A.I.F.I. - Associazione Italiana degli Investitori Istituzionali nel Capitale di Rischio

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12 List of Contributors Corresponding Address Professor Stefano Caselli Professor Stefano Gatti Institute of Financial Markets and Financial Intermediaries "L. Bocconi" University Via Sarfatti, Milan Italy stefano. Stefano Caselli Associate Professor in Banking and Finance at "L. Bocconi" University, Milan, Italy. Professor at Banking and Insurance Department of SDA Bocconi, the Management and Business School of "L. Bocconi University", Milan, Italy. He's developing research activity, managerial education and strategic consulting in: corporate and investment banking, leasing and asset finance, credit risk management, SME's financing. Stefano Gatti Associate Professor in Banking and Finance at "L. Bocconi" University, Milan, Italy. Professor at Banking and Insurance Department of SDA Bocconi, the Management and Business School of "L. Bocconi University", Milan, Italy. He's developing research activity, managerial education and strategic consulting in: corporate and investment banking, project financing, corporate finance and company valuation. Vincenzo Capizzi Associate Professor in Banking and Finance at "A. Avogadro" University, Novara, Italy. Professor at Banking and Insurance Department of SDA Bocconi, the Management and Business School of "L. Bocconi University", Milan, Italy.

13 420 List of Contributors Sonia Deho' Senior Analyst at Pino Venture. Jonathan de Lance Holmes Partner, Linklaters London. Gino Gandolfi Associate Professor in Banking and Finance at University of Parma, Italy. Professor at Banking and Insurance Department of SDA Bocconi, the Management and Business School of "L. Bocconi University", Milan, Italy. Manuela Geranio Assistant Professor in Banking and Finance at "L. Bocconi" University, Milan, Italy. Assistant Professor at Banking and Insurance Department of SDA Bocconi, the Management and Business School of "L. Bocconi University", Milan, Italy. Renato Giovannini Assistant Professor in Banking and Finance at "L. Bocconi" University, Milan, Italy. Assistant Professor at Banking and Insurance Department of SDA Bocconi, the Management and Business School of "L. Bocconi University", Milan, Italy. Anna Giuiusa Officer assigned to the Bank's Supervision Department in Bank of Italy. (The author is the only responsible for the opinions expressed in the paper). Marina Maddaloni Nuovo Mercato - Market for high growth firms stocks - Italian Exchange Maria Pierdicchi Managing Director, Standard & Poor's Italy - Formerly, Director of Nuovo Mercato - Market for high growth firms stocks-italian Exchange Elserino Piol President of Pi no Venture. Claudio Scardovi CEO of Intervaluenet.

14 List of Contributors 421 Enzo Schiavello Partner, Studio Gianni, Origoni, Grippo & Partners, Milan. Lucia Spotorno Assistant Professor in Banking and Finance at "L. Bocconi" University, Milan, Italy. Assistant Professor at Banking and Insurance Department of SDA Bocconi, the Management and Business School of "L. Bocconi University", Milan, Italy. Edmondo Tudini Ph.D student in Business Administration at "L. Bocconi" University, Milan, Italy. Assistant Professor at Banking and Insurance Department of SDA Bocconi, the Management and Business School of "L. Bocconi University", Milan, Italy. Daniela Ventrone Ph.D student in Business Administration at "L. Bocconi" University, Milan, Italy. Assistant Professor at Banking and Insurance Department of SDA Bocconi, the Management and Business School of "L. Bocconi University", Milan, Italy.

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