GROUP-1. List of Practical for Class XII, Subject: - Informatics Practices. (The environment to be used is Java Netbeans and MySQL)

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1 GROUP-1 List of Practical for Class XII, Subject: - Informatics Practices (The environment to be used is Java Netbeans and MySQL) 1. Create a Java Desktop Application to display Welcome to Hello World application in messagebox. (Note that the message window will show when you click Jbutton control) 2. Create a Java Desktop Application to display your name and address in a message box. Using two Inputboxes, enter both name and address and also show the in another message window. 3. Create a GUI application to perform Arithmetic operations on two operands. 4. Create a GUI Application to find the greater between two numbers using conditional operator. 5. Develop a GUI application to find the maximum between three numbers using conditional operator. The conditional operator will be used as nested manner. 6. Develop a GUI application to enter the month number and display respective month name and days in that month. 7. Develop a GUI application to demonstrate the JCheckbox by inputting your name in a JTextField control and set different font, style, size and color into names using JCheckbox control. 8. Design an application to demonstrate text box. User will enter percentage marks and upon clicking the button corresponding grade should be displayed in the picturebox using following criteria. Marks % Grade >=90 A A A B C D < 40 E

2 9. Create a java desktop application to demonstrate a class concept using class cube, Develop the application to find the volume of a cube. 10. Create a java desktop application to demonstrate constructer object for following data members of teacher class. Private string name, Private string address, Private string design, Private double salary, Private double DA, Private double Gross, The program should initialize a data members through a constructer and using a display method of teacher class, Show the details in a jtext area control. 11. Write a java program to read and display information about employees and managers. Employees are a class that contains Empno, name, address and department. A manager class contains all information of the employee class and the list of employee working under a manager. 12. Develop a Java desk top application to find area of a circle and cylinder using java override method. 13. Create an application to view the teacher (tno, tname, taddress, salary, departmentno, doj) table data using jtable control. Using JDBC connection steps, View the data in tabular form. 14. Create an application to insert, modify, delete, records into My SQL TEACHER TABLE. Teacher table contains following structure. Field Name Data Type Length Tno. CHAR 4 Tname VARCHAR2 25 Taddress VARCHAR2 30 Salary FLOAT Deptno CHAR 4 DOJ DATE 15. Consider the hospital table and write a SQL for the following. No. Name Age Department DateofADM Charges Sex 1 Arpit 62 Surgery 2008/01/ M 2 Zarina 22 ENT 2007/12/ F 3 Karim 22 Ortho 2008/01/ M 4 Arun 12 Surgery 2008/01/ M

3 5 Zubin 30 ENT 2008/01/ M 6 Ketaki 16 ENT 2008/01/ F 7 Ankita 39 Cardio 2008/01/ F 8 Zarin 45 Gynae 2008/01/ F 9 Khush 19 Cardio 2008/01/ M 10 Shilpa 23 Nuclear Medicin 2008/01/ F A) SELECT ALL information of patients of cardio department. B) To List the names of Female patients who are in ENT department C) To list names of all patients with their DateofADM in ascending order. D) To Display the patients name, charges, age, for only female patients. E) To count the no. of patients with age less than 30.

4 List of Programs for Practical : Subject: Computer Science (083) Class: XI S.No. Program 1. Write a program to print the largest of three numbers. 2. Write a program to print the mathematical table of number 1 to Write a program to find the factorial value of a number entered by the user. 4. Write a program to check whether the number is prime or not. 5. Write a program to find the sum of first n natural numbers. 6. Write a program to find the minimum and maximum value from an array of size Write a program to print the given figure: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8. Write a program to find the value of m to the power n. 9. Write a program to check whether a number is palindrome or not. 10. Write a program to print the reverse of a string. 11. Write a program to display the name of the month depends upon the number (between 1-12) be enter by the user. 12. Write a program to print the Fibonacci series of specified terms ( ) 13. Write a program to check whether a entered year is leap year or not. 14. Write a program to check whether a character is alphabet. 15. Write a program that reads a string and converts it to uppercase. 16. Write a program to find the sum of left diagonal of a 3x3 matrix. 17. Write a program to arrange the array elements in ascending order. 18. Write a program to convert a decimal number into binary number. 19. Write a program to find the product of two matrices. 20. Write a program to search a specified element from an array.

5 GROUP-2 List of Practical and Projects for Computer Science Class XII 1. Write the code to print the factorial of a given number. 2. Write a program to print the Fibonacci series. 3. Write a program to check the given number is palindrome or not. 4. Write a program to check the given number is prime or not. 5. Write a program to multiply of two matrixes. 6. Write a program to print the transpose of the given matrix. 7. Write a program to swap the value of two variables without using third variable. 8. Write a program a program to find the number of words in an existing file using file handling. 9. Write a program to print following pattern. * * * * * * * * * * 10. Write a program for call by value and call by reference. 11. Write a program in C++ to perform the basic operation on linked stack. The stack contains data of type integer. 12. Write a program to create a queue using linked list to perform addition, deletion and display operations. 13. Write a program to create a Linked List. The Linked List contains data of type integer. 14. Write a C++ program to sort an array using Selection Sort. 15. Write a C++ program to sort an array using Quick Sort. 16. Write a C++ program to sort an array using Bubble Sort. 17. Write a C++ program to find the sum of the diagonal elements of matrix. 18. Write a C++ program to interchange the values of row and column. 19. Write a C++ program to find sum of rows and sum of column from a two dimensional array. 20. Write a program to reverse a string using pointer. 21. Write a program to calculate the length of the string using pointer. 22. Write a program in C++ to count the number of words ending with s from the text file india.txt. 23. Write a C++ program to counts the number of words in a given a given file. 24. Write a C++ program that implements concept of Multilevel Inheritance. 25. Write a C++ program that implements concept of Polymorphism.

6 Projects 1. Quiz. 2. Students Information System. 3. Bank Management System. 4. Time table management System. 5. Video Library Management System. 6. Payroll management System. 7. Hospital management System. 8. Restaurant Management System. 9. Blood Bank Management System. 10. Automatic Ticket Management System for theater 11. General Store Management System.

7 GROUP-3 List of Practical Note: Using JAVA as a programming language. Class XI Subject: I.P. 1. Write a program in JAVA to display I am the student of Class XI. 2. Create a GUI application to assign two numbers and find their sum and difference using switch statement. 3. Write a program for find the number even or odd. 4. Write a program in JAVA to find the maximum of three numbers. 5. Write a program to print a table of entered number by the user. 6. Write a program to print a factorial of entered number by the user. 7. Write a program to check whether the number is prime or not. 8. Develop a GUI application to assign the marks in five subjects and calculate the total and assign grade. If total >=400 grade is A otherwise grade is B. 9. Develop a GUI application to calculate the square and cube of a number. 10. Write a for loop that will print the squares from 1 to Write a program to print the following pattern: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 12.Write a program to print the following pattern: Write a program to find sum and average of n natural numbers, odd numbers and even numbers. 14. Write a program to print sum of digits of entered number.(for example 125=1+2+5=8). 15. Write a program to convert a decimal number into binary number. 16. Write a method that accepts two parameters a and b and interchange their values Write a method pow(a, b) to calculate the value of a raised to the power b.

8 Using MySQL 18. Write SQL commands for the queries given from a to f and write the output of the SQL commands given in part g based on a table LIBRARY shown below: Table: LIBRARY No. Title Author Subject Publisher Quantity Price 1 Data Structure Lipschute DS McGraw DOS Guide NORTRON OS PHI Turbo C++ Robort Lafore Prog Galgotia Dbase Dummies Palmer DBMS PustakM Mastering Windows Cowart OS BPB Computer Studies French FND Galgotia COBOL Stern Prog John W Guide Network Freed NET Zpress Basic for Beginners Norton Prog BPB Advanced Pascal Schildt Prog McGraw a) To display the title of all books with Price between 100 and 300. b) To display Title and Author of all the books having type Prog and published by BPB. c) To display the list of all the books with price more than 130 in ascending order of Qty. d) To display the list of all books whose quantity is less than 4. e) To display the publishers and the number of books of each book in the table. f) To insert a new book in the table LIBRARY. g) To increase the price of the book title TURBO C++ by Rs.30. h) To display the Title and Total Price of all Computer books. The Total Price is calculated as Price * Qty. i) Write the output of the following: i. Select MIN(Price) from Library; ii. Select Sum(Price * Qty) from Library where Qty > 3; iii. Select Avg(Price) from Library where Qty < 4; iv. Select Count(Distinct Publisher) from Library; 19. Consider the following tables EMPLOYEE and write the SQL query for the following requirements. Eid Name Deptid Qualification Sex Points Basic DA HRA Bonus 1 Sunil 101 MCA F Virender 101 BCA M Mukesh 102 B.A M Rakesh 102 M.A M Sumit 103 B.Tech M Jyoti 101 M.Tech F a) Create the structure of the above table b) Insert any dummy record

9 c) Display the Names begin with alphabet V d) Display the records who are females. e) Display the name and qualification who are B. Tech. f) Add one more field for the employee table -DOJ (date of joining) g) Do not display the records of Jyoti, Mukesh. h) To insert a new record in the EMPLOYEE table with following data: 7, Vikas, 103, MCA, M, 36, 12000, 1000, 500, 90. i) Display the Name, deptid, Basic whose date of joining is after 23/09/2000. j) Display the records according to their Names. 20. Write down the output produced by following queries after execution. a) SELECT CONCAT ( VISHAL, KUMAR ) FROM DUAL; b) SELECT SUBSTR ( INFORMATICS PRACTICES,3,4) FROM DUAL; c) SELECT INSTR ( INDOOR OUTDOOR, OR ) FROM DUAL; d) SELECT LENGTH ( INFORMATICS PRACTICES ) FROM DUAL; e) SELECT LOWER (RIGHT ( JAVA, 2)) FROM DUAL; f) SELECT MOD (11,3) FROM DUAL; g) SELECT SIGN (-67) FROM DUAL; h) SELECT SQRT (49) FROM DUAL; i) SELECT DATEOFMONTH ( ) FROM DUAL; j) SELECT ROUND (15.193,1) FROM DUAL; 21. Consider the following tables EMPLOYEE and write the SQL query for the following requirements. Eid Name Deptid Qualification Sex Points Basic DA HRA Bonus 1 Deepali 101 MCA F Rajat 101 BCA M Hari 102 B.A M Harry 102 M.A M Sumit 103 B.Tech M Jyoti 101 M.Tech F a) Create the structure of the above table b) Insert any dummy record c) Display the Names begin with alphabet H d) Display the records who are females. e) Display the name and qualification who are B. Tech. f) Add one more field for the employee table -DOJ (date of joining) g) Do not display the records of Jyoti, Harry. h) Display Name, Deptid and Point, NewScore. The NewScore is a product of Point and 12

10 i) Display the Name, deptid, Basic whose date of joining is after 23/09/2000. j) Display the records according to their Names. k) Modify all the records in salary table by giving increment of 10% on Basic to all the Employees l) Display the gross amount for all records with their name and date of joining. The gross amount is Basic+Da+Hra+Bonus. m) Delete the records that have joined before 01/01/1980. n) Display the sum of salary according to their deptid o) Display the deptid in which only single person is working. 22. Write down the output produced by following queries after execution. a) SELECT CONCAT( PRIYA, JAIN ) FROM DUAL; b) SELECT SUBSTR( INFORMATICS PRACTICES,3,4) FROM DUAL; c) SELECT INSTR( INDOOR OUTDOOR, OR ) FROM DUAL; d) SELECT LENGTH( INFORMATICS PRACTICES ) FROM DUAL; e) SELECT LOWER(RIGHT( JAVA,2))FROM DUAL; f) SELECT MOD(11,3) FROM DUAL; g) SELECT SIGN(-67) FROM DUAL; h) SELECT SQRT(81) FROM DUAL; i) SELECT DATEOFMONTH( )FROM DUAL; j) SELECT ROUND(15.193,1) FROM DUAL;

11 PROJECTS CLASS: XI(IP) 1) Write a program to make a Calculator using Java Swing Controls to perform basic arithmetical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus. 2) Write a program to make a tax Calculator using Java Swing Controls which accepts rate, Principal, time from user and calculates compound Interest. Choose the controls as per your requirement. 3) Write a program in JAVA that will have a Jlist control. The Jlist control will have all the emp name in it. After selection of the name from the list the details will be shown in the Jtextboxs. The details will be given using switch case. 4) Create a JAVA desktop application to find the discount of an item on the basis of category of items. The categories will be implemented in JRadiobutton controls. The Discount will be calculated as follows. Cost Discount (%) <= Otherwise 10% The extra discount will be calculated as follows Category Discount (%) Electrical Appliance 3 Electrical Gadget 2 Stationery 1 a. Calculate the total discount on cost + discount on category. b. Calculate the discount amount as : cost * discount. c. Using a Jbutto s (Compute Discount) click event handler, display the discount in a JtextField control. Also implement the following settings for IDE. Choose the controls as per your requirement. 5) Create a database of your name. Now create two tables as following : a. Student_Master ( admin_no, Name, F_name, Zipcode) b. Class_XI (Roll_no, Subjects, admin_no)

12 Where admin_no in Class_XI is a foreign key. Choose other constraints as per your requirements. Now add five records in each table. 6) Create two table named teachers and emp with reverent details Teachers Fields_Name Data type Constrains Sno Number[3] Not Null Name Char[20] Not Null Emp_code Char[20] Primary key Subject Char[20] Not Null Emp Fields_Name Data type Constrains Sno Number[3] Not Null Name Char[20] Not Null Emp_code Char[20] Primary key Job Char[20] Not Null a. Write a query to find all the details of all the emp by joining the two tables using relevant joining methods. b. Write a query to find all the details of a emp whose Emp_code is by joining the two tables using relevant joining methods.

13 GROUP-4 Program list for class XI Simple Programs: Write a program to calculate the following 1. Area of circle 2. Area of Rectangle 3. Area of Square 4. Area of Triangle 5. Area of Cylinder 6. Area of Cone 7. Area of Sphere 8. Area of cube 9. Area of Cuboids 10. Volume of cube 11. Volume of Cuboids 12. Volume of Cylinder 13. Volume of Cone 14. Volume of Sphere 15. Simple Interest Structural Programs: Write a program to: 16. Find Greater between two Nos. 17. Find Greatest among three Nos. 18. Find Lower between two Nos. 19. Find Lowest among three Nos. 20. Print the given number is odd. 21. Print the given number is even. 22. Swap values of two variables using third variable 23. Swap values of two variables without using third variable 24. To Arrange three Numbers in ascending order. 25. To print the result of a student after inputting the total number out of To print the result of student after inputting the obtained marks in physics, chemistry, maths and print the Division as well as the supplementary in particular subject if one gets less then 33 in any subject. And if the student gets failed in any two subjects then the result will be failed.

14 27. Print the given year is leap year or not. 28. Print Name of days after giving the day number 1 to Print the name of Months after giving the month number. 30. Make the Arithmetic calculator. Programs using loops (all the three loops.): 31. Write a program to print counting number from 1 to n. 32. Write a program to print odd numbers starting from 1 to n. 33. Write a program to print even number starting from 2 to n. 34. Write a program to print the sum of even numbers up to n. 35. Write a program to print the sum of odd numbers. 36. Write a program to print the sum of natural numbers up to n. 37. Write a program to print whether a given number is prime or not. 38. Write a program to print prime numbers up to n. 39. Write a program to print Fibonacci series up to n. 40. Write a program to print the compound interest. 41. Write a program to find the factorial of n. 42. Write a program to find x n. 43. Write a program to count the digit in a number. 44. Write a program to sum the digits of a given number. 45. Write a program to reverse the given number. 46. Write a program to print the following * ** *** **** ***** 47. Write a program to print the following * ** *** **** ***** 48. Write a program to print the following * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

15 49. Write a program to print the following Write a program to add the elements of an array. 51. Write a program to reverse the array of integer. 52. Write a program to greatest number in an array. 53. Write a program to find lowest number in an array. 54. Write a program to add two matrices. 55. Write a program to multiply two matrices. 56. Write a program to subtract one matrix from another. 57. Write a program to reverse the string. 58. Write a program with a function which receives x and n as integer and returns the value of x n. 59. Write program to find factorial of n by using recursive function. 60. Write a program to search an element in an array. 61. Write a program to make an structure of student with the following details: Name of student. Age Class Total Marks Find the result of the student.

16 Class XI Computer Science List of Projects 01. Sales Management System- Billing 02. Quiz making system 03. Cross word Puzzle 04. C++ Library functions - Menu Driven system 05. C++ Arithmetic operations Menu Driven System 06. Number conversion system Decimal, Binary, Octal & Hexadecimal 07. Result Management of students 08. Electricity Billing 09. Telephone Billing 10. Implementation of Matrices using arrays & Functions with C++ a. Sum of both Diagonals b. Each row & Colum Sum c. Transpose of a Matrices d. Identity Matrix e. Product of Matrices f. Addition of Matrices g. Substation of Matrices 11. Implementation of Vectors (Complex Numbers ) in C Implementation of physics formulas with C++ - Velocity, Acceleration 13. Implementation of DOS Commands with C Implementation of Graphic Library with C Employee Salary making system with structures & Functions 16. Blood Bank - Donar finding system 17. Searching out Country, Capital & per capital income of the country 18. Video tape inventory system 19. DVD title Management system 20. Student Health Management System

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