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1 GL/NGL Function GL( Account Period Organization Year Activity Class Topic Project Account Attribute Trans Code1 : Trans Code5 ) The GL and NGL functions return balances from accounts. They differ only in that NGL negates its result and should be used for accounts which return credit amounts. Syntax =GL(Account,Period,Organization,Year,Activity,Class,Topic,Project,Account Attribute,Transaction Code1,Transaction Code2,Transaction Code3,Transaction Code4,Transaction Code5) =NGL(Account,Period,Organization,Year,Activity,Class,Topic,Project,Account Attribute,Transaction Code1,Transaction Code2,Transaction Code3,Transaction Code4,Transaction Code5) Parameters Account The account(s) being read. For the most powerful spreadsheets, build your Account Specifier using the BSPEC function. Period Determines what F9 considers the fiscal period to be. Specify the default Period using "" as the parameter. If you do not specify the Period, it automatically defaults to "This Month" where "This Month" is whatever value is entered in the Period override field in the F9 Setup Window or the organization s current open period. Organization The organization being accessed. If not included, F9 defaults to Organization in the F9 Setup Window. Year Determines what F9 considers "This Year" for the calculation and changes the meaning of "Last Year" and "Next Year" as well. Specify the Year using "" as the parameter. If not included, F9 defaults to Year override in the F9 Setup Window. Activity The "Activity" is used to determine the amount returned for queries if you specify the term "Budget" in the period specifier or as an account range type. A Budget Scenario is identified by its ID number and if a + is included, F9 will return its adjustment amount. An additional type also included is "EE" for Encumbrance amounts.

2 Class Topic Project Optional for F9 to return balances by a specific class. Topic for The Financial Edge should always be "FE". Topic denotes which accounting system you are working with. (F9 can report from multiple accounting systems into one report.) This parameter is mandatory if any of the parameters following Topic is used (i.e. Project, Account Attribute or TranCode1 to TranCode5). Optional for F9 to return balances by a specific Project. Account Attribute Optional for F9 to return balances by a specific Account Attribute. Transaction Code1 to Transaction Code5 Optional for F9 to return balances by a specific Transaction Code as defined in your Accounting system. Exercise 1: The GL Function 1. Open a new workbook and enter the values in cells indicated: 2. Enter your first F9 function in Cell E6: =GL(A6,E4,B1,B2,B3,B4) and press Enter. 3. The result, displayed in Cell E6, represents the account balance for the requested period for the sample company 2,7,19, Save this report as F9_Training.xls GL function returns a different type of amount for balance sheet or P&L accounts. These results are designed to be intuitive or what you would expect in financial accounting. For a balance sheet account, F9 returns ending balances. For P&L account, F9 returns net activity (total transactions) for the period.

3 End of Exercise Exercise 2: The NGL Function 1. In the report that you created in the previous exercise ( F9 Training.xls ), click on cell E6. 2. Change the GL function to NGL function and press Enter. Note: the sign of the balance reversed. That is the only change. 3. Now change back the NGL function to GL function so that this asset account displays its debit balance as positive number. 4. Save the file. End of Exercise GL function displays debit amounts as positive balance and credit amounts as minus balance. NGL reverses the account balance to display debits as negative balance and credits as positive. NGL is used interchangeably with GL depending on your number formatting needs. NGL is easier to spot and identify than a minus symbol in front of a GL function or quicker to use than multiplying a GL function by -1 to reverse the sign.

4 GL Formula Parameters Part I See training manual GL Formula Parameters Part II Organization In the manual, term Company is used instead of Organization in TFE (e.g.: FE_SAMPLEDATA). Effectively, it is the database from which GL data is pulled by F9 Year Use this parameter to indicate fiscal year Activity In the manual, term Type or balance type is used as equivalent to Activity in TFE. The Activity parameter is used to determine the amount for actual, encumbrance, and Budget Scenarios. To retrieve budget amounts, the term "Budget" should be used in the period specifier (e.g.: Budget 1 for period 1 budget). A Budget Scenario is identified by its ID number and if a plus symbol ( + ) is appended on the end, F9 will return its adjustment amount. For encumbrance amounts, Activity code of enc should be used. actual balances is actual encumbrance is enc budget code is Budget Scenarios ID in TFE like 00, 01, or P01 Plus symbol ( + ) appended after the budget code indicates budget adjustment. E.g., 00+ is adjustment for budget scenario 00 Class In the manual, term Currency is used and should be replaced by TFE Class code. Example, Unrestricted Net Asset. Topic This parameter is always FE for TFE and denotes the code for the accounting system. F9 can report from more than one accounting system into one report. Topic parameter is mandatory if you plan on using parameters following it such as Project, Account Attribute or Transaction Code1 through 5. Project Optional. E.g.: grants and endowments. Account Attribute Optional. E.g.: Reference Account #, Budget Manager, Accountability Grouping, Expense Category, Functional Expense.

5 Transaction Code1 to 5 Optional. If transaction codes are used in TFE, they are available as filter parameters in GL function. E.g.: Mission and Spendable/Non-Spendable Item. Exercise 3: Copying the GL Function 1. Open F9_Training.xls 2. In Cell A7 type: and press Enter. 3. Add absolute and relative cell references to the NGL function in cell E6. Double-click in the cell or click in the cell and press F2 in order to start editing the cell. 4. Click in the first cell reference for the account parameter A6 in the GL function. Press F4 to rotate through the four possible combinations of absolute/relative cell references which are represented by $ signs and put the $ signs in front of the appropriate column and row. 5. Repeat Step 4 with the remaining parameters in the NGL function. Upon completion, the formula should be: 6. =GL($A6,E$4,$B$1,$B$2,$B$3,$B$4) 7. Why must this formula look like this? References to the account code specifiers are always in Column A; therefore, Column A should be an absolute cell reference. The Row number should be a relative row reference because the row number will vary; therefore: $A6. References to the period specifiers are always in Row 4; therefore, Row 4 should be an absolute cell reference. The column reference should be a relative column reference because the column will vary; therefore: E$4. The name of the Organization is in B1. Since the name of the Organization does not vary in this spreadsheet, both the column and row references will be absolute cell references; therefore: $B$1. The Year is in B2. Since the fiscal year does not vary in this spreadsheet, both the column and row references will be absolute cell references; therefore: $B$2. The Activity is in B3. Since the Activity does not vary in this spreadsheet, both the column and row references will be absolute cell references; therefore: $B$3. The Class is in B4. Since the Class does not vary in this spreadsheet, both the column and row references will be absolute cell references; therefore: $B$4. 8. Now copy the formula in E6 to cell E7. 9. Recalculate by pressing Shift-F9. The Cell E6 now reflects the answer: 256, Pressing Shift-F9 only calculates the active worksheet whereas pressing F9 calculates all open workbooks. Use Shift-F9 if you have formulas on other worksheets but only want to calculate the active worksheet to reduce possible wait time. 10. Save the report. End of Exercise

6 Other Functions DESC Function DESC returns the account description for a single account. If the Account Specifier represents a range of accounts, F9 returns the description of the first matching account encountered. Refer to manual for further information. Exercise 4: Using DESC and GL with Excel s Copy Series and Autofill Copy Series Excel has the ability to generate data automatically based on the data in the original cell. For example, instead of typing the months of the year separately, only type in the first month and then tell Excel to generate the rest of the months starting with the month that you entered. This is referred to as a copy series. 1. Open F9_Reports.xls. 2. Click on and edit the content of cell E4 from Month 1 to January. 3. Move the mouse over the selection handle the black square at the bottom right of your highlighted selection until the insertion point changes to a black cross. Click and drag the mouse two cells over to the right. Excel copies the selected cells, filling the two new cells with the appropriate Period Specifiers of February and March. Autofill Excel can also automatically fill a column of data with a formula for you. This is easier and faster than dragging a cell to fill it in. 1. Enter more accounts in column A (Cells A8-A10): , , Enter the DESC function in B6 with the correct absolute and relative cell references, =DESC($A6,$B$1,$B$2), press Enter and resize the column to fit the entire account description.

7 3. Clear the contents of Cell E7. Copy the GL function in Cell E6 to cells F6 and G6 for February and March. 4. Select the row of cells with the DESC and all your GL formulas including the two empty cells (cell range of B6:G6).

8 5. Move the mouse over the selection handle until it becomes a black cross and double-click on it. Excel copies the selected cells downward for the length of the list to the left in the column. 6. Press Shift-F9 and resize columns. 7. Save the workbook. End of Exercise

9 BSPEC Function Exercise 5: BSPEC Doing it right! 1. Open workbook saved from previous exercise. 2. Insert two rows at the top of the report so that row 1 & 2 are new. 3. In A1, type Fund. In A2, type Department. 4. In B1, type 01 (single-quote, zero, one) and in B2, type 00 (single-quote, zero, zero). Singlequote indicates to Excel that the value is not a number but a text string. 5. Modify account definitions in A8 to A12 to only show the main account code segment. Type 1000 in A8, 1030 in A9, 1040 in A10, 1050 in A11, and 1100 in A In Cell C8, enter the BSPEC function to concatenate Fund code, Main Account code, and Department code (in the correct order) and remember to use correct absolute and relative cell references using F4 key. The formula should look like: =BSPEC($B$1, $A8,$B$2). The formula should output (01)(1000)(00).

10 7. Now embed or nest the BSPEC function INSIDE the GL function to replace the cell reference for the account code. Click on cell E8 and press F2 key (to get into Excel edit mode) and replace the first parameter in the GL function (reference to $A8) with BSPEC function. Tip: To save time, highlight the BSPEC function in cell C8 except for the equal sign, copy the selection to the Clipboard, click on cell E8, highlight the first parameter in the GL function (cell reference to $A8) and paste the formula in the Clipboard. 8. Formula in cell C8 should be: =GL(BSPEC($B$1,$A8,$B$2),E$6,$B$3,$B$4,$B$5,$B$6) 9. Replace the first parameter in DESC function in cell B8 with contents in your Clipboard. The DESC formula should be: =DESC(BSPEC($B$1,$A8,$B$2),$B$3,$B$4) 10. Copy the revised DESC and GL formulas to the rest of the report and press Shift-F9 to recalculate. 11. Save the report. End of Exercise Tip: If you do it right, you need only to type exactly one GL function, one DESC function and one BSPEC function in each report. Once completed correctly, just copy them around to finish your report.

11 Creating Lists The primary role of this feature is to save typing time and errors due to manual keying. Lists of parameters available to F9 functions can be created. Exercise 6: Lists Window 1. Open the workbook saved from previous exercise. 2. Delete BSPEC function in cell C8. (It is no longer necessary.) 3. Click the Lists toolbar button or select F9 Tools Lists from the menu. 4. Select Available Lists: Segments, List Segment: Account, Where: Account, Is: 1* (type 1* instead of using the dropdown list for Is filter). Deselect option for Transpose List? And Generate Descriptions? Press To Clipboard. 5. Click OK when the Clipboard confirmation dialog box appears on your screen. It confirms that your list was sent to the Clipboard. 6. Select cell A8 and paste the list from the Clipboard.

12 7. You will see a list of all accounts starting with number 1 (your asset accounts). 8. Save this workbook. From this point forward, it would be very easy to expand this report to show balances for all of your asset accounts by copying the F9 formulas to the rest of the report. Utilize your spreadsheet skills: use color, change fonts, add header rows and header labels, use SUM function for subtotals, etc. Now to build a multi-fund report to compare cash balances of different funds, what would you change? End of Exercise

13 Report Design Design of F9 reports depends on what you want to compare in different columns. Alter the column headers and cells in top-left corner (control area) of the report depending on what you want show across the report. Exercise 7: Multi-Fund Cash Report 1. Open the workbook from the previous exercise and select a new worksheet 2. Enter the information shown in screenshot below in respective cells: Note that Fund codes go across this report instead of report periods. Report month is a parameter now placed in the top-left corner of the report. 3. Enter the DESC formula in cell B10. Formula should be: =DESC(BSPEC($E$8,$A10,$B$1),$B$2,$B$3) 4. Enter the GL formula in cell C10. Formula should be: =GL(BSPEC(E$8,$A10,$B$1),$B$6,$B$2,$B$3,$B$4,$B$5) 5. Copy the DESC and GL functions to the rest of the report. 6. Enter SUM functions in row 14 to summarize your cash account balances for each fund. 7. Now change any of the parameters in the top left corner of the report and press F9 to recalculate to see how easily the report may be run for other scenarios.

14 8. Save the report. End of Exercise

15 GL Wizard Exercise 8: Account Inquiry + GL Paste 1. Open the saved report and select a new worksheet 2. Open the Account Enquiry by pressing or by selecting F9 Analysis Enquire from the menu. 3. Select Account Enquiry options as shown above. And press Get Balance. You should see an amount in the Balance field. Note that you must press Get Balance and see a balance before proceeding. 4. Press OK to exit Account Enquiry. 5. In the blank worksheet, click on cell A1 and press or select F9 Reporting GL Paste from the menu.

16 6. GL Paste created a fully functional GL function using appropriate absolute and relative cell referencing for all parameters. You may now expand this report by defining more rows (create a list of accounts), columns, enter a DESC function for account descriptions, and copy the formulas to the rest of the report. 7. Save this report. End of Exercise

17 Excel Data Validation As you develop more F9 reports, it might become apparent that you will need to know codes from the GL to start manipulating the parameters for F9 reports. You can rely on memory or a cheat sheet reference out of the GL. You may also consider using Excel Data Validation feature to create a list within your workbook so that you can build Data Validation dropdown lists to ease selection of various codes for your F9 report parameters. There are restrictions for use of Data Validation in Excel 2003 to only allow the validation option list to be on the same worksheet as the Data Validation dropdown list. Excel 2007 allows validation option list to be on another worksheet but not in another workbook.

18 Extended Filters GL and NGL functions offer additional filter criteria than what we have used so far. The additional parameters on which you may filter are called Extended Filters. You enable the use of the Extended Filters in GL/NGL functions by using the Topic parameter and specifying the filter criteria for the Extended Filters. Review GL/NGL function syntax before proceeding. To ease the use of Extended Filters, utilize the Extended Filters tab when you go to Account Enquiry: Use any and all filter options that you require in Extended Filters tab, return to Account Enquiry tab to press Get Balance before using GL Paste. Note: Make sure to return to Account Enquiry window and press Get Balance. Otherwise, you will not yield the desired GL Paste result.

19 GLTRAN Function Syntax =GLTRAN(Account,"Start Date","End Date",Organization,Activity,Class,Topic,Project,Account Attribute,Transaction Code1,Transaction Code2,Transaction Code3,Transaction Code4,Transaction Code5) The GLTRAN function allows you to calculate transactions over a date range. You can use the GLTRAN function to create a P&L for one week, for example. Parameters Account Specifier A normal F9 account specifier. "Start Date" and "End Date" The beginning and ending date for the calculation. Organization A organization specifier. If not supplied, the default organization from the setup window is used. Activity The "Activity" is used to determine the amount for actual, encumbrance, and Budget Scenarios. To retrieve budget amounts, the term "Budget" should be used in the period specifier (e.g.: Budget 1 for period 1 budget). A Budget Scenario is identified by its ID number and if a plus symbol ( + ) is appended on the end, F9 will return its adjustment amount. For encumbrance amounts, Activity code of enc should be used. Class This is optional to return transactions for a specific class. Topic Topic for The Financial Edge should always be "FE". This parameter is mandatory if any of the parameters following Topic is used (i.e. Project, Account Attribute or TranCode1 to TranCode5). Project Optional for F9 to return transactions by a specific Project. Account Attribute Optional for F9 to return transactions by a specific Account Attribute. Transaction Code1 to Transaction Code5 Optional for F9 to return transactions by a specific Transaction Code as defined in your Accounting system.

20 PJ Function The PJ function returns balances (actuals, budgets and encumbrances) from accounts for specific Project, Project Type and Project Attribute. There is currently no function to reverse the sign (equivalent to NGL formula) so minus symbol or multiple the PJ function by -1 to reverse the sign. If differs from GL function in that PJ function will allow filtering by additional project-related parameters of Project Type and Project Attribute. Syntax =PJ(Account,Period,Organization,Year,Activity,Class, Project,Project Type,Project Attribute,Transaction Code1,Transaction Code2,Transaction Code3,Transaction Code4,Transaction Code5, Topic) Parameters Account The account(s) being read. For the most powerful spreadsheets, build your Account Specifier using the BSPEC function Period Determines what F9 considers the fiscal period to be. Specify the default Period using "" as the parameter. If you do not specify the Period, it automatically defaults to "This Month" where "This Month" is whatever value is entered in the Period override field in the F9 Setup Window or the organization s current open period. Organization The organization being accessed. If not included, F9 defaults to Organization in the F9 Setup Window. Year Determines what F9 considers "This Year" for the calculation and changes the meaning of "Last Year" and "Next Year" as well. Specify the Year using "" as the parameter. If not included, F9 defaults to Year override in the F9 Setup Window. Activity The "Activity" is used to determine the amount returned for queries if you specify the term "Budget" in the period specifier or as an account range type. A Budget Scenario is identified by its ID number and if a + is included, F9 will return its adjustment amount. An additional type also included is "EE" for Encumbrance amounts. Class Optional for F9 to return balances by a specific class. Project Optional for F9 to return balances by a specific Project. Project Type Optional for F9 to return balances by a specific Project Type. Project Attribute Optional for F9 to return balances by a specific Project Attribute. Transaction Code1 to Transaction Code5 Optional for F9 to return balances by a specific Transaction Code as defined in your Accounting System. Topic Topic for The Financial Edge should always be "FE".

21 There are several ways to create a PJ function: manually by typing in all parameters in appropriate cells and type in the formula or by using Excel Function Wizard and using output of GL Paste and adapting it to a PJ function.

22 PJTRAN Function The PJTRAN function allows you to calculate transactions over a date range for specific Project, Project Type and Project Attribute. Keep into consideration that if you are summing transactions to find a balance, it has an impact on report calculation times. That is, only use PJTRAN if you must report on non-monthly number. If differs from GLTRAN function in that PJTRAN function will allow filtering by additional project-related parameters of Project Type and Project Attribute. Syntax =PJTRAN(Account,Start Date, End Date, Organization, Activity, Class, Project, Project Type, Project Attribute, Transaction Code1, Transaction Code2, Transaction Code3, Transaction Code4, Transaction Code5, Topic) Parameters Account The account(s) being read. For the most powerful spreadsheets, build your Account Specifier using the BSPEC function. Start Date Start date of date range used for summing transactions End Date End date of date range used for summing transactions Organization The organization being accessed. If not supplied, the default organization from the F9 Setup Window is used. Activity This is the account type being included in the result. The default result is NET transactions. Total Debits or Credits can be retrieved by adding "DR" or "CR" into the type parameter. Class This is optional to return transactions for a specific class. Project Optional for F9 to return balances by a specific Project. Project Type Optional for F9 to return balances by a specific Project Type. Project Attribute Optional for F9 to return balances by a specific Project Attribute. Transaction Code1 to Transaction Code5 Optional for F9 to return balances by a specific Transaction Code as defined in your Accounting system. Topic Topic for The Financial Edge should always be "FE".

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