Learning Serbian/English by asking questions

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1 The questions below allow the language learner to have handy access to the most useful expressions for survival in a foreign situation. The questions are grouped according to their meaning and context. Learning Serbian/English by asking questions Greetings/Meeting people Do you speak Serbian? Da li govorite srpski? Ne. Ali hoću da naučim srpski. (No. But I want to learn Serbian.) Do you speak English? Da li govorite engleski? Da, pomalo. (Yes, a little bit.) What language do you speak? How are you? Koji jezik govorite? Kako ste? (formal) Kako si? (informal) Govorim španski. (I speak Spanish.) Dobro sam, hvala. (I m good, thanks.) What s up? Kako ide? Dobro. (Good) What s new? Šta ima novo? loose Nema ništa. (Nothing new.) What are you doing? Šta radite? Ništa naročito. (Nothing special.) What s your name? Kako se zovete? (formal) Zovem se Jolanda. (My name is Yolanda.) What s your name? And what s your name? Kako je Vaše ime? (formal) A kako se ti zoveš? (informal) Moje ime je Mirjana. (My name is Miryana.) Zovem se Jovan. (My name John.) Where are you from? Odakle ste? Ja sam iz Amerike. (I am from America.) Where do you live? Gde živite? Živim u Teksasu. (I live in Texas.) Do you like Belgrade? Do you like Belgrade? How old are you? [yes, we do ask this!] Da li volite Beograd? [first way to ask] Da li vam se svidja Beograd? [second way to ask] Koliko imate godina? Da, volim Beograd. (Yes, I like Belgrade.) Da, svidja mi se Beograd. (Yes, I like Belgrade.) Imam dvedeset dve godine. (I am 22 years old.) How old are you? Koliko ste stari? Šta mislite? (What do you think?) Are you married? Are you married? Da li ste udati? [asking a female] Da li ste oženjeni? [asking a male] Da, jesam. (Yes, I am.) Ne, nisam još. (No, not yet.) Do you have children? Da li imate dece? Imam dvoje dece. (I have two children.) And how many children do you have? A koliko Vi imate dece? Rekao sam da nisam oženjen. (I told you I am not married.) [for a male]

2 2 Asking what the person is doing (professionally) What do you do? Čime se bavite? Bavim se prodajom kuća. (I sell houses.) What s your profession? Koja je vaša profesija? Ja sam inženjer. (I m an engineer.) What s your field? Koja je vaša struka? Ja sam ekonomista. (I m an economist.) What s your occupation? Koje je vaše zanimanje? Ja sam advokat. (I m a lawyer.) Do you work? Da li radite? Da, ja sam prodavačica. (Yes, I am a saleswoman.) And what do you do? A šta vi radite? Ja isto radim kao trgovac. (I also work as a salesperson.) Where do you work? Gde radite? Radim u samoposluzi. (I work in the supermarket) And you? Are you a student? A ti? Da li si ti student? (informal) Da, samo student. (Yes, only a student.) Aren t you a professor? A zar niste profesor? Ne, nisam još. (No, not yet.) Where do you study? Gde studirate? Na univezitetu u Teksasu. (At a university in Texas.) Is that a good university? Da li je to dobar univerzitet? Najbolji. (The best.)

3 3 Asking about place and time (for orientation/travel) Where s the police station? Gde je policijska stanica? Ona je ovde. (It s here.) Where s the bus station? Gde je autobuska stanica? Ona je tamo. (It s over there.) Where s the post-office? Gde se nalazi pošta? Pošta je pravo. (The station is straight.) Where s Karadjordjeva street? Gde je Karadjordjeva ulica? Ona je pored autobuske stanice. (It is next to the bus station.) Where s a pharmacy? Gde je apoteka? Apoteka je preko puta ulice. (The pharmacy is across the street.) Where s the bank? Gde se nalazi banka? Ona je iza ugla. (It s behind the corner.) And where is the restroom? A gde je ve-ce? On je iza ugla. (It s around the corner.) Can I use the phone? Da li mogu da telefoniram? Da, samo izvolite. (Yes, go ahead.) Where are you going? Gde idete? Idem u pekaru. (I m going to the bakery.) Are you a tourist? Da li ste vi turista? Da, jesam. (Yes, I am.) Where are you traveling? Gde putujete? Putujem u Crnu Goru. (I m traveling to Montenegro.) Why are you going to Montenegro? And you, why do you want to go to Texas? When are you leaving for Montenegro? What time does the train for Bar leave? Zašto idete u Crnu Goru? A zašto Vi hoćete da idete u Teksas? Kada polazite za Crnu Goru? Kada polazi voz za Bar? How much is the fare to Bar? Koliko košta karta do Bara? How much is the return ticket? Koliko košta povratna karta? How long does it take to get there? What time will you arrive there? What time is it now? What time is it? Koliko se putuje do tamo? U koliko sati ćete stići tamo? Koliko je sada sati? [one way to say it] Koliko ima sati? [another way to say it] Volim Jadransko more. (I love the Adriatic Sea.) Zato što imam dečka u Teksasu. (Because I have a boyfriend in Texas.) Polazim večeras. (I m leaving this evening.) Polazi u deset sati. (It leaves at ten o clock.) U jednom pravcu košta hiljadu dinara. (In one direction, it costs a 1,000 dinars.) Košta hiljadu petsto dinara. (It cost 1,500 dinars.) Putuje se deset sati. (It takes ten hours.) Stići ću u sedam ujutru. (I ll arrive at seven in the morning.) Sada je osam sati. (It s eight o clock now.) Ima osam sati. (It s ten o clock.)

4 4 What day is today? Koji je danas dan. Danas je utorak. (Today is Tuesday.) What date is it? Koj je datum? Danas je osamnaesti. (Today is the eighteenth.) What month is it? Koji je mesec? Avgust. (August) What s your phone number? Koji je vaš broj telefona? Moj broj je (my number is ) What s your address? Koja vam je adresa? Moja adesa je (my address is ) What street do you live on? U kojoj ulici živite? Živim u Knez Mihailovoj ulici. To je u centru Beograda. (I live in Knez Mihailova street. That s in the downtown Belgrade.) Could I use your bathroom, then? Mogu li onda da idem u Vaš ve-ce? Svakako. Možete i na kafu. (Sure. You can stop by for coffee too.) Identifying something/someone What s this? Šta je ovo? Ovo je moja knjiga. (This is my book) And what s that? A šta je to? To je moj rečnik. (That s my dictionary.) How do you say thank you in Serbian? Kako se kaže thank you na srpskom? Kaže se hvala. (It s called hvala. ) How s this cake called? Kako se zove ovaj kolač? Zove se Vasina torta. (It s called Vasa s cake.) How do you say Belgrade? Kako se kaže Belgrade? Kaže se Beograd. (It s pronounced Beograd.) Who is that? Ko je to? To je moj muž. (This is my husband.) And who s this? A ko je ovo? Ovo je moja ćerka. (This is my daughter) Who do you see over there? Koga tamo vidite? Vidim onu lepu ženu. (I see that beautiful woman.) Who are you looking at? U koga gledate? Gledam u onog čoveka. (I am looking at that man.)

5 5 Asking for food/drink Can I have something to eat? Da li mogu nešto da pojedem? Svakako. (Sure.) What would you like to eat? Šta biste želeli da jedete? Bilo šta. (Anything.) Are you hungry too? A da li ste Vi gladni? Gladan sam kao vuk. (I m hungry as a wolf.) Can I have something to drink? Da li mogu nešto da popijem? Da, samo recite. (Yes, just tell me what.) What would you like to drink? Šta biste želeli da popijete? Može hladno pivo. (Cold beer.) Can we have breakfast? Možemo li da doručkujemo? Idemo u pekaru da kupimo burek. (Let s go to the bakery to buy burek. Do you like burek? Da li volite burek? Ne znam. Nikad nisam probao. (I don t know. I never tried it.) Do you like cheese? Da li volite sir? Volim mladi sir. (I like farmer s cheese.) Does burek have cheese in it? Da li u bureku ima sir? Da. Sigurno će vam se svideti. (Yes. You ll certainly like it.) What will we have for lunch? Šta ćemo da ručamo? Pljeskavice s kajmakom. Na srpski način. (Hamburgers with cream cheese. The Serbian style.)

6 6 Asking for a date/proposing Do you have a boyfriend? Da li imaš dečka? Ne. A zašto pitaš? (No. And why do you ask?) And you? Do you have a girlfriend? Do you want to go to a movie with me? Do you want to go to a café after the movie? A ti? Da li imaš devojku? Da li hoćeš da ideš u bioiskop sa mnom? Hošeš li da ideš u kafić posle filma? Trenutno ne. (Presently, no.) Važi. (Okay.) Moram prvo da pitam roditelje. (I have to ask my parents first.) Shall we go to my place? Hoćemo li kod mene? Pa, ne bih. Kasno je. (Well, I wouldn t. It s late.) Do you love me? Da li me voliš? Pa, volim te. A ti mene? (Well, I love you. And you?) Do you like me? Da li ti se sviđam? Jako mi se sviđaš. (I like you a lot.) Why don t you sleep at my place? Do you want to marry me? Do you want to marry me? Where shall we go for our honey moon? Do you want to get married? Zašto ne spavaš kod mene? Da li hoćes da se udaš za mene? [a guy is asking] Da li hoćes da se oženiš mnome? [a woman is asking] Gde ćemo ići na medeni mesec? Da li hoćeš da se uzmemo? Da li hoćeš da se venčamo? Ne mogu večeras. Možda sutra. (I can t tonight. Maybe tomorrow.) Mislim da, ali reći ću ti sutra sigurno. (I think yes, but I ll tell you for certain tomorrow.) Da, ali ne odmah. Zašto žuriš? (Yes, but not immediately. Why are you in a hurry?) Ne znam. Možda u Ameriku. Imaš li para? (I don t know. Maybe to America. Do you have money?) Da. Super. Idemo li na Havaje? (Yes. Super. Are we going to Hawaii?)

7 7 Asking about what a person is doing and why What do you have? Šta imate? Imam lepu kuću i pametnu ženu. (I have a nice house and a smart wife. ) What are you doing? Šta radite? Čitam knjigu. (I am reading a book.) What are you reading? Šta čitate? Čitam novine. (I am reading the newspaper) Where are you going? Gde idete? Idem u bioskop. (I m going to a movie) When are you going to America? Why are you going to America? Kada putujete u Ameriku? Zašto idete u Ameriku? Idem u Ameriku za mesec dana. (I m going to America in a month.) Idem da studiram. (I am going to study.) Is there any other reason? Ima li još koji razlog? Da, ali ne mogu Vam reći. (Yes, but I can t tell you.) Asking about the weather Is it raining? Da li pada kiša? Ne, ne pada kiša. (No, it s not raining.) Is it snowing? Da li pada sneg? Pomalo. (Little.) Is it cold outside? Da li je hladno napolju? Nije hladno. Ledeno je. (It s not cold. It s freezing.) Is there any frost? Ima li mraza? Pogledajte kroz prozor. (See through the window.) Do you like winter? Da li volite zimu? Ne podnosim hladnocu. Volim leto. (I can t stand cold. I like summer.) What s the weather like in Texas now? Kako je vreme sada u Teksasu? Toplo. Baš kao što volite. (Warm. Just what you like.) Is it windy in Texas? Da li je vetrovito u Teksasu? Ne mnogo. Ali leti imamo tornada. (Not much. But in the summer we tornados.) What s the weather like in Serbia? Kako je vreme u Srbiji? Zimi je jako hladno a leti jako vruće. (Winters are cold and summers are hot.) What s the climate like in Texas? Could I come with you to Texas? Kakva je klima u Teksasu? Mogu li poći s vama u Teksas? Uvek vruće. (Always hot.) Svakako, ako dobijete vizu. (Sure, if you get a visa.)

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