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1 CORRELATION SUNSHINE STATE STANDARDS SUBJECT: Social Studies SUBMISSION TITLE: Prentice Hall Civics: Government and Economics In Action 2005 PUBLISHER: Pearson Prentice Hall GRADE: Grade 6-8 M/J Civics/ Course: SUNSHINE STATE STANDARD PAGE(S) OR LOCATION(S) WHERE TAUGHT I/M* 1. Demonstrate understanding of the legal, political, economic, and social systems and traditions of the United States. SS.A understand the impact of significant people and ideas on the development of values and traditions in the United States prior to SE/TE: The Colonial Experience, 84-89; Roots of American Government, 91-94, Analyze Charts, Influences on American Government, 93; Moving Towards Nationhood, , Citizen Profiles, John Dickinson, 100; The Constitutional Convention, , Citizen Profiles, James Madison, 114, Analyze Charts, From the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution, 116, Links to History: The History of Slavery in America, 117; The Struggle for Ratification, ; The Constitutional Convention, ; Changing the Law of the Land, , Maps, Slave States and Free States, 1854, 189, Primary Sources, 191, Analyzing Maps and Graphs, Voting in the United States, ; Historical Documents, 697, 698, 699, 700, 701, 702, Landmark Supreme Court Cases, 718,719, 721, Presidents of the United States,

2 SS.C understand the importance of the rule of law in establishing limits on both those SE/TE: The Role of Government, 45-46; Rule of Law, 61, Common Good, 65; Why we have laws, who govern and the governed, protecting individual rights, and promoting the common good. SS.D SS.D understand how production and distribution decisions are determined in the United States economy and how these decisions compare to those made in market, traditionbased, command, and mixed economic systems. know the various kinds of specialized institutions that exist in market economies (e.g., corporations, labor unions, banks, and the stock market). SE/TE: Basic Economic Decisions, ; Traditional Economies, , Command Economies, , Market Economies, , Modern-Day Economies, , The Economy of the United States, 369; The Principles of Our Market Economy, SE/TE: Stock Market, 42; How Businesses are Owned, , The Rise of Big Business, , Stock Market, 385, Analyze Graphs: The Importance of Corporations, 384; The Rise of Labor Unions, , Links to History: Labor Unions, 390, Labor Unions Since 1930, , Analyze Graphs: Membership in American Labor Unions, 393, Skills for Life: Solving Problems, Trends in Union Membership, 396; Civics and Economics: Labor Unions, 432; Our Banking System, , Analyze Charts: Insured Financial Institutions in the United States, 2003; Stock Market, 470 2

3 2. Demonstrate understanding of how major ideas and events have influenced the development of local, state, and federal governments. SS.A understand ways that significant individuals and events influenced economic, social, and political systems in the United States after SE/TE: Baby Boom, 7; Struggle for Equality, 15, African-Americans Today, 15, Asian Americans, 16, Analyze Maps and Graphs: Immigration to the United States, , 12-13, Analyze Graphs: US Population by Group, 2000, 15, Links to History: Angel and Ellis Islands, 16, Citizen Profiles: Mickey Leland, 14; Citizen Profile, 39; Focus on the Supreme Court, 60; The Twenty-Fourth Amendment, 190, Women and the Right to Vote, , Youth and the Right to Vote, 193, Analyze Charts, Amendments 11-27, 187, Analyze Maps and Graphs, Voting in the United States, ; Equality and Segregation, , Equality and Affirmative Action, , Women and Equality, , Focus on the Supreme Court, 200; Citizen Profiles, 219, 272, 340, 359; Focus on the Supreme Court, 282, 312; The Rise of Labor Unions, , Labor Unions Since 1930, , Today s Labor Force, , Links to History, Labor Unions, 390, Analyze Graphs, Membership in American Labor Unions, 393; Focus on the Supreme Court, 404, 439, 544, 620; Citizen Profiles, 438, 474, 498, 554, 600; Foreign Policy Through World War II, , The Cold War, , Today s Challenges, , Leading the War on Terrorism, 665, Analyze Diagrams: American Foreign Policy, , Citizen Profiles: Madeline Albright, 664; The Cold War and Its Aftermath, , Links to History: The Cold War, 681, Focus on the Supreme Court, 683; Historical Documents, 703, 704, 705, Landmark Supreme Court Cases, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, Presidents of the United States,

4 SS.A know the causes and consequences of urbanization that occurred in the United States after 1880 (e.g., causes such as SE/TE: Americans on the Move, 5, The Work Force, 5-6; Industrialization, 386; Industrialization Creates Change, 389, Today s Labor Force, ; The Changing Economy, 417 industrialization; consequences such as poor living conditions in cities and employment conditions). SS.C SS.C know the essential ideas of American constitutional government that are expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, and other writings. understand major ideas about why government is necessary and the purposes government should serve. SE/TE: America's Political Heritage, 82 83, Mayflower Compact, 83; The Colonial Experience, 84 89; Roots of American Government, 91 94, Analyzing Charts, Influences on American Government, 93; Moving Towards Nationhood, , Declaration of Independence, 97-98, 101, Articles of Confederation, , 101; Chapter Summary 103, Comprehension Questions, 104, Activities, 104, Activities, 105; Declaration of Independence, ; How to Analyze Public Documents, 119; The Federalists, 120, The Anti- Federalists, , The Federalist Papers, 122; The Supreme Law of the Land, , Analyzing Maps and Graphs, Checks and Balances, 130; Constitution of the United States, ; Protections in the Bill of Rights, , Analyze Diagrams and Charts, The Bill of Rights, ; Mayflower Compact, 697, Federalist No. 10, 698 SE/TE: Government Meeting Society s Needs, 45 46; Why We Have Laws

5 3. Identify the structures and functions of local, state, and federal governments under the frameworks of the Constitution of Florida and the Constitution of the United States. SS.C know the essential ideas of American constitutional government that are expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, and other writings. SE/TE: America's Political Heritage, 82 83, Mayflower Compact, 83; The Colonial Experience, 84 89; Roots of American Government, 91 94, Analyzing Charts, Influences on American Government, 93; Moving Towards Nationhood, , Declaration of Independence, 97-98, 101, Articles of Confederation, , 101; Chapter Summary 103, Comprehension Questions, 104, Activities, 104, Activities, 105; Declaration of Independence, ; How to Analyze Public Documents, 119; The Federalists, 120, The Anti- Federalists, , The Federalist Papers, 122; The Supreme Law of the Land, , Analyzing Maps and Graphs, Checks and Balances, 130; Constitution of the United States, ; Protections in the Bill of Rights, , Analyze Diagrams and Charts, The Bill of Rights, ; Mayflower Compact, 697, Federalist No. 10, 698 5

6 SS.C understand how the legislative, executive, and judicial branches share power and responsibilities (e.g., each branch has varying degrees of legislative, executive, and judicial powers and responsibilities). SE/TE: The Supreme Law of the Land, , Analyzing Maps and Graphs, Checks and Balances, 130; Constitution of the United States, ; Active Citizen: Civics in the Real World, 211; The Members of Congress, , Analyze Charts: Representation in Congress, 216; The Powers of Congress, , Analyze Charts: Powers of Congress, 220; How Congress is Organized, , Analyze Charts: The Growth of Congress, 224; Following a Bill in Congress, , Analyze Charts: How a Bill Becomes a Law, 227; Chapter Summary, 234; Active Citizen: Civics in the Real World, 239; The Roles of the President, , Analyze Diagrams: Roles of the President, 242; The Organization of the Executive Branch, , Analyze Charts: Vice Presidents who Succeeded to the Presidency, 250; Presidents and Power, , Analyze Charts: Executive Departments, 252; Chapter Summary, 261; The Role of Federal Courts, , Analyze Graphs: The Federal Court System, 269; The Organization of the Federal Courts, ; The Supreme Court, , Analyze Diagrams and Tables: How a Case Can Be Appealed to the Supreme Court, 280, Analyze Charts: Number of Supreme Court Nominations for Each President, 284, Focus on the Supreme Court, United States v. Nixon1974, 282, Debating the Issues: Should the Government Set Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices? 286; Chapter Summary, 286 6

7 SS.C know the major parts of the federal system including the national government, state governments, and other governmental units (e.g., District of Columbia, American tribal governments, and the Virgin Islands). SE/TE: Article 4: The States, 127, Analyze Diagrams, Sharing the Power, 127,, Limited Government, 129; Federalism: One Nation, Fifty States, ; Financing State Government: Federal Funds, 303; Case Study: Federalism and the Courts, 313; Conflict and Cooperation Between Governments, , Analyze Diagrams: The No Child Left Behind Act, SS.C know the major responsibilities of his or her state and local governments and understand the organization of his or her state and local governments. SE/TE: State Legislatures, , Analyze Graphs: How the States Spend Their Money, 2001, 302; The State Executive Branch, , Analyze Diagrams: The Duties and Powers of the Governor, 306; The State Courts, ; Types of Local Government, Cities, , Analyze Diagrams: Mayor- Council Plans, 324; Local Government Services and Revenues, , Analyze Charts: Local Government Spending vs., Revenue, , Demonstrate understanding of the duties, rights, and responsibilities of a citizen within our society. 7

8 SS.C understand the history of the rights, liberties, and obligations of citizenship in the United States. SE/TE: Citizenship in the Colonies, 86-87, Some Roots of Freedom, 88-89; Interpreting the Bill of Rights, ; Abolishing Slavery, , African-Americans and the Right to Vote, , Women and the Right to Vote, , Youth and the Right to Vote, 193, Analyze Maps and Graphs, Voting in the United States, SS.C SS.C understand that citizenship is legally recognized full membership in a selfgoverning community that confers equal rights under the law; is not dependent on inherited, involuntary groupings; and confers certain rights and privileges (e.g., the right to vote, to hold public office, and to serve on juries). understand the argument that all rights have limits and know the criteria commonly used in determining when and why limits should be placed on rights (e.g., whether a clear and present danger exists or whether national security is at risk). SE/TE: What it Means to be a Citizen, 56-58, Analyze Graphs, The Naturalization Process, 57; Rights, Duties and Responsibilities, 59-67, Analyze Diagrams: Citizenship and You, ; The Citizen Role, SE/TE: Rights, Duties and Responsibilities, 59-67, Analyze Diagrams: Citizenship and You, 62-63; Protections in the Bill of Rights, , Analyze Diagrams and Charts: The Bill of Rights, ; Interpreting the Bill of Rights, ; Why We Have Laws, ; Kinds of Laws,

9 SS.C understand what constitutes personal, political, and economic rights and the major documentary sources of these rights. SE/TE: Protections in the Bill of Rights, , Analyze Diagrams and Charts: The Bill of Rights, ; Interpreting the Bill of Rights, ; Where Our Laws Come From, ; Kinds of Laws, SS.D understand the variety of factors necessary to consider when making wise consumer decisions. SE/TE: Active Citizen: Civics in the Real World, ; Managing Your Money, , Citizenship Skills: Being a Consumer, 408; Spending and Saving, Demonstrate understanding of the importance of participation in community service and political activities. SS.C SS.C understand how he or she can contact his or her representatives and why it is important to do so and know which level of government to contact to express his or her opinions or to get help on a specific problem. understand the importance of participation in community service, civic improvement, and political activities. SE/TE: Active Citizen: Civics in the Real World, 211; Activities: Active Citizen, 236, 317; Writing Activity, 303; Citizenship Skills: How to Write a Letter to a Public Official, 468 SE/TE: Rights, Duties, and Responsibilities, 59-67, Analyze Diagrams: Citizenship and You, 62-63, Analyze Diagrams: A Nation of Volunteers, 73; The Citizen Role, 74-75; Being a Voter,

10 6. Demonstrate understanding of contemporary social issues that affect our political, economic, and social systems. SS.B SS.B understand how factors such as culture and technology influence the perception of places and regions. understand the environmental consequences of people changing the physical environment in various world locations. SE/TE: Who Americans Are, 4-8; America: A Cultural Mosaic, 10-17; The Role of Technology, 360; Technology, 417; The Nations and the World, SE/TE: Industrialization, 386, 389; Environment, 432, 434; Protecting the Environment, 442; Environmental Protection Laws, 515 SS.B understand how the interaction between physical and cultural systems affects current conditions on Earth. SE/TE: FEMA and Natural Disasters, 46; Environment, 432, 434; Protecting the Environment, 442; Environmental Protection Laws, 515; Today s Challenges,

11 SS.C understand current issues involving rights that affect local, national, or international political, social, and economic systems. SE/TE: Civil Rights, 21; Community Service, 67; Interpreting the Bill of Rights, ; A Flexible Framework, , Civil Rights, 199; Links to History: American Law, 570; Human Rights and Democracy, 647; Debating the Issues: Should US Foreign Policy Focus on Promoting Democracy and Human Rights Overseas?, 656; Relations with China, 662, Today s Challenges, SS.D SS.D know the options and resources that are available for consumer protection. understand the advantages and disadvantages of various kinds of credit (e.g., credit cards, bank loans, or financing with no payment for 6 months). SE/TE: Making Financial Choices, , Active Citizen: How to Be a Wise Consumer, 408; Spending and Saving, , Analyze Charts: Common Savings Plans, 413; Protecting Workers and Consumers, 438; Consumer Cases, 565 SE/TE: Making Financial Choices, , Analyze Graphs, Median Credit Card Debt, 405; Consumer Credit, Evaluate the roles and contributions of women and diverse cultural groups in the political process. 11

12 SS.A understand ways that significant individuals and events influenced economic, social, and political systems in the United States after SE/TE: Baby Boom, 7; Struggle for Equality, 15, African-Americans Today, 15, Asian Americans, 16, Analyze Maps and Graphs: Immigration to the United States, , 12-13, Analyze Graphs: US Population by Group, 2000, 15, Links to History: Angel and Ellis Islands, 16, Citizen Profiles: Mickey Leland, 14; Citizen Profile, 39; Focus on the Supreme Court, 60; The Twenty-Fourth Amendment, 190, Women and the Right to Vote, , Youth and the Right to Vote, 193, Analyze Charts, Amendments 11-27, 187, Analyze Maps and Graphs, Voting in the United States, ; Equality and Segregation, , Equality and Affirmative Action, , Women and Equality, , Focus on the Supreme Court, 200; Citizen Profiles, 219, 272, 340, 359; Focus on the Supreme Court, 282, 312; The Rise of Labor Unions, , Labor Unions Since 1930, , Today s Labor Force, , Links to History, Labor Unions, 390, Analyze Graphs, Membership in American Labor Unions, 393; Focus on the Supreme Court, 404, 439, 544, 620; Citizen Profiles, 438, 474, 498, 554, 600; Foreign Policy Through World War II, , The Cold War, , Today s Challenges, , Leading the War on Terrorism, 665, Analyze Diagrams: American Foreign Policy, , Citizen Profiles: Madeline Albright, 664; The Cold War and Its Aftermath, , Links to History: The Cold War, 681, Focus on the Supreme Court, 683; Historical Documents, 703, 704, 705, Landmark Supreme Court Cases, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, Presidents of the United States,

13 8. Demonstrate understanding of the impact of significant people, ideas, and events on the development of values, traditions, and social, economic, and political institutions in Florida. SS.A SS.A SS.A SS.A understand how immigration and settlement patterns have shaped the history of Florida. know the unique geographic and demographic characteristics that define Florida as a region. know how the environment of Florida has been modified by the values, traditions, and actions of various groups who have inhabited the state. understand how the interactions of societies and cultures have influenced Florida s history. SE/TE: Looking at Florida s Geography, FL 21 FL22; Florida s People, FL23 FL25 SE/TE: Looking at Florida s Geography, FL 21 FL22; Florida s People, FL23 FL25; Maps, FL26 FL27; Florida s Natural Resources, FL28; It s Your Florida, FL31 SE/TE: Florida s Economic Activities, FL29; Impact of Florida s Economic Activities, FL30; It s Your Florida, FL31; Florida with a Global Perspective, FL32 SE/TE: Florida s People, FL23 FL25; It s Your Florida, FL31 13

14 SS.A understand how Florida has allocated and used resources and the consequences of those economic decisions. SE/TE: Florida s Natural Resources, FL28; Florida s Economic Activities, FL29; Impact of Florida s Economic Activities, FL30 9. Apply research, study, critical-thinking, and decision-making skills and demonstrate the use of new and emerging technology in problem solving. SE/TE: Skills for Life, 26, 50, 76, 90, 132, 171, 195, 234, 260, 275, 314, 342, 370, 396, 422, 450, 476, 490, 530, 541, 582, 610, 638, 666, 692; Writing Activities and Critical Thinking: 33, 39, 40, 67, 75, 101, 104, 118, 123, 131, 162, 179, 217, 221, 228, 233, 236, 254, 259, 262, 264, 274, 297, 303, 309, 313, 316, 326, 334, 434, 506, 516, 523, 529, 532, 540, 551, 567, 609, 613, 640, 677, 691, 694; Debating the Issues, 40, 102, 180, 204, 222, 286, 335, 387, 436, 504, 556, 604, 656; Analyzing Political Cartoons, 22, 47, 65, 96, 121, 166, 190, 226, 246, 277, 299, 325, 365, 392, 412, 437, 465, 495, 514, 538, 565, 606, 627, 653, 688; Standardized Test Prep: 53, 79-80, 105, 135, 183, 207, 237, 263, 289, 317, 345, 373, 399, 425, 453, 507, 533, 559, 585, 641, 669, 695 (Note: In this course, students will have opportunities to apply skills described in language arts and mathematics benchmarks that pertain to this requirement.) *Indepth/Mentioned 14

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