IEEE-SA Internet of Things Ecosystem Study

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1 IEEE-SA Internet of Things Ecosystem Study

2 IEEE$SAInternetofThings(IoT)Ecosystem Study i

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7 IEEE$SAIoTEcosystemStudy IEEE$SAInternetofThings(IoT)Ecosystem Study Introduction Broadlyspeaking,theInternetofThings(IoT)isasystemconsistingofnetworksofsensors,actuators, and smart objects whose purpose is to interconnect all things, including everyday and industrial objects,insuchawayastomakethemintelligent,programmable,andmorecapableofinteractingwith humansandeachother.see WhatisIoT tolearnhow IoT isusedinthisstudy. TheIoTecosystemishardtodefine.Itiscomplex,anditisdifficulttocaptureduetothevastnessof possibilityandtherapiditywithwhichitisexpanding.however,thereisnodoubtthatiotischanging the world. It is shaping the evolution of the Internet. IoT is creating numerous challenges and opportunitiesforengineeringandscience.inresponsetothesechallengesandopportunities,theieee created an IoT Initiative to coordinate its IoT efforts in publications, conferences, education, and standardization. The success of IoT depends strongly on standardization, which provides interoperability,compatibility,reliability,andeffectiveoperationsonaglobalscale. Recognizing the value of IoT to industry and the benefits this technological innovation brings to the public,theieeestandardsassociation(ieee$sa)hasanumberofstandards,projects,andevents(see0) thataredirectlyrelatedtocreatingtheenvironmentneededforavibrantiot. AsapartoftheIEEEIoTInitiative,theIEEESA developedthis IoT ecosystem study. IEEESAengaged stakeholdersinkeyregionsoftheworldtoobtaintheinputthatshapedthisstudy.thisengagement was in the form of a series of roundtable discussions held by IEEE$SA. Invitations to the roundtables includedthe10questionslistedbelow.thequestionswereintendedtoseedthediscussion;theydid notconstraintheroundtables,whichwerespiriteddiscussionsofiotandassociatedissues. 1. WhoaretheplayersthatarepositionedtoshapetheIoTmarket? 2. WhatmarketsegmentsandverticalsarepoisedtodrivethegrowthoftheIoT? 3. WhatarethetechnologiesenablingthegrowthoftheIoTtoday? 4. Whatismissingfromthebusiness$modelpointofview? 5. Whatismissingfromthetechnologypointofview? 6. WhatstandardizationbodiesaredoingimportantworktoenabletheIoT? 7. WhatspecificstandardsactivitiesdoyouthinkofwhenyouthinkoftheIoT? 8. Whatismissingfromthestandardizationpointofview? 9. DoyouseeIoTactivitiesasmoresuitableforregionalorglobalstandardization? 10. Whatcanresearch,industryandacademicinstitutionscontribute? Thestructureofthisstudyisbasedonthesequestionsanddividesthediscussionintothethreeprincipal areas of Market, Technology, and Standards. After the discussion of these three areas, the role of academiaandresearchasacontributortothethreeareasisdiscussed.finally,theimportanceofuser acceptanceisaddressed. 1

8 IEEE$SAIoTEcosystemStudy Itshouldbenotedthatthisstructuraldivisionissomewhatarbitrary: Discussionsintheroundtablesfrequentlyaddressedmultipleareassimultaneouslybecausethe areasaresointerdependent,and Informationontopicsthatwerediscussedinmultipleareashasbeenpartiallyreorganizedfor consistency. However,sometopicsarenotdiscussedentirelyinoneplacewhenadivisionmadesense.Forexample, undertheissueof missingscalability, IPaddressabilityisdiscussedintheMarketingsectionbecause this is primarily an economic issue (IPv6 exists but has not been widely deployed), while unique hardwareidentificationisdiscussedinthestandardssectionbecausethereisstillaneedforconsensus onhowtomoveforwardfrommacaddresses. AdditionalinputtothisstudywasprovidedbytheIEEECommunicationsSociety(IEEEComSoc),which heldaniot$relatedworkshop. MembersoftheIEEE$SACorporateAdvisoryGroup(CAG)andmembersoftheIEEEIoTInitiativehave reviewed drafts of this study and provided additional content during the review process. Additional supportingmaterialwasgarneredfromiot$relatedworkshopsheldbyieee$sa. The information provided by these sources the IEEE$SA roundtables, the IEEE ComSoc and IEEE$SA workshops,andthereviewers composesthebodyofthiswhitepaper. Theannexescontainthefollowingsupportingmaterial: Annex A contains details regarding the IEEE$SA roundtable discussions, including lists of the participantsforeachdiscussion Annex B contains details regarding the IEEE ComSoc workshop, including a list of the participants AnnexCcontainsalistofIoT$relatedstandardsandactivities(standardsunderdevelopment, IoTevangelism,etc.) 2

9 IEEE$SAIoTEcosystemStudy WhatisIoT? Theprimarydifferentiatorbetweenthetraditional(legacy)InternetandtheInternetofThings(IoT)is theproliferationofuniquelyidentifiabledeviceswithembeddedsensorsandactuators. Thereisno official definitionofiot.manyoftheorganizationsworkinginiothavecreateddefinitions; thesedefinitionsdifferwidely.thesecurrentdefinitionsvarysomuchthattheyarereminiscentofthe taleoftheblindmenandtheelephant.withoutacommondefinitionofiot,itwillbedifficulttoput togethersolutionsorevendefineproblemareas. Some people think of IoT as a new add$on to the traditional Internet; others think of IoT as the ongoingevolutionoftheinternet.underbothdefinitions,theendresultwillbetheinterconnectionof all things.thedistinctionbetweenthetwoclassesofdefinitionsisthatthe evolutionary definition ofiotincludestraditionalcomputingandnetworkingdevices,aswellassmartphones,tablets,point$of$ sale(pos)terminalsandthemyriadnewsensorsandsmartobjectsthatarebeginningtoappear.while there is merit to both conceptualizations, the evolutionary interpretation is adopted for this study because it is inclusive and avoids the need to identify individual devices and services as being either traditional or IoT. Thus, for the purpose of this study: IoT$ refers$ to$ any$ systems$ of$ interconnected$ people,$ physical$ objects,$ and$ IT$ platforms,$ as$ well$ as$ any$ technology$ to$ better$ build,$ operate,$ and$ manage$the$physical$world$via$pervasive$data$collection,$smart$networking,$predictive$analytics,$and$ deep$optimization. NotethattherearemanyIoTs.ThereistheglobalIoT(evolvingfromtheglobalInternet)aswellaslocal andprivateiots.theterm IoT encompassesallofthese. SomepeoplealsodistinguishbetweenInternetofThings,InternetofVehicles,SmartGrid,eHealth,etc. Whilethisdistinctionmaymakesenseinsomecontexts,thisstudytakesthepositionthatallofthese arepartofiot.theywilllikelysharecommunicationstechnologiesandallneedthequadrupletrustand interoperabilitydescribedherein,soitmakessensetoconsiderallofthemduringthedevelopmentof IoTandtodistinguishbetweenthemonlywhenneeded. IoTproductsincludedevices,apps,andservices(e.g.,smartphones,tablets,intelligentnetworks,big$ dataanalytics,andcloudstorage).akeyaspectofiotistheintelligentconnectivityoftheseproducts. For the most part, IoT devices will be self$configuring and adaptive to reduce the need for human interaction (e.g., network discovery, self$description of devices, auto$configuration of device and networkparameters).however,itislikelythattherewillbesituationswheredeviceswillbemorerigidly constrainedtosatisfysafety,legal,andregulatoryobligations. IoTisthesubjectofagreatdealofhypeandmanyboldpredictionsaboutwhereitwilleventuallytake us. However, there is no question that IoT is changing the world. In addition to connecting people, anytime and everywhere, it is connecting IoT products to humans and other IoT products, and it is puttingtheseproductsattheserviceofhumanity.thistransformationhasalreadybegun;itwillonly continuetoaccelerate. 3

10 IEEE$SAIoTEcosystemStudy TheMarketforIoT TheIoTmarketisburgeoningbutfragmented.Earlyplayersareactiveandcurrentlycreatingproducts for which they see a market. In order to get products to market, these players are implementing proprietary solutions, some of which may evolve into de% facto standards. Currently, IoT is trending towardverticalapplications. IoTdevelopmentanddeploymentaremotivatedbythedesiretoprovideanduseexistinggoodsand servicesmoreefficiently(cheaper,faster,better)andbythedesiretocreatenewgoodsandservices that will drive new revenue streams. Connecting things and allowing data to move will open new markets,justastheinternetdid. Newproductsandbusinessmodelswilldisrupttraditionalbusinessmodels;someofthesenewproducts and models will be created by unintended consequences of technologies being deployed. Who could haveforeseenthemyriadwaysthatsmartphoneshavebeenextendedsincetheirintroduction? ThemarketforIoTistrulyglobal.MuchofthegrowthforIoTmaybeinemergingeconomiesbecause they do not have to deal with as many existing infrastructure issues; instead, they can build new structurestoaddresstheneedsofiot. Who%are%the%players%that%are%positioned%to%shape%the%IoT%market?%What%market%segments%and%verticals% are%poised%to%drive%the%growth%of%the%iot?%what%is%missing%from%the%business3model%point%of%view?% PlayerspositionedtoshapetheIoTmarket ThereareseveraldifferentclassesofplayersthatwillplaymajorrolesinthegrowthofIoT.Playersin eachoftheseclassesarecurrentlyactivetovaryingdegrees. Commercialplayersinthe off$line world Commercialplayersinthe on$line world Researchandacademia Governmentsandutilities Otherplayers Commercialplayers Commercialplayersfallintotwocategories, off$line and on$line. Manyplayersparticipateinboth categories;theyareclassifiedhereinbasedontheirprincipalparticipation. Players in the off$line world are the thing manufacturers. They are producing smart appliances, home automation devices, personal appliances (smart phones, wearables, etc.), smartautomobiles,etc. Players in the on$line world generally provide IoT$enabling services although many also provide things. Players include Amazon, Apple, Google, and Microsoft. On$line players are pioneeringinmanyservicesandapplications,e.g.,microsoft Azure,AmazonWebServices, GoogleGlass(athing),smartphones,etc. Researchandacademia Researchandacademiaarebusycreatingthetheories,newproducts,andmaterialsthatwillfuelthe growthofiot.academiaisalsoeducatingthenewgenerationoftechnologistsandbusinesspeoplewho willexpandiot.forfurtherdiscussion,see RoleofAcademiaandResearch. 4

11 IEEE$SAIoTEcosystemStudy Governmentsandutilities Governmentsandutilitiesarecreatingsmartcities,thesmartgrid,etc.SpecificexamplesofIoTdevices beingdeployedincludetrafficcameras,securitycameras,smartmeters,adaptivetrafficcontrollers,etc. Governments also play a key role in shaping technology through funding (defense, energy, transportation, etc.) and setting regulatory frameworks and policies (security, interoperability, etc.). GovernmentsarealreadyinvestinginIoTdomains. Otherplayers In addition to established players, entrepreneurs will also play a role, creating new markets and disrupting existing markets with novel new products. In areas of high unemployment, one path that talented and ambitious individuals are taking as an alternative to being unemployed is to become entrepreneurs. Arguably,consumersthemselvesareplayerswhowillshapeIoTbytheirpurchases.Examplesofthese choices include wearables (Google Glass, smart watches, etc.) and crowdfunding support for entrepreneurs.forfurtherdiscussion,see UserAcceptanceisKey. Finally, regulatory agencies cannot be overlooked. Nearly every nation has one or more regulatory organizationsthatwillgovernsomeaspectofiot(e.g.,privacy,health,wirelesstechnology),andtheir impactwillbefelt. MarketsegmentsandverticalspoisedtodrivethegrowthofIoT TherearemanymarketsegmentsandverticalpoisedtodriveIoTgrowth: Consumergoods:smartphone,smarthome,smartcar,appliances,etc. ehealth:fitness,bioelectronics,andhealthcare Smarttransportation Energydistribution(smartgrid) Smartcity Distributionandlogistics Publicsafety Industrialandmanufacturing Agricultureandnatural$resourcemanagement Big$dataanalytics Newsegments ConsumergoodsandeHealtharethoughttobethetwoprimarymarketsegments(applicationdomains) thatwillinitiallyaccountforexplosivegrowthofiotsensorsanddevices. Consumergoods Intheconsumer$goodssegment,therearealreadymorethanabillionsmartphonesinuseworldwide. Newersmartphonesincludemoresensors,andnewappsareaddingtothepowerofsmartphonesto participateinevenmoreapplicationdomains.arguably,smartphonesnowfunctionassensordevices 5

12 IEEE$SAIoTEcosystemStudy and application platforms in many different market segments (consumer goods, ehealth, smart city, etc.)butareincludedintheconsumer$goodssegmentsincethatiswheretheygottheirstart. Consumer goods also include appliances, electronics, clothing/accessories (embedded technology), automobiles,etc.,allwithsensorsandembeddeddevicestoprovidenewfunctionality. Smarthomesincludesmartappliances,lightingandcurtaincontrols,multimediaentertainment,security systems, etc. Hubs are being introduced to consolidate control of many different devices that use proprietary protocols and to extend that control to the Internet. Convenience and energy saving are majormotivators. Smartcarswillparkthemselves,respondtovoicecommands,connecttoyoursmartphone,connectto wearablesensors,etc.thesefeaturesarebeginningtoappearinhigh$endmodels. ehealth ehealth is a broad segment that includes such things as telemedicine, virtual healthcare teams (providingdiagnosesandsurgicalsupport),mhealth,etc.somepeoplearguethatitalsoincludesthings likeelectronichealthrecordsandhealthcareinformationsystems. mhealthaddressesthemobileaspectsofehealth.mhealthleveragesbioelectronicssensorstoprovide mobileservicessuchasheartmonitoringimplants;infantandgeriatricmonitors,real$timemonitoringof patientvitals,andfitnessmonitoring. Smarttransportation Smart transportation includes both public$transport and private$transport (cars and trucks). Public$ transport activities include integrated mobility platforms, train control, and electronically accessible timetablesandticketing.amongthefocusesofsmarttransportationarefuelefficiency,cleanerfuels, advancedvehicletechnologies,routeplanning,andlogisticstoreducecostsandimproveefficiency. Intheprivate$transportdomain,amajorfocusisvehicleautomation.Thisincludesbothvehiclecontrol (accessbyiotsystemswillbelimitedsincethesesystemsareessentialforsafeoperationofthevehicle) andmoreopenlyaccessibleiotsystemssuchasnavigation,climatecontrol,etc.iotapplicationscould becar$to$car, car$to$curb,orcompletelyinternaltothecar (includingexternaldevicessuchassmart phonesorlaptopsthatarebroughtintothecar). Another aspect of smart transportation is the appearance of services like Uber and Lyft that are transformingthetaxi/limoindustryandserviceslikezipcarandcommunity%carshare,whichprovidecar sharingservicesforpeoplewhoonlyneedacaroccasionally. Energydistribution(smartgrid) Managementoftheenergydistributionsegmentisgrowing,withsolutionsalreadyinplaceonboththe supplysideandthedemandside.severalyearsofefforthavealreadygoneintothesmartgrid,using informationandcommunicationstechnology(ict)togatherandactoninformation e.g.,behaviorof suppliersandconsumers toautomatetheelectricalgridandmakeitmoreefficientandmoreresilient. Smartcity The smart city is a conceptual model (see Figure 1) that describes the use of information and communications technology (ICT) to create networked infrastructure(s) to improve efficiency and developmentofallareasofurbanlife,includingbusinessservices,socialservices,housing,leisure,and culturalservices.thefocusisontheconnectedcityasavehicleforgrowth. 6

13 IEEE$SAIoTEcosystemStudy Figure1:PossibleSmartCity/SmartGridFramework AninterestingexampleisBoston snewpotholetrackingsystem.accordingtoapressreleasefromthe Mayor s Office of Boston a new app STREET BUMP uses the technology already built into smart phones(includingaccelerometersandgpssystems)toidentifybumpsandautomaticallyreportthemto thecity.thecitythenusesbig$datatechniquestoeliminatereportsof(intentional)speedbumpsand builds a map ranking potholes by size and number of reports. In terms of the smart city, this IoT applicationwillbeusedinconcertwithdriverhotlinesandroadcrewinspectiontohelpbostonfillmore potholesfaster.thisexamplewillbereferencedthroughoutthisstudybecauseitisexemplaryofmany oftheitemsdiscussedherein. AnotherexampleistheCityofPhiladelphia suseofiottomanageitspublicgarbagecans;compacting the garbage and tracking the cans and the amount of garbage they contain. This information has enabledthecitytoreducecollectionssubstantially,savingapproximatelyus$900,000peryear. Distributionandlogistics DistributionandlogisticsisleveragingIoTdevicessuchasradiofrequencyidentification(RFID)tagsand barcode readers to save time and money in the areas of inventory management, order fulfillment, shippingmanagement,warehousing,etc. Publicsafety Publicsafetycoversdisasterpreventionandrelief.Italsoincludessystemsthatoverlapwithsegments suchassmartcitiesandsmarttransportation.activitiesrangefromfood$safetytoroad$trafficsafety, 7

14 IEEE$SAIoTEcosystemStudy police and fire services, emergency medical services, rescue squads, etc. IoT is changing all of these areaswithmobilecommunication,trafficandsecuritycameras,andnovelappssuchasboston spothole trackingsystem. Industrialandmanufacturing Activities in this market segment include such diverse activities as industrial automation (e.g., automatedassemblylines)andmaterialflowtraceabilitysystems. Automation of production already plays an important role in manufacturing. IoT is increasing automation and providing more flexibility and efficiency to the production process. IoT allows localizationofindividualproductsintheproductionlinesandtheautomaticselectionoftherequired production steps. Furthermore, remote and predictive maintenance are improving the efficient operationofentirefactories. Agricultureandnatural<resourcemanagement Agricultureandnatural$resourcemanagementactivitiesincludeGPSmappingtechnologyandsensorsto analyzecropyieldsduringharvesting,identifywaterandnutrientneeds,monitorcropgrowth,anduse thisinformationtoapplynutrientsandwatertospecificsegmentsofthefields.(thisissometimescalled undergroundiot.)otheractivitiesincludethedeploymentofbiochiptranspondersinanimals(domestic, farmandwild). IoTsystemsarestartingtomonitorthefood$safetysupplychainfromthefieldtopointofsale. Big<dataanalytics Big$dataanalyticswillbothcontributetoandbenefitfromthegrowthofIoT.Theamountsofreal$time datathat are being generated will grow rapidly and presentnew business opportunities. Ontheraw datalevel,bothownersandproducerswillbeabletoselltheinformationcapturedbyiotdevicesto companies to feed their business intelligence and to convert into knowledge and wisdom. On the processed data (knowledge) level, companies capable of big$data analytics will be able to sell the knowledge they have derived to other entities (service providers and manufacturers) to augment existingorcreatenewservicesandproducts.onthescenarioplanning(wisdom)level,companiescan makeuseoftheinformationtheyhaveacquiredforlong$rangeplanning. Boston spotholetrackingsystem(describedin Smartcity )isanexampleofbig$dataanalyticstaking IoT$generateddataandusingittoprovideasolutiontoarealworldproblem(roadmaintenance). Newsegments Looking to the future, as sensor and device technology improves and IoT grows, there are countless opportunities for novel new applications and devices in all market segments. The convergence of multipletechnologieswillcreatenewmarketsegmentsasyetunthought$of. The following list presents some of the potential new business models mentioned during the roundtables.arguably,rudimentaryexamplesofsomeofthesearealreadyinuse. Thelendingofdevicesordevicecapacitywhentheyarenotinuse.IoTtechnologiesalloweasy traceabilityofthedevicesandbillingfortheiruse. Reductionofdataacquisitioncostswillmakepossiblesustainablebusinessmodelsbasedon thecollectionofpreviouslyunavailabledata. 8

15 IEEE$SAIoTEcosystemStudy Mobilecrowd$sensing:individualswithsensingandcomputingdevicescancollectivelyshare dataandextractinformationtomeasureandmapphenomenaofcommoninterest. This cheapdata alsomakespossiblescientificresearchthatwasnoteconomicallyfeasible inthepast(e.g.,asmallandmediumlakeresearchprojectintaiwantodeterminewhether shallowlakescouldsustaintheirecologies). Real$timedatacouldopennewopportunitiesindecisionmakingandpolicymaking. Cloud storage and computing could augment existing business models (pay$per$use, micro$ payments,etc.). TheIoTcouldfosternewbusinessmodelsforcommunications(payperuse,real$timeanalysis, etc.). Semanticsandsecuritymightbecombinedtoprovidenewservicessuchasmobilereal$time warning,securityforone$wayortwo$waydevices,systemalerts,etc. Missingfromthebusiness<modelpointofview Therearemanydifferentbusinessmodelsalreadyinuse.Therearesuretobenewbusinessmodelsand newmarketsasiotdevelops.iotwillbeusedtomakeexistingdevicesandservicesmoreeconomical and/orpowerful;itwillenablethedevelopmentofhithertoundreamedofnewdevicesandservicesthat willgeneratenewrevenuestreams. Therearestillmanybusinessissuesthatneedtobeaddressed: Quadrupletrust:protection,security,privacy,safety Usability:implementationandsystemintegration Silos Interoperabilityandstandardization Monetization Education Scalability Note that many of these topics also appear in Missing from the technology point of view and/or Missingfromthestandardizationpointofview, dependinguponthenatureofwhatismissing.for example, in this Market section, scalability is included because the need for greater addressability is primarilyanipv6deploymentissue. Quadrupletrust Thequadrupletrust protection,security,privacy,safety willbediscussedingreaterdetailintheiot technologydiscussion,buttheseitemsareimportantintheiotmarketdiscussionsincetheseattributes canplayadecidingroleinthesuccessofiot$relateddevicesandservicesanddramaticallyaffectthe reputationandsuccessofthecompaniesprovidingtheproductsandservices.openquestionsinclude who provides the various elements of the quadruple trust and how the difficult trade$offs between quadrupletrustandusabilitywillberesolved. 9

16 IEEE$SAIoTEcosystemStudy Somepeopleuse systemintegrity inplaceofquadrupletrust.inthisstudyuseofthetermsystem integrityisavoidedinthiscontextbecauseitcanalsoapplytosoftwareandhardwareissuesnotrelated tothequadrupletrust. Usability IoTsystemsneedtobeoptimizedforusability.EaseofusewillbeavitalfactorforthegrowthofallIoT devicesandservices;itisparticularlyimportantfortheconsumer$goodssegment. Manyoftoday siot$basedsystemsarecomplex.itisimperativetoreducethiscomplexityandtomake IoTeasiertouse.Oneshould not needtobean expert ortohirean expert toput adevice into service,configureasystem,oruseasystemonceitisoperational.iotshouldbeusablebyaconsumer withoutextensivetraining. Atthesametimethesystemiseasytouse,itmustalsosatisfythequadrupletrust.Therearedifficult trade$offsbetweeneaseofuseandthequadrupletrust.thiswillbeafundamentalchallengeaffecting boththeusabilityandquadrupletrustefforts. Design,implementation,andsystemintegrationarevitalcomponentsoftheusabilityprocess.Subject$ matter experts in many fields do not have technological expertise or knowledge of how to embrace technology (e.g., clothing manufacturers who want to enter the field of wearable computing).cross$ boundary collaboration of usability experts, subject$matter experts of the relevant application areas, andtechnologyexpertsisneededtooptimizetheusability. Silos Manyproductsstartasapplicationsilos,butIoTmarketgrowthwillbeslowedbysilos.Notethatthere is a subtle distinction between verticals (vertical apps) and silos (siloed apps): silos are verticals with strongbarrierspreventingotherappsfromusingtheinformation.whiletheremaybeoccasionswhere silosarenecessary(e.g.,health$relateddatathatmustbeprotectedforprivacyreasons),silosthatare primarilyintendedtothwartcompetitionwilldelayorpreventmarketgrowth. Interoperabilityandstandardization Whenopennessofasystembecomesadecidingfactorforpurchase,itdrivestheneedforstandards. For example, near$field communications (NFC) in a smart phone communicating with a point$of$sale (POS) device requires interoperability among a number of device from different manufacturers; Bluetooth communicationbetweensmartphonesandautomobilesrequiresinteroperabilitybetween different smart$phone providers and automobile manufacturers. Both of these examples require interoperabilityamongdevicesfromdifferentmanufacturersandthusrequirethatstandardsexistand beaccepted. Anexcellentexampleofwhathappenswhenstandardsaremissingornotwidelyaccepted 1 isthehome automation market. This market segment has been struggling for decades; there has been very little progressandthemarketisfragmented.productsfromdifferentmanufacturersdonotinteroperateand thushave(relatively)lowmarketpenetrationandhighprices. 1 Home automation standards do exist. For example, KNX and LonMark are international standards (ISO/IEC) for home automation.however,theyhavealimitedmarketacceptanceandalotofproprietarysystemsexist. 10

17 IEEE$SAIoTEcosystemStudy Monetization What is the motivation of the organization providing IoT$based service? Is it increased sales, better profitmargins,abetterrelationshipwiththecustomer,orsomeothermotivation? Different companies willhavedifferentbusinessmodels depending upon whether they are providing equipmentoraservice. Forequipment,istheequipmentsoldoutright?Soldwithaserviceplan?Leasedorrented?Whatisthe termofthelease/rental?yearly?monthly?hourly(e.g.,extremelyshorttermcarrentalslikezipcaror Community%CarShare)? Forservices,howistheservicemonetized?Isittheenduserwhopays?Dotheypaybysubscriptionor byeventusage?howistherevenuecollected?howwillservicesbebilled?istheserviceacreditor debitbasedservice? Newrevenuemodelsthathavenotbeenseenbeforearelikelytoarise. Education Educationwillbeanongoingchallengeatalllevels. UsersofIoTsystemswillneedtobetrainedtousethesystem.Trainingwillbeparticularlychallengingin the case of consumers, most of whom abhor steep learning curves. Training will also be needed for usersofjob$relatediotsystems;thiswillbesomewhateasierbecauselearningtousetheiotsystem willalsobepartoftheirjob.however,iftrainingcostsaretoohigh,adoptionofiotsystemsmaybe delayed(anotherargumentforcomplexityreduction). ThetechnologistswhoaredevelopingIoTsystemswillalsoneededucation.Manytechnologistswhoare highly skilled in their particular area will perhaps because of business schedules and funding or becauseofhubris ventureoutsidetheirfieldofexpertiseandattempttoimplementsomethingthey knowverylittleabout.examplesaboundofbotchedsecurityimplementationscontainingwell$known flawsthatasecurityexpertwouldhaveknownbetterthantoimplement. Scalability Themarketplayersareallanticipatinghugenumbersofthings(e.g.,numberslike50billionthingsare beingforecastwithinthenext10years).thesheernumbersofthingsthatwillneedtobeattachedto the Internet require widespread adoption of the IPv6 protocol. The IPv4 address space is exhausted; whilesomeiotproductscanbeimplementedbehindgatewaysemployingworkaroundssuchasnetwork address translation (NAT) technology, these are basically stopgap solutions. This absence of IPv6 technology with its enormous address space and other benefits is primarily a market issue. The technologyexistsbuthasnotachievedwidespreaddeploymentbecausetherehasnotbeensufficient economicdemand.theiotwillprovidethatdemand. 11

18 IEEE$SAIoTEcosystemStudy IoTTechnologies Technological advances are fueling the growth of IoT. Improved communications and network technologies, new sensors of various kinds, and improved cheaper, denser, and more reliable and powerefficient storagebothinthecloudandlocallyareconvergingtoenablenewtypesofproducts thatwerenotpossibleafewyearsago. What%are%the%technologies%enabling%the%growth%of%the%IoT%today?%What%is%missing%from%the%technology% point%of%view?% TechnologiesenablingthegrowthofIoTtoday ThetechnologiesenablingthegrowthofIoTcanbecategorizedas Sensors,actuators,andsmartdevices Networksandcommunications Computingandstorage Big$dataanalytics Sensors,actuatorsandsmartdevices Assensors,actuatorsandsmartdevicesbecomesmaller,moreversatile,lowercost,andmorepower efficient,theyarebeingdeployedingreaternumbers,eitherasspecial$purposedevicesorembedded intootherproducts. Largenumbers(morethanabillion)ofsmartphonesarealreadydeployed;theyprovideacollectionof things(sensors,actuators,displays,andmodems)tosupporttheimplementationofiotsystems. Theunificationandconvergenceoftheplatform(smartphones),thevastnumberofplatformsalready deployed, the accessibility (APIs and interfaces) of the platform to app developers, and a (hard$to$ quantify)socialcomponenthavecombinedtomakesmartphonesakeyenablerofcurrentiotsystems. TheseAPIsandinterfaceshaveenabledprogrammerstocreatehugenewopportunitiesinmanymarket segments.anexampleisthebostonpotholetrackingsystemmentionedearlier. In addition to smart phones, many other types of devices are already being deployed, both independently(e.g.,smartwatchesandotherwearables)andaspartofotherdevices(e.g.,appliances andconsumerelectronics).theevolutionofthistechnologycategorywillenablemanynewapplications asiotgrows. Networksandcommunications Cellular and Wi$Fi are ubiquitous; they are evolving to support higher bandwidths and lower cost. Bluetooth is also becoming lower cost. New communication technologies like Bluetooth low energy (BluetoothLE)andNFCareopeningnewpossibilitiesforIoT. Fog networks extend cloud computing and services to the edge of the network, positioning data processingpowerandstorageclosertothethingsthataregeneratingthedata.thinkoffognetworksas IoTLANs or localclouds ontheedgeofthelargeriot.theseconfigurationsarenecessarywhenthe things generate large amounts of raw data that would be overwhelming in terms of bandwidth, latency,etc. tocommunicateinthecloudorwhenfastreaction$timerequirementsdonotallowfor longcommunicationdelays. Thefognetworkcansendsummarizeddata(knowledge)tothecloudas needed. 12

19 IEEE$SAIoTEcosystemStudy This configuration can also mitigate a number of other problems like unique addresses for things, quadruple trust issues, etc. It is likely that many of these local clouds will use a simplified communicationtechnology(ratherthanip)andrelyonagatewaytoprovideanadaptionlayertoaccess thelargerip$basediot. Mesh networks and mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are other technologies proving useful in IoT applications.inthesepeer$to$peernetworks,eachnodecanbearouter(i.e.,forwardtrafficunrelated toitsownuse).thisnetworkingstyleisparticularlyusefulforlow$powereddevicesoperatinginclose proximity. Computingandstorage Thecostofbothprocessorsandstoragehasdroppeddramaticallywhilecomputepowerandstorage capacityhavesubstantiallyincreased. ThishasmadecloudcomputingandcloudstoragerapidlygrowingsectorsofthetraditionalInternetas wellasplayingaprominentroleinthegrowthofiot. Theavailabilityofdenser,lowercostlocalstorageandlocalprocessorsthatarecheap,powerful,power efficient, and small enough to be integrated with I/O devices and sensors are arguably even more importanttothegrowthofiot. Big<dataanalytics Big$data analytics can examine large volumes of data of a variety of types to find hidden patterns, unknowncorrelationsandotherusefulinformation.datasourcesincludetransactiondata,serverlogs, Internet clickstream data, social media activity reports, mobile$phone call detail records, and sensor data. Resultscanfacilitatebetterbusinessdecisions,competitiveadvantages,moreeffectivemarketing,and canprovideanewrevenuesource. Missingfromthetechnologypointofview Today stechnologyisenablingthedeploymentofiotproducts.however,therearemanyareaswhere technological improvements are needed. As these improvements come on line they will improve existing products and open the door for new products that are not currently feasible. Improvements thatareneededinclude Quadrupletrust:protection,security,privacy,safety Sensor,actuator,anddeviceimprovements Networksandcommunications Interoperability Semanticsandintelligence Bigdata Scalability Functionalsafety Quadrupletrust:protection,security,privacy,safety Thequadrupletrustisabouttheintegrityofdata.Usersmusthaveconfidencethattheirdata: 13

20 IEEE$SAIoTEcosystemStudy Isprotectedfromlossorcorruption Issecurefrommaliciousattacks Isprivatefromallbuttheintendedusers Issafefromunintentionalloss,corruption,ordisclosure Failures of these trusts could be life threatening, could result in legal violations, and would certainly result in loss of user confidence with the concomitant consequences: retarded growth of the IoT ecosystemandpotentiallycostlylegalactions. Aswithearlierdevelopmentsofcomputerandnetworkingtechnology,thequadrupletrusthasbeenan afterthought in IoT deployments. There is much work needed on quadruple trust in all areas of traditionalcomputingandnetworking.thesolutionsthatcurrentlyexistareporous.sinceiotsystems are by their very nature decentralized, they present even greater challenges to establish and maintainthequadrupletrust.therearecurrentlynoeffectiveestablishedmethodologiesinanyofthe quadruple$trustareasforiotorforthesub$fieldofsensornetworks. Implementationofquadrupletrustshouldnotbeapproachedfromause$caseperspective.Thereshould beanoverarchingframeworkofstrongtrust;thestrengthofpertinentpropertiescanthenberelaxedas appropriateforagivenusecase.thisoverarchingframeworkisessentialforinteroperability. Sensor,actuator,anddeviceimprovements Great strides have been made in sensors, actuators and devices; in order to enhance the growth potentialofiot,furtherimprovementsareneeded. PowerconsumptionisoneofthemostimportantfactorsthatwillinfluencethegrowthofIoT.Sensors, actuatorsanddevicesmustcontinuetoreducetheirpowerconsumption.consideringthenumberofiot productsexpectedtobedeployed,theirpowerrequirements albeitsmallforeachdevice could,in aggregate,putasignificantburdenonthepowergrids(eitherdirectlywhileinuseorindirectlywhen theirbatteriesarecharging).improvementsinbatterycapacityandadvancesinenergyharvestingthat makesmallsensorsindependentfrombatterieswillbothhelptoreducepowerdemand. Sensors,actuators, anddevicesmustalsobecomedramaticallylessexpensiveintermsofbothinitial deployment and life$cycle costs. Manufacturers should build universal chips/modules that integrate manydifferentsensorsonasinglechip.multiplesensorsonasinglechipwouldnotonlyreducecosts but could also enable features that would not be practical if multiple chips were required (e.g., the selectedchipmightincludesensorsnotrequiredfortheapplicationandthese optional sensorsmight inspiredesignerstocreatenewfeatures).havingmanydifferentsensorsonasinglechipwillalsoenable newapplicationsondevicesalreadydeployed,ashasbeenthecasewithsmartphones. Mobiledevicesmayneedtoprovidelocalizationinformationquickly,precisely,andatlowcost.Since GPSlocalizationisnotalwaysavailable(e.g.,indoors)newlocalizationtechniquesareneeded. There are also concerns regarding how IoT sensor and actuator modules that have relatively short lifespans can be integrated with long$lived products like automobiles and appliances. Lifespan assessments are appropriate to determine how long sensor and actuator modules need to live in different applications and whether updates or upgrades or reconfiguration of the modules will be needed.lifespan$costreductionswillcreateadditionalvalue. 14

21 IEEE$SAIoTEcosystemStudy Networksandcommunications IoTproductswillpresentdifferentpossibledatacommunicationscenarios.Somemayinvolvesensors thatsendsmalldatapacketsinfrequently(e.g.,onceaday)anddonotprioritizetimelydelivery.others mayhavestorageinordertosustainperiodswhenthecommunicationlinkisdown.othersmayneed highbandwidthbutbeabletoaccepthighlatency.othersmayneedhighquality,highbandwidth,and lowlatency. Depending upon the scenario, using large numbers of sensor nodes can require higher quality and higherreliabilityinthesensornetwork.thegrowingnumberofconnectedthingscancausetheamount of data that must be moved to explode. This could be mitigated by processing the raw data on the devicesthemselvesorinamoduleclosetothedevice(e.g.,agateway)tocondenseand/oraggregate data for more efficient transport to the ultimate destination. With many conversations among IoT devicesandgateways,thecommunicationnetworkitselfneedstoberobust,highcapacity,andalways availablewithminimalcongestion. Largeamountsoftrafficwithrelativelyshortpacketsizeswillrequiresophisticatedtrafficmanagement. More efficient protocols can help reduce overhead but may present challenges to system integrity, usability,scalability,etc. Interface standardization is desirable so that IoT devices and gateways can communicate quickly and efficiently. Deviceswillneedawaytoquicklyandeasilydiscovereachotherandlearntheirneighbor scapabilities. As mentioned earlier, adoption of IPv6 has lagged; global adoption will be necessary for the IoT to proliferate.ipv6providesthefollowingbenefitstoiotconfigurations: IPv6auto$configuration Scalableaddressspace(sufficientlylargefortheenormousnumbersofIoTdevicesenvisioned) Redefinedheadersthatenableheadercompressionformats Easycontrolofthesystemofthings Open/Standardcommunication IPv6toIPv4transitionmethods IPv6overconstrainednodenetworks(6LO,6LoWPAN) Interoperability Interoperabilityiscriticaltofostercompetitionanddrivedowncosts.Itisespeciallyimportantforlarge IoT applications (e.g., smart city and smart grid). Interoperability is of paramount importance for buildingsystemsofiotsystems. It is desirable that common IoT building blocks are usable in different verticals (i.e., service standardization).iotbuildingblocksshouldbeabletointeroperatehorizontally(i.e.,acrossverticals)so that individual IoT building blocks can simultaneously support multiple applications. These building blocks will be common architectural components to enable capabilities such as routing, security, prioritization,cross$domainapi s,etc. Interfacestandardizationisalsoneeded,particularlyforsensors,actuators,andsmartdevices. 15

22 IEEE$SAIoTEcosystemStudy The goal should be for devices to be interoperable and interchangeable. There needs to be a clear meansfordevicestocommunicateandshareinformationabouttheircapabilities.auniformelectronic devicedescriptionlanguagewouldbenefitthisneed. An example of such cross$vertical interoperability is a medical device that can interface with service providers(toprovideperformancedata)andmanufacturers(toprovidepredictivemaintenancedata) whilefulfillingtheirprimaryfunctionofprovidingmedicaldatatoadoctororclinic.thebuildingblocks willneedtoknowwhichdatatoexposethroughwhichsocket(towhichvertical)tomaintainpatient privacy,etc. Semanticsandintelligence DatafromIoTdeviceswillneedtobeprovidedinstandardformatsandwithstandardsemanticsthat canbeunderstoodbyotheriotdevicesandgateways.whilesomeapplications(e.g.,medical)mayhave specialneeds,thosespecialneedsshouldbeprovidedinastandardizedwaytosupportinteroperability. Therewillneedtoberulesfortheabstractionofdata,bothtomakethedatapathwaysinteroperable andtobecertainthatthequadrupletrustisadequatelymaintained. TherearemanyinstanceswhereIoTdevicescouldenhanceauser sexperiencebyinferringtheuser s intentionsandprovidingservicesbasedonthoseinferenceswithminimaluserinteraction.forexample, whenausersitsonthesofawhatarehis/herintentions?iftheuserisalone,perhapshe/shewantsto watchtvoramovie;iftherearemultiplepeopleintheroomperhapstheywanttochatwithsoftmusic inthebackground.asmartentertainmentsystemcouldusethecurrentenvironmentstate,theuser s past behavior and possibly some earlier user configuration to show a TV program (based on the TV scheduleandlearneduserpreferences)orplaymusic(basedonknownuserpreferencesandpossiblyon emotionsensing). AsthesensingandsemanticcapabilitiesofIoTgrow,moreofthesetypesofscenariosbecomepossible. Thefundamentalruleisthattheuserrequiressimplicity;thescenariospresentedtotheuserwillneed tobeeasyandseamless. Bigdata Astheindividualmorselsofsensor/devicedatamoveuptheapplicationtheycanbeaggregatedinto larger quantities of related data. What can be done with this big data? Where is it stored? How easy/difficult is it to retrieve a piece of information from this big$data store? How is this big data massagedbeforeitisprovidedtothecustomer? How can/should the information be prioritized? Is there a way to detect if the incoming data is incorrect? What should the response be? Is there a way to automate some activities based on the informationcomingupfromthelowerlayers? Theseareonlysomeofthetechnicalandethicalquestionsthatarisefromthebig$dataaspectofIoT. And,ofcourse,therearethequestionsofhowthisbigdatacanbemonetized. Scalability AsthenumberofIoTdevicesgrows,differentmethodsofmanagingthemmustbedevised;thecurrent methodssimplydonotscale.inadditiontodemonstratingthescalabilityproblem,theexampleslisted hereshowhowmuchoverlapthereisamongthevariousmarketandtechnologyneeds. Inthesmarthome,consumerswillinevitablyneedtoreplacearesidentialgateway,eitherbecauseitis worn out or in order to upgrade for other benefits. Even in legacy environments where just a few 16

23 IEEE$SAIoTEcosystemStudy computersareconnectedtothegateway, isunreasonabletoexpectthemtoreconfigureeachoftheiotdevices appliances,lightbulbs,curtain controllers,etc. whentheyreplacetheirresidentialgateway. Wireless technology is often cellular; cellular technologies utilize SIM cards to authenticated devices. SwitchingoperatorsforcellularprovidersrequiresswappingouttheSIMcards,presentingtheproblem ofhowtoswapoutsimcards 2 inmultitudesofdevices.managingcellularnetworkswillbeproblematic whentherearehundredsofthousandsofsimcardsneedingtobereplaced.moregenerally,managing deviceswillbeachallengewhentherearebillionsofconnecteddevices. A key aspect of this will be improvements to device life$cycle management. There must be ways to manage and update devices as they age. There will need to be better methods for managing device credentials. Anotherscalabilitychallengeisthedevelopmentofmeta$modelingtoolsforsystemsofIoTsystems.The Smart$GridArchitectureModelisanexampleforsuchatool. Functionalsafety Functionalsafetyisnecessarytominimizetheriskofphysicalinjuryordamagetothehealthofpeople directly or indirectly. With IoT, there will be more and more autonomous systems that will react to sensordatawithouthumancontrolorintervention(e.g.,autonomousdrivingcars,robots).hardware and software mechanisms must be designed to ensure the safe operation of things. This includes inherentlysafealgorithms,defaultstatesincaseoffailures,andexhaustivesimulationandtesting. 2 This may be a short$term issue. As the deployment of cellular devices with embedded SIMs progresses, this problem will diminish. 17

24 IEEE$SAIoTEcosystemStudy IoTStandardization What% standardization% bodies% are% doing% important% work% to% enable% the% IoT?% What% specific% standards% activities%do%you%think%of%when%you%think%of%the%iot?%what%is%missing%from%the%standardization%point%of% view?%do%you%see%iot%activities%as%more%suitable%for%regional%or%global%standardization?% StandardsbodiesdoingimportantworktoenableIoT There are many regional and international standards organizations actively pursuing IoT$related activities.iotisgrowingrapidlyandsincestandardsorganizationsmoverelativelyslowly,manyalliances havearisentofillthevoid,workingtodevelopspecifications,promotingindustrycollaboration,etc. Itwillbeimportantforthesebodiestocoordinatetheirwork;itisnotdesirabletoduplicateworkthat hasalreadybeendoneelsewhere. ThemajorstandardsbodiesactiveinIoTincludethefollowing: InstituteofElectricalandElectronicsEngineers(IEEE) InternationalElectrotechnicalCommission(IEC): InternationalOrganizationofStandardization(ISO): InternationalSocietyofAutomation(ISA): InternationalTelecommunicationUnion(ITU): InternetEngineeringTaskForce(IETF): WorldWideWebConsortium(W3C): It must be understood that this is only a partial list of the standards bodies that are active in IoT development and standardization. Annex C contains a list of the organizations that were mentioned duringtheroundtablesandsubsequentreview. SpecificstandardsactivitiesrelatedtoIoT? In general, current IoT$specific standardization activities are confined to very specific verticals e.g., energy management, health, wearables and represent islands of disjointed and often redundant development.therearealsoanumberofstandardsincommunicationsandnetworkingthatareeither directlyapplicabletoiotorarecurrentlybeingextendedtosupportiot. WithinIEEEthereisanewproject,IEEEP2413 DraftStandardforanArchitecturalFrameworkforthe Internet of Things (IoT), that will define an IoT architectural framework, identify commonalities and relationships among various IoT verticals, define abstractions, provide a reference model, define architectural building blocks and provide mechanisms to develop multi$tiered systems from these building blocks. The goal is to provide the ability for verticals to interact with each other while still retaining the isolation required within each vertical (e.g., a medical device could provide medical information to the doctor, performance information to the service provider, and maintenance information to the manufacturer while still providing the necessary security and privacy within each vertical). IntheIEEE,therearemorethan350IEEEstandardsthatareapplicabletoIoT,40ofwhicharebeing revisedtobettersupportiot.furthermore,therearemorethan110newiot$relatedieeestandardsin various stages of development. The IEEE is also sponsoring 10 or more different IoT advocacy and supportgroups.linkstotheseactivitiesareprovidedinannexc. 18

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