT61, high gloss mastice coating MT65 structure. / Structure verni blanc brillant MT61, mastice brillant MT65 Struttura alluminio spazzolato MT72 Polished aluminium MT72 structure Structure alu poli MT T233 OPERA 2 Piano eco legno/eco wood top/plateau éco bois Kg 42,5 mc 0,28 3 Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre Kg 73,5 mc 0,36 Tavolo da pranzo allungabile anche nella struttura, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, un allunga interna a libro, piani in cristallo, vetroceramica o eco legno. Dining table with telescopic extending mechanism, inside extension, tops in glass, pyroceram or eco wood. Table de repas à rallonge, structure, mécanisme télescopique en alu, rallonge intérieure, plateau en verre, verre céramique ou Éco-bois. Piano Eco legno Eco wooden top Plateau en éco-bois ML30 ML35 ML40 ML90 ML91 ML39 ML41 ML98 Piano cristallo Glass top Plateau verre CR01-CR16 CR09-CR18 CR19 Ceramica Pyroceram Céramique CC02-CC03 CC x90xH.76 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, grafite opaco MT98, tortora opaco MT90. / High gloss white coating MT61, matt graphite coating MT98, matt tortora coating MT90 structure. /Structure verni blanc brillant MT61, mat verni graphite MT98, mat verni tortora MT T233 OPERA 2 Piano eco legno/eco wood top/plateau éco bois Kg 47 mc 0,29 3 Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre Kg 84,5 mc 0,41 Tavolo da pranzo allungabile anche nella struttura, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, un allunga interna a libro, piani in cristallo, vetroceramica o eco legno. Dining table with telescopic extending mechanism, inside extension, tops in glass, pyroceram or eco wood. Table de repas à rallonge, structure, mécanisme télescopique en alu, rallonge intérieure, plateau en verre, verre céramique ou Éco-bois. Piano Eco legno Eco wooden top Plateau en éco-bois ML30 ML35 ML40 ML90 ML91 ML39 ML41 ML98 Piano cristallo Glass top Plateau verre CR01-CR16 CR09-CR18 CR19 Ceramica Pyroceram Céramique CC02-CC03 CC x90xH.76 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, grafite opaco MT98, tortora opaco MT90. / High gloss white coating MT61, matt graphite coating MT98, matt tortora coating MT90 structure. /Structure verni blanc brillant MT61, mat verni graphite MT98, mat verni tortora MT T255 PLANO 4 Kg 161 mc 0,56 F.E.S. Tavolo da pranzo allungabile con fascia esterna in alluminio spazzolato. Gambe in vetro, piano e allunghe a scomparsa in cristallo. Extendable dining table, external polished aluminium frame. Glass legs, glass top and inside sliding glass extensions. Table pour salle à manger, avec ceinture en aluminium poli. Pieds en verre, plateau et rallonges intérieures coulissantes en verre. Piano e gambe cristallo/glass top and legs/plateau et pieds en verre CR01 CR x90xH. Gambe cristallo trasparente extrachiaro CR14 Extrawhite transparent glass CR14 legs Pieds verre transparent extrablanc CR Gambe cristallo colore CR01 Colour glass CR01 legs Pieds verre couleur CR DISPONIBILE FINO A ESAURIMENTO SCORTE AVAILABLE UNTIL STOCK CLEARANCE LIVRABLE JUSQU À DISPONIBILITÉ DE STOCK 10 Gambe cristallo antimpronta CR09 white CR09 legs Pieds verre anti-empreintes CR

12 T290 SKYLAB 4 Kg 100 mc 0,58 RAL S F.E.S. Tavolo da pranzo allungabile anche nella struttura, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, piano e prolunga interna ripiegabile a libro in cristallo, 2 gambe dotate di ruote. Extendable dining table, aluminium telescopic mechanism, glass top and glass doubling extension, wheels under sliding legs. Table pour salle à manger, mécanisme télescopique en alu, plateau et rallonge intérieure doublante en verre, roulettes sous les pieds extensibles. Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre CR01 - CR03 CR09 TAVOLI / MADIE TABLES / SIDEBOARDS x90xH. Gambe rovere PZ80-PZ Oak legs PZ80-PZ99 / Pieds chêne PZ80-PZ Gambe laccate bianche lucide LL61, mastice lucido LL63 High gloss white lacquered LL61 legs, high gloss mastice lacquered LL63 Pieds laqués blanc brillant LL61, mastice brillant LL DISPONIBILE FINO A ESAURIMENTO SCORTE AVAILABLE UNTIL STOCK CLEARANCE LIVRABLE JUSQU À DISPONIBILITÉ DE STOCK T265 STAR 4 Kg 52 mc 0,16 F.E.S. Tavolo da pranzo in metallo, allungabile, piano e allunghe laterali in cristallo. Aluminum frame dining table with extending mechanism, top and side extensions in glass. Table pour salle à manger extensible, structure en aluminium, plateau et rallonge en verre Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre CR08 - CR01 115xxH. Colonna alluminio spazzolato MT72, telaio e base acciaio satinato Polished aluminium MT72 column, brushed coating steel frame and base Colonne alu poli MT72, cadre et piétement en acier satiné DISPONIBILE FINO A ESAURIMENTO SCORTE AVAILABLE UNTIL STOCK CLEARANCE LIVRABLE JUSQU À DISPONIBILITÉ DE STOCK T276 TUNNY 2 Kg 41 mc 0,23 Tavolo da pranzo in metallo allungabile anche nella struttura, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, piano in legno o eco legno. Metal frame extendable dining table, aluminium telescopic mechanism, wooden or eco wooden top. Table de salle à manger à rallonges, structure en métal, mécanisme télescopique en alu, plateau bois ou éco-bois. Piano Eco legno Eco wooden top Plateau en éco-bois ML30 ML35 ML40 ML90 ML91 ML39 ML41 ML98 Piano legno Wooden top Plateau en bois Wild oak PW61-PW91 PW95-PW xxH. Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, tortora opaco MT90, grafite opaco MT98. Structure High gloss white coating MT61, matt tortora coating MT90, matt graphite coating MT98. / Structure Verni blanc brillant MT61, verni tortora mat MT90, verni graphite mat MT T276 TUNNY 2 Kg 50 mc 0,31 Tavolo da pranzo in metallo allungabile anche nella struttura, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, piano in legno o eco legno. Metal frame extendable dining table, aluminium telescopic mechanism, wooden or eco wooden top. Table de salle à manger à rallonges, structure en métal, mécanisme télescopique en alu, plateau bois ou éco-bois. Piano Eco legno Eco wooden top Plateau en éco-bois ML30 ML35 ML40 ML90 ML91 ML39 ML41 ML98 Piano legno Wooden top Plateau en bois Wild oak PW61-PW91 PW95-PW xxH. Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, tortora opaco MT90, grafite opaco MT98. Structure High gloss white coating MT61, matt tortora coating MT90, matt graphite coating MT98. / Structure Verni blanc brillant MT61, verni tortora mat MT90, verni graphite mat MT

13 TAVOLI / TABLES / TABLES T271 TUNNY CR 3 Kg 72 mc 0,29 Tavolo da pranzo in metallo allungabile anche nella struttura, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, piano in cristallo. Metal frame extendable dining table, aluminium telescopic mechanism, glass top. Table à rallonges, structure en métal, mécanisme télescopique en alu, plateau verre. Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre CR01 - CR16 CR09 CR18 - CR xxH. Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, grafite opaco MT98, tortora opaco MT90. / High gloss white coating MT61, matt graphite coating MT98, matt tortora coating MT90 structure. /Structure verni blanc brillant MT61, mat verni graphite MT98, mat verni tortora MT T271 TUNNY CR 3 Kg 77 mc 0,39 Tavolo da pranzo in metallo allungabile anche nella struttura, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, piano in cristallo o vetroceramica. Metal frame extendable dining table, aluminium telescopic mechanism, glass ou pyroceram top. Table à rallonges, structure en métal, mécanisme télescopique en alu, plateau verre ou verre céramique. Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre CR01 - CR16 CR09 - CR18 - CR19 Ceramica Pyroceram Céramique CC02 - CC03 CC x90xH. Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, grafite opaco MT98, tortora opaco MT90. / High gloss white coating MT61, matt graphite coating MT98, matt tortora coating MT90 structure. /Structure verni blanc brillant MT61, mat verni graphite MT98, mat verni tortora MT T230 WING Tavolo da pranzo con struttura in profilato di acciaio, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, un allunga interna a libro, piano in vetroceramica, cristallo, laminato, legno o eco legno. / Structural steel frame dining table with telescopic extending aluminium mechanism, inside extension, pyroceram, wooden, eco wooden, glass or plastic laminate top and extension. / Table de repas avec structure en acier, mécanisme télescopique en alu, rallonge en portefeuille intérieure. Plateau verre céramique, verre, laminé plastique, bois ou éco bois. 108xxH. Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, crema caffé lucido MT60, grafite opaco MT98. High gloss white coating MT61, high gloss coffee cream MT60, matt graphite coating MT98 structure. / Structure en verni blanc brillant MT61, crème caffé brillant MT60, mat verni graphite MT Piano legno o laminato / Wooden or laminate top / Plateau bois ou laminé Laminato Laminate Laminé LA01 LA02 LA03 Wild Oak Piano Eco legno Eco wooden top Plateau en éco-bois ML30 - ML35 ML40 - ML90 ML91 Piano Eco legno Eco wooden top Plateau en éco-bois ML39 - ML41 ML Piano legno o laminato Wooden or laminate top Plateau bois ou laminé 2 Kg 41 mc 0,23 Piano cristallo Glass top Plateau verre 3 Kg 72 mc 0,29 Tavolo da pranzo con struttura in profilato di acciaio, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, un allunga interna a libro, piano in vetroceramica, cristallo, laminato, legno o eco legno. / Structural steel frame dining table with telescopic extending aluminium mechanism, inside extension, pyroceram, wooden, eco wooden, glass or plastic laminate top and extension. / Table de repas avec structure en acier, mécanisme télescopique en alu, rallonge en portefeuille intérieure. Plateau verre céramique, verre, laminé plastique, bois ou éco bois. Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre CR01 - CR16 CR09 - CR15 CR18 - CR19 Ceramica Pyroceram Céramique CC01 108xxH. Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, crema caffé lucido MT60, grafite opaco MT98. High gloss white coating MT61, high gloss coffee cream MT60, matt graphite coating MT98 structure. / Structure en verni blanc brillant MT61, crème caffé brillant MT60, mat verni graphite MT

14 T230 WING Tavolo da pranzo con struttura in profilato di acciaio, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, un allunga interna a libro, piano in vetroceramica, cristallo, laminato, legno o eco legno. / Structural steel frame dining table with telescopic extending aluminium mechanism, inside extension, pyroceram, wooden, eco wooden, glass or plastic laminate top and extension. / Table de repas avec structure en acier, mécanisme télescopique en alu, rallonge en portefeuille intérieure, Plateau verre céramique, verre, laminé plastique, bois ou éco bois. Piano legno o laminato / Wooden or laminate top / Plateau bois ou laminé Laminato Laminate Laminé LA01 LA02 LA03 Wild Oak Piano Eco legno Eco wooden top Plateau en éco-bois ML30 - ML35 ML40 - ML90 ML91 Piano Eco legno Eco wooden top Plateau en éco-bois ML39 - ML41 ML98 TAVOLI / MADIE TABLES / SIDEBOARDS Piano legno o laminato Wooden or laminate top Plateau bois ou laminé 2 Kg 50 mc 0,31 Piano cristallo Glass top Plateau verre 3 Kg 77 mc 0,39 138x90xH. Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, crema caffé lucido MT60, grafite opaco MT98. High gloss white coating MT61, high gloss coffee cream MT60, matt graphite coating MT98 structure. / Structure en verni blanc brillant MT61, crème caffé brillant MT60, mat verni graphite MT Tavolo da pranzo con struttura in profilato di acciaio, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, un allunga interna a libro, piano in vetroceramica, cristallo, laminato, legno o eco legno. / Structural steel frame dining table with telescopic extending aluminium mechanism, inside extension, pyroceram, wooden, eco woden, glass or plastic laminate top and extension. / Table de repas avec structure en acier, mécanisme télescopique en alu, rallonge en portefeuille intérieure. Plateau verre céramique, verre, laminé plastique, bois ou éco bois Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre CR01 - CR16 CR09 - CR15 CR18 - CR19 Ceramica Pyroceram Céramique CC01 Ceramica Pyroceram Céramique CC02 - CC03 CC04 138x90xH. Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, crema caffé lucido MT60, grafite opaco MT98. High gloss white coating MT61, high gloss coffee cream MT60, matt graphite coating MT98 structure. / Structure en verni blanc brillant MT61, crème caffé brillant MT60, mat verni graphite MT T235 WING LEGNO Tavolo da pranzo con struttura in massello, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, un allunga interna a libro in legno, piano in cristallo o legno. Structural solid wooden frame dining table with telescopic extending aluminium mechanism, inside wooden extension, wooden or glass top. / Table de repas avec structure en bois massif, mécanisme télescopique en alu, rallonge en portefeuille intérieure en bois, plateau verre ou bois. Piano legno / Wooden top / Plateau bois Wild Oak 108xxH Oak Chêne Gambe e piano ordinabili esclusivamente nella stessa finitura Top and legs available only in the same finishing Plateau et pieds disponibles seulement dans la même finition Piano legno Wooden top Plateau bois 2 Kg 38 mc 0,23 Piano cristallo Glass top Plateau verre 3 Kg 68 mc 0,29 Tavolo da pranzo con struttura in massello, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, un allunga interna a libro in legno, piano in cristallo o legno. Structural solid wooden frame dining table with telescopic extending aluminium mechanism, inside wooden extension, wooden or glass top. / Table de repas avec structure en bois massif, mécanisme télescopique en alu, rallonge en portefeuille intérieure en bois, plateau verre ou bois. Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre CR01 - CR16 CR09 - CR15 CR18 - CR19 108xxH. tinto PW61-PW91-PW95-PW Painted Oak PW61-PW91-PW95-PW97- Chêne teinté PW61-PW91-PW95-PW97-13

15 TAVOLI / TABLES / TABLES T235 WING LEGNO Tavolo da pranzo con struttura in massello, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, un allunga interna a libro in legno, piano in cristallo o legno. Structural solid wooden frame dining table with telescopic extending aluminium mechanism, inside wooden extension, wooden or glass top. / Table de repas avec structure en bois massif, mécanisme télescopique en alu, rallonge en portefeuille intérieure en bois, plateau verre ou bois. Piano legno / Wooden top / Plateau bois Wild Oak x90xH Oak Chêne Gambe e piano ordinabili esclusivamente nella stessa finitura Top and legs available only in the same finishing Plateau et pieds disponibles seulement dans la même finitions. Piano legno Wooden top Plateau bois 2 Kg 46 mc 0,31 Piano cristallo Glass top Plateau verre 3 Kg 73 mc 0,39 Tavolo da pranzo con struttura in massello, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, un allunga interna a libro in legno, piano in cristallo o legno. Structural solid wooden frame dining table with telescopic extending aluminium mechanism, inside wooden extension, wooden or glass top. / Table de repas avec structure en bois massif, mécanisme télescopique en alu, rallonge en portefeuille intérieure en bois, plateau verre ou bois. Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre CR01 - CR16 CR09 - CR18 CR19 Ceramica Pyroceram Céramique CC02 - CC03 CC04 138x90xH. tinto PW61-PW91-PW95-PW Painted Oak PW61-PW91-PW95-PW97- Chêne teinté PW61-PW91-PW95-PW97- T231 WING UP Tavolo da pranzo con struttura in profilato di acciaio, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, un allunga interna a libro, piano in vetroceramica, cristallo, laminato, legno o eco legno, 2 gambe dotate di ruote. / Structural steel frame dining table with telescopic extending aluminium mechanism, inside extension, pyroceram, wooden, eco wooden, glass or plastic laminate top and extension. Wheels under sliding legs. Table de repas avec structure en acier, mécanisme télescopique en alu, rallonge en portefeuille intérieure, Plateau verre céramique, verre, laminé plastique, bois ou éco bois. Roulettes sous les pieds extensibles. Piano legno o laminato / Wooden or laminate top / Plateau bois ou laminé Laminato Laminate Laminé LA01 LA02 LA03 Wild Oak Piano Eco legno Eco wooden top Plateau en éco-bois ML30 - ML35 ML40 - ML90 ML91 Piano Eco legno Eco wooden top Plateau en éco-bois ML39 - ML41 ML x90xH.95 Struttura verniciato grafite opaco MT Matt graphite coating MT98 structure Structure mat verni graphite MT Piano legno o laminato Wooden or laminate top Plateau bois ou laminé 2 Kg 52 mc 0,33 Piano cristallo Glass top Plateau verre 3 Kg 80 mc 0,42 Tavolo da pranzo con struttura in profilato di acciaio, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, un allunga interna a libro, piano in vetroceramica, cristallo, laminato, legno o eco legno, 2 gambe dotate di ruote. / Structural steel frame dining table with telescopic extending aluminium mechanism, inside extension, pyroceram, wooden, eco wooden, glass or plastic laminate top and extension. Wheels under sliding legs. Table de repas avec structure en acier, mécanisme télescopique en alu, rallonge en portefeuille intérieure, Plateau verre céramique, verre, laminé plastique, bois ou éco bois. Roulettes sous les pieds extensibles Piano cristallo/glass top/plateau verre CR01 - CR16 CR09 - CR15 CR18 - CR19 Ceramica Pyroceram Céramique CC01 Ceramica Pyroceram Céramique CC02 - CC03 CC04 138x90xH.95 Struttura verniciato grafite opaco MT Matt graphite coating MT98 structure Structure mat verni graphite MT

16 MADIE / SIDEBOARDS / BAHUT X300 ALIZÉE 3 Kg 92 mc 0,81 Madia con contenitore laccato. Ante e piano rivestite in essenza. Ripiani trasparenti. Piedini in metallo verniciato. Lacquered sideboard, wooden top and front. Transparent shelves, painted steel feet. Bahut en bois laqué. Portes et plateau avec revêtement en bois, disponibles en plusieurs finitions, étagères transparents. Pieds en métal verni. Piano e frontale legno / Top and front wood / Plateau et façade bois Wild oak vecchio Anciant oak Chêne ancien PZ91 PZ90 TAVOLI / MADIE TABLES / SIDEBOARDS x55xH.66 Scocca e piedini laccato X06, X03 Structure and feet lacquered X06, X Structure et pieds bois laqué X06, X X031 STRIPE 3 Kg 92 mc 0,81 Madia con contenitore in laccato, rivestita in ceramica e legno. Ante rivestite in essenza e maniglia in ceramica cosi come il top della madia. Ripiani trasparenti. Piedini in acciaio verniciati / Wooden sideboard covered in wood and ceramic. Unit doors in wood and ceramic handle in combination with the ceramic top. Transparent shelves, steel feet / Bahut en bois et céramique. Porte avec revêtement en bois et poignet en céramique dans la même finition que celle du plateau. Piano e frontale legno / Top and front wood / Plateau et façade bois Wild oak termotrattato Heat treated oak Chêne thermtraité PZ x55xH.66 Scocca e piedini laccato X06, X03 Structure and feet lacquered X06, X Structure et pieds bois laqué X06, X Top e maniglia CC02, CC03, CC04 Top and handle CC02, CC03, CC04 Plateau et poignée CC02, CC03, CC04 15

17 SEDIE / CHAIRS / CHAISES S321 BLITZ 2 Kg 7 cad. mc 0,36 TOP SELLER Sedia con struttura in metallo rivestita in eco pelle o pelle. Metal frame chair with soft eco leather or soft leather covering. Chaise avec structure en métal, revêtement en éco-cuir ou cuir souple. 45x44xH.98 Eco pelle Soft eco-leather Eco-cuir EP03 - EP04 EP13 - EP14 EP15 - EP18 P01 - P02 P10 - P11 - P12 P18 - P19 - P20 Eco pelle Soft eco-leather Eco-cuir Nabuk EP50 - EP51 EP52 P S033 DIVA 4 Kg 24,2 cad. mc 0,29 Sedia impilabile con struttura in metallo, scocca in policarbonato. Metal frame stackable chair, polycarbonate shell. Chaise empilable en métal, coque en polycarbonate. Policarbonato coprente Opaque polycarbonate Polycarbonat couvrant PC60-PC61- PC62 Policarbonato Lucido Transparent Policarbonate PC51-PC x55xH.83 Struttura cromo MT92, verniciato bianco lucido MT61 Structure Chrome MT92, high gloss white painted MT61 / Structure Chromée MT92, verni blanc brillant MT Prezzo Cad. per acquisto di 4 pz. stessa finitura Price for each items buying 4 pieces same fin. Prix para chaise pour achat 4 pcs même coul Prezzo netto a sedia per sconfezionamento +10 Net price for each chair if bought individually +10 Prix para chaise pour achat unitair +10 S037 HAT 4 Kg 27,5 cad. mc 0,19 Sedia con struttura in metallo o legno, scocca in laminato o legno. Metal or wooden frame chair, melamine shell. Chaise avec structure métalou, coque en laminat ou bois. Laminato Laminated Laminés LA61 - LA90 Wild oak 82 50x52xH.82 Struttura Structure Wild oak Structure PW61-PW91-PW95--PW Struttura cromo MT92 Structure Chrome MT92 Structure Chromée MT S320 INN 2 Kg 8 cad. mc 0,34 Sedia in metallo rivestita in eco cuoio Eco-leather covered metal chair Chaise en métal revêtement eco-cuir sellier Eco cuoio Eco-leather Eco-cuir sellier EC07 - EC12 EC08 - EC13 EC09 - EC18 46x52xH

18 S324 JAZZ 1 Kg 12 cad. mc 0,36 Sedia con struttura a slitta in metallo, seduta rivestita in pelle. Sled pedestal metal frame chair, soft leather covering. Chaise avec structure en métal, piétement luge, revêtementcuir. Struttura abbinata in tinta. Matching structure. Structure en teinte. P01 - P10 P12 - P S400 KAI 47 2 Kg 4,5 cad. mc 0,25 F.E.S. 48x52xH.99 Sedia in metallo Metal chair Chaise en métal Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, verniciato moro opaco MT63, verniciato crema caffè lucido MT60, verniciato grafite opaco MT98 Structure High gloss white coating MT61, matt moro coating MT63, high gloss coffee cream coating MT60, matt graphite coating MT98. Structure Verni blanc brillant MT61, verni moro mat MT63, verni crème caffé brillant MT60, verni graphite mat MT Sedile e schienale in Vitrex / Vitrex seat and back Siège et dossier en vitrex Vitrex lucido Transparent vitrex Vitrex transparent FL51-FL57 Vitrex coprente Opaque vitrex Vitrex couvrant VC61 SEDIE/POLTRONCINE/SGABELLI CHAIRS/ARMCHAIRS/STOOL 84, x49xH.84,5 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, crema caffè lucido MT60 High gloss white coating MT61, high gloss coffee cream MT60 structure Structure en verni blanc brillant MT61, crème caffé brillant MT Sedia in metallo Metal chair Chaise en métal Sedile e schienale in legno / Wooden seat and back Siège et dossier en bois Oak Chêne PZ72-PZ80 PZ97-PZ99 42x49xH.84,5 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, crema caffè lucido MT60 High gloss white coating MT61, high gloss coffee cream MT60 structure Structure en verni blanc brillant MT61, crème caffé brillant MT DISPONIBILE FINO A ESAURIMENTO SCORTE AVAILABLE UNTIL STOCK CLEARANCE LIVRABLE JUSQU À DISPONIBILITÉ DE STOCK S319 LINEA 2 Kg 7 cad. mc 0,34 F.E.S. Sedia con struttura in metallo rivestita in ecopelle o in tessuto Metal frame chair with soft eco-leather or fabric covering Chaise avec structure en métal, revêtement éco-cuir ou tissu Eco pelle Soft eco-leather Eco-cuir Tessuto Fabric Tissu Tessuto Fabric Tissu EP03 - EP15 EP18 TX01 TX02 - TX03 TX04 40x45xH DISPONIBILE FINO A ESAURIMENTO SCORTE AVAILABLE UNTIL STOCK CLEARANCE LIVRABLE JUSQU À DISPONIBILITÉ DE STOCK 17

19 SEDIE / CHAIRS / CHAISES S322 LUNETTE 2 Kg 7 cad. mc 0,34 TOP SELLER Sedia con struttura in metallo rivestita in pelle, cuoio, mix pelle/cuoio o tessuto Metal frame chair with soft leather, leather, mix soft leather/leather or fabric covering Chaise avec structure en métal, revêtement cuir, cuir sellier, mix sellier/cuir ou tissu. Tessuto Fabric Tissu TX01 Tessuto Fabric Tissu TX02 TX03 TX04 P01 - P02 P10 - P11 P12 - P18 P19 - P20 Cuoio (tutti) Leather (all colours) sellier (toutes couleurs) P30 MIX /cuoio / Leather / Sellier C10-P01 C11-P10 C18-P18 C30-P12 45x51xH.84, , S323 LUXY 2 Kg 8 cad. mc 0,36 Sedia con struttura in metallo rivestita in pelle Metal frame chair with soft leather covering Chaise avec structure en métal, revêtement cuir TOP SELLER P01 - P02 P10 - P11 P12 - P18 P19 - P20 P30 46x52xH S032 MIA 4 Kg 16 cad. mc 0,30 Sedia impilabile realizzata con la tecnologia air moulding, in materiale tecnopolimero, resistente ai raggi UV. Adatta per ambiente indoor e outdoor, senza braccioli. / Stackable chair realized with the advanced air molding technology, technopolymer material, UV rays resistant. For outdoor or indoor environment, without arms. / Chaise empilable en tecnologie air moulding, en tecnopolymer, anti UV, pour l intérieur et l extérieur, sans accoudoir. Polipropilene Polypropylene Polypropylène PL01 - PL18 PL60 N.B OPTIONAL Cuscino in tinta in eco pelle Cushion in matching eco leather Cussin optionel en éco-cuir Eco /Soft Eco-Leather /Éco EP03- EP18- EP15 46x48xH.82 Prezzo Cad. per acquisto di 4 pz. stessa finitura Price for each items buying 4 pieces same fin. Prix para chaise pour achat 4 pcs même coul Prezzo netto a sedia per sconfezionamento +10 Net price for each chair if bought individually +10 Prix para chaise pour achat unitair +10 S032 MIA BR 4 Kg 19 cad. mc 0,34 Sedia impilabile realizzata con la tecnologia air moulding, in materiale tecnopolimero, resistente ai raggi UV. Adatta per ambiente indoor e outdoor, con braccioli. / Stackable chair realized with the advanced air molding technology, technopolymer material, UV rays resistant. For outdoor or indoor environment, with arms. / Chaise empilable en tecnologie air moulding, en tecnopolymer, anti UV, pour l intérieur et l extérieur, avec accoudoir. Polipropilene Polypropylene Polypropylène PL01 - PL18 PL60 N.B OPTIONAL Cuscino in tinta in eco pelle Cushion in matching eco leather Cussin optionel en éco-cuir Eco /Soft Eco-Leather /Éco EP03- EP18- EP x48xH.82 Prezzo Cad. per acquisto di 4 pz. stessa finitura Price for each items buying 4 pieces same fin. Prix para chaise pour achat 4 pcs même coul. Prezzo netto a sedia per sconfezionamento +10 Net price for each chair if bought individually +10 Prix para chaise pour achat unitair

20 S328 NATURAL 2 Kg 7 cad. mc 0,36 Sedia in metallo rivestita in pelle Metal frame chair with soft leather covering Chaise en métal, revêtement cuir P01 - P02 P10 - P11 - P12 P18 - P19 - P20 44,5x50xH ,5 50 S318 NEXUS 2 Kg 7 cad. mc 0,34 Sedia con struttura in metallo, seduta rivestita in eco pelle. Metal frame chair with soft eco-leather covering. Chaise avec structure en métal, revêtement en éco-cuir. Eco pelle Soft eco-leather Eco-cuir SEDIE/POLTRONCINE/SGABELLI CHAIRS/ARMCHAIRS/STOOL Struttura abbinata in tinta. Matching structure. Structure en teinte. EP03 - EP13 EP15 - EP x53xH.89 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, crema caffé lucido MT60, grafite opaco MT98, moro opaco MT63. High gloss white coating MT61, high gloss coffee cream MT60, matt graphite coating MT98, matt moro coating MT63. / Structure en verni blanc brillant MT61, crème caffé brillant MT60, mat verni graphite MT98, mat verni moro MT

21 SEDIE / CHAIRS / CHAISES S260 NOBYS 2 Kg 4 cad. mc 0,07 Sedia pieghevole con struttura in metallo Metal frame folding chair Chaise pliante en métal Sedile e schienale in polipropilene / Polypropylene seat and back Siège et dossier en polypropylène Polipropilene Polypropylene Polypropylène Polipropilene Polypropylene Polypropylène Polipropilene Polypropylene Polypropylène Polipropilene Polypropylene Polypropylène TOP SELLER PL01 - PL03 PL05 - PL06 PL01 PL06 PL ,5 49,5 45 7, ,5x49,5xH.81 Struttura verniciato alluminio Alu coating structure Structure verni alu Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61 High gloss white coating MT61 structure Structure en verni blanc brillant MT Struttura verniciato mastice lucido MT65 High gloss mastice coating MT65 structure Structure en verni mastice brillant MT65 76 Struttura verniciato grafite opaco MT98 Matt graphite coating MT98 structure Structure mat verni graphite MT S261 NOBYS CARRELLO 1 Kg 8 cad. mc 0,10 Carrello in metallo per n. 6 sedie mod. S260 Nobys Metal trolley holding up to nr. 6 art. S260 Nobys chairs Chariot en métal pour n. 6 chaises art. S260 Nobys x45xH.112 Struttura verniciato satinato MT93 Steel alike coating MT93 structure Structure verni satiné MT Struttura verniciato tortora opaco MT90 Structure matt tortora coating MT90 Structure verni tortora mat MT S210 NOBYS/RIPIEGO GANCIO 1 Kg 1 cad. mc 0,01 Gancio in metallo per n.4 sedie mod. S260 Nobys, S215 Ripiego Metal hook holding up to n. 4 art. S260 Nobys chairs, S215 Ripiego Crochet en métal pour n. 4 chaises art. S260 chaises Nobys, S215 Ripiego 4,5 53x22xH.13 Struttura verniciato tortora opaco MT90 Structure matt tortora coating MT90 Structure verni tortora mat MT ,5 15,5 20

22 S150 OPLA 2 Kg 5,5 cad. mc 0,10 84 TOP SELLER ,5 96,5 Sedia pieghevole in metallo Metal folding chair Chaise pliante en métal 40x54xH.84 Sedia pieghevole in metallo Metal folding chair Chaise pliante en métal 40x54xH.84 Struttura verniciato satinato MT93, crema caffè lucido MT60, tortora opaco MT90, grafite opaco MT98, cromo MT92 Steel alike coating MT93, high gloss coffee cream MT60, matt tortora MT90, matt graphite MT98 structure, chrome MT92 Structure verni satiné MT93, crème caffé brillant MT60, tortora mat MT90, graphite mat MT98, chrome MT92 Struttura verniciato satinato MT93, crema caffè lucido MT60, tortora opaco MT90, grafite opaco MT98, cromo MT92 Steel alike coating MT93, high gloss coffee cream MT60, matt tortora MT90, matt graphite MT98 structure, chrome MT92 Structure verni satiné MT93, crème caffé brillant MT60, tortora mat MT90, graphite mat MT98, chrome MT92 Sedile e schienale in vitrex / Vitrex seat and back / Siège et dossier en vitrex Vitrex lucido Vitrex sabbiato Vitrex coprente Vitrex ice Transparent vitrex Frosted vitrex Opaque vitrex Ice vitrex Vitrex transparent Vitrex sablé Vitrex couvrant Vitrex ice FL51 - FL54 FL56 - FL57 VX41 - VX48 VC60 - VC61 VI71 FL58 - FL59 VX90 VC Sedile e schienale in legno/wooden seat and back/siège et dossier en bois Faggio tinto ciliegio Cherrywood stained beech Hêtre teinté merisier PZ87 Oak Chêne PZ72 - PZ80 PZ97 - PZ99 Noce Walnut Noyer PZ SEDIE/POLTRONCINE/SGABELLI CHAIRS/ARMCHAIRS/STOOL Sedia pieghevole in metallo Metal folding chair Chaise pliante en métal 40x54xH.84 Struttura verniciato satinato MT93, crema caffè lucido MT60, tortora opaco MT90, grafite opaco MT98, cromo MT92 Steel alike coating MT93, high gloss coffee cream MT60, matt tortora MT90, matt graphite MT98 structure, chrome MT92 Structure verni satiné MT93, crème caffé brillant MT60, tortora mat MT90, graphite mat MT98, chrome MT92 Sedile e schienale in cuoio/leather seat and back/siège et dossier en cuir sellier Cuoio / Leather Cuoio "Metal" Cuoio "Patchwork" sellier C04-C09-C10 "Metal" leather "Patchwork" leather C11-C15-C18 sellier "Metal" sellier "Patchwork" S151 OPLA CARRELLO 1 Kg 9 cad. mc 0,2 Carrello in metallo per n. 6 sedie mod. S150 Oplà Metal trolley holding up to nr. 6 art. S150 Oplà chairs Chariot en métal pour n. 6 chaises art. S150 Oplà x63xH.98 Struttura verniciato satinato MT93, verniciato tortora opaco MT90 Steel alike coating MT93, matt tortora coating MT90 structure Structure verni satiné MT93, verni tortora mat MT S152 OPLA GANCIO 1 Kg 1 cad. mc 0,01 Gancio in metallo per n.3 sedie mod. S150 Oplà Metal hook holding up to nr. 3 S150 Oplà chairs Crochet en métal pour n. 3 chaises art. S150 Oplà 10,5 17,5 23,5 17.5x23,5xH.10,5 Struttura verniciato satinato MT93, verniciato tortora opaco MT90 Steel alike coating MT93, matt tortora coating MT90 structure / Structure verni satiné MT93, verni tortora mat MT

23 SEDIE / CHAIRS / CHAISES S283 PAGODA 2 Kg 8,8 cad. mc 0,36 Sedia in metallo rivestita in cuoio Leather covered metal chair Chaise en métal revêtement cuir sellier Cuoio (tutti) Leather (all colours) sellier (toutes couleurs) Cuoio "Metal" "Metal" leather sellier "Metal" C26 - C27 C29 47x57xH S331 POP 1 Kg 12 cad. mc 0,36 Sedia con base in legno, seduta rivestita in pelle. Chair with wooden legs, soft leather covering. Chaise avec structure en bois, revêtementcuir. P01 - P02 P10 - P11 - P12 P18 - P19 - P x53xH.99 Faggio tinto PZ01-PZ98-PZ51 Painted beech PZ01-PZ98-PZ51 Hêtre teinté PZ01-PZ98-PZ S309 PREMIERE 4 Kg 6 cad. mc 0,27 Sedia con struttura in metallo rivestita completamente in eco pelle. Metal frame chair with soft eco leather covering. Chaise avec structure en métal, revêtement en éco-cuir. Eco pelle Soft eco-leather Eco-cuir EP03 - EP04 EP13 - EP14 EP15 - EP18 Eco pelle Soft eco-leather Eco-cuir Nabuk EP50 - EP51 EP52 40x49xH

24 S215 RIPIEGO 2 Kg 6,5 cad. mc 0,07 TOP SELLER Sedia pieghevole con struttura in metallo Metal frame folding chair Chaise pliante en métal Sedile e schienale in Vitrex/Vitrex seat and back/siège et dossier en vitrex Vitrex trasparente Transparent vitrex Vitrex transparen FL51 - FL57 Vitrex coprente Opaque vitrex Vitrex couvrant VC61 - VC68 VC60 Vitrex sabbiato Frosted Vitrex Vitrex sablé VX x41xH.77 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, crema caffé lucido MT60, grafite opaco MT98, tortora opaco MT90. High gloss white coating MT61, high gloss coffee cream MT60, matt graphite coating MT98, tortora coating MT90 structure. / Structure en verni blanc brillant MT61, crème caffé brillant MT60, mat verni graphite MT98, verni tortora mat MT90 Sedia pieghevole con struttura in metallo Metal frame folding chair Chaise pliante en métal Sedile e schienale in legno/wooden seat and back/siège et dossier en bois Wild Oak SEDIE/POLTRONCINE/SGABELLI CHAIRS/ARMCHAIRS/STOOL PW95 - PW97 46x41xH.77 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, crema caffé lucido MT60, grafite opaco MT98, tortora opaco MT90. High gloss white coating MT61, high gloss coffee cream MT60, matt graphite coating MT98, tortora coating MT90 structure. / Structure en verni blanc brillant MT61, crème caffé brillant MT60, mat verni graphite MT98, verni tortora mat MT S216 RIPIEGO CARRELLO 1 Kg 5 cad. mc 0,25 Carrello in vitrex neutro lucido per n. 6 sedie mod. S215 Ripiego Transparent vitrex trolley holding up to nr. 6 art. S215 Ripiego chairs Chariot en vitrex transparente pour n. 6 chaises art. S215 Ripiego Vitrex trasparente Transparent vitrex Vitrex transparen FL x31xH

25 SEDIE / CHAIRS / CHAISES S026 SMILE 2 Kg 4,5 cad. mc 0,25 Sedia in metallo impilabile Metal stacking chair Chaise en métal empilable Scocca in vitrex / Vitrex shell / Coque en vitrex Vitrex lucido Transparent vitrex Vitrex transparent Vitrex bicolore Two-tone vitrex Vitrex bicolore Vitrex ice Ice vitrex Vitrex ice Vitrex sabbiato Frosted Vitrex Vitrex sablé FL51 - FL56 FL57 - FL58 FL59 BT61 - BT68 VI71 VX x46xH.83 Sedia in metallo impilabile Metal stacking chair Chaise en métal empilable Struttura verniciato satinato MT93, verniciato bianco lucido MT61, crema caffè lucido MT60, verniciato tortora opaco MT90, verniciato grafite opaco MT98 / Steel alike coating MT93, high gloss white coating MT61, high gloss coffee cream MT60, matt tortora coating MT90, matt graphite coating MT98 structure / Structure verni satiné MT93, verni blanc brillant MT61 ou crème caffé brillant MT60, verni tortora mat MT90, verni graphite mat MT Scocca in legno / Wooden shell / Coque en bois Oak Chêne PZ99 PZ80 Noce Walnut Noyer PZ50 Laccato bianco poro aperto White open pore lacquered Laqué blanc à pores ouverts PZ61 38x46xH.83 Struttura verniciato satinato MT93, verniciato bianco lucido MT61, crema caffè lucido MT60, verniciato tortora opaco MT90, verniciato grafite opaco MT98 / Steel alike coating MT93, high gloss white coating MT61, high gloss coffee cream MT60, matt tortora coating MT90, matt graphite coating MT98 structure / Structure verni satiné MT93, verni blanc brillant MT61 ou crème caffé brillant MT60, verni tortora mat MT90, verni graphite mat MT S316 SOFIA 2 Kg 15,5 cad. mc 0,33 Sedia con struttura in metallo rivestita in pelle. Metal frame chair with soft leather covering. Chaise avec structure en métal, revêtementcuir. P01 - P02 P10 - P11 - P12 P18 - P19 - P20 47x54xH S329 SOUL 1 Kg 9 cad. mc 0,36 Sedia in metallo rivestita in pelle con base a slitta Sled pedestal metal frame chair with soft leather covering Chaise en métal, piétement luge, revêtement cuir P01 - P02 P10 - P11 - P12 P18 - P19 - P x50xH.103 Piétement chromé MT

26 S214 TAK 1 Kg 13 cad. mc 0,31 Sedia pieghevole con struttura in alluminio Alu frame folding chair Chaise pliante avec structure en aluminium Policarbonato Polycarbonate Polycarbonat Policarbonato Polycarbonate Polycarbonat Policarbonato Polycarbonate Polycarbonat PC47 PC61 PC41 47,4 74 / 78 41,5 Struttura verniciato grafite opaco MT98 Matt graphite coating structure MT98 Structure verni graphite mat MT SEDIA CHIUSA / FOLDER CHAIR 4,5 47,4 S213 TAK CARRELLO 1 Kg 7 cad. mc 0,31 Struttura verniciato rovere opaco MT62 Matt rovere coating structure MT62 Structure mat rovere MT62 Struttura alluminio spazzolato MT72 Polished aluminium MT72 structure Structure alu poli MT72 Carrello in metallo per n. 4 sedie S214 Tak Metal trolley holding up to n. 4 S214 Tak Chariot en métal pour n. 4 S214 Tak SEDIE/POLTRONCINE/SGABELLI CHAIRS/ARMCHAIRS/STOOL x49xH.23 Struttura verniciato grafite opaco MT98 Matt graphite coating structure MT98 Structure verni graphite mat MT S330 VIVA 2 Kg 7,5 cad. mc 0,34 Sedia in metallo rivestita in cuoio Leather covered metal chair Chaise en métal revêtement cuir sellier Cuoio (tutti) Leather (all colours) sellier (toutes couleurs) Cuoio "Metal" "Metal" leather sellier "Metal" C26-C27-C29 45x48xH S335 VIVA BR 1 Kg 8,7 cad. mc 0,34 Poltroncina in metallo rivestita in cuoio Leather covered metal armchair Fauteuil en métal revêtement cuir sellier Cuoio (tutti) Leather (all colours) sellier (toutes couleurs) Cuoio "Metal" "Metal" leather sellier "Metal" C26-C27-C29 55x48xH

27 SEDIE / CHAIRS / CHAISES S340 VIVALTA 2 Kg 8 cad. mc 0,36 Sedia in metallo rivestita in cuoio Leather covered metal chair Chaise en métal revêtement cuir sellier Cuoio (tutti) Leather (all colours) sellier (toutes couleurs) Cuoio "Metal" "Metal" leather sellier "Metal" C26-C27-C29 TOP SELLER 45x48xH S345 VIVALTA BR 1 Kg 9 cad. mc 0,36 Poltroncina in metallo rivestita in cuoio Leather covered metal armchair Fauteuil en métal revêtement cuir sellier Cuoio (tutti) Leather (all colours) sellier (toutes couleurs) Cuoio "Metal" "Metal" leather sellier "Metal" C26-C27-C x48xH

28 70 POLTRONCINE / ARMCHAIRS / FAUTEUILS DE SALON S295 ARENA 1 Kg 17 cad. mc 0,28 Poltroncina da salotto girevole con molla di ritorno in metallo rivestita in pelle Metal frame return spring swivel, couch-armchair with soft leather covering Fauteuil de salon tournant à retour automatique en métal, revêtement cuir P01 - P02 P10 - P11 - P12 P18 - P19 - P20 P S297 BOOGIE 1 Kg 16,5 cad. mc 0, x52xH.72 Struttura verniciato grafite opaco MT98 Structure matt graphite coating MT98 Structure verni graphite mat MT98 Poltroncina girevole con struttura in metallo, interamente rivestita in pelle. Metal frame swivel armchair with soft leather covering. Fauteuil tournant avec structure en métal, entièrement avec revêtement cuir P01 - P02 P10 - P11 - P12 P18 - P19 - P20 P30 SEDIE/POLTRONCINE/SGABELLI CHAIRS/ARMCHAIRS/STOOL 56x60xH S452 ELIOT 1 Kg 14,2 cad. mc 0,33 Poltroncina girevole interamente rivestita in pelle, gambe in legno. Swivel armchair with soft leather covering, wooden legs. Fauteuil tournant avec structure en bois, avec revêtement cuir. P01 - P02 P10 - P11 - P12 P18 - P19 - P x57xH.82 Struttura Structure Wild oak Structure PW61-PW91-PW95--PW S298 NELSON 1 Kg 14,2 cad. mc 0,33 Poltroncina girevole con struttura in metallo, interamente rivestita in pelle. Metal frame swivel armchair with soft leather covering, optional wooden leg. Fauteuil tournant avec structure en métal, revêtement cuir. P01-P02- P10-P11-P12- P18-P19-P20 63x57xH

29 70 POLTRONCINE / ARMCHAIRS / FAUTEUILS DE SALON S451 NIGEL 1 Kg 17,7 cad. mc 0,31 Poltroncina girevole con struttura in metallo, seduta rivestita in pelle. Metal frame swivel armchair with soft leather covering. Fauteuil tournant avec structure en métal, avec revêtement cuir. P01 - P02 P10 - P11 - P12 P18 - P19 - P x57xH.78, verniciato grafite opaco MT98, matt graphite coating MT98, verni graphite mat MT S298 ROCK 1 Kg 16,5 cad. mc 0,31 Poltroncina girevole interamente rivestita in pelle, gambe in legno. Swivel armchair with soft leather covering, wooden legs. Fauteuil tournant avec structure en bois, avec revêtement cuir. P01 - P02 P10 - P11 - P12 P18 - P19 - P20 P x45xH.77 Struttura Structure Wild oak Structure PW61-PW91-PW95--PW S296 SWING 1 Kg 13 cad. mc 0,31 TOP SELLER Poltroncina girevole con molla di ritorno in metallo rivestita in pelle Metal frame return spring swivel armchair with soft leather covering Fauteuil tournant à retour automatique en métal, revêtement cuir P01 - P02 P10 - P11 - P12 P18 - P19 - P20 P x60xH

30 SGABELLI / STOOLS / TABOURETS S510 BINGO 1 Kg 13 cad. mc 0,19 Sgabello in metallo con alzata a gas Metal bar stool; gas lifting device Tabouret avec haussement par piston-gaz Scocca in vitrex / Vitrex shell / Coque en vitrex Vitrex lucido Transparent vitrex Vitrex transparent Vitrex bicolore Two-tone vitrex Vitrex bicolore Vitrex ice Ice vitrex Vitrex ice Vitrex sabbiato Frosted vitrex Vitrex sablé Vitrex coprente Opaque vitrex Vitrex couvrant TOP SELLER 44x44xH.74/100 FL51 - FL56 FL57 - FL58 FL59 BT61 - BT68 VI71 VX90 VC / /76 S520 BINGO BASIC 1 Kg 18 cad. mc 0,19 Sgabello in metallo con alzata a gas Metal bar stool; gas lifting device Tabouret avec haussement par piston-gaz 44x44xH.74/100 Sgabello in metallo con alzata a gas Metal bar stool; gas lifting device Tabouret avec haussement par piston-gaz Scocca in legno / Wooden shell / Coque en bois wengé Oak wengé Chêne wengé PZ99 grigio Oak grey Chêne gris PZ80 Noce Walnut Noyer PZ Scocca in vitrex / Vitrex shell / Coque en vitrex Vitrex lucido Transparent vitrex Vitrex transparent Vitrex bicolore Two-tone vitrex Vitrex bicolore Vitrex ice Ice vitrex Vitrex ice Vitrex sabbiato Frosted vitrex Vitrex sablé Laccato bianco poro aperto White open pore lacquered Laqué blanc à pores ouverts PZ61 Vitrex coprente Opaque vitrex Vitrex couvrant SEDIE/POLTRONCINE/SGABELLI CHAIRS/ARMCHAIRS/STOOL FL51 - FL56 FL57 - FL58 FL59 BT61 - BT68 VI71 VX90 VC60 86/ /78 39x39xH.86/111 Struttura verniciato tortora opaco MT90, verniciato grafite opaco MT98, cromo MT92 Structure matt tortora coating MT90, matt graphite coating MT98, Chrome MT92 Structure verni tortora mat MT90, verni graphite mat MT98, Chrome MT92 Sgabello in metallo con alzata a gas Metal bar stool; gas lifting device Tabouret avec haussement par piston-gaz Scocca in legno / Wooden shell / Coque en bois wengé Oak wengé Chêne wengé PZ99 grigio Oak grey Chêne gris PZ80 Noce Walnut Noyer PZ50 Laccato bianco poro aperto White open pore lacquered Laqué blanc à pores ouverts PZ61 39x39xH.86/111 Struttura verniciato tortora opaco MT90, verniciato grafite opaco MT98, cromo MT92 Structure matt tortora coating MT90, matt graphite coating MT98, Chrome MT92 Structure verni tortora mat MT90, verni graphite mat MT98, Chrome MT S027 BONGO 1 Kg 7 cad. mc 0,25 Sgabello fisso in metallo Metal bar stool Tabouret en métal Scocca in vitrex / Vitrex shell / Coque en vitrex Vitrex lucido Transparent vitrex Vitrex transparent Vitrex bicolore Two-tone vitrex Vitrex bicolore Vitrex ice Ice vitrex Vitrex ice Vitrex sabbiato Frosted vitrex Vitrex sablé FL51 - FL56 FL57 - FL58 FL59 BT61 - BT68 VI71 VX90 44x47,5xH ,5 65 Sgabello fisso in metallo Metal bar stool Tabouret en métal Scocca in legno / Wooden shell / Coque en bois wengé Oak wengé Chêne wengé PZ99 grigio Oak grey Chêne gris PZ80 Noce Walnut Noyer PZ50 Laccato bianco poro aperto White open pore lacquered Laqué blanc à pores ouverts PZ61 44x47,5xH

31 SGABELLI / STOOLS / TABOURETS S523 CHARLIE 1 Kg 9,4 cad. mc 0,23 Sgabello in metallo, scocca rivestita in pelle, poggiapiedi in metallo. Metal frame stool, soft leather covered seat, metal footrest. Tabouret structure métal, assise et structure revêtementéco-cuir, repose-pied chromé Scocca rivestita in pelle / Soft-leather shell/ Coque revêtement cuir P01 - P02 P10 - P11 - P12 P18 - P19 - P20 P x45xH.82 Struttura verniciato grafite opaco MT98, verniciato crema caffè lucido MT60 Structure matt graphite coating MT98, high gloss coffee cream coating MT60, Structure verni graphite mat MT98, verni crème caffé brillant MT S501 CHUF BASIC 1 Kg 18 cad. mc 0,19 73/98 56/ Sgabello in metallo con alzata a gas. Metal bar stool; gas lifting device. Tabouret avec haussement par piston-gaz. 39x39xH.73/98 Struttura verniciato tortora opaco MT90, verniciato grafite opaco MT98, cromo MT92 Structure matt tortora coating MT90, matt graphite coating MT98, Chrome MT92 Structure verni tortora mat MT90, verni graphite mat MT98, Chrome MT92 Sgabello in metallo con alzata a gas. Metal bar stool; gas lifting device. Tabouret avec haussement par piston-gaz. Scocca in vitrex / Vitrex shell / Coque en vitrex Vitrex lucido Transparent vitrex Vitrex transparent FL51 - FL54 FL56 - FL57 FL58 Vitrex sabbiato Frosted vitrex Vitrex sablé VX41 - VX48 Vitrex coprente Opaque vitrex Vitrex couvrant VC61 - VC68 Vitrex ice Ice vitrex Vitrex ice VI Scocca in legno / Wooden shell / Coque en bois Faggio tinto ciliegio Cherrywood stained beech Hêtre teinté merisier PZ87 Oak Chêne PZ80 PZ99 39x39xH.73/98 Struttura verniciato tortora opaco MT90, verniciato grafite opaco MT98, cromo MT92 Structure matt tortora coating MT90, matt graphite coating MT98, Chrome MT92 Structure verni tortora mat MT90, verni graphite mat MT98, Chrome MT S524 ETIENNE 1 Kg 10,2 cad. mc 0,26 Sgabello in metallo, scocca rivestita in pelle, poggiapiedi in metallo. Metal frame stool, soft leather covered seat, metal footrest. Tabouret structure métal, assise et structure revêtementéco-cuir, repose-pied en métal. Scocca rivestita in pelle / Soft-leather shell/ Coque revêtement cuir P01 - P02 P10 - P11 - P12 P18 - P19 - P x45xH.84 Struttura verniciato grafite opaco MT98, verniciato crema caffè lucido MT60 Structure matt graphite coating MT98, high gloss coffee cream coating MT60, Structure verni graphite mat MT98, verni crème caffé brillant MT

32 S540 GERRY 1 Kg 27 cad. mc 0,40 TOP SELLER Sgabello in metallo, meccanismo a gas regolabile in altezza, scocca rivestita in pelle. Metal frame stool, gas adjustable height, soft leather covered seat. / Tabouret tournant en métal, haussement par vérin-gaz, coque revêtement cuir. Scocca rivestita in pelle / Soft-leather shell/ Coque revêtement cuir P01 - P02 P10 - P12 P18 - P19 P20 P / /84 80/106 S522 LUNETTE SGABELLO 1 Kg 21 cad. mc 0,19 58x56xH.90/116 Struttura verniciato tortora opaco MT90, verniciato grafite opaco MT98, cromo MT92 Structure matt tortora coating MT90, matt graphite coating MT98, Chrome MT92 Structure verni tortora mat MT90, verni graphite mat MT98, Chrome MT92 Sgabello in metallo, meccanismo a gas regolabile in altezza, scocca rivestita in pelle. Metal frame stool, gas adjustable height, soft leather covered seat. / Tabouret tournant en métal, haussement par vérin-gaz, coque revêtement cuir Scocca rivestita in pelle / Soft-leather shell/ Coque revêtement cuir P01 - P02 - P10 - P12 - P18 - P19 - P20 P30 SEDIE/POLTRONCINE/SGABELLI CHAIRS/ARMCHAIRS/STOOL 74 / / 80 39x39xH.74/100 Struttura verniciato grafite opaco MT98, cromo MT92 Structure matt graphite coating MT98, Chrome MT92 Structure verni graphite mat MT98, Chrome MT S550 PIQUET 1 Kg 25 cad. mc 0,37 Sgabello in metallo, meccanismo a gas regolabile in altezza da cm 54 a cm 80, scocca rivestita in pelle. Metal frame stool, gas adjustable height from cm 54 to cm 80, soft leather covered seat. Tabouret tournant en métal, haussement par vérin-gaz de cm 54 à cm 80, coque revêtement cuir. Scocca rivestita in pelle / Soft-leather shell/ Coque revêtement cuir P01 - P02 P10 - P11 - P12 P18 - P19 - P x57xH.92/119 Struttura verniciato grafite opaco MT98, verniciato tortora opaco MT90 Structure matt graphite coating MT98, matt tortora coating MT90. Structure verni graphite mat MT98, verni tortora mat MT S545 SIMPLE 1 Kg 20 cad. mc 0,16 Sgabello in metallo, meccanismo a gas regolabile in altezza da cm 54 a cm 80, scocca rivestita in pelle. Metal frame stool, gas adjustable height from cm 54 to cm 80, soft leather covered seat. Tabouret tournant en métal, haussement par vérin-gaz de cm 54 à cm 80, coque revêtement cuir. Scocca rivestita in pelle / Soft-leather shell/ Coque revêtement cuir P01 - P02 P10 - P11 - P12 P18 - P19 - P20 P30 74/100 54/80 40x48xH.74/100 Struttura verniciato grafite opaco MT98, verniciato tortora opaco MT90 Structure matt graphite coating MT98, matt tortora coating MT90. Structure verni graphite mat MT98, verni tortora mat MT

33 SGABELLI / STOOLS / TABOURETS S560 SLANG 1 Kg 22,7 cad. mc 0,18 Sgabello in metallo, meccanismo a gas regolabile in altezza da cm 54 a cm 80, scocca rivestita in pelle. Metal frame stool, gas adjustable height from cm 54 to cm 80, soft leather covered seat. Tabouret tournant en métal, haussement par vérin-gaz de cm 54 à cm 80, coque revêtement cuir. Scocca in vitrex / Vitrex shell / Coque en vitrex P01-P02- P10-P11-P12- P18-P19-P20 86/111 54/80 40x48xH.86/111 Struttura verniciato grafite opaco MT98, verniciato tortora opaco MT90 Structure matt graphite coating MT98, matt tortora coating MT90. Structure verni graphite mat MT98, verni tortora mat MT S525 SOFT 1 Kg 21 cad. mc 0,19 TOP SELLER Sgabello in metallo con alzata a gas Metal bar stool; gas lifting device Tabouret avec haussement par piston-gaz Scocca rivestita in pelle / Soft-leather shell / Coque revêtement cuir P02 - P10- P11-P18-P12 P19-P20 P01 86/111 53/78 39x39xH.86/111 Struttura verniciato tortora opaco MT90, verniciato grafite opaco MT98, cromo MT92 Structure matt tortora coating MT90, matt graphite coating MT98, Chrome MT92 Structure verni tortora mat MT90, verni graphite mat MT98, Chrome MT

34 CONSOLLE / CONSOLE / CONSOLE 35 T021 A4 2 Kg 68 mc 0,35 85 RAL S TOP SELLER Consolle in legno allungabile dotata di 4 prolunghe incorporate nella struttura, ciascuna di 58 cm., meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, gamba centrale girevole per supporto a meccanismo aperto, dotata di ruote per una facile movimentazione, verniciato grafite opaco MT98. Extendable wooden console table with 4 extensions of 58 cm. each placed in the structure mat graphite coating MT98. Aluminum telescopic mechanism with swivelling inside wooden sliding feet supporting the mechanism while open, it is equipped with wheels for simplify the move. Console ouvrante structure et plateau en placage bois, mécanisme télescopique en aluminium avec pieds centrales de support au mécanisme ouvert. Roulettes pour une facile ouverture 4 rallonges en dotation a l interieur de la structure de 58 cm. Piano e gambe legno/wooden top and legs/plateau et pieds en bois Wild oak termotrattato Heat treated oak Chêne thermtraité PZ98 vecchio Anciant oak Chêne ancien PZ91 PZ x35xH. Struttura e piani rovere Oak frame and tops Structure et plateaux en chêne 93/151/209/267 T036 GLASS 2 Kg 125 mc 0,64 43 TOP SELLER Consolle in MDF laccato allungabile anche nella struttura. Struttura e piano rivestiti in cristallo o lamina pietra naturale, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio. Dotata di 5 prolunghe esterne di 50 cm in nobilitato in tinta. Extendable console table with aluminium telescopic mechanism and lacquered MDF structure. Structure and legs with glass or natural stone layer covering. It has 5 separeted painted melamine extensions each one of cm. 50. Console ouvrante, transformable en table de salle à manger. Méchanisme téléscopique en alu.structure en MDF laqué, plateau et pieds recouverts de verre ou de feuille pierre naturelle. 5 rallonges en mélamine dans la même couleur que celle de la structure en dotation de 50 cm. Piano e gambe cristallo o lamina pietra naturale / Glass top and legs or natural stone layer / Plateau et pieds en verre ou feuille pierre naturelle Stop-Sol Stop-Sol Stop-Sol CR10 CR01 CR03 CR09 Lamina pietra naturale Natural stone layer Feuille pierre naturelle LA04 Ceramica Pyroceram Céramique CC02 - CC03 CC04 CONSOLLE CONSOLE /93/143/193/243/ x43xH. Struttura e piani Tops and frame Structure et plateau T035 GOLIA 2 Kg 81 mc 0,55 RAL S TOP SELLER Consolle in legno allungabile anche nella struttura. Meccanismo telescopico in alluminio. Dotata di 5 prolunghe esterne di 50 cm. Wooden frame extendable console-table. Aluminium telescopic mechanism. It has 5 separeted extensions, each one of cm. 50. Console ouvrante, transformable en table de salle à manger. Méchanisme téléscopique en alu. 5 rallonges en dotation de 50 cm. Piano e gambe legno/wooden top and legs/plateau et pieds en bois Wild Oak PW61-PW91 PW95-PW97 Laccato opaco poro chiuso Matt lacquered closed pore Laqué mat pores bouchés LO60-LO61 Laccato colore RAL poro aperto termotrattato Open pore RAL Heat treated colour lacquered oak Laqué colour Chêne RAL à pore thermtraité ouverts PZ98 Laccato colore RAL opaco poro chiuso Matt RAL colour lacquered closed pore Laqué colour RAL mat pores bouchés x43xH. Struttura e piani rovere Oak frame and tops Structure et plateaux en chêne /93/143/193/243/293 T022 GOLIETTA 1 Kg 55 mc 0,41 RAL S Consolle in legno allungabile dotata di 2 prolunghe incorporate alla gamba centrale, meccanismo in alluminio telescopico. Extendable wooden console table with 2 extensions placed in the central leg, Aluminum telescopic mechanism. Console ouvrante, structure et plateau en placage bois, 2 rallongescachéesdans le pied central. Mécanismetélescopique en aluminium. Piano e gambe legno/wooden top and legs/plateau et pieds en bois Wild Oak PW61-PW91 PW95-PW97 Laccato opaco poro chiuso Matt lacquered closed pore Laqué mat pores bouchés LO90-LO x46xH. Struttura e piani rovere Oak frame and tops Structure et plateaux en chêne N.B. Terza allunga opzionale a parte in eco legno ML35-ML40: 120. Optional third extension in eco wood ML35-ML40: 120. Troisième rallonge optionnelle en éco-bois ML35-ML40: /101/156/211 33

35 182 CONSOLLE / CONSOLE / CONSOLE T037 INSIDE 2 Kg 58 mc 0,46 RAL S Consolle in legno allungabile dotata di tre prolunghe incorporate sul retro della struttura ciascuna di 64 cm, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio, gamba centrale girevole per supporto a meccanismo aperto, dotata di ruote per una facile movimentazione. Extendable wooden console table with three extensions of 64 cm each placed in the back of the structure, aluminium telescopic mechanism with swiveling inside wooden sliding feet supporting the mechanism while open. Is is equipped with wheels to simplify the move. / Console ouvrante, structure et plateau en placage bois, mécanisme télescopique en aluminium avec pieds centrales de support au mécanisme ouvert. Roulettes pour une facile ouverture. Trois rallonges en dotation à l interieur de la structure de 64 cm. Piano e gambe legno / Wooden top and legs / Plateau et pieds en bois Olmo Elm Orme PZ41 PZ46 PZ47 PZ x47xH. Struttura e piani olmo Elm frame and tops Structure et plateaux en orme T013 METRÒ XELLE 2 Kg 48 mc 0,20 90 Consolle con struttura in estruso di alluminio, piano e prolunghe in legno, meccanismo telescopico in alluminio. Dotata di 3 prolunghe esterne ciascuna da 57 cm. Aluminium frame extendable console with wooden top and extentions, aluminium telescopic mechanism. It has three outside 57 cm. each extensions. Console ouvrante avec structure en aluminium. Plateau et rallonges en bois. Mécanisme télescopique en aluminium. Trois rallonges en dotation de 57 cm. Piano legno / Wooden top / Plateau bois Wild oak termotrattato Heat treated oak Chêne therm PZ /102/159/ x45xH.74 Struttura alluminio anodizzato MT71 Anodized aluminium MT71 structure Structure alu anodisé MT71 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61 o verniciato grafite opaco MT98 High gloss white coating MT61 or matt graphite coating MT98 structure Structure verni blanc brillant MT61 ou verni graphite mat MT T020 MINIMA 3 Kg 53 mc 0,21 RAL S 84/99 Consolle in legno allungabile anche nella struttura. Meccanismo telescopico in alluminio. Dotata di 3 prolunghe: una di 34 cm. ripiegata a libro sotto il piano e due separate da cm. 49. Fasce laterali in legno. / Wooden frame extendable console table. Aluminium telescopic mechanism. It has three extensions: one cm. 34 inside-folded extension and two cm. 49 separate ones. Wooden side strips. / Console ouvrante, transformable en table de salle à manger. Méchanisme téléscopique en alu. Trois rallonges en dotation: une de cm. 34 pliée dans le méchanisme et deux de cm. 49 à part. Revtêment bois sur les bandes alu. 100x50xH. Struttura faggio - piani MDF Beech frame - MDF tops Structure hêtre - Plateaux MDF Piano e gambe legno/wooden top and legs/plateau et pieds en bois Laccato bianco opaco Matt white lacquered Laqué blanc mat LO Oak Chêne PZ80 PZ Struttura frassino e piani rovere Ash frame and oak tops Structure en bois de frêne et plateaux en chêne / F.E.S DISPONIBILE FINO A ESAURIMENTO SCORTE AVAILABLE UNTIL STOCK CLEARANCE LIVRABLE JUSQU À DISPONIBILITÉ DE STOCK 34

36 T026 VOILA 3 Kg 55 mc 0,25 RAL S Consolle in metallo allungabile anche nella struttura. Piano e prolunghe in legno. Meccanismo telescopico in alluminio. Dotata di 3 prolunghe: una di 34 cm. ripiegata a libro sotto il piano e due separate da cm. 47. / Metal frame extendable console-table, wooden top and extensions. Aluminium telescopic mechanism. It has three extensions: one cm. 34 inside-folded extension and two cm. 47 separate ones. / Console ouvrante en métal, transformable en table de salle à manger. Méchanisme téléscopique en alu. Trois rallonges en dotation: une de cm.34 pliée dans le méchanisme et deux de cm. 47 à part. Piano legno o Eco legno / Wooden top or Eco wood / Plateau bois ou Eco bois Wild Oak Laccato bianco lucido High gloss white lacquered Laquée blanc brillant LL61 Eco legno Ecowood Éco bois ML30 ML35 ML40 ML90 ML91 Eco legno Ecowood Éco bois ML39 ML41 ML /94 125x47xH.74 Struttura bianco lucido MT61, verniciato grafite opaco MT High gloss white coating MT61, matt graphite coating MT98 structure Structure verni blanc brillant MT61, verni graphite mat MT / Optional portallunghe in eco legno ML30, ML90, ML98 Optional extension holder in eco wood ML30, ML90, ML98 Porterallonge optionelle en éco bois ML30, ML90, ML CONSOLLE CONSOLE X096 SACCA PORTA ALLUNGHE 1 Kg 0,5 mc 0,0005 Sacca in tessuto nero contenente n. 2 allunghe per trasformabili o consolle, dimensione massima 100X50 cm. Black fabric bag for max 2. extensions for transformables or consoles 100x50cm. Sac en tissu pour max n.2 rallonges 100x50 cm. pour tables relevables ou consoles. 50 X097 SOSTEGNO PORTA ALLUNGHE 1 Kg 2 mc 0,03 Sostegno porta allunghe per consolle Hocker extensions-holder for console-table Crochet porte-rallonges pour console 30x30xH.23 Verniciato tortora opaco Matt Tortora coating Verni tortora mat MT X098 PORTA ALLUNGHE 1 Kg 2,5 mc 0,03 Porta allunghe per consolle Extensions-holder for console Porte-rallonges pour console Vitrex lucido Transparent vitrex Vitrex transparent FL

37 68 97 TAVOLINI ELEVABILI / MULTIFUNCTIONAL COFFE-TABLES / TABLES DÎNETTES T061 BELLAGIO 1 Kg 45 mc 0,36 Tavolino trasformabile a 2 altezze (cm 32>cm 65), struttura in metallo, piano in legno e gambe in cristallo, meccanismo di sollevamento a gas auto-frenante. Two-heights (cm 32>cm 65) transformable coffee-table with metal structure, wooden upper top and glass feet. Self-braking gas-lifting device. Table dînette à deux hauteurs (cm 32>cm 65), structure en métal, plateau bois et pieds en verre, haussement par vérin-gaz auto-freinant. Piano legno / Wooden top / Plateau bois Wild oak PW61-PW91 PW95-PW97 Noce canaletto Canaletto Walnut Noyer Canaletto PZ51 termotrattato Heat treated Oak Chêne thermtraité PZ98 vecchio Anciant oak Chêne ancien PZ90 PZ x68xH.32/65 Struttura verniciato grafite opaco MT98, Gambe: trasparente extrachiaro CR Structure matt graphite coating MT98, Feet Extrawhite transparent glass CR14 Structure verni graphite mat MT98, pieds verre transparent CR14 T061 BELLAGIO ROUND 1 Kg 55 mc 0,50 Tavolino trasformabile a 2 altezze (cm 32>cm 65), struttura in metallo e gambe in cristallo, piano in legno, meccanismo di sollevamento a gas auto-frenante. Two-heights (cm 32>cm 65) transformable coffee-table with metal structure, glass leg and wooden upper top.self-braking gas-lifting device. Table dînette à deux hauteurs (cm 32>cm 65), structure en métal, plateau bois et pieds en verre, haussement par vérin-gaz auto-freinant. Piano legno / Wooden top / Plateau bois Wild oak termotrattato Heat treated Oak Chêne thermtraité PZ98 vecchio Anciant oak Chêne ancien PZ90 - PZ91 Ø 110 Ø110xH.32/65 Struttura verniciato grafite opaco MT98, Gambe: trasparente extrachiaro CR Structure matt graphite coating MT98, Feet Extrawhite transparent glass CR14 Structure verni graphite mat MT98, pieds verre transparent CR T061 BELLAGIO QUADRO 1 Kg 46 mc 0, Tavolino trasformabile a 2 altezze (cm 32>cm 65), struttura in metallo, piano in legno e gambe in cristallo, meccanismo di sollevamento a gas auto-frenante. Two-heights (cm 32>cm 65) transformable coffee-table with metal structure, wooden upper top and glass feet. Self-braking gas-lifting device. Table dînette à deux hauteurs (cm 32>cm 65), structure en métal, plateau bois et pieds en verre, haussement par vérin-gaz auto-freinant. Piano legno / Wooden top / Plateau bois Wild oak termotrattato Heat treated Oak Chêne thermtraité PZ98 vecchio Anciant oak Chêne ancien PZ90 - PZ x85xH.32/65 Struttura verniciato grafite opaco MT98, Gambe: trasparente extrachiaro CR Structure matt graphite coating MT98, Feet Extrawhite transparent glass CR14 Structure verni graphite mat MT98, pieds verre transparent CR14 SCALA T060 FLAT 1 Kg 55 mc 0, F.E.S. Tavolino a due altezze. Vaschetta porta-oggetti di serie in lamiera verniciata nera./ Two heights couch table. Standard inside holder in black painted metal./ Table relevable à deux hauteurs. Espace de rangement en métal noir. Piedini supplementari +6 cm: 108. Additional feet +6 cm: 108. Pieds optionnels +6 cm: 108. Supplemento KIT LED ricaricabile a batteria: 429. Optional KIT LED system with rechargeable battery: 429. Supplément KIT LED avec batterie rechargeable: 429. Piano cristallo / Glass top / Plateau verre CR01 90x90xH.25/56 Base laccata bianca lucida LL61 High gloss white lacquered LL61 structure Structure laquéé blanc brillant LL61 Base laccata nera lucida LL68 High gloss black lacquered LL68 structure Structure laquéé noir brillant LL68 CR DISPONIBILE FINO A ESAURIMENTO SCORTE AVAILABLE UNTIL STOCK CLEARANCE LIVRABLE JUSQU À DISPONIBILITÉ DE STOCK 36

38 T060 FLAT 1 Kg 60 mc 0, F.E.S. Tavolino a due altezze. Vaschetta porta-oggetti di serie in lamiera verniciata nera./ Two heights couch table. Standard inside holder in black painted metal./ Table relevable à deux hauteurs. Espace de rangement en métal noir. Piedini supplementari +6 cm: 108. Additional feet +6 cm: 108. Pieds optionnels +6 cm: 108. Supplemento KIT LED ricaricabile a batteria: 429. Optional KIT LED system with rechargeable battery: 429. Supplément KIT LED avec batterie rechargeable: 429. Piano cristallo / Glass top / Plateau verre CR x76xH.25/ T063 MARKUS 1 Kg 64 mc 0,38 Tavolino trasformabile a 2 altezze (cm 32>cm 65), struttura in metallo e gambe in cristallo, piano in legno, meccanismo di sollevamento a gas auto-frenante. Two-heights (cm 32>cm 65) transformable coffee-table with metal structure, glass leg and wooden upper top.self-braking gas-lifting device. Table dînette à deux hauteurs (cm 32>cm 65), structure en métal, plateau bois et pieds en verre, haussement par véringaz auto-freinant. Piano legno / Wooden top / Plateau bois Wild oak termotrattato Heat treated Oak Chêne thermtraité PZ98 vecchio Ancient oak Chêne ancien PZ90 - PZ x90xH.32/65 Struttura verniciato grafite opaco MT98, Gambe trasparente extrachiaro CR Structure matt graphite coating MT98, Feet Extrawhite transparent glass CR14 Structure verni graphite mat MT98, pieds verre transparent CR T062 METRINO 1 Kg 39 mc 0, Tavolino trasformabile a 2 altezze (cm 32>cm 65), struttura in metallo, piano in legno, meccanismo di sollevamento a gas auto-frenante. Two-heights (cm 32>cm 65) transformable coffee-table with metal structure and wooden upper top.self-braking gas-lifting device. Table dînette à deux hauteurs (cm 32>cm 65), structure en métal, plateau bois, haussement par vérin-gaz auto-freinant. Piano legno / Wooden top / Plateau bois termotrattato Heat treated Oak Chêne thermtraité PZ98 vecchio Ancient oak Chêne ancien PZ90 - PZ91 117x68xH.32/65 Struttura verniciato grafite opaco MT98 Structure matt graphite coating MT Structure verni graphite mat MT98 TAVOLINI ELEVABILI MULTIFUNCTIONAL TABLES T064 RADIUS 1 Kg 44 mc 0,36 Tavolino trasformabile a 2 altezze (cm 32>cm 65), struttura e gambe in metallo, piano in legno, meccanismo di sollevamento a gas auto-frenante. Two-heights (cm 32>cm 65) transformable coffee-table with metal structure, wooden upper top.self-brakinggas-lifting device. Table dînette à deux hauteurs (cm 32>cm 65), structure en métal, plateau bois et pieds en métal, haussement par vérin-gaz auto-freinant. Piano legno / Wooden top / Plateau bois Wild oak Noce canaletto Canaletto Walnut Noyer Canaletto PZ51 termotrattato Heat treated Oak Chêne thermtraité PZ98 vecchio Anciant oak Chêne ancien PZ90 - PZ91 Massello Solid wood Bois massif PW x68xH.32/65 Struttura verniciato grafite opaco MT98. Structure matt graphite coating MT Structure verni graphite mat MT Base laccata bianca lucida LL61 High gloss white lacquered LL61 structure Structure laquéé blanc brillant LL61 DISPONIBILE FINO A ESAURIMENTO SCORTE AVAILABLE UNTIL STOCK CLEARANCE LIVRABLE JUSQU À DISPONIBILITÉ DE STOCK

39 TRASFORMABILI / TRANSFORMABLE TABLES / TRANSFORMABLES 23 T127 APPLE 1 Kg 41 mc 0, F.E.S. Tavolino trasformabile diventa tavolo da pranzo. Base metallo e alzata con pistone a gas. Regolabile in tutte le altezze al millimetro. Ruote a scomparsa, piano raddoppiabile a libro. Transformable couch table; it turns into a dining table. Metal base, gas lifting device. Adjustable at any height, hidden wheels, folding doubling top. Table de salon transformable en table de salle à manger. Piétement en métal, haussement par piston-gaz reglable au millimètre. Roulettes cachées, plateau doublant. Piano Eco legno / Eco wood top / Plateau Eco bois Eco legno Ecowood Éco bois ML35 - ML36 ML x68 xh.23/76 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, crema caffé lucido MT60 High gloss white coating MT61, high gloss coffee cream MT60 structure Structure en verni blanc brillant MT61, crème caffé brillant MT DISPONIBILE FINO A ESAURIMENTO SCORTE AVAILABLE UNTIL STOCK CLEARANCE LIVRABLE JUSQU À DISPONIBILITÉ DE STOCK Chrome base MT T110 BOX 1 Kg 81 mc 0,35 TOP SELLER Tavolino trasformabile diventa tavolo da pranzo. Base metallo e alzata con pistone a gas. Regolabile in tutte le altezze al millimetro. Ruote a scomparsa, allunghe interne in nobilitato in tinta. / Transformable couch table; it turns into a dining table. Metal base, gas lifting device. Adjustable at any height, hidden wheels, inside painted melamine extensions. Table de salon tranformable en table de salle à manger. Piétement en métal, haussement par piston-gaz reglable au millimètre. Roulettes cachées, rallonges intérieures en mélamine dans la même couleur que celle du plateau. Base cromata MT92 Chrome MT92 structure Piano e fascia laterale cristallo/glass top and frame/ Plateau et ceinture verre 120xxH.25/84 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, crema caffè lucido MT60, tortora opaco MT90, grafite opaco MT98. / High gloss white coating MT61, high gloss coffee cream MT60, matt tortora MT90, matt graphite MT98 structure. / Structure en verni blanc brillant MT61, crème caffé brillant MT60, tortora mat MT90, graphite mat MT98 CR08 CR03 - CR16 CR01 CR09 - CR18 CR19 Ceramica Pyroceram Céramique CC02 - CC03 CC T111 BOX LEGNO 1 Kg 72 mc 0,35 Tavolino trasformabile diventa tavolo da pranzo. Base metallo e alzata con pistone a gas. Regolabile in tutte le altezze al millimetro. Ruote a scomparsa, allunghe interne. Transformable couch table; it turns into a dining table. Metal base, gas lifting device. Adjustable at any height, hidden wheels, inside extensions. Table de salon tranformable en table de salle à manger. Piétement en métal, haussement par piston-gaz reglable au millimètre. Roulettes cachées, rallonges intérieures. Piano e fascia laterale/top and frame/ Plateau et ceinture Wild Oak PW61 PW91 PW95 PW97 termotrattato Heat treated oak Chêne therm PZ98 Lamina pietra naturale Natural stone layer Feuille pierre naturelle LA04 vecchio Anciant oak Chêne ancien PZ90 PZ91 P32 P31 Abete antico Vintage Vintage ancient pinewood Vintage ancien sapin PZ xxH.25/84 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, crema caffè lucido MT60, tortora opaco MT90, grafite opaco MT98. / High gloss white coating MT61, high gloss coffee cream MT60, matt tortora MT90, matt graphite MT98 structure. / Structure en verni blanc brillant MT61, crème caffé brillant MT60, tortora mat MT90, graphite mat MT Base cromata MT92 Chrome MT92 structure T105 E-MOTION 3 Kg 90 mc 0, Tavolino trasformabile diventa tavolo da pranzo. Struttura mirror. Regolabile elettricamente in tutte le altezze al millimetro. Dotato di batterie ricaricabili. Allunghe in cristallo. / Transformable couch table; it turns into a dining table with mirror" structure. Electrical lifting device. Rechargeable battery. Adjustable at any height. Glass side extensions. / Table de salon tranformable en table de salle à manger avec structure mirror. Reglage électrique de la hauteur. Batterie rechargeable. Rallonges laterales en verre. Supplemento KIT LED ricaricabile a batteria: 429. Optional KIT LED system with rechargeable battery: 429. Supplément KIT LED avec batterie rechargeable: 429. Piano cristallo/glass top/ Plateau verre CR01 - CR16 CR09 - CR Motore garantito 5 anni 5 years guaranteed engine 120x74xH.43/82 Telaio del piano alluminio spazzolato MT72 Polished aluminium MT72 top frame Cadre plateau alu poli MT72

40 T112 GLOBE 1 Kg 43 mc 0,34 Tavolino trasformabile diventa tavolo da pranzo. Base metallo e alzata con pistone a gas. Regolabile in tutte le altezze al millimetro. Ruote a scomparsa. Transformable couch table; it turns into a dining table. Metal base, gas lifting device. Adjustable at any height, hidden wheels. Table de salon tranformable en table de salle à manger. Piétement en métal, haussement par piston-gaz reglable au millimètre. Roulettes cachées. Piano legno o Eco legno / Wooden top or Eco wood / Plateau bois ou Eco bois Eco legno Ecowood Éco bois ML33 Wild Oak Eco legno Ecowood Éco bois ML35 - ML30 ML40 - ML90 ML91 Eco legno Ecowood Éco bois ML39-ML41 ML ø x76xH.28/80 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, crema caffè lucido MT60, tortora opaco MT90, grafite opaco MT98. / High gloss white coating MT61, high gloss coffee cream MT60, matt tortora MT90, matt graphite MT98 structure. / Structure en verni blanc brillant MT61, crème caffé brillant MT60, tortora mat MT90, graphite mat MT98 Base cromata MT92 Chrome MT92 structure T113 GLOBE CR 1 Kg 52 mc 0, ø Tavolino trasformabile diventa tavolo da pranzo. Base metallo e alzata con pistone a gas. Regolabile in tutte le altezze al millimetro. Ruote a scomparsa. Transformable couch table; it turns into a dining table. Metal base, gas lifting device. Adjustable at any height, hidden wheels. Table de salon tranformable en table de salle à manger. Piétement en métal, haussement par piston-gaz reglable au millimètre. Roulettes cachées. 125x76xH.28/80 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, crema caffè lucido MT60, tortora opaco MT90, grafite opaco MT98. / High gloss white coating MT61, high gloss coffee cream MT60, matt tortora MT90, matt graphite MT98 structure. / Structure en verni blanc brillant MT61, crème caffé brillant MT60, tortora mat MT90, graphite mat MT98 Base cromata MT92 Chrome MT92 structure Piano cristallo/glass top/ Plateau verre CR01 - CR03 - CR04 - CR05 CR08 - CR T098 LIGHT 1 Kg 56 mc 0, DISPONIBILE FINO A ESAURIMENTO SCORTE AVAILABLE UNTIL STOCK CLEARANCE LIVRABLE JUSQU À DISPONIBILITÉ DE STOCK T100 MAGIC 1 Kg 52 mc 0,34 74 F.E.S. Tavolino trasformabile diventa tavolo da pranzo. Base metallo e alzata con pistone a gas. Regolabile in tutte le altezze al millimetro. Ruote in ABS color verniciato satinato, allunghe in melamina. / Transformable couch table; it turns into a dining table. Metal base, gas lifting device. Adjustable at any height, ABS steel alike coating wheels, melamine side extensions. / Table de salon tranformable en table de salle à manger. Piétement en métal, haussement par piston-gaz reglable au millimètre. Roulettes standard en ABS verni satiné, rallonges laterales en melamine. 120x74xH.28/84 Base verniciato satinato MT93 - telaio del piano alluminio anodizzato MT71 Steel alike coating MT93 structure - Top frame anodised aluminium MT71 Structure verni satiné MT93 - Cadre plateau alu anodisé MT Base verniciato satinato MT93 - telaio del piano alluminio spazzolato MT72 Steel alike coating MT93 base - Top frame polished aluminium MT72 Structure verni satiné MT93 - Cadre plateau alu poli MT72 Tavolino trasformabile diventa tavolo da pranzo. Base alluminio e alzata con pistone a gas. Regolabile in tutte le altezze al millimetro. Ruote in ABS. Allunghe in cristallo. / Transformable couch table; it turns into a dining table. Aluminium base, gas lifting device. Adjustable at any height. ABS wheels. Glass side extensions. / Table de salon tranformable en table de salle à manger. Piétement en alu, haussement par piston-gaz reglable au millimètre. Roulettes standard en ABS, rallonges laterales en verre. Piano cristallo/glass top/ Plateau verre Acidato Frosted Sablé CR02 - CR04 - CR08 CR01 - CR03 CR09 - CR Piano cristallo/glass top/ Plateau verre CR01 - CR16 CR09 - CR19 TRASFORMABILI TRANSFORMABLE TABLES x74xH.21/80 Base alluminio spazzolato MT72 Polished aluminium MT72 structure Structure alu poli MT

41 TRASFORMABILI / TRANSFORMABLE TABLES / TRANSFORMABLES T130 MAGNUM 2 Kg 103 mc 0, Tavolino trasformabile diventa tavolo da pranzo. Base metallo e alzata con pistone a gas. Regolabile in tutte le altezze al millimetro. Ruote a scomparsa, dotato di 2 allunghe in nobilitato in tinta esterne da 42,5 cm e 2 interne da 42,5 cm. Transformable couch table; it turns into a dining table. Metal base, gas lifting device. Adjustable at any height, hidden wheels, with 2 painted melamine 42,5 cm outside extensions and 2 inner inside extension of cm 42,5. Table de salon transformable en table de salle à manger. Piétement en métal, haussement par piston à gaz, reglable au millimètre. Roulettes cachées, avec 2 rallonges de 42,5 cm en mélamine dans la même couleur que celle du plateau et 2 à l intérieur de 42,5 cm. Piano e fascia laterale cristallo/glass top and frame/plateau et ceinture verre CR01 - CR16 CR03 - CR08 CR09 - CR18 CR x xh.25/76 Struttura verniciato tortora opaco MT90 Structure matt tortora coating MT90 Structure verni tortora mat MT Base cromata MT92 Chrome MT92 structure T131 MAGNUM LEGNO 2 Kg 95 mc 0,42 Tavolino trasformabile diventa tavolo da pranzo. Base metallo e alzata con pistone a gas. Regolabile in tutte le altezze al millimetro. Ruote a scomparsa, dotato di 2 allunghe esterne da 42,5 cm e 2 interne da 42,5 cm. Transformable couch table; it turns into a dining table. Metal base, gas lifting device. Adjustable at any height, hidden wheels, with two 42,5 cm outside extensions and two inner inside extension of cm 42,5. Table de salon transformable en table de salle à manger. Piétement en métal, haussement par piston à gaz, reglable au millimètre. Roulettes cachées, avec 2 rallonges de 42,5 cm et 2 à l intérieur de 42,5 cm. Piano e fascia laterale legno/wooden top and frame/plateau et ceinture bois Wild oak termotrattato Heat treated Oak Chêne thermtraité PZ98 vecchio Anciant oak Chêne ancien PZ90 - PZ91 Lamina pietra naturale Natural stone layer Feuille pierre naturelle LA x xh.25/76 Struttura verniciato tortora opaco MT90 Structure matt tortora coating MT90 Structure verni tortora mat MT Base cromata MT92 Chrome MT92 structure T125 MINI 1 Kg 38 mc 0,23 TOP SELLER Tavolino trasformabile diventa tavolo da pranzo. Base metallo e alzata con pistone a gas. Regolabile in tutte le altezze al millimetro. Ruote a scomparsa, piano raddoppiabile a libro. Transformable couch table; it turns into a dining table. Metal base, gas lifting device. Adjustable at any height, hidden wheels, folding doubling top. Table de salon transformable en table de salle à manger. Piétement en métal, haussement par piston-gaz reglable au millimètre. Roulettes cachées, plateau doublant. 100x60 xh.23/76 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, crema caffé lucido MT60, grafite opaco MT98 High gloss white coating MT61, high gloss coffee cream MT60, matt graphite coating MT98 structure / Structure en verni blanc brillant MT61, crème caffé brillant MT60, graphite mat MT98 Chrome base MT92 N.B. Supplemento per predisposizione rotelle a scorrimento orizzontale. Tali rotelle non possono essere adattate su modello esistente (per utilizzo Smart Living o Four Seasons) Extra charge for horizontal sliding wheels. Those wheels cannot be mounted on an existing product (Smart Living or Four Seasons use only). Supplément roulettes pour déplacement horizontal. On ne peut pas adapter aux modèles existants (pour Smart Living ou Four Seasons). Piano Eco legno / Eco wood top / Plateau Eco bois Eco legno Ecowood Éco bois ML36 ML37 ML Eco legno Ecowood Éco bois ML30 - ML35 ML40 - ML90 ML91 Eco legno Ecowood Éco bois ML39 - ML98 ML41 23 T124 MINILONG 1 Kg 38 mc 0, Tavolino trasformabile. Base in metallo, meccanismo a gas regolabile in altezza da 23 cm a 76 cm. Piano raddoppiabile a libro, in lunghezza, in eco legno. Metal frame transformable table, gas adjustable height from cm 23 to cm 76. Eco wooden top. / Table relevable, piétement en métal, haussement par piston-gaz de cm 23 cm 76, plateau doublant en mélamine dans les sens de la longueur. Piano Eco legno / Eco wood top / Plateau Eco bois Eco legno Ecowood Éco bois ML30 - ML35 ML40 - ML90 ML91 100x68 Struttura verniciato bianco lucido MT61, grafite xh.23/76 opaco MT98, tortora opaco MT High gloss white coating MT61, matt graphite coating MT98 structure, matt tortora coating MT90 / Structure en verni blanc brillant MT61, graphite mat MT98, tortora mat MT90 N.B. Supplemento per predisposizione rotelle a scorrimento orizzontale. Tali rotelle non possono essere adattate su modello esistente (per utilizzo Smart Living o Four Seasons) Extra charge for horizontal sliding wheels. Those wheels cannot be mounted on an existing product (Smart Living or Four Seasons use only). Supplément roulettes pour déplacement horizontal. On ne peut pas adapter aux modèles existants (pour Smart Living ou Four Seasons). 140 Eco legno Ecowood Éco bois ML39 - ML98 ML41 40

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