Statistical properties of linear prediction analysis underlying the challenge of formant bandwidth estimation

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1 Statistical roerties of linear rediction analysis underlying the challenge of formant bandwidth estimation Daryush D. Mehta a) Center for Laryngeal Surgery and Voice Rehabilitation, Massachusetts General Hosital, Boston, Massachusetts Patrick J. Wolfe b) Deartment of Statistical Science, University College London, London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom (Received 4 March 2014; revised 7 November 2014; acceted 16 January 2015) Formant bandwidth estimation is often observed to be more challenging than the estimation of formant center frequencies due to the resence of multile glottal ulses within a eriod and short closed-hase durations. This study exlores inherently different statistical roerties between linear rediction (LP) based estimates of formant frequencies and their corresonding bandwidths that may be exlained in art by the statistical bounds on the variances of estimated LP coefficients. A theoretical analysis of the Cramer-Rao bounds on LP estimator variance indicates that the accuracy of bandwidth estimation is aroximately twice as low as that of center frequency estimation. Monte Carlo simulations of all-ole vowels with stochastic and mixed-source excitation demonstrate that the distributions of estimated LP coefficients exhibit exectedly different variances for each coefficient. Transforming the LP coefficients to formant arameters results in variances of bandwidth estimates being tyically larger than the variances of resective center frequency estimates, deending on vowel tye and fundamental frequency. These results rovide additional evidence underlying the challenge of formant bandwidth estimation due to inherent statistical roerties of LP-based seech analysis. VC 2015 Acoustical Society of America. [htt:// / ] [CYE] Pages: I. INTRODUCTION Formant bandwidth estimation is generally considered to be challenging due to several factors related to seech roduction and voice roduction characteristics. For examle, formant bandwidth estimation has been reorted to be articularly sensitive to multile ulses within one glottal cycle and short closed-hase durations of sustained vowels (Hanson and Chuang, 1999). In addition, bandwidth estimation difficulties have also been ascribed to irregularities in the glottal source sectrum that may interact with vocal tract acoustics (Klatt, 1980). In continuous seech waveforms, formant tracking is articularly challenging due to the time-varying nature of the glottal source and vocal tract resonators, and algorithms often do not take into account closedglottis versus oen-glottis conditions (Sj olander and Beskow, 2005; Boersma and Weenink, 2009). Accurate estimation of formant characteristics necessitates the use of external source excitation, such as a neckmounted vibration source with known sinusoidal inuts swet across a range of fundamental frequencies (Fant, 1962; Fujimura and Lindqvist, 1971). In the more natural and a) Author to whom corresondence should be addressed. Also at: Deartment of Surgery, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA Electronic mail: b) Also at: Deartment of Comuter Science, University College London, London WC1E 6BT, UK, and the Deartment of Electrical and Comuter Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Chamaign, Urbana, IL unconstrained seech setting, two aroaches are commonly used to estimate formant arameters from the radiated acoustic signal. The first oular aroach involves the alication of arametric models, such as linear rediction (LP) analysis, to derive seech arameters that comactly describe the resonance roerties of a series of acoustic tubes (Atal and Hanauer, 1971). Alternatively, model-free estimation of formant arameters can be erformed directly on the timedomain waveform (House and Stevens, 1958) or seech sectrum (Bogert, 1953; Dunn, 1961). Bandwidth estimation has roven difficult using these aroaches, and thus investigators have resorted to alying emirically derived relationshis between formant frequency and bandwidth (Fant, 1972; Hawks and Miller, 1995; Taert et al., 1963) or to simly fixing the formant bandwidths to standard values (Olive, 1971; Iseli et al.,2007; Deng et al., 2006). In the LP-based characterization of an all-ole system, formant candidates are comuted by solving the Yule Walker set of equations to derive weights on ast samles to redict a future samle (Atal and Hanauer, 1971). Roots of the resulting rediction olynomial yield comlex-conjugate ole airs whose locations dictate the center frequency and bandwidth of corresonding digital resonators. Statistical analysis of the Yule Walker equations yields confidence intervals for each weighting coefficient (Jirak, 2012). In fact, the lower bound on variances the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) of the LP coefficient estimates are known to differ deending on the coefficient index in the asymtotic case (Friedlander, 1984) and in short-duration sequences that are more alicable to seech 944 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137 (2), February /2015/137(2)/944/7/$30.00 VC 2015 Acoustical Society of America

2 analysis with high fundamental frequencies and short glottal closed hases (Friedlander and Porat, 1989). Real seech signals are often roduced with both voiced and unvoiced characteristics that introduce added comlexities, such as the determination of the closed hase of quasi-eriodic source excitation (Alku et al., 2009) and the resence of both oles and zeros in the filter transfer function. Such challenges are well known for the various methods of LP analysis, esecially for seakers with high fundamental frequencies and/or who are affected by voice disorders (Alku, 2011). Previous theoretical work confirmed the significant increase in the Cramer-Rao lower bound of source arameters when harmonics aroach formant frequencies (Mehta et al., 2011). The Monte Carlo aroach lends itself to the analysis of vowels synthesized with mixed-source (stochastic lus deterministic) excitation signals to gain additional insight into the inherent roerties of LP algorithms that are hyothesized to generalize to multile tyes of all-ole signals. The urose of the current study is to highlight and understand differences between the accuracies of estimating formant frequencies versus formant bandwidths by exloring the statistical roerties inherent in the transformation of LP coefficients to formant arameters using both theoretical and emirical treatments. The theoretical aroach derives formant frequencies and bandwidths from multile sets of LP coefficients that are randomly generated by erturbing baseline sets with additive noise with a covariance structure equal to the Cramer-Rao lower bound. In the emirical aroach, formant arameters are estimated from Monte Carlo simulations of synthesized all-ole waveforms using the autocovariance method of LP and LP olynomial factorization. II. METHODS Figure 1 outlines the two aroaches taken in this study. The main difference between the two methodological aroaches is that the theoretical treatment sets the variances on the LP coefficient distributions a i a riori instead of emirically deriving this variance of LP coefficients from synthesized waveforms. Both theoretical and emirical treatments seek to reveal any systematic differences between the estimation of formant frequencies f k and their associated bandwidths b k when the LP coefficient histograms are roagated through the nonlinear algorithms of root finding and ole assignment. A. Theoretical lower bounds of frequency and bandwidth estimators Figure 1(A) illustrates the theoretical aroach that investigated the effects of the nonlinear transformation from LP coefficients to formant arameters. Vowel-like arameters were generated by setting f k according to average formant frequencies obtained from adult male seakers roducing the following 10 vowels: /i/, /ı/, /E/, /æ/, /A/, /O/, /f/, /u/, /ˆ/, and / T/ (Peterson and Barney, 1952). Formant bandwidths followed the relation b k ¼ 80 þ 120f k /5000 (Mannell, 1998). In contrast to the emirical treatment in Sec. II B, here the statistical roerties of formant frequency and bandwidth estimators were determined without the need for waveform generation. Baseline LP coefficients a i were generated given a set of formant center frequencies f k and associated two-sided, 3-dB bandwidths b k for k {1, 2, 3}. We arameterized the kth digital resonator to form the following comlex-conjugate ole air (Gold and Rabiner, 1968): a k ; a b k 62 ffiffiffiffiffiffi! 1 fk k ex ; (1) f s where f s ¼ 10 khz is the samling rate, and all arameters are in units of hertz. Using the seech roduction model of Schafer and Rabiner (1970), a cascade of K second-order digital resonators modeled the all-ole transfer function T(z): Tz ðþ Y K k¼1 1 ; (2) 1 a k z 1 1 a k z 1 which can be written in terms of the LP coefficients a i, 1 Tz ðþ ; (3) 1 X a i z i i¼1 where the coefficients in the denominator can be derived by matching each a i of the rediction olynomial to the coefficients of the multilied-out olynomial in the denominator of Eq. (2). Thus the baseline f k and b k values were transformed to a baseline set of LP coefficients a i for each vowel tye by alying Eqs. (1) (3) in succession. The baseline set a i was erturbed with additive noise to yield multile instantiations ~a i of the LP coefficients using the following equation: ~a i ¼ a i þ w i ; (4) where w i is a multivariate Gaussian distribution with covariance structure given by the CRB, a lower bound on the mean-square error of unbiased estimators and thus a lower bound on the variance of the unbiased LP coefficient estimators. The CRB is known to be different for each LP coefficient estimator (Friedlander, 1984; Friedlander and Porat, 1989), and these differences are otentially further amlified by the nonlinear transformation between LP coefficients and formant frequency and bandwidth arameters. The effects of the transformation in this best-case estimation scenario are investigated in the current theoretical treatment. The CRB is the inverse of the Fisher information matrix J 1 consisting of the stochastic excitation ower r 2 and the LP coefficients. In the asymtotic condition when samle size M is large, an aroximation of J 1 is known to be (Friedlander and Porat, 1989) J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 137, No. 2, February 2015 D. D. Mehta and P. J. Wolfe: Statistics of formant bandwidth estimation 945

3 FIG. 1. (Color online) Outline of aroaches taken to investigate the estimation of given sets of formant frequency and bandwidth (f k, b k ). (A) The theoretical aroach byasses waveform synthesis and generates multile LP coefficient sets ~a i by adding variances equal to the CRB of the corresonding baseline coefficient set a i. (B) The emirical aroach synthesizes multile autoregressive rocesses x[m] and estimates LP coefficients ^a i that are transformed to estimated formant frequency-bandwidth airs ð^f k ; ^b k Þ. Of interest is the comarison of ^f k and ^b k disersions between the emirical (gray histograms) and theoretical (solid lines) aroaches. 0 1 J 1 ¼ M r 2 2r 2 0 A; (5) 0 R where R is the -by- covariance matrix derived from the LP coefficients as R ¼ r 2 ða 1 A T 1 A 2A T 2 Þ 1 ; (6) where the elements of the -by- Toelitz matrices A 1 and A 2 are secified by the following formulas: 8 >< ða 1 Þ i;j ¼ >: 1 a i j 0 if i ¼ j if i > j if i < j; ( ða 2 Þ i;j ¼ a iþj if i j 0 if i < j: (7a) (7b) For the short durations (M < 100) of windows tyically encountered in seech analysis, the asymtotic Fisher information J 1 must be modified to yield accurate CRB values for LP coefficients. Exact comutations of the CRB can be derived from the exact Fisher information matrix J M according to the following equation (Friedlander and Porat, 1989): J M ¼ J þð1 =MÞJ 1 ; (8) where the elements of the ( þ 1)-by-( þ 1) matrix J are given by J 1;1 ¼ 2r 4 ; J iþ1;1 ¼ J 1;jþ1 ¼ 1 2r 2 tr ( 1 i (9a) ; (9b) ( J iþ1;jþ1 ¼ 1 2 ) 1 R ; (9c) j where 1 {i, j} and tr{} denotes the trace oerator. A Monte Carlo analysis was erformed for each vowel tye by generating sets of the erturbed LP coefficients using Eq. (4), where the covariance structure of w i was given by J M 1 after removing the first row and column associated with the CRB of r 2 in Eq. (5). Each set of ~a i s was roagated through the rocesses of LP olynomial factorization [arameters in Eq. (2) derived from Eq. (3)] and the following ole-to-formant arameter relations to obtain estimates of ^f k and ^b k (Gold and Rabiner, 1968): ^f k ¼ f s /^a k 2 ; (10a) ^b k ¼ f s lnj^a k j ; (10b) where k {1, 2, 3} and each ð^f k ; ^b k Þ air was ordered such that ^f k < ^f kþ1. Figure 1(A) schematizes distributions (solid lines) that will be arameterized in terms of bias and variance in this theoretical treatment. 946 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 137, No. 2, February 2015 D. D. Mehta and P. J. Wolfe: Statistics of formant bandwidth estimation

4 B. Emirical estimation of LP coefficients Figure 1(B) illustrates the generation of an autoregressive (AR) rocess that is synthesized given a set of formant center frequencies f k and associated two-sided, 3-dB bandwidths b k. As in the theoretical aroach of Sec. II A, we set baseline center frequencies f k to values obtained by Peterson and Barney (1952) for the 10 vowels /i/, /I/, /E/, /æ/, /A/, /O/, /f/, /u/, /ˆ/, and / T/. Baseline synthesized bandwidths followed the same relation b k ¼ 80 þ 120f k /5000 (Mannell, 1998). In contrast to the theoretical treatment, here the statistical roerties of formant frequency and bandwidth estimators were determined by analyzing a waveform synthesized using both stochastic-only and mixed-excitation sources at multile fundamental frequencies. The baseline f k and b k values were transformed to a baseline set of LP coefficients a i for each vowel tye by alying Eqs. (1) (3) in succession. The resulting LP coefficients were then used to generate the discrete-time stochastic AR() rocess x[m], x½mš ¼ X i¼1 a i x½m išþu½mš; (11) where m is the samle index, and u[m] was white Gaussian noise with variance r 2 in the stochastic-only case. In the mixed-excitation cases, u[m] was a eriodic source signalderivative of the Rosenberg tye B ulse (Rosenberg, 1971) with additive white Gaussian noise at a signal-to-noise ratio of 20 db. A Monte Carlo analysis of instantiations of the AR(6) time series u[m] was erformed to exlore the statistical roerties of LP-based estimates of resonator frequency and bandwidth. The waveform samling rate was set to f s ¼ 10 khz, and waveforms of samle length M ¼ 100 (10 ms) were generated with r 2 ¼ 1 (results are indeendent of r 2 ). LP analysis of the mixed-excitation source was erformed with a riori knowledge of the closed hase from the known eriodic source signal. The covariance method of LP (Matlab s arcov function) with order ¼ 6 yielded LP coefficient estimates ^a i that were transformed to associated center frequency and bandwidth estimates ð^f k ; ^b k Þ for k {1, 2, 3} using two stes. First, olynomial factorization of the rediction olynomial in the denominator of Eq. (3) obtained estimates ð^a k ; ^a k Þ of the comlex-conjugate ole airs in Eq. (2). Second, the ole airs yielded ^f k and ^b k using the ole-to-formant arameter transformation in Eq. (10). C. Statistical evaluation of Monte Carlo simulations Both theoretical and emirical methods described in Secs. II A and II B, resectively, yielded distributions for ^f k and ^b k (1 k /2) over the simulations for each vowel tye. In addition, the emirical aroach yields distributions of the estimated LP coefficients ^a i (1 i ). The resulting distributions are each arameterized by bias and standard deviation values with resect to the known synthesis arameters f k, b k,anda i, resectively. Of articular interest are any systematic disarities between formant frequency and bandwidth estimates among the different vowel tyes and fundamental frequencies. For examle, finding a larger standard deviation for a given arameter s distribution would indicate greater uncertainty (lower accuracy) in the estimation of that arameter. III. RESULTS A. Theoretical variance of center frequency and bandwidth estimators Figure 2 dislays illustrative results of the theoretical aroach in which CRB-based variability was added to each LP coefficient using Eq. (4) for coefficients ertaining to the adult male vowel /A/, where f k ¼ (730, 1090, 2440) Hz and b k ¼ (98, 106, 134) Hz. The disersion dictated by the CRB of each coefficient was very similar to the emirical disersion of estimated LP coefficients ^a i derived from the synthesized AR rocesses. Coefficient airs ð^a 1 ; ^a 6 Þ, ð^a 2 ; ^a 5 Þ,andð^a 3 ; ^a 4 Þ exhibited similar biases and variances LP coefficient estimates are known to correlate with each other (Friedlander and Porat, 1989) revealing a attern of statistical symmetry that FIG. 2. (Color online) Distribution of each LP coefficient. In the theoretical aroach (solid lines), the CRB dictates the disersion of each LP coefficient, yielding distributions of ~a i. In the emirical aroach (gray histograms), LP coefficients ^a i are estimated from the stochastic AR(6) rocess x[m] for each of instantiations of u[m]. Baseline LP coefficients reresent the three formants of the adult male vowel /A/. Vertical dashed lines indicate true LP coefficients. Bias and SD are given for each emirically derived histogram (left values) and each induced distribution (right values). J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 137, No. 2, February 2015 D. D. Mehta and P. J. Wolfe: Statistics of formant bandwidth estimation 947

5 TABLE I. Standard deviations (in Hz) of formant frequency and bandwidth estimates obtained in the CRB analysis for 10 vowel configurations (Peterson and Barney, 1952). Vowel ^f 1 ^b 1 ^f 2 ^b 2 ^f 3 ^b 3 /i/ /I/ /E/ /æ/ /A/ /O/ /f/ /u/ /ˆ/ / T/ might lay a role in influencing the accuracy of formant frequency and bandwidth estimators. Although CRB analysis assumed unbiased estimators, the bias observed for the LP coefficients was aroximately half the value of the standard deviation (SD). Table I reorts the SD of histograms for each formant arameter within each of the 10 vowel configurations. Similar to the results observed in Fig. 2, the standard deviation of the center frequency distributions were almost twice that of the bandwidth estimates in all cases. These results indicate that, even in the best-case scenario where LP coefficient estimators exhibit their smallest variances (the CRB), the LP-based comutation of formant bandwidths is less accurate than the comutation of their resective center frequencies. According to Bartlett s test, the distributions of LP coefficient estimates did not exhibit the same variance within each vowel tye. B. Emirical disersion of center frequency and bandwidth estimates Figure 3 dislays illustrative distributions of the derived ^f k and ^b k arameters for each erturbed set of LP coefficients for the adult male vowel /A/. Recall that the formant center frequencies and bandwidths were estimated from each of randomly generated sets of LP coefficients using the covariance method of LP, rediction olynomial factorization, and Eq. (10). The differences between the SD of the center frequency estimators and the SD of the bandwidth estimators are greater than a factor of 2. The discreancies of the estimator biases demonstrate that the accuracy of estimating the center frequency arameter is higher than that of estimating the bandwidth arameter. In addition, the distributions of the bandwidth estimators skewed to the left and did not follow a Gaussian shae. Table II reorts disersion in terms of SD associated with the distributions of formant frequency and bandwidth estimates for the 10 vowel configurations with stochasticonly excitation. The SD of bandwidth estimates were significantly different from the SD of the associated center frequency estimates across all vowels via a two-samle F-test for equal variances. The average ratio of the SD of bandwidth estimates to the SD of center frequency estimates over all vowels and formant numbers was 2.3, roviding emirical evidence that the relatively higher variance of bandwidth estimators otentially contribute to difficulties in comuting these values, even in the synthesized settings. In addition, a significant discreancy was observed between the average absolute bias of the bandwidth distribution (31.4 Hz) and the average absolute bias of the center frequency distribution (0.4 Hz). Figure 4 shows the SD of the formant frequency and bandwidth estimates from the Monte Carlo analysis of synthesized vowels with mixed-source excitation at fundamental frequencies of 110, 220, and 330 Hz. As in the stochasticonly synthesis, the standard deviation of the formant bandwidth estimates was tyically over two times as high as the standard deviation of the formant frequency estimates on average, with this uncertainty becoming more aarent at higher formants and fundamental frequencies. Of note, the estimation of both frequency and bandwidth was accurate to within 6 Hz for the first formant and 13 Hz for the second formant across all vowels, excet for signals at the highest fundamental frequency. Bandwidth estimates became FIG. 3. (Color online) Distributions of estimated center frequencies (to row) and bandwidths (bottom row). In the theoretical treatment (solid lines), center frequency and bandwidth estimates are derived from the LP coefficients erturbed according to the CRB of the corresonding coefficient index. In the emirical treatment (gray histograms), estimates for each of three formant arameters are derived from the LP coefficient sets generated in the waveform-based aroach (stochastic excitation). Vertical dashed lines denote baseline values of the adult male vowel /A/. Also reorted for each distribution are bias relative to the baseline value and SD. 948 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 137, No. 2, February 2015 D. D. Mehta and P. J. Wolfe: Statistics of formant bandwidth estimation

6 TABLE II. Standard deviations (in Hz) of formant and bandwidth estimates across simulations of the 10 synthesized all-ole waveforms with stochastic-only excitation. Average ratio of ^f k =^b k over all vowels and formants is 2.3. Vowel ^f 1 ^b 1 ^f 2 ^b 2 ^f 3 ^b 3 /i/ /I/ /E/ /æ/ /A/ /O/ /f/ /u/ /ˆ/ / T/ significantly more challenging when estimating arameters of the third formant, and estimation of both center frequency and bandwidth suffered at f0 of 330 Hz. IV. DISCUSSION This study focused on the statistical assumtions underlying LP analysis, informing the measurement and analysis of real seech waveforms where the estimation of formant bandwidths has roven challenging for decades. As with any analysis technique, seech scientists must temer their desire for erfect accuracy by recognizing resolution tradeoffs and absolute bounds inherent in certain estimation algorithms. Alternative domains for estimating formant bandwidths may rove to increase accuracy, such as the real cestrum or regularized LP cestrum (Deng et al., 2007; Mehta et al., 2012). Large-scale error analysis of vocal tract formants and bandwidths would benefit from the availability of reference databases such as the vocal tract resonance (VTR) database of Deng et al. (2006). Whereas the VTR database contains formant frequency trajectories corrected for lausibility, the bandwidth information is untouched after an automated ass and thus requires validation rior to being useful as an acoustically relevant ground truth (Deng et al., 2006). The statistical roerties of LP coefficient estimators given here assumed unbiased distributions. Nonzero biases in the emirical analysis of Fig. 2 indicate that biases are evident in these estimators that serve to increase the total variance of each estimate. Thus the CRB equations could be further refined in the instance of biased estimators, such as through the derivations in Eldar (2004). The emirical analysis of mixed-excitation waveforms that include a eriodic source and white Gaussian noise inut yielded better resolution at a low fundamental frequency for first-formant arameters than that in the stochastic-only case. The second and third formants roved more challenging to estimate with the resence of harmonic comonents. When dealing with higher fundamental frequencies, even some center frequency variances were observed to surass corresonding bandwidth variances; in articular, see the standard deviation of center frequencies versus bandwidths for vowel /O/ in Fig. 4(B) and 4(C). Reasons for the higher uncertainty include the limited number of samles (shorter closed hase) from which to estimate frequency arameters and the sarser harmonic samling of the underlying formant enveloe in the frequency sectrum. The theoretical CRB results of this study suggest an additional limitation on the resolution of formant arameter estimation due to the underlying statistical roerties of LP analysis. Future work warrants the investigation of vowel deendence on the statistical roerties of LP coefficients and source filter interactions between harmonic and resonance comonents. FIG. 4. LP analysis of mixedexcitation waveform synthesis with source signal-to-noise ratio of 20 db. Standard deviations are reorted for estimates of center frequency ^f k (dark circles) and bandwidth ^b k (gray s) of the (A) first, (B) second, and (C) third formant across simulations for each of 10 all-ole vowel configurations at fundamental frequency (f0) values of 110, 220, and 330 Hz. Vertical axis ranges were set for otimal visualization, with secific values indicated for out-of-range oints. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 137, No. 2, February 2015 D. D. Mehta and P. J. Wolfe: Statistics of formant bandwidth estimation 949

7 V. CONCLUSION This study addressed the difficulty of estimating formant bandwidths relative to their associated center frequencies. Monte Carlo simulations of all-ole vowels demonstrated that the distributions of estimated LP coefficients yield inherent statistical differences between LP-based estimates of formant frequency and bandwidth. The variances of bandwidth estimates are tyically larger than the variances of their resective center frequency estimates. A theoretical analysis of the CRBs of LP estimator variance also indicated that the accuracy of bandwidth estimates is also lower (aroximately twice as low) as that of center frequency estimates. 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