Programa de Voluntariado Universitario de Nacións Unidas (VNU)

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1 Programa de Voluntariado Universitario de Nacións Unidas (VNU) Aberto o prazo de presentación de candidaturas ata o venres 11 de maio. A Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, abre o prazo para participar en proxectos de cooperación para o desenvolvemento destinados a aumentar ou mellorar a capacidade das persoas e institucións nos países en vías de desenvolvemento, impulsando as súas habilidades, proporcionando servizos directos para apoiar institucións e comunidades. Nesta convocatoria poden participar os estudantes da USC en calidade de Experto/a en misión do proxecto de Voluntariado Universitario de Nación Unidas ante os Obxectivos do Milenio. O cumio do Milenio de Nacións Unidas celebrado o 8 de setembro de 2000, deu orixe aos Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento do Milenio (ODM) na Declaración do Mlenio das Nacións Unidas. Esta Declaración foi adoptada pola totalidade dos 189 estados membros. Estas metas fixaron para o ano 2015 con referencia á situación mundial en Os ODM son Erradicar a pobreza extrema e a fame. Lograr o ensino primario universal. Promover a igualdade entre xéneros e a autonomía da muller. Reducir a mortalidade infantil. Mellorar a saúde materna. Combatir a VIH-SIDA, o paludismo e outras enfermidades. Garantir a sostenibilidade do medio ambiente. Fomentar unha asociación mundial para o desenvolvemento. ACTIVIDADES: As áreas de desenvolvemento ás que VNU da prioridade son aquelas que se derivan dos ODM de saúde, educación, medioambiente e TIC, segundo se establece no convenio de A duración deste programa é sempre de seis meses. A saída dos voluntarios cara os países de destino será a partir do 1 de outubro de PAISES: Cabo Verde, Burkina Faso, Vietnam, Brasil, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras REQUISITOS: 1. Ser estudante da USC. 2. Ter unha boa capacidade para adaptarse a vivir nun país estranxeiro. 3. Ter nivel alto de inglés e do idioma requerido para cada posto. IMPORTANTE: É necesario ter un nivel suficiente tanto oral coma escrito que permita aos voluntarios preseleccionados participar na formación de VNU en Bonn e participar en calquera das actividades propostas que requiran o uso do idioma. 4. Coñecementos da área específica de cooperación definida según os ODM nos que se centre o proxecto, ou ben de na área de informática nos postos referentes ás TIC. 5. Experiencia ou interese no campo de voluntariado, ONG e de cooperación para o desenvolvemento. 6. Presentar toda a documentación solicitada en soporte electrónico no Servizo de Participación e Integración Universitaria.

2 FORMACIÓN: Os voluntarios e voluntarias seleccionadas para participar no programa realizarán a formación en Madrid e Bonn no mes de setembro de PRAZO: O prazo para presentar as candidaturas remata o venres 11 de maio as 14:00 horas. DOCUMENTACIÓN A PRESENTAR 1. Curriculo en inglés e/ou no idioma do país que se indique no posto (TORs). 2. Carta de motivación en inglés e/ou no idioma que se indique no posto (TORs). Na carta especificarase detalladaente os coñecementos e a experiencia en tarefas similares ás solicitadas no posto (TORs), así como os intereses e as motivacións. 3. Copia do certificado de matrícula do ano académico 06/ Fotocopia do pasaporte en vigor durante todo o período. 5. Ficha da candidatura cumplimentada da primeira opción, e no seu caso, da segunda opción. 6. Carta de preselección, na que se adquire o compromiso co Programa no caso de resultar seleccionado por VNU para o posto solicitado. 7. Toda a documentación presentarase en soporte electrónico. 8. Calquera outra documentación que a USC ou VNU esixan para completar o proceso de selección. PRESELECCIÓN E SELECCIÓN DEFINITIVA A USC preseleccionará 5 candidatos para 5 postos diferentes. A finais do mes de xuño comunicarase a selección definitiva de Nacións Unidas entre todos os candidatos presentados polas universidades españolas. INFORMACIÓN DE BOLSAS E PROXECTOS: Vicerreitoría da Comunidade Universitaria e Compromiso Social. Servizo de Participación e Integración Universitaria Campus SANTIAGO. Casa Jimena e Elisa Fdez. de la Vega. Casas Reais 8. Santiago de Compostela ext Campus LUGO. Oficina do Voluntariado. Servizos Centrais do Campus de Lugo. Edificio Intercentos ext RELACIÓN DE POSTOS 2007 (TORs) TOR # 1 CABO VERDE Associação dos Amigos da Natureza. S. Vicente Cabo Verde TOR # 2 CABO VERDE Youth Centers (CEJ) attached to the Youth Secretariat. Platou- Praia, Cabo Verde TOR # 3 CABO VERDE Integrated Participatory Ecosystem Management in and Around Protected Areas. UNDP Project /7. (CVI/03/007/A/01/99 TOR # 3 CABO VERDE Integrated Participatory Ecosystem Management in and Around Protected Areas. UNDP Project /7. (CVI/03/007/A/01/99) TOR # 4 CABO VERDE Atelier Mar ONG. Ilha de S. Vicente Cabo Verde

3 TOR # 5 CABO VERDE Atelier Mar ONG. Ilha de S. Vicente Cabo Verde TOR # 6 BURKINA FASO ACD / Action pour le civisme et la Démocratie. Ouagadougou 03. Burkina Faso. TOR # 7 BURKINA FASO ACD / Action pour le civisme et la Démocratie. Ouagadougou 03. Burkina Faso TOR # 8 BURKINA FASO Volunteers Association of ISIG (High School of Computer and Management) Ouagadougou. Burkina Faso TOR # 9 BURKINA FASO Volunteers Association of ISIG (High School of Computer and Management) Ouagadougou. Burkina Faso TOR # 10 VIETNAM United Nations Development Programme (UNDP Viet Nam) Phan Boi Chau, Ha Noi, Viet Nam TOR # 11 VIETNAM United Nations Volunteers Viet Nam Phan Boi Chau, Ha Noi, Viet Nam TOR # 12 VIETNAM Tra Vinh University-. Tra Vinh town, Tra Vinh Province, Viet Nam TOR # 13 BRAZIL Conexão Serviço de Integração Social. Carapicuíba SP - Brazil TOR # 14 BRAZIL Conexão Serviço de Integração Social. Carapicuíba SP - Brazil TOR # 15 BRAZIL Conexão Serviço de Integração Social. Carapicuíba SP - Brazil TOR # 16 BRAZIL Natal Voluntários. Natal RN. Brazil. TOR # 17 BRAZIL Natal Voluntários. Natal RN. Brazil. TOR # 18 CABO VERDE Youth Centers (CEJ) attached to the Youth Secretariat TOR # 19 CABO VERDE Integrated Participatory Ecosystem Management in and Around Protected Areas. UNDP Project /7. (CVI/03/007/A/01/99). Praia Cabo Verde. TOR # 20 CABO VERDE Associação dos Amigos da Natureza. S. Vicente Cabo - Verde TOR # 21 ECUADOR Fondo de Población de Naciones Unidas UNFPA Manabi, Ecuador TOR # 22 ECUADOR UNETE, United Nations Emergency Team (UN System Group) (UNDP, PMA, UNICEf, OPS/OMS,FAO,ACNUR, OCHA,UNV) Quito-Ecuador TOR # 23 ECUADOR Fundación para la Integración del Niño Especial (FINE). San José de Pomasqui, Quito, Ecuador TOR # 24 ECUADOR Colectivo PRO DERECHOS HUMANOS PRODH ECUADOR TOR # 25 ECUADOR

4 UNETE, Grupo Interagencial de Emergencias.(UN System Ecuador) (UNDP, PMA, UNICEf, OPS/OMS,FAO,ACNUR, OCHA,UNV)

5 TOR # 26 ECUADOR UNIFEM. Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Mujer. Quito, Ecuador TOR # 27 ECUADOR Programa de Naciones unidas para el Desarrollo, PNUD. Proyecto Respuestas Multisectoriales al VIH/SIDA. Quito, Ecuador TOR # 28 ECUADOR Programa de Naciones unidas para el Desarrollo, PNUD. Proyecto Respuestas Multisectoriales al VIH/SIDA. Quito, Ecuador. TOR # 29 ECUADOR Programa de Naciones unidas para el Desarrollo, PNUD. Proyecto Respuestas Multisectoriales al VIH/SIDA.Quito, Ecuador TOR # 30 ECUADOR Programa de Pequeñas Donaciones del Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial. Quito, Ecuador TOR # 31 ECUADOR Organización de las NN.UU. para la educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO). Quito, Ecuador TOR # 32 GUATEMALA Oficina del Coordinador Residente (OCR) SNU Guatemala. Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala TOR # 33 GUATEMALA United Nations Office Against Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Mexico: Project CAM H90: Creation of a treatment, Rehabilitation and Social Reintegration network in Central America. TOR # 34 GUATEMALA Asociación Grupo Ceiba. Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala TOR # 35 GUATEMALA Proyecto PNUD GUA Fortalecimiento De La Participación Ciudadana Y La Gestión Departamentales-Departamento de San Marcos Dep. San Marcos, Guatemala TOR # 36 HONDURAS MDGs Observatories, UNDP. Tegucigalpa. Honduras TOR # 37 HONDURAS MDGs Observatories, UNDP. Tegucigalpa. Honduras TOR # 38 HONDURAS MDGs Observatories, UNDP. Tegucigalpa. Honduras TOR # 39 HONDURAS CDH Centro de Desarrollo Humano TOR # 40 HONDURAS Libre Expresión.. Tegucigalpa. Honduras TOR # 41 HONDURAS Asociación Cultural Arte Acción. Tegucigalpa, Honduras. TOR # 42 BRAZIL International Institute for Development of the Citizenship. Espírito Santo TOR # 43 BRAZIL International Institute for Development of the Citizenship. Brazil TOR # 44 BRAZIL International Institute for Development of the Citizenship. Brazil. TOR # 45 BRAZIL International Institute for Development of the Citizenship Brazil

6 1. Requesting Organization TOR # 1 y 20 Name: Address: Associação dos Amigos da Natureza S. Vicente Cabo - Verde Describe the role/mandate of the organization Associação dos Amigos da Natureza (AAN), was created in 1979; formally registered under the National Register of Associations in Cape Verde. AAN is since 1996, part of the Capeverdian NGO Platform. ANN is working to promote sustainable development and environmental protection; and is fighting against land degradation and desertification, supporting land managers and farm sector to produce in an equitable technique and with no environmental harm; ANN also work on vocational training oriented towards the labour market. Land degradation is a mayor problem in Cape Verde; in some islands as Fogo, Boavista or Sao Vicente (with high extensions of volcanic land), desertification is one of the main development issues because of its adverse impact on agronomic productivity, the environment, and its effect on food security and the quality of life. AAN is aiming at minimizing land degradation in association with farmers and local communities of Sao Vicente, by improving and testing new technologies, and training their associated partners in new ways of production concerned with sustainable environment. AAN s success with farming methods has lead to increased output and the return of many farming enterprises. Farming and horticulture fit together well with the animal waste used on the land and the vegetable waste used to feed the animals. AAN is playing a vital role in the agricultural community on the island (Sao Vicente). It has already provided important information on animal husbandry and by example is leading the way to a substantial revival. It has an on-going commitment to establishing large areas of trees in a landscape that has almost no natural vegetation left. AAN, over the years, has established over 1500 ha of drought resistant trees and it is within these newly established areas that new horticulture enterprises are now starting. Year of establishment Created on 1979 Size of organization National level organization with main focus on Sao Vicente. Number of staff: 5 staff members and 150 volunteers at the main Office in Sao Vicente, and 250 volunteer members at national level. Field of activity: Environment/ Development/ Agriculture/ Vocational Training/ Social Other pertinent information: Prize Global 500 from UNEP 1989 Is your organization assisted/funded by other organizations/companies:

7 Request for a Spanish University Volunteer TOR # 1 y 20 ANN has been financed among others by the Ministry of Agriculture, Britain Embassy, Institute of Employment and Professional Training, National Program to Fight Against Poverty, Shell Cap Verde. Assignment Terms of Reference Assignment title: Reinforce the capacity of the land managers (Farms) of Sao Vicente island, by training selected trainers, in land management conservation and hydroponics horticultural production to improve MDG 7 in Cape Verde Preamble : This post is a United Nations Volunteers programme assignment and based on the values of free will, commitment, engagement and solidarity, which are the foundations of volunteerism. Volunteering brings benefit to the individual volunteer. It makes important contributions, economically, as well as socially. It contributes to creating social cohesion and capital, through helping to build trust and reciprocity among citizens. The United Nations Volunteers is the UN Organization that supports sustainable human development globally through the promotion of volunteerism and mobilization of volunteers. It serves the causes of peace and development through enhancing opportunities for participation by all peoples. It is universal, inclusive and embraces volunteer actions in all its diversity. Volunteerism is diverse and is embedded in all cultures and traditions. In this context, as a United Nations Volunteer you are encouraged and expected to relate to local volunteerism and to be identified with the concept. You are expected to regard your national colleagues as peers and together uphold trust as volunteers among yourselves and within the communities and the organization you are assigned to. Detailed Terms of Reference (Please describe in as much detail as possible the services required from the University Volunteer(s) and how their contribution will fit into the organization s plans.) Environment is one of the main goals to achieve in Cape Verde. After several years of dryness, the country needs special and crucial efforts to fight against land degradation and continuous disappearance of environmental resources. Horticulture in São Vicente is in decline and the Capeverdian NGO of Amigos da Naturaleza (AAN) has taken the initiative to consider the future possibilities in different context. The major limiting factors that are contributing to decline horticulture are wind and water quantity and quality. With care, the effects of wind could be reduced but those of water quantity and quality are harder to solve. The over-riding problem of water shortage and its high salt content is making any expansion very slow to sustain. AAN has adopted the policy of seeking help at this critical stage. The average rainfall is mm/year falling in August to December. This level of rain is not sufficient to maintain the underlying water table. This means that wells have to be dug deeper to reach water. Wells of m deep are common. At that depth many areas have hard volcanic rock that makes hand digging impossible. Wells are then abandoned. As the water becomes deeper the level of total salts dissolved in the water increases. This is aggravated by the fact that there is little rain to dilute the water, wells are often only meter above sea level and the island is small, 270 km square and land is always close to the sea. Desalinated water supplied to the town of Mindelo has a total EC of 470. The water in the well is high in salts and makes its use a problem. This is a common factor on the island. With such limited water supplies it is essential that modern methods as drip irrigation and hydroponics way of production are adopted to reduce wastage and increase the production. 2

8 Request for a Spanish University Volunteer TOR # 1 y 20 The commercial desalinated water is expensive and piped only to the town of Mindelo. The quality is good and it would be perfectly acceptable for horticulture. The use of the desalinated water is suitable to the horticultural production only with the introduction of the new techniques and technologies of production such as Hydroponics Systems. The Hydroponics is a process that allows with, a reduced consumption of water and small physical effort, devotion and constancy, produce fresh vegetables, as well as other products as for example flowers in a small spaces, with recycled materials that could otherwise pollute the environment. This innovative model of Hydroponics System is now being empowered in Cape Verde by different multilateral and bilateral Cooperation, as for example the Spanish Agency for Cooperation (AECI), who is stimulating this specific knowledge from the Spanish Agriculture and Universities. The AAN, through its small vegetable-garden in Ribeira de Vinha, it has had a very important role, yielding its fields for assay of new technologies and new varieties that have been introduced for the national institutions of Agricultural Research and Promotion, assuming a strong role to spread some technological innovations, that can contribute to increase the offers to the market and consequently to become the products more accessible. Through this project ANN intend to set-up a demonstrative field (greenhouse) in the AAN experimental garden and train the staff and the farmers interested on new technologies and help them to set up similar structures in theirs fields. To help the country to achieve this important goal and accomplish the Millennium Development Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability; Nature Friend s Association (AAN) is requesting 2 UNITeS volunteers to provide with human and knowledge resources through qualified volunteers in new horticultural production system, and new technologies of land conservation, as for example: To promote and disseminate the knowledge of land conservation and new environmental friendly ways of agricultural-production in Sao Vicente. To promote the use of alternative methods for horticultural production and alternatives crops (flower); To research and compile information about new horticultural production focused on hydroponics techniques of production. To appoint and train some trainers in new land conservation and new horticultural production including hydroponics techniques of production: To train the farmers on a new conscience of land conservation and facilitate implementation; To create a training guide on these issues; To spread the message of land management and new horticultural production as Hydroponics system in the peri-urban waist of Mindelo - S. Vicente. The volunteers will work under the direct supervision of the Executive Director of AAN. Expected results: 1. A training guide and specific training material to use in different trainings. 2. A general training to farmers on land management conservation and alternative methods for horticultural production and alternatives crops (flower). 3. Set up a system to train - the trainers (with members and staff of AAN) on: Land management conservation and other related used with environment protection Alternative methods for horticultural production and alternatives crops (flower) Alternative horticultural production including hydroponics techniques of production: They UNITeS volunteers would be also ask to participate in extra activities of AAN, as reforestation camps, monitoring visit to associates, environment education in the school communities, and other extra activities. The volunteer will be supporting the following area(s) of the MDGs. 3

9 Request for a Spanish University Volunteer TOR # 1 y 20 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Achieve universal primary education Promote gender equality and empower women Reduce child mortality Improve maternal health Combat HIV/AIDS malaria and other diseases X Ensure environmental sustainability Develop a global partnership for development Assignment target (i.e. capacity building impact): In order to complete the work and all along their mission UNITeS volunteers will work with the staff of AAN. A focal point for the volunteers will be selected among the farmers. They would be introduced to all the local partners and political actors, as the delegation of Agricultural minister in Sao Vicente, mayor staff in charge of agriculture, responsible of NGO Platform and other NGOs working in the same field in Sao Vicente. Volunteers are encouraged to use all their knowledge to create new initiatives around environment protection. The volunteers will be placed in Sao Vicente Island, in the main city of Mindelo. They will travel around the island for their work with the ANN car project, or other transport that ANN staff use for their day by day work. The volunteers will work at the small vegetable-garden in Ribeira de Vinha. Support is requested in the following fields: X training of staff Training of students X Train-the-Trainers Setting up of websites mainstreaming ICT into work process setting up of networks curricula development other: Required Volunteer qualifications: Education: Last years of bachelor degree in agriculture engineering, environment or other related background Language: Portuguese or Spanish Specific skills in requested area: Knowledge on alternative methods for horticultural production and hydroponics would be recommended Computer/software skills: Microsoft Office package as Excel, Access, Word. Internet. Additional skills: Other Information: Location of assignment: Engagement with sustainable development and environment Use to work or share experience on the field with land managers and farms. Shares knowledge and experience and provides helpful advice. Capacity to adapt easily to specific conditions of developing country and sub-regions Sao Vicente is recommended because of their cultural activities, land of the capeverdian cultural ambassador Cesaria Evora. Mindelo, Sao Vicente Island Type and approximate cost of available accommodation 1 : Apartment, 450 Euros/month 1 The accommodation for university volunteers has to be compliant with the Minimum Operating Residential Security Standards (MORSS). It needs to be cleared by the UN Field Security Officer prior to the fielding of the volunteers. They need to be estimated or budgeted at the TOR request when filling the form, if any. 4

10 Request for a Spanish University Volunteer TOR # 1 y 20 Security provision and approximate costs: Extra training costs = 190 (Mindelo - Praia Mindelo); Cape Verde is on phase security 0, meaning the situation as assessed by the UN Security Officer is regular and there is no particular concern. The locks of doors cost around 70 euros. Other security measures are already in place. Means of local transport for the volunteer: Project car What other facilities will be offered to the university volunteer(s)?: Participate in extra activities carried out by the Association all related with environment and nature. Visa requirements: visa needed 5

11 1. Requesting Organization TOR # 2 Name: Address: Youth Centers (CEJ) attached to the Youth Secretariat Platou- Praia, Cabo Verde Describe the role/mandate of the organization The Capeverdian Youth Secretariat is in charge of promoting the wellness and increase opportunities for Capeverdian Youth. Attached to the Prime Minister, the Secretariat plays a key role in the development of Cape Verde, as youth represents 42% of the total population. The Youth Centers are a part of the Office of the Secretary of State for Youth and Sports. They work for the implementation of the activities and politics of the Government Programme for the capeverdian Youth. Created in the framework between the Government and the United Nation Funds for Population UNFPA, in The Youth Center were established to improve in all categories the live of youth; from health to volunteerism and youth associations, from new technologies to environment, Youth Centers are spread in the country to deliver multiples options to fight against the main problems of Capeverdian Youth: unsufficient access to information, unemployment, HVI-SIDA, drugs, poverty, etc. There are currently eleven Centers on seven islands, and the Government is expecting to open four more this year to cover the nine populated islands of Cape Verde. Year of establishment In 1999 four centers were built till the date eleven centers are running. Size of organization Operating at national level. 11 Youth Centers - in 11 Districts, 7 islands. Number of staff 19 permanent staff. Mobilizing around volunteers Other pertinent information: The UNV Programme has supported the Youth Secretariat in their effort of setting up a Volunteer Corps to address desertification issues in Santiago. As a result of this successful project, the UN System was asked and is now supporting, the efforts of the Youth Secretariat setting up a National Volunteer Programme for Development in Cape Verde. Objectives of the Centers Provide a multifunctional space for youth usage; Provide all national youth access to ICT; Promote volunteerism and youth associations; Capacity Building and Training in various areas in order to prepare youth for the process of development and for the job market; Promote better attitude towards Information, Education, and Communication in youth; Advise youth and their family about various topics concerning their personal and Social development. Field of activity Information and Advising: reproductive health (VIH-SIDA, Family Planning, Drugs and Alcohol, sexuality, abortion, gender and violence) Youth Exchange, Sports, Culture and hobbies; Promote Volunteerism and youth associations; Small courses and Professional training;

12 Request for a Spanish University Volunteer TOR #2 Professional training and capacity building; Cleaning/environmental campaigns and citizenship promotion; Education and occupational orientation Is your organization assisted/funded by other organizations/companies: The Secretary of State for Youth and Sports is working in partnership among others with the Office of UN Funds and Programmes in Cape Verde, the UN Volunteer Programme and other multilateral and bilateral cooperation. Assignment Terms of Reference Assignment title: Capacity building of the Youth Secretariat, by strengthening the ICT delivery of the Youth Centers of Cape Verde: Evaluating their capacities in ICT, and proposing new ICT-related activities, creating an interactive website related to the National Volunteer Programme to be hosted by the Youth Centers of Cape Verde, and to provide training to the staff members of the Youth Secretariat on how to update it. Preamble : This post is a United Nations Volunteers programme assignment and based on the values of free will, commitment, engagement and solidarity, which are the foundations of volunteerism. Volunteering brings benefit to the individual volunteer. It makes important contributions, economically, as well as socially. It contributes to creating social cohesion and capital, through helping to build trust and reciprocity among citizens. The United Nations Volunteers is the UN Organization that supports sustainable human development globally through the promotion of volunteerism and mobilization of volunteers. It serves the causes of peace and development through enhancing opportunities for participation by all peoples. It is universal, inclusive and embraces volunteer actions in all its diversity. Volunteerism is diverse and is embedded in all cultures and traditions. In this context, as a United Nations Volunteer you are encouraged and expected to relate to local volunteerism and to be identified with the concept. You are expected to regard your national colleagues as peers and together uphold trust as volunteers among yourselves and within the communities and the organization you are assigned to. Detailed Terms of Reference (Please describe in as much detail as possible the services required from the University Volunteer(s) and how their contribution will fit into the organization s plans.) Based on the experiences from the UNV-executed project on the promotion of volunteerism to combat desertification in Cape Verde, and the feasibility study to implement a National Volunteer Programme, the Government is planning to strengthen the role of volunteerism for development in the country and to set up a National Volunteer Programme covering four pilot Islands. According to the declaration of purpose of the VII legislative plan of the Capverdian Government , a National Volunteer Programme in Cape Verde focusing on youth as important actors of the development represents one main objective of the Administration. During the national validation workshop for a National Volunteer Programme, the Youth Secretariat has been confirmed to be one of the main partners to develop the initiative. The Youth Secretariat and the related Youth Centers because of their strategic presence in Cape Verde, would work with Civil Society Organizations and representatives, among other key partners, to develop a National net to promote volunteerism and youth initiatives for development and to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Social skills for personal growth, social integration in youth s free time, and information availability and 2

13 transparency are also major issues to tackle. Request for a Spanish University Volunteer TOR #2 Developing a net on Volunteerism in an insular country implies a high performance on access to information and communication. However, ICT remains one of the main challenges for youth in Cape Verde. Youth Centers must improve this aspect to provide full capacity, efficiency and high speed to gather all information and opportunities that a globalized world demands and offers nowadays. Thus, to reinforce this mayor roll of the Youth Centers for the National Volunteer Programme and to help to develop strategic links between volunteer associations, and strengthening the partnership for development as established in the Millennium Development Goal 8: a global partnership for development; 2 University Volunteers in the field of ICT4D are requested. The 2 volunteers would be placed in Praia at the Youth Secretariat in Plato (city center). They will work closely with the focal point for volunteerism at the Secretariat, and they will be supervised by the National Director of the Youth Centers. They will work with the ICT staff inside the Secretary on a daily basis and they will support all ICT volunteers of the different Youth Centers. The assistance would be oriented in two main areas: Volunteerism: Special emphasis would be required to create a specific page on volunteerism; contemplating links to the main web pages of the government, civil society organizations and the Youth web. Create and design a web page of volunteerism in Cape Verde. Create a data base of all the volunteers associations national and internationals, volunteer s activities and youth Center s projects and programs. Set up a national network of volunteers associations operating in the country related under this page. Youth: help the Youth Secretariat and the Youth Centers to identify and develop an ICT Youth Gateway Project by: Make recommendations to improve the web page and implement it. Elaborate a train-the-trainers program (two weeks) in the country (North and South) on webmaster and specifics notions on web design and other specific notions of data base etc. Train the trainers during this two weeks tuition. Carry out a diagnosis on the ICT field at the Youth Centers As result of the diagnosis make recommendations to improve the quality and the capacity of the Youth Centers in the ICT field Specific issues on ICT: 1. Work closely with the ICT staff of the Youth Secretariat and the ICT volunteers off the youth centers and improve their performance 2. Training the Youth Center volunteers on ICT (minimum a group of 11) on the creation of websites. 3. Training the Youth Center volunteers on ICT on management of websites a. Training of the IT Officer of the Youth Center on management of websites; b. Training of a webmaster; c. Training on sustainability of the website; d. Training on security of the website. 4. Training the Youth Center volunteers on ICT on data base a. Training of trainers on use and management of database 5. Creation and design of a website on volunteerism in Cape Verde and redesign of the existing website of the SEJD 6. Set up a network of volunteers and youth associations to work for development in Cape Verde 7. Create a data base of volunteers associations operating in the country The volunteer will be supporting the following area(s) of the MDGs. 3

14 Request for a Spanish University Volunteer TOR #2 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Achieve universal primary education Promote gender equality and empower women Reduce child mortality Improve maternal health Combat HIV/AIDS malaria and other diseases Ensure environmental sustainability X Develop a global partnership for development Assignment target (i.e. capacity building impact): In order to complete the work and all along their mission Volunteers will work with the ICT Staff of the Youth Secretariat. A focal point will be nominated during the six month mission. They would be oriented to facilitate the ICT diagnosis and the existing technologies and ICT facilities in Cape Verde. They will produce a two weeks training to the ICT volunteers of the Youth Centers, and they will train the trainers, of the Youth Centers ICT responsible on specific areas to maintain the sustainability of his work. Support is requested in the following fields: X training of staff Training of students X Train-the-Trainers X Setting up of websites mainstreaming ICT into work process X setting up of networks curricula development other: Required Volunteer qualifications: Education: Language: Specific skills in requested area: Computer/software skills: Additional skills: Other Information: Location of assignment: Last years on Information Technology and Communication Degree Portuguese or Spanish Websites database Software ASP HTML PHP Javascripts Photoshop Corel Draw Flash Database Delphi Visual Basic ICT knowledge, last years of University with specialization in websites design and management of database. Communication capacity in order to work in a team setting with Youth Pragmatism (practical) in directing and conducting the projects and programs Capacity to adapt easily in the country and sub-regions Praia, Santiago Island Type and approximate cost of available accommodation 1 : Apartment, Euros/month Security provision and approximate costs: none; Cape Verde is on phase security 0 Means of local transport for the volunteer: Youth Secretary car What other facilities will be offered to the university volunteer(s)?: All assistance that the General Office for Youth and the Youth Centers can provide as the activities linked with the planning of the Youth Secretariat: the Youth week, the Volunteers Day Celebration etc. Visa requirements: visa needed 1 The accommodation for university volunteers has to be compliant with the Minimum Operating Residential Security Standards (MORSS). It needs to be cleared by the UN Field Security Officer prior to the fielding of the volunteers. They need to be estimated or budgeted at the TOR request when filling the form, if any. 4

15 1. Requesting Organization TOR # 3 Name: Address: Integrated Participatory Ecosystem Management in and Around Protected Areas. UNDP Project /7. (CVI/03/007/A/01/99). Project Coordination Unit. Praia, Cabo Verde Describe the role/mandate of the organization The Government of Cape Verde received funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Kingdom of Netherlands for implementation of an integrated programme in the area of biodiversity conservation. The proposed programme will conserve globally significant biodiversity through the creation of a system of protected areas encompassing a representative sample of six critical ecosystems that are unique to Cape Verde. The programme will also halt and reverse existing degradation of land and water resources within the protected areas and adjacent landscapes at the same time that it promotes the creation of income-generating alternative livelihood options. The first project (Phase I) is four year ( ). The objectives are the establishment of two protected areas, one in Serra Malagueta (Santiago) and other one in San Nicolau (Monte Gordo). Serra Malaguetta situated in Santiago Island at 100 km from the Capital Praia. The proposed Natural Park covers an area of 2600 ha and contains the highest number of endemic plant species, 14 of which are classified as threatened in the Cape Verde Red list. Endemic Fauna species include buteo bannermanij, Apusalexandri, falco tinunculus, Halcyon leucocephala and Sylvia atricapilla. This area includes the most significant forest zones on the island of Santiago. The most important threats to Serra Malaguetta are land clearance to agriculture and the disappearance of native habitat due to invasive exotic floral species. Monte Gordo situated in Sao Nicolau Island distends 30 mn by plan from the Capital Praia (Santiago). The proposed Natural Park covers an area of 3500 ha and contains 28 endemic plant species on which12 are in Cape Verde Red list. The shrub Nauplius smithii, is an endemic species exclusive of this area and is classified as critically endangered. Grazing of goats and the collection of native species for traditional ritual use constitute threats to the native vegetation, but Monte Gordo is considered one of the most pristine areas in Cape Verde. Year of establishment The first project (Phase I) is four year ( ). Size of organization National level organization. Focused on two islands: Santiago and Sao Nicolau. Number of staff 10 under the unit coordination of the project. Around 20 counting the staff of the Natural Park of Sierra Malagueta and Monte Gordo. Other pertinent information: The program is explicitly designed to undertake significant capacity building strategies to empower public and private institutions in Cape Verde in their efforts to conserve island ecosystems and undertake longterm adaptive management against potential future degradation of Cape Verde s environment. Implementation of the program will play a crucial role in achieving sustainable development and poverty alleviation. The first project (Phase I) covering will focus on capacity building, strengthening the enabling environment, obtaining concrete impacts on the ground in terms of community based natural resource management, and establishing two priority National Parks.

16 Request for a Spanish University Volunteer TOR # 3 Is your organization assisted/funded by other organizations/companies: The programme is financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and will be implemented through UNDP under national execution modalities. The Ministry of Environment and Agriculture (MAA) will have overall responsibility for the project. The General Direction of Environment (DGA), housed within the MAA, will be the official institutional focal point responsible for project implementation and facilitation of operational procedures with UNDP and co-financing sources. Assignment Terms of Reference Assignment title: Capacity building strategies to empower ICT4D to the local staff and communities touched by the project Integrated Participatory Ecosystem Management in and around Protected Areas. Preamble : This post is a United Nations Volunteers programme assignment and based on the values of free will, commitment, engagement and solidarity, which are the foundations of volunteerism. Volunteering brings benefit to the individual volunteer. It makes important contributions, economically, as well as socially. It contributes to creating social cohesion and capital, through helping to build trust and reciprocity among citizens. The United Nations Volunteers is the UN Organization that supports sustainable human development globally through the promotion of volunteerism and mobilization of volunteers. It serves the causes of peace and development through enhancing opportunities for participation by all peoples. It is universal, inclusive and embraces volunteer actions in all its diversity. Volunteerism is diverse and is embedded in all cultures and traditions. In this context, as a United Nations Volunteer you are encouraged and expected to relate to local volunteerism and to be identified with the concept. You are expected to regard your national colleagues as peers and together uphold trust as volunteers among yourselves and within the communities and the organization you are assigned to. Detailed Terms of Reference (Please describe in as much detail as possible the services required from the University Volunteer(s) and how their contribution will fit into the organization s plans.) Environment is one of the main goals to achieve in Cape Verde. After several years of dryness, the country needs special and crucial efforts to fight against land degradation and continuous disappearance of environmental resources. In this sense the project Integrated Participatory Ecosystem Management in and Around Protected Areas; intends to establish and protect two pilot National Parks, one in Santiago Island and other in Sao Nicolau, by empowering the local communities as to preservation of their environment, and strengthening local capacities around ecotourism and other friendly environment activities. Cape Verde is one of the countries in Africa with highest rate of non returning bachelors; At the Ministry level, but more important at the local level of the Concelhos (Departments) qualifications are low. That s why, engaging local staff in community projects without giving the possibility to be trained in necessary issues as ICT is an important subject that must be accomplished. Bringing basic expertise on ICT to the existing local staff of the project and to the key actors to local government as the Mayor staff, General Environment Delegation, Health Delegation, Education and other key actors of the communities touched by the Project; would help to improve the capacities and opportunities for all the population. To reinforce local capacities in basic ICT, and to train selected local community members, the project will increase the possibility of a sustainable environment by involving the communities in their own development, and reducing migration of middle qualify workers. The training will also contribute to sustainability; by training the local staff, to maintain a data base of natural resources of the two National Parks for a future eco-tourist web. Thus, the Project is asking for 2 UNITeS Volunteers to help the project and Cape Verde, to achieve the Millennium Development Goal 7: Ensure environmental 2

17 Request for a Spanish University Volunteer TOR # 3 sustainability. Under the overall supervision of the National Project Manager and head of Coordination Unit Ms. Maria Teresa Vera Cruz, the UNITeS Volunteers in both, Serra Malaguetta and Monte Gordo; (based technical position will be Serra Malagueta), will be responsible for training trainers and building capacities of local staff and other community key partners, such as project staff, school teachers, and other related persons, in basic IT tools and programmes including: Microsoft Package, Windows operation system, Internet, Configuration of set-up, Web-based training design and prescriptive content management as required. They will also create a specific database on natural resources of the area and other important specificities of the environment, to allow at the end of the project continuing the environmental task by the local administration to create a specific ecotourism web page. For this, they will train selected staff among the key actors, on simple basis of data base creation and maintenance. The UNITeS volunteers will provide project staff with basic computer skills for data collection and analysis. This will enable the project team to collect information in order to elaborate specific sets of environmental and socio-economic indicators in order to monitor changes in biodiversity conservation and community development in and around the two pilot Protected Areas in Santiago and Sao Nicolau. They will train them on how to store data into database and making analysis contribute to sustainable improvement in educations, social welfare, agriculture and the environment. The ICT volunteers shall be able to work closely with local communities as counterpart. Preferably they have already experience in working with local communities, and actors with a minimum basis on communication and technologies. The first training part is focused on these key actors. Specific duties include: Develop of material for use in the different trainings. Training key actors, Project Staff and Future Trainers Basic training on how to use Microsoft Office package, windows, internet, outlook etc. Training on usage of equipment and software. Training on simple computer maintenance as backup and virus check Gradual transferal of responsibilities during allotted period to appointed Staff of the project for role as future trainer Select key actors to train the trainers and replicated the first basis course For this selected trainers they will train also on development of data base and creating and maintenance of basic websites: Creation and organization of data base content for website for the promotion of activities. Technical implementation and management of website. Training of staff on web-site maintenance and use. Network installation: Installation of fully functioning network in adherence with the project s needs Ensures effective functioning of the on-site hardware and software focusing on the achievement of the following: Provision of advice on maintenance of equipment and acquisition of hardware and software. They UNITeS volunteers would be also ask to participate in extra activities carried out by the project staff such: 3

18 Request for a Spanish University Volunteer TOR # 3 Ecotourism activities Birds monitoring Environment Education in school Environmental quiz parties and events The volunteer will be supporting the following area(s) of the MDGs. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Achieve universal primary education Promote gender equality and empower women Reduce child mortality Improve maternal health Combat HIV/AIDS malaria and other diseases X Ensure environmental sustainability Develop a global partnership for development Assignment target (i.e. capacity building impact): In order to complete the work and all along their mission Volunteers will work with the appointed key actors of the project. They will produce: One week training to key partners in simple basis on ICT such as Internet and Microsoft Office. One week in Serra Malagueta and one in Sao Nicolau A two weeks training to train the trainers on related ICT issues as database, software and technical management. Two weeks in Serra Malagueta and two in Sao Nicolau A data base of environment issues of both National Parks to be posted in the future project webpage. Develop a training manual The volunteers will be placed in Santiago Island, in the main city of Assomada close to the National park of Sierra Malagueta. They will travel twice to Sao Nicolau Island. One for the training of the key actors in simple basis of ICT. And second to train the trainers on ICT specific issues. A third travel could be contemplated at the end of the mission to assure sustainability of their training. The cost of the travels and the hotel accommodations (the same as the project staff) and maintenance in Sao Nicolau Island will be held by the Project. The volunteers will prepare the trainings and the data bases in the Coordination Office of the Project in Serra Malagueta, the daily transport to the park will be assured by the car project as per the other staff. All the contributions that the two volunteers would carry on to approximate the community to the protection of their National Parks and to spread their beauty in Cape Verde, will be an asset for development and in line with the core of the project. Support is requested in the following fields: X training of staff Training of students X Train-the-Trainers Setting up of websites X mainstreaming ICT into work process setting up of networks curricula development other: Required Volunteer qualifications: Education: Last years on Information Technology and Communication Degree Language: Portuguese or Spanish Specific skills in requested area: Websites database Software Computer/software skills: Microsoft Office package as Excel, Access, Word. Internet. ASP HTML PHP Javascripts Photoshop Corel Draw Flash Database Delphi Visual Basic Additional skills: Engagement with sustainable development and environment Shares knowledge and experience and provides helpful advice. Communication capacity in order to work with persons non related to 4

19 Request for a Spanish University Volunteer TOR # 3 Other Information: communication Ability to provide IT support services including IT hardware/ infrastructure support, ERP support, other IT applications support, web design and maintenance Capacity to adapt easily to specific conditions of developing country and sub-regions Location of assignment: Assomada, Santiago Island Type and Approximate cost of available accommodation 1 : Apartment, 400 Euros/month Security provision and approximate costs: Extra training costs = 10 (Assomada - Praia- Assomada); Cape Verde is on phase security 0, meaning the situation as assessed by the UN Security Officer is regular and there is no particular concern. The locks of doors cost around 70 euros. Other security measures are already in place. Means of local transport for the volunteer: Project car What other facilities will be offered to the university volunteer(s)?: Participate in extra activities carried out by the project staff such: Ecotourism activities, Birds monitoring, Environment Education in school, Environmental quiz parties and events. Visa requirements: visa needed 1 The accommodation for university volunteers has to be compliant with the Minimum Operating Residential Security Standards (MORSS). It needs to be cleared by the UN Field Security Officer prior to the fielding of the volunteers. They need to be estimated or budgeted at the TOR request when filling the form, if any. 5

20 Requesting Organization Name: Atelier Mar -ONG TOR # 4 Y 5 Address: Ilha de S. Vicente Cabo Verde Describe the role/mandate of the organization Atelier Mar was created in 1979, aiming at valuing the Cape-Verdian traditions, the professional training of young people, and the sustainable development of the poorest communities. It works in all islands of Cape Verde, especially in Santo Antão and S. Vicente. It was recognized as a NGO in 1987, and it has been promoting community development projects in various locations, as well as a centre for training in Arts and Crafts. This organization is concerned with environmental issues, poverty and social exclusion, and it has carried out research on alternative technologies in order to address issues in the fields of agriculture, irrigation, construction materials, handicrafts, etc. It has worked in partnership with other national and international organizations. The main areas of intervention are integrated development, awareness raising and capacity building for citizenship, and women empowerment, as well as rural and solidarity tourism as a means of promoting better quality of life for the poor constituencies of Santo Antão and littoral areas of S. Vicente. Year of establishment: 1979 Size of organization:it works in all islands of Cape Verde, especially in Santo Antão and S. Vicente Number of staff: 8; working at the main office of Mindelo, in Sao Vicente Island. More than 70 volunteers mainly in Santo Antão and Sao Vicente Other pertinent information: Atelier Mar is actively working in the integrated development project of Sao Pedro, enhancing the conditions of living of the fishery community since In 2007 Atelier Mar, received funding from the Spanish Cooperation AECI for the one year project: Sustainable development of Salamansa. An integrated Development Project regarding environmental protection with the community and capacity building with professional training focused on fisher s women, most touched by poverty conditions in the area. Both projects are developed in the island of Sao Vicente. Also in the main city of Sao Vicente, Atelier Mar is enlarging professional training in the areas of ceramics, carpentry, stone, serigraphy, paper recycling, weaving, and other handicrafts at the main Office of Mindelo. In Santo Antão, Atelier Mar is working closely with the Community Development Project of Lajedos, a rural and dry part of the island with huge difficulties in order to enhance capacities of community members. In this area Atelier Mar is working with key actors of the island including the council of Porto Novo and the community of Lajedos. A women s center of marmalade and capeverdian handicraft, a pottery cooperative and a rural hostel was build up and managed by the population since the first intervention of Atelier Mar in this community. In 2007 started the: Training project in Solidarity Tourism for 3 communities of Porto Novo, including Lajedos and neighbouring areas. Field of activity: Integrated Rural Development projects, environment, professional training in arts and crafts, fight against social exclusion, social economy Is your organization assisted/funded by other organizations/companies: International partners: UNIFEM, Spanish Cooperation AECI, Portuguese Cooperation, NGOs from Portugal and Canary Islands. National Partners: Ministry of Education, Ministry of Agriculture and the INDP (Cape Verde fisheries department); different Municipalities of Santo Antão and Mindelo and other cape verdians NGOs.


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