MONITORAGGIO BREVETTUALE Tessili innovativi. A cura di Susanna Paoni

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1 MONITORAGGIO BREVETTUALE Tessili innovativi A cura di Susanna Paoni OTTOBRE 2013

2 La presente pubblicazione è stata realizzata da UMBRIA INNOVAZIONE nell ambito delle attività di cui al Programma di animazione per lo sviluppo di progetti aziendali di innovazione nelle PMI umbre annualità 2013 POR FESR Asse I Attività c1, affidatele con Convenzione Rep. N del 28/03/2013. UMBRIA INNOVAZIONE è un'agenzia regionale che opera con l obiettivo di accrescere e promuovere la cultura dell innovazione all interno della Regione Umbria sostenendo la capacità competitiva delle piccole e medie imprese. Tra le principali attività: - Il supporto al governo regionale dell Umbria e alle strutture tecniche ad esso collegate in materia di innovazione. - La promozione e l integrazione fra il sistema della ricerca e il sistema produttivo. - La partecipazione diretta ai programmi di cooperazione scientifica. - La valorizzazione della cultura dell innovazione. UMBRIA INNOVAZIONE coordina il Programma i-start, Innovazione Supporto Tecnico di Animazione Ricerca e Tecnologie. Il Programma i-start si pone l obiettivo di guidare, animare e supportare le PMI nell intero processo dell innovazione, dalle modalità di sviluppo di idee innovative fino alla valutazione, implementazione, tutela e proposta sul mercato di prodotti e servizi innovativi.

3 PREMESSA Prima ancora di intraprendere un attività inventiva, i ricercatori sono soliti documentarsi su possibili soluzioni tecniche già sviluppate: il monitoraggio brevettuale, quale ricerca sullo stato della tecnica, consente loro di acquisire una base di informazioni iniziali senza duplicare sforzi di ricerca già compiuti da altri e di evitare che i frutti del loro ingegno siano limitati in originalità, da tecniche preesistenti o che addirittura risultino già brevettati da altri. I brevetti sono una fonte di informazione tecnica di prim ordine completamente accessibile al pubblico e di grande valore per tutte le fasi dell attività aziendale, dalla ricerca allo sviluppo, dalla produzione alla commercializzazione. Essi sono l espressione del potenziale innovativo di un dato settore o di una particolare azienda. I brevetti forniscono una descrizione dettagliata dell invenzione, del suo funzionamento, illustrano gli effetti della tecnologia e indicano la soluzione al problema tecnico di partenza. In essi è illustrato lo stato dell arte tecnologico con espresso riferimento alle soluzioni preesistenti adottate dalla concorrenza. I brevetti ci consentono quindi di valutare lo stato della tecnica e di individuare i problemi connessi alle tecnologie note; ci forniscono indicazioni sui settori di applicazione, esempi di applicazioni industriali e campi di intervento e ci illustrano le possibili alternative tecnologiche.

4 IL MONITORAGGIO BREVETTUALE Il monitoraggio brevettuale ha diverse funzioni. Ci fornisce informazioni aggiornate sui brevetti più recenti. Ci permette di accertare lo stato della tecnica, l evoluzione tecnologica e il trend di mercato di un dato settore e quindi di orientare al meglio ricerche, studi e strategie aziendali. Ci consente di conoscere e monitorare il potenziale innovativo e le strategie della concorrenza Facilita la nascita di relazioni e/o collaborazioni industriali nazionali ed internazionali, attraverso accordi di trasferimento tecnologico, partnership, licenze Il monitoraggio brevettuale è un ottima fonte di informazioni aggiornate: i brevetti rappresentano un vasto e prezioso bacino di documentazione tecnica il cui numero cresce molto rapidamente. Ad oggi abbiamo più di 50 milioni di brevetti internazionali, ai quali, ogni anno, se ne aggiungono più di Se si considera che ciascun brevetto viene reso pubblico ed accessibile dopo 18 mesi dal deposito, ne risulta che l informazione brevettuale, oltre ad essere abbondante e dettagliata, è anche aggiornata. Il monitoraggio brevettuale è particolarmente utile per il reperimento di informazioni su soluzioni tecniche: infatti, come previsto dalla legge, il brevetto deve contenere la descrizione del problema, le soluzioni ed i vantaggi tecnici ed economici. Il brevetto fornisce quindi una descrizione dettagliata del settore tecnologico interessato, delle sue carenze, delle problematiche riscontrate e delle migliorie conseguibili con la soluzione depositata. Inoltre, una sua sezione è specificatamente dedicata all illustrazione dello stato dell arte tecnologico più recente. Valutando soluzioni diverse a problemi analoghi si possono quindi ricostruire i trend tecnologici in atto nel singolo settore e dedurre indicazioni su quelli futuri. 1

5 Infine, visto che i brevetti vengono pubblicati e resi accessibili al pubblico soltanto dopo 18 mesi dalla data del deposito, può accadere che a tale data il prodotto non sia ancora completamente sviluppato o che non sia stato ancora lanciato sul mercato. Pertanto, analizzando la documentazione brevettuale è possibile conoscere le tendenze dei prodotti con un significativo anticipo. La lettura di un monitoraggio brevettuale consente agli addetti ai lavori di risparmiare tempo e costi evitando di cercare informazioni già disponibili di evitare ricerche di paragone con i propri prodotti di valutare la possibilità di sfruttare soluzioni già esistenti o di utilizzarle come punto di partenza per eventuali modifiche od evoluzioni Lo sfruttamento delle informazioni sullo stato della tecnica, ricavabili dal monitoraggio brevettuale, consente da un lato, di ridurre tempi e costi di sviluppo e produzione, dall altro, di ridurre il rischio di investire in tecnologie già esistenti e quindi non più tutelabili. Il monitoraggio brevettuale fornisce chiare indicazioni sull attività brevettuale e sulle competenze di concorrenti, partner o futuri clienti e ci offre l opportunità di individuare i soggetti con le maggiori competenze tecnologiche a livello internazionale in un dato settore e di avviare con loro rapporti di collaborazione in attività di R&S, accordi di trasferimento tecnologico ed industriali. Ci fornisce anche gli strumenti per individuare eventuali licenzianti, o aziende interessate all acquisto dei nostro brevetto o al loro sfruttamento (licenziatari) o addirittura partner con cui siglare accordi di cross licensing. 2

6 LA METODOLOGIA Il presente report è stato realizzato con l obiettivo di fornire agli addetti ai lavori una rassegna dei più significativi brevetti internazionali registrati negli ultimi 3 anni nel settore dei TESSILI INNOVATIVI. La ricerca dei brevetti è stata effettuata nei principali database brevettuali internazionali secondo il criterio delle parole-chiave. La metodologia adottata per la selezione dei brevetti e per la composizione della rassegna, si è basata essenzialmente sui seguenti elementi: prossimità temporale: sono stati presi in esame soltanto i brevetti pubblicati successivamente al 1 gennaio 2010; qualità del brevetto: sono stati inclusi nella rassegna soltanto i brevetti più rilevanti dal punto di vista tecnico-scientifico; applicabilità del brevetto: sono stati selezionati soltanto i brevetti che, a nostro giudizio, hanno maggiori potenzialità di applicazione nel mercato di riferimento. Nell ultima sezione del presente report abbiamo inserito una tabella di sintesi che riporta i dati salienti relativi ai brevetti inseriti, in base al loro ordine di inserimento. Per ciascuno dei brevetti inseriti nel report è disponibile copia originale. La rassegna che segue, seppur significativa, non può essere considerata esaustiva. 3

7 IL SETTORE Un fattore che concorre in modo determinante allo sviluppo di un settore è dato dal grado di competitività delle imprese che vi operano. La competitività non risiede soltanto nella capacità di praticare prezzi concorrenziali ma, in particolare, nella capacità di aggiornare costantemente il proprio livello tecnologico e di riconoscere e possibilmente anticipare i mutamenti delle esigenze del mercato e conseguentemente, di introdurre con tempestività le innovazioni necessarie o, semplicemente desiderate. Quello del tessile e abbigliamento italiano è un settore in cui operano prevalentemente PMI caratterizzate da specializzazione spinta e frequente ricorso alla sub-fornitura, la cui competitività è stata minata da mutamenti congiunturali e strutturali che stanno investendo l economia mondiale. Da un lato, l assenza di forti barriere finanziarie all entrata e la relativa facilità di accesso alle tecnologie garantite dal progresso della società dell informazione, hanno favorito la crescita di concorrenzialità della Cina e degli altri paesi asiatici di più recente industrializzazione, anche in segmenti tradizionalmente presidiati dalle imprese italiane; dall altro, il progresso tecnologico nel comparto chimico-tessile, nel campo delle fibre, ha favorito le grandi imprese multinazionali del comparto, dotate di maggiori potenzialità innovative. In questi anni il sistema moda italiano è riuscito a mantenere un ruolo di leadership in alcune nicchie di mercato, focalizzandosi sui segmenti più elevati del comparto, in particolare in quelli in cui il design la fa da padrone o sforzandosi di lanciare sul mercato nuovi prodotti. Il mercato impone alle imprese del sistema moda di offrire continuamente nuove collezioni in grado di catturare l attenzione ed indurre all acquisto una clientela sempre più sofisticata ed esigente. I prodotti devono quindi evolversi e per farlo è fondamentale ricercare nuove fibre, nuovi trattamenti e nuovi effetti. Le imprese italiane hanno tuttora dei fattori di competitività che gli vengono riconosciuti a livello internazionale: lo stile e le tendenze. Stile e tendenze devono però essere ulteriormente consolidati attraverso lo sfruttamento dei recenti sviluppi tecnologici nel campo dei tessuti e dei materiali sostitutivi. 4

8 Inoltre, ormai è divenuto necessario spostare l attenzione dalle commodities alle specialities, passando dalla produzione di massa alla personalizzazione verso le richieste dei consumatori. L innovazione della filiera tessile/abbigliamento italiana non può prescindere dall evoluzione del comparto delle fibre: condizione indispensabile per mantenere un importante base produttiva è senza dubbio che l industria nazionale delle fibre sia in grado di fornire materiali sempre più innovativi, performanti e competitivi. 5

9 MONITORAGGIO BREVETTUALE Nelle pagine che seguono abbiamo riportato delle schede sintetiche relative ai brevetti selezionati secondo i criteri indicati in precedenza. La maggioranza dei brevetti che compongono il monitoraggio sono relativi a tessili di ultima generazione, cosmetotessili, tessutamenti, tessuti antibatterici, autopulenti, idrorepellenti, aerogel, tessuti green, tessuti di origine naturale, cyber tessuti, tessuti tecnonaturali/funzionali. Per ciascun brevetto, ove disponibili, sono stati riportati: titolo inventore richiedente numero di pubblicazione numero di domanda numero di priorità data di pubblicazione classificazione europea dei brevetti classificazione internazionale dei brevetti breve riassunto disegni 6

10 CN (A) WATERPROOF TEXTILE PRODUCT Richiedente(i): CN (A) - Waterproof textile product ZHU XUEFENG KUNSHAN JIEMING TEXTILE CO LTD -internazionale: B32B3/24; B32B33/00; B32B5/02 CN CN Riassunto del brevetto CN (A) The invention discloses a waterproof textile product comprising an object layer. A fabric layer is arranged on the surface of the object layer. The fabric layer is mixed-woven by using a vinyl acetate copolymer fiber layer and cotton cloth. Waterproof layers are arranged on upper and lower sides of the fabric layer. A plurality of ventilation holes are provided on the waterproof layers. The waterproof textile product is simply structured, and is intelligently designed. The waterproof textile product can be applied in specific environments, and has good appearance and wide application range. The textile product has simple manufacturing process, low production cost, and good ventilation performance. When applied, the textile product causes no stuffy feeling. The textile product is innovatively designed, and is an innovative design scheme which is suitable to be popularized.

11 CN (U) POLYLACTIC ACID (PLA) FIBER AND WOOL BLENDED ELASTIC FABRIC CN (U) - Polylactic acid (PLA) fiber and wool blended elastic fabric Richiedente(i): SHUIMING WU; BAOFA XU SHAOXING SHULILE TEXTILE CO LTD -internazionale: D03D13/00; D03D15/00; D03D15/08; D03D7/00 CN U CN U Riassunto del brevetto CN (U) The utility model provides polylactic acid (PLA) fiber and wool blended elastic fabric. The PLA fiber and wool blended elastic fabric is woven by warps and wefts, wherein the warps are PLA fiber/wool blended double-strand yarns; the wefts comprise first wefts and second wefts; the first wefts are PLA fiber/wool blended double-strand yarn and lycra spandex bales; the second wefts are sequined yarn and polyester filament yarn twisted and PLA fiber/wool blended yarn bales; and the two-upper and two-lower twill weave is adopted by the wefts and the warps. The fibers of the fabric are biodegradable environmentfriendly PLA fiber and wool blended double-strand yarns and sequined yarns which have the special durable functions, so that the woven fabric is high in appearance keeping performance, high in glossiness, good in handfeel of silk, high in hygroscopicity, good in quick-drying effect, high in elasticity and uvioresistant performance, and unique in reflecting and shining effect, and is stiff and smooth; and the PLA fiber and wool blended elastic fabric is innovative, environment-friendly and fashionable fabric in the modern industry of clothes. 1

12 CN (A) ULTRAFINE AND ULTRA-DENSE AIR-TO-AIR FABRIC CN (A) - Ultrafine and ultra-dense air-to-air fabric Richiedente(i): LI LEI; SUN BO; ZHU HONGJIE JIANGYIN ZHENXIN WOOLEN CO LTD -internazionale: D03D15/00; D06Q1/00 CN CN Riassunto del brevetto CN (A) The invention relates to an ultrafine and ultra-dense air-to-air fabric, and belongs to the textile fabric field. The fabric comprises a fabric body (1), the fabric body is formed through interlacing warps and wefts, the warps and the wefts adopt 24D/24F fully-drawn terylene fine-denier filaments, the warps and the wefts interlace in an up-and-down manner to form a plain weave unit, the upper surface of the fabric body (1) is provided with an external layer (2), the external layer (2) has a puffy state and is provided with a plurality of trace lines (3), and the trace lines (3) are fixed on the fabric body (1), run in a snakelike manner and vertically extend. The puffy external layer and the snakelike trace lines construct a concave-convex surface structure, so the air-to-air fabric has an enhanced layering feeling and is innovative. The air-to-air fabric has natural water and velvet resistant functions. 2

13 CN (A) SUPERDENSE EMPTY FABRIC CN (A) - Superdense empty fabric Richiedente(i): ZHU HAOBING ZHU HAOBING -internazionale: D06Q1/00 CN CN Riassunto del brevetto CN (A) The invention a superdense empty fabric, belonging to the field of textile fabrics. The fabric disclosed herein comprises a fabric body (1), wherein the fabric body is the interlacing of warps and woofs, the warps and woofs are made from fully drawn polyester fine-denier filaments, the upper surface of the fabric body (1) is provided with an outer layer (2), the outer layer (2) is fluffy, the outer layer (2) is provided with a plurality of trace lines (3), and the trace lines (3) are fixed on the fabric body (1). According to the invention, the fluffy outer layer and the serpentiform trace lines form a convex surface structure, thus the layered sense of the fabric is enhanced, and the fabric is innovative; the fabric disclosed herein has natural waterproof and anti-velvet function, and is especially suitable for being applied in clothes of sports series and outdoor segments. 3

14 US (A1) PROTECTIVE SUIT FABRIC AND SPUN YARN USED FOR THE SAME Richiedente(i): US (A1) - PROTECTIVE SUIT FABRIC AND SPUN YARN USED FOR THE SAME TAKAHASHI MASANOBU [JP]; OMORI HIDEKI [JP] SABIC INNOVATIVE PLASTICS IP [NL]; NIPPON KEORI KK [JP]; TAKAHASHI MASANOBU [JP]; OMORI HIDEKI [JP] -internazionale: B32B5/16; D02G3/02; D02G3/22; D03D15/00; D04B21/00 D02G3/443; D03D13/008; D03D15/12; D10B2201/22; D10B2211/02; D10B2331/021; D10B2331/06; D10B2401/16 Pubblicato anche come: US JP ; WO2012JP JP (B1) WO (A1) CN (A) Riassunto del brevetto US (A1) A heat-resistant flame-retardant protective suit fabric of the present invention is formed of a uniform blended spun yarn including 25 to 75 mass % of polyetherimide fiber, 20 to 50 mass % of at least one fiber selected from wool and flame-retardant rayon, and 5 to 25 mass % of para-aramid fiber when the spun yarn is 100 mass %. The fabric experiences no heat shrinkage when exposed to a heat flux at 80 kw/m2 +-5% for 3 seconds in accordance with ISO 9151 Determination of Heat Transmission on Exposure to Flame. And the char length is not more than 10 cm in the longitudinal and horizontal directions in the flammability test specified in JIS L 1091A-4. Thereby, the present invention provides a protective suit fabric that provides comfort in wearing even if the suit is worn in the hot seasons or even if the wearer perspires during exertion. The fabric has high heat resistance and high flame retardance, favorable dye affinity, and the fabric can be produced at a low cost. The present invention provides also a spun yarn used for the fabric. 4

15 US (B1) THERMAL ENERGY RESISTANT TEXTILE FLEECE FABRIC FOR USE IN SAFETY APPAREL US (B1) - Thermal energy resistant textile fleece fabric for use in safety apparel BYLES MICHAEL N [US] Richiedente(i): INNOVATIVE TEXTILES INC [US]; BYLES MICHAEL N [US] -internazionale: D04B1/02; D04B1/04; D04B1/22; D04B7/28 D04B1/02; D04B1/04; D04B1/22; D04B7/28 US US Riassunto del brevetto US (B1) A textile fleece fabric having a resistance to thermal energy from exposure to momentary electric arcs or flame so as to be suitable for use in safety apparel is made of three integrated layers including inner and outer layers on opposite sides of an intervening middle layer. The inner and outer layers are comprised predominately of textile fibers which have inherent or additive flame resistant properties, and the middle layer is comprised substantially entirely of textile fibers without inherent or additive flame resistant properties. The textile fibers of one of the inner or outer layers have a raised nap forming a fleece surface. 5

16 US (A1) FLAME-RESISTANT HIGH VISIBILITY TEXTILE FABRIC FOR USE IN SAFETY APPAREL US (A1) - Flame-resistant high visibility textile fabric for use in safety apparel BYLES MICHAEL N [US]; WASYLYK JOHN N [US] Richiedente(i): INNOVATIVE TEXTILES INC [US] -internazionale: B32B5/26 D04B1/16 US US ; US Riassunto del brevetto US (A1) A knitted textile fabric for use in safety apparel, comprising a first yarn containing modacrylic fibers and a second yarn containing apparel, preferably cellulosic, fibers. The first and second yarns are interknitted with one another, e.g., in plated or bi-ply, relationship with the modacrylic yarn disposed predominantly at an outer face of the fabric for imparting flame resistant properties and an affinity for high visibility dyes and with the cellulosic yarn disposed predominantly at the opposite face of the fabric for imparting a hand suitable for comfortable body contact with a user's skin. 6

17 CN (U) MICROCAPSULE THERMAL STORAGE AND TEMPERATURE REGULATION PRINT FABRIC CN (U) - Microcapsule thermal storage and temperature regulation print fabric LI JIANDA Richiedente(i): JIAXING ZHENGQI HI NEW TECH TEXTILE MATERIAL BONDING CO LTD + - internazionale: D06P1/44; D06P1/52; D06P3/24; D06P3/52; D06P3/60; D06P3/82 CN U CN U Riassunto del brevetto CN (U) The utility model relates to a piece of microcapsule thermal storage and temperature regulation print fabric. The print fabric comprises a piece of base cloth and is characterized in that a microcapsule printing layer is arranged on the upper surface of the base cloth, and by using the microcapsule printing layer, various printed designs can be presented on the upper surface of the base cloth. The print fabric provided by the utility model is excellent in heat storage and temperature regulation performances, comfortable in hand feel, air-permeable, high in washing fastness, attractive in appearance, accessible in raw materials, simple in manufacturing technology, low in cost, and suitable for mass production, and can be widely applied to making of clothing, shoes, hats, home textiles, medical and sanitary products, protective devices and internal textiles for a vehicle. 7

18 RU (A) NEW INTERMEDIATE MATERIAL INTENDED FOR REDUCTION OF MICRO-CRACKING OF COMPOSITE ARTICLES RU (A) - NEW INTERMEDIATE MATERIAL INTENDED FOR REDUCTION OF MICRO-CRACKING OF COMPOSITE ARTICLES BERO ZHAN-MARK, ; ANRA PATRIK Richiedente(i): KHEKSEL RIINFORSMENTS -internazionale: D04H3/04; D04H3/10; D04H3/115 B29B11/16; B32B5/08; B32B5/26; B32B7/08; D04B21/165; D04H3/04; D04H3/115; D05B1/06; D10B2403/02412; D10B2505/02 Pubblicato anche come: RU FR ; WO2009FR RU (C2) FR (A1) FR (B1) US (A1) JP (A) altro Riassunto del brevetto RU (C2) FIELD: textiles, paper.substance: invention relates in particular to an intermediate product intended to obtain a composite article in combination with a resin matrix, consisting of at least two unidirectional layers of reinforcing fibers, and the fibers of each of the two layers are in different directions, where the layers are connected with each other by crosslinking or knitting by at least one sewing or knitting yarn.effect: said sewing or knitting yarn has a titer which is determined according to the standard EN ISO 2060, less than or equal to 30 dtex, preferably less than or equal to 25 dtex.18 cl, 12 dwg 8

19 RU (A) METHOD OF FORMING FABRIC WITH VARIABLE DENSITY OF FILLING THREAD RU (A) - METHOD OF FORMING FABRIC WITH VARIABLE DENSITY OF FILLING THREAD Richiedente(i): GRECHUKHIN ALEKSANDR PAVLOVICH, ; SELIVERSTOV VLADIMIR JUR'EVICH FEDERAL'NOE GOSUDARSTVENNOE BJUDZHETNOE OBRAZOVATEL'NOE UCHREZHDENIE VYSSHEGO PROFESSIONAL'NOGO OBRA -internazionale: D03D49/00 Pubblicato anche come: RU RU RU (C2) Riassunto del brevetto RU (C2) FIELD: textiles, paper. SUBSTANCE: method of forming fabrics with variable density of filling thread arrangement, that lies in the fact that before filling thread beating fabric is moved to a distance greater than technology requires and then supplied toward the comb. At that in transition of density of fabric on weft the value of fabric supply towards the comb and the value of prior removal of fabric change. At the beginning of forming of a new portion with new density of filling thread during one cycle of fabric forming edge of fabric moves in the direction of mastitis (during transition to the thinned portion) or towards the remise (during transition to compacted portion) to a?=?b-?th where? is the displacement of fabric,?b is value of beating area in forming of the compacted area of fabric,?th is value of beating area in forming of thinned area of fabric.; Thus, a clear transition of densities in the strips of fabric with variable density is possible. When moving to a thinned area after fabric moving to the above given value, the value of the fabric supply to comb is reduced to 0.EFFECT: reduction of abrasive loads on the warp threads in the formation of low-density area of fabric with variable density of filling thread, the possibility making of tissue with variable density of filling thread of a higher quality due to the possibility of obtaining fabric with clearly defined transition of density of filling thread.1 dwg 9

20 CN (A) HYDROPHILIC AND EASY-DECONTAMINATION TERYLENE FABRICS AND PREPARATION METHOD THEREOF CN (A) - Hydrophilic and easy-decontamination terylene fabrics and preparation method thereof ZHANG WEIDONG; XI BINGHUA; LI FENGJUN Richiedente(i): JIANGSU NEW KASUM ENTPR DEV CO LTD -internazionale: D03D15/00; D04B1/14; D04B1/16; D04B21/00; D06B21/00; D06B3/18; D06B9/00 CN CN Riassunto del brevetto CN (A) The invention provides hydrophilic and easy-decontamination terylene fabrics and a preparation method thereof and belongs to the technical field of knitted fabrics. The hydrophilic and easydecontamination terylene fabrics comprise hygroscopic and sweat releasing modified polyester fiber and common fiber, wherein the mass percent of the hydrophilic and easy-decontamination terylene fabrics accounting for the shell fabrics is %, and the mass prevent of the common fiber accounting for the shell fabrics is less than 70%. Due to the fact that the hydrophilic and easydecontamination terylene shell fabrics is selected to serve as raw materials, the hydrophilic and easydecontamination terylene fabrics has an excellent and durable hydrophilic effect, or common yarn raw materials of a certain proportion are provided, so that the hydrophilic and easy-decontamination terylene fabrics is wide in source, low, and beneficial to reducing cost, and enables textiles to be adapted to mass consumption demands. A processing method which is provided is concise in processing steps, strong in reproducibility, and free of rigor processing requirements, and can ensure that the textiles have stable and durable easy-decontamination capacity. 10

21 CN (U) SWEAT-ABSORBENT BACTERIA-REMOVING LACE FABRIC CN (U) - Sweat-absorbent bacteria-removing lace fabric Richiedente(i): WANG YAMING CHANGZHOU SHENDA WARP KNITTING CO LTD -internazionale: B32B15/14; B32B33/00; B32B7/12 CN U CN U Riassunto del brevetto CN (U) The utility model discloses a sweat-absorbent bacteria-removing lace fabric. The lace fabric comprises a waterproof layer, a sweat-absorbent layer, a bacteria-removing layer and a lace base layer, which are arranged in sequence and are connected by adhesive layers, wherein the sweat-absorbent layer is made of strong absorbent cotton materials; the bacteria-removing layer is formed by inorganic antibacterial agents; and the inorganic antibacterial agents are silver ion antibacterial agents. The sweat-absorbent bacteria-removing fabric disclosed by the utility model has a simple structure and delicate and comfortable handle, can absorb sweat and remove bacteria and conforms to the requirements of new generation textiles for comfort and functionality. 11

22 CN (A) PEARL CHITIN SKIN-CARE ANTI-BACTERIAL HEALTH-CARE FIBER AND PREPARATION METHOD THEREOF CN (A) - Pearl chitin skin-care anti-bacterial health-care fiber and preparation method thereof DONG JIANYUAN Richiedente(i): SHAOXING DONGSHI TEXTILE DYEING AND PRINTING TECHNOLOGY DEV CT + -internazionale: D01F1/10; D01F6/92 CN CN Riassunto del brevetto CN (A) The invention discloses pearl chitin skin-care anti-bacterial health-care fiber and a preparation method thereof. Two functional materials are integrated into new fiber initially. The preparation method comprises the following steps: blending main materials comprising submicron additives with auxiliary materials comprising additive, slices and 0.1 to 1 percent of trace adhesive by a blending method to prepare masterbatch, wherein the two functional materials accounts for 4 to 10 percent of the total amount, and the slice ratio of the auxiliary material additive to the slices is (10-60):(40-90); drying until the water content is less than 100 PPM; blending and adding polyester slices, wherein the hot melting temperature is 270 to 290 DEG C; extruding by a rotary screw rod; and spinning by using a spinning component through a static mixer to prepare the functional fiber with the effects of keeping young, protecting skin, whitening skin, resisting ultraviolet rays, resisting bacteria, relieving itching, deodorizing and the like. The pearl chitin skin-care anti-bacterial health-care fiber can be blended with other natural fiber to prepare yarn and textile; the application time of effect is longer than the application time of the effect on the conventional fabric; the fiber is suitable for textiles such as casual wear, underwear, bedclothes, shirts and socks; and the requirements of customers on various functions of environmental friendliness, health care and the like of clothes are met. 12

23 CN (U) NOVEL WOVEN FABRIC STRUCTURE FOR PROVIDING HIGH- STRENGTH GLASS FIBER REINFORCED CLOTH CN (U) - Novel woven fabric structure for providing high-strength glass fiber reinforced cloth HU LIN; YU DIANCHENG; CAO ZHENGBING; DING QINBING Richiedente(i): JIANGSU JIUDING NEW MATERIAL CO LTD -internazionale: D03D13/00; D03D15/00 CN U CN U Riassunto del brevetto CN (U) The utility model relates to a novel woven fabric structure for providing high-strength glass fiber reinforced cloth. The novel woven fabric structure comprises warps and wefts. The innovative points are that the warps take glass fiber yarns as ground warps and take ultrafine polyester silks as crossing threads, wherein the ground warps are flat and straight in a woven fabric and are arranged below the wefts all the time; and the crossing threads are sometimes arranged above the ground warps and are sometimes arranged below the ground warps to be twisted with the ground warps. The novel woven fabric structure disclosed by the utility model has the advantages that with the adoption of the structure disclosed by the utility model, strength loss caused by weaving the yarns can be reduced as much as possible, so that the strength of glass fiber net cloth is greatly improved when being compared with that of crossly-woven net cloth. Meanwhile, the polyester silks which are used as the crossing threads are fine enough so that a textile has appearance characteristics which are similar with plainly-woven net cloth. 13

24 CN (A) PEARL CHITIN SKIN-CARE ANTI-BACTERIAL HEALTH-CARE FIBER AND PREPARATION METHOD THEREOF CN (A) - Pearl chitin skin-care anti-bacterial health-care fiber and preparation method thereof DONG JIANYUAN Richiedente(i): SHAOXING DONGSHI TEXTILE DYEING AND PRINTING TECHNOLOGY DEV CT + -internazionale: D01F1/10; D01F6/92 CN CN Riassunto del brevetto CN (A) The invention discloses pearl chitin skin-care anti-bacterial health-care fiber and a preparation method thereof. Two functional materials are integrated into new fiber initially. The preparation method comprises the following steps: blending main materials comprising submicron additives with auxiliary materials comprising additive, slices and 0.1 to 1 percent of trace adhesive by a blending method to prepare masterbatch, wherein the two functional materials accounts for 4 to 10 percent of the total amount, and the slice ratio of the auxiliary material additive to the slices is (10-60):(40-90); drying until the water content is less than 100 PPM; blending and adding polyester slices, wherein the hot melting temperature is 270 to 290 DEG C; extruding by a rotary screw rod; and spinning by using a spinning component through a static mixer to prepare the functional fiber with the effects of keeping young, protecting skin, whitening skin, resisting ultraviolet rays, resisting bacteria, relieving itching, deodorizing and the like. The pearl chitin skin-care anti-bacterial health-care fiber can be blended with other natural fiber to prepare yarn and textile; the application time of effect is longer than the application time of the effect on the conventional fabric; the fiber is suitable for textiles such as casual wear, underwear, bedclothes, shirts and socks; and the requirements of customers on various functions of environmental friendliness, health care and the like of clothes are met. 14

25 CN (A) WARM LACE FABRIC Richiedente(i): CN (A) - Warm lace fabric YIN LEI YIN LEI -internazionale: A41D31/02; B32B5/26; B32B7/12 CN CN Riassunto del brevetto CN (A) The invention discloses a sweat-absorbent antibacterial lace fabric, which comprises a waterproof layer, a warm layer and a reinforced lace base layer which are arranged sequentially, wherein the waterproof layer, the warm layer and the reinforced lace base layer are connected through adhesive layers; the waterproof layer is formed by compounding a macromolecular waterproof breathable material and cloth; the warm layer is made of warm wool; and the reinforced lace base layer is formed by compounding a common lace base layer and warm lining cloth. The sweat-absorbent antibacterial lace fabric is simple in structure and exquisite and comfortable in handfeel, can preserve heat and dispel cold, and meets the comfort and functionality requirements of new-generation textiles. 15

26 CN (A) ANTISKID TEXTILE FABRIC CN (A) - Antiskid textile fabric Richiedente(i): SHEN YUEHONG TOPFINE TEXTILES WUJIANG CO LTD -internazionale: B32B19/04; B32B27/04; B32B27/14 CN CN Riassunto del brevetto CN (A) The invention discloses an antiskid textile fabric comprising a fabric body. The fabric body is of a threelayer structure, wherein a warm keeping layer serves as a middle layer, a frosted layer is arranged on one side of the warm keeping layer, a plush layer is arranged on the other side of the warm keeping layer, and the warm keeping layer is processed and made from pure cotton and polyvinyl chloride paste resin. The antiskid textile fabric is simple in process and ingenious and novel in design, can be effectively applied to places needing to be antiskid, particularly can effectively ensure the antiskid performance of the ground, can be put into use with the two sides, reduces the labor intensity of workers as being simple in processing process, can be applied to special environments, is simple in structure and exquisite in appearance, has a wide application range, saves production costs, and is convenient to popularize and use as adopting a new designing scheme. 16

27 CN (A) NOVEL LINEAR AMINO AND POLYESTER MODIFIED ORGANOSILICON COMPOUND FOR TEXTILE CN (A) - Novel linear amino and polyester modified organosilicon compound for textiles YEXIN JIANG Richiedente(i): SHANGHAI DEZHOU CHEMICAL CO LTD -internazionale: C08G81/00; D06M15/647; D06M101/06 CN CN Riassunto del brevetto CN (A) The invention relates to the technical field of organosilicon softeners in textile softeners, in particular relates to an organosilicon compound for textile softeners and a preparation method thereof. The organosilicon compound is finally obtained by adding octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane and hydrogencontaining silicone oil to react, carrying out a further reaction after vacuumizing and adding alkali for neutralization and then adding glycidyl ether, NH2(CH2CH2O)aR1NH2, NH2R2(CH2(CH3)CHO)c- (CH2CHO)dR3NH2 and the like, wherein R1, R4R1, R2, R3 and R4 are 2-8 alkylamines of a carbon chain; a is equal to 3-10; b is equal to ; c and d are equal to 3-15; and e is equal to The organosilicon has excellent film-forming property, stability and handfeel on the textiles by adopting a new structure and has better stability and handfeel compared with that of the conventional amino/polyester silicone oil. 17

28 CN (A) MOISTURE-CONDUCTIVE THERMAL INSULATION FABRIC CN (A) - Moisture-conductive thermal insulation fabric Richiedente(i): DONGNI CAI SUZHOU JINSHANGHAO TEXTILE CO LTD -internazionale: B32B5/26 CN CN Riassunto del brevetto CN (A) The invention discloses a moisture-conductive thermal insulation fabric, which comprises a moistureconductive layer, a water absorption layer and a thermal insulation layer which is positioned between the moisture-conductive layer and the water absorption layer, wherein the moisture-conductive layer is a mixture of a natural fiber and a chemical fiber; the water absorption layer is a super absorbent fiber; and the thickness ratio of the moisture-conductive layer to the water absorption layer to the thermal insulation layer is 2:3:1. Due to the mode, the fabric is simple in structure and low in cost, integrates high moisture-conductive performance and a thermal insulation function, is comfortably worn, has high antibacterial and sterilization functions and high market competitiveness, and meets the requirements of comfort and functionality of a new generation of textiles. 18

29 CN (U) MULTIFUNCTIONAL HEALTH QUILT CN (U) - Multifunctional health quilt Richiedente(i): ZIJING ZHU; BINHONG CUI TIANJIN JINGCHENG HOME TEXTILES ORNAMENTS CO LTD -internazionale: A47G9/00 CN U CN U Riassunto del brevetto CN (U) The utility model relates to a multifunctional health quilt. The multifunctional health quilt comprises a quilt cover and quilt core, wherein the quilt core is placed in the quilt cover, the quilt core is composed of big quilt core and small quilt core, and the small quilt core is arranged on the big quilt core. The multifunctional health quilt disclosed by the utility model is novel in structure, ingenious in design and convenient to combine, the single structure and the single function of the traditional quilt are changed by the product, different requirements of people can be met, and the life of people is greatly simplified and facilitated; in addition, the quilt is characterized in that the silk is perfectly combined with the bamboo charcoal and the magnet therapy anion far infrared, the contents of amino acid and natural porous protein fiber in the silk are kept, and the magnet therapy anion far infrared function is added; and the multifunctional health quilt disclosed by the utility model has the special health effects of being soft and figure-fitting, thermostatically controlling, keeping warm, being comfortable, purifying the air, facilitating sleep, preventing the skin aging, nourishing the muscle and tendon, protecting the bone, and the like, and is a revolution for the health and environment friendliness of the new century. 19

30 CN (A) ANTISTATIC POLYESTER, FIBER AND TEXTILES Richiedente(i): CN (A) - Antistatic polyester, fiber and textiles CAO JIAN; NI CHUNJIAN; MOCHIZUKI KATSUHIKO DONGLI FIBER INSTUTITE CHINA CO LTD -internazionale: C08G63/688; D01F6/84 CN CN Riassunto del brevetto CN (A) The invention discloses antistatic polyester. The polyester is formed by terephthalic acid, ethylene glycol, aliphatic series dihydric alcohol with a side chain and less than six carbon atoms, polyethylene glycol and a sulphosalt antistatic agent in a copolymerization mode, the aliphatic series dihydric alcohol with the side chain and less than six carbon atoms is 2-methyl-1, 3-propylene glycol, and the content of the structural unit accounts for 1-15 mo 1% in the total content of dihydric alcohol which constitutes the antistatic polyester. The antistatic polyester not only has excellent antistatic performance, but also has excellent antistatic durability, and after being processed into fiber textiles and conducted postprocessing such as dyeing, the antistatic polyester can still maintain excellent antistatic performance. 20

31 DE (A1) TEXTILE STRUCTURE SURFACE USEFUL FOR CLOTHING, CLOTHING ACCESSORIES, TECHNICAL TEXTILES OF FABRICS, COMPRISES WARP-, WEFT-, KNITTED- OR BRAIDED-THREAD, WHICH IS SPECIAL THREAD MADE OF NATURAL, CHEMICAL OR INORGANIC FIBER MATERIALS DE (A1) - Textile structure surface useful for clothing, clothing accessories, technical textiles of fabrics, comprises warp-, weft-, knitted- or braidedthread, which is special thread made of natural, chemical or inorganic fiber materials TRAUTWEIN ANNE [DE] Richiedente(i): TRAUTWEIN ANNE [DE] -internazionale: D03D15/00; D04B1/16; D04H1/42 D02G3/06; D03D15/0077; D03D15/0083; D04B1/16; D04B21/16; D04C1/02; D04H1/4391; D04H3/05; D04H3/12 Pubblicato anche come: DE DE ; DE DE (U1) Riassunto del brevetto DE (A1) Textile structure surface for clothing, clothing accessories, technical textiles of fabrics, knitted fabrics, or braided fabric, comprises a warp-, a weft-, a knitted- or an braided thread, which is a special thread made of natural, chemical or inorganic fiber materials. The fibers or filaments are arranged perpendicularly to the thread longitudinal axis. The local connection points in the form of adhesive points made of fibrous material or additionally introduced polymer or in the form of entanglement points as a plug, coil or mesh are present between the fiber- or filament-parts. Textile structure surface for clothing, clothing accessories, technical textiles of fabrics, knitted fabrics, or braided fabric, comprises a warp-, a weft-, a knitted- or an braided thread, which is a special thread made of natural, chemical or inorganic fiber materials. The special thread exhibits a quadrangular cross section. The fibers or filaments are arranged perpendicularly to the thread longitudinal axis. The local connection points in the form of adhesive points made of fibrous material or additionally introduced polymer or in the form of entanglement points as a plug, coil or mesh are present between the fiber- or filamentparts. The special thread exhibits a fineness of at least 200 tex (linear mass density of fibers). An INDEPENDENT CLAIM is also included for producing the textile structure surface, comprising (i) selecting 21

32 a fiber or filament nonwoven fabric material made of natural, chemical or inorganic fibers with local connection points in the form of adhesive points made of fibrous material or additionally introduced polymer or in the form of entanglement points as a plug, a coil or a mesh arranged between fiber- or filament parts and in specific surface mass and thickness, (ii) producing special thread by longitudinal cutting of the nonwoven fabric, where (a) the cutting width is at least twice as large as the non-woven fabric thickness, (b) the cutting width in coordination with the surface mass of the nonwoven fabric is adjusted so that the fineness of the special thread is at least 200 tex, (c); the cutting of the special thread takes place in a section or an adjacent lying multi- section, (d) a parallel section, or a spiral section is made during cutting of the special thread, and (e) the winding up of the special thread in special width as single- or multiple section and rewinding of the special thread takes place individually or multiply, and (iii) processing the special thread or special threads as warp- and weft thread for the fabric, as warp- and knitted thread for knitted fabric, as a knitting thread for knitted fabric and as a braided thread to braid with special thread-, mesh density and binding. 22

33 DE (A1) FIBER OR FOIL, USEFUL TO PREPARE HIGH TEMPERATURE-RESISTANT AND/OR TEAR-PROOF TEXTILES, COMPRISES POLYMER, PREFERABLY POLYAMIDE OR POLYESTER, AS MACRO CYCLIC RING MOLECULE OF CYCLODEXTRIN OR CUCURBITURIL AND AS ROTAXAN OR PSEUDOROTAXAN DE (A1) - Fiber or foil, useful to prepare high temperature-resistant and/or tear-proof textiles, comprises polymer, preferably polyamide or polyester, as macro cyclic ring molecule of cyclodextrin or cucurbituril and as rotaxan or pseudorotaxan BUSCHMANN HANS-JUERGEN [DE]; SCHOLLMEYER ECKHARD [DE] Richiedente(i): DEUTSCHES TEXTILFORSCHZENTRUM [DE] -internazionale: C07K7/64; C08L77/04; D01F6/68 C08J5/18; C08L67/00; C08L77/00; D01F6/80; D01F6/84 Pubblicato anche come: DE DE DE (B4) Riassunto del brevetto DE (A1) Fiber or a foil comprises a polymer, preferably a polyamide or polyester, where the polymer exists as a macro cyclic ring molecule of cyclodextrin, cucurbituril and/or their derivatives, and as a rotaxan or pseudorotaxan. An independent claim is included for the preparation of the fiber or the foil comprising at least partially linking the monomer units to the polymer with at least one macro-cyclic ring molecule. 23

34 CN (A) GLASS FIBER YARNS FOR KNITTING HOME TEXTILES CN (A) - Glass fiber yarns for knitting home textiles Richiedente(i): FENG ZHAO [CN] TONGXIANG CITY ZILI CO LTD [CN] -internazionale: D02G3/18; D02G3/36; (IPC1-7): D02G3/18; D02G3/36 CN CN Riassunto del brevetto CN (A) This invention publishes a tinct glass fine silk that can be use in knitting family spin product. It is composed of two materials of yarn. The glass fiber silk is gauze core 1; the tinct fiber is fold tangle gauze 2. The fold tangle gauze 2 take gauze cores as axes, twist at gauze core 1 and wrap fully. Because of glass fiber gauze core 1 is noncombustible and adiabatic so that the family spin product of this invention has noncombustible capability. 24

35 TW (A) A METHOD FOR PREPARING A FUNCTIONAL FILM VIA COFFEE OIL AND TEXTILE THEREOF TW (A) - A method for preparing a functional film via coffee oil and textile thereof CHEN KUO-CHIN [TW]; CHANG LI-HSUN [TW]; WAN LAI-HUNG [TW] Richiedente(i): SINGTEX IND CO LTD [TW] -internazionale: B32B27/40; C08L75/04; D01B1/50; D01C1/00 TW TW ; TW Riassunto del brevetto TW (A) The present invention relates to a method for preparing a functional film via coffee oil, comprising (a) extracting a coffee oil from coffee; (b) modifying the coffee oil to obtain an epoxidized coffee oil; (c) adding an alcohol into the epoxidized coffee oil to obtain a coffee polyol; (d) synthesizing a polyurethane dispersive solution with the coffee polyol; (e) coating a surface of a substrate with the polyurethane dispersive solution; and (f) drying and fixing the surface of the substrate. The present invention further provides a functional textile comprising a functional film prepared by the method of above. 25

36 CN (U) COFFEE YARN CN (U) - Coffee yarn Richiedente(i): ZHENGNAN LIN JANE LUN INTERNAT ENTPR CO LTD -internazionale: D01D5/34; D01F1/10; D01F2/10; D01F6/90; D01F6/92 CN U CN U Riassunto del brevetto CN (U) The utility model discloses a coffee yarn comprising base materials, wherein the outer surface of the base materials is provided with a coffee layer which is composed of coffee particles. The base materials are chinlon, dacron and mucilage glue. The coffee particles are nanoscale grains. The coffee yarn can effectively combine the coffee particles with common yarns to form a novel fiber which can be used in textile industries. The coffee yarn is simple in structure, convenient to manufacture, environmentfriendly and economical. Clothing materials made of the coffee yarn have the advantages of being sweat-absorbent, deodorant, heat-emitting and air-permeable due to nano silver ions of the clothing materials. 26

37 CN (A) COFFEE CASHMERE FABRIC AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREOF CN (A) - Coffee cashmere fabric and manufacturing method thereof Richiedente(i): SHIMING PAN; AIQUN HE; YI LU; LIANGPING DU SHANGHAI HEFENG KNITTING DYEING PRINTING FASHION CO LTD -internazionale: D02G3/04; D02G3/32; D04B1/04; D04B1/18; D06C11/00 CN CN Riassunto del brevetto CN (A) The invention discloses a coffee cashmere fabric and a manufacturing method of the coffee cashmere fabric, and aims to provide the warming, comfortable, light and thin coffee cashmere fabric and the manufacturing method thereof. The technical key points of the fabric are that: the fabric consists of the following raw materials in percentage by weight: 13.3 percent of carbon fiber, 29.1 percent of terylene, 19.8 percent of lenzing viscose fiber, 3 percent of spandex and 34.8 percent of normal viscose fiber; and the manufacturing method comprises the following steps of: feeding pure viscose yarn in a first path, terylene in a second path and coffee carbon fiber and lenzing viscose fiber blended yarn in a third path; sequentially and circularly arranging weft yarns; forming two loops by using different thread lengths to form approximate loops on one side of a texture; forming an air retaining layer; and finally dyeing and tidying. The fabric and the method belong to the technical field of textile. 27

38 CN (U) ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY FABRIC CN (U) - Environmentally friendly fabric Richiedente(i): JINHUA YIN JIANGSU JINCHENZHEN TEXTILE CO LTD -internazionale: D03D13/00; D03D15/00 CN U CN U Riassunto del brevetto CN (U) The utility model discloses an environmentally friendly fabric which comprises interwoven yarns, wherein the yarns comprises first yarns and second yarns, and the first yarns are coffee carbon fiber yarns. The environmentally friendly fabric is made by interweaving ordinary fiber yarns and the coffee carbon fiber yarns taking coffee grounds as raw materials and has the functions of deodorization, bacteriostasis, ultraviolet resistance and environmental protection. 1 28

39 CN (U) COFFEE WOOLEN FABRIC CN (U) - Coffee woolen fabric Richiedente(i): SHIMING PAN; AIQUN HE; YI LU; LIANGPING DU SHANGHAI HEFENG KNITTING PRINTING AND DYEING DRESS CO LTD -internazionale: A41B17/00; B32B3/26; B32B5/26; B32B7/04; D03C15/00 CN U CN U Riassunto del brevetto CN (U) The utility model discloses a coffee woolen fabric, which is light, thin and heat-insulation and belongs to the technical field of textile. The technical scheme includes that a woolen surface consisting of a plurality of circles is arranged on the inner surface of the coffee woolen fabric, the outer surface of the coffee woolen fabric is a plain cloth structure, and the inner surface is connected with the outer surface by polyester threads. Compared with the prior art, the coffee woolen fabric adopting coffee charcoal has moisture absorption, heating and deodorization functions, can realize better heat-insulation performance, simultaneously adopts a special fabric weaving method so that the fabric is thicker in hand feeling and avoids being heavy and is elastic, and the back surface of the coffee woolen fabric creates a woolen feel and is highly affinitive with the skin of a user. 2 29

40 KR (A) YARNS WITH COFFEE RESIDUE AND PREPARATION THEREOF KR (A) - YARNS WITH COFFEE RESIDUE AND PREPARATION THEREOF YEH YI YEN [TW]; YEN CHIEN KUO [TW]; HUNG SHUO TING [TW]; CHEN KUO CHIN [TW] Richiedente(i): SINGTEX IND CO LTD [TW] -internazionale: D01F1/10; D06M13/348; D06M15/513; D06M15/564 KR KR Riassunto del brevetto KR (A) PURPOSE: A textile product containing porous materials and a method for fabricating the same a provided to ensure excellent processing applicability and to simplify process. CONSTITUTION: A method for fabricating a textile product containing porous materials comprises: a step of preparing the porous materials(a); a step of mixing the porous materials and polymer granules to prepare parent granules(b); a step of pulling thread from the parent granules for form spun yarn(c); a step of uniformly mixing the porous materials in a solution(d); a step of adding resin compounds(e); a step of generating foam by a mechanical method or chemical method to form foam body(f); a step of applying the foam body on the surface(g); and a step of drying and crosslinking. 30

41 CN (U) DRY AND BREATHABLE ANTI-ODOR MATTRESS CN (U) - Dry and breathable anti-odor mattress Richiedente(i): MING JIANG; HAIHONG JU ZIBO NACHL TEXTILE TECHNOLOGY DEV CO LTD -internazionale: A47C27/12; B68G11/03 CN U CN U Riassunto del brevetto CN (U) The utility model relates to a dry anti-odor sheet, comprising a knitted non-woven layer, a sandwich fabric layer and a cladding layer wrapped with the sandwich fabric layer, wherein the upper part of the cladding layer is set with the knitted non-woven layer formed by blending the alginate fiber, bamboo charcoal fiber, chitin fiber and coffee grounds fiber. The fiber composite material in the knitted nonwoven layer itself has antibacterial deodorant function and can absorb slight moisture and keep the bodies of people lying in bed dry; the sandwich fabric layer is stiff and smooth, comfortable and wearable and capable of absorbing moisture and locking water, dispersing body pressure, not pressing capillaries and further effectively preventing bedsore; a corn bamboo fabric layer has good skin-friendly performance; the knitted non-woven layer, the sandwich fabric layer and the corn bamboo fabric layer are organically combined, thus the dry and breathable anti-odor mattress is comfortable, bacteria resistant, dry and breathable, and then a comfortable living environment can be created. 31

42 CN (U) FABRIC WITH MOISTURE-ABSORBING AND HEAT- EMITTING FUNCTIONS CN (U) - Fabric with moisture-absorbing and heat-emitting functions Richiedente(i): TONG XIAOTING; CHEN HONGXIA; LU PENG; DING KEJING JIANGSU GOLDSUN TEXTILE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CO LTD -internazionale: D03D11/00; D03D15/00 CN U CN U Riassunto del brevetto CN (U) The utility model discloses a fabric with moisture-absorbing and heat-emitting functions. The fabric with the moisture-absorbing and heat-emitting functions is formed by surface weave warps, surface weave wefts, inner weave warps and inner weave wefts being woven according to double-layer weave technology, wherein the surface weave warps and the surface weave wefts are interwoven to form a surface weave, and the inner weave warps and the inner weave wefts are interwoven to form an inner weave. The surface weave warps and the surface weave wefts are made of pure cotton yarns, and the inner weave warps are made of blended yarns with cotton fibers and viscose. The inner weave wefts are made of blended yarns with coffee carbon fibers and viscose. Therefore, the fabric has moisture absorbing, heating-emitting and deodorizing functions, and is applicable to bedding articles, and at the same time, various performance of the bedding articles with the fabric is in accord with the requirements of Jia Yong textiles. 32

43 CN (U) FUNCTIONAL TEXTILE FABRIC CONTAINING METAL YARN AND MAGNETIC YARN CN (U) - Functional textile fabric containing metal yarn and magnetic yarn HONG JIE; LIU MEICHENG Richiedente(i): NANTONG TEXTILE VOCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE -internazionale: D02G3/04; D02G3/12; D03D15/00; D03D15/02 CN U CN U Riassunto del brevetto CN (U) The utility model discloses functional textile fabric containing metal yarn and magnetic yarn. One of the metal yarn and the magnetic yarn or a mixture of the metal yarn and the magnetic yarn is adopted by the warp direction of the functional textile fabric containing the metal yarn and the magnetic yarn, and one of metal yarn and the magnetic yarn or the mixture of the metal yarn and the magnetic yarn is adopted by the widthwise direction of the functional textile fabric containing the metal yarn and the magnetic yarn. According to the metal yarn and the magnetic yarn, the number of the magnetic yarn is , and of the magnetic yarn are arranged in the warp direction or the widthwise direction of the functional textile fabric containing the metal yarn and the magnetic yarn in a proportional spacing mode. According to the functional textile fabric containing the metal yarn and the magnetic yarn, due to the fact that the metal yarn and the magnetic yarn are combined together, the functional textile fabric containing the metal yarn and the magnetic yarn has a plurality of functions of magnetic health care, radiation protection, static electricity prevention, ultraviolet prevention, bacterium prevention, odor removal and the like. 33

44 US (A1) WATER-AND-OIL REPELLANT COMPOSITION, FUNCTIONAL TEXTILE PRODUCT, AND PRODUCTION METHOD FOR FUNCTIONAL TEXTILE PRODUCT Richiedente(i): US (A1) - WATER-AND-OIL REPELLANT COMPOSITION, FUNCTIONAL TEXTILE PRODUCT, AND PRODUCTION METHOD FOR FUNCTIONAL TEXTILE PRODUCT YOSHINO GOU [JP]; TANIGUCHI NORIHIRO [JP]; ODA HIROMU [JP]; NISHIKAWA MAKOTO [JP]; ENOMOTO TAKASHI [JP]; MIYAHARA MASAHIRO [JP]; YAMAMOTO IKUO [JP] DAIKIN IND LTD [JP]; NICCA CHEMICAL CO [JP]; YOSHINO GOU [JP]; TANIGUCHI NORIHIRO [JP]; ODA HIROMU [JP]; NISHIKAWA MAKOTO [JP]; ENOMOTO TAKASHI [JP]; MIYAHARA MASAHIRO [JP]; YAMAMOTO IKUO [JP] -internazionale: C09K3/18 D06M15/256; D06M15/277; D06M15/564; D06M2200/10; D06M2200/11; D06M2200/12; F16D2200/0069 US JP ; WO2011JP Pubblicato anche come: EP (A1) TW (A) KR (A) WO (A1) JP (A) altro Riassunto del brevetto US (A1) The water-and-oil repellant composition of the invention including an aqueous dispersion of a pyrazole blocked hydrophobic polyisocyanate containing a pyrazole blocked hydrophobic polyisocyanate represented by the following formula (I) and a non-ionic surface active agent, and a water-and-oil repellant component having a perfluoroalkyl group with 6 carbon atoms or less is provided: R(-NH-CO- Z)m(I) [in the formula (I), m represents an integer of 2 or more; R represents a residue after an "m" number of isocyanate groups have been removed from a polyisocyanate compound with an "m" number of isocyanate groups; Z represents a residue, which is the same or different from each other, after hydrogen atoms have been removed from active hydrogen-containing compounds that are capable of reacting with an isocyanate group, and at least two of the Z's are a pyrazole groups represented by the formula (II): {in the formula (II), n represents an integer of from 0 to 3; if n is 1 or higher, R1, which is the same or different from each other, represents an alkyl group having 1 to 6 carbon atoms, an alkenyl group having 2 to 6 carbon atoms, an aralkyl group having 7 to 12 carbon atoms, an N-substituted 34

45 carbamyl group, a phenyl group, -NO2, a halogen atom, or -CO-O-R2 (in the formula, R2 is a hydrogen atom or an alkyl group having 1 to 6 carbon atoms)}]. 35

46 CN (A) FUNCTIONAL FIBER TEXTILE AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREOF Richiedente(i): CN (A) - Functional fiber textile and manufacturing method thereof KINORI JUNMASA; HANDASHU; YAMASAKI ITSURO KOMATSU SEIREN CO -internazionale: D06M13/322; D06M15/15; D06M15/53 CN JP Pubblicato anche come: JP (A) Riassunto del brevetto CN (A) The invention provides a functional fiber textile which enables functions of static resistance and waterabsorbing qualities with excellent durability and has properties close to those of silk on the condition that no crylic acid monomer and no monomer having aziridine bases are used. The functional fiber textile is formed by making hydrophilic compound and carbonated diimine-system cross-linking agents polymerized on the surface of fiber cloth. Furthermore, besides the hydrophilic compound and the carbonated diimine-system cross-linking agents, at least one of the silk-fibroin and peptide obtained by water solubility of silk is polymerized on the surface of the fiber cloth. 36

47 CN (A) FUNCTIONAL NANO TEXTILE AND PREPARATION METHOD THEREOF CN (A) - Functional nano textile and preparation method thereof Richiedente(i): YU MING; LI JINGYE; WANG ZIQIANG; LIU HANZHOU SHANGHAI INST APPLIED PHYSICS -internazionale: D06M14/00; D06M14/18 CN CN Riassunto del brevetto CN (A) The invention discloses a functional nano textile and a preparation method thereof. The preparation method of the functional nano textile comprises the following steps: (1) in an organic solvent, reacting inorganic nanoparticles containing hydroxyl on the surface with a compound containing a group and carbon-carbon double bonds, to obtain modified inorganic nanoparticles, wherein the group can react with the hydroxyl; (2) conducting graft copolymerization on the modified inorganic nanoparticles obtained in step (1), monomers A and textiles, thereby obtaining the functional nano textile. According to the preparation method, the addition of a bonding agent, resin or a cross-linking agent is not required, the handfeeling, air and water vapor permeability and other properties can be furthest kept, and the preparation method is suitably used for garment textiles, is lower in cost and suitable for batch production. The functional nano textile has excellent washing resistance and excellent wear resistance, and is durable in functions. 37

48 KR (B1) A FUNCTIONAL TEXTILE FOR ABSORBING INFRARED RAY KR (B1) - A FUNCTIONAL TEXTILE FOR ABSORBING INFRARED RAY Richiedente(i): OH YONG WOON [KR] NANO VISION TECH CO LTD [KR]; GWANG MYEONG NEW MATERIAL [KR] -internazionale: C08J3/22; D01F1/10; D06M11/83 KR KR Riassunto del brevetto KR (B1) PURPOSE: A functional fiber fabric for absorbing UV ray is provided to improve dispersion stability, processability, absorption, and adhesion. CONSTITUTION: A master batch for a fiber contains: parts by weight of metal oxide composite containing 2-10 parts by weight of Cs_2O and parts by weight of SnO_2 and Sb_2O_3; 100 parts by weight of one or more kinds of organic solvents among alcohol, ketone, and acetate; 1-3 parts by weight of polyvinyl butyral(dispersing agent 1); and parts by weight of powder for absorbing UV ray, containing 1-12 parts by weight of calcium stearate or magnesium stearate(dispersing agent 2). [Reference numerals] (AA) Time(minutes); (BB) Temperature([deg.]C); (CC) Sample 1; (DD) Sample 2; (EE) Sample 3; (FF) Sample 4; (GG) Sample 5; (HH) Sample 6; (II) Note; (JJ) Temperature increase; (KK) Temperature increase = sample temperature t(ed) - sample temperature t(d); (LL) Sample 1: gray fiber fabric which is impregnated with powder for UV absorption of the present invention; (MM) Sample 2: common gray fiber fabric which is not impregnated with UV absorbent; (NN) Sample 3: navy fiber fabric which is impregnated with powder for UV absorption of the present invention; (OO) Sample 4: common navy fiber fabric which is not impregnated with UV absorbent; (PP) Sample 5: soil color fiber fabric which is impregnated with powder for UV absorption of the present invention; (QQ) Sample 6: soil color fiber fabric which is not impregnated with UV absorbent 38

49 CN (A) ANTIBACTERIAL FUNCTIONAL MEDICAL TEXTILE CN (A) - Antibacterial functional medical textile Richiedente(i): WANG JIANBO WANG JIANBO -internazionale: D06M13/236; D06M13/50 CN CN Riassunto del brevetto CN (A) The invention relates to the clothing field, particularly to an antibacterial functional medical textile. The textile is characterized in that a silver ion antibacterial agent, a soil-releasing finishing agent and a permethrin mosquito repellent finishing agent are used for processing the textile to enable the textile to acquire antibacterial, soil-releasing and mosquito repellent functions. A processing method includes processing fabric into a semi-product for after-treatment after steps of pretreatment, dyeing or printing and the like; preparing a functional finishing agent which is antibacterial, soil-releasing and mosquito repellent; padding the working solution; drying; baking; packaging; and manufacturing leisure wear. The textile has broad-spectrum high-effect antibacterial functions on a plurality of harmful bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus, pneumobacillus, escherichia coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa, monilia albican and trichophyton mentagrophytes, the bacteriostasis rate of the textile for the harmful bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus after washed for 100 times can still reach above 99%, stay and biting of mosquitoes can be reduced effectively, repellent and contact toxicity functions can be performed on various mosquitoes such as culex, Aedes aegypti, ticks and bugs, and the leisure wear made of the textile is provided with obvious antibacterial, deodorant, itching relieving and mosquito repellent functions. 39

50 CN (A) FUNCTIONAL INTERTWINED MEDICAL TEXTILE FABRIC WITH NATURAL ANTIBACTERIAL AND MOISTURE ABSORPTION QUICK- DRYING FUNCTIONS CN (A) - Functional intertwined medical textile fabric with natural antibacterial and moisture absorption quick-drying functions WU SHUIMING; XU BAOFA Richiedente(i): SHAOXING SHULILE TEXTILE PRODUCT CO LTD -internazionale: D03D13/00; D03D15/00 CN CN Riassunto del brevetto CN (A) The invention discloses a functional intertwined medical textile fabric with natural antibacterial and moisture absorption quick-drying functions, which is formed by interweaving warp and weft, wherein the warp is selected from COOLMAX fiber/chitin viscose fiber blended yarns, and the weft is selected from cotton fiber/hemp fiber/silver fiber blended yarns; and the warp and the weft adopt an up-anddown plain weave structure. The selected fiber has the special durable functions of moisture absorption quick-drying, green health care and the like, so that the textile fabric not only has good antibacterial and anti-odor properties, but also has the characteristics of ultra-strong moisture absorption quick-drying, static resistance, radiation resistance, stable size, washing resistance, comfortable wearing and cooling, can be used for medical professional clothing in summer such as nurse clothes, nurse caps and patient clothes, and is an excellent textile fabric with ultra-strong antibacterial and green health care functions in a medical system. 40

51 WO (A2) NOVEL METAL POLYOXIDE, AND FUNCTIONAL FIBER OR TEXTILE PREPARED USING METAL POLYOXIDE WO (A2) - NOVEL METAL POLYOXIDE, AND FUNCTIONAL FIBER OR TEXTILE PREPARED USING METAL POLYOXIDE KOOK SEUNG WON [KR]; BOTAR ALEXANDRU [KR] Richiedente(i): KOOK SEUNG WON [KR]; BOTAR ALEXANDRU [KR] -internazionale: C01G39/00; D06M11/48; D06M11/49 C01G39/00; D06M11/48; D06M11/49; D06M16/00; D06M2101/06; D06M2101/12 Pubblicato anche come: WO2012KR KR ; KR WO (A3) Riassunto del brevetto WO (A2) The present invention relates to a novel metal polyoxide, and a functional fiber or textile prepared using the metal polyoxide. The metal polyoxide is a compound in which a plurality of oxygen elements are coupled to a transition metal element, and shows surface electrical resistance in addition to antibacterial and deodorizing activities. More specifically, the present invention relates to manganese (III) molybdate and cobalt (III) molybdate having a novel structure, a preparation method thereof, and a preparation method of a functional fiber or textile prepared using the same.; According to the present invention, the metal polyoxide shows excellent antibacterial and deodorizing effects, and a functional fiber or textile prepared using the metal polyoxide shows no deterioration of functions even with time by a strong ionic bond and shows excellent antibacterial and deodorizing effects. Further, the present invention relates to a method for preparing a functional fiber or textile having various functions by reacting a metal polyoxide, in which a plurality of oxygen elements are coupled to a transition metal element, with a fiber or a textile at a room temperature or in a heated state.; According to the present invention, the functional fiber or textile shows no deterioration of characteristics and effects even with time by a strong ionic bond, shows excellent antibacterial and deodorizing effects, and has an electromagnetic shielding effect due to the increase of surface electrical resistance. 41

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