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2 T.E.K.S (2.10) The student understands healthy ways to communicate consideration and respect for self, family, friends, and others Student will develop a sense 1. Insist that students undress and redress of modesty. themselves while in the bathroom or other appropriate area (i.e., dressing rooms). 2. Plan an activity in school (class play or Halloween party) that requires the students to dress up in an outfit or costume. Give them the outfits or costumes and tell them to change their clothes. If the students request to go to the bathroom or another room for privacy while changing, praise them and allow them to do so. If the students start to disrobe in front of the class, stop them. Remind them that changing clothes should be done in private. 3. Discuss reasons why students need to wear clothing in public. Costumes E-1

3 T.E.K.S (2.10) The student understands healthy ways to communicate consideration and respect for self, family, friends, and others Student will respect the 1. Remind students that they should not privacy of others. disturb other students when they are resting or sleeping. 2. Point out lunch boxes that students have brought to school. Explain to the students that what is in other people s lunch boxes belongs to them and that they should not open up or handle packages, notes, or other objects that are not theirs. During the day, place the students in situations that allow them free access to their peers lunch boxes. Praise them if they respect the privacy of others and do not open or handle their property. If they do open or handle their peers lunches or property, remind them that they should leave them alone. 3. Tell the students that they should not walk into bathrooms, bedrooms, or other rooms when the doors are closed without getting permission to enter, by knocking. Lunch boxes at the door and waiting for a response. E-2

4 T.E.K.S (1.9) The student knows healthy ways to communicate consideration and respect for self, family, friends, and others Student will express affection 1. Have the class discuss situations when appropriately. it is appropriate to display affection, i.e., a. Give a hello and/or a goodbye to a teacher. b. Shake hands (wave) one time after an introduction or a greeting. 2. Discuss times when affection is inappropriate. Instruct students not to: a. Kiss and hug friends in class. b. Continuously hug the teacher or other adults. c. Hug or shake hands with strangers. Circles: Intimacy and Relationships Leslie Walker-Hirsch and Marklyn Champagne James Stanfield and Company (1981) E-3

5 T.E.K.S (5.2) The student recognizes the basic structures and functions of the human body and how they relate to personal health throughout the life span Student will identify sex differences 1. Show the students a picture of clothed between males and females. adult males and females. Ask the students to tell you if it is a female or male. Encourage them to describe the parts of the picture that differentiate the male from the female, (e.g., The woman is wearing a dress. She has a feminine figure. She is wearing makeup. She is female. ) 2. Discuss the significant people in the life of the child. Tell them to point out if they are male or female. Tell them to equate the words boy and man with male and girl and woman with female. 3. Discuss the distinguishing external features that generally point to the sex of people, (e.g., long hair/dresses on women, and short hair/slacks/jeans on men). Pictures of clothed adult males and females E-4

6 T.E.K.S (4.9) The student uses social skills for building and maintaining healthy relationships throughout the life span Student will report inappropriate 1. Utilize McGruff the Crime Dog to discuss sexual acts by an adult and/or inappropriate sexual acts. another student. 2. Rehearse with students ways to say no to a stranger. McGruff the Crime Dog E-5


8 T.E.K.S (3.6) The student understands factors that influence individual and community health Student will identify sex roles 1. Discuss sex roles and role behavior and role behaviors. in relation to the students home situations (e.g., Mother usually does these things, Father usually does these things.). Add foster mother, grand parents, as they apply. 2. Expand the students views of sex roles and role behavior beyond stereotypes. Include situations encountered at home, in job situations, and leisure activities in the community. 3. Discuss different kinds of human relationships, including parent-child, husband-wife, friend (same/opposite sex), dating relationships, and other relationships. 4. Talk about reasons for forming relationships (e.g., to prevent loneliness, sharing, companionship). 5. Discuss individual responsibility within a relationship. 6. Give examples of how behavior varies with types of relationships (e.g., casual, friend, date, etc.). 7. Hugging is for relatives, hand-shaking Walker-Hirsch, Leslie; and is for middle school. Champagne, Marklyn (1981). 8. Discuss how to shake hands and greet Circles: Intimacy and Relationships, people (but only one time each day). Santa Monica, California: James Stenfield and Company M-1

9 T.E.K.S (K.8) The student understands ways to communicate consideration and respect for self, family, friends, and others Student will understand the need 1. Explain to the students that they to undress only in private. should undress only in private or if a family member, doctor, or other responsible adult requests them to do so. Verbally discuss and list times when they should disrobe in private that parallel their daily or weekly routine, such as taking a bath, getting dressed in the morning or undressed in the evening, and putting on gym suits. Verbally discuss that if situations not on their lists arise in which they are asked to disrobe, they should seek advice before disrobing. 2. If the school has a locker room where the students change before and after gym and/or swimming classes, explain that they may undress there because all those undressing are of the same sex. Point out that locker rooms are private places used to change clothing. 3. Accompany students to a large department store that has individual dressing rooms. Tell them you want them to try on an article of clothing to see how it fits and looks. Help the student to select a suitable article of clothing and tell them to go into the dressing room to change. Watch the students closely and praise them if they close the dressing room door or curtain and undress and change their clothes in private. 4. Write a social story about dressing and undressing. 5. Discuss and role play how to avoid staring Articles of clothing at others who are dressing and/or Board Maker undressing. Social Story Books Computer M-2

10 T.E.K.S (6.2) The student recognizes ways that body structure and function relate to personal health throughout the life span Student will identify sexual organs 1. Present plastic scale models of a male and will differentiate between males and of a female. Explain that these and females. male and female models are called men and women. Point out the different parts on the models to the students and then ask them to identify the parts. It is suggested that this instruction should not be co-educational, at this time. However, both male and female students should be shown the male and female models. 2. Display large pictures of a nude male and a nude female. Show the students one of the pictures and ask them if it is a male or female. If the answer is not correct, explain why it is not. 3. Introduce large pictures of a male and a female that show the sexual organs. Point out the body parts, including the sexual organs, and call them by their correct names. Tell the students that the penis should be called a penis, the breasts breasts, and the vagina a vagina. It is important that the explanation of terminology be coordinated with the students understanding of the topic and with the permission of the parents who will be working with the students at home. Male/female plastic models Large pictures of nude male and female School Nurse * Follow District policy when presenting sex education concepts. M-3

11 T.E.K.S (6.2) The student recognizes ways that body structure and function relate to personal health throughout the life span Student will recognize adolescent 1. Discuss with male students the changes. physical changes that occur during adolescence, i.e.: a. the voice deepens. b. hair appears on the face and the pubic area. c. hair appears on the chest and under the arms. d. physical strength increases. e. erections and nocturnal emissions (wet dreams) will occur more frequently. 2. Discuss with female students the physical changes that occur during adolescence, i.e.: a. breasts change and grow larger. b. hair grows under the arms and in the pubic area. c. menstruation begins. d. physical strength increases. 3. Discuss with the class as a group, the changes that occur in males and females. 4. Show the film Boy to Man and Girl To Woman. Discuss the body changes that are illustrated in the film. Understanding Puberty, Edmark Boy to Man and Girl to Woman, Churchill Films or other appropriate films M-4

12 T.E.K.S (6.10) The student describes healthy ways to communicate consideration and respect for self, family, and others Student will accept and cope 1. Discuss jealousy, crushes and with feelings arising from an infatuations with the students. Tell awareness of his/her sexuality. the students that these feelings may occur throughout their lives. Ask the students if they have any of these feelings now. Listen to the students and encourage them to express their feelings. Try to explain why they feel the way they do. 2. Ask the students if there are times or situations that sexually excite or arouse them. Listen carefully to explanations, being careful not to make value judgements. Help them with suggestions on how to make these situations easier to handle (e.g., turn away from what is arousing them, think of other things, or begin an interesting, unrelated activity). 3. Show the film, Mental Retardation and Sexuality, and use it as a basis for discussing sexuality with the students. The film may also be shown to parents of the students to help them understand the students sexuality. 4. Show other district approved films dealing with human sexuality. Mental Retardation and Sexuality, Planned Parenthood Association. M-5

13 T.E.K.S (2.10) The student understands healthy ways to communicate consideration and respect for self, family, friends, and others Student will differentiate between 1. Discuss appropriate behavior in public and private places for private, public with the class. Also talk about personal behavior. things that are inappropriate in public. Discuss obnoxious behaviors, as well as those that annoy or embarrass others (e.g., kissing, touching, hugging, hanging on one another, handling genitals). 2. Review concepts prior to each venture into the community. 3. Talk with the students about masturbation. Explain that it is normal sexual behavior, but it is appropriate only in one s own bedroom and/or bathroom and should not be discussed with others. 4. Model appropriate public and private behaviors with the students on a regular basis. Reward the students for appropriate public behavior whenever possible. More Social Skills Stories, by Anne Mary Johnson Mayer Johnson Co. Circles: Intimacy and Relationships, Leslie Walker-Hirsch and Marklyn Champagne James Stanfield and Company (1981) * District policy as it applies to sex education M-6

14 T.E.K.S (4.10) The student explains healthy ways to communicate consideration and respect for self, family, friends, and others Student will exhibit appropriate 1. Talk with students about heterosexual behavior with the opposite sex. relationships that are not dating relationships. Present videos and rehearse situations depicting males and females who are just friends. 2. Discuss the flexibility of sex roles (e.g., males do not always have to pay for dates, males do not always have to make plans, etc.). 3. Demonstrate good manners with the opposite sex. 4. Define and discuss provocative or flirtatious behaviors. Demonstrate the behaviors and list reasons why they are considered inappropriate and the possible problems that may arise. 5. Explain to students that sexual exploitation may be encouraged if they wear inappropriate clothing. Point out the importance of buying clothing that fits and is not overly revealing. 6. Discuss teasing with the students. Give examples and point out that this type of behavior may not be acceptable and can lead to trouble. Explain that teasing often starts as a joke, but may result in problems. During the day, if inappropriate teasing is observed, instruct the students to stop the behavior and ask them to explain why they should not tease others. 7. During times when the students may be in close physical contact with peers, point out that it is not acceptable to rub or to Campus policy sit too closely to someone else. Tell the Social Stories students that this may upset or embarrass Role playing peers. Emphasize that this type of Fashion consultants from local department stores behavior can be avoided by sitting a specified distance from peers. M-7

15 T.E.K.S (4.10) The student explains healthy ways to communicate consideration and respect for self, family, friends, and others Student will distinguish between 1. Present to students the concept of a friendly and intimate affection. personal space. Stress the fact that they control their own personal space. 2. Demonstrate friendly affection to students on a regular basis (e.g., pat on back, shake hands, Gimme five, etc.) 3. Point out that hugs and pecks are appropriate for relatives and/or close family friends. 4. Discuss the appropriateness of intimate affection in relation to personal space. Role playing Social Stories M-8


17 T.E.K.S (4.11) The student demonstrates critical-thinking, decision-making, goal-setting, and problem-solving skills for making health-promoting decisions Student will initiate communication 1. Emphasize to the students the about sexual concerns. importance of asking questions and discussing issues regarding sex that are of concern to them. Resources (i.e., parents, school nurse, ministers, doctor, etc.) should be provided. Developing Health Skills, David A. Birch District policy on sex education How to Look for Yourself, Nancy Lobb H-1

18 T.E.K.S (6.2) The student recognizes ways that body structure and functions relate to personal health throughout the life span Student will learn about sexual 1. Develop a list of words to form a behavior. basic vocabulary regarding sex. Make sure to include street language. 2. Define physical contact for students. a. Sex is acceptable only if both parties consent. b. There is an appropriate time and place for sex. c. Sex is an expression of caring and pleasure. 3. Define sexual intercourse. a. Both the male and female must be sexually mature and give consent. b. It is against the law to use force (rape). c. Intercourse is a way of expressing affection/love and experiencing sexual pleasure. d. It is not necessary to engage in intercourse in order to demonstrate love for each other. e. Privacy is recommended for intercourse. 4. Distinguish rape from sexual intimacy. Human Sexuality: A Portfolio for the Developmentally Disabled, Edmark H-2

19 T.E.K.S (6.3) The student knows how to research, access, analyze, and use health information Student will demonstrate awareness 1. Identify anatomical parts of females of the preventive health responsibility and males on a diagram (model/picture) of human sexuality. and state information about the sexual function of the various parts. 2. Provide specific information about sexual intercourse. 3. Discuss consequences of sexual intercourse (e.g., pregnancy, venereal disease, AIDS). Elaborate on the seriousness and consequences. Anatomical diagrams or models H-3

20 T.E.K.S (6.7) The student analyzes the relationship between unsafe behaviors and personal health and develops strategies to promote resiliency throughout the life span Student will identify reasons 1. Define birth control for students. and methods of birth control. 2. List reasons birth control is needed or recommended. 3. Discriminate appropriate birth control for male vs. female. 4. Demonstrate via film, etc., how each birth control devise is used (e.g., IUD, condom, pills, sperm aids, surgical birth control implant. 5. Present rhythm as an undependable method of birth control unless used in combination with a spermicide. 6. Explain that abstinence is the only foolproof way of preventing pregnancy. Birth control films H-4

21 T.E.K.S (6.12) The student analyzes information and applies critical-thinking, decision-making, goal-setting, and problem-solving skills for making health-promoting decisions Student will demonstrate awareness 1. Stress the importance of refraining from of the social responsibility aspects exposing or touching self in public. of human sexuality. 2. Assist students in differentiating between public and private places for private personal behaviors (e.g., close the stall door in a public restroom). 3. Insist that students do not grab or touch others. 4. Demonstrate the importance of keeping conversations with strangers impersonal and not allowing a stranger to touch or fondle them. 5. Encourage students to report obnoxious remarks or physical aggressiveness. Explain that they have the right not to allow anyone to touch their bodies. 6. Emphasize to students that they should say no and not allow themselves to be pressured by peers to become sexually involved. Circles: Intimacy and Relationships, Leslie Walker-Hirsch and Marklyn Champagne James Stanfield & Company (1981) H-5

22 T.E.K.S (b-6) The student assesses the relationship between body structure and function and personal health throughout the life span Student will identify reproductive 1. The teacher will present and discuss health problems through self the following signs of reproductive monitoring. problems: a. Unusual discharge. b. Unusual swelling. c. Blisters or sores. d. Constant itch or rash. e. Unusual pain, burning while urinating. H-6

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