Big graphs for big data: parallel matching and clustering on billion-vertex graphs

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1 1 Big graphs for big data: parallel matching and clustering on billion-vertex graphs Rob H. Bisseling Mathematical Institute, Utrecht University Collaborators: Bas Fagginger Auer, Fredrik Manne, Albert-Jan Yzelman Asia-trip A-Eskwadraat, July 2014

2 2 Graph algorithm 1/2-approximation algorithm algorithm

3 3 can win you a Nobel prize Source: Slate magazine October 15, 2012

4 Motivation of graph matching 4 Graph matching is a pairing of neighbouring vertices. It has applications in medicine: finding suitable donors for organs social networks: finding partners scientific computing: finding pivot elements in matrix computations graph coarsening: making the graph smaller by merging similar vertices

5 5 Motivation of greedy/approximation graph matching Optimal solution is possible in polynomial time. Time for weighted matching in graph G = (V, E) is O(mn + n 2 log n) with n = V the number of vertices, and m = E the number of edges (Gabow 1990). The aim is a billion vertices, n = 10 9, with 100 edges per vertex, i.e. m = Thus, a time of O(10 20 ) = 100, 000 Petaflop units is far too long. Fastest supercomputer today, the Chinese Tianhe-2 (Milky-Way 2), performs 33.8 Petaflop/s. We need linear-time greedy or approximation algorithms.

6 6 Formal definition of graph matching A graph is a pair G = (V, E) with vertices V and edges E. All edges e E are of the form e = (v, w) for vertices v, w V. A matching is a collection M E of disjoint edges. Here, the graph is undirected, so (v, w) = (w, v).

7 7 Maximal matching A matching is maximal if we cannot enlarge it further by adding another edge to it.

8 8 Maximum matching A matching is maximum if it possesses the largest possible number of edges, compared to all other matchings.

9 9 Edge-weighted matching If the edges are provided with weights ω : E R>0, finding a matching M which maximises ω(m) = e M ω(e), is called edge-weighted matching. matching provides us with maximal matchings, but not necessarily with maximum possible weight.

10 greedy matching 10 In random order, vertices v V select and match neighbours one-by-one. Here, we can pick the first available neighbour w of v, greedy random matching the neighbour w with maximum ω(v, w), greedy weighted matching Or: we sort all the edges by weight, and successively match the vertices v and w of the heaviest available edge (v, w). This is commonly called greedy matching.

11 11 greedy random matching

12 11 greedy random matching

13 11 greedy random matching

14 11 greedy random matching

15 11 greedy random matching

16 11 greedy random matching

17 11 greedy random matching

18 11 greedy random matching

19 11 greedy random matching

20 11 greedy random matching

21 11 greedy random matching

22 11 greedy random matching

23 11 greedy random matching

24 11 greedy random matching

25 11 greedy random matching

26 11 greedy random matching

27 11 greedy random matching

28 12 matching is a 1/2-approximation algorithm Weight ω(m) ωoptimal /2 Cardinality M Mcard max /2, because M is maximal. Time complexity is O(m log m), because all edges must be sorted.

29 13 Parallel greedy matching: trouble Suppose we match vertices simultaneously.

30 13 Parallel greedy matching: trouble Two vertices each find an unmatched neighbour...

31 13 Parallel greedy matching: trouble but generate an invalid matching.

32 dominant-edge algorithm 14 while E do pick a dominant edge (v, w) E M := M {(v, w)} E := E \ {(x, y) E : x = v x = w} V := V \ {v, w} return M An edge (v, w) E is dominant if ω(v, w) = max{ω(x, y) : (x, y) E (x = v x = w)} v 6 w

33 15 approximation algorithm: initialisation function Seq(V, E) for all v V do pref (v) = null D := M := { Find dominant edges } for all v V do Adj v := {w V : (v, w) E} pref (v) := argmax{ω(v, w) : w Adj v } if pref (pref (v)) = v then D := D {v, pref (v)} M := M {(v, pref (v))}

34 Mutual preferences v 6 w

35 Non-mutual preferences v 6 w

36 18 approximation algorithm: main loop while D do pick v D D := D \ {v} for all x Adj v \ {pref (v)} : (x, pref (x)) / M do Adj x := Adj x \ {v} { Set new preference } pref (x) := argmax{ω(x, w) : w Adj x } if pref (pref (x)) = x then D := D {x, pref (x)} M := M {(x, pref (x))} return M

37 19 Properties of the dominant-edge algorithm Dominant-edge algorithm is a 1/2-approximation: ω(m) ω optimal /2 Dominance is a local property: easy to parallelise. Algorithm keeps going until set of dominant vertices D is empty and matching M is maximal. Assumption without loss of generality: weights are unique. Otherwise, use vertex numbering to break ties.

38 Time complexity 20 Linear time complexity O( E ) if edges of each vertex are sorted by weight. Sorting costs are deg(v) log deg(v) v v where is the maximum vertex degree. deg(v) log = 2 E log, This algorithm is based on a dominant-edge algorithm by Preis (1999), called LAM, which is linear-time O( E ), does not need sorting, and also is a 1/2-approximation, but is hard to parallelise.

39 21 Parallel computer: abstract model Communication network P P P P P M M M M M Bulk synchronous parallel (BSP) computer. Proposed by Leslie Valiant, 1989.

40 22 Parallel algorithm: supersteps P(0) P(1) P(2) P(3) P(4) sync sync sync comp comm comm comp sync sync comm

41 23 Composition with Red, Yellow, Blue and Black Piet Mondriaan 1921

42 24 Mondriaan data distribution for matrix prime60 Non-Cartesian block distribution of matrix prime60 with 462 nonzeros, for p = 4 aij 0 i j or j i (1 i, j 60)

43 25 Parallel algorithm (Manne & Bisseling, 2007) Processor P(s) has vertex set Vs, with and V s V t = if s t. p 1 s=0 V s = V This is a p-way partitioning of the vertex set.

44 Halo vertices 26 The adjacency set Adj v of a vertex v may contain vertices w from another processor. We define the set of halo vertices H s = v V s Adj v \ V s The weights ω(v, w) are stored with the edges, for all v V s and w V s H s. Es = {(v, w) E : v V s } is the subset of all the edges connected to V s.

45 27 Parallel algorithm for P(s): initialisation function Par(V s, H s, E s, distribution φ) for all v V s do pref (v) = null D s := M s := { Find dominant edges } for all v V s do Adj v := {w V s H s : (v, w) E s } SetNewPreference(v, Adj v, pref, V s, D s, M s, φ) Sync

46 28 Setting a vertex preference function SetNewPreference(v, Adj, V, D, M, φ) pref (v) := argmax{ω(v, w) : w Adj} if pref (v) V then if pref (pref (v)) = v then D := D {v, pref (v)} M := M {(v, pref (v))} else put proposal(v, pref (v)) in P(φ(pref (v)))

47 29 How to propose Source: proposal(v, w): v proposes to w

48 30 Parallel algorithm for P(s): main loop process received messages while D s do pick v D s D s := D s \ {v} for all x Adj v \ {pref (v)} : (x, pref (x)) / M s do if x V s then Adj x := Adj x \ {v} SetNewPreference(x, Adj x, pref, V s, D s, M s, φ) else {x H s } put unavailable(v, x) in P(φ(x)) Sync

49 31 Parallel algorithm for P(s): process received messages for all messages m received do if m = proposal(x, y) then if pref (y) = x then D s := D s {y} M s := M s {(x, y)} put accepted(x, y) in P(φ(x)) if m = accepted(x, y) then D s := D s {x} M s := M s {(x, y)} if m = unavailable(v, x) then if (x, pref (x)) / M s then Adj x := Adj x \ {v} SetNewPreference(x, Adj x, pref, V s, D s, M s, φ)

50 32 Termination The algorithm alternates supersteps of computation running the main loop and communication handling the received messages. The whole algorithm terminates when no messages have been received by processor P(s) and the local set D s is empty, for all s. This can be checked at every synchronisation point.

51 33 Load balance Processors can have different amounts of work, even if they have the same number of vertices or edges. Use can be made of a global clock based on ticks, the unit of time needed to handle a vertex x (in O(1)). Here, handling could mean setting a new preference. After every k ticks, everybody synchronises.

52 34 Synchronisation frequency Guidance for the choice of k is provided by the BSP parameter l, the cost of a global synchronisation. Choosing k l guarantees that at most 50% of the total time is spent in synchronisation. Choosing k sufficiently small will cause all processors to be busy during most supersteps. Good choice: k = 2l?

53 35 MulticoreBSP enables shared-memory BSP Albert-Jan Yzelman 2014,

54 GPU matching A different approach, tightly coupled to the GPU architecture. To prevent matching conflicts, we create two groups of vertices: Blue vertices propose. Red vertices respond. Proposals that were responded to, are matched. 7 9

55 37 GPU matching Colour Propose Respond Match π σ

56 37 GPU matching Colour Propose Respond Match π b r r b b r b b r σ

57 37 GPU matching Colour Propose Respond Match π b r r b b r b b r σ

58 37 GPU matching Colour Propose Respond Match π b r r b b r b b r σ

59 37 GPU matching Colour Propose Respond Match π b 2 3 b r σ

60 37 GPU matching Colour Propose Respond Match π r 2 3 r b σ

61 37 GPU matching Colour Propose Respond Match π r 2 3 r b σ d

62 37 GPU matching Colour Propose Respond Match π r 2 3 r b σ d

63 37 GPU matching Colour Propose Respond Match π r 2 3 r d σ d

64 37 GPU matching Colour Propose Respond Match π b 2 3 r d σ d

65 37 GPU matching Colour Propose Respond Match π b 2 3 r d σ

66 37 GPU matching Colour Propose Respond Match π b 2 3 r d σ

67 37 GPU matching Colour Propose Respond Match π d σ

68 Quality of the matching Matched vertices/total nr. of vertices (%) 100 Saturation of matching size 80 ecology2 (1,997,996) ecology1 (1,998,000) 60 G3_circuit (3,037,674) thermal2 (3,676,134) kkt_power (6,482,320) 40 af_shell9 (8,542,010) ldoor (22,785,136) af_shell10 (25,582,130) 20 audikw1 (38,354,076) nlpkkt120 (46,651,696) cage15 (47,022,346) Number of iterations Fraction of matched vertices as a function of the number of iterations. Number of edges between 2 and 47 million. 38

69 Random colouring of the vertices 39 At each iteration, we colour the vertices v V differently. For a fixed p [0, 1] colour(v) = { blue with probability p, red with probability 1 p. How to choose p? Maximise the number of matched vertices. For large random graphs, the expected fraction of matched vertices can be approximated by ) 2 (1 p) (1 e p 1 p. This is independent of the edge density.

70 of road network of the Netherlands (a) G 0 (b) G 11 (c) G 21 (d) G 26 (e) G 33 (f) Best clustering (G 21 ) Graph with 2,216,688 vertices and 2,441,238 edges yields 506 clusters with modularity

71 41 Formal definition of a clustering A clustering of an undirected graph G = (V, E) is a collection C of disjoint subsets of V satisfying V = C C C. Elements C C are called clusters. The number of clusters is not fixed beforehand.

72 Quality measure for clustering: modularity 42 The quality measure modularity was introduced by Newman and Girvan in 2004 for finding communities. Let G = (V, E, ω) be a weighted undirected graph without self-edges. We define ζ(v) = ω(e). (u,v) E ω(u, v), Ω = e E Then, the modularity of a clustering C of G is defined by ( ) ω(u, v) 2 ζ(v) mod(c) = C C (u,v) E u,v C 1 2 mod(c) 1. Ω C C v C 4Ω 2.

73 43 Merging clusters: change in modularity The set of all cut edges between clusters C and C is cut(c, C ) = {{u, v} E u C, v C } If we merge clusters C and C from C into one cluster C C, then we get a new clustering C with mod(c ) = mod(c)+ 1 ( ) 4 Ω 2 4 Ω ω(cut(c, C )) 2 ζ(c) ζ(c ), ζ(c C ) = ζ(c) + ζ(c ).

74 44 Agglomerative greedy clustering heuristic max G 0 = (V 0, E 0, ω 0, ζ 0 ) i 0 C 0 {{v} v V } while V i > 1 do if mod(g, C i ) max then max mod(g, C i ) C best C i µ weighted match clusters(g i ) (π i, G i+1 ) coarsen(g i, µ) C i+1 {{v V (π i π 0 )(v) = u} u V i+1 } i i + 1 return C best

75 : clustering time for DIMACS graphs time (s) *10-7 E CUDA TBB time Number of graph edges E DIMACS categories: clustering/, coauthor/, streets/, random/, delaunay/, matrix/, walshaw/, dyn-frames/, and redistrict/. CUDA implementation with the Thrust template library and Intel TBB implementation. Web link graph uk-2002 with 0.26 billion vertices clustered in 30 s using Intel TBB. 45

76 46 DIMACS road networks and coauthor graphs G V E mod t mod t CU CU TBB TBB luxembourg 114, , belgium 1,441,295 1,549, netherlands 2,216,688 2,441, italy 6,686,493 7,013, great-britain 7,733,822 8,156, germany 11,548,845 12,369, asia 11,950,757 12,711, europe 50,912,018 54,054, coauthorscite 227, , coauthorsdblp 299, , citationcite 268,495 1,156, copapersdblp 540,486 15,245, copaperscite 434,102 16,036, mod = modularity, t = time in s, CU = CUDA

77 47 s BSP is extremely suitable for parallel graph computations: no worries about communication because we buffer messages until the next synchronisation; no send-receive pairs, but one-sided put or get operations; BSP cost model gives synchronisation frequency; correctness proof of algorithm becomes simpler; no deadlock possible. can be the basis for clustering, as demonstrated for GPUs and multicore CPUs. We clustered Asia s road network with 12M vertices and 12.7M edges in 2.7 seconds on a GPU.

Big graphs for big data: parallel matching and clustering on billion-vertex graphs

Big graphs for big data: parallel matching and clustering on billion-vertex graphs 1 Big graphs for big data: parallel matching and clustering on billion-vertex graphs Rob H. Bisseling Mathematical Institute, Utrecht University Collaborators: Bas Fagginger Auer, Fredrik Manne, Mostofa

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