What adventures will King Midas, Hercules, and Atlas have today?!

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1 What adventures will King Midas, Hercules, and Atlas have today?! WHAT? King Midas and His Friends WHEN? October 19 - November 19, 2010 WHERE? Actors Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre Welcome to Actors Playhouse Theatre for Young Audiences. We hope that you enjoy the show and that attendance at live theatre will become a regular part of your entertainment activities. We have prepared this Student Enrichment Guide to help in your understanding and appreciation of the show. We encourage teachers to make full use of this guide and to download, or print as many copies for your students as you wish. If you have further questions about this, or any future productions at Actors Playhouse, please do not hesitate to call us at X606. CONTENTS Original Myths and their History...p. 2-9 Audience Wanted...p. 10 Typical Field Trip Day...p. 11 Poetry Corner & Prop Search...p. 12 Word Search...p. 13 Connect and Color Me...p Arachne's "Web" Search...p.16 Individual & Group Projects...p.17 Sunshine Standard Activities...p Actors Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre 280 Miracle Mile Coral Gables, Fl

2 Actors Playhouse Student Enrichment Guide P 2 Original versions of the Myths used in King Midas and His Friends Following are some original versions of the myths used in the show. Compare these versions to the adaptations used in the production. What is the same? What is different? Do all of the stories have morals or are some used by the people of the time to explain the things around them because they could not explain them scientifically? King Midas - Ancient Myth King Midas is a legend that many of us have at least heard of sometime during our lives. As the legend goes, Bacchus found his school master who was also his foster father Silenus had disappeared. Silenus had been drink and had wandered off. Silenus was found by peasants and took him to King Midas. Midas knew who he was immediately and took care of him for ten days and nights until he recovered. On the eleventh day, King Midas took him back to his school where he could begin to teach again. Bacchus was so overjoyed that he asked King Midas what he would like for repayment of his troubles and his great care for the old school master. King Midas did not think very long before he exclaimed the words, I would like everything I touch to turn to gold. Bacchus granted King Midas his wish and he went on his way. He was amazed as he headed back toward home, everything he touched from a twig on a tree to a rock turned magically into gold. King Midas was overjoyed with his new found talent. Once he arrived at home, he ordered the servants to prepare a wonderful feast. Then the bad news hit King Midas, everything he touched during the feast turned to gold. He could not eat a bite of food or take a drink of wine, as it would immediately turn to gold. He began to hate this precious gift as he was slowing starving to death. He raised his arms to Bacchus and begged to be delivered from this curse. Bacchus then told King Midas. "Go, to the river Pactolus, trace the stream to its fountain-head, there plunge in your head and body and wash away your fault and its punishment." King Midas did just as Bacchus instructed and shortly afterward, the sands of the river turned to gold. It is believed the sand of the Pactolus River still has sands of gold. POSSIBLE MORAL: Be Careful what you wish for!

3 Actors Playhouse Student Enrichment Guide P 3 Demeter and Persephone Demeter, was in charge of the harvest. All the gods jobs were important. Demeter's job was very important. If she was upset, the crops could die. Everyone, gods and mortals, worked hard to keep Demeter happy. What made her happy was enjoying the company of her daughter, Persephone. Persephone had grown into a beautiful young woman, with a smile for everyone. One day, while picking flowers in the fields, Hades, her uncle, the god of the underworld, noticed her. Hades was normally a gloomy fellow. But Persephone s beauty had dazzled him. He fell in love instantly. Quickly, before anyone could interfere, he kidnapped Persephone and hurled his chariot down into the darkest depths of the underworld, taking Persephone with him. Locked in a room in the Hall of Hades, Persephone cried and cried. She refused to speak to Hades. And she refused to eat. Legend said if you ate anything in Hades, you could never leave. She did not know if the legend was true, but she did not want to risk it in case someone came to rescue her. Nearly a week went by. Finally, unable to bear her hunger, Persephone ate six pomegranate seeds. It seemed her fate was sealed. She would have to live in the Underworld forever. Meanwhile, back on earth, Zeus was worried about the crops. The people would die if the crops failed. If that happened, who would worship Zeus? He had to do something. Zeus did what he often did. He sent Hermes, his youngest son, the messenger, to crack a deal, this time with Hades. Even as a baby, Hermes was great at making deals. Everyone knew that. But this deal might be the challenge of his life. His uncle Hades, king of the underworld, was really in love. This was no passing fancy. When Hermes heard that Persephone had eaten six pomegranate seeds, he had to think quickly. The deal he made with Hades was that if Persephone would marry Hades, she would live as queen of the underworld for six months out of the year. However, each spring, Persephone would return and live on earth for the other six months of the year. Hades agreed. Zeus agreed. Persephone agreed. And finally, Demeter agreed. Each spring, Demeter makes sure all the flowers bloom in welcome when her daughter, Queen of the Underworld, returns to her. Each fall, when Persephone returns to Hades, Demeter cries, and lets all the crops die until spring, when the cycle starts again. GREEKS used this myth to explain the change in seasons.

4 Glaucus and Scylla Actors Playhouse Student Enrichment Guide P 4 Glaucus was a fisherman. One day he had drawn his nets to land, and had taken a great many fishes of various kinds. So he emptied his net, and proceeded to sort the fishes on the grass. The place where he stood was a beautiful island in the river, a solitary spot, uninhabited, and not used for pasturge of cattle, nor ever visited by any but himself. On a sudden, the fishes, which had been laid on the grass, began to revive and move their fins as if they were in the water; and while he looked on astonished, they one and all moved off to the water, plunged in and swam away. He did not know what to make of this, whether some god had done it, or some secret power in the herbage. "What herb has such a power?" he exclaimed; and gathering some, he tasted it. Scarce had the juices of the plant reached his palate when he found himself agitated with a longing desire for the water. He could no longer restrain himself, but bidding farewell to earth, he plunged into the stream. The gods of the water received him graciously, and admitted him to the honor of their society. They obtained the consent of Oceanus and Tethys, the sovereigns of the sea, that all that was mortal in him should be washed away. A hundred rivers poured their waters over him. Then he lost all sense of his former nature and all consciousness. When he recovered, he found himself changed in form and mind. His hair was sea-green, and trailed behind him on the water; his shoulders grew broad, and what had been thighs and legs assumed the form of a fish's tail. The sea-gods complimented him on the change of his appearance, and he himself was pleased with his looks. One day Glaucus saw the beautiful maiden Scylla, the favorite of the water-nymphs, rambling on the shore, and when she had found a sheltered nook, laving her limbs in the clear water. He fell in love with her, and showing himself on the surface, spoke to her, saying such things as he thought most likely to win her to stay; for she turned to run immediately on sight of him and ran till she had gained a cliff overlooking the sea. Here she stopped and turned round to see whether it was a god or a sea-animal, and observed with wonder his shape and color. Glaucus, partly emerging from the water, and supporting himself against a rock, said, "Maiden, I am no monster, nor a sea-animal, but a god; and neither Proteus nor Triton ranks higher than I. Once I was a mortal, and followed the sea for a living; but now I belong wholly to it." Then he told the story of his metamorphosis and how he had been promoted to his present dignity, and added, "But what avails all this if it fails to move your heart?" He was going on in this strain, but Scylla turned and hastened away. Glaucus was in despair, but it occurred to him to consult the enchantress, Circe. Accordingly he repaired to her island, the same where afterwards Ulysses landed, as we shall see in another story. After mutual salutations, he said, "Goddess, I entreat your pity; you alone can relieve the pain I suffer. The power of herbs I know as well as any one, for it is to them I owe my change of form I love Scylla. I am ashamed to tell you how I have sued and promised to her, and how scornfully she has treated me. I beseech you to use your incantations, or potent herbs, if they are more prevailing, not to cure me of my love, for that I do not wish, but to make her share it and yield me a like return." To which Circe replied, for she was not insensible to the attractions of the sea-green deity, "You had better pursue a willing object; you are worthy to be sought, instead of having to seek in vain. Be not diffident, know your own worth. I protest to you that even I, goddess though I be, and learned in the virtues of plants and spells, should not know how to refuse you If she scorns you, scorn her; meet one who is ready to meet you half way, and thus make a due return to both at once." To these words Glaucus replied, "Sooner shall trees grow at the bottom of the ocean, and seaweed on the top of the mountains, than I will cease to love Scylla, and her alone." The goddess was indignant, but she could not punish him, neither did she wish to do so, for she liked him too well; so she turned all her wrath against her rival, poor Scylla. She took plants of poisonous powers and mixed them together, with incantations and charms. Then she passed through the crowd of gambolling beasts, the victims of her art, and proceeded to the coast of Sicily, where Scylla lived. There was a little bay on the shore to which Scylla used to resort, in the heat of the day, to breathe the air of the sea, and to bathe in its waters. Here the goddess poured her poisonous mixture, and muttered over it incantations of mighty power. Scylla came as usual and plunged into the water up to her waist. What was her horror to perceive a brood of serpents and barking monsters surrounding her! At first she could not imagine they were a part of herself, and tried to run from them, and to drive them away; but as she ran she carried them with her, and when she tried to touch her limbs, she found her hands touch only the yawning jaws of monsters. Scylla remained rooted to the spot. Her temper grew as ugly as her form, and she took pleasure in devouring hapless mariners who came within her grasp. Thus she destroyed six of the companions of Ulysses, and tried to wreck the ships of Aeneas, till at last she was turned into a rock, and as such still continues to be a terror to mariners. DRAWS a comparison to Glaucus' rejection by Scylla and dangerous, rocky shores. A modern interpretation might be to accept those that are different.

5 Actors Playhouse Student Enrichment Guide P 5 Athena, Arachne and the Weaving Contest In a small town of Ledia there once lived a beautiful maiden with the name Arachne. Arachne was famous in town for being a very skillful weaver and spinner and every day many girls and Nereids were stopping by to see her weave. Arachne was very vain and couldn t stop boasting about her talent, claiming that she had learned the skill all by herself and that there was no one else in the world who could weave as delicately as her; she even felt she could compete against Athena, the goddess of the skills, and win her with ease. When Athena heard these words, she got disappointed and decided to disguise as an old lady and appear in front of Arachne. My dear, she told Arachne, I am old and have much experience from life, so let me give you one advice: don t ever mess up with a goddess; no mortal can compete against Athena, take back your words and kindly ask for forgiveness. Arachne was furious and threw the thread against the old woman, telling her: I don t need your advice, I know best what I can do! If Athena really dares, then she should come here and compete against me. At that moment, the old woman transformed herself into the radiant goddess Athena. On her sight, everybody in the room kneeled down in awe; not so Arachne who couldn t wait to compete against her. So the competition started and both contestants were doing really well; Athena was weaving the Parthenon and her contest with god Poseidon; Arachne, on the other hand, was making fun of the gods by weaving scenes of gods full of weaknesses and fears. Arachne s work seemed to be perfect technically, yet was not beautiful because it was showing disregard of the gods. Athena was very offended and told Arachne: You may be foolish and stubborn, but you love your skill. So why don t you go ahead and spin forever! Having that said, Athena sprinkled her with the juice of magical herbs and the body of Arachne transformed into a small and ugly animal, which nowadays is known as the spider. From that moment on Arachne has been cursed to be trapped inside her own web, weaving constantly and endlessly but having all her works destroyed by man. RESPECT those that are older and wiser than you!

6 HERCULES and ATLAS Actors Playhouse Student Enrichment Guide P 6 Labor 11 - The Apples of the Hesperides Eurystheus set Hercules on the extra task of fetching the golden apples from the Hesperides that had been given to Zeus as a wedding gift and were guarded by a dragon with 100 heads, offspring of Typhon and Echidna. On this journey he wrestled Nereus for information and Antaeus to pass through his country of Libya. On his travels he found Prometheus and destroyed the eagle that was eating his liver. Prometheus told Hercules not to go after the apples himself, but to send Atlas instead. When Hercules reached the land of the Hyperboreans, where Atlas held the heavens, Hercules volunteered to hold the heavens while Atlas got the apples. Atlas did so, but didn't want to resume the burden, so he said he'd carry the apples to Eurystheus. Trickily, Hercules agreed, but asked Atlas to take back the heavens for a moment so he could rest a pad on his head. Atlas agreed and Hercules went away with the apples. When he gave them to Eurystheus, the king returned them. Hercules gave them to Athena to return them to the Hesperides. BRAINS triumphs over brawn! PYGMALION In Greek mythology, Pygmalion was a king of the island of Cyprus and a sculptor. He spent many years carving an ivory statue of a woman more beautiful than any living female. Pygmalion became fascinated by his sculpture and fell in love with it. He pretended it was an actual woman. He brought it presents and treated it as if it were alive. However, the statue could not respond to his attentions, and Pygmalion became miserable. Finally, he prayed to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, to bring him a woman like his statue. Aphrodite did even better. She brought the statue to life. Pygmalion married this woman, often called Galatea, who gave birth to a daughter (some versions of the story say the child was a boy). Read more: Pygmalion - Myth Encyclopedia - mythology, Greek, story, life, king mythencyclopedia.com/pr-sa/pygmalion.html#ixzz12bltm2bx THERE is no such thing as a "perfect" friend, mate or companion.

7 PANDORA'S BOX Actors Playhouse Student Enrichment Guide P 7 Zeus ordered Hephaestus (Aphrodite's husband) to make him a daughter. It was the first woman made out of clay. Hephaestus made a beautiful woman and named her Pandora. Zeus sent his new daughter, Pandora, down to earth so that she could marry Epimetheus, who was a gentle but lonely man. Zeus was not being kind. He was getting even. Epimetheus and Prometheus were brothers. Zeus was mad at one of the brothers, Prometheus, for giving people fire without asking Zeus first. That was a very wrong thing to do. Fire was huge! Zeus had not planned to reward people with fire for a very long time yet. Zeus did not even get the credit for the invention of fire. That went to Prometheus. Zeus was furious. If the brothers wanted credit for new inventions, Zeus would be glad to help them get the credit they deserved. Zeus gave Pandora a little box with a big heavy lock on it. He made her promise never to open the box. He gave the key to Pandora s husband and told him to never open the box. Zeus was sure that Epimetheus' curiosity would get the better of him, and that either Epimetheus or his brother would open the box. Pandora was very curious. She wanted to see what was inside the box, but Epimetheus said no. Better not. "You know your father," Epimetheus sighed, referring to Zeus. "He s a tricky one." One day, when Epimetheus lay sleeping, Pandora stole the key and opened the box. Out flew every kind of disease and sickness, hate and envy, and all the bad things that people had never experienced before. Pandora slammed the lid closed, but it was too late. All the bad things were already out of the box. They flew away, out into the world. Epimetheus woke up at the sound of her sobbing. I opened the box and all these ugly things flew out, she cried. I tried to catch them, but they all got out. Pandora opened the box to show him how empty it was. But the box was not quite empty. One tiny bug flew quickly out before Pandora could slam the lid shut again. Hello, Pandora, said the bug, hovering just out of reach. My name is Hope. With a nod of thanks for being set free, Hope flew out into the world, a world that now held Envy, Crime, Hate, and Disease and Hope. NO MATTER how bad things are ALWAYS remain hopeful!

8 The Story Of Narcissus: Actors Playhouse Student Enrichment Guide P 8 Once upon a time, there was a boy called Narcissus. He was the son of a god and he was very, very handsome. Many women fell in love with him, but he turned them away. One of the women who loved Narcissus was a nymph called Echo. Echo could not speak properly - she could only repeat what was said to her, so she couldn't tell Narcissus that she loved him. One day, when Narcissus was walking in the woods with some friends, he became separated from them. He called out "Is anyone here?" Echo replied "Here, Here". Echo stepped forward with open arms, wanting to cuddle him. But Narcissus refused to accept Echo's love. Echo was so upset that she left and hid in a cave, until nothing was left of her, except her voice. The Maiden, a goddess, found out about this, and she was very angry. She made Narcissus fall in love with himself. When Narcissus looked at his reflection in a pond one day, he fell in love. He stayed on that spot forever, until he died one day. Where he died a flower grew, and that flower is called a Narcissus. LOOKS can be deceiving! The Story Of Echo: Hera, the Queen of Mt. Olympus, cast a spell over her servant Echo for talking too much. As a punishment, Echo could henceforth only repeat what someone else said. Poor Echo! She was in love with handsome Narcissus, and yearned to tell him so! One day Echo saw Narcissus admiring himself in a clear pond. Looking at his reflection, he vainly said to the face in the water, "I love you." Echo repeated, "I love you," and meant it. But Narcissus thought it was his reflection that spoke and stood gazing at himself until he died and Hermes led him away to the Land of the Dead. Echo pined for him till she, too, faded away. All that was left of her was her voice that can still be heard in certain hollow places, senselessly repeating the words of others. SILENCE is golden...

9 History Notes: ROMANS VERSUS GREEKS Actors Playhouse Student Enrichment Guide P 9 The ancient Romans were famous for adopting gods and legends from other cultures. Usually, they would only copy a couple of the gods, the ones that really caught their fancy. But, when the Romans first heard about the amazing Greek gods, they adopted them all! They pretended that they had always been Roman gods - always! The Romans changed the names, but they did not change the legends. Zeus, king of the Greek gods, became Jupiter, king of the Roman gods. The only name they did not change was Apollo's. The first name listed for each god below is the Greek name for this god. The second name where listed is the Roman name for the same god. Meet the amazing ancient Greek gods: Zeus/Jupiter was the most powerful of the gods. Should he have to bring order, he would hurl a thunderbolt. Share in the adventure of Zeus, Hera, and little Io. Hera/Juno was the wife of Zeus, and thus, the Queen. Hera was the goddess of marriage, children, and the home. Poseidon/Neptune, the lord of the sea, was the brother of Zeus. Hades/Pluto, another brother of Zeus, was the lord of the underworld. Come visit the River Styx! Find out how the King of Corinth tricked the gods. Ares/Mars, Zeus' son, was the god of war. He tall and handsome but cruel and vain. Hermes/Mercury was Zeus' son and the messenger of the gods. Hermes was noted for his pranks as well as for his speed. Apollo/Apollo was Zeus' son and god of the sun, light and music. Come meet Apollo's Oracle at Delphi. What happened when Apollo fell in love with Cassandra. Learn how Apollo got his lyre. Artemis/Diana was goddess of the hunt. Athena/Minerva was the goddess of wisdom. Hestia/Vesta was the goddess of hearth and home, and Hera's sister. Demeter/Ceres was the goddess of the harvest, and Hera's other sister. Persephone was Demeter's daughter, and the Greek's reasons for the seasons. Aphrodite/Venus was the goddess of love and beauty. Hephaestus/Vulcan was the son of Zeus and Hera, god of fire and forge, and the husband of Aphrodite. Heracles/Hercules was another of Zeus' sons. He was half man, half god, and very strong. Eros/Cupid was the son of the goddess of love. He carried a bow and arrow to shoot people. When you were shot with Cupid's arrow, you fell in love with the very next person you saw. Orpheus was the son of Apollo and Calliope. He was the most famous musician in all of Greece. The story of Eurydice and Orpheus is a famous love story.

10 Actors Playhouse Student Enrichment Guide P 10 Want Ads AUDIENCE MEMBERS WANTED! The Director has requested that you, the audience, play the following important part in the show! 1) Respect the actors and other audience members by listening quietly during the performance. 2) Laugh (like crazy) when something funny happens--it's okay to respond to the show! 3) Show your appreciation to the actors and crew by applauding at the end of songs, scenes and especially at the end of the show, they will appreciate it. 4) Remember any questions you might have during the show so you can ask the actors and the director at the end of the play. 5) Stay in your seat until the play is over and the actors have taken their bows. Then, wait for your teachers to tell you where to go. 6) Food, drinks and candy are for the intermission or for after the show. We don't allow eating or drinking in the theatre, only in the lobby. 7) Now that you know your part, ENJOY THE SHOW! Thanks, Earl Maulding, Director P.S. The classroom is a great place to rehearse all of the above.

11 TRAVEL SECTION Actors Playhouse Student Enrichment Guide P 11 Your visit to Actors Playhouse! 1. Prior to the performance date, teachers can go to our website; and print an Enrichment Guide which contains Show Synopsis. Author & Composer biographies. Theatre Etiquette Guide. Puzzles and Games Reading List. Questions & Ideas for Pre & Post Activities. 2. Students enter the beautifully restored Miracle Theatre at 280 Miracle Mile. 3. They are escorted to their seats and each child receives a program with a cast list and actor photos to help them identify the performers while they listen to pre-show music. 4. In a funny and zany Good Theatre Etiquette speech, Earl Maulding, Director of Theatre for Young Audiences, reminds the audience to respect the actors by sitting quietly, laughing, and applauding at the appropriate times. 5. Students view a fully staged professional production of a musical directed, written and designed specifically with young audience members in mind. 6. The actors and director introduce themselves after the show and a lively question & answer session ensues where the students can ask any questions at all that they might have. 7. Students return to school and utilizing the Student Enrichment Guide they further discuss and critique the morning's performance.

12 Actors Playhouse Student Enrichment Guide P 12 POETRY CORNER I GOT GOLD FEVER, I GOT GOLD FEVER,I GOT GOLD FEVER. I WANT GOLD, I WANT GOLD, BACCHUS I WANT GOLD! BACCHUS, BACCHUS I MADE UP MY MIND. I WANT THE MAGIC TOUCH! I DID THE GOOD DEED AND YOU GAVE ME A WISH. YOU KNOW WHAT I WANT SO MUCH I WANT GOLD FEVER, I WANT GOLD FEVER,I WANT GOLD FEVER. I WANT GOLD, I WANT GOLD, BACCHUS I WANT GOLD! After KING MIDAS does good deed for Bacchus he sings these lyrics telling Bacchus what he wants. Write a short song or poem about something you really, really want!! Look For These Props The tools an Actor gets to use on stage to help them tell their character s story are called PROPS. A PROP is anything an actor carries or uses onstage. During the course of KING MIDAS AND HIS FRIENDS look for these PROPS and try to remember who uses them! A Bow & Arrow, Gold Grapes, Lightning Bolt, Gold Bagel, Big Spider, 3 Golden Apples, Weaving Loom, Rope..

13 Search and Find Actors Playhouse Student Enrichment Guide P 13 Find the following words in the puzzle below and circle them. The words can go up, down, across, diagonally or backwards. Good Luck! MIDAS CIRCE GLAUCUS BACCHUS GREEK ROMAN JUPITER ATHENA JUNO GOLD GOLD WEAVE FISH FEVER ECHO ATLAS WORLD HERCULES SPIDER ROCK PLUTO COOKIES SILVER HELP SAD R H S I F H K C O R S E E W E A V E E I P O U C T O L C O L E R S M C C I R U P H P R C I A U O P L C D L O G E L N A O U D R A J U N O V D L K J M E S A L T A E E G I S U H C C A B O R T F E N S A D I M R E D I P S NOTE: For even more fun, time everyone, compete head to head with your best friend or compete in groups and give the definitions of each word as it is found!

14 Actors Playhouse Student Enrichment Guide P 14 Demeter

15 Actors' Actors Playhouse Enrichment Student Enrichment Guide Guide P 17 P 15 GREEK MASKS TO COLOR

16 Arachne's "Web" Search Actors Playhouse Student Enrichment Guide P Amazing website with tons of kid related Myth information, games, class activities etc Another great website with lots of creative activities related to Myths! 3. A fun online game relating to Percy and the Lightning Thief Audio versions of Myths Coloring pages and great masks to expore! 6. Some great links to endless activities and information related to Myths! 7. Some play scripts relating to Myths and Fables. fun reading and acting in the classroom!

17 THINK THINK THINK Actors Playhouse Student Enrichment Guide P 17 INDIVIDUAL & GROUP PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES 1. This show is an adaptation of a previously written myths. Divide up into groups of four or five people, choose an old, familiar story or myth and create your own adaptation. It can be set in olden times, now or in the future. Try to remember the main themes and lessons of the original story and make sure they are still clear. Once you are ready your group can perform it for the rest of class. 2. An exercise to celebrate diversity. Have the students bring in music from their families cultural background. Prepare by asking the students to write their name, a description of their family background and how it is their cultural heritage is celebrated by their family. Place 6-8 chairs in a semicircle facing the "audience." Play their music, softly, as each student reads or ad-libs what they have written. Costumes may also be worn to enhance the experience. They might also dance to the different styles of music presented. 3. Using the above idea have each student select another country or culture and also create a character when they read. This will encourage research and imagination. If costumes and props are not available, make them from paper or materials on hand. Repeat presentation to "audience." 4. Compare and contrast the difference between seeing a live play and a movie. How are they different and how are they the same. In your opinion does one medium do a better job of making the story realistic? Which one is more personal and gets you involved? 5. In a movie the designers can use real houses, boats and trees but in a play we use scenery to represent these things. Using a shoebox and items from around your house create a scenic design for one of your favorite stories. What colors, textures and line help to communicate the emotions and location of the story? 6. How do costumes and props help you to know something about the characters you see on stage? First, pick a character from KING MIDAS AND HIS FRIENDS and describe in writing, or draw a picture of their costume. Then explain how the colors and patterns used make you feel and think about a person that would wear that type of clothing. Finally describe and list the props, that s anything the actor might carry onstage, and describe what clues these things give about the characters. 7. This version of KING MIDAS AND HIS FRIENDS uses music to help tell the story. It allows the characters to express their inner emotions in a fun entertaining way. Break into groups and write your own song about a story or idea that you think is important. Try writing the words or lyrics first then say them in a certain rhythm. Finally try choosing a melody that will help communicate whether this is a sad, happy, confused or thoughtful song. You can also start with a tune and then write words that fit that rhythm. Perform your masterpiece for your classmates. Remember there is no wrong or bad answer to this project. What your group creates is yours and you should be proud of it!

18 Learning Styles Actors Playhouse Student Enrichment Guide P 18 SUNSHINE STANDARD RELATED ACTIVITIES Arts and cultural programs reach students who learn through a wide array of learning styles. * Visual: The students observing the play will experience silent reflections, emotional processing, concentrations skills, and higher order reasoning during the Actors' Playhouse performance. * Aural: The students will listen to live performances of musical productions providing the students with an opportunity to experience professional theatre. Career Skills Arts and cultural programs can teach students invaluable career skills and expose them to different career opportunities. * Career Development: After the performance, actors and the production staff discuss with the students the various career paths in theatre as well as the main concepts in the production. * Problem Solving: Actors' Playhouse productions present conflicts and resolutions and how the students may relate these to practical life issues. Pre-show Activities WITHOUT A WORD Gr: K-5 Subjects: Language Arts, Theatre Pre - Read a MYTH such as King Midas and the Golden Touch. Have students perform a scene from the story without words while it is being read aloud by other students or the teacher. Then have students perform the story using improvised dialogue based on the story's plot. Discuss how dialogue and movement can tell a story. (Fl. Standards - LA.C.2[1,2], LA.C.3[1,2], TH.A.3.[1,2]) THE CHANGING PLAY Gr: PreK - 5.Subject: Theatre, Language Arts Pre - Using a line from a myth, place emphasis on different words to change the meaning. How many different ways can you say: Yes, No, maybe? Read a short poem or story out loud changing your expressions each time. (try softly, creepily, comically etc) Ask the children to react to the story as though they were watching it in a theatre and observe how a performer and an audience change as the style of play transforms from one to the other. TH.D.1.1.3, LA.E.1.1.1, LA.A.2.2.7, LA.E.2.2.1, LA.E FEELINGS Gr: 3-5 Subjects: Language Arts, Foreign Languages, Theater, Health Education Pre- Have students stand in a circle. Each student must say their name, how they are feeling at the time, and then add one gesture that describes that feeling. The next person in line must introduce the person before them, state their feeling, do their gesture, and them introduce themselves with a feeling and gesture. Continue around the circle until the last person is reached. That person will have to name and imitate all the members of the circle. (Fl. State Standards: LA.C.1.3, LA.C.2.3, LA.C.3.3, FL.A.1.3, FL.A.2.3, FL.A.3.3, FL.D.1.3, TH.A.3.3, TH.D.1.3, HE.B.3.[3,4], HE.C.2.[3,4]) OVERCOMING OBSTACLES Gr: Subjects: Language Arts, Health Education Pre - Have students write a story of a time when they overcame difficulties. Use a guiding question format to elicit details and descriptions. (Fl. State Standards - LA.B.1.[2,3,4], LA.B.2.[2,3,4] HE.B.3.[3,4], HE.C.2.[3,4]) MOOD MUSIC Gr: 4-12 Subjects: Music, Visual Art Pre or Post - Select a musical piece from the program to play for the students. Ask students to close their eyes, listen, and try to feel the music. Use probing questions to provoke students' thinking: e.g., What colors do you see or think of when you hear this? Do you see smooth, flowing lines or erratic, choppy lines? Ask students to create a line drawing while listening to the music. (Remind them to move their drawing arm while feeling the music.) Have students create a final drawing which represents what they see while listening to the chosen musical piece. (Fl. Standards - MU.D.1.[3,4],VA.A.1.[3,4])

19 Actors Playhouse Student Enrichment Times P 19 Post-show Activities WHO? WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? HOW? Gr: PreK 5.. Subject: Language Arts Post - After watching KING MIDAS AND HIS FRIENDS talk or write, draw or act the stories that were performed on stage. Then answer the following questions - Who were the main characters in the story? What was the problem? Where did the story take place? When in history or in the characte sr life did the story take place? How did the characters resolve the problem? Now, write the answers to each question on separate slips of paper placing them together in a hat (or caldron). Draw the sentences one at a time and have fun guessing the story it describes. (Fl. Standards - LA.E.1.1.2, LA.B.2.2.1, LA.C.2.2 & 3 - (3-5) LA.E.1.2.(1,2,3 & 4) THINGS ARE NOT WHAT THEY SEEM! Gr:PreK-8 Subject: Theatre After watching KING MIDAS AND HIS FRIENDS gather together five everyday objects, create a short play or scene that includes all five things. Make sure that each scene has a clear beginning, problem and resolution. After students have performed their stories, give each student a found object (something really accessible like a comb or shoe). Tell them they are a sales person and they must sell this item to the class. It does not have to be what it appears. For example a shoe could be a "neat spaghetti bowl" (Fl. Standards - TH.A (PreK -2) TH.B (6-8) TH.B (3-5) TH.B (3-5) TELL THE STORY Gr: PreK-5..Subjects: Language Arts Post - After watching KING MIDAS AND HIS FRIENDS have a student stand and deliver a narrative describing one of the myths' characters and details. Encourage the class to corroborate this version of the story by communicating their individual memories of the story keeping a list of the common details. Have the students identify the characters that help the lead character when they need them most (Fairy Godmother etc) - ask students to identify the real people that help them when they are in need. (Fl. Standards - LA.E.1.1.1, LA.A.2.2.7, LA.E [1,2] LA.E 2.2.3) WALK IN MY SHOES Gr:K-5 Subjects: Language Arts, Theatre Post - After seeing the musical, have students retell the story (in first person) from a particular character's perspective. Assign different characters to different students. Note as a class how the story differs depending on whose perspective is taken. Have students create a visual to represent their character and write a character biography. (Fl. Standards - LA.B.2.[1,2], LA.C.2[1,2], TH.A.3.[1,2]) ANOTHER ENDING Gr:K-5..Subjects: Language Arts, Theatre Post - After seeing KING MIDAS AND HIS FRIENDS guide a discussion about the conflicts in each story and their social or personal significance to today s society. Then have students form small groups and write a different ending to the story. Have the groups present their "new endings" to the class. (Fl. Standards - LA.B.1.[1,2], LA.B.2.[1,2], LA.C.3.[1,2], TH.B.1.[1,2]) WHAT'S MY NAME? Gr:3-5..Subjects: Music, Language Arts Post - Have students independently devise clues or riddles for the various characters from the musical and turn them in to the teacher. Then play as a TV game show or divide students into teams; read the clues or riddles and have students guess the characters. (Fl. Standards - LA.C.2.2, MU.D.1.2) SPIRIT DRAWING Gr: Subjects: Visual Arts Post - Guide class in a discussion about the difficulties that one of the characters faced and how they were able to deal with them. Discuss the character and the quality of their spirit. Then direct students to make a drawing that represents that character s spirit. (Fl. Standards - VA.B.1.[3,4], LA.C.2.[3,4]) RETELL THE STORY Gr:5-9..Subjects: Music, History, Language Arts Post - In small groups, have students use the following structure: Somebody Wanted But So to reconstruct the musical's plot. Students will then create drawings to accompany their reconstruction and will orally share their summaries with the class. (Fl. Standards - LA.C.3.[3,4], LA.C.2.[3,4], MU.D.1.[3,4], VA.A.1[3,4])

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