Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta The Malta Government Gazette

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1 Il-Ġimgħa, 16 ta Marzu, 2012 Friday, Nru./No. 18,890 Prezz/Price 2.88 Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta The Malta Government Gazette Pubblikata b Awtorità Published by Authority SOMMARJU SUMMARY Notifikazzjonijiet tal-gvern Government Notices Avviżi tal-pulizija Police Notices Avviżi lill-baħħara Notices to Mariners Avviżi tal-gvern Notices Offerti Tenders Avviżi tal-qorti Court Notices


3 VERŻJONI ONLINE 5731 NOTIFIKAZZJONIJIET TAL-GVERN Nru. 338 RILAXX TA ART DIN id-dikjarazzjoni li ġejja, magħmula mill-president ta Malta bis-saħħa tal-artikolu 3 tal-ordinanza dwar l-akkwist ta Artijiet għal Skopijiet Pubbliċi (Kap. 88) hija ppubblikata skont u għall-finijiet tal-artikolu 9(1) ta dik l-ordinanza. (File No. L660/73/64) GOVERNMENT NOTICES No. 338 RELEASE OF LAND THE following declaration made by the President of Malta under section 3 of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance (Cap. 88) is published in terms and for the purposes of section 9(1) thereof. Dikjarazzjoni TAl-President ta Malta Billi bid-dikjarazzjoni tal-president ta Malta datata 30 ta Ottubru 1975 u ppubblikata fil-gazzetta tal-gvern tal-4 ta Novembru, 1975 taħt in-notifikazzjoni tal-gvern Nru. 710, il-president ta Malta kien iddikjara illi l-fond hawn taħt deskritt huwa meħtieġ mill-awtorità kompetenti għal skop pubbliku skont id-dispożizzjonijiet tal-ordinanza dwar l-akkwist ta Art għal Skopijiet Pubbliċi (Kap. 88) u billi l- fond m għadux aktar hekk meħtieġ, jien hawnhekk niddikjara għall-finijiet u effetti kollha tal-liġi, illi l-fond hawn taħt imsemmi m għadhux aktar meħtieġ mill-awtorità kompetenti għal skop pubbliku skont id-dispożizzjonijiet tal-imsemmija Ordinanza. Il-fond li ġej f Tas-Sliema:- Deskrizzjoni tal-art Uffiċċju tal-lottu Nru. 125A, Triq Santa Elena. Il-fond hawn fuq imsemmi jidher immarkat fuq il-pjanta L.D. 10/75, li wieħed jista jara fuq talba fid-dipartiment tal- Artijiet, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta. Is-6 ta Marzu, 2012 Nru. 339 (Iff.) George Abela President ATT DWAR IL-VJOLENZA DOMESTIKA (KAP. 481) Ħatra tal-kummissjoni dwar il-vjolenza Domestika NGĦARRFU għall-informazzjoni ta kulħadd illi bissaħħa tas-setgħat mogħtija bl-artikoli 3 u 8 tal-att dwar il-vjolenza Domestika (Kap.481), u għall-finijiet ta dak l- Att, il-ministru tal-ġustizzja, Konsultazzjoni Pubblika u l- Declaration OF the President of Malta Whereas by the President of Malta Declaration dated 30th October 1975, and published in the Government Gazette of the 4th November 1975 under Government Notice No. 710, the President of Malta had declared that the undermentioned premises is required by the competent authority for a public purpose in accordance with the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance (Cap. 88) and whereas the premises is no longer so required, I hereby declare for all intents and purposes of law, that the undermentioned premises is no longer required by the competent authority for a public purpose in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned Ordinance. Description of the Land The following premises at Tas-Sliema:- Lotto Office No. 125A, Triq Santa Elena. The abovementioned premises is shown marked on plan L.D. 10/75, which may be viewed on demand at the Land Department, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta. 6th March, 2012 No. 339 (Sgd) George Abela President DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ACT, (CAP. 481) Appointment of Commission on Domestic Violence IT is hereby notified for general information that in exercise of the powers conferred by articles 3 and 8 of the Domestic Violence Act (Cap.481), and for the purpose of that Act, the Minister for Justice, Dialogue and the Family has

4 5732 VERŻJONI ONLINE Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 18,890 Familja approva l-ħatra tal-kummissjoni dwar il-vjolenza Domestika, għal perijodu ta tliet snin b seħħ mill-1 ta Marzu, 2012, kif ġej:- Chairperson Is-Sinj. Joanna Xuereb, Dip. Applied Social Sciences (Soc. Wrk). Membri Is-Sinj. Maria Attard, M.A.T.C. Dott. Roberta Avellino, LL.B., LL.D., LL.M. (Int. Law) (Melit) Dott. Albert Bell, Ph.D, M.A., B.A. (Hons.), B.A.(Gen) Spett. Louise Calleja, Dip in Mngt. Studies, MBA (Grenoble) Is-Sinj. Joyce D Amato, B.A. (Hons.), Youth & Community Studies Dott. Taygeta Firman, M.D., M.M.C.F.D., M.B.A. (Henley), L.R.S.M., S.G.P., PH Spec. Sr Joan Garner, R.G.S., M.Q.R. Is-Sinj. Maryanne Gauci, M. Ger., Dip. Soc. Work Dott. Roberta Leprè, B.A., LL.D Is-Sur Cornelius Mulvaney, Dip. Family Therapy (UK) Segretarja Is-Sinj. Doris Vassallo, DPA Nru. 340 ATT DWAR IL-PROFESSJONI NUTARILI U ARKIVJI NUTARILI (KAP. 55) Nomina ta Nutar Delegat/Konservatur NGĦARRFU b din illi bis-saħħa tas-setgħat mogħtijin bl-artikolu 20 tal-att dwar il-professjoni Nutarili u Arkivji Nutarili, il-qorti ta Reviżjoni Nutarili nnominat in-nutar Joelle Cortis bħala Nutar Delegat/Konservatur tal-atti tan- Nutar Pierre Attard, sakemm dan ikun nieqes minn dawn il- Gżejjer mit-3 ta Marzu, 2012 sal-11 ta Marzu, Illum, 3 ta Marzu, Paul X. Sammut, B.Psych, PGDPS, Hon. Dip. Litt. Deputat Reġistratur u Kummissarju b Setgħa li Jagħti Ġurament approved the appointment of the Commission on Domestic Violence, for a period of three years with effect from the 1st March, 2012, as follows:- Chairperson Ms Joanna Xuereb, Dip. Applied Social Sciences (Soc. Wrk). Members Ms Maria Attard, M.A.T.C. Dr Roberta Avellino, LL.B., LL.D., LL.M. (Int. Law) (Melit) Dr Albert Bell, Ph.D, M.A., B.A.(Hons.), B.A.(Gen) Insp. Louise Calleja, Dip in Mngt. Studies, MBA (Grenoble) Ms Joyce D Amato, B.A. (Hons.),Youth & Community Studies Dr Taygeta Firman, M.D., M.M.C.F.D., M.B.A. (Henley), L.R.S.M., SGP, PH Spec. Sr Joan Garner, R.G.S., M.Q.R. Ms Maryanne Gauci, M.Ger., Dip. Soc. Work Dr Roberta Leprè, B.A., LL.D Mr Cornelius Mulvaney, Dip. Family Therapy (UK) Secretary Ms Doris Vassallo, DPA No. 340 NOTARIAL PROFESSION ANDNOTARIAL ARCHIVES ACT (CAP. 55) Appointment of Notary Delegate/Keeper It is hereby notified that, in exercise of the powers conferred by Article 20 of the Notarial Profession and Notarial Archives Act, the Court of Revision of Notarial Acts has appointed Notary Joelle Cortis to be Notary Delegate/Keeper of the Acts for Notary Pierre Attard during the latter s absence from these Islands from the 3rd March, 2012 till the 11th March, This day, 3rd of March, Paul X. Sammut, B.Psych, PGDPS, Hon. Dip. Litt. Deputy Registrar and Commissioner for Oaths

5 VERŻJONI ONLINE 5733 Nru. 341 KONSLU ĠENERALI ONORARJU TA MALTA F AMSTERDAM NGĦARRFU b din għall-informazzjoni ta kulħadd illi l-gvern ta Malta ħatar lis-sur Adriaan Wilhem Grandia bħala Konslu Ġenerali Onorarju ta Malta f Amsterdam, b ġurisdizzjoni fuq Amsterdam u l-provinċja ta Noord- Holland. L-indirizz tal-konsolat huwa li ġej:- Minervalaan NV Amsterdam The Netherlands Numru tat-telefon: Numru tal-fax: Indirizz elettroniku: ( No. 341 HONORARY CONSUL-GENERAL FOR MALTA IN AMSTERDAM It is hereby notified for general information that the Government of Malta has appointed Mr Adriaan Wilhem Grandia as Honorary Consul-General for Malta in Amsterdam, with jurisdiction over Amsterdam and the province of Noord-Holland. The Consulate is situated at:- Minervalaan NV Amsterdam The Netherlands Telephone No.: Fax No.: Address: ( Nru. 342 KONSLU ĠENERALI ONORARJU TA MALTA F PALERMO NGĦARRFU b din għall-informazzjoni ta kulħadd illi l- Gvern ta Malta ħatar lil-dott. Alfredo Barbaro bħala Konslu Ġenerali Onorarju ta Malta f Palermo, b ġurisdizzjoni fuq il-provinċji ta Palermo, Trapani u Agrigento. L-indirizz tal-konsolat huwa li ġej:- Via Principe di Belmonte n. 55, Palermo Numru tat-telefon: 0039 (091) Numru tal-fax: 0039 (091) Indirizz elettroniku: ( No. 342 HONORARY CONSUL-GENERAL FOR MALTA IN PALERMO It is hereby notified for general information that the Government of Malta has appointed Dr Alfredo Barbaro as Honorary Consul General for Malta in Palermo, with jurisdiction over the provinces of Palermo, Trapani and Agrigento. The Consulate is situated at:- Via Principe di Belmonte n. 55, Palermo Telephone No.: 0039 (091) Fax No.: 0039 (091) Address: (

6 5734 VERŻJONI ONLINE Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 18,890 Nru. 343 KONSLU ONORARJU TA MALTA F DOUALA NGĦARRFU b din għall-informazzjoni ta kulħadd illi l-gvern ta Malta ħatar lis-sinjura Marthe Leonie Bwemba Toulou bħala Konslu Onorarju ta Malta f Douala, Cameroon b ġurisdizzjoni fuq ir-reġjuni ta Northwest, Southwest, Littoral u South. L-indirizz tal-konsolat huwa li ġej:- P.O. Box 2982 Douala-Bonanjo Cameroon Numru tat-telefon: Indirizz elettroniku: ( Nru. 344 ATT DWAR IL-ĦADDIEMA D-DEHEB U L-ĦADDIEMA L-FIDDA (ARĠENTIERA) (KAP. 46) IL-KUMMISSARJU tat-taxxi Interni jgħarraf illi fiddata li tidher hawn taħt, il-prezz tad-deheb u l-fidda li fuqu huma bbażati l-valutazzjonijiet magħmulin mill-konslu għall-ħaddiema d-deheb u l-ħaddiema l-fidda ġie ffissat għall-finijiet tal-artikolu 14 tal-imsemmi Att kif ġej: No. 343 HONORARY CONSUL FOR MALTA IN DOUALA It is hereby notified for general information that the Government of Malta has appointed Mrs Marthe Leonie Bwemba Toulou as Honorary Consul for Malta in Douala, Cameroon, with jurisdiction over the Regions of Northwest, Southwest, Littoral and South. The Consulate is situated at:- P.O. Box 2982 Douala-Bonanjo Cameroon Telephone Number: Address: ( No. 344 GOLDSMITHS AND SILVERSMITHS ACT (CAP. 46) THE Commissioner of Inland Revenue notifies that on the date shown hereunder, the price of gold and silver on which valuations made by the Consuls for Goldsmiths and Silversmiths are based has been fixed for the purposes of article 14 of the said Act as follows: Data Deheb Pur Fidda Pura Gramma Gramma Date Pure Gold Pure Silver Grams Grams Avviż tal-pulizija Nru. 24 Il-Kummissarju tal-pulizija jgħarraf li skont l-avviż Legali 101/97, it-toroq hawn taħt imsemmija se jiġu klassifikati bħala Żoni ta Rmonk kif indikat. Bis-saħħa tal-artikolu 52 (1) tal-ordinanza dwar ir- Regolament tat-traffiku (Kap. 65), il-kummissarju tal- Pulizija jgħarraf illi l-passaġġ u twaqqif ta vetturi huwa pprojbit fit-toroq imsemmija hawn taħt fid-dati u ħinijiet indikati. Police Notice No. 24 The Commissioner of Police hereby notifies that in terms of Legal Notice 101/97, the streets listed hereunder are to be classified as Tow Zones as indicated. In virtue of Article 52 (1) of the Traffic Regulation Ordinance (Cap. 65), the Commissioner of Police hereby notifies that the transit and stopping of vehicles through the streets mentioned hereunder is prohibited on the dates and times indicated.

7 VERŻJONI ONLINE 5735 Paola Nhar is-sibt, is-17 ta Marzu, 2012 bejn is-6.00 p.m. u d p.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: Pjazza De Paule, Ħal Saflieni, iċ- Ċimiterju, Melita, Palma, Sant Ubaldeska u Ninu Cremona. Nhar il-ġimgħa, it-30 ta Marzu, 2012 bejn il-5.00 p.m. u l p.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: Pjazza De Paule, Vjal il- Knisja, il-fuħħar u Ġużé D Amato. Nhar il-ħadd, l-1 ta April, 2012 bejn it-8.00 a.m. u l a.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: Sant Ubaldeska, Ninu Cremona u Pjazza De Paule. Nhar il-ġimgħa, is-6 ta April, 2012 bejn is-1.00 p.m. u l p.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: Pjazza De Paule, Sammat, Lampuka, Żabbar, Schreiber, San Ġorġ, San Ġużepp, Mater Boni Consilii u Bormla. Nhar il-ħadd, it-8 ta April, 2012 bejn is-7.00 a.m. u nofsinhar mit-toroq li ġejjin: Pjazza De Paule, Żabbar, il- Qalb Imqaddsa, Tal-Borġ, is-sorijiet, Mater Boni Consilii, Malvizz, Gurbell, San Mikiel, Bormla u Vjal it-28 ta April. Ħal Tarxien Nhar is-sibt, il-31 ta Marzu, 2012 bejn is-1.00 p.m. u nofsillejl mit-toroq li ġejjin: Paola, Santa Marija, Simmons, Birżebbuġa, l-annunzjata, l-iskola, Tarxien, San Ġużepp, Sammat u s-sorijiet. Santa Luċija Nhar il-ġimgħa, it-30 ta Marzu, 2012 bejn il-5.00 p.m. u l p.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: Gardenia, Ġjaċinti, Petunia u Dawret it-torri. Ħal Luqa Nhar il-ġimgħa, it-23 ta Marzu, 2012 bejn il-5.00 p.m. u l p.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: Misraħ Sant Andrija, il- Parroċċa, San Ġużepp, San Ġorġ u Sant Andrija. Nhar il-ġimgħa, it-30 ta Marzu, 2012 bejn il-5.00 p.m. u l p.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: Misraħ Sant Andrija, Misraħ il-knisja, id-dokkiena, il-ġdida u Sant Andrija. Nhar il-ħadd, l-1 ta April, 2012 bejn is-7.00 a.m. u l a.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: Misraħ iż-żgħażagħ, Dun Pawl u Misraħ Sant Andrija. Nhar il-ġimgħa, is-6 ta April, 2012 bejn is-1.00 p.m. u l p.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: id-dokkiena, San Pawl, Misraħ il-knisja, San Ġużepp, San Ġorġ, Sant Andrija, Paola On Saturday, 17th March, 2012 between 6.00 p.m. and 9.00 p.m. through the following streets: Pjazza De Paule, Ħal Saflieni, iċ-ċimiterju, Melita, Palma, Sant Ubaldeska and Ninu Cremona. On Friday, 30th March, 2012 between 5.00 p.m. and p.m. through the following streets: Pjazza De Paule, Vjal il-knisja, il-fuħħar and Ġużé D Amato. On Sunday, 1st April, 2012 between 8.00 a.m. and a.m. through the following streets: Sant Ubaldeska, Ninu Cremona and Pjazza De Paule. On Friday, 6th April, 2012 between 1.00 p.m. and p.m. through the following streets: Pjazza De Paule, Sammat, Lampuka, Żabbar, Schreiber, San Ġorġ, San Ġużepp, Mater Boni Consilii and Bormla. On Sunday, 8th April, 2012 between 7.00 a.m. and noon through the following streets: Pjazza De Paule, Żabbar, il- Qalb Imqaddsa, Tal-Borġ, is-sorijiet, Mater Boni Consilii, Malvizz, Gurbell, San Mikiel, Bormla and Vjal it-28 ta April. Ħal Tarxien On Saturday 31st March, 2012 between 1.00 p.m. and midnight through the following streets: Paola, Santa Marija, Simmons, Birżebbuġa, l-annunzjata, l-iskola, Tarxien, San Ġużepp, Sammat and is-sorijiet. Santa Luċija On Friday, 30th March, 2012 between 5.00 p.m. and p.m. through the following streets: Gardenia, Ġjaċinti, Petunia and Dawret it-torri. Ħal Luqa On Friday, 23rd March, 2012 between 5.00 p.m. and p.m. through the following streets: Misraħ Sant Andrija, il- Parroċċa, San Ġużepp, San Ġorġ and Sant Andrija. On Friday, 30th March, 2012 between 5.00 p.m. and p.m. through the following streets: Misraħ Sant Andrija, Misraħ il-knisja, id-dokkiena, il-ġdida and Sant Andrija. On Sunday, 1st April, 2012 between 7.00 a.m. and a.m. through the following streets: Misraħ iż-żgħażagħ, Dun Pawl and Misraħ Sant Andrija. On Friday, 6th April, 2012 between 1.00 p.m. and p.m. through the following streets: id-dokkiena, San Pawl, Misraħ il-knisja, San Ġużepp, San Ġorġ, Sant Andrija,

8 5736 VERŻJONI ONLINE Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 18,890 Misraħ Sant Andrija, il-ġdida, Dun Pawl, Mons G. Debono, ir-rixtellu u l-karmnu. Burmarrad Nhar il-ġimgħa t-30 ta Marzu, 2012 bejn is-2.00 p.m. u l p.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: Triq Burmarrad, Triq id- Dwieli, Triq l-insolja, Triq Manwel Bonnici, Triq San Pawl Milqi, Triq Papa Ġwanni Pawlu II u Triq Magħsar. Nhar l-erbgħa l-4 ta April, 2012 bejn is-6.00 p.m. u l p.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: Triq Burmarrad, Triq San Pawl Milqi, Triq Patri Wistin Magro u Triq Magħsar. Il-Mosta Nhar il-ħadd it-18 ta Marzu, 2012 bejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar mit-toroq li ġejjin: Triq it-torri, Triq Lorenzo Gafà, Triq G. Cassar, Triq il-kungress Ewkaristiku, Triq il-kbira, Triq Grognet, Triq San Ġwann u Pjazza Rotunda. Misraħ Sant Andrija, il-ġdida, Dun Pawl, Mons. G. Debono, ir-rixtellu and il-karmnu. Burmarrad On Friday 30th March, 2012 between 2.00 p.m. and p.m. through the following streets: Triq Burmarrad, Triq id- Dwieli, Triq l-insolja, Triq Manwel Bonnici, Triq San Pawl Milqi, Triq Papa Ġwanni Pawlu II and Triq Magħsar. On Wednesday 4th April, 2012 between 6.00 p.m. and p.m. through the following streets: Triq Burmarrad, Triq San Pawl Milqi, Triq Patri Wistin Magro and Triq Magħsar. Mosta On Sunday 18th March, 2012 between 8.00 a.m. and noon through the following streets: Triq it-torri, Triq Lorenzo Gafà, Triq G. Cassar, Triq il-kungress Ewkaristiku, Triq il- Kbira, Triq Grognet, Triq San Ġwann u Pjazza Rotunda. AVVIŻ TAL-PULIZIJA Nru. 25 Bis-saħħa tal-artikolu 52 (1) tal-ordinanza dwar ir- Regolament tat-traffiku (Kap. 65), il-kummissarju tal- Pulizija jgħarraf illi l-passaġġ u twaqqif ta vetturi huwa pprojbit fit-toroq imsemmija hawn taħt fid-dati u l-ħinijiet indikati. Marsaskala Nhar il-ġimgħa, it-30 ta Marzu, 2012 mis-2.00 p.m. il quddiem mit-toroq li ġejjin: Dun Frans Bianco, Ix-Xatt, Misraħ Mifsud Bonnici, Sant Anna u Pjazza Dun Tarċis. Nhar il-ħadd, l-1 ta April 2012, mis-7.00 a.m. il quddiem mit-toroq li ġejjin: Pjazza Dun Tarċis, La Sengle, il-knisja, San Ġwakkin u Dun Frans Bianco. Vetturi li jinsabu jiksru l-ordni ta dan l-avviż ikunu soġġett li jiġu rmunkati. Ħaż-Żabbar Nhar il-ġimgħa, it-30 ta Marzu, 2012 mis-2.00 p.m. il quddiem mit-toroq li ġejjin: Dun Sidor Formosa (fl-area talplier), Santa Marija, Salvu Astarita, Nikol Biancardi, it-tut, ir-redentur, Bajada u s-santwarju. POLICE NOTICE No. 25 In virtue of section 52 (1) of the Traffic Regulation Ordinance (Cap. 65) the Commissioner of Police hereby notifies that the transit and stopping of vehicles through the streets mentioned hereunder is prohibited on the dates and times indicated. Marsaskala On Friday, 30th March, 2012 from 2.00 p.m. onwards through the following streets: Dun Frans Bianco, Ix-Xatt, Misraħ Mifsud Bonnici, Sant Anna and Pjazza Dun Tarċis. On Sunday, 1st April 2012, from 7.00 a.m. onwards through the following streets: Pjazza Dun Tarċis, La Sengle, il-knisja, San Ġwakkin and Dun Frans Bianco. Vehicles found in contravention of this notice are subject to be towed. Ħaż-Żabbar On Friday, 30th March, 2012 from 2.00 p.m. onwards through the following streets: Dun Sidor Formosa (plier area), Santa Marija, Salvu Astarita, Nikol Biancardi, it-tut, ir-redentur, Bajada and is-santwarju.

9 VERŻJONI ONLINE 5737 Ix-Xgħajra Nhar il-ġimgħa, it-30 ta Marzu, 2012 mis-2.00 p.m. il quddiem mit-toroq li ġejjin: il-knisja, Orlando Żabbar, il- Fortizza tal-grazzja u Mahoney. Vetturi li jinsabu jiksru l-ordni ta dan l-avviż ikunu soġġett li jiġu rmunkati. Birkirkara Nhar il-ħadd, l-1 ta April 2012, mis-2.00 p.m. il quddiem mit-toroq li ġejjin: il-wied, Fleur De Lys, Santu Rokku, Ħerba, Mikiel Pulis, Pjazza Sant Elena, Triq il-kbira sal- Knisja ta San Pawl fi Triq il-wied. Nhar il-ħadd, it-8 ta April, 2012 mit-3.00 p.m. sal p.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: il-kbira, Ħas-Sajjied, il-vitorja, Karm Sammut, il-laqxija, Pjazza Joseph Briffa, Nazju Falzon, Tumas Fenech, il-ħerba, Santu Rokku, Pjazza Sant Elena, Brared, Ġanni Borg, l-isqof Labini u Rigu. Ħadd ma jista jipparkja fit-toroq imsemmija hawn fuq u vetturi li jinsabu pparkjati hemm jiġu rmunkati. Iż-Żurrieq Nhar il-ħadd, l-1 ta April, 2012 mit-3.30 p.m. sat-8.00 p.m. minn Pjazza Repubblika. Vetturi li jinsabu jiksru dan l-avviż ikunu soġġett li jiġu rmunkati. Ix-Xagħra, Għawdex Nhar il-ġimgħa, it-23 ta Marzu, 2012 mis-7.00 p.m. sad-9.00 p.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: Triq Ġnien Xibla u Pjazza Vittorja. Nhar il-ġimgħa, it-30 ta Marzu, 2012 mill-5.00 p.m. sas-7.00 p.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: Vjal it-8 ta Settembru, Triq Marija Bambina, Pjazza tal-mitħna, Triq Maqdes, Triq Franġisk Camilleri u Pjazza Vittorja. Nhar il-ħadd, l-1 ta April, 2012 mit-8.00 a.m. sal a.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: Pjazza Vittorja, Triq l-ispira u Triq il-knisja. Nhar il-ħadd, l-1 ta April, 2012 mill-5.00 p.m. sat-8.00 p.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: Pjazza Vittorja, Triq l-ispiera u Triq il-knisja. Nhar l-erbgħa, l-4 ta April, 2012 mis-6.00 p.m. sat-8.00 p.m. minn Pjazza Vittorja. Xgħajra On Friday, 30th March, 2012 from 2.00 p.m. onwards through the following streets: il-knisja, Orlando Żabbar, il- Fortizza tal-grazzja and Mahoney. Vehicles found in contravention of this notice are subject to be towed. Birkirkara On Sunday, 1st April 2012, from 2.00 p.m. onwards through the following streets: il-wied, Fleur De Lys, Santu Rokku, Ħerba, Mikiel Pulis, Pjazza Sant Elena, Triq il-kbira up to Saint Paul Church in Triq il-wied. On Sunday, 8th April, 2012 from 3.00 p.m. to p.m. through the following streets: il-kbira, Ħas-Sajjied, il-vitorja, Karm Sammut, il-laqxija, Pjazza Joseph Briffa, Nazju Falzon, Tumas Fenech, il-ħerba, Santu Rokku, Pjazza Sant Elena, Brared, Ġanni Borg, l-isqof Labini and Rigu. The parking of vehicles along the above mentioned streets is also prohibited and vehicles found parked there will be towed away. Żurrieq On Sunday, 1st April, 2012 from 3.30 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. through Pjazza Repubblika. Vehicles found in contravention of this notice are subject to be towed. Xagħra, Gozo On Friday, 23rd March, 2012 from 7.00 p.m to 9.00 p.m. through the following streets: Triq Ġnien Xibla and Pjazza Vittorja. On Friday, 30th March, 2012 from 5.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. through the following streets: Vjal it-8 ta Settembru, Triq Marija Bambina, Pjazza tal-mitħna, Triq Maqdes, Triq Franġisk Camilleri and Pjazza Vittorja. On Sunday, 1st April, 2012 from 8.00 a.m. to a.m. through the following streets: Pjazza Vittorja, Triq l-ispira and Triq il-knisja. On Sunday, 1st April, 2012 from 5.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. through the following streets: Pjazza Vittorja, Triq l-ispiera and Triq il-knisja. On Wednesday, 4th April, 2012 from 6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. through Pjazza Vittorja.

10 5738 VERŻJONI ONLINE Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 18,890 Nhar il-ġimgħa, is-6 ta April, 2012 mill-5.00 p.m. sat p.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: Pjazza Vittorja, Triq 28 ta April 1688, Pjazza Sant Anton, Triq San Ġużepp, Triq Bullara u Triq Jannar. Nhar il-ħadd, it-8 ta April, 2012 mit-8.00 a.m. sal a.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: Triq l-ispiera, Triq il-knisja u Pjazza Vittorja. Nhar il-ħadd, it-8 ta April, 2012 mill-5.00 p.m. sad-9.00 p.m. minn Pjazza Vittorja. Ħadd ma jista jipparkja fit-toroq imsemmija hawn fuq u vetturi li jinsabu pparkjati hemm jiġu rmunkati. Ir-Rabat, Għawdex Nhar il-ħamis, it-22 ta Marzu, 2012 mis-6.00 p.m. sal p.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: Pjazza Santu Wistin, Triq Vajrinġa, Pjazza San Franġisk, Triq Palma, Triq ir-repubblika, Pjazza Indipendenza u Triq it-telgħa tal-kastell. Nhar is-sibt, l-24 ta Marzu, 2012 mis-6.00 p.m. sal p.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: Pjazza Santu Wistin, Triq Vajrinġa, Pjazza San Franġisk, Triq Palma, Triq ir-repubblika, Pjazza Indipendenza u Triq it-telgħa tal-kastell. Ħadd ma jista jipparkja fit-toroq imsemmija hawn fuq u vetturi li jinsabu pparkjati hemm jiġu rmunkati. TRANSPORT MALTA Avviż Lokali lill-baħħara Nru. 7 tal-2012 Survey ta Karatteristiċi Bijoloġiċi ta Qiegħ il-baħar fiċ-ċirkewwa Id-Direttorat tal-portijiet u Yachting, Transport Malta jgħarraf lill-baħħara li s-survey tal-karatteristiċi bijoloġiċi ta qiegħ il-baħar fiċ-ċirkewwa, li hemm riferenza għaliha fl-avviż Lokali lill-baħħara Nru. 6 tal-2012, ġiet estiża sa nofs April, 2012, minħabba l-maltemp. Il-baħħara u operaturi ta inġenji tal-baħar huma avżati biex joqogħdu attenti, jgħaddu b kawtela, bilmod ħafna u jżommu tal-anqas mitt (100) metru bogħod mill-inħawi. B żieda ma dan, għandhom jobdu l-ordnijiet li jingħataw mill-valletta Port Control (VTS) fuq il-vhf Channel 12. Chart affettwata: BA 211A Il-pożizzjonijiet jirreferu għal WGS 84 Datum. On Friday, 6th April, 2012 from 5.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. through the following streets: Pjazza Vittorja, Triq 28 ta April 1688, Pjazza Sant Anton, Triq San Ġużepp, Triq Bullara and Triq Jannar. On Sunday, 8th April, 2012 from 8.00 a.m. to a.m. through the following streets: Triq l-ispiera, Triq il-knisja and Pjazza Vittorja. On Sunday, 8th April, 2012 from 5.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. through Pjazza Vittorja. The parking of vehicles along the above mentioned streets is also prohibited and vehicles found parked there will be towed away. Victoria, Gozo On Thursday, 22nd March, 2012 from 6.00 p.m. to p.m. through the following streets: Pjazza Santu Wistin, Triq Vajrinġa, Pjazza San Franġisk, Triq Palma, Triq ir-repubblika, Pjazza Indipendenza and Triq it-telgħa tal-kastell. On Saturday, 24th March, 2012 from 6.00 p.m. to p.m. through the following streets: Pjazza Santu Wistin, Triq Vajrinġa, Pjazza San Franġisk, Triq Palma, Triq ir-repubblika, Pjazza Indipendenza and Triq it-telgħa tal-kastell. The parking of vehicles along the above mentioned streets is also prohibited and vehicles found parked there will be towed away. TRANSPORT MALTA Local Notice to Mariners No. 7 of 2012 Survey of Biological Characteristics of the Seabed at Cirkewwa The Ports and Yachting Directorate, Transport Malta, notifies mariners that the survey of biological characteristics of the seabed at Ċirkewwa, referred to in Local Notice to Mariners No 6 of 2012, has been extended until mid April 2012 due to inclement weather. Mariners and operators of sea craft are advised to keep a sharp lookout, proceed with caution, at very slow speed and give the area a wide berth of at least 100 metres. Moreover, they are to comply with instructions given by Valletta Port Control (VTS) on VHF Channel 12. Chart affected: BA 211A Positions referred to WGS 84 DATUM.

11 VERŻJONI ONLINE 5739 TRANSPORT MALTA Avviż Lokali lill-baħħara Nru. 8 tal-2012 Operazzjonijiet minn Għaddasa u Attivitajiet ta Riċerka fil-port il-kbir tal-belt Valletta u l-port ta Marsamxett Id-Direttorat tal-portijiet u Yachting, Transport Malta jgħarraf lill-baħħara li se jsiru operazzjonijiet minn għaddasa u attivitajiet ta riċerka f Xatt il-fuel u x-xatt ta Lascaris fil-port il-kbir tal-belt Valletta u fid-daħla ta Tal-Pietà fil-port ta Marsamxett kif jidher fil-website tat-transport Malta: ( bejn it-tnejn, id-19 ta Marzu, 2012 u s-sibt, is-7 ta April, 2012 bejn is-7.00 a.m. u s-6.00 p.m., jekk it-temp jippermetti. L-għaddasa se jagħmlu dan ix-xogħol bl-għajnuna talbastiment Odalisque. Il-bastiment se jkollu l-international Code of Signals Flag A u se jkun ristrett fil-manuvri tiegħu. Il-baħħara u operaturi ta inġenji tal-baħar huma avżati biex joqogħdu attenti, jgħaddu b kawtela, bilmod ħafna u jżommu l bogħod mill-bastiment. Għandhom jobdu l- ordnijiet li jingħataw mill-valletta Port Control (VTS) fuq il-vhf Channel 12. Chart affettwata: BA 177 Il-pożizzjonijiet jirreferu għal WGS 84 Datum. Kummissjoni dwar is-servizz Pubbliku Riżultati tal-proċess ta Għażla għall-pożizzjoni ta Uffiċjal tar-riċerka (Legali) fir-rappreżentanza Permanenti ta Malta għall-ue fi ħdan il-ministeru tal-affarijiet Barranin Ir-riżultati tal-proċess tal-għażla għall-pożizzjoni msemmija hawn fuq jinsabu fin-notice-board li tinsab fittielet sular tal-ministeru tal-affarijiet Barranin, Palazzo Parisio, Triq il-merkanti, Il-Belt Valletta u fin-notice-board tal-uffiċċju tal-kummissjoni dwar is-servizz Pubbliku, il- Palazz, Il-Belt Valletta. TRANSPORT MALTA Local Notice to Mariners No. 8 of 2012 Diving Operations and Research Activities in Valletta Grand Harbour and Marsamxett Harbour The Ports and Yachting Directorate, Transport Malta, notifies mariners that diving operations and research activities will be carried out at Fuel Wharf and Lascaris Wharf, Valletta Grand Harbour and in Pietà Creek, Marsamxett Harbour as shown on the Transport Malta s website: ( between Monday, 19th March, 2012 and Saturday, 7th April, 2012 between 7.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m., weather permitting. Divers will carry out this work with the assistance of work boat Odalisque. The work boat will be displaying the International Code of Signals Flag A and will have restricted manoeuvrability. Masters and operators of sea craft are advised to keep a sharp lookout, navigate with caution and slow speed and give the above support vessel a wide berth. They are to comply with instructions given by Valletta VTS(Valletta Port Control) on VHF Channel 12. Chart affected: BA 177 Positions referred to WGS 84 DATUM. Public Service Commission Results of the Selection Process for the Filling of Position of Research Officer (Legal) at the Permanent Representation of Malta to the EU within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The results of the selection process for the filling of the above mentioned position may be viewed on the noticeboard situated at the third floor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Palazzo Parisio, Triq il-merkanti, Valletta and on the notice-board of the Office of the Public Service Commission, The Palace, Valletta. Dipartiment tal-eżamijiet Eżami għall-ingaġġ ta Suldati/Suldati Atleti fil-forzi Armati ta Malta (Forza Regolari) /2012 Id-Direttur tal-eżamijiet jgħarraf li r-riżultat tal-eżami msemmi hawn fuq ġie ppubblikat u wieħed jista jarah fid-dipartiment tal-eżamijiet, Floriana u fiċ-ċentru tal- Eżamijiet, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex, fil-ħinijiet tal-uffiċċju. Examinations Department Examination for the Engagement of Soldiers/Soldier Athletes in the Armed Forces of Malta (Regular Force) /2012 The Director of Examinations notifies that the result of the above examination has been published and may be viewed at the Examinations Department, Floriana and at the Examinations Centre, Victoria, Gozo, during office hours.

12 5740 VERŻJONI ONLINE Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 18,890 DIPARTIMENT TAL-KUNTRATTI Id-Direttur Ġenerali (Kuntratti) javża illi, b riferenza għall-avviżi il-ġodda li ġejjin, jistgħu jintbagħtu offerti magħluqin fid-data u l-ħin ndikata hawn taħt. L-offerti għandhom jintefgħu fil-kaxxa tal-offerti tad-dipartment tal-kuntratti, Notre Dame Ravelin, Floriana: Sal a.m. il-ħamis, l-10 ta Mejju, 2012, għal: CT 053/ Nru ta Ref tal-kuntratti, CT2000/2012. Provvista ta munizzjon Forzi Armati ta Malta. Irid jitħallas dritt ta għal kull kopja tad-dokument Il-Contract Notice tal-ue ntbagħat fit-13 ta Marzu, CT 054/ Nru ta Ref tal-kuntratti, CT2016/2012. Provvista ta influenza vaccine, Sena 2012/2013 Taqsima tas-saħħa. Irid jitħallas dritt ta għal kull kopja taddokument Il-Contract Notice tal-ue ntbagħat fit-13 ta Marzu, CT 055/ Nru ta Ref tal-kuntratti, CT2049/2012. Provvista ta pilloli/kapsoli erlotinib 150mg Taqsima tas- Saħħa. Irid jitħallas dritt ta għal kull kopja taddokument Il-Contract Notice tal-ue ntbagħat fit-13 ta Marzu, Lista tal-avviżi kurrenti tinsab permezz tas-sit tad- Dipartiment fuq: ( tenders). Id-dokumenti tal-offerta jistgħu jinkisbu biss minn fuq is-sit tad-dipartiment tal-kuntratti: ( L-offerenti huma avżati li millistess sit, jistgħu jniżżlu previżjoni tad-dokumenti, bla ħlas. Tinħtieġ reġistrazzjoni sabiex isir użu tas-servizzi elettroniċi tad-dipartiment: iktar informazzjoni tinsab fuq: ( Is-sit jipprovdi wkoll informazzjoni dwar sejħiet ta offerti u rakkommandazzjonijiet tal-kumitat Ġenerali tal- Kuntratti. Il-pubbliku jista jattendi waqt il-ftuħ u reġistrazzjoni talofferti fil-ħin u d-data memmija aktar il-fuq. Id-Direttur Ġenerali (Kuntratti) javża lill-offerenti kollha illi skont l-al 296 tal-2010 tar-regolamenti dwar il- Kuntratti Pubbliċi 2010 ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet magħmula mill-kumitat Ġenerali tal-kuntratti għar-rigward tal-għoti ta kuntratti pubbliċi se jkunu ppubblikati fuq in-notice- DEPARTMENT OF CONTRACTS The Director General (Contracts) notifies that sealed tenders in respect of the following new advertisements will be received on the date and time indicated below. Tenders are to be deposited in the Tender Box of the Department of Contracts, Notre Dame Ravelin, Floriana: Up to a.m. on THURSDAY, 10th May, 2012, for: CT 053/ Contracts Ref No, CT2000/2012. Supply of ammunition Armed Forces of Malta. A fee of will be charged for each copy of the tender The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 13th March, CT 054/ Contracts Ref No, CT2016/2012. Supply of influenza vaccine, Year 2012/2013 Health Division. A fee of will be charged for each copy of the tender The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 13th March, CT 055/ Contracts Ref No, CT2049/2012. Supply of erlotinib 150mg tablets/capsules Health Division. A fee of will be charged for each copy of the tender The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 13th March, A list of all current advertisements is available from the Department s website: ( current_tenders). Tender documents are only obtainable from the website of the Department of Contracts: ( Tenderers are reminded that from this website, they can download preview documents for free. Registration is required in order to make use of the electronic services of the Department: more information is available from: ( The website also provides updated information concerning calls for tenders and General Contracts Committee recommendations. The public may attend during the opening and scheduling of tenders at the time and dates specified above. The Director General (Contracts) notifies all tenderers that in terms of LN 296 of 2010 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2010 recommendations made by the General Contracts Committee for the award of public contracts will be given publicity in the Department of Contracts notice-

13 VERŻJONI ONLINE 5741 board tad-dipartiment tal-kuntratti nhar ta Erbgħa u nhar ta Ġimgħa wara (nofsinhar). L-offerenti jistgħu jiksbu din l-informazzjoni billi jużaw il-website uffiċjali tad-dipartiment: ( Kull offerent li jkollu xi oġġezzjoni għal xi rakkommandazzjoni jrid iressaq l-ilment uffiċjali tiegħu lid-direttur Ġeneral (Kuntratti) skont Partijiet II jew XIII tal-imsemmija Regolamenti li tistabbilixxi fid-dettall ilproċedura li trid tkun segwita f każ bħal dan. Huwa flinteress ta kull offerent li jkun jaf sewwa d-dettalji ta din il-parti tar-regolamenti. AVVIŻ TAD-DIPARTIMENT TAL-KUNTRATTI CT 004/2012 Nru ta Ref tal-kuntratti, CT 3104/2010. Xogħol ta mmodernizzar u titjib fil-moll tad-deep Water, Il-Marsa Transport Malta. Irid jitħallas dritt ta 1, għal kull kopja tad-dokument Dan huwa Works Notice taħt l-international Open Tender Procedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill- Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-fond Soċjali Ewropew Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek. Il-Contract Notice tal-ue ntbagħat fit-12 ta Jannar, Id-Direttur Ġenerali (Kuntratti) javża għall-informazzjoni ta kulħadd illi d-data u l-ħin biex jintbagħtu l-offerti għallavviż imsemmi qed jiġi mtawwla sal a.m tat-tlieta, it-3 ta April, AVVIŻ TAD-DIPARTIMENT TAL-KUNTRATTI CT 020/ Nru ta Ref tal-kuntratti, CT 3005/2012. Servizzi ta marketing bħala parti mill-proġett Maltagoesrural Awtorità Maltija dwar it-turiżmu. Irid jitħallas dritt ta għal kull kopja tad-dokument talofferta. Dan huwa avviż ta Servizzi taħt l-international Open Tender Procedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-unjoni Ewropea taħt il-fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall- Iżvilupp Rurali: L-Ewropa tinvesti f Żoni Rurali. Il-Contract Notice tal-ue ntbagħat fis-6 ta Frar, Id-Direttur Ġenerali (Kuntratti) javża għall-informazzjoni ta kulħadd illi d-data u l-ħin biex jintbagħtu l-offerti għallavviż imsemmi qed jiġi mtawwla sal a.m tat-tlieta, l-10 ta April, board every Wednesday and Friday after (noon). Tenderers may also obtain this information by utilizing the Department s official website: ( Any tenderer who may feel aggrieved by any such recommendation must submit his official complaint to the Director General (Contracts) in accordance with Parts II or XIII of the said Regulations which lays down in detail the procedure to be followed in such a case. All tenderers should, therefore, familiarise themselves with the provisions of this Part of the Regulations. DEPARTMENT OF CONTRACTS NOTICE CT 004/2012 Contracts Ref No, CT 3104/2010. Refurbishment and upgrading at Deep Water Quay, Marsa Transport Malta. A fee of 1, will be charged for each copy of tender This is a Works Notice under the International Open Tender Procedure. This tender is part-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund Investing in your future. The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 12th January, The Director General (Contracts) notifies for general information that the date and time for the presentation of offers for the above mentioned advert is being extended up to a.m. on TUESDAY, 3rd April, DEPARTMENT OF CONTRACTS NOTICE CT 020/ Contracts Ref No, CT 3005/2012. Marketing services in relation to the MaltaGoesRural Project Malta Tourism Authority. A fee of will be charged for each copy of tender This is a Services Notice under the International Open Tender Procedure. This tender is part-financed by the European Union under the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe Investing in Rural Areas. The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 6th February, The Director General (Contracts) notifies for general information that the date and time for the presentation of offers for the above mentioned advert is being extended up to a.m. on TUESDAY, 10th April, 2012.

14 5742 VERŻJONI ONLINE Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 18,890 DIPARTIMENT TAL-ARTIJIET Il-Kummissarju tal-artijiet jgħarraf li: Offerti ssiġillati għall-avviżi li ġejjin għandhom jintefgħu fil-kaxxa tal-offerti tad-dipartiment tal- Artijiet, Berġa tal-baviera, Valletta, sal ta filgħodu tal-ħamis, it-22 ta Marzu, Avviż Nru. 30. Għotja b ċens temporanju, għal perjodu ta ħamsa u sittin (65) sena, tal-fond Nru. 121, Triq l-arċisqof, Il-Belt Valletta, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.2010_992. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b bid-bond għallammont ta 1,000 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet talofferta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta sitt elef u ħames mitt ewro ( 6,500) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid jitħallas dritt ta 50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument Avviż Nru. 31. Għotja b ċens perpetwu rivedibbli ta sit fi Triq il-ġebla tal-ġeneral, fil-limiti ta San Lawrenz, Għawdex, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.JO_39_2008_A. Dan is-sit jintuża esklussivament bħala ġnien u swimming pool area. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b bid-bond għall-ammont ta 800 skont kif stipulat filkundizzjonijiet Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta elfejn ewro ( 2,000) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid jitħallas dritt ta 50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument Avviż Nru. 32. Kiri, minn sena għal sena, għal skop ta agrikultura, ta sit f Selmun, fil-limiti tal-mellieħa, muri blaħmar fuq pjanta P.D.2010_991. Bdiewa full-time jingħataw preferenza. Ċertifikat mill-korporazzjoni għax-xogħol u t-taħriġ (E.T.C.) kif ukoll ċertifikat mid-dipartiment tal- Agrikultura, li jikkonfermaw li għall-anqas f dawn l-aħħar tliet (3) snin kien/et bidwi full-time, iridu jiġu annessi ma kull offerta. F każ li l-ebda bidwi full-time ma jagħmel offerta, il-gvern iżomm id-dritt li jagħti l-offerta lil kwalunkwe offerent ieħor. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta ħames mitt ewro ( 500) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid jitħallas dritt ta 10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument Avviż Nru. 33. Kiri, minn sena għal sena, ta Pump Room fi Triq ir-ramlija, Ħal-Kirkop, murija bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.2010_990. Din il-kamra tintuża biss għal skop ta agrikoltura. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta mitejn u ħamsin ewro ( 250) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid jitħallas dritt ta 10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument LAND DEPARTMENT The Commissioner of Land notifies that: Sealed tenders in respect of the following advertisements have to be dropped in the Tender Box at the Land Department, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta by a.m. on Thursday, 22nd March, Advt. No. 30. Grant on a temporary emphyteusis, for a period of sixty five (65) years, of the Premises No. 121, Triq l-arċisqof, Valletta, shown edged in red on plan P.D.2010_ 992. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of 1,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of six thousand five hundred Euro ( 6,500) per annum will not be considered. A fee of 50 will be charged for each copy of tender Advt. No. 31. Grant on a perpetual revisable emphyteusis of a site in Triq il-ġebla tal-ġeneral, limits of San Lawrenz, Gozo, shown edged in red on plan P.D.JO_39_2008_A. This site is to be used exclusively as a swimming pool and garden area. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of 800 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of two thousand Euro ( 2,000) per annum will not be considered. A fee of 50 will be charged for each copy of tender Advt. No. 32. Lease, on a year to year basis, for agricultural purposes, of a site in Selmun, limits of Mellieħa, shown edged in red on plan P.D.2010_991. Preference will be given to full-time farmers, who are to submit with the tender a certificate from the Employment and Training Corporation (E.T.C.) and a certificate from the Department of Agriculture, confirming that he/she has been a full-time farmer for at least the last three (3) years. Government reserves the right to award tender to any other bidder if no full-time farmer submits an offer. Offers below the amount of five hundred Euro ( 500) per annum will not be considered. A fee of 10 will be charged for each copy of tender Advt. No. 33. Lease, on a year to year basis, of a Pump Room in Triq ir-ramlija, Kirkop, shown edged in red on plan P.D.2010_990. This room is to be used only for agricultural purposes. Offers below the amount of two hundred and fifty Euro ( 250) per annum will not be considered. A fee of 10 will be charged for each copy of tender

15 VERŻJONI ONLINE 5743 Avviż Nru. 34. Kiri ta Garaxx Nru. 25, Triq il-ġjaċinti, Ħaż-Żabbar, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.37/81/50. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta ħames mija u ħamsin ewro ( 550) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid jitħallas dritt ta 10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument Offerti ssiġillati għall-avviżi li ġejjin għandhom jintefgħu fil-kaxxa tal-offerti tad-dipartiment tal- Artijiet, Berġa tal-baviera, Valletta, sal ta filgħodu tal-ħamis, id-29 ta Marzu, Avviż Nru. 35. Bejgħ tal-fond Nru. 30, Triq il-kapuċċini, Floriana, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.2011_835. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b bid-bond għall-ammont ta 500 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta elfejn u ħames mitt ewro ( 2,500) ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid jitħallas dritt ta 10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument Avviż Nru. 36. Kiri, minn sena għal sena, ta żewġt imħażen fi Triq San Ġwann t Għuxa, Bormla, murija blaħmar u mmarkati A u B fuq pjanta P.D.23_80_8_A. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta ħames mitt ewro ( 500) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid jitħallas dritt ta 10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument Avviż Nru. 37. Kiri ta sit (parapett) li jiġi quddiem tal- Fond Nru. 28 (qabel Nru. 13A) Triq San Ġilardu, San Pawl il-baħar, muri bl-aħmar u mmarkat E fuq pjanta P.D.43_95_ A. Dan is-sit hu soġġett għal drittijiet ta servitù ta aċċess u ta tieqa a favur tal-istess Fond Nru. 28 Triq San Ġilardu, San Pawl il-baħar. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta disgħn ewro ( 90) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati Irid jitħallas dritt ta 10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument Offerti ssiġillati għall-avviżi li ġejjin għandhom jintefgħu fil-kaxxa tal-offerti tad-dipartiment tal- Artijiet, Berġa tal-baviera, Valletta, sal ta filgħodu tal-ħamis, il-5 ta April, *Avviż Nru. 38. Bejgħ tad-dirett Dominju Temporanju u ċ-ċens relattiv ta sebgħa u tletin ewro u ħamsa u tmenin ċenteżmu ( 37.85) fis-sena, għaż-żmien li fadal mill-perjodu li jintemm fit-18 ta Lulju, 2037, regolat skont kuntratt fl- Advt. No. 34. Lease of Garage No. 25, Triq il-ġjaċinti, Ħaż-Żabbar, shown edged in red on plan P.D.37/81/50. Offers below the amount of five hundred and fifty Euro ( 550) per annum will not be considered. A fee of 10 will be charged for each copy of tender Sealed tenders in respect of the following advertisements have to be dropped in the Tender Box at the Land Department, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta by a.m. on Thursday, 29th March, Advt. No. 35. Sale of Premises No. 30, Triq il-kapuċċini, Floriana, shown edged in red on plan P.D.2011_835. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of 500 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amount of two thousand five hundred Euro ( 2,500) will not be considered. A fee of 10 will be charged for each copy of tender Advt. No. 36. Lease, on a year to year basis, of the two stores in Triq San Ġwann t Għuxa, Cospicua, shown edged in red and marked A and B on plan P.D.23_80_8_A. Offers below the amount of five hundred Euro ( 500) per annum will not be considered. A fee of 10 will be charged for each copy of tender Advt. No. 37. Lease of a site (parapett) in front of Premises No. 28 (formerly No. 13A) Triq San Ġilardu, Saint Paul s Bay, shown edged in red and marked E on plan P.D.43_95_ A. This site is subject to access and window servitudes in favour of the same Premises No. 28, Triq San Ġilardu, Saint Paul s Bay. Offers below the amount of ninety Euro ( 90) per annum will not be considered. A fee of 10 will be charged for each copy of tender Sealed tenders in respect of the following advertisements have to be dropped in the Tender Box at the Land Department, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta by a.m. on Thursday, 5th April, *Advt. No. 38. Sale of the Temporary Directum Dominium and relative groundrent of thirty seven Euro and eighty five cents ( 37.85) per annum, for the remaining period which expires on the 18th July, 2037, as per deed in

16 5744 VERŻJONI ONLINE Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 18,890 atti tan-nutar Giuseppe Sammut tad-19 ta Lulju, 1957, u s-sussegwenti assoluta proprjetà wara li jintemm l-imsemmi ċens temporanju, tal-proprjetà kif eżistenti, li qabel kien Fond Nru. 48 Sqaq 2, Triq ix-xatt, Tal-Pietà, u li llum jifforma parti min Portico Buildings, kif murija bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.JO_41_2009. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b bid-bond għall-ammont ta 10,000 skont kif stipulat filkundizzjonijiet Din l-offerta hi soġġetta għaddritt tal-ewwel rifjut. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta mitejn u ħamsin elf ewro ( 250,000) ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid jitħallas dritt ta 100 għal kull kopja tad-dokument *Avviż Nru. 39. Bejgħ tal-ħanut Nru. 41 (qabel Nru. 23) Pjazza Vittorja, In-Naxxar, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.68_83_A. Min jieħu l-offerta jrid iħallas is-somma ta tlieta u għoxrin elf ewro ( 23,000) kif indikat fl-offerta. Din l-offerta hi soġġetta għad-dritt tal-ewwel rifjut. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b bid-bond għall-ammont ta 5,000 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta ħamsa u għoxrin elf ewro ( 25,000) ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid jitħallas dritt ta 50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument *Avviż Nru. 40. Kiri tal-boathouse Nru. 3 taħt Dawret il-gżejjer, San Pawl il-baħar, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.2011_1163. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta elfejn ewro ( 2,000) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid jitħallas dritt ta 50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument *Avviż Nru. 41. Għotja b ċens temporanju, għal perjodu ta ħamsa u għoxrin (25) sena, tal-fond Nru. 16, Triq it-teżorerija, Il-Belt Valletta, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta L.D.78/96. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta tlett elef ewro ( 3,000) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid jitħallas dritt ta 50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument the acts of Notary Giuseppe Sammut dated 19th July, 1957, and the absolute ownership after the expiration of the said temporary emphyteusis, of the Property as existing, which was formerly Premises No. 48, Alley 2, Marina Street, Pietà and to-day forms part of Portico Buildings, as shown edged in red on plan P.D.JO_41_2009. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of 10,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions. This tender is subject to a right of first refusal. Offers below the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand Euro ( 250,000) will not be considered. A fee of 100 will be charged for each copy of tender *Advt. No. 39. Sale of Shop No. 41 (formerly No. 23) Victory Square, Naxxar, shown edged in red on plan P.D.68_ 83_A. Successful tenderer is to pay the sum of twenty three thousand Euro ( 23,000) as indicated in tender. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of 5,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions. This tender is subject to a right of first refusal. Offers below the amount of twenty five thousand Euro ( 25,000) will not be considered. A fee of 50 will be charged for each copy of tender *Advt. No. 40. Lease of Boathouse No. 3, underlying Dawret il-gżejjer, Saint Paul s Bay, shown edged in red on plan P.D.2011_1163. Offers below the amount of two thousand Euro ( 2,000) per annum will not be considered. A fee of 50 will be charged for each copy of tender *Advt. No. 41. Grant on a temporary emphyteusis, for a period of twenty five (25) years, of the Premises No. 16, Old Treasury Street, Valletta, shown edged in red on plan L.D.78/96. Offers below the amount of three thousand Euro ( 3,000) per annum will not be considered. A fee of 50 will be charged for each copy of tender *Avviżi li qegħdin jidhru għall-ewwel darba L-offerti għandhom isiru biss fuq il-formola preskritta, li flimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet rilevanti u dokumenti oħra jistgħu jinkisbu mid-dipartiment tal-artijiet, Berġa tal- Baviera, Il-Belt Valletta, f kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it a.m. u a.m. *Advertisements appearing for the first time Tenders should be made only on the prescribed form which, together with the relevant conditions and other documents are obtainable from the Land Department, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta on any working day between 8.30 a.m. and a.m.

17 VERŻJONI ONLINE 5745 MINISTERU GĦAR-RIŻORSI U AFFARIJIET RURALI Id-Direttur Ġenerali, Taqsima tad-disinn ta Proġetti u Inġinerija, jgħarraf illi:- Sal a.m. ta nhar it-tlieta, l-20 ta Marzu, 2012, fit-taqsima tal-kuntratti u l-akkwisti, Dipartiment tal-financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:- Avviż Nru. 45/2012. Provvista u konsenja ta four-post column vehicle jack għad-direttorat tal-manifattura u Servizzi. Għandu jitħallas dritt ta 50 għal kull kopja taddokument Sal a.m. ta nhar it-tlieta, is-27 ta Marzu, 2012, fit-taqsima tal-kuntratti u l-akkwisti, Dipartiment tal-financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:- Avviż Nru. 50/2012. Xogħlijiet ta skavar in konnessjoni maż-żona proposta għal Ċentru Ċiviku u Rikreazzjoni fi Triq il-keffa, Is-Swieqi. Għandu jitħallas dritt ta 20 għal kull kopja taddokument *Avviż Nru. 59/2012. Kiri ta sittin (60) karozza selfdrive għad-direttorat tal-manifattura u Servizzi. Għandu jitħallas dritt ta 20 għal kull kopja taddokument Sal a.m. ta nhar il-ġimgħa, it-30 ta Marzu, 2012, fit-taqsima tal-kuntratti u l-akkwisti, Dipartiment tal-financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offerti/ kwotazzjonijiet magħluqin għal:- Avviż Nru. 46/2012. Xogħlijiet ta tlestija fil-bini tal-ex- Laboratorju, l-għammieri. Għandu jitħallas dritt ta 20 għal kull kopja taddokument *Kwot. Nru. 23/2012. Kiri ta track mounted backhoe with 24 metre arm għal xogħlijiet ta tħammil fil-pixxina tal- Waterpolo ta Marsamxett, Il-Belt Valletta. Dan id-dokument tal-kwotazzjoni jista tinkiseb mingħajr ħlas. *Kwot. Nru. 24/2012. Kuntratt perjodiku għall-provvista u konsenja ta sun-block lotion (cream) lill-ministeru għar- Riżorsi u Affarijiet Rurali. Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs The Director General, Project Design and Engineering Division, notifies that:- Sealed tenders will be received at the Contracts and Procurement Section, Department of Financial Management, Floriana up to a.m. on Tuesday, 20th March 2012 for: Advt. No. 45/2012. Supply and delivery of four-post column vehicle jack to the Manufacture and Services Directorate. A fee of 50 is to be charged for the procurement of each set of relevant Sealed tenders will be received at the Contracts and Procurement Section, Department of Financial Management, Floriana up to a.m. on Tuesday, 27th March 2012 for: Advt. No. 50/2012. Excavation works in connection with the proposed Civic Centre and Recreational Area at Triq il- Keffa, Swieqi. A fee of 20 is to be charged for the procurement of each set of relevant *Advt. No. 59/2012. Hire of sixty (60) in number self drive cars to the Manufacturing and Services Directorate. A fee of 20 is to be charged for the procurement of each set of relevant Sealed tenders/quotations will be received at the Contracts and Procurement Section, Department of Financial Management, Floriana up to a.m. on Friday, 30th March 2012 for: Advt. No. 46/2012. Finishing works at the Ex-Laboratory Building, Għammieri Farm. A fee of 20 is to be charged for the procurement of each set of relevant *Quot. No. 23/2012. Hire of track mounted backhoe with 24 metre arm for dredging works at the Marsamxetto Waterpolo Pitch, Valletta. This document may be obtained free of charge. *Quot. No. 24/2012. Period contract for the supply and delivery of sun-block lotion (cream) to the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs.

18 5746 VERŻJONI ONLINE Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 18,890 Dan id-dokument tal-kwotazzjoni jista tinkiseb mingħajr ħlas. Sal a.m. ta nhar it-tlieta, l-10 ta April, 2012, fit-taqsima tal-kuntratti u l-akkwisti, Dipartiment tal-financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:- *Avviż Nru. 51/2012. Twaqqigħ u bini mill-ġdid ta winchroom ġdida fl-iskal ta San Ġorġ, Dawret il-qalb Mqaddsa, Birżebbuġa. Dan id-dokument tal-offerta jista jinkiseb mingħajr ħlas. *Avviż Nru. 55/2012. Provvista u installazzjoni ta turf artifiċjali u safety rubber tiles fil-play area ta Dar San Ġużepp, Ħaż-Żabbar. Dan id-dokument tal-offerta jista jinkiseb mingħajr ħlas. *Avviż Nru. 56/2012. Provvista, installazzjoni, kummissjunar u manutenzjoni ta machine-room-less traction type passenger lift fl-uffiċini tal-meusac, Triq ir- Repubblika, Il-Belt Valletta. Dan id-dokument tal-offerta jista jinkiseb mingħajr ħlas *Avviż Nru. 57/2012. Provvista, installazzjoni, kummissjunar u manutenzjoni ta hydraulic type passenger lift fl-uffiċini l-ġodda għad-direttorat tal-kontroll tas-sajd, l-għammieri. Dan id-dokument tal-offerta jista jinkiseb mingħajr ħlas. *Avviż Nru. 58/2012. Kuntratt perjodiku għall-provvista u konsenja ta kanen galvanizzati għall-ministeru għar- Riżorsi u Affarijiet Rurali Dan id-dokument tal-offerta jista jinkiseb mingħajr ħlas. This document may be obtained free of charge. Sealed tenders will be received at the Contracts and Procurement Section, Department of Financial Management, Floriana up to a.m. on Tuesday, 10th April 2012 for: *Advt. No. 51/2012. Removal and re-formation of a new winchroom at San Ġorg Slipway, Dawret il-qalb Mqaddsa, Birżebbuġa. This document may be obtained free of charge. *Advt. No. 55/2012. Supply and installation of artificial turf and safety rubber tiles at the play area of St Joseph Home, Ħaż-Żabbar. This document may be obtained free of charge. *Advt. No. 56/2012. Supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of a machine-room-less traction type passenger lift at the Meusac Offices, Triq ir-repubblika, Valletta. This document may be obtained free of charge. *Advt. No. 57/2012. Supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of a hydraulic type passenger lift at the new offices for the Fisheries Control Directorate, Għammieri. This document may be obtained free of charge. *Advt. No. 58/2012. Period contract for the supply and delivery of galvanized pipes to the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs This document may be obtained free of charge. *Avviżi/kwotazzjonijiet li qegħdin jidhru għall-ewwel darba Dokumenti rilevanti jistgħu jinkisbu mingħajr ħlas jew fuq il-ħlas rispettiv tagħhom mill-cash Office, Dipartiment tal- Financial Management, Blokk A, Floriana, f kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar. Kull tagħrif ieħor jista jinkiseb mit-taqsima tal-kuntratti u x-xiri tal-ministeru għar-riżorsi u Affarijiet Rurali (Numru tat-telefon Cash Office: ). Wieħed jista jara sample tad-dokument tal-offerta/kwotazzjoni fil-website tal-ministeru: ( *Advertisements/quotations appearing for the first time Relevant documents may be obtained, against payment of the indicated fee or otherwise, from the Cash Office, Department of Financial Management, Block A, Floriana, on any working day between 8.00 a.m. and noon. Any further information may be obtained from the Contracts and Procurement Section of the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs (Cash Office Tel. No ). Sample tender/quotation document may be viewed on the Ministry s website: (

19 VERŻJONI ONLINE 5747 Ministeru għar-riżorsi u affarijiet rurali Id-Direttur Ġenerali, Diviżjoni tad-disinn ta Proġetti u Implimentazzjoni, jgħarraf illi:- Sal a.m. ta nhar it-tlieta l-20 ta Marzu, 2012, fit-taqsima tal-kuntratti u l-akkwisti, Dipartiment tal-financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:- Avviż Nru. 42/2012. Provvista, installazzjoni u kkummissjunar ta audio visual setup b centralized multimedia management system għaċ-ċentru tal- Interpretazzjoni tal-fortifikazzjonijiet, Triq San Mark, Il- Belt Valletta. Avviż Nru. 43/2012. Provvista, installazzjoni u kummissjunar ta (2) żewġ multi-touch table computers għaċ-ċentru tal-interpretazzjoni tal-fortifikazzjonijiet, Triq San Mark, Il-Belt Valletta. Għandu jitħallas dritt ta 25 għal kull kopja taddokument Dokumenti rilevanti jistgħu jinkisbu fuq il-ħlas rispettiv tagħhom mill-cash Office, Dipartiment tal-financial Management, Blokk A, Floriana, f kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar. Kull tagħrif ieħor jista jinkiseb mit-taqsima tal-kuntratti u x-xiri tal-ministeru għar-riżorsi u Affarijiet Rurali (Numru tat-telefon ). Wieħed jista jara sample tad-dokument tal-offerta filwebsite tal-ministeru: ( Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs The Director General, Project Design and Implementation Division notifies that:- Sealed tenders will be received at the Contracts and Procurement Section, Department of Financial Management, Floriana up to a.m. on Tuesday, 20th March, 2012 for:- Advt. No. 42/2012. Provision, installation and commissioning of an audio-visual setup with a centralized multimedia management system at the New Fortifications Interpretation Centre, Triq San Mark, Valletta. Advt. No. 43/2012. Provision, installation and commissioning of two (2) multi-touch table computers at the New Fortifications Interpretation Centre, St Mark Street, Valletta. A fee of 25 is to be charged for the procurement of each set of relevant documents. Relevant documents may be obtained, against payment of the indicated fee, from the Cash Office, Department of Financial Management, Block A, Floriana, on any working day between 8.00 a.m. and noon. Any further information may be obtained from the Contracts and Procurement Section of the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs (Tel. No ). Sample tender documents may be viewed on the Ministry s website: ( Programmi Operattiv 1 - Politika ta Koeżjoni Ninvestu fil-kompetittività għal Kwalità ta Ħajja Aħjar Proġett parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-unjoni Ewropea Fond Ewropew għaż-żvilupp Reġjonali (FEŻR) Rata ta Ko-Finanzjament: 85% Fondi tal-ue; 15% Fondi Nazzjonali Operational Programme 1 Cohesion Policy Investing in Competitiveness for a Better Quality of Life Project part-financed by the European Union European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National Funds

20 5748 VERŻJONI ONLINE Gazzetta tal-gvern ta Malta 18,890 Ministeru għar-riżorsi u affarijiet rurali Il-Viticulture and Oenology Unit fi ħdan id-direttorat tal-agrikoltura, tgħarraf illi:- Sal a.m. ta nhar it-tlieta, l-10 ta April, 2012, fit-taqsima tal-kuntratti u l-akkwisti, Dipartiment tal-financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:- *Avviż Nru. 54/2012. Offerta għal Servizzi ta : 1. Project Finance Coordinator (Lott 1) 2. Communications Coordinator (Lott 2) Fi ħdan il-qafas tal-proġett Italia-Malta , ProMed: La Protezione dell Ambiente nelle Isole del Mediterraneo attraverso la valorizzazione di un sistema colturale arboreo. Dan id-dokument tal-offerta huwa mingħajr ħlas. Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs The Viticulture and Oenology Unit within the Agriculture Directorate notifies that:- Sealed tenders will be received at the Contracts and Procurement Section, Department of Financial Management, Floriana up to a.m. on Tuesday, 10th April, 2012 for:- *Advt. No. 54/2012. Tender for the Services of: 1. Project Finance Coordinator (Lot 1) 2. Communications Coordinator (Lot 2) Within the Framework of the Italia-Malta Project, ProMed: La Protezione dell Ambiente nelle Isole del Mediterraneo attraverso la valorizzazione di un sistema colturale arboreo. This tender document is free of charge. *Avviż li qed jidher għall-ewwel darba *Advertisement appearing for the first time Dokumenti rilevanti jistgħu jinkisbu, mingħajr ħlas, mill- Cash Office, Dipartiment tal-financial Management, Blokk A, Floriana, f kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar. Kull tagħrif ieħor jista jinkiseb mit-taqsima tal- Kuntratti u x-xiri tal-ministeru għar-riżorsi u Affarijiet Rurali (Numru tat-telefon ). Wieħed jista jara sample tad-dokument tal-offerta filwebsite tal-ministeru: ( Relevant documents may be obtained, free of charge, from the Cash Office, Department of Financial Management, Block A, Floriana, on any working day between 8.00 a.m. and noon. Any further information may be obtained from the Contracts and Procurement Section of the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs (Tel. No ). Sample tender documents may be viewed on the Ministry s website: ( Programm Italja-Malta - Politika ta Koeżjoni Bosta opportunitajiet għall-futur Offerta parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-unjoni Ewropea Fond Ewropew għall-iżvilupp Reġjonali (FEŻR) Rata ta Ko-Finanzjament: 85% Fondi tal-ue; 15% Fondi Nazzjonali Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek Italia-Malta Programme Cohesion Policy A sea of opportunities for the future Tender part-financed by the European Union European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National Funds Investing in Your Future

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