Animal Farm. By George Orwell

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1 Animal Farm By George Orwell

2 Do Now- Monday How is The Hunger Games an example of a dystopia?

3 Homework Animal Farm Vocabulary for chapters 1 and 2

4 Objectives SWBAT understand the biographical motivations of George Orwell by reviewing information about his life SWBAT understand the term allegory and its relationship with Animal Farm

5 Do Now- Tuesday What is an allegory? How do authors use them?

6 Homework Read chapter 1 of Animal Farm and answer questions Cover your Animal Farm novel by Monday

7 Objectives SWBAT discuss important literary terms to prepare them for reading SWBAT read and answer questions about Animal Farm

8 Important Terms Dystopia a society characterized by human misery Fable a short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral.

9 Terms Irony incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result. * Satire the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.

10 Terms Allegory A story or other work of art in which characters, setting and events mean something other than what is literally written. Communism Marx's theory of Communism, which urges the "workers of the world" to unite against their economic oppressors. Communism argues that a "communal" way of life will allow all people to live lives of economic equality.

11 Terms Propaganda information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

12 Chapter 1 Questions 1. Why are all the animals going to the barn? 2. Describe Boxer s character (personality) and give examples of things that show that. 3. The life of an animal is misery and slavery. Old Major says that. Do you think he was right about that? Why? 4. What do the humans do that makes them evil in Old Major s eyes? 5. What does Old Major warn the animals against doing after they defeat the men? 6. How does Old Major inspire the animals?

13 Closing What type of novel is Animal Farm? What are some important themes and terms?

14 Do Now- Wednesday What is your background knowledge or opinion about pigs as animals? Who do they normally represent?

15 Homework 1. Read Animal Farm chapter 2 and complete all questions 2. Character Chart 3. Cover your Animal Farm novel by MONDAY!

16 Objectives SWBAT trace the dynamic characters in Animal Farm by keeping a character chart SWBAT answer comprehension questions about Animal Farm

17 Character Chart As we read the novel, you should be keeping a character chart. This chart will be checked at random times. Look at the white board for an example.

18 Do Now- Monday In your journal, read and respond to the following quote. What do you think it means? Do you agree? How does it apply to Animal Farm? War is when your government tells you who the enemy is. A revolution is when you figure it out yourself.

19 Homework- Monday 1. Vocabulary for chapters 3-4 due Wednesday 2. Read Animal Farm chapter 3 and answer all questions 3. Friday essay due FRIDAY 4. Binder check FRIDAY

20 Objectives SWBAT read and understand the novel Animal Farm SWBAT answer discussion questions about the novel Animal Farm SWBAT write one-page essays about various topics to improve their writing skills

21 This week... I will be proctoring the Keystones on Wednesday which means I will not see you :( Make sure are well-behaved for whoever takes over the class! I will make sure to give you a lot of time to read in class that day.

22 Friday Essay Each week (unless I tell you something different) you will be required to write a Friday essay. I will give you a page of writing prompts. You can choose which prompt you want to write about each week and you do not need to go in order. If you have something else you want to write about, clear it with me first. Your essay must be AT LEAST ONE FULL PAGE! This means you start beneath your heading and your last line must reach the bottom of a piece of loose-leaf paper. Aim for words per essay. You will be graded on length, content, grammar/ spelling and accuracy. Each essay is worth 25 points (which is like 5 homeworks!)

23 Review Chapters 1 & 2 Look over your homework answers and character chart for chapters 1 & 2

24 Quiz Clear your desk- all you need is a pen or pencil and a piece of loose-leaf paper! When you are finished, place your quiz in the yellow bin. You may then begin reading chapter 3 and completing your questions.

25 Quiz Answer all questions in at least ONE complete sentence! You do not have to rewrite the question. 1. In chapter 1, what does Old Major say to inspire the other animals? 2. What name is given to Old Major s ideas? 3. Which two pigs have become leaders? 4. What happens when Mr. Jones forgets to feed the animals? 5. What do the animals do to the chains, ribbons and other items? 6. What new name is the farm given? 7. What happens with the milk at the end of the chapter? EXTRA CREDIT Name any of the commandments.

26 Closing Summarize chapter 2

27 Do Now Tuesday In your journal: Think about which animals are hard workers and which ones eat the apples. What could this represent about our society? Think about division between upper-class people and lower-class people.

28 Homework- Tuesday 1. Vocab for chapters 3-4 due tomorrow 2. Binder check and Friday essay on Friday

29 Chapter 1 and 2 Recap What are the most important things that happened in chapter 1 and 2?

30 Chapter 1 Characters are introduced Old Major (well respected boar) gives a speech to the animals about humans are evil and worthless. Animals are their slaves. Mr. Jones (farmer) drunk, who treats the animals poorly. The meeting is held in the barn. All of the animals learn to sing, The Beasts of England expressed their frustration towards Mr. Jones it united them At the end of the chapter, Mr. Jones shoots at the animals in the barn because they are being loud.

31 Chapter 2 Old Major dies. The animals start planning the rebellion. The animals want to remove all of the humans Napoleon and Snowball become the leaders Mr. Jones drinks too much and forgets to feed the animals The animals break into the food shed Mr. Jones and his farmhands begin to attack the animals The animals fight back mr. Jones is expelled from the farm The animals take over and write 7 commandments of Animalism They change the farm name to Animal Farm The milk disappears...

32 Animalism Whatever goes upon four legs, or wings, is a friend Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy No animal shall sleep in a bed No animal shall wear clothes No animal shall drink alcohol No animal shall kill another animal All animals are equal

33 Chapter 3 Questions 1. What was the first harvest like after the rebellion? Who didn t do any of the hard work and why? 2. Which animal was doing an enormous amount of work? What did the other animals think of him? 3. Describe how the animals felt after the first harvest. Had the work habits or behavior of all the animals changed after the rebellion? 4. What was Snowball s and Napoleon s relationship like? 5. What did Napoleon do with the nine puppies? Why do you think he did this? 6. Who was drinking the milk? Who were the windfall apples for? How did the others feel about this? What did Squealer say that made the animals who didn t get to eat the windfall apples satisfied?

34 Education What role does education play in the novel so far?

35 Do Now - Wednesday In your journal- JFK once said, Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both. Do you think this quote applies to Animal Farm? Do you believe that they will maintain peace and success? (If you ve read the book- NO SPOILERS!)

36 Homework- Wednesday Read chapter 5, answer questions Test on chapters 1-5 Friday Binder check Friday Friday essay due Friday

37 Agenda Today you are required to read and answer questions for chapter 4 of Animal Farm YOU MAY CHOOSE ANY/ ALL OF THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES ONCE YOU HAVE FINISHED CHAPTER 4: Friday essay Organizing your binder Completing homework reading/ questions

38 Do Now- Thursday In your journal: What changes have you seen in the characters personalities and motivations in the novel in the first 5 chapters? Why do you think they have changed or not changed?

39 Homework Study for your test tomorrow on chapters 1-5 Friday essay due tomorrow Binder check tomorrow

40 Review- answer all questions in 3-4 sentences 1. What event started the revolution? 2. What are the commandments of Animalism? 3. Explain how food plays an important role in the novel. 4. Explain how education plays an important role in the novel. 5. What do the humans think about the rebellion? 6. What purpose do the dogs play in the novel? 7. What happened at the Battle of the Cowshed? 8. What happened with windmill? 9. What happened between Napoleon and Snowball? 10. Make sure you have a complete character chart! A lot of new animals have been introduced. Refer to the character list you were given today for help.

41 Closing What major events happen in chapters 1-5? Who are the major characters?

42 Do Now- Friday You have 5 minutes to organize your binder or study. Once the timer beeps, you should open your binder to the correct section and take out your binder checklist and friday essay. Place your binder on the back table (OPEN) with your checklist and essay included.

43 Homework Read and answer questions about chapter 6 of Animal Farm Complete vocabulary for ch. 5-6

44 Test Clear your desk- all you need is a pen or pencil. When you are finished, place your test and answer sheet in the yellow bin in the front of the room. You may begin reading chapter 6 and completing your questions.

45 Closing Predictions?

46 Do Now- Monday Karl Marx once said, Religion is the opium (drug) of the people In your journal, read and respond to the following quote. What do you think Marx meant? How do you think this relates to Animal Farm?:

47 Homework- Monday Complete Comparison activity

48 Moses the tame raven Mr. Jones s favorite pet on the farm Preaches about Sugarcandy Mountain Leaves when the Jones s do Represents the separation of church and state that Stalin (Napoleon) created when he got into power Will he be back?

49 Test Review. Who is the original owner of the farm? a. Napoleon b. Mr. Jones c. Mollie d. Boxer 2. What is the original name of the farm? a. Manor Farm b. Animal Farm c. Major Farm d. Napoleon s Farm 3. What type of bird is Moses? a. A crow b. A raven c. A swallow d. A mockingjay 4. How does the news of the rebellion spread to other farms? a. Squealer b. It is not spread to other farms c. pigeons d. Boxer writes a message to them 5. Which characters are able to read AND write? a. the horses b. the birds c. the snakes d. the pigs

50 Test Review 6. What do the men discuss at the pub? a. farm finances b. the animals rebellion c. their wives d. they discuss nothing, they only drink 7. Which animal feels guilty and sad when they realize they have killed a human? a. Mollie b. Boxer c. Snowball d. Napoleon 8. Which tactics are used to convince the other animals that the pigs should have the milk and apples? a. fear b. science c. emotion d. All of the above 9. What do the neighboring farmers fear will happen? a. they will lose money b. their animals will all die c. their animals will rebel d. they do not fear anything 10. What does Napoleon use to gain followers? a. violence b. science and facts c. bribes d. compassion for other animals

51 Characters 11. His motto is, I will work harder. 12. She cares more about her appearance than working hard. 13. One of the leaders of the farm, originally does NOT want to build a windmill 14. A pig in charge of communication and propaganda. 15. A farmer, drunk 16. Napoleon s security team 17. Only appears during meal times and after work is over. 18. A goat, she enjoys reading the newspaper 19. An old donkey, very cynical. 20. A motherly horse

52 Events A. Old Major tells the animals about his dreams of rebellion B. Mr. Jones is expelled from the farm C. Mollie leaves the farm. D. Snowball is chased off of the farm E. The milk disappears F. The animals decide to build a windmill G. The animals fight in the Battle of Cowshed H. Napoleon and Snowball attempt to educate the other animals I. The commandments of Animalism are created J. Mr. Jones forgets to feed the animals

53 Short Answer 31. List the original 7 commandments of Animalism. 32. Explain BOTH Napoleon and Snowball s points of view about building the windmill. Who supports it? Why? Who doesn t support it? Why? Use details from the text. Your answer should be between 5 and 6 sentences.

54 Chapter 6 Questions 1. Was working on Sunday in fact voluntary for the animals? 2. Who was essential to the work of building the windmill? 3. In what ways were the original commandments being broken? Who was breaking them? 4. How did Napoleon and Squealer use Snowball to control the animals?

55 Homework Comparison List 10 differences between life at the beginning of the novel (right after the revolution) and life on the farm now. You can include how characters have changed, how rules have changed, or how the environment of the farm has changed. This can be written in list form in a T-chart or using a Venn diagram.

56 Do Now- Wednesday In your journal:

57 Chapter 7 Questions 1. What did the humans think caused the windmill to fall down? What did the animals think caused the windmill to fall down? Did all the animals agree on what caused the windmill to fall? 2. Who inspired the animals to work on the windmill? 3. How did the animals conceal the fact that they were running out of food? Why did they do this? 4. How did Napoleon treat the other animals? 5. How was Snowball being used on Animal Farm? 6. Why did the dogs attack Boxer? 7. Why do you think the hens were actually working with Snowball? If not, why did they confess to being with Snowball? 8. How did the animals feel after all the executions of the traitors? 9. What happened to the song Beasts of England? Why did this happen?

58 Chapter 8 Questions

59 Chapter 9 Questions

60 Chapter 10 Questions

61 Characters Napoleon- While he fully supports the revolution against Mr. Jones, he cares more about his own power than he does about the ideals of the revolution. His selfishness leads him to build a totalitarian government based on terror and lies that gives him more power over the other animals than Mr. Jones ever had.

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