Verification of multiagent systems via ordered binary decision diagrams: an algorithm and its implementation

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1 Verification of multiagent systems via ordered binary decision diagrams: an algorithm and its implementation Franco Raimondi Alessio Lomuscio Department of Computer Science King s College London London UK Abstract We investigate the problem of the verification of epistemic properties of multiagent systems via model checking. Specifically we extend and adapt methods based on ordered binary decision diagrams a mainstream verification technique in reactive systems. We provide an algorithm and present a software package that implements it. We discuss the software and benchmark it by means of a standard example in the literature the dining cryptographers. 1. Introduction The field of multiagent systems (MAS) has seen considerable changes since its inception. In particular a comparison of the workshops on agents of the beginning of the 90 s such as MAAMAW and ATAL through the AA and ICMAS conferences to the current AAMAS series shows a clear shift of topics of research. Gone for example are the discussions on what is the correct definition of agency and basic agent-based applications and new themes such as automatic negotiation agent communication languages game theoretical aspects of MAS have appeared. This seems to suggest that agent-based computing is an active area of research that is getting closer in spirit to mainstream Computer Science while still retaining its original AI inspiration. The area of multiagent systems theories has always been central in this research and it has witnessed a similar change of focus. While in the 90 s the attention was firmly on the study of new logical theories that would account for crucial characteristics of agency such as knowledge intentions beliefs goals rules etc. the focus these days seems to be more on the dynamic and temporal aspects of these logics and on the integration of existing logical theories with software engineering aspects. The recent attention given by the community to the problem of multiagent systems verification can in our view be seen in this light. The research area of verification and validation is of course a mainstream topic of research in traditional Software Engineering where attention is given both to the broad topics of testing and formal verification. Formal verification encompasses two main approaches: theorem proving and model checking. Theorem-proving-based approaches involve specifying a program by means of a formal logic system; the problem of checking whether the program in question displays a certain behaviour is translated into the problem of checking whether a particular formula representing the property to be checked is a theorem of the logic. One of the problems of the theorem-proving approach is that often the logics involved are computationally very demanding hindering the feasibility of the approach. More recently model checking has been presented as an alternative to theorem proving in hardware and software verification. In this paradigm a system is represented as a temporal model by means of a program (representing ) written in a model-checking friendly language such as SMV. The property to be checked is written as a formula in temporal logic. Checking whether system satisfies property amounts then to checking formally whether the model satisfies the formula :. The main problem with this approach is to manage the so called state explosion problem i.e. the fact that typically a system generates so many states (figures in the region of 10 are possible even for relatively simple systems) that it is difficult to represent them. In attempt to solve this symbolic approaches have been developed. In these the temporal model is represented in a symbolic way by means of logical structures. The leading technique in this effort uses ordered binary decision diagrams OBDD[5]. Mainstream model checking packages such as VIS[1] and SMV[13] use this technique. Other techniques notably SATbased such as bounded model checking [3] and unbounded model checking [14] have proven to be very promising but have not been incorporated in most model checkers yet. It is curious to note that while several proposal for model

2 checking MAS have been put forward none of them uses OBDD technology directly. In [23] M. Wooldridge et al. present the MABLE language for the specification of MAS. In this work modalities are translated into nested data structures (in the spirit of [2]). Bordini et al. [4] use a modified version of the AgentSpeak(L) language [19] to specify agents and to exploit existing model checkers. Both the works of M. Wooldridge et al. and of Bordini et al. translate the specification into a SPIN specification to perform the verification. Effectively the attitudes for the agents are reduced to predicates and the verification involves only the temporal verification of those. In [18] a tool is provided to translate an interpreted system into SMV code but the verification is limited to static epistemic properties i.e. the temporal dimension is not present and the approach is not fully symbolic. The works of van der Meyden and Shilov [21] and van der Meyden and Su [15] are concerned with verification of interpreted systems. They consider the verification of a particular class of interpreted systems namely the class of synchronous distributed systems with perfect recall. An algorithm for model checking is introduced in the first paper using automata and [15] suggests the use of OBDD s for this approach but no algorithm or implementation is provided. The research presented in this paper is an attempt to fill this gap by showing how it is possible to extend the mainstream verification technique in reactive systems model checking via OBDD s to verify key properties of MAS. State-of-the-art MAS theories account for a variety of attitudes of the agents such as their knowledge beliefs desires as well as their temporal evolution. All these attitudes are expressed in MAS logics by means of modal operators [22]. OBDD-based techniques for reactive systems allow for the verification of properties expressed in plain temporal logic either in its LTL or in CTL variants. This means that they cannot readily be employed for the verification of MAS where richer formalisms are needed. In this paper we look at the case of knowledge extend OBDD-based technology to verify temporal-epistemic properties of a MAS treating both sets of operators on the same level. We carry out this investigation for the case of knowledge because of its traditional key importance in MAS but clearly we would like to extend our approach to include other modalities of interest. The paper is organised as follows. In Section 2 we introduce basic syntax and semantics of epistemic logic on interpreted systems as well as the basic definitions for model checking via ordered binary decision diagrams. In Section 3 we present a model checking algorithm for temporal epistemic logic based on OBDD. In Section 4 we present an implementation of this algorithm. In Section 5 we test the correctness and evaluate the performance of the implementation with a traditional example from the security literature the dining cryptographers that generates a state space in the region of 10 states. 2. Preliminaries In this section we introduce the main concepts and the notation that we are going to use in the rest of the paper. In Section 2.1 we review symbolic model checking using OBDD s. In Section 2.2 we present the formalism of interpreted systems for modelling temporal-epistemic properties of multi-agent systems Symbolic model checking and OBDD s The problem of model checking can be defined as establishing whether or not a model satisfies a formula ( ). Though could be a model for any logic traditionally the problem of building tools to perform model checking automatically has been investigated almost only for temporal logics. This is because temporal logic has been identified for more than two decades as an adequate formalism to reason about properties of reactive systems Thus to verify that a system complies with a certain property one can represent the system by means of a (temporal) model and the property by means of a (temporal) logic formula and then check whether or not. There are various temporal logics that can be used to abstract reactive systems. Here we introduce CTL [12] a logic used to reason about the evolution of a system represented as a branching paths. Given a countable set of propositional variables CTL formulae are defined as follows: where the temporal operator means in the next state means globally and means until. Each temporal operator is pre-fixed by the existential quantifier. Thus for example means that there exists a path in which is globally true. Traditionally other operators are added to the syntax of CTL namely (notice the universal quantifier over paths dual of ). These operators can be derived from the operators introduced here [12]. The semantics of CTL is given via a model where is a set of states is a binary relation is an evaluation function and is a set of initial states. A path is a sequence of states such that and. A state in a path is denoted with. Satisfaction in a state is defined inductively as follows:

3 iff iff there exists a path such that and iff there exists a path such that and for all. iff there exists a path such that and a such that and for all. It has been shown [8] that the problem of CTL model checking can be solved in time where. However this bound assumes that the model is given explicitly which is not the case for real-life systems. Instead the model is usually built via a more succinct representation for example using a dedicated programming language such as PROMELA[11] or SMV[13]. If this indirect description is considered the size of the model grows exponentially with the number of variables in the program rendering infeasible the explicit representation of the model a difficulty often referred to as the state explosion problem. To try and overcome this issue various techniques have been developed to perform symbolic model checking. In symbolic model checking the algorithms operate on a symbolic representation of the model using automata [11] ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDD s [5]) and other algebraic structures. By means of this techniques state-spaces of the region of have been verified. For the purposes of this paper we consider CTL model checking using OBDD s as presented in [9]. It has been shown that OBDD s are a compact representation for boolean functions and that there are efficient algorithms to perform operations on OBDD s [5]. The key idea of CTL model checking using OBDD s is to represent states of the model the temporal relation between states and the evaluation function by means of boolean formulae. This is done by encoding a state as a boolean vector. Following this set of states and relations between two states can be expressed by means of boolean formulae. All these boolean parameters are translated into OBDD s; verification is then conducted by performing operations on them (we refer to [9] for details). This idea has been implemented successfully in a number of software tools such as SMV [13] and NuSMV [7]. Thanks to these tools large systems have been checked including hardware and software components Interpreted systems An interpreted system [10] is a semantic structure to reason about temporal-epistemic properties of a system of agents. In this formalism each agent ( ) is characterised by a set of local states and by a set of actions!" that may be performed. Actions are performed in compliance with a protocol #$%& (notice that this definition allows for non-determinism). A tuple' ( () ) where ( for each is called a global state and gives a snapshot of the system. Given a set of initial global states the evolution of the system is described by evolution functions " (this definition is equivalent to the definition of a single evolution function " as in [10]): " )!"!"). In this formalism the environment in which agents live is usually modelled by means of a special agent ; we refer to [10] for more details. The set the evolution functions " and the protocols generate a set of computations (also called runs). A computation is a sequence of global states ' ' such that ' and for each pair '* '* there exists a set of actions + enabled by the protocols such that "'* + '*. The set ) denotes the set of reachable global states. Interpreted systems semantics can be used to interpret formulae of a temporal language enriched with epistemic operators [10]. Here we assume a temporal tree structure to interpret CTLK formulae [16] an extension of CTL that includes epistemic modalities. The syntax of CTLK is defined in terms of a countable set of propositional variables and using the following modalities: The modalities are derived in the standard way. Further given a set of agents - two group modalities can be introduced:. and /. denote respectively that every agent in the group knows and that is common knowledge in the group (see [10] for details). Given a valuation function 0 satisfaction in a global state ' is defined as follows: iff 2 iff iff 1 or iff there exists a computation such that 6 1 and 1 iff there exists a computation such that 6 1 and for all 7 1 iff there exists a computation such that 6 1 and a such that and for all 7 8 iff 91: ; 1: implies 1: 1 < iff 91: 1 ;=< 1: implies 1: 1 >< iff 91: 1 ;?< 1: implies 1: where * denotes the global state at in. The relation A is an epistemic accessibility relation for agent defined by: ' A 'B iff (' ( 'B i.e. if the local state of agent is the same in ' and in 'B (notice that this is an equivalence relation). The relation ' AC. 'B between two global states holds iff ' A 'B for some -. The relation AḌ is the reflexive transitive closure of AC..

4 3. Symbolic model checking of interpreted systems In this section we present an algorithm based on OBDD s to verify temporal and epistemic properties of multi-agent systems in the spirit of traditional model checking for temporal logics. Following the standard approach for model checking CTL formulae we encode all the parameters needed by the algorithm by means of boolean functions (this is explained in Section 3.1). Verification of CTLK formulae is performed using these parameters by means of the algorithm presented in Section Translation into boolean formulae We translate an interpreted system into a set of boolean formulae starting with the local states of an agent; these can be encoded by means of boolean variables. Given a global state can be identified by means of boolean variables: '. Similarly given + joint actions can be encoded by means of boolean variables: The evaluation function associates a set of global states to each propositional atom and so it can be translated into a boolean function. Also the protocols can be expressed as boolean functions relating local states and actions. The definition of " in Section 2.2 can be seen as specifying a list of conditions!! under which agent changes the value of its local state. Each! * has the form if [conditions on global state and actions] then [value of next local state for ]. Hence " is expressed as a boolean formula as follows: "!!!!!!!!! i.e. we impose that one and only one condition must hold. We assume that the last condition! prescribes that if none of the conditions on global states and actions in! *@ is true then the local state for does not change. This assumption is key to keep compact the description of an interpreted system as in this way only the conditions that are actually causing a change need to be listed. The algorithm presented in Section 3.2 requires the definition of a boolean function % ' 'B representing a temporal relation between ' and 'B. % ' 'B can be obtained from the evolution function " as follows. First we introduce a global evolution function ": " ) " Notice that " is a boolean function involving two global states by means of their local states components and joint actions To abstract from joint actions +!"!"!") and obtain a boolean function relating two global states only we can define % as follows: % ' 'B iff+!" "' + 'B is true and each local action + + is enabled by the protocol of agent in the local state ('. The quantification over actions can be translated into a propositional formula using a disjunction (see [13 9] for a similar approach to boolean quantification): % ' 'B #$% "' + 'B ' + where ' + is a boolean formula imposing that the joint action + must be consistent with the agents protocols in global state '. The formula % above gives the desired boolean relation between global states The algorithm In this section we present the algorithm D to compute the set of global states in which a CTLK formula holds. The following are the parameters needed by the algorithm: the boolean variables and + + to encode global states and joint actions; the boolean functions + + to encode the protocols of the agents; the boolean function % to encode the temporal transition; the function returning the set of global states in which the atomic proposition holds. We assume that the global states are returned encoded as a boolean function of ; the set of initial states encoded as a boolean function; the set of reachable states. This can be computed as the fix-point of the operator ' 'B % 'B ' 'B where ' denotes a set of global states. The fix-point erating of can be computed by it- by standard procedure (see [13]); is true if ' is an initial state and the boolean functions to encode the accessibility relations A (these functions are easily defined using equivalence on local states of ); the boolean function. C to encode AC. defined by. C.. The algorithm is as follows:

5 is an atomic formula: return ; is 2: return ; is 5 : return 5 ; is : return ; is 5 : return 5 ; is : return ; is 8: return 8 7 ; is <: return ; is ><: return > ; In the algorithm above D D D are the standard procedures for CTL model checking [12] in which the temporal relation is % and instead of temporal states global states are considered. The procedures D D - and / D - are presented below. D. X = # ; Y = 0 ; while ( X!= Y ) X = Y; Y = X = # ; Y = 0 & and return Y; C. X = # ; Y = 0 and return Y; 0 and and # return Y; The procedure / D - is based on the equivalence [10] /.. /. which implies that the set of states satisfying /. denoted with /. is the greatest fix-point of the (monotonic) operator.. Hence /. can be obtained by iterating. Notice that all the parameters can be encoded as OBDD s. Moreover all the operations inside the algorithms can be performed on OBDD s. The algorithm presented here computes the set of states in which a formula holds but we are usually interested in checking whether or not a formula holds in the whole model. can be used to verify whether or not a formula holds in a model by comparing two set of states: the set D and the set of reachable states. As sets of states are expressed as OBDD s verification in a model is reduced to the comparison of the two OBDD s for D and for. 4. Implementation In this section we present an implementation of the algorithm introduced in Section 3. In Section 4.1 we define a language to encode interpreted systems symbolically while in Section 4.2 we describe how the language is translated into OBDD s as well as the structure of the algorithm. The implementation is available for download[17] How to define an interpreted system To define an interpreted system it is necessary to specify all the parameters presented in Section 2.2. In other words for each agent we need to represent: a list of local states; a list of actions; a protocol for the agent; an evolution function for the agent. In our implementation the parameters listed above are provided via a text file. The formal syntax of a text file specifying a list of agents is as follows: agentlist ::= agentdef agentlist agentdef agentdef ::= "Agent" ID LstateDef; ActionDef; ProtocolDef; EvolutionDef; "end Agent" LstateDef ::= "Lstate = {" IDLIST "}" ActionDef ::= "Action = {" IDLIST "}" ProtocolDef ::= "Protocol" ID ": {" IDLIST "}";... "end Protocol" EvolutionDef ::= "Ev:" ID "if" BOOLEANCOND;... "end Ev" IDLIST ::= ID IDLIST "" ID ID ::= [a-za-z][a-za-z0-9_]* In the definition above BOOLEANCOND is a string expressing a boolean condition; we omit its description here and we refer to the source code for more details. To complete the specification of an interpreted system it is also necessary to define the following parameters: an evaluation function; a set of initial states (expressed as a boolean condition); optionally a set of groups for group modalities The syntax for this set of parameters is as follows: EvaluationDef ::= "Evaluation" ID "if" BOOLEANCOND;... "end Evaluation" InitstatesDef ::= "InitStates" BOOLEANCOND; "end InitStates" GroupDef ::= "Groups"

6 Specify an interpreted system Parse the input TRUE in the model Build OBDDs for the parameters Parse the formulae to check Compute the set of states in which a formula holds Compare with the set of reachable states FALSE in the model Figure 1. Software structure ID " = {" IDLIST " }";... "end Groups" Any text editor Lex and Yacc parser C++ code and CUDD C++ code and CUDD C++ code and CUDD C++ code and CUDD Due to space limitations we refer to the files available online for a full example of specification of an interpreted system. Formulae to be checked are specified using the following syntax formula ::= ID formula "AND" formula "NOT" formula "EX(" formula ")" "EG(" formula ")" "E(" formula "U" formula ")" "K(" ID "" formula ")" "GK(" ID "" formula ")" "GCK(" ID "" formula ")" In the syntax above we denote the operator for everybody in a group knows with GK (group knowledge) and the operator for common knowledge with GCK (group common knowledge). K denotes knowledge of the agent identified by the string ID. The remaining temporal operators are defined in a similar way. Notice that this corresponds to the full CTLK language Implementation of the algorithm The steps from 2 to 6 inside the dashed box are performed automatically upon invocation of the tool. These steps are coded mainly in C++ and can be summarised as follows: In step 2 the input file is parsed using the standard tools Lex and Yacc. In this step various parameters are stored in temporary lists; such parameters include agents names local states actions protocols etc. In step 3 the lists obtained in step 2 are traversed to build the OBDD s for the verification algorithm. OBDD s are created and manipulated using the CUDD library [20]. In this step the number of variables needed to represent local states and actions are computed; following this all the OBDD s are built by translating the boolean formulae for protocols evolution functions evaluation etc. Also the set of reachable states is computed using the operator presented in Section 3.2. In steps 4 the formulae to check are read from a text file and parsed. In step 5 verification is performed by implementing the algorithm of Section 3.2. At the end step 5 an OBDD representing the set of states in which a formula holds is computed. In step 6 the set of reachable states is compared with the OBDD corresponding to each formula. If they are equivalent the formula holds in the model and the tool produces a positive output. Otherwise the tool produces a negative output. 5. Examples and experimental results In this section we test our tool by model-checking temporal-epistemic properties of a communication scenario: the protocol of the dining cryptographers. In [6] it is shown that there exists a protocol that allows for the change in the knowledge of the participants about some global property of the system without them being able to detect the source of this information. In Section 5.1 we describe how the example can be modelled by means of an interpreted system. In Section 5.2 we provide an evaluation of the performance of our tool on this example The interpreted system of the dining cryptographers The protocol of the dining cryptographers is introduced in [6] with the following example: Three cryptographers are sitting down to dinner at their favourite three-star restaurant. Their waiter informs them that arrangements have been made with the maitre d hotel for the bill to be paid anonymously. One of the cryptographers might be paying for the dinner or it might have been NSA (U.S. National Security Agency). The three cryptographers respect each other s right to make an anonymous payment but they wonder if NSA is paying. They resolve their uncertainty fairly by carrying out the following protocol: Each cryptographer flips an unbiased coin behind his menu between him and the cryptographer on his right so that only the two of them can see the outcome. Each cryptographer then states aloud whether the two coins he can see the one he flipped and the one his left-hand neighbour flipped fell on the same side or on different sides. If

7 one of the cryptographers is the payer he states the opposite of what he sees. An odd number of differences uttered at the table indicates that a cryptographer is paying; an even number indicates that NSA is paying (assuming that the dinner was paid for only once). Yet if a cryptographer is paying neither of the other two learns anything from the utterances about which cryptographer it is. [6] Notice that the same protocol works for any number of cryptographers greater or equal to three (see [6]). We introduce three agents / ( ) to model the three cryptographers and one agent for the environment. In our representation the environment is used to select non-deterministically the identity of the payer and the results the of coin tosses. This makes a total of 32 possible local states for the environment We assume that the environment can perform only one action the null action. Therefore the protocol is simply mapping every local state to the null action. Also there is no evolution of the local states for the environment. We model the local states of the cryptographers as a string containing three parameters: whether or not the coins that a cryptographer can see are equal whether or not the cryptographer is the payer and the number of different utterances. Considering that all these parameters are not initialised at the beginning of the run there are 27 possible combinations of these hence 27 possible local states are required. For each cryptographer the actions allowed are say nothing say equal say different and these actions are performed in compliance with the protocol stated above. We refer to the code for the details of the protocol and of the evolution function. We define the following set of atomic propositions (' is a global state): if D ' Paid if D ' Paid if D ' Paid if &' Even for every ' if ( D &' Odd for every Paid denotes a local state in which the string contains the value Paid (i.e. the cryptographer paid for the dinner). Even and Odd are defined similarly. We can now express formally various properties of this interpreted system. For example: D D D This formula expresses the claim made at the beginning of this section: if the first cryptographer did not pay for the dinner and there is an odd number of differences in the utterances then the first cryptographer knows that either the second or the third cryptographer paid for the dinner; moreover in this case the first cryptographer does not know which one of the remaining cryptographers is the payer. Analogously it is possible to check that if a cryptographer paid for the dinner then there will be an odd number of different utterances that is: Consider now the group - of the three cryptographers. An interesting property is the following: /. This formula expresses the fact that in presence of an even number of different utterances it is common knowledge that none of the cryptographers paid for the dinner. Hence in this protocol common knowledge can be achieved. All these formulae were correctly verified by the tool Experimental results We have encoded the interpreted system introduced in the previous section by means of the language defined in Section 4.1 (a copy of the code is included in the downlodable files). In this section we evaluate some experimental results. First we define the size of the interpreted system. In Section 2.1 the size of a model has been defined as where is the set of states and is the temporal relation. Here we define as the number all the possible combinations of local states and actions. For the example in Section 5.1 there are 32 local states for the environment 27 local states and 3 actions for each cryptographer; hence. To define we must take into account that besides the temporal relation there are also the epistemic relations. Hence we define as the sum of the sizes of temporal and epistemic relations. We approximate as hence. To evaluate the performance of the tool we consider the running time and the memory requirements. The running time is the sum of the time required for building all the OBDD s for the parameters and the actual running time for the verification. To quantify the memory requirements we consider the maximum number of nodes allocated for OBDD s. Notice that this figure over-estimates the number of nodes required to encode the state space and the relations. Also we report the total memory used by the tool (in MBytes). We ran the tool on a 1.2 GHz AMD Athlon with 256 MBytes of RAM running Debian Linux with kernel The average experimental results are reported in Tables 1 and 2. We tested the formulae presented in Section 5.1 (more tests can be found in [17]); they were all correctly verified All the formulae require a similar amounts of memory. The required time for the construction of OBDD s is fixed (32 sec); the verification time ranges from 1.5 sec for small formulae to 3.5 sec for formulae involving nested modalities.

8 OBDD s nodes Memory (MBytes) 152 Table 1. Memory requirements. Model construction Verification Total 32sec 2.5sec 34.5 Table 2. Running time (for one formula). We see these as very encouraging results. We have been able to check formulae with temporal and epistemic modalities in a few seconds on a standard PC for a fairly large model. Moreover our implementation does not include any optimisation technique [9]. Therefore we estimate that our tool could perform well even in bigger scenarios. For the same reason we estimate that it is possible to include other modal operators besides the temporal and epistemic ones. 6. Conclusion After years of research in the area of specification of MAS interest is growing in the area of formal verification of MAS. In this paper we have extended what can be regarded as being the mainstream technique for formal verification of reactive systems i.e. symbolic model checking via OBDD. In particular the techniques and the implementation presented here allow for the verification of temporalepistemic properties of MAS. The experimental results that we reported encourage us to optimise both the algorithm and the implementation and to explore the feasibility of extending the framework to other operators. References [1] VIS - a system for verification and synthesis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1102: [2] M. Benerecetti F. Giunchiglia and L. Serafini. Model checking multiagent systems. Journal of Logic and Computation 8(3): June [3] A. Biere A. Cimatti E. M. Clarke and Y. Zhu. Symbolic Model Checking without BDDs. In Proceedings of Tools and Algorithms for the Analysis and Construction of Systems (TACAS 99) number 1579 in LNCS [4] R. H. Bordini M. Fisher C. Pardavila and M. Wooldridge. Model checking AgentSpeak. In Proceedings of the Second International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 03) July [5] R. E. Bryant. Graph-based algorithms for boolean function manipulation. IEEE Transaction on Computers pages August [6] D. Chaum. The dining cryptographers problem: Unconditional sender and recipient untraceability. Journal of Cryptology 1: [7] A. Cimatti E. Clarke F. Giunchiglia and M. Roveri. NuSMV: A new symbolic model verifier. Lecture Notes in Computer Science [8] E. M. Clarke E. A. Emerson and A. P. Sistla. Automatic verification of finite-state concurrent systems using temporal logic specifications. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 8(2): April [9] E. M. Clarke O. Grumberg and D. A. Peled. Model Checking. The MIT Press Cambridge Massachusetts [10] R. Fagin J. Y. Halpern Y. Moses and M. Y. Vardi. Reasoning about Knowledge. The MIT Press Cambridge Massachusetts [11] G. J. Holzmann. The model checker spin. IEEE transaction on software engineering 23(5) May [12] M. R. A. Huth and M. D. Ryan. Logic in Computer Science: Modelling and Reasoning about Systems. Cambridge University Press Cambridge England [13] K. L. McMillan. Symbolic model checking: An approach to the state explosion problem. Kluwer Academic Publishers [14] K. L. McMillan. Applying SAT methods in unbounded symbolic model checking. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2404: [15] R. van der Meyden and Kaile Su. Symbolic model checking the knowledge of the dining cryptographers. Submitted [16] W. Penczek and A. Lomuscio. Verifying epistemic properties of multi-agent systems via model checking. Fundamenta Informaticae 55(2): [17] F. Raimondi and A. Lomuscio. A tool for verification of interpreted systems. [18] F. Raimondi and A. Lomuscio. A tool for specification and verification of epistemic and temporal properties of multiagent system. Electronic Lecture Notes of Theoretical Computer Science To Appear. [19] A. S. Rao. AgentSpeak(L): BDI agents speak out in a logical computable language. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1038: [20] F. Somenzi. CU Decision Diagram Package - Release fabio/cudd/cuddintro.html. [21] R. van der Meyden and N. V. Shilov. Model checking knowledge and time in systems with perfect recall. FSTTCS: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science [22] M. Wooldridge. Reasoning about Rational Agents. Intelligent Robots and Autonomous Agents. The MIT Press Cambridge Massachusetts [23] M. Wooldridge M. Fisher M.P. Huget and S. Parsons. Model checking multi-agent systems with MABLE. In M. Gini T. Ishida C. Castelfranchi and W. Lewis Johnson editors Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AA- MAS 02) pages ACM Press July 2002.

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