Cyber Bullying. What is it and why should we be concerned? CYBER BULLYING HURTS SLIDE 1 NOTES: COMMENTS:

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1 Cyber Bullying What is it and why should we be concerned? Susan P. Limber, Ph.D. Robin M. Kowalski, Ph.D. Patricia W. Agatston, Ph.D. 2008 by Hazelden Foundation SLIDE 1 NOTES:

2 Internet use In 2005 in the United States, 79% of people used the Internet (compared to 67% in 2000). each person spent an average of 13.3 hours online per week (up from 9 hours in 2000). Center for the Digital Future SLIDE 2 NOTES: Internet use among people in the United States has increased significantly in recent years. According to a 2005 report from the Center for the Digital Future, in the United States, 79% of people used the Internet that year (up from 67% in 2000). Each person spent an average of 13.3 hours per week (up from 9 hours in 2000). Center for the Digital Future at the USC Annenberg School, The 2005 digital future report. Available at

3 Adolescents and the Internet 87% of adolescents (21 million) spend time online and more than 50% do so daily. 75% use instant messaging (50% do so daily). 45% have their own cell phones. 33% communicate via text messaging. The Pew Internet and American Life Project 2005 SLIDE 3 NOTES: Use of the Internet by children and youth is extensive. According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project, in 2005, 87% of adolescents (corresponding to 21 million adolescents ages 12 to 17) spend time online, and more than 50% do so daily. 75% of adolescents use instant messaging or IMing (50% do so daily). 45% have their own cell phones. 33% communicate via text messaging. These percentages have likely increased since this 2005 survey. Lenhart, A., M. Madden, and P. Hitlin Teens and technology: Youth are leading the transition to a fully wired and mobile nation. Accessed July 27, 2005, at

4 Use of social-networking sites 55% of all American youth use online social-networking sites and 55% of these have created their own profiles. For girls, social-networking sites are primarily places to reinforce existing friendships. For boys, the networks also provide opportunities for flirting and making new friends. Pew Internet Project 2007 SLIDE 4 NOTES: A more recent Pew Internet Project found that youth are increasingly interacting with social-networking sites. In this 2007 survey, more than half of all 12- to 17-year-olds used a socialnetworking site. The good news is that for the most part teens are interacting with their friends on these sites. However, boys are more likely to reach outside their known friendship circles to flirt and make new friends. Lenhart, A., and M. Madden Social networking websites and teens: An overview. Accessed January 7, 2007, at

5 What is bullying behavior? A person is bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons, and he or she has difficulty defending himself or herself. Olweus et al SLIDE 5 NOTES: As technology increasingly becomes a primary way that young people socialize, bullying behavior has increased through various means of technology. To talk about cyber bullying, it is helpful to have a definition of traditional bullying. According to Dr. Dan Olweus (pronounced Ol-VAY-us), the psychologist who developed the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, bullying behavior involves three elements. It is intentionally aggressive behavior. It is repetitive in nature. And it involves an imbalance of power that makes it hard for the other person to defend himself or herself. A power imbalance may occur when a student is older, larger, stronger, more popular, or higher in socioeconomic status. There also is power in numbers. Bullying behavior can be direct (for example, calling people names or engaging in physical bullying) or it can be indirect (for example, rumorspreading, exclusion, or friendship manipulation). Olweus, D., S. P. Limber, V. C. Flerx, N. Mullin, J. Riese, and M. Snyder Olweus bullying prevention program: Schoolwide guide. Center City, MN: Hazelden Publishing.

6 What is cyber bullying? Bullying through , instant messaging, in a chat room, on a Web site, or through digital messages or images sent to a cell phone. Kowalski, Limber, and Agatston 2008 SLIDE 6 NOTES: Cyber bullying uses technology as a weapon to bully others through , through instant messaging, on Web sites, or through text messages or images sent to a cell phone. Like traditional forms of bullying, cyber bullying is intentionally negative or aggressive behavior. Kowalski, R. M., S. P. Limber, and P. W. Agatston Cyber bullying: Bullying in the digital age. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.

7 Traditional bullying versus cyber bullying 3 similiar characteristics: Aggressiveness Power imbalance Repetitiveness but Kowalski, Limber, and Agatston 2008 SLIDE 7 NOTES: Cyber bullying shares the three general characteristics of more traditional forms of bullying: aggression, repetition, and power imbalance. It is easy to be repetitive with cyber bullying by forwarding mean messages to multiple individuals and posting messages or photos on Web sites for hundreds of classmates to view. A person willing to abuse technology can easily wield great power over his or her target just by the ability to reach a large audience, and often by hiding his or her identity. Kowalski, R. M., S. P. Limber, and P. W. Agatston Cyber bullying: Bullying in the digital age. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.

8 Traditional bullying versus cyber bullying 5 different characteristics: Anonymity Accessibility Punitive fears Bystanders Disinhibition SLIDE 8 NOTES: Cyber bullying has some rather unique characteristics that are different from traditional bullying: Anonymity: As bad as the thug in the school yard may be, at least he or she is a known entity. He or she can be readily identified and potentially avoided. On the other hand, the student who cyber bullies is often anonymous. The student who is targeted is left wondering who the cyber bully is, which can cause a good deal of stress. Accessibility: Most students who use traditional ways of bullying terrorize their victims at school, on the school bus, or walking to and from school. Although bullying also may happen elsewhere in the community, there usually is a standard period of time during which children who bully in traditional ways have access to the students they bully. Students who cyber bully can wreak havoc any time of the day or night. Punitive Fears: Students who are cyber bullied often do not report it because of (1) fear of retribution from their tormentors and (2) fear that their computer or phone privileges will be taken away. Often, adults respond to cyber bullying by removing the technology from the student who is being cyber bullied which in the student s eyes can be seen as punishment. Bystanders: Most traditional bullying episodes occur in the presence of other people who assume the role of bystanders or witnesses. Being a bystander in the cyber world may be different from witnessing bullying firsthand. The Phenomenon of Disinhibition: Finally, we know that the anonymity afforded by the Internet can lead students to engage in behaviors they might not do face to face. This phenomenon is known as disinhibition. Ironically, it is their very anonymity that allows some individuals to bully at all. Children and youth who are smaller and physically weaker than many of their peers could never bully others at school for the simple reason that they would be outsized. Yet, with electronic communications, they can hide behind an assumed identity and wreak havoc. Kowalski, R. M., S. P. Limber, and P. W. Agatston Cyber bullying: Bullying in the digital age. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.

9 Common forms of cyber bullying Harassment Denigration Flaming Impersonation Outing and trickery Cyber stalking SLIDE 9 NOTES: Cyber bullying can take many forms. We ll describe and discuss some common forms of cyber bullying, using terms in the field. Among these common forms of cyber bullying are harassment, denigration, flaming, impersonation, outing and trickery, and cyber stalking.

10 Harassment Repeatedly sending offensive, rude, and insulting messages SLIDE 10 NOTES: In the cyber world, harassment involves repeatedly targeting an individual with mean or nasty messages. Examples: Every time a student logs on to his or her instant messaging account he or she receives mean messages. A student is sent negative messages or comments on his or her MySpace or Facebook pages. Even if harassment occurs off campus, it may affect a student s school day. Example: A freshman boy thinks things are going okay at school. He s found a place to sit at lunch and tries to socialize with the students at that table. When he goes home, he finds comments on his MySpace page that say, We don t want you sitting at our table at lunch. Now he is upset and unsure of what to do at lunch time. Important note: This common cyberspace definition of harassment is not the same as and should not be confused with legal definitions of harassment.

11 Denigration Distributing information about another that is derogatory and untrue Posting the information on a Web page or sending it to others via or instant messaging Posting or sending digitally altered photos of someone SLIDE 11 NOTES: Many young people are targeted by gossip, lies, and derogatory information posted online. Example: An Atlanta teen shared the following story with the local news media: Someone created a fake MySpace profile about her called Kathryn Hoganslut. The site included sexual gossip and lies that embarrassed her and made her not want to attend school. A week passed before she confided in her mother about the situation.

12 Flaming Online fighting using electronic messages with angry, vulgar language SLIDE 12 NOTES: Flaming involves sending or posting angry messages that include vulgar language. Some online users identify themselves as flamers because they like to attack others online.

13 Impersonation Breaking into an account and sending vicious or embarrassing material to others SLIDE 13 NOTES: If someone knows a student s screen name, profile name, or user name, and password, the person can impersonate the student online. He or she can alter the student s MySpace profile and then change the password so the student can t get back in. Then posing as the student, he or she can send embarrassing or humiliating messages to others.

14 Outing and trickery Sharing someone s secrets or embarrassing information Tricking someone into revealing secrets or embarrassing information and forwarding the information to others SLIDE 14 NOTES: This form of cyber bullying involves sharing someone s personal information that he or she would not want shared with others through the use of s, instant messages, or even videos. Example: A girl confided her secret of being sexually abused with a supposed friend, only to find it shared online with all her peers.

15 Cyber stalking Repeatedly sending messages that include threats of harm or are highly intimidating Engaging in other online activities that make a person afraid for his or her safety SLIDE 15 NOTES: Sometimes the cyber bullying messages even include threats of harm and cause someone to fear for his or her safety. This is cyber stalking and, based on the content of the message, may be illegal. The police should be contacted when cyber bullying includes threats of physical harm or violence.

16 How prevalent is cyber bullying? A survey of 3,767 middle school students showed 18% had been cyber bullied at least once in the last 2 months (girls twice as many times as boys). 11% had cyber bullied others at least once (girls somewhat more than boys). Kowalski and Limber 2007 SLIDE 16 NOTES: How prevalent is cyber bullying? In a study conducted among 6th through 8th graders in the United States, Kowalski and Limber found that 18% had been cyber bullied at least once in the previous 2 months and 6% had been cyber bullied 2 to 3 times a month or more often. 11% had cyber bullied others at least once in the previous 2 months and 2% had cyber bullied others 2 to 3 times a month or more often. Girls were more than twice as likely as boys to have been cyber bullied at least once 25% of girls versus 11% of boys were cyber bullied. Girls were slightly more likely to have cyber bullied others at least once 13% of girls versus 9% of boys cyber bullied someone else. Kowalski, R. M., and S. P. Limber Electronic bullying among middle school students. Journal of Adolescent Health 41:S22 S30.

17 What forms of cyber bullying most commonly occur? Of those who had been cyber bullied, 68% said they were teased in a hurtful way. 53% said someone told lies and/or spread rumors about them. 35% said someone used their username to pick on others. Kowalski and Limber 2007 SLIDE 17 NOTES: Middle school students who were bullied were asked to describe the incident. In the survey, they could provide more than one answer. Cyber bullying commonly involved being teased in a hurtful way and having someone spread lies or rumors about them. More than one-third said someone used their usernames to pick on others. There is no one-size-fits-all model when it comes to traditional bullying or cyber bullying. Students, parents, guardians, and educators need to be aware of all the different forms that cyber bullying can take so they can recognize it when it does occur. Kowalski, R. M., and S. P. Limber Electronic bullying among middle school students. Journal of Adolescent Health 41:S22 S30.

18 Methods of cyber bully victimization IM Chat room Web site Text msg Another way Percentage of students who had been cyber bullied Kowalski and Limber 2007 SLIDE 18 NOTES: The most common method of cyber bullying among middle school youth was instant messaging, followed by bullying in a chat room, on a Web site, and through . Kowalski, R. M., and S. P. Limber Electronic bullying among middle school students. Journal of Adolescent Health 41:S22 S30.

19 Identity of a student who cyber bullies SLIDE 19 NOTES: Middle school youth were also asked about the identity of the individual who cyber bullied them. Of particular note here are two answers the students commonly gave: They were bullied by another student from school bullied by a classmate though not necessarily bullied at school. Almost 50% didn t know who bullied them.

20 Bully/victims and cyber bullying Traditional Bullying Status Cyber Victim Cyber Bully Victim 23% 9% Bully 19% 20% Bully/Victim 36% 23% Neither 9% 5% Kowalski, Limber, and Agatston 2008 SLIDE 20 NOTES: Research has consistently shown members of the bully/victim group to have more psychological difficulties than members of the bully or the victim groups. Therefore, it is not all that surprising that bully/victim group members are the individuals most likely to be involved in cyber bullying as both victims and perpetrators. Traditional bully/victims were the most likely of 4 groups to have been cyber bullied (36%) and to cyber bully others (23%). Compare that with these statistics: Among traditional victims, 23% had been cyber bullied and 9% had cyber bullied others. Among traditional bullies, 19% had been cyber bullied and 20% had cyber bullied others. Among students not involved in traditional bullying, 9% had been cyber bullied and 5% had cyber bullied others. Kowalski, R. M., S. P. Limber, and P. W. Agatston Cyber bullying: Bullying in the digital age. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.

21 Why should educators be concerned about cyber bullying? SLIDE 21 NOTES:

22 Effects: Self-esteem and cyber bully group Self-esteem level Victim Bully Bully/Victim Not Involved Kowalski et al SLIDE 22 NOTES: Kowalski and Limber examined possible effects of cyber bullying on middle school youth by assessing self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and grades of students in the various cyber bully groups. Using a 4-point scale to measure self-esteem, they found that, as with traditional bullying, individuals who are both cyber bully victims and perpetrators had significantly lower self-esteem than members of the other three groups. Not surprisingly, individuals not involved in cyber bullying had the highest levels of self-esteem. Kowalski, R. M., S. P. Limber, and P. W. Agatston Cyber Bullying. Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Bullying Prevention Association, Fort Lauderdale, FL.

23 Effects: School absences and cyber bully group Number of absences Victim Bully Bully/Victim Not Involved Kowalski et al SLIDE 23 NOTES: Middle school students in the cyber bully/victim group had a significantly higher number of school absences than students in the other three groups, particularly compared to students who were cyber bullying and those not involved in cyber bullying at all. Kowalski, R. M., S. P. Limber, and P. W. Agatston Cyber Bullying. Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Bullying Prevention Association, Fort Lauderdale, FL.

24 Effects: Anxiety by cyber bully group Score on Beck Youth Anxiety Inventory 30 Boy Girl Victim Bully Bully/Victim Not Involved Kowalski et al SLIDE 24 NOTES: The effects of cyber bullying on anxiety, as measured by the Beck Youth Anxiety Inventory, varied not only with the particular cyber bully group but also with the individual s gender. Boys in the bully/victim group showed elevated scores on anxiety relative to students in any of the other conditions and relative to girls in the bully/victim group. Kowalski, R. M., S. P. Limber, and P. W. Agatston Cyber Bullying. Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Bullying Prevention Association. Fort Lauderdale, FL.

25 Effects: Depression by cyber bully group Score on Beck Youth Depression Inventory Boy Girl 0 Victim Bully Bully/Victim Not Involved Kowalski et al SLIDE 25 NOTES: Similar to the pattern of results observed with anxiety, compared to children in the other groups, boys in the bully/victim group showed elevated scores on depression, as measured by the Beck Youth Depression Inventory. With the exception of the group of those not involved, boys consistently scored significantly lower in depression than girls. However, boys in the bully/victim group showed just the reverse pattern. Kowalski, R. M., S. P. Limber, and P. W. Agatston Cyber Bullying. Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Bullying Prevention Association, Fort Lauderdale, FL.

26 Reactions of victims of cyber bullying Percentage of survey respondents Didn't do anything Told on them Asked person to stop Cyber bullied back Made fun of bully to others Saved evidence Blocked the person who bullied 5 0 In reaction to being cyber bullied, I Kowalski et al SLIDE 26 NOTES: In their survey of 3,767 6th through 8th graders, Kowalski and Limber also asked students how they reacted to cyber bullying. This graph highlights some important points about how young people respond to being cyber bullied: 1. There is considerable variability in how they respond. 2. The single most common response is to do nothing. Although in some rare instances, a nonresponse might suffice, typically some type of action is recommended at minimum, telling someone else about the cyber bullying that is occurring. 3. In addition to the responses shown, 11 middle school students indicated they responded in some other way. Kowalski, R. M., S. P. Limber, and P. W. Agatston Cyber Bullying. Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Bullying Prevention Association, Fort Lauderdale, FL.

27 How it starts Many altercations at school begin with incidents that happen outside the school day, such as comments on social-networking sites. text messages. instant messages and s. SLIDE 27 NOTES: It s important to note that both fighting and cyber bullying behavior may begin outside of the school day through technologies used at home. However, these incidents may carry over into the school day and cause disruption in the learning environment.

28 School safety issue Youth who reported being targeted by Internet harassment were 8 times more likely than all other youth to report carrying a weapon to school in the past 30 days. Ybarra et al SLIDE 28 NOTES: Such incidents have become a school safety issue. Many high-profile cases of cyber bullying have been covered in the media. Several of these students, including Ryan Halligan, Megan Meier, and Katie Neblett, took their lives after being cyber bullied. In addition, research by Ybarra and colleagues published in the December 2007 Journal of Adolescent Health found that students who were harassed over the Internet were 8 times more likely than all other students to bring a weapon to school in the previous 30 days. This was a cross-sectional online survey of 1,588 youth ages 10 to 15. Ybarra, M., M. Diener-West, and P. Leaf Examination of the overlap in harassment and school bullying: Implications for school intervention. Journal of Adolescent Health 41:S42 S50.

29 Warning signs A student may be experiencing cyber bullying if he or she appears sad, moody, or anxious. avoids school. withdraws from or shows a lack of interest in social activities. experiences a drop in grades or decline in academic performance. appears upset after using the computer or being online. appears upset after viewing a text message. Kowalski, Limber, and Agatston 2008 SLIDE 29 NOTES: If a student shows any of these warning signs, it is important to talk with him or her and encourage the parent or guardian to investigate the student s online presence to determine whether cyber bullying is occurring. Kowalski, R. M., S. P. Limber, and P. W. Agatston Cyber bullying: Bullying in the digital age. New York: Blackwell Publishing.

30 How can schools prevent cyber bullying? SLIDE 30 NOTES: Now that we recognize that cyber bullying is a growing problem that affects youth and the school environment in a variety of ways, we need to focus on strategies that will help prevent cyber bullying behavior among our youth.

31 What school districts need an effective bullying policy that specifically prohibits cyber bullying an acceptable use of technology policy that specifically prohibits cyber bullying implementation of a research-based bullying prevention program to teach lessons about cyber bullying SLIDE 31 NOTES: Schools need to have bullying policies and acceptable use of technology policies that include information about cyber bullying, such as the definition of cyber bullying and the consequences for engaging in cyber bullying behavior at school. The best practices in bullying prevention include implementing schoolwide research-based programs that address bullying behavior in a comprehensive manner. Bullying prevention programs should include lessons on cyber bullying. For more information, see Kowalski, R. M., S. P. Limber, and P. W. Agatston Cyber bullying: Bullying in the digital age. New York: Blackwell Publishing.

32 Resources from Hazelden Publishing Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Teacher Guide, DVD, and CD-ROM Schoolwide Guide, DVD, and CD-ROM Cyber Bullying: A Prevention Curriculum for Grades 6 12 Coming soon: Cyber Bullying: A Prevention Curriculum for Grades 3 5 SLIDE 32 NOTES: The Olweus (pronounced Ol-VAY-us) Bullying Prevention Program is a research-based program published through Hazelden. Hazelden also publishes the cyber bullying curriculum that we will be implementing at our school.

33 The Cyber Bullying curriculum is designed to educate students about bullying and cyber bullying. prevent cyber bullying through activities and discussions about appropriate online etiquette, empathy, and ethics. empower bystanders to prevent or intervene in cyber bullying situations. encourage parent/guardian and child communication. SLIDE 33 NOTES:

34 Prior to implementing the curriculum Develop a bullying report form or system that includes a method for reporting cyber bullying. Share information with parents and guardians about cyber bullying. SLIDE 34 NOTES: Prior to raising students awareness of cyber bullying, it is important to have a reporting method in place that students can use to alert trusted adults to incidents of cyber bullying behavior. Parents and guardians need to be our partners in our effort to address cyber bullying, so it is important that we educate them on this topic. This curriculum includes take-home homework assignments and handouts for parents and guardians to help reinforce prevention messages about cyber bullying.

35 Implications for educators, families, and community organizations Educate students, teachers, parents, and guardians. Empower targeted students and bystanders. Support targeted students and their families. SLIDE 35 NOTES: Through the combined efforts of educating our community and empowering bystanders, we can reduce cyber bullying behaviors. We can also provide support to students and family members who may be affected by cyber bullying behavior.

36 Cyber bullying is a school climate issue! Find more resources at SLIDE 36 NOTES: is the Web site created by the authors of this curriculum and Cyber Bullying: Bullying in the Digital Age. The Stop Bullying Now site is the home of the Department of Health and Human Services bullying prevention campaign. The Web site provides helpful information about all forms of bullying, great tip sheets, cartoon webisodes for students, and free posters and materials.

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