PSYC 892 Doctoral Internship in Counseling, Supervision, & Teaching Johnston 105 Thursdays 6:30-8:30 Spring 2014

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1 JournDepartment of Graduate Psychology James Madison University PSYC 892 Doctoral Internship in Counseling, Supervision, & Teaching Johnston 105 Thursdays 6:30-8:30 Spring 2014 Instructor: Debbie C. Sturm, PhD, LPC (SC) Office: Johnson 105 Office Phone: Please use the word internship or 892 as the subject line of any in order to decrease problems with computer viruses, any s that are not from a known person or source are not opened. s received after 5PM Monday-Friday will not be opened until the next working day. s received on Saturday, Sunday, or a scheduled JMU break will not be opened until classes resume. I. Course Description Course Number and Title: PSYC 892: Internship in Counselor Education. a. Description: Teaching, consultation, counseling, and/or supervision experience is gained in field settings relevant to student's professional goals; includes clinical supervision and professional development. b. Course Credit: 3 hours c. Prerequisites: Admission to the Ph.D. program in counselor education. Students enrolled in Doctoral Counseling Internship should have completed Advanced Theories and Advanced Techniques. Students enrolled Doctoral Supervision Internship should have completed the Doctoral Supervision Course. And students enrolled in Teaching Internships should have completed the Doctoral Pedagogy/Counselor Education course. II. Course Objectives & CACREP Standards Your work within this course is part of the larger program mission to prepare solid counselor educators, supervisors, and practitioners. Specifically, this course addresses the following Professional Identity Foundations standards as outlined by CACREP: A. Doctoral program objectives address the professional leadership roles of counselor education, supervision, counseling practice, and research competencies expected of doctoral graduates. Sturm 1

2 B. It is expected that doctoral students will have experiences designed to help them accomplish the following: 1. Develop an area of professional counseling expertise as demonstrated through scholarly publications and/or presentations. 2. Develop collaborative relationships with program faculty in teaching, supervision, research, professional writing, and service to the profession and the public. 3. Participate in appropriate professional counseling organizations. 4. Contribute to and promote scholarly counseling research. By the end of the course, students will be able to know, understand, and demonstrate the CACREP doctoral standards related to the skills and practices intended to be achieved through internship: SUPERVISION B. Skill and Practices 1. Demonstrates the application of theory and skills of clinical supervision. 2. Develops and demonstrates a personal style of supervision. TEACHING D. Skill and Practices 1. Develops and demonstrates a personal philosophy of teaching and learning. 2. Demonstrates course design, delivery, and evaluation methods appropriate to course objectives. 3. Demonstrates the ability to assess the needs of counselors in training and develop techniques to help students develop into competent counselors. RESEARCH F. Skill and Practices 1. Demonstrates the ability to formulate research questions appropriate for professional research and publication. 3. Demonstrates the ability to create research designs appropriate to quantitative and qualitative research questions. 4. Demonstrates professional writing skills necessary for journal and newsletter publication. 5. Demonstrates the ability to develop and submit a program proposal for presentation at state, regional, or national counseling conferences. 6. Demonstrates the ability to write grant proposals appropriate for research, program enhancement, and/or program development. 7. Demonstrates the ability to create and implement a program evaluation design. COUNSELING H. Skills and Practices 1. Demonstrates a personal theoretical counseling orientation that is based on a critical review of existing counseling theories. 2. Demonstrates effective application of multiple counseling theories. 3. Demonstrates an understanding of case conceptualization and effective interventions across diverse populations and settings. LEADERSHIP & ADVOCACY J. Skills and Practices 1. Demonstrates the ability to provide leadership or contribute to leadership efforts of professional organizations and/or counseling programs. 2. Demonstrates the ability to advocate for the profession and its clientele. Sturm 2

3 III. Required Texts 1.Rotenberg, R. (2005). The art & craft of college teaching: A guide for new professors & graduate students. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, Inc. 2. Readings on JMU Blackboard, Canvas, or provided by instructor. V. Course Format 1. Regular Class Structure Every class session will be structured in a similar manner and will include a combination of experiential learning, lecture, discussion, case presentations, and supervision. 2. Class Participation and Student Conduct Each student is expected to attend ALL class meetings. If you feel that there are circumstances that will inhibit your ability to be fully present for this class, please let me know as soon as the situation arises, so that I can coordinate with you taking the course at a time when you can be successful. Cell phone use, texting, and use of the internet will not be allowed during class. The following consequences of will occur if you choose to engage in disruptive behavior: (a) first I will ask you, privately, to stop, and (b) second, you will be dismissed for the remainder of the class. Cell phones: Turn off or switch to vibrate all cell phones during class time. I prefer students not use laptops during classes. While you may be perfectly responsible in the use of your laptop for note-taking, it is shown that even the use of one laptop in a class creates what is referred to as a cone of distraction for those in the vicinity. The course is designed to be student-centered which means active participation is critical. It is expected that all students will come to class prepared. This also means completing all assigned readings before coming to class. Expectations for Class Participation: As your instructor I expect Excellent Participation as defined below. Poor participation will not be tolerated and students will be dismissed for the remainder of the class. Excellent (90-100) Consistently engages, actively listens, and builds on the contributions of other members of the class. Arrives promptly and fully prepared at every class session. Can always be counted on to offer honest reflections, insightful observations, and empathic comments that contribute significantly to a stimulating learning environment. Welcomes feedback and brings a sense of presence that stimulates productive group dynamics without dominating the process. Acceptable (80-90) Attends every class, arrives promptly, and is well prepared, having completed all assignments. Interacts respectfully and empathically with other members of the class. Regularly contributes thoughtful reflections, relevant comments, and constructive observations to class discussions. Is open to feedback and brings a sense of presence that contributes to productive group dynamics. Unacceptable (79 and under) Is absent or, when present, rarely interacts with other members of the class. Comes to class unprepared. Demonstrates a notable lack of interest in contributing to a positive learning environment. Brings a presence that sabotages productive group dynamics. Engages in non-verbal relational aggression, such as eye rolling and dismissive gestures, that communicates disrespect or contempt for peers and the instructor. Sturm 3

4 Display of Professionalism: Licensure as a Professional Counselor and careers in Counselor Education and Supervision carry a great deal of responsibility. Whether a counselor, educator, or supervisor is helpful, ineffective, or even harmful pertains primarily to issues of competence and professionalism. It is assumed that a doctoral student s behavior in class is generally an indicator of his or her future behavior as a counselor educator or supervisor. Thus, students are appraised based on professionalism displayed during class. Doctoral students display professionalism, and build competence by arriving on time for class, by engaging fully in class lectures and activities, and by demonstrating professional attitudes, and professional character. These factors are evaluated based on one's ability to convey warmth, genuineness, respect, and empathy in interactions with classmates, and the instructor. Students need to be able to demonstrate the ability to accept and integrate feedback, be aware of their impact on others, accept personal responsibility, and be able to express feelings appropriately. VI. Course Requirements 1. Given the amount of learning involved in class, your attendance is critical to successful completion of the course; 2. Actively participate in weekly discussions, activities, and course assignments; 3. Act and present yourself in a professional manner; 4. Complete all indicated readings and written assignments; 5. Actively and openly communicate so that we can make this course a learning experience for all of us. VII. Grading The grade you receive for each assignment, and for the course, is the grade you earn. In order to pass this course, all assignments must be completed in alignment with the guidelines below. If you have questions about grading, you must see the course instructor as your questions arise; not after you have handed in your work or earned your grade. All assignments are due at the beginning of class in hard copy. Assignments that exceed the page limit will not be graded. Electronic documents and documents that have been slid under my office door will not be accepted. Written Work All written work must be typed and follow APA format. Every document you submit needs to include a title page. Graduate level work needs to be typed double-spaced on one side of a page. Assignments that do not follow this established criterion will be given back to the student to do again. Writing style should be formal, without use of contractions, slang, or abbreviations. The guide for the style is the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (6th ed.). You may visit for more information. Be sure to carefully proof read all work before submitting it for evaluation. Students are expected to display good writing skills in all written work. You will be given a grading rubric for each assignment at least two weeks before the deadline. Late Assignments Assignments will be penalized ten (10) points for each late day. Assignments will not be accepted after five (5) days and will average as a zero. Students can view assignment due dates in the syllabus itinerary, as well as the course web site. Sturm 4

5 VIII. Assignments Grading Table Assignments % of Grade Final Grade Attendance & Participation 10 A= given for excellent work Journal Entries 20 B= meets Graduate College expectations Professional Portfolio 30 C= work below Graduate College expectations Evaluations, Observations, and Student/Supervisee Feedback 20 D= work significantly below average quality and indicates that the course must be retaken Research Proposal 20 F= 59 and below indicates failure and means the class must be taken again with a passing grade before credit is allowed Assignment Overview Attendance & Participation (10% of your grade) Students are expected to attend and participate in all group supervision sessions. The group will meet for two hours every week. Students are expected to come prepared by staying current with reading assignments and case presentations. Guidelines for the class presentations are attached to this syllabus. Journal Entries (20% of your grade) Keep a weekly record (or more frequent as needed) of your personal and professional reactions to class and teaching, supervision, or counseling experiences that relate to the course. These reactions should speak to questions such as, but no exclusive to, the following: What am I thinking or feeling about this? How do these things relate to my past experiences? What do I need to better prepare myself? Where am I headed? What does this mean to me and/or the profession? This on-going journal compilation will be a reflection of your experience and growth throughout the semester pertaining to your thoughts and feelings about self as Sturm 5

6 counselor and future supervisor and educator of counselors. You should focus on the use of theory to inform practice, personal and professional challenges in working with counseling clients and potential challenges in supervising future counselors. Your weekly journals will culminate in a final summary reflection paper (3-5 pages) to bring a close to the semester. In this paper, you will also want to include topics explored during the semester and during your course of study here at JMU (you want to consider referring back to your writings from the Leadership & Advocacy course and other courses that have served as a foundation for this internship) and consider including additional wonderings such as professional roles and leadership, technology, ethical issues, personal challenges, self as counselor versus self as supervisor or educator. Students should utilize information obtained in the class to guide them completing this reflection paper. Scholarly references and APA formatting are required. NOTE: Students have the option of creating a media/technology based project in lieu of written journals and summary paper. The topics to be addressed are the same; however, you may choose a narrated powerpoint, a photo essay, a short movie, or some other method of incorporating technology. Please discuss your ideas with the instructor to be sure they are suitable for this project. This is a great opportunity to stretch yourselves consider it! Professional Portfolio (30% of your grade) Students will create a professional portfolio as outlined in materials contained within this syllabus. This portfolio will be under construction through each of your three internship experiences with a final portfolio expected at the conclusion of the program. This on-going collection of evidence and experience will be invaluable as your prepare for comprehensive exams and professional job searches. Consider this Portfolio to be a representation of the work you have completed in each of the CACREP areas of doctoral learning: counseling, teaching, supervision, research, and leadership & advocacy. Label the sections according to those five headings and include within it subsections for each of the Skills & Practices doctoral CACREP standards. You are only responsible for the work you have already completed AND the work you will be completing within this course. For example, you may have already completed the Leadership & Advocacy course and are currently enrolled in your Counseling Internship. This semester will also include a research proposal reflecting the content area for which you are currently enrolled. At the end of this semester, your Portfolio will include Research, Counseling, and Leadership & Advocacy. If you are unclear, please consult with the instructor and we will define your individual expectations. Sturm 6

7 Teaching Evaluations, Supervisee and/or Client Outcomes, Teaching Observations (20% of your grade) a. Students individual teaching experience will be observed once during the first 8 weeks of the semester and once at the conclusion of the semester by the instructor of record. Review of the observations will be in the form of a written evaluation as well as a one-on-one meeting with the instructor of record during week #5 of the semester and again at the conclusion of the semester. b. c. Students involved in clinical counseling or supervision experiences will utilize client or supervisee feedback forms as part of an ongoing feedback process. In addition, students will present two video samples of their supervision or clinical counseling work to the class and to the instructor for feedback. d. In addition to the instructor of record, students who are engaged in teaching will ask one faculty member to observe their class and provide written feedback. Finally, students will be paired with another student for one hour or peer consultation. This can occur in-person or via Skype or GoToMeeting. At two points during the semester, we will rotate pairs so that everyone gets an opportunity to engage in consultation with every member of the class. Consultations will be aimed at reviewing specific skills, issues, or pedagogical approaches as selected by the student. Each person will keep detailed notes of their consultations and reflect on the process and the feedback in their individual journal entries. A summary of the notes, rather than your actual personal notes, will be submitted with your final portfolio. Research Proposal (20% of your grade) As doctoral students and future counselor educators/supervisors, it remains important for you to be curious about evidence-based, research-supported work. In order to help you continue to gain both confidence and competence, you will develop a Research Proposal focused on your current internship focus (clinical work, supervision, and/or teaching or pedagogy). A sample outline and guidelines is attached later in this syllabus. This is not intended to be a fully enacted study, but instead an exercise on becoming curious of the ways research opportunities exist within all areas of our work. This should be no more than 15 pages long. Topics will need to be approved by the instructor prior to Spring Break and the final proposal is due prior to the end of the semester. Specific dates are outlined on the course calendar. University and Department Policy Academic Honesty: Making references to the work of others strengthens your own work by granting you greater authority and by showing that you are part of a discussion located within an intellectual community. When you make references to the ideas of others, it is essential to provide proper attribution and citation. Failing to do so is considered academically dishonest, as is copying or paraphrasing someone else s work. The Sturm 7

8 consequences of such behavior could range from failure on an assignment to failure in the course to dismissal from the University. Because the disciplines of the Humanities value collaborative work, you will be encouraged to share ideas and to include the ideas of others in our papers. Please ask if you are in doubt about the use of a citation. Honest mistakes can always be corrected or prevented. The JMU Honor Code is available from the Honor Council Web site: Inclement Weather: This class will follow the JMU inclement weather policy, which states For the safety and well-being of its students and employees, the university may close or limit its services based on inclement weather or other emergencies. If the decision to close is made, appropriate notification will be made on: JMU Weather Line JMU Radio Station 1610AM JMU Home Page Local radio and television stations. The inclement weather policy can be found in its entirety at If the University should make a decision to close, the clinic will follow the same schedule and you will need to reschedule any client appointments. If you have special commuting needs, please contact me at to discuss. Disability Accommodations If you need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability, you should contact the Office of Disability Services (Wilson Hall, Room 107, ) if you have not previously done so. Disability Services will provide you with an Access Plan Letter that will verify your need for services and make recommendations for accommodations to be used in the classroom. Once you have presented me with this letter, you and I will sit down and review the course requirements, your disability characteristics, and your requested accommodations to develop an individualized plan, appropriate for this course. JMU abides by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, which mandate reasonable accommodations be provided for students with documented disabilities. If you have a disability and may require some type of instructional and/or examination accommodations, please contact me early in the semester so that I can provide or facilitate provision of accommodations you may need. If you have not already done so, you will need to register with the Office of Disability Services, the designated office on campus to provide services for students with disabilities. The office is located in Wilson Hall, Room 107 and you may call for more information. Religious Observation Accommodations Sturm 8

9 All faculty are required to give reasonable and appropriate accommodations to students requesting them on grounds of religious observation. The faculty member determines what accommodations are appropriate for his/her course. Students should notify the faculty by no later than the end of the Drop- Add period the first week of the semester of potential scheduled absences and determine with the instructor if mutually acceptable alternative methods exist for completing the missed classroom time, lab or activity. Confidentiality and Title IX Title IX addresses not only gender discrimination, but also sexual harassment and sexual violence, because they create a hostile educational environment. We are committed to creating a safe haven and an open atmosphere in this learning community. The personal information you share in your written assignments, class discussions, experiential activities, and counseling practice sessions enriches the learning experience for everyone. We want to let you know that, as educators, we are mandated by Title IX to report any suspected sexual harassment or sexual assaults of students. This mandate does not require identifying you and we are dedicated to addressing these concerns with sensitivity and consideration for your privacy and wellbeing. If you do want to report any event, the contact person is James Robinson, director of the JMU Office of Equal Opportunity, at Furthermore, we also will take necessary action to respond to any disclosures of dangerousness to self or others. For more information, go to Sturm 9

10 WEEKLY SCHEDULE Date Supervision & Presentations Benchmarks Due 1 1/16/14 Welcome & Overview 2 1/23/14 Supervision Journal 1 Peer Consultation 3 1/30/14 Supervision Journal 2 Presentation #1 Peer Consultation 4 2/6/14 Supervision Presentation #2 Presentation #3 5 2/13/14 Supervision Presentation #4 Presentation #5 6 2/20/14 Supervision Presentation #1 7 2/27/14 Supervision Presentation #2 Presentation #3 8 3/6/14 Supervision Presentation #4 Presentation #5 Change Peer Consultation Partners Research Proposal Draft Observation #1 Complete Journal 3 Peer Consultation Journal 4 Peer Consultation Journal 5 Peer Consultation Journal 6 Peer Consultation Journal 7 Peer Consultation 9 3/20/14 Supervision Presentation #1 10 3/27/14 Supervision Presentation #2 Presentation #3 11 4/3/14 Supervision Presentation #4 Presentation #5 Change Peer Consultation Partners Journal 8 Journal 9 Journal 10 Research Proposal Due Sturm 10

11 12 4/10/14 Supervision Final Presentation #1 13 4/17/14 Supervision Final Presentation #2 Final Presentation #3 14 4/24/14 Supervision Final Presentation #4 Final Presentation #5 15 5/1/14 Last Class Meeting Research Proposal Due Observation #2 Complete Journal 11 Journal 12 Journal 13 Final Journal Due Portfolio due Sturm 11

12 Doctoral Skills and Practices Portfolio As a result of participating in the Doctoral Program in Counselor Education and Supervision, the student is expected to demonstrate mastery of all of the competency areas. Creating this portfolio during your internship provides an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the ways in which students are developing in each of these areas. Portfolio: A selective, reflective, and collaborative collection of evidence used to document an individual s development and accomplishments. The development of the portfolios should be ongoing and include materials sampled across time, required and elective courses, professional development and clinical experiences, and self-developed materials. Portfolio Competency Areas: Competency Area 1: Teaching Competency Area 2: Counselor Supervision Competency Area 3: Research and Scholarship Competency Area 4: Counseling Practice Competency Area 5: Leadership and Advocacy Demonstration of some competencies can be evidenced through required reproduction/artifact competency components and required knowledge/reflection competency components. In all components, students are expected to develop their social, cultural, and racial identities, implement current technologies, and abide by the legal and ethical standards. Reproduction/Artifact Components: In these components, students are asked to draw upon materials that they have developed in courses, clinical experiences or professional development experiences to demonstrate specific skills, knowledge or awareness. Students may also develop materials specific to meeting the identified competency areas. Artifacts - materials that are normally produced through coursework, clinical experiences, and professional development activities (e.g., treatment plans, research papers, conference presentation materials, course syllabi developed). Reproductions - materials that reproduce actual practice (e.g., videotapes, audiotapes). Please note that change or growth may be demonstrated by providing examples of the successive versions of an assignment, not just the most polished version. Additionally, a single reflection, reproduction or artifact may be used to demonstrate competence in multiple areas. Besides considering revisions or updated versions of materials, one of the key aspects of artifact/reproduction selection is the inclusion of rationale statements that provide clarification of why the specific submitted materials demonstrate the competency and how they may reflect personal and/or professional growth. Collecting Materials and Developing the Portfolio Sturm 12

13 This syllabus includes all the competency areas that must be addressed in the portfolio representing your internship experience. It is important that in collecting or developing portfolio components a student considers components that best demonstrate the required competency and provides a rationale for the inclusion of materials It is recommended that students collect materials across academic courses, clinical practice, professional development activities and other areas of their doctoral training. Developing a portfolio requires careful and thoughtful consideration of what components to include and to the development of components. In this process the student should consider including works or materials that demonstrate change, growth, or insight into practice as well as professional development. In addition, compiling portfolio components should be a selective process, not an overly inclusive process. Sturm 13

14 Outline for Research Proposal Working Title Approximately 10 words. This must clearly state the topic of research and imply the main research question. Introduction About 1000 words. This must identify the broad topic, the context for the study and its importance to the area of counseling, supervision, or counselor education pedagogy. Research Question(s) One or more research questions. Keep in mind that your questions guides your statistics. Definition of Terms Identify key terms that are essential for your reader to understand as they relate to your study. Relevant Research and Theory About words summarizing the research relating to your research questions and variables. Consider density rather than length. This is a clear yet strong snapshot of available literature references, at least one of which should refer to some type of counseling, supervision, or pedagogical theoretical framework. Procedures Discuss the methodology for your study including the sample, the setting, the role of the researcher, instruments or other forms of data, the data collection process, data analysis, etc. Proposed Timetable Provide a one page maximum description of the timeline you envision if you were to move forward with this study. References This will include the 8-10 references discussed in the Relevant Research and Theory section and any additional literature you have cited. Sturm 14

15 Outline for Supervision Presentations Description of Setting (Individual, Group, Dyad) Description of Supervisor/Supervisee Relationship Description of Approach to Supervision Goals of Supervision Outcomes of the Supervision Session Summary of the Supervision Samples of all supporting materials, forms, or guidelines used. All attempts should be made to provide a video sample of your supervision. Sturm 15

16 Outline for Teaching Presentations Description of Course Description of Lecture Educational Goals Description of Instructional Method Description of Class Activities, Discussion Exercises, or Other Experiential Instructional Techniques Evaluation of Class Instruction and Outcomes Attach all handouts, powerpoint slides, and any other supporting materials. All attempts should be made to provide a video sample of your teaching. Sturm 16

17 Outline for Counseling Case Presentation Brief Overview of the Client and Presenting Issues Overview of Treatment Plan and Goals Brief Description of your Theoretical Approach Major Themes of Current Session Brief Description of Dynamics Between Counselor and Client Wonderings about Future Work with the Client Wonderings about Self as Counselor All efforts should be made to provide a video sample of your counseling. A copy of your treatment goals and objectives would be additionally beneficial. Sturm 17

18 CACREP STANDARDS MATRIX FOR DOCTORAL INTERNSHIP SERIES (This illustrates the way in which your assignments align with the learning goals within this course and is completed by the instructor at the end of the semester for accreditation purposes). 3 Exceeds Expectations 2 Meets Expectations 1 Does Not Meet Expectations JOURNAL ENTRIES PORTFOLIO RESEARCH PROPOSAL EVALUATIONS SUPERVISION 8. Demonstrates the application of theory and skills of clinical supervision. IV.B Develops and demonstrates a personal style of supervision. IV.B Develops and demonstrates a personal philosophy of teaching and learning. IV.D.1. TEACHING 11. Demonstrates course design, delivery, and evaluation methods appropriate to course objectives. IV.D Demonstrates the ability to assess the needs of counselors in training and develop techniques to help students develop into competent counselors. IV.D.3. COUNSELING g. Demonstrates a personal theoretical counseling orientation that is based on a critical review of existing counseling theories. IV.H.1. h. Demonstrates effective application of multiple counseling theories. IV.H.2. j. Demonstrates an understanding of case conceptualization and effective interventions across diverse populations and settings. IV.H.3. Sturm 18

19 Demonstrates the ability to formulate research questions appropriate to quantitative and qualitative research questions. IV.F.1. Demonstrates the ability to create research designs appropriate to quantitative and qualitative research questions. IV.F.2. RESEARCH Demonstrates the ability to provide leadership or contribute to leadership efforts of professional organizations and/or counseling programs. IV.J.1. LEADERSHIP & ADVOCACY Demonstrates the ability to advocate for the profession and its clientele. IV.J.2. Sturm 19

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