7. Piaget believed that children learn through continuous exposure to. A. experimentation B. discovery C. first-hand experiences D. All of the above.

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1 1. Most school districts divide older preteens and young teens into their own schools due to. A. development stages B. parental concerns C. societal pressures D. height and weight 2. The steps to gaining teacher certification include all of the following except. A. earning a bachelor s degree or higher B. pledging a fraternity or sorority C. completing student teaching D. completing an approved teacher certification program 3. An effective portfolio should. A. downplay your accomplishments B. reflect your uniqueness C. be similar to that of your classmates D. be done all at once, just before the job interview 4. Your portfolio should include all of the following except. A. a list of your high school classes B. examples from your experiences showing your skills C. a list of your social network friends D. community service activities you have done. 5. Developing of philosophy of teaching. A. is very easy to do B. is not necessary until you begin interviewing for teaching positions C. helps you to think seriously about your beliefs and values D. should not change despite your experiences 6. Which of the following behaviorists is known for identifying the basic principle of operant conditioning? A. Pavlov. B. Skinner. C. Bandura. D. Vygotsky. 7. Piaget believed that children learn through continuous exposure to. A. experimentation B. discovery C. first-hand experiences

2 8. Erikson noted that during elementary school years, children need to develop competency both at school and at home. This task is known as. A. identity versus role confusion B. initiative versus guilt C. industry versus inferiority D. autonomy versus doubt and shame 9. According to Kohlberg s theory of moral development, when teens make moral decisions based on principles, such as justice and individual conscience, they are at the level of morality. A. preconventional B. conventional C. postconventional D. None of the above. 10. The basic principles of human development include which of the following? A. Everyone progresses at the same rate. B. Normal growth patterns can be predicted. C. Two children in the same family will develop at the same rate. D. Most skills develop in isolation. 11. Future teachers should study developmental theories because. A. the theories are proven facts B. they will help them to diagnose their students C. they must select a theory for their own classroom D. they help them understand what students are doing and why 12. The physical growth and development in children ages five to seven includes all of the following except which of the following? A. Height is largely determined by heredity. B. Baby teeth fall out all at once. C. Weight is dependent on nutrition and exercise. D. Boys and girls are similar in size. 13. While children still respect their parents, the first real change in the parent-child relationship occurs at. A. ages five to seven B. ages eight and nine C. ages 10 to 12 D. during adolescence 14. Which of the following about full-day kindergarten is true? A. All children should attend full day kindergarten. B. Children in these programs have an easier transition to first grade. C. The effects of full day kindergarten are still being studied. D. Both B and C

3 15. While slight variations in development are normal, significant discrepancies may signal a. A. developmental delay B. learning disability C. predictable pattern D. developmental disability 16. Which of the following about 10- to 12-year-olds is true? A. They are called preadolescents or preteens. B. They have traits of both children and adolescents. C. They are capable of more complex thought. 17. According to Erikson, the conflict of middle childhood is. A. industry vs. inferiority B. identity vs. role confusion C. initiative vs. guilt D. trust vs. mistrust 18. Kindergarten readiness skills include all of the following except. A. uses bathroom without help B. correctly holds a crayon or marker C. knows how to spell own name D. can tell a simple story 19. Which statement is not true when discussing the development of self concept in children ages 10 to 12? A. They focus on their own limitations. B. They define themselves in terms of their appearance. C. They deal with many worries including school failure. D. They feel that everyone notices even small differences. 20. Which of these statements about physical growth and development in adolescence is true? A. It is marked with rapid increases in height and weight. B. Growth does not always occur in an orderly pattern. C. Hormone shifts trigger sexual development. 21. The development of abstract thinking allows the adolescent to. A. grasp concepts such as honor and freedom B. consider multiple solutions to problems and their consequences C. figure out why things are the way they are

4 22. During high school, teens still need rules and limits that are applied. A. forcefully B. consistently C. constantly D. periodically 23. The role of peer relations change during the teen years in all of the following ways except. A. friends provide a sense of belonging, so they become more important B. friendships with peers become closer and more lasting C. making friends is based more on appearances than character D. friends can be male or female 24. The struggle for independence and autonomy of teens. A. causes many conflicts between teens and their parents B. is similar to the search for integrity C. is not normal and should be avoided D. has little impact in the classroom setting 25. Risk-taking behavior is common during adolescence for all of these reasons except. A. teens feel nothing bad will ever happen to them B. teens with high self-esteem are more likely to get involved with risky behaviors. C. teens have more independence and, therefore, opportunity to become involved in risky behaviors D. taking risks gives teens a sense of self-control 26. The teen who is more likely to become involved in high-risk behaviors may. A. have low self-esteem B. have poor grades and struggle in school C. not communicate well with parents 27. During the American Colonial Period,. A. schools that existed were primarily elementary grades only B. many people learned a trade as an apprentice C. each cultural group developed their own schools

5 28. Which of the statements about the American Early National Period is not true? A. America was primarily a rural nation with people living on farms or in small towns. B. Schools were seen as a vehicle to make society better. C. The traditions of Europe had more of an influence. D. Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson helped shape the development of schools. 29. Horace Mann believed that everyone had a right to an education, so he. A. advocated for the establishment of Christian schools B. used state taxes to help fund education C. determined that schools could not be nonsectarian D. established common schools which trained teachers 30. After the Civil War, all of the following were true except. A. educated African Americans set up schools B. some northern churches sent missionaries to the South to set up schools C. African Americans were in agreement on the best type of education D. the first African American colleges were founded 31. Froebel developed the idea for kindergarten based on. A. the belief that children learned best through play B. children need to be formally educated at an early age C. children should choose their own activities D. poor children needed to be given help to be successful 32. The McGuffey readers. A. included Dick and Jane books about family life B. contributed to the standardization of American education C. were only used for reading and spelling D. were written by a college professor during the Great Depression Era 33. Career and technical education. A. was established by the Smith-Hughes Act in 1917 B. trains people for career opportunities in specific trades C. is widespread in today s educational system 34. During the 1940s and 1950s, education in America. A. reflected old ideas B. changed little as World War II ended C. was affected by world events and social change D. saw many schools closing and teachers losing jobs

6 35. In the 1950s, many educators. A. embraced B.F. Skinner s theory of behaviorism B. used rewards and punishments to control students C. believed that by controlling the environment, they would produce well-educated students 36.The Civil Rights Act of A. was widely implemented in school districts B. called for an end to segregation in schools C. required busing of students to balance schools D. allowed for separate but equal education 37. The Equal Opportunity in Education Act. A. limited the educational opportunities of women B. allowed women to be admitted to college C. prohibited discrimination based on gender D. demanded equal pay for equal work for men and women 38. The computer revolution. A. occurred due to the decline in cost of computers B. has caused too much emphasis on technology in the classroom C. began in the 1980s when every classroom had at least one computer D. caused students to fall behind in basic reading and writing skills 39. The goals of No Child Left Behind included. A. decreased accountability for teachers and students B. more choices for parents when choosing schools for their children C. decreased focus on math and science 40. Poverty affects school children in which of the following way(s)? A. At risk for school failure. B. Positive self-esteem. C. High attendance rate. 41. Which of the following about bullying and intimidating is not true? A. They involve spreading false rumors. B. They are physical and/or verbal. C. They are of little concern to the teacher. D. They cause children to become withdrawn.

7 42. Schools can help prevent violence or gang activity by doing which of the following? A. Sticking to a strict zero tolerance policy. B. Implementing dress codes for students. C. Eliminating lockers. 43. School dropouts face many challenges in the job market including. A. high employability due to flexible schedule B. competitive wages C. lower lifetime earnings D. None of the above. 44. Since every child comes to school with a unique combination of experiences, expectations, and abilities, all of the following statements are true except which of the following? A. This presents challenges for both the teacher and the learner. B. The variety of backgrounds adds to the learning environment. C. Students must conform to an established educational system. D. It is up to the schools to make every child feel comfortable in the school. 45. Learning styles are the methods individuals prefer and the way that they learn best. Which of the following is a learning style? A. Visual. B. Auditory. C. Kinesthetic-tactile. 46. Howard Gardner published the theory of multiple intelligences. His theory includes all of the following statements except which of the following? A. Individuals have a broad range of types of intelligences, each to a different degree. B. All types of intelligences have been explored; there are no more to add to his list. C. Schools typically focus on just a few of the intelligences. D. The more types of intelligences an activity includes, the better students learn. 47. To tap into individual student strengths, the teacher should do all of the following except. A. allow more student choice in ways to explore a given topic B. help individual learners understand their strengths and how to use them C. tell students exactly what is to be done and how to do it D. help all learners by providing practice in intelligence areas that might be weak

8 48. Communication skills include which of the following? A. Listening. B. Speaking. C. Writing. 49. Which of the following is not considered to be an important professional quality for teachers? A. Being dependable. B. Being committed to students. C. Being irresponsible. D. Being respectful. 50. A way to encourage young children to behave appropriately in the classroom is to utilize. A. active listening B. aggressive communication C. passive communications D. punishment 51. The conflict resolution model includes all of the following except which of the following? A. Find out what each person wants. B. Sticking with the chosen alternative. C. Identify various alternatives. D. Choosing the best alternative. 52. The reason some disagreements require the use of a mediator is. A. one person is right and the other is wrong B. the disagreement is easy to resolve C. a third party can help each participant move through the process of reaching a settlement D. the mediator can listen to the issue and provide a simple solution 53. Educational standards are. A. sometimes called instructional goals B. developed by teachers and principals C. developed only at the national level D. very detailed 54. Curriculum. A. is clearly defined in all subject areas B. determines what topics should be taught and to what depth C. is less specific than standards D. requires teachers to follow a prescribed plan

9 55. To design a course plan, the teacher needs to consider all of the following except. A. class and school schedules B. instructional units C. including the latest buzz words D. teacher characteristics 56. The elements of a lesson plan must. A. follow a specific format B. include how the lesson will be assessed C. include all of the elements listed in the text D. include a teacher self-assessment 57. Instructional objectives. A. include general behaviors of the students B. describe the conditions under which learning will take place C. should be written in terms of what the teacher will do D. are not necessary for all lesson plans 58. Effective teachers find ideas and inspiration for their lessons from. A. teacher guides that accompany textbooks B. other teachers C. teaching magazines and Web sites 59. In order to pace a lesson properly, a teacher needs to. A. move slowly so all students will understand B. move quickly, if there is a great deal of material to cover C. experiment to find the appropriate pace D. use the guidelines in the curriculum guide 60. Closure is. A. not necessary for most lessons B. is a time for student reflection C. provides students with the correct answers to the question D. keeps students focused on the process 61. Teacher-centered methods include which of the following? A. Lectures. B. Discussions. C. Demonstrations. D. Simulations.

10 62. Demonstrations are considered to be the best way to teach a process because. A. students can see each step B. it is useful for both visual and kinesthetic learners C. it includes a verbal explanation which helps auditory learners 63. Case studies. A. can only be done with high school students B. involve the use of higher order thinking skills C. can be used only with small groups D. must be fully planned prior to starting analysis 64. Experimental labs and productive labs both. A. require careful planning B. require an answer to the question what if C. focus on the end product D. can be done with little or no cost 65.The use of games in the classroom should. A. be discouraged B. only be used at the elementary school level C. only be used if they are commercially-prepared D. None of the above. 66. The purpose of assessment is to. A. evaluate and maximize student learning B. give grades to students C. make students study the material 67.. Assessment. A. occurs at various levels B. happens during the lesson only C. happens at the end of a lesson or unit D. A and C only. 68. Alternative assessments include all except which of the following? A. Real-life tasks. B. Student demonstrations. C. Written tests and quizzes. D. Portfolios. 69. Giving clear directions is a critical skill for teachers because. A. directions can affect the success of learning activities B. unclear directions can prevent accurate assessment of learning C. they tell a person how to complete a task

11 70. Rubrics are alternative assessment tools that. A. are easy to design and use B. provide a common criteria for assessing student work C. do not include quality judgments D. should be given students only after their work is finished 71. Assessments. A. should only be done by the teacher B. always need to be linked to grades C. can include self-evaluations and peer evaluations D. do little to prepare students for the adult world 72. Providing personalized feedback to students. A. is more effective at improving learning than assigning grades B. can occur throughout the learning cycle C. is most effective if given verbally D. A and B only. 73. Which of the following is not a feedback statement that would lead to improved student work? A. You can do better work. B. You made a very good point. C. Read all the directions carefully. D. Check your work before turning it in. 74. Course evaluations. A. are needed only for new teachers or when a veteran teacher is teaching a new course B. allow the teacher to get positive feedback from students C. do little to change teaching methodology and strategies D. help teachers make improvements to a course 75. In creating a classroom environment, the teacher must consider which of the following. A. how the room will be used B. the ages and the abilities of the students C. the way transitions will be handled 76. Teachers should consider all of the statements when planning classroom rules except which of the following? A. Rules should be established early in the school year and remain unchanged. B. Students should be involved in setting the classroom rules. C. Rules should be stated in the positive noting the expected behaviors. D. Terms used in rules should be defined.

12 77. Nonverbal cues, which can be used to minimize behavior problems, include all of the following except. A. proximity teacher moving near to the student B. engaging students in a discussion C. dimming the lights in the classroom momentarily D. looking directly at a student 78. When dealing with common behavior problems, the teacher should. A. respond to problems quickly and consistently B. handle the problem in front of other students C. immediately impose preset consequences D. quickly mediate disputes between students 79. Effective teachers know that handling transitions effectively can. A. keep down time to minimum B. help to minimize behavior problems C. Both A and B. D. None of the above. 80. While each teacher manages his or her classroom differently, experts feel that the most effective style is. A. flexible B. authoritative C. permissive D. authoritarian 81. When developing a behavior management plan for their classes, teachers should ask themselves all of the following questions except which of the following? A. What are realistic expectations for my students? B. How will I reward students for appropriate behaviors? C. How will I punish students who misbehave? D. What steps will I take when an inappropriate behavior occurs? 82. Which of the following is not a way that a teacher can minimize problem behaviors? A. Ignoring problem behaviors so that they will not be repeated. B. Utilizing routines so students know what is expected of them. C. Having assigned seats and modifying the arrangement as needed. D. Using nonverbal clues to remind students of expected behaviors. 83. When teachers are dealing with serious behavioral issues, it is important to. A. always include parents in the process as early as possible B. keep accurate written records of what has occurred C. handle the problem in their classroom on their own D. involve school administrators and support staff immediately

13 84. Professional ethical standards. A. are of little concern to veteran educators B. include how a teacher acts and dresses C. are clearly defined for all situations D. often keep teachers from developing a good rapport with students 85. Ongoing professional development. A. helps teachers keep pace with changes, such as technology B. must be done through college coursework C. does not include attendance at conferences and workshops D. is not necessary once a teacher earns a permanent teaching Certificate 86. Professional organizations. A. can keep teachers updated in their field B. are expensive and rarely worth the expense C. sometimes offer student memberships D. A and C only.

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