Table-based Software Designs: Bounded Model Checking and Counterexample Tracking

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1 Table-based Software Designs: Bounded Model Checking and Counterexample Tracking Noriyuki Katahira 1, Weiqiang Kong 1, Wanpeng Qian 1, Masahiko Watanabe 2, Tetsuro Katayama 3, Akira Fukuda 4 1 Fukuoka Industry, Science & Technology Foundation, Japan, {katahira, kong, qian} 2 CATS Co., Ltd., Japan, 3 Faculty of Engineering, University of Miyazaki, Japan, 4 Graduate School and Faculty of ISEE, Kyushu University, Japan, Abstract Model description languages used by most software model checkers are typically program-like languages such as the Promela language for the well-known model checker Spin. To promote practical use of model checking techniques in on-site software development, we realized, however, that graphicalized modeling languages (e.g., representatively, UML) are more easily acceptable compared to model-checker-specific program-like formal description languages. In this paper, we propose a model checking technique for software designs developed in a table-based description language State Transition Matrix (STM), which is commonly considered to be effective for embedded software development. In addition, we also describe our proposed approach for graphically tracking counterexamples (i.e., design errors w.r.t. specified properties) reported by model checking. Supporting both graphicalized model description and graphically counterexample tracking is believed by us to be important for enhancing usability of model checking techniques and tools for on-site software engineers. Keywords: State Transition Matrix, Bounded Model Checking, SMT Solving, Counterexample Tracking 1. Introduction State Transition Matrix (STM) is a table-based model description language. Although primarily used for software development, STM is capable to describe general automatonbased system behaviors, e.g., human s operation etc. As a basic rule, the horizontal axis of a STM table declares status that a system under consideration could be in, the vertical axis declares events that may be dispatched to the system, and a row-column intersection cell declares behaviors (actions and transition target status) of the system when a specified event is dispatched in a specified status. A whole system could be described by defining each of its sub-systems as a STM and the sub-system STMs execute in an interleaving manner and communicate through shared variables or asynchronous message passing. STM has been widely accepted and used in software industry, and thus been adopted as the model description language of some commercial model-based CASE tools such as ZIPC [1]. However, although its wide acceptance and usage, there is lack of formal verification supports for conducting rigorous analysis to improve reliability of STM designs, e.g., ZIPC provides facilities for syntactic check and test only. Therefore, we started to implement a model checking tool called Garakabu2, which could be used to formally analyze correctness of STM designs (typically consisting of multiple STMs) developed using ZIPC w.r.t. user-specified Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) properties [2]. There are quite a few model checking tools, e.g., Spin [3] and CBMC [4], available for both academic and practical industry usage. In this paper, we focus only on the latter usage, which is also the primary target of Garakabu2. We have observed through our investigation in Japanese software industry that formal verification (primarily model checking) techniques are mostly applied, so far, after the development of source codes. To employ Spin-like model checkers, engineers have to re-describe the (parts of the) system (which could be a design, source codes, or others) to be checked with a model-checker-specific description language, in the Spin case, Promela. This re-description process is error-prone and thus it is non-trivial to guarantee the consistency between the original system and the redescribed one. CBMC-like model checkers could be used directly to analyze correctness of source codes, in the CBMC case, ANSI C and C++ source codes. However, our argument is that quite a lot source code errors are due to design errors, and therefore, detecting errors in an early design phase of the software development process could greatly reduce development time and costs. Garakabu2 is built to detect software design errors. Designs developed using STM by engineers for on-site software development could be checked by Garakabu2 just as they are, and thus engineers do not need to learn a second model-checker specific description language for conducting model checking. Another feature of Garakabu2 is that the execution sequences of counterexamples (i.e., design errors) reported could be tracked graphically (in the form of table) in STMs in the ZIPC environment. Such visible execution is expected to be useful for engineers to easily understand the reasons for design errors. We believe that these two features

2 Fig. 1: A Simplified Money-Changer System (MCS) consisting of a CHANGER and a RETURNER. are effective to some extent for enhancing usability of model checking techniques and tools, and thus are helpful for promoting their practical use in on-site software development. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the table-based language STM. Section 3 describes the key techniques for Bounded Model Checking [5] STM designs. Section 4 discusses in detail our attempts made in Garakabu2 for enhancing its usability. Section 5 mentions future work and concludes the paper. 2. State Transition Matrix (STM) We informally introduce the table-based language STM that uses shared-variable as the means of communication, whereas interested readers are referred to [6] for its formal definitions. A simplified Money-Changer System (MCS) shown in Figure 1 is used as our demonstration example. MCS consists of two components modeled as two STMs. (1) A device called CHANGER, which supplies smaller denominations when equivalent amount of money in a larger denomination is inserted. The small denominations are delivered to another device called RETURNER. (2) Device RE- TURNER receives small denominations from CHANGER and waits until they are taken. MCS is modeled in a greatly simplified means by abstracting away details irrelevant to the demonstration purpose. Additionally, we intendedly introduced design errors to the system for demonstration purpose as well, e.g., MCS s behaviors are unreasonably defined when there are not enough small denominations, which will be discussed in detail in Section 4. Taking STM CHANGER as an example. CHANGER could be in three status, i.e., IDLE, WAIT_REQUEST, and WAIT_MONEY_TAKEN with obvious meaning. Initially, all STMs are in their left-most status. Three events that are possibly dispatched to CHANGER include xchangeprepare, x10yenrequest, and taken. Events whose names are prefixed with x are called external events, and those without are called internal ones. An external event is dispatched by the environment where the system concerned resides in, and an internal event is dispatched by the execution of the system. External event xchangeprepare denotes initialization of CHANGER, external event x10yenrequest denotes a request to exchange a banknote of 10K denomination, and internal event taken denotes that banknotes of small denominations have been taken. An event-status intersection cell declares the system s behavior when the specified event is dispatched in the specified status. There are three kinds of cells in a STM: - Normal cell. A normal cell declares actions and transition target status of a STM. For example, the intersection cell xchangeprepare-idle declares that if event xchangeprepare is dispatched when CHANGER is in status IDLE, CHANGER s balance is increased by and after that it changes to status WAIT_REQUEST. A cell could be divided into sub-cells if conditions are defined to further restrict STM s behavior, as of the case x10kyenrequest-wait_request in which condition balance>=10000 is defined. - Ignore cell. An ignore cell is denoted by a / ina STM. Meaning of an ignore cell is that the dispatch of an event in a status is ignored and nothing changes. For example, the intersection cell x10kyenrequest- IDLE means intuitively that a request to exchange when CHANGER is IDLE will just be ignored. - Invalid cell. An invalid cell is denoted by a ina STM. Meaning of an invalid cell is that an event should never be dispatched in a specified status. For example, the intersection cell taken-wait_request means intuitively that the event small denominations have been taken should not be dispatched when CHANGER is waiting for a request. Regarding normal cells, instead of actions and transition target status, the name of another STM (named here as called STM) could be written in them to express that the concrete behaviors are as those defined in the called STM. STMs defined in this way is called hierarchical STMs. In this paper, we will not further discuss such kind of STMs although model checking them are supported by Garakabu2. 3. Bounded Model Checking (BMC) of STM designs with Garakabu2 The original model checking algorithms implemented in Garakabu2, as been described in [7], are explicit-based ones similar to those of SPIN. Basic idea of explicit-based algorithms is to exhaustively explore through explicit representation all reachable system states (starting from the initial one) [2]. However, concurrent software systems like STM designs generally contain tremendous number of possible interleavings of events and combinations of data values [8],

3 which usually blows up, if represented explicitly, the state space to be analyzed. Such a problem is commonly called the state-explosion problem. Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) [9] based model checking techniques could attack this problem by symbolically representing and enumerating states. In this section, we describe the key techniques implemented recently in Garakabu2 for SMT-based Bounded Model Checking (BMC) of STM designs. We refer interested readers to [6] for a more formal (mathematical) description. 3.1 Encoding of STM Designs Generally speaking, SMT is a technique to determine assignments of all the variables of a given logical formula to make the formula true, or no such assignment exists. The variables can be of types (such as integer and real) that have associated theories (such as the theories of linear integer arithmetic and linear real arithmetic, respectively), in which fixed interpretations are also given to non-logical operation symbols and functions. Key idea of employing SMT techniques to conduct BMC of STM designs is to encode all execution sequences within a given bound (execution step) of a STM design, together with the negation of a LTL property to be checked, into a quantifier-free logical formula. Satisfiability of the formula is then determined by SMT solvers. If satisfied, a model of the formula (i.e., interpretation/assignments to all the state variables that make the formula true) is a witness of some bad behaviors (i.e., design errors) of the STM design that violate the LTL property. Since only bounded behaviors of the design are analyzed, this approach is primarily used for revealing design errors rather than proving their absence. Figure 2 shows the overall process of BMC of STM designs with Garakabu2. A STM design could be viewed as a transition system whose behaviors are captured by an initial system state and a set of transitions that changes system states. A system state (hereinafter called state for simplicity) is a set of (all) state variables (hereinafter called variables for simplicity) declared and used in the STM design. For the MCS shown in Figure 1, a state is composed of: {xchangeprepare : Bool, x10kyenrequest : Bool, taken : Bool, balance : Int, payment : Int, paid : Bool, xreceive : Bool, chgstatus : Int, retstatus : Int} where Bool or Int written after each variable denote the type of the variable. Note that variables chgstatus and retstatus are additional variables introduced by Garakabu2 for representing respectively the current active status of each STM, where initially both of them have the value 0. Initial values of other variables are defined in a separate file in ZIPC which are omitted in this paper. Encoding rule for the initial state is an and-conjunction of equations, each of which link a variable with its initial value. The initial state of MCS is encoded into the following formula, called initfl: Loop on Steps within Upper Bound Fig. 2: Bounded Model Checking Process of Garakabu2 xchangeprepare_0 = false x10kyenrequest_0 = false taken_0 = false balance_0 = 0 payment_0 = 0 paid_0 = false xreceive_0 = false chgstatus_0 = 0 retstatus_0 = 0 Note however that, each variable of a state is renamed by attaching to its name a suffixed index number. The reason behind is that a set of fresh/new variables is introduced for each execution step (including the step for initial state), and is used to uniquely characterize a state (or, symbolically, a set of states) when the system reaches that step. Encoding rule for each execution step within a given bound is an or-conjunction of transitions that might possibly be executed from a previous state. There are two kinds of transitions for a STM design, one corresponding to the execution of a normal cell and another corresponding to the dispatch of an external event. For the MCS shown in Figure 1, there are 7 normal (sub-)cells (named as c1 to c7) and 3 external events (named as e1 to e3). We show the encoded formula, called c1fl, for normal cell c1 xchangeprepare-idle in step 1 in the following, and the remaining cells could be encoded similarly.

4 xchangeprepare_0 = true chgstatus_0 = 0 balance_1 = balance_ chgstatus_1 = 1 xchangeprepare_1 = xchangeprepare_0 x10kyenrequest_1 = x10kyenrequest_0... retstatus_1 = retstatus_0 The two equations in the first line of c1fl characterize the execution condition, whereas equations in the remaining lines characterize the execution effects, of c1 in step 1. The condition restricts that in the previous state, i.e. the state whose variables are with index number 0, event xchangeprepare is dispatched and CHANGER is in status 0. The effects express that the values of balance and chgstatus are changed and all the other variables remain unchanged (where some equations for unchanged variables are omitted in c1fl). Next, we show the encoded formula, called e1fl, for the dispatch of external event e1 xchangeprepare in step 1 in the following, and the dispatch of the remaining external events could be encoded similarly. xchangeprepare_0 = false xchangeprepare_1 = true x10kyenrequest_1 = x10kyenrequest_0... retstatus_1 = retstatus_0 where the equation in the first line in e1fl characterizes the execution condition, and the equations in the remaining lines characterize the execution effects. Again we omitted some equations for those variables whose values are unchanged. The entire encoded formula for execution step 1, called step1fl, is written as: c1fl... c7fl e1fl... e3fl, which intuitively means that one of the normal cells or dispatch of an external event is possible to be executed in step 1 from the initial state. Formulas for other execution steps within the given bound, say k, could be encoded similarly, while note that in each step a fresh set of new variables are introduced and used. Consequentially, all the states of the execution steps within k is expressed by an andconjunction of the form initfl step1fl... stepkfl. The part of Loops on Steps within Upper Bound written in Figure 2 is processed following the way as we have just explained above. The encoding rules implemented in Garakabu2 for Linear Temporal Logical (LTL) properties are similar to the approach described in [10]. We have implemented efficient algorithms for generation of Negation Normal Form (NNF) for LTL formulas and their encoding, which will be reported in another opportunity. 3.2 BMC of STM Designs Based on the encoding approach introduced in the previous subsection, Garakabu2 encodes a STM design and negation of a user-specified LTL property into a logical formula. The formula is then input into a state-of-the-art SMT step 0 step 1 step 2 step 3 step 4 step 5 step 6 step 7 step 8 step 9 step 10 step 11 step 12 step 13 Initial state of MCS Event xchangeprepare is dispatched by the environment Cell (0,0) of CHANGER is executed Event x10kyenrequest is dispatched by the environment Lhs of Cell (1,1) of CHANGER is executed Cell (0,0) of RETURNER is executed Event xreceive is dispatched by the environment Lhs of Cell (1,1) of RETURNER is executed Cell (2,2) of CHANGER is executed Event x10kyenrequest is dispatched by the environment Rhs of Cell (1,1) of CHANGER is executed Cell (0,0) of RETURNER is executed Event xreceive is dispatched by the environment Rhs of Cell (1,1) of RETURNER is executed Fig. 3: Execution Sequence of the Counterexample w.r.t. an Invalid Cell solver CVC3 [11] that are incorporated in Garakabu2, to try to detect counterexamples (i.e., design errors) through determination of the formula s satisfiability. In this paper, we show an example LTL property that is used to check whether the invalid cell taken- WAIT_REQUEST of MCS is unreachable, i.e., whether the event taken is indeed not possible to be dispatched when CHANGER is in the status WAIT_REQUEST. The property is declared by using the LTL operator globally [2] denoted by the symbol [G] in Garakabu2 as follows: [G]( (taken = true chgstatus = 1)) which could be read intuitively as that the two equations could not hold at the same time for any executions of MCS. We input this LTL property and the STM design MCS developed using ZIPC into Garakabu2. Garakabu2 finds in 2.8 seconds a counterexample whose execution step is 13. Figure 3 shows execution sequence of the counterexample. We use event and status index numbers (listed in Figure 1) to pinpoint a cell, e.g., Cell (0,0) of CHANGER denotes the cell xchangeprepare-idel, and Lhs or Rhs denotes the concrete sub-cell of a specified cell. After observing the execution sequence in Figure 3, we could understand that the problem (error) occurs in the Cell (1, 1), which dispatches the event paid even if there is not enough balance. We therefore revised MCS by removing the second assignment of this cell and checked the LTL property again. This time no counterexample is found when the upper bound is set to 50. However, it is worth pointing out that abstracting the clear execution sequence in Figure 3 from the output (that represents a counterexample) of CVC3 is extremely cumbersome since SMT solvers including CVC3 just simply output a set of variable assignments that makes the input formula true. Due to this, understanding a counterexample becomes a tough task, especially for on-site software engineers.

5 Fig. 4: High-level Structure of Garakabu2 4. Attempts for Enhancing Usability Although formal verification techniques, especially model checking, have been broadly recognized to be effective for enhancing software reliability, they have not been adopted as a standard phase of the software development process, and the use of them in a practical setting is still rare. A significant barrier behind, as also often mentioned in the literature, is that formal verification techniques are hard to learn and apply since a sufficiently enough mathematical knowledge is required and necessary, which however, is difficult for onsite software engineers. In this paper, we focus only on model checking among other formal verification techniques. Based on our observation of Japanese software industry, the above mentioned barrier is further divided into two detailed (sub-)barriers, while one is related to the input and the other is related to the output of model checking tools. In the following, we discuss our attempts made in Garakabu2 for alleviating separately the two (sub-)barriers, which we hope to be helpful or in a direction that may be helpful for promoting practical use of model checking techniques for on-site software development. 4.1 Input Table-based STM Design Regarding input, to apply model checking techniques and tools to analyze a target design, software engineers have to firstly describe the (parts of the) design with a model description language that is specific to the model checker to be used 1. However, fully mastering a model description language is non-trivial, which consequentially makes it difficult to guarantee the consistency between the 1 Although model checkers such as CBMC are available that could be used directly to analyze software source code, we focus on model checking of software designs since we believe that quite a lot source code errors are due to design errors, as discussed in Section 1. original design and re-described one, i.e., whether the redescribed one has exactly the same semantics as the original one. To alleviate this barrier, Garakabu2 accepts as its input models the designs developed using STM for on-site software development, i.e., the STM designs could be model checked just as they are, and therefore there is no need for software engineers to learn a second model description language. In addition, we believe that the table-based feature of the STM language also makes itself easier to master compared to program-like model description languages usually used by most of state-of-the-art model checkers. Figure 4 shows a high-level component structure of Garakabu2. To conduct BMC with Garakabu2, software engineers are only responsible to develop a STM design (that is to be used for later software development), LTL properties to be checked against the design, and an upper bound number to which depth the design is to be checked. The difficult mathematical computation for BMC (the Control Component in Figure 4) like those described in Section 3 are hidden into Garakabu2. Note however that, we still provide Logging Component in Garakabu2, which registers the states and transitions information that are generated and used inside. These information could be examined by advanced users when necessary if a fully understanding on how Garakabu2 works for their problems. The output and display components are to be discussed in the next subsection. 4.2 Output Counterexample Tracking Regarding output, as been discussed in Section 3, abstracting a clear execution sequence from the output of SMT solvers that represents a counterexample is extremely cumbersome. Therefore, understanding a counterexample and consequentially why a design error occurs, also becomes a tough task for software engineers.

6 Fig. 5: Graphically Counterexample Tracking with Garakabu2 and ZIPC To alleviate this barrier, we implemented in Garakabu2 an output component that computes the execution sequences of counterexamples from CVC3 s results (sets of variable assignments), and a display component that displays graphically (in the form of table) the execution sequences in STM designs (tables) in the ZIPC environment. Figure 5 shows the process of graphically tracking the execution sequences of counterexamples, where the subprocess to the left shows the activities executed by Garakabu2 and the sub-process to the right shows the activities executed by ZIPC environment. When Garakabu2 discovered a counterexample through BMC, the execution sequence of the counterexample is computed and listed in Garakabu2 s output interface (as shown in the lower part of the subfigure in the top-left of Figure 5). Users of Garakabu2 could click each segment of the sequence (possibly from top to bottom), and such click-activities are converted into ZIPC recognizable commands and transferred to ZIPC. ZIPC then receives and parses these commands and highlight the corresponding event or cell of a STM by changing its color, indicating the event or cell executed in that clicked execution step (as shown in the sub-figure in the bottom-right of Figure5). In addition, all the variables defined and used by users in the STM design, together with their respective values in each execution step, are listed in Garakabu2 s output interface. Such a graphical tracking functionality is believed by us to be greatly helpful for users of Garakabu2 (software engineers) to understand the exact reasons of counterexamples. 5. Conclusions and Future Work In this paper, we have introduced the BMC techniques implemented in Garakabu2 for model checking of software designs developed using a table-based language STM. Additionally, our attempts for enhancing the usabilities of model checking techniques in general and Garakabu2 in particular have also been described. The effectiveness of formal verification techniques for enhancing software reliability has been recognized broadly and the importance of them has been recently stressed again in international standards such as IEC61508 [12] and ISO26262 [13]. We believe that visibility is a key issue for usability. Based on this view point, we expect that our work could be helpful to some extent for promoting the practical use of formal verification techniques in on-site software development and finally making it become a standard phase of software development process. There are still quite a lot to be done as future work. The precise meaning of LTL formulas is commonly known to be non-intuitive and can confound even the experts [3]. Therefore specifying properties to be checked with LTL can be hard for software engineers. We are currently developing in Garakabu2 a graphical editor that could help software engineers specify LTL properties with a set of predefined, often-

7 used, and domain-specific property patterns [14], and/or with a set of graphical notations for LTL operators [15]. In addition, to make it possible for BMC to find counterexamples of deep execution steps, i.e., expand the state space that could be checked, we are currently investigating approaches that could take advantages of recent advances of multi-core processors and large-scale computing clusters (including distributed data processing technique/framework Hadoop etc). Acknowledgment This research is conducted as a program for the Regional Innovation Cluster (Global Type, the 2nd Stage)" by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan. We would like to thank all relevant organizations and people for their support. References [1] CATS Co., Ltd., Japan, ZIPC Version 9.2. URL: [2] E. M. Clarke, O. Grumberg, and D. A. Peled, Model Checking, MIT Press, [3] G. Holzmann, The SPIN Model Checker: Primer and Reference Manual, ISBN , Addison-Wesley, [4] E. Clarke, D. Kroening, and F. Lerda, A Tool for Checking ANSI-C Programs, In TACAS 2004, LNCS 2988, pp , Springer, [5] A. Biere, A. Cimatti, E.M. Clarke and Y. Zhu, Symbolic Model Checking without BDDs, In TACAS 1999, LNCS 1579, pp , Springer, [6] W. Kong, T. Shiraishi, N. Katahira, M. Watanabe, T. Katayama, A. Fukuda, An SMT-based Approach to Bounded Model Checking of Designs in State Transition Matrix, To appear in IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 94-D(5), [7] T. Shiraishi, W. Kong, Y. Mizushima, N. Katahira, M. Matsumoto, M. Watanabe, T. Katayama, A. Fukuda, Model Checking of Software Design in State Transition Matrix, In SERP 2010, pp , [8] J. Dubrovin. Checking bounded reachability in asynchronous systems by symbolic event tracing. Technical Report TKK-ICS-R14, Helsinki University of Technology, [9] C. Barrett, R. Sebastiani, S. Seshia, and C. Tinelli, Satisfiability Modulo Theories, In Book: Handbook of Satisfiability. Edited by A. Biere, M. Heule, H. Maaren, and T. Walsh, ISBN , IOS Press, [10] T. Latvala, A. Biere, K. Heljanko, and T. Junttila, Simple Bounded LTL Model Checking, In FMCAD 2004, LNCS 3312, pp , Springer, [11] C. Barrett and C. Tinelli, CVC3, In CAV 2007, LNCS 4590, pp , Springer, [12] Association, International Standard for Electrical, Electronic and Programmable Electronic Safety related Systems, URL: [13] IOS, Road vehicles Functional Safety (under development), URL: [14] M. Dwyer, G. Avrunin, J. Corbett, Patterns in Property Specifications for Finite-State Verification, In ICSE 1998, pp , ACM, [15] S. Koike, S. Yoshida, and H. Ohsaki, Diagrammatic Notation for LTL Model Checking, In FOSE 2007, pp , 2007.

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