European Juggling Magazine Europaische Jonglierzeitschrif t

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1 European Juggling Magazine Europaische Jonglierzeitschrif t No January FF DM 4.00

2 : WE OFFER A : e VERY FAST e FRIENDLY MAIL ORDER : SERVICE : e OR YOU CAN VISIT OUR SHOP e DUB'E e e RENEGADES e : SEMCYCLES : e D.M. UNICYCLES e SPOTLIGHT : HENRY'S : e SQUEEZITS : JUNGLERIE : e TODD SMITH e : JUGGLE BUG : All unwanted equipment can be e returned within 21 days e PLEASE RING OR WRITE e FOR A : FREE CATALOGUE : : lkl~ Jiiil~~"il ~klup : 56 ISLINGTON PARK STREET LONDON N 1 1 PX ~ In this issue MAASTRICHT NO COMMENT FOOL TIME APPEAL... 7 BOOK REVIEWS Jonglieren Three Ball Digest Comedy/Contacts Richtig Jonglieren WORKSHOP Group Games Blind Juggling club Back Crosses CIRCUS SPACE The Circus has no home BACK TO THE FUTURE STAR PORTRAIT Victor & Anatoly WHAT'S ON No.13 in Oldenburg Other conventions, etc Courses LETTERS MEETINGS SMALL ADS SUBSCRIPTIONS EDITORIAL: EASTERN EUROPE COVER PHOTO: Victor Pilipovitch and Anatoly Myagkostupov, Public Show in Maastricht, Photo: Bill Giduz, Jugglers World. See interview p.20 Copy Deadline for No.18: 2 April 1990 ***KASKADE - European Juggling Magazine*** EDITED BY Gabi & Paul Keast Annastr. 7 D-6200 Wiesbaden West Germany Tel.: BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER: at Nassauische Sparkasse, Zugspitzstra~e. Wiesbaden Bank Code (BLZ) PRINTED BY W. Lendle, Hundsgasse 8, Wiesb.-Erbenheim

3 : Zth European Maastricht... Well, what more can anyone say? Most of our readers were there anyway. And those who weren't there couldn't imagine what it. was like, no matter how many stories we printed. It seems as though all those who went to Maastricht were struck dumb by what they saw. We didn't get a single article about the events there. Does that mean that everyone was so pleased that there was nothing more to say? Or perhaps that something has got lost along the way? After previous European Conventions there was always some subject or other that caused controversies for a long time afterwards. If that element has gone it would be a pity. Anyway, we still have some time to go before the next convention. Maastricht was certainly overwhelming. 1OOO jugglers registered on the first day alone. On Saturday, when the registration desk was abandoned, 1800 jugglers from 23 countries had been signed up. Believe it or not, somewhere among all those jugglers, another 500 citizens of Maastricht came to the Public Show. The City of Maastricht was so impressed with the convention that they wanted to have the jugglers back next year, and were disappointed to hear that the convention is held in a different place each time. The mayor has written a letter of reference which future organisers can show to other sceptical city authorities. At least Lee Hayes, the brains behind the Maastricht convention, had one last thing to say (which Michlel Hesseling overheard): "As organizer I'm glad nobody burned down the campsite, but as a juggler I'm sad that nobody even tried!" Lee Hayes, organizer in chief All Photos from Maastricht: Bill Giduz, Jugglers World

4 no Photos: Top left: Along the Parade; Bottom left: Maike Aerden (Moving Moments); Top right: Heinz and his giant balloon, Club Renegade; Bottom right: Theresa und Sem Abrahams, Public Show

5 ~ comment Photos: Top left: Victor & Anatoly at the games; Bottom left: Unicycling over a bridge; Top right: Jochen Schell; Bottom right: Snapdragon Circus

6 lf artistik-u. theaterbedarf zulpicher str. 39 * 5000 koln 1 t gratis ka log ant ordern!!! r HOT NEWS!!! Best wishes for the New Year 1990! If you're interested in performing in Japan, please contact us. Carol & Ryo

7 '7 Fool Time Appeal One sunny morning in early August '89, news of impending tragedy broke at Fool Time. The bank manager had put his foot down, and we found ourselves under the sudden threat of closure. We had two options: find 40 OOO in three weeks - or go bust. Since its beginnings four years ago, Fool Time, Britain's only circus school, has always walked a financial tightrope. Consistent underfunding, and lack of sufficient recognition from the monetary powers-that-be, has meant that sooner or later this was bound to happen. You can't run a school on love alone The situation was quite simple: we had no money, we needed lots, and fast! All hell broke loose in the office! Initial feelings of despair soon turned to a veritable frenzy of positive thinking as we realized that we could not possibly let this happen. But there was much to be done. Within days, legal advice had been sought, a massive lobby launched on the Arts Council, an appeal set up and the media informed. The priority was to spread the word - not an easy task in early August, with potential funders on holiday and many friends and supporters touring abroad. We needed to inform people in Europe. The silliest suggestion as to how to do this came from stiltwalking veterans, Robin de Public and Kevin Kivuli, who offered to ride their tandem down to Holland in time for the start of the European Juggling Convention at Maastricht. This was a publicity stunt on a grand scale: to cover 400 miles, on 2~-foot stilts, riding a six-foot tandem, raising money and public awareness all the way between Bristol and Holland - and all in fourteen days! DM ENGINEERING (((( are on the move See the OM Unicycle Collection at your nearest agent. Now manufacturing at OM Engineering, Christchurch r/o 59 Fairmile Road, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 2LA. Telephone No

8 JONGLAGE IM NOf)OEN Fool Tim.e (continued) JONGLIERARTIKEL BALLONE THEATERSCHMINKE MASKEN & NASEN WORKSHOPS: PROGRAMM AUF ANFRAGE FORDERN SIE UNSEREN KATALOG AN! (Gegen DM 1,80 in Briefmarken) -... IC FL_.C... BERGSTR OLDENBURG TEL MOZARTSTR WILHELMSHAVEN TEL Jol\lGLi R B DARF: til\jr.a'd R. JH RT R- 5CHMiNK~ I LuFJBAuorus u.a. Of t't IUNGSZ 11E N MO. FR A~ - A8?>O UHR SA AO - A2 um~ After a day spent rebuilding the tandem and generally rushing about, they set off, amidst considerable acclaim, along with Jules Howarth, whose happy task it was to escort our two heroes, providing support and spare stilts where necessary. They reached Bath, only to discover - yes - they had forgotten their passports! They chained the tandem to some railings and went back for the passports, only to return yes without the key! So most of the first day was spent sawing through a padlock only seventeen miles from home. Their journey, once properly under way, was not without its problems. Averaging 30 miles a day, battling against the clock, with very little money and cramped sleeping conditions, there were, not surprisingly, times where exhaustion threatened, limbs ached and tempers frayed. The first day in Europe, Kevin was in so much pain he took off his stilts in the middle of the road and announced he was going no further! There was also some trouble with communication, neither Robin, Kevin nor Jules being expert linguists. In Bruges they were helped out by two women who wrote them a huge placard explaining who they were and why they were there. (Thanks ladies!) Another factor was the physical danger involved in riding the tandem itself. Kevin told me of a hair-raising scene in a cobbled square, with tramlines everywhere (fatal for the wheels) and hundreds of people wandering about. The experience of trying to manoeuvre themselves through this busy market was, he said, "the most dangerous half-hour of my life!" But, all in all, the good easily outweighed the bad. Our heroes caused a stir wherever they went. Coins flew down from opened windows; photographers had a fieldday; cafes, pubs and restaurants extended generous hospitality; P&O gave them half-price tickets on the ferry; radio and TV stations were, for the most part, welcoming "7 special thanks to Radios Kent and Belgium who were particularly kind. And of course the high point of the whole adventure the triumphant arrival in Maastricht. They made it! With interesting sensations in their legs and seriously sore bottoms, Robin and Kevin rode into the festival - the heroes of the day. They set up a stall for people to come and give money and add their names to the petition. They were warmly welcomed by everyone organisers, jugglers and fellow fools and would like to say a big thank-you to all who hosted, helped and supported. Robin and Kevin had harboured a personal ambition for a while and that was to tow a dozen unicycles along behind the tandem. In the Grand Parade this dream was realized, as they sped around in a huge circle with about 50 unicyclists, hand in hand, all whizzing around after them. It had been decided to auction the tandem in the Snapdragon tent to raise more funds for Fool Time, and just at this climactic moment, as I'm sure people who were there will remember, one of Kevin's stilts snapped and he headed speedily for the floor! Narrowly escaping a rupture of various important parts of his anatomy, Kevin skilfully propelled himself back up onto one stilt and proceeded to hop up and down on the spot. The raffle was won by the Bochum Unicycle Circus from Germany, who promised to ride it to the next Convention and raffle it for whatever needy cause there might be at the time - once they'd learnt to ride it! It's lovely to think that perhaps a tradition has been set up, born out of adversity. Fool Time is thriving now, and it really IS thanks to everyone who gave; to the appeal, and to Robin and Kevin on their journey and at Maastricht. We managed to raise the 40 OOO, just In time, and we are now in a stronger position than ever. Our thanks also to Robin, Kevin and Jules themselves - and see you at the next one! Em Whitfield, Fool Time, Bristol

9 BUTTERFINGERS are moving.....from May 12th our new address will be.. Butterfingers Juggling Equipment Puzzle Tree Cottage Stoke St. Michael Near Bath, BA3 SLB England Butterfingers, the fast and friendly mail-order specialists; fast because we send out your equipment the day we receive your order - friendly because we make you cups of tea when you come and visit! Write for our new catalogue - everything from beanbags to walking globes!

10 ,, ~~ 1 Book Reviews Jonglieren This is a book that touches briefly on all the possibilities of juggling, as the attractive cover shows: balls, clubs, rings, diabolo, devil stick, etc. etc. etc. The A4-size, hard cover book is designed to withstar.d being carried about in a prop bag (if, that is, you're prepared t o put up with the extra weight). Starting with the basic cascade, a few tricks are explained for each of the different props. You won't find a complete list of all the possibili tes - the reader learns just enough to set his imagination rolling, yet still leaves him able to be amazed by his first convention. Four and five balls, for example, are dealt with very briefly. The authors don't believe in quantity: "If you want to entertain your audience, then the number of objects you juggle will never be the main thing." Yet they leave you in no doubt as to how much practice is required to put together a good show. The book Is written clearly, though the language (GERMAN!) sometimes matches the medireval style of the photos. (The authors perform as a troupe of medireval jesters-.) The tricks are illustrated using photos and diagrams, which tend to be a bit confusing with the more complicated moves. I particularly like the chapter headings, such as: "Zigarrenkisten Geschwindlgkeit ftir Nichtraucher", or "Teufelsstabe - Gefundenes Fressen fur Stabchen". The book is rounded off with in - structions on how to make balls, clubs, torches and cigar boxes, and in the appendix is a comprehensive list of juggling books and propsellers. JONGLIEREN... VOID Werfen, Fangen und Drehen by Rudolf Baier, Thomas Erath, Peter Hofmann, Stefan Pollmann, Heinrich Hugendubel Verlag, 120 pages, DM 26. The Three Ball Digest This book is the work of a top professional. For 14 years now, Dick Franco has been performing on variety stages throughout the world and has won many awards. He is also an experienced workshop leader. He devotes himself in this book entirely to 3 ball juggling. He considers an absolute command of the 3-ball cascade to be the most important factor in making progress with juggling. This he explains in great detail, making plenty of suggestions for exercises and providing lots of clear diagrams to illustrate the points. He then goes on to describe over 100 (!) 3-ball tricks, classified under various headings, such as shower tricks, one-hand tricks, pirouettes, etc. For these sections he dispenses completely with drawings and photos. He concludes this part of the book with 3 suggested routines using 3 balls. Here he strings t o gether a series of tricks for a beginner, an intermediate juggler and finally a professional. In the second part he passes on many tricks and tips on how to balance a ball on your head and make it roll from side to side. This Is a subject which hardly anyone dares to engage in, either in theory or in practice (as you may have seen - or rather not seen - at conventions). The final 40 pages are given over to a small collection of photos of variety jugglers old and new. In other words, this book is not only for beginners, but also for advanced jugglers and collectors. Three Ball Digest Plus! - Mastering the Headroll, by Dick Franco, published by Brian Du be, inc., 150 pages The Ugly Juggling Company BRIT AINS NORTHERN JUGGLING SHOP 7, BLACK SWAN COURT 69, WESTGATE ROAD NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE NEl lsg PLEASE WRITE OR PHONE FOR YOUR FREE CATALOGUE TEL: (091)

11 Comedy & Contacts Kit Summers was kind enough to send us two books for review which contain not one single juggling trick! Which is a good enough reason in itself for mentioning them. "Comedy - for Life and Other Important Matters" is a collection of witty lines which could be used at various points during your show (be it a juggling show, or the show you make of your everyday life). Many of the lines are grouped under subject headings which suggest the areas they could be used in. For example, there are a few suggestions on how to get a circle when performing on the street, how to shake up a slow audience, how to deal with dropped props, or how This ls a handy little paperback iii. the BLV Sportpraxis series. The introduction makes it clear that the author ls talking about juggling as a non-competitive sport, i.e. sport in the sense of the pleasure of physical exercise. The title, which was predetermined by the publisher's series, is also qualified here: there is no such thing as "rlchtiges Jonglieren" ("the right way to juggle"). But the book does intend to get people off to the right start. The structure is very clear, as is usual for this kind of handbook. A little symbol beside each trick shows the degree of difficulty. The explanatory diagrams are very easy to follow and only show the essen - to introduce the passing of the hat. In addition to the jokes designed for a show, there ls a list of about 3000 (numbered!) "Lines for Any Occasion". It seems to be up to you whether you should learn them all off by heart, or incorporate into your show the process of looking them up in the big folder. Once you've got your show the way you want it, you can get some inspiration from Kit Summers' other book, "Contacts for Booking Acts Worldwide". Here he gives tips on how best to sell yourself and your show, i.e. how to design your publicity material, how to get in touch with the right people, how many phone calls you have to make or letters you have to send off, etc.' He also provides a long list of addresses of promoters, schools, comedy clubs, cruise lines, circuses, agents and TV stations. However, this book is very much geared towards the United States and contfins relatively little information about Europe, so it will be particularly useful to people who are thinking of organising a tour of America. Comedy - For Life and Other Important Matters, and Contacts for Booking Acts Worldwide, both by Kit Summers, $25 each plus $2 postage, available from Finesse Press/ Kit Summers, P.O.Box 11244, San Diego, CA 92111, USA. Jonglieren tial details. Where a photo ls used to clarify a move, the trajectories of the balls are drawn in, so that the reader can picture the movement even if he has never seen a juggler before. Now and again there is a photo of a professional juggler to let you relax from the mechanical learning steps described on the other pages. In many places there are little yellow boxes containing special tips on a particular trick which are also a useful memory jog lor the advanced juggler. The author concentrates on ball and club juggling. The 3-ball cascade is described in great detail, and all the possible mistakes are mentioned. Sometimes it reads like the instructions that come with a washing machine: The operating light does not come on - check whether the plug is in the socket. But anyone who has given a workshop will know that this kind of detail is what people want. The author compiles a long list of 3-ball tricks, and mentions multiplex and 5-ball variations. However, his favourite subject seems to be clubs because the club section includes some pretty tricky stuff. The book ends with a few tips on training, teaching and juggling games. Richtig Jonglleren, by Jorg Treiber, BLV Sportpraxis 257, 127 pages, DM *A*A***AA*ASIEOMONO-CYCLE A TEL ~ - Hir haben unterschiedliche Einrader in div. Farben: 12"Hinis bis 28"Renn-Honos, Nylon-Honos, Giraffen; Hochrader - Preise ( alles Vierkant): Import 20"( 28Speichen): 184, -, 36Sp: 199, -; SIEGHON0-20"( 36Sp): ; 28": 250, -; 24"Giraffe ( l. Ket ten): 475, -; - Hir haben 6! verschiedene Einrad-Sattel ( einer 'si tzt' bestimmt). - Hir stellen Einrader nach Euren Cverrtickten) Rtinschen zusammen! - Hir verkaufen alle Teile einzeln z. B. Naben, Gabeln, Sattel... - Hir haben auch Jonglier- u. Balanciersachen. PROSPEKT anfordern ~~~. ~~-~-~~-;~:~:::~-;:~::~:~:~-;:~-;~-~=;;~~-;~:~~-;:~;-~~;~=;~~~~~

12 Workshop Games for Groups The success of any workshop depends to a large extent on the mood of the participants and their feeling of being a group. That is why it is particularly important right at the beginning to incorporate group games into your workshop. These also help participants to unwind in the middle of practice sessions and to round off the whole event at the end. The games and exercises should be fun, help the participants to get to know each other, get people warm and loose, and possibly point towards techniques and exercises that are going to be taught later. Also, group games make a welcome 'change especially in juggling workshops - from the necessarily isolated mode of practising and satisfies the need of many people to take part in a communal activity. From the countless possible games I would like to suggest only a few, which of course can be altered to suit individual needs. THE GORDIAN KNOT Everyone comes close together and takes the hand of any other participant at random, then takes another hand with the hand that i~ still free (this can be done with eyes closed). When all the hands have found partners, everybody takes a couple of steps back and then tries to untie the "knot" by crawling through and under the interlocking arms. BALL ROLLING IN A CIRCLE All participants stand close together in a circle, shoulder to shoulder, and hold both hands out at waist height with the palms up. A ball is placed on the hands and is sent rolling round the circle by slightly slanting the hands. You can vary this by adding a second or third ball, which either follow each other or roll in opposite directions and have to jump over each other. SITTING ON LAPS IN A CIRCLE All participants stand very close behind each other in a circle. Slowly, everybody sits down on the knees of the person behind them. A variation of this is that everyone holds out their inner hand and roll one or two balls around as in the above-mentioned exercise. The same could also be done with the outer hand. SCARF JUGGLING Everyone stands in a row, and throws up one scarf in synchronized rhythm (music helps for this). When someone gives the command, everyone moves down one place and the person at the end of the line has to run all the way round to catch the first scarf. PYRAMID OF LIONS Three people crouch down next to each other on all fours. Two others kneel carefully (not on the spine!) on the backs of the people in the bottom row. The smallest participant then kneels on top. All six are crouching down low. At the command of the "lion tamer", they all rise up into a kneeling position and then crouch back down again. You can do this with more than six people. The one at the top could stand and juggle. Wilhelm Kelber, Hamburg

13 ~ ~ Blind Juggling Alexis Martinet is a physicist and an amateur juggler who lives in Paris. He is interested in the mechanics of juggling and intends to write a regular column about it for Kaskade. His aim is to find out whether the analysis of such mechanisms may lead to a new approach to educational methods. As an amateur, he would like to raise some questions and to appeal to professional performers, teachers and anyone interested in finding answers to these questions. Blind juggling is a well known trick: it consists in staring at a distant spot while juggling. It is very effective, particularly with children watching such a sketch. But it is also very useful for teachers who can give an explanation and at the same time watch the behaviour of one of his pupils, or for people training at home while watching television. In fact it is quite natural and raises no difficulty. But what about blind juggling with closed eyes? to what extent do we need to use our vision when juggling? Let us start with a regular figure, for example a typical 3- ball cascade. Close your eyes and start juggling. At first, this exercise seems impossible. It is always an interstlng experience to evaluate the real difficulty of a task. So let us proceed step by step. Let us start with the standard blind juggling as described at the beginning, keeping the whole pattern in your field of vision. Now, gradually lower your hands and reduce the height of the pattern or look upwards higher and higher. Try to evaluate how little of the pattern has to remain in your field Of vision in order for your juggling not to be disturbed. You will be surprised to realize how small a part of the trajectory is sufficient. Is it the spatial or the temporal information which is useful? Now, if you try to reduce this information to zero, you will Immediately lose control of the balls. So this approach does not seem suitable to get us any further. Let's try another approach. Stand sideways near a wall. Using a light from the rear practically horizon - tally, project the shadow of the balls on the wall so that it is within your field of vision. Make sure that you cannot see the balls themselves, but only their shadows, and then start juggling. It looks incredibly easy. The movement of the balls on the wall is visible, but the location in space of the trajectories is lost. Therefore it is the time information which appears to be the most importart signal for synchronization. After doing this exercise for a short time, you will be convinced that real blind juggling is not impossible after all. Now let us try again. Close your eyes and start throwing the balls. It works! The first time I tried this I succeeded In a run of more than 20 throws. What a curious sensation to feel the balls automatically reaching your hands! The feasibility of doing this should have been predictable. The first time I was confronted with this problem was during an evening in a small mountain hut in complete darkness. Without the analysis described above, I was totally unable to succeed with the 3-ball pattern. So I tried with a 2-ball cascade. You can try it. Even In the dark, it is absolutely no problem. It seems that the precision of the trajectories is not the real problem, but that keeping In mind the feeling of the cycle sequence is essential. In their paper (in La Recherche, Vol.13, No.135, pp.8g6-67), Ron Graham and Joe Buhler mention the possibility of blind juggling and report that some jugglers find a reverse cascade easier than a normal cascade when juggling blind, although that Is normally considered more difficult with open eyes. Personally, I still feel that the normal cascade is probably the easiest pattern. At the last Festival du Cirque de l'avenir for under-14's in Paris, Franc;oise Rochais included in her act a blindfolded three-torch rou - tine and kept them going for a very long time. Professional jugglers and anyone interested in this matter are invited to send in their opinions, experiences and suggestions. The topic also raises the question of whether blind people could juggle? Are there any known cases? Have any specific educational methods been developed? Alexis Martinet, Les Ulis, France August - Bebelst. 160 ~llriforr1- Tel. 0521/ ~ 48 Bielefeld 1 Join the UA! The 3,OOO members of the lntern at i ona l Jugglers A ssociation worldwide invite you to become a part of this 40-year-old society of friends. Membership includes the quarterly journal, "Juggler's World," which puts the most comprehensive information on the field together in a handsome package. Learn new tricks for your act, find out who's hot, where festivals are held and read about the rich history of this dynamic variety art. Contact: IJA: Box 29 Kenmore, NY : / ::;~

14 club Send us -your Dream Moves Back Crosses An idea from Toby Philpott, who thought it might be interesting to invite people to submit ideas for mo ves, or tricks, or routines that they have considered, "flashed" on, dreamed about, etc. but never actually attempted. Instead of having people steal your finished work, give away the stuff you are never going to get round to but that you would like to see done. You can challenge people, ask them to find out if that dream move is workable. It's like Todd Strong's method of teaching: talking other people into actually manifesting the stuff. We'll publish your seemingly "impossible " tricks in the next issue of Kaska de. Photo: Claus Willemer, Berlin


16 16---x The Circus Space The Circus There are magically powerful places on the planet's face, both natural wonders like waterfalls and mountains, and human-built ones like the Taj Mahal. To enjoy them we have to make the effort of pilgrimage. One of the wonders of the circus and the travelling players is that they create magic in ordinary places. Arriving in a park or field (often by night) the circus finds its centre, describes a circle around it, and erects a temporary building to enclose the space. For a short period of time this arena generates magic with light, music and a combination of human grace, intelligence and daring. On a more humble scale, the street performer can transform a small area of mundane city street, asking only for the enclosure of a human circle. Photos: Above: Training on the trapeze Right: Open Day at the Circus Space Facing page: Peter Duncan training on the cloud swing All Photos: Toby Phllpott Even if you are not a performer, but merely practise in a park, you create a special image for people out walking. Juggling is one of the most portable of skills, and you can play it almost anywhere. Unfortunately, some of the more exciting skills of the circus require rather elaborate set-ups, and these are not easily available to the amateur. In England, particularly, there has been a terrible shortage of facilities. In the last decade a few people have been working to de-mystify circus skills and make access to the necessary knowledge and ~quipment easier. People have become unhappy with the travelling menagerie of wild animals, but have shown increased interest in New Circus (a circus without animals). The dedicated enthusiasts have created their own opportunities, but, with the notable exception of Fool Time (the circus school in Bristol), there have been no permanent premises. Like the circus of folk legend, workshops have appeared, tantalised people with a short course or two, then vanished overnight. Now, in London, we are making a concerted effort, not only to prove the need for a permanent training space, but to actually make one available to a wide spectrum of people, and not just for a limited number of full-time students. This is being attempted in the face of a general lack of funding, and the expense of premises in the capital city. The CIRCUS SPACE is a reclaimed factory building (which has been empty for 12 years!). So far, most of the unpleasant work of clearing out the debris of neglect and pi - geon-occupation has been done by unpaid voluntary workers. Their reward has been the more enjoyable task of painting and fixing up the building. There is a possibility that some money will be raised from local government, and more from membership (annual or daily), fundraising events, hiring out rehearsal space, etc. One way or another, we intend to have the building open to all for the duration of a year. In February 1991 we have to give it back, and what will happen then is not certain. We may, like the circus, pack up and move to another place, or, like street performers, vanish back into the crowd. Meanwhile, we are planning a busy year, so if you are in London, please do make the journey to visit us. We are near the centre of town, and we will be running a full schedule of classes, courses and workshops as well as open practice sessions. The open juggling session will be on Tuesday evenings between 7-10 pm. The main room is huge and friendly, with wooden beams, and without fluorescent lighting. It contains a flying trapeze (with safety harness), cloud swing, web ropes, tight-wire, tumbling mats, etc. Downstairs we will have a cafe and a creche; a notice-board for buying and selling props, finding friends, etc. The building itself will still need volunteer helpers for ongoing improvements and maintenance... but there are plans for a music studio (with resident musi-

17 ~!? has no home clans), a dark room for the photographers, a workshop for making and repairing props, set-building, learning _ how to work with ropes, etc. We will be open to visitors, new members, ideas, enthusiasm and help. In return we are offering a magic, friendly indoor space focussed on circus skills and theatre, healing and therapy, play and work, sharing and creative energy. The easiest way to find us by public transport: come to Caledonian Road Underground station, turn left at the ex! t, walk 100 metres, then turn left again, and another 200 metres (a 3-mlnute walk). The Circus Space, the timber store, United House, North Road, London N7 9DP, Tel. (01) Toby Philpott, London. /./.? _ 0 Ati~A~O'$e~m~ orrnungszeiten: <J ~* ~ /~ 0 v-'../jf.... Mo.-Fr ,... ~ Sa "({]). Mittwochs Aja, Henry's, dube, Theaterschminke, Einrader, Luftballons

18 l(s,,.... _ Back to the Future If I write about the past, I 'm indulging in nostalgia; if I write about the present, it's politics; if I talk about the future, am I predicting, guessing or manipulating? 1994 Sport Juggling established as continuous touring circuit. At the convention there is some controversy about the maximum size of manufacturers' logos, designs and symbols on props and costumes used in the public show - similarly, there is much discussion about the placement of advertising slogans around the practice hall (concentrated in the workshop area, where video cameras are much in evidence) Sport Juggling accepted as an Olympic event. There are discussions about the true status of so-called "amateur" jugglers who are simply having large sums put in trust for after their retirement (in order to be eligible for the Olympics). They claim that sponsorship is the only way the amateur can compete internationally. Rumours of drug abuse centre around the use of steroids and amphetamines in various competitions (particularly Numbers and Marathons), as well as widespread use of beta-blockers to steady the heart-rate Juggling goes out of fashion. You can't even give props away. It is so uncool that only extremely obsessive people even talk about it, and very, very few practise. A major review of the long-term effects of juggling, as well as a study on juggling-related injuries (and their effect on lost working days) leads to a ban on juggling in public, so if you wish to watch, or even (! ) participate, you find yourself following mysterious guides down darkened alleys to sleazy Ii t tle rooms where a few people are juggling, in spite of low ceilings and bad lighting After these Dark Ages, there is a breakthrough, as small groups of joyful jugglers are discovered, scattered over the Pacific Islands, some as much as 60 or 70 years old. Bypassed by the fashion, the hype and subsequent disillusionment with juggling as a cure-all, they are still enthusiastically playing, and there is renewed interest. Soon there are professional combat teams, with their coaches and players bought and sold for high prices... a combination of research and nostalgia for the late 20th Century A mini-convention is held on the moon. There are complaints about its elitist inaccessibility. All the numbers records are broken in one-sixth gravity, and there is an uproar until the rules are changed. Meanwhile the European Co nvention hires Venice as a location, juggling over water on the 50th Anniversary of the Renegade Stage at Maastricht. Toby Philpott, London der universelle + vers~nde~. t + jonglerie + scuju aktuelle ta._chlitera 1f;ern + spielpadagogilr clowns, pa.ntomnne + zau ajog antordern ~~n!':'e~ + ba.lloomng + thea.ter, zirjrub, + kosmisohe angebote + + ilberra.schimgen geschenke ballons za.ubereien effekte kosmisohe auswa.hl + + in unserem la.den ma-fr sa Ws.rendorfsr Btr. 8 D-4400 MiinstB.r Tel Fe.z 02 81/B 6Sl all

19 "f. * i{ * * * 0 0 -J <:t" t- o./ \,U ~ uj :2 ~ < ~ w \- ~ -< ~ c( \,'.) \l) 2 l!) ~ w 0 ~ 1- flllltot-' --~~\I ) I ~ c t> ::r rn i'} r ~ \~ (;") I".) I d 0 a (./) /0 f " ~ / Cn ~ (i1 m ~ I rn 'f3 1' I.::r.l> "' ~ rn z. * -i m t= rn f:j I ~ c:~ ('\ ~ (ll J'V

20 zo Star Portrait Victor Pilipovitch Vi ctor Pilipovitch and Anatoly Myagkostupov, the duo from the Moscow State Circus, were the star guests at the Public Show in Maastricht. When they appeared in the gym on Friday for a semi-public training session they were very soon surrounded by a huge circle, and the only clubs that were still in the air were the long-handled wooden clubs from the Moscow prop workshop. After practising, they gave a workshop for advanced jugglers who already did a solid 5 clubs! Victor and Anatoly also took part in the games in the city centre and could be seen juggling in the bar until far into the night. Togeth er wi t h a few other convention stragglers, they went on to Rotterdam to enjoy the Oranjeboom Street Performers ' Festival. And they had to put up wi t h an interview for Kaskade. Kaskade: Thank you for coming. It may sound like a cliche, but think most of the jugglers are really honoured that you've come to our convention. Victor & Anatoly It's been very interesting to be here and see so many jugglers in this kind of atmosphere. Kaskade: What did you expect before you came? V & A: We didn't expect anything. We just came, curious to see what was happening. Kaskade: Were you more nervous than usual before last night's show because there were a Jot of jugglers in the audience? V & A: No, we weren't very nervous. We were just a bit tired. But it's true: that was the first time we've performed in front of that special kind of audience. Kaskade: Can you tell us something about how you started out? The compere of last night's show said that you met when you were 13 and then went to circus school. Is that t rue? Victor und Anatoly with their Ma astricht h ost, Lee Hayes All Photos: Bill Giduz, Juggle rs World V & A: At first we just juggled in private, each on his own. Then we simply fell in love with juggling. Not because we wanted to perform on the streets or to earn money - we did it just for ourselves, as amateurs. Then we went to circus school, and that's where we met. Kaskade: Are there many amateur jugglers in Russia? V & A : Yes, there are, but all of them work most of the time in a factory or something like that and only juggle in their spare time. They don't perform on the street and don't earn any money from juggling. We know of one city with as many as 30 amateur jugglers. Kaskade: Do they meet regularly, or are they all isolated individuals? V & A: No, they don't meet. Kaskade: Could you imagine a meeting like this being organized in Russia? V & A: Something like this? No, I don't think so. The amateur jugglers in the Soviet Union all have to work in their factories, they wouldn't be able to come. Kaskade: Not even for a weekend? V & A : The distances involved are simply too great. Many of them would need a whole day for the journey, so a weekend would be too short. Also, they would rather stay at home with their families. As far as the professionals are concerned, they're working in circuses or theatres all the time, so they wouldn't be able to come either. Sometimes we have the chance to see each other work. Just before we came we were able to see Ignatov, who was performing in Moscow. We just had time to catch him during rehearsals. But that's the only kind of opportunity we have to meet other jugglers. Kaskade: So the professionals also train alone. There's no contact between them? V & A : Not really. Sometimes we do train with other jugglers, but we don't make special arrangements for that. All the professionals are very busy. We, for example, live in different towns and have to get together at the venue before a show.

21 Anatoly Myagkostupov We need the time for ourselves to talk over the details because we often have to change things. Kaskade. Do you admire any other Russian jugglers? Or any other artists at all? V & A: Francis Brunn. Kaska de. Have you seen Francis Brunn live? V & A: No, only on video. Kaskade. How do you train? What does your daily training schedule look like? V & A: Right at the beginning we didn't practise that much. Then at school we practised four hours each morning and evening. Nowadays we only do about 3 hours. We do sometimes train for 5 hours If there's a lot of work to be done, but that doesn't happen very often. When we have to perform there isn't much time for practice, but we try to warm up for 3 hours before we go on stage. Kaskade. Are you working on any special tricks that are not yet part of your show, or do you just rehearse your show as It is? V & A: There are a few tricks that aren't ready yet. But we don't have much opportunity to rehearse things we don't need for our act. The act is the main thing. We can't show the tricks we're not good at we have no right to. We're working on eleven clubs, but that won't be ready for another few years. Kaskade. Do you have to take time off to do that? Do you take a break from performing while you're working on something new? V & A: No, it's the other way round. When we're working we train more, because when we have, say, a month off, we prefer to take a real holiday. During.the performing season we particularly work on the choreography and the acrobatics. Kaskade. Did you start with juggling, and then learn acrobatics and dance, or did you learn everything together at the same time? V & A: We started with juggling, as amateurs juggling was the only skill we knew. Kaskade. And then the circus school taught you all- the other skills? V & A: Yes, we learnt them all at the same time. But dance was the last element we added - we had instruction in classical ballet. Kaskade. Did you choreograph the numbers yourselves did you choose the music, the movements? Why did you choose the Western disco style? Is it because you like it or because you wanted to perform in front of a Western audience? V & A: No, we just like the music and the movements. There are a lot of groups in Russia who dance to this kind of music, so that's why we chose It for our routine. Kaskade. Has anything changed since Perestroika for Russian jugglers? V & A : Perestroika is only just beginning, so nothing much has changed... yet. Kaskade. What are your own personal aims? What do you hope will happen for you In the next few years? V & A: We just hope that things will go well. The main thing is that we stay healthy. Kaskade. How long do you expect your career to last? How long do want to continue juggling? V & A : As long as we can. Kaskade. And then? What do you want to do after your active career is over? V & A: We haven't thought about that yet. Kaskade. How old are you now? V & A: Victor is 29, and I'm 30. Kaskade. How long have you been together? V & A: 12 years. Kaskade. Why were you wearing "Nicaragua Tour" T-shirts? Where did you get them from? V & A: We were given them as a present when we performed in London last year. While we were working there we had a visit from a lot of jugglers - about 15. We practised a bit together, exchanged Ideas and so on, and then they gave us the T-shirts. Kaskade. Can you learn anything from the people you've seen here?

22 ~ Victor & Anatoly (contd.) V & A: Of course, it's all very interesting for us. Particularly the public show. Kaskade: What did you especially like about the show last night? V & A: Detlef Winterberg. We like his music, and the way he uses the music in his movements. The pure juggling acts weren't so interesting for us from a technical point of view. Kaskade: Do you have any technical tips for our readers? Do you think you could help them to juggle better? I don't mean individual tricks, I mean the general technique of juggling. V & A: Everyone has to develop their own personal technique. No two people are alike and there's no such thing as a correct style. Kaskade: Where did you get your clubs? Do you think they are the best kind of club for your kind of routine? V & A: It's the same as with the technique: everybody has to find their own clubs. In the USSR, every juggler has his own clubs, and t hey're all different. You'll seldom find jugglers with the same kind of club. Kaskade: Do you make the clubs yourselves? V & A: We design our clubs - material, weight, form, etc. - and then go to the prop-maker. He makes the props according to our instructions, and makes alterations if necessary after we've tried them out. Kaskade: How do you find juggling with Western clubs? V & A: Our clubs are heavier than Western clubs. Our handles are longer, and the Western clubs have a bigger body. But we can get used to them. Kaskade: What were the highlights of your career so far? Are there any funny stories you can tell? V & A: Yes, there are some funny stories. For example, we were in a New Year show for children with lots o_f fairy-tale characters. When a show is performed for the last time it's traditional for members of the company to play jokes on each other. Just before we were to go on stage we found that someone had put the witch's brooms where our clubs should have been. Luckily we got our clubs back just in tlme, otherwise I suppose we would have had to juggle the brooms. Or another tlme while on stage Anatoly noticed that his trousers were splitting, and finally the whole trouser leg came off. Kaskade: Well, thank you very much. I can't think of anything to follow that. GR 0 SSH AND E L-1MP0 RT I EXP 0 RT 0 RAINER SEGELKEN Jonglierequipment Drach en Boomerangs Latexballons Folienballons... kannst'n Katalog kriegen, fiir umsonst! Was drinsteht? - Kannste Dir ja denken!, Q """' Theaterbedarf, Festausstattung. Ballons,.,..,,,. - Drachen, Boomerangs. Frisbees u. v. a. m. FEHRFELD BREMEN Airwalker Werbeballons Bal londekorationen Seifenblasen Kurt-Huber-StraBe 136 D-2800 Bremen 41 West-Germany Telefon (04 21) Telefax (04 21)

23 ** * Jonglierbedarf Steinstr Karlsruhe Tel. (07 21) Circus-Keulen European-Style Bunte Keulen Fackeln Sparklers Beanbags Qualitat bis ins Detail " " " " Einrader Giraffen Artistenleitern alle Ersatzteile fur den Selbstbau made in south Germany Spezialitat realisiere Sonderkonstruktionen nach Wunsch K. Pichler Radtechnik Steinstr Karlsruhe Tel. (07 21)

24 2L European Convention Number 13 SchloJ3platz - Lo cation of the Open Stage, Photo: Christoph Harder Preparations are already in full swing for the 13th European Juggling Convention which will take place from 30 August till 2 September 1990 in Oldenburg, West Germany. The organisers are the "Association for the Furtherance of Leisure Sports" in collaboration with Oldenburg Juggling Initiative and the City of Oldenburg. At the business meeting in Maastricht, candidates included Verona, Barcelona and Frankfurt, but the vote went in favour of the North German city with a population of 142 OOO. The Association for the Furtherance of Leisure Sports, which was founded in 1985, has plenty of experience in orgarnsmg big sports and cultural festivals, so the 1990 Convention promises to be a great success. Dieter Wiemers and Frank Zechner, main organisers of the event, have ambitious plans. Not least because of the changing political situation in Europe, they intend to "open the door to the East". Until now, Convention organisers were only able to attract jugglers from Western Europe. Dieter and Frank are determined that the situation is going to be very different in Oldenburg. Invitations are already on their way to colleagues fo Moscow. For a year now Oldenburg has been twinned with the city of Machatchkala on the Caspian Sea, and a group of Russian guests on a recent visit to Oldenburg took the invitation back to Moscow to pass it on personally to Russian jugglers. Invitations are also going out to Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Hungary. The organisers are not only hoping for a big response from the Eastern European states. They are even hoping to be able to motivate the Russian jugglers to apply to hold the 14th European Convention in Moscow with the aim of opening up new contacts there. The University City of Oldenburg in the north-west of Lower Saxony

25 Ill Oldenburg has all the necessary ingredients for a great convention: a modern sports complex, a traffic-free city centre, and the huge Weser-Ems Halle for the public show. Be warned! Don't confuse this Oldenburg with the Oldenburg in the state of Schleswig-Holstein! A look at the map before you set out could save you a lot of trouble! In any case, the next Kssksde will have exact details of how to get there. On the opening day, from 9am onwards, there will be workshops and exhibitions as well as open juggling. At 6pm, when hopefully everyone will have reached Oldenburg, there will be an official opening ceremony. On the second day there will be more workshops and from 3pm onwards there will be happenings in various parts of the city. On Friday evening there will be a party so that everyone can get to know each other. Saturday will begin with workshops, exhibitions and open juggling. At noon the jugglers will parade into the city centre. a c companied by various orchestras and bands, to present their skills to the eagerly expectant population on several stages, in streets, squares and parks and finally in front of the impressive backdrop of the historic Oldenburg Town Hall and Castle - and maybe to win some new friends to juggling. At 8pm on Saturday the curtain will go up for the public show in the Weser-Ems-Halle, which seats Dieter and Frank are already approaching some of the artists who will be performing that evening. They hope the show will include a colourful mixture of juggling with clowning, mime, acrobatics and dance. From midnight onwards there will be dancing and merriment and juggling into the early hours at the big party. The final day will be looking towards the next convention. The European Jugglers' Association business meeting will choose the venue for 1991 see you in Moscow, maybe? But that's still a long way off. If you're interested in the Oldenburg convention and would like to have more information, you can phone the festival office Monday to Friday between 9-12am and 2-5pm on The postal address is: Verein zur Fi:irderung des Freizeitsports, "Jonglierfesti val-bilro", Universi tat Oldenburg, Ammerllinder Heerstrar3e 63-65, D-2900 Oldenburg, West Germany. Centre for CirouS BkiHS and Performing Arts FULL TIME TRAINING IN CIRCUS & THEATRICAL SKILLS ~- m".4{fd~f~'' ~it\'\~,.~-.. ~ --~ 6 week /12 week/one year courses Tuition in physical skills, wire, trapeze, equilibristics, dance, acrobatics. Theatrical skills - mime, mask, clown, improvisation, character etc /91 PROSPECTUS available from: FOOL TIME, 40 Thomas St. Bristol BS2 9LL. GB '

26 26 **What's On***What's On***What's On***What's On***What's On***What's On***What' Dates: 11, 12, 13 May 1990 Place: Aalborg, Northern Jutland, in the Filstedvejens Skole, 4km from the city c-entre. There's a large gym for training and a smaller gym for workshops. The classrooms will be available for accommodation, and next to these will be a cafe providing nutritious necessities at reasonable prices. Programme: Conventional, but with a few new ideas - such as orga - nizmg street performances (a chance to earn some money). How to get there: You can of course fly to Aalborg and get a taxi to the school, but if you come by train, get a No.2 or No.20 bus from the station and ask the driver where to get off. Coming from the south by car, follow the E3 northbound. Leave the motorway at junction 26 to Aalborg!6St. Turn right into Egensevej, first left into Hadsundvej. After approx. 1500m, turn right into Filstedvej. The school is on the right 200m up the road. Starting time: 10.00am Friday. Price: approx. DM 35 incl. shows, Nordic Convention workshops, Friday night dinner and accommodation. Accommodation: some private accommodation (apply early), youth hostel, campsite and hotels. N.B. Friday 11 th May is a bank holiday in Denmark, so the banks and post offices are closed. The banks are also closed on the Saturday, but post offices are open until noon. Please c6ntact us if you: arrive before Friday; - would like private accommodation or hotel booking; - would like to perform or give a workshop; want more information; want to make life easier for us by telling us that you're coming. Contact: J-'rgen S. Mortensen, Rosenlundsgade 14,2 th, DK-9000 Aalborg, Denmark, Tel. ( +45) Address and phone on the convention days (if you lose your way) : Filstedvejen Skole, Filstedvej 16, Vejgaard, Aalborg, Tel Unicycle Convention in Brussels This year's unicycle convention in Brussels with Sem Abrahams is taking place in February in the Ecole Sans Filet. Contact: Ecole Sans Filet, 104 Chaussee de Boondael, B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium, Tel Circus Festivals in France XI!Ith Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain (for artists under 25), IVth Festival du Cirque de l 'Avenir (for under- l 4s) and Les Bourses Merlin (French selection) in Paris and Chalons sur Marne. Dates: January For more information, contact: Isabelle Mauclair, Association du Cirque de Demain, 27 Rue Marignan, F Paris, France. Swiss Convention This year's Swiss Juggling Convention will take place June 1990 in Zug: Beim Zelt, Biirgerasyl. Calling all street artists As part of the 850th anniversary celebrations of the Hamburg district of Eppendorf there will be a street performers' competition on 30 June and 1 July There will be DM 9000 worth of prize money, and all the placed acts will receive a prize. In addition there will be an enthusiastic audience eager to part with their money, plus meals, accommodation for one night and a party. Numbers are restricted, so if you 're interested in performing, please write, giving a description of your show, to: Martin Kammann, Eppendorfer Weg 4, D-2000 Hamburg 20, West Germany Frei burg The 2nd Freiburg Convention will take place between May Venue is the Haus der Jugend, Uhlandstr. 2. Joint organisers are the Haus der Jugend and Plinio & Jojo, juggling suppliers. For registration and more information, contact: Plinio & Jojo, Maienstr. 1, D-7800 Freiburg, West Germany, Tel Hawaii Dates: 27 January thru 3 February. Place: Hawaii Price: S290 $360 including 7 nights, 3 meals a day, excursions, transportation to and from the airport, a festival T-shirt, endless juggling and daily live music. Contact: Hawaiian Vaudeville Company, P.O. Box 4524, Pahoa, Hawaii 96778, Tel. (808)

27 , ~z7 n***what's On***What's On***What's On***What's On***What's On***What's On***Wh: Unicycle tour Music and Theatre Festival Amsterdam Rotterdam on lst May in Wiesbaden A day out with uni, clubs and picknick basket. Meet at Haus der Jugend, Elsasser Platz, Wiesbaden at loam. For more information, phone Claudia, Tel Ski Camp Dates: March. "Fips" Sportfreizeiten and Flic Flac from Oldenburg, West Germany, are organising a skiing trip with and for jugglers. For more information, contact Flic Flac, Jurgen Weidewitsch, Tel The 2nd International Music/ Theatre Festival in Amsterdam will take place from 24 May to 4 June Like last year there will be performances outdoors, on the square in front of the main music theatre in Amsterdam, on the Amstel. We 'd like to invite jugglers, acrobats and other street performers to come and join this festival. We can't offer any money, but you can pass the hat. Last year we had 5000 visitors over 4 days, of which 2 were cold and rainy, so there will be a lot of audience! For more information, contact: Stich ting Plein-Festijn, Nieuwe Achtergracht 107 sous, NL-1018 WR Amsterdam, Holland, Tel. (31.20) , Fax British Convention IMPORTANT! The 3rd British Juggling Co nvention will NOT be taking place in Sheffield as advertised in Maastricht, but hopefully at the end of March in Exeter. For more information, contact Butterfingers on Karlsruhe Ls o ~ John Teasdale John Teasdale, please phone home! If anyone has seen John since Sept. 1989, please phone Butterfing~rs on ~hn~ Te~sd' ~.o.y The Flying Dutchmen (Michie! Hesseling and Jean-Michel Pare), winners of the "Golden Cobble" at the Oranjeboom Festival of Street Entertainment in Rotterdam. In 1990 the festival will take place from August, this time in expanded form as part of the "650 years of Rotterdam" Festival. Dates: 8-10 June Place: University sports halls: Halle I, Halle III and the "old stadium". Registration: from 3pm in the foyer of the main hall (Halle I). Programme: conventional Accommodation: Either private, or near the action in one of the gymnastics rooms. We're also trying to organize camping facilities. Price: DM 25, including an evening meal, breakfast, public show + sightseeing tour of Karlsruhe in a chartered tram!! Contact: Jutta C. Beyer, Sophienstr. 58, D-7500 Karlsruhe 1, West Germany, Tel. (evenings) , (Barn - 5pm) Thomas Gei(3.

28 What's On***What's On***What's On***What's On***What's On***Wbat's On***What's Summer 1990 Circus School of the Cologne Spielezirkus Manege frei, wir sind dabei! led by Heiner Kotter and Josef Hense. Basic circus skills. Basic courses: 17./ and 8./ , Follow-up course: 31.3./ Course Fee: DM 80. Zauberhafte Zaubereien - Magic led by Peter Helter 3./ , Course Fee: DM 65, plus DM 15 for materials. Juggling led by Georg Millier Basic skills are a requirement. 10./ , Course Fee DM 70. Acrobatics led by the "Como Brothers". Some experience is desirable. 17./ , Course fee: DM 80 All courses take place on Saturdays from loam - 6pm and Sundays from loam - 5pm a t the Koiner Spielecircus, Wi(3mannstr. 38, 5000 Koln Ehrenfeld, Tel Easter Workshops Acrobatics and traditional dances lst. Austrian Juggling Festival in Klagenfurt, late June Summer Workshops 20.8.' Artistik-Tanz-Theater All events will take place in Klagenfurt on the Winthersee in Karnten, Austria. For more information, contact: Wolfgang Wallisch, Siebenbi.irgengasse 69, A-9073 Viktring, Tel: Gaukeln und led by Eva Bertelsmeier and Raimund Enkler Body training, body awareness, dramatic techniques, approaching improvisation, observation and presentation, incl. group presentation. Circus techniques such as: juggling, acrobatics, human pyramids, balancing, rope-walking, playing with fire, clowning, music. Jonglieren Dates: Place: Cortijo de la Loma, La Isleta de! Moro, Almeria, Spain. Price: Instruction, accommodation, half-board and excursion: DM 680, unwaged DM 580. Register through: Vamos Bildung u. Reisen e.v., Fundstral3e 11, 3000 Hannover 1. West Germany, Tel S Years "Die Jonglerie' On 30 October 1989 there was an international gala show in the UFA-Fabrik to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the "Jonglerie" shop in Berlin. Well-known artists, including Michie! Hesseling and Jean Michel Pare, Walter Yong, Detlef Winterberg and Oliver Groszer and many others, brought that great variety atmsophere back to Berlin at last. Kaskade sends its belated congratulations. We rner Luft and Werner Rausch, Comperes at the Anniversary Gala Photo: Hartmut Schulz

29 I Einrader, Dreirader, Hochrader, Artistikzubehor, ~.,.~~:. ~;_,~~~ks~~~~s. Balle, TUcher, Diabolos, Bumerangs, Frisbees...,.,.,.,.,.,.,...,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,...,.,."'i' : : :. : : : : : : : : + : : : : : / : :::: ::: : : :J!!'f :. : und Buhnenausstattung, Schminke, Dekdfatioh; 8unheneffekte, Theaterbekleidung Masken und alles fur Maskenbildner ' : 'F V'''''''''' lllj U nl bis zum Zirkus mit eigenem Zelt - -kein Versand- j vom Drehorgelspieler, Jongleur, Zauberer, w. Artisten fur die Geburtstagsparty, das StraBenfest oder eine GroBveranstaltung. Fahrradladen und balance GmbH KortumstraBe I Bochum 1 Fax I * * Balle * Diabolo * Ainge * Antipoden * Manipulationen * Feuer * Teufelsstabe * Literaturverzeichnis * * Peter Hofmann, Rudolf Baier, Thomas Erath, Stefan Pollmann Jonglieren Vom Werfen, Fangen und Drehen. Ca. 120 Seiten mit vielen Fotos und Abbildungen. Pappband ISBN In Bild und Text wird hier alles Wissenswerte Ober Materialien und Technik des Jonglierens vorgestellt - zum Verstehen und Nachmachen: Von traditionellen Wurftechniken mit Ballen, Tellern und Keulen bis zum fortgeschrittenen Jonglieren mit Staben, Diabolos und Feuer. Bestellcoupon an: SPECTACULUM Agentur for Mittelalter Gabi und Peter Hofmann Ina Seidel Bogen MOnchen 81 * * Keulen * HOte * TOcher * Zigarrenkisten * Balancen * Materialbauanleitungen * Teller * Bezugsadressen * *

30 Briefe an "Kaskade" c/o Gabi Annastr ~ Paul Keast D-6200 BRD Wiesbaden.... :-,.~ 4,. - ""'9uc D"O"'',...

31 ~~,ff ~ ~;- UNOFFICIAL VERSION OF - - I!~ VERONA Why does Charlotte Schweizer only raise problems concerning the dignity of the juggler, and why does : she only direct her aggression - (which stems from an inferiority complex linked to these problems) towards the organisers and the public of Verona and not towards other organisers of festivals, "'meetings and conventions? In the domain of performing, experience shows that spectators who - have not paid for their seats make -~~.. (), 1 an undesirable audience. ""o ' L.lfJf:. Charlotte Schweizer's article, and., ~~ that of the Lago di Garda group, ' ~ prove that some participants who S - are kindly invited to a meeting :v:.i:..-, tend to come with an aggressive. if not odious, attitude, particularly if the organisers generously offer hotel rooms, food, etc.... and if /'~., - NP-.OP.. gressi veness. {;,~ Jugglers who make a spectacle of ~ ;. ~~\;\\\'L:mi their physical and moral qualities.> :\{:\~\\i'' should not tarnish these qualities -, «:;;:::. with hypocrisy. The jugglers who '=';c; : 3 came to Verona to "make a specta cje of themselves" did so of their own free will, and doubtless bet, L cause they did not have any other contracts for that period. Perhaps it would be worth suggesting to the organisers of Verona (in the questionnaire we were % asked to fill out) that they should make their participants pay if they want to be well thought of! In answer to the final question of her article ("ought we to be ~ grateful") I would like to answer to the Municipality of Verona: Thank I you for having received us so. generously. We a re sure that next C year's meeting will be great and... ~ 1 :, please forgive us for having made,,~ remarks and for expressing opinions \ that were insulting and unfair. ~ ': '~ ~\ 6. -~~ Franc;ois Chotard, Mfirs-f:rigne '(CJ "-\,,,,.. :,~, P.S. The problems raised or touched.'f"i"~ ~-.. upon by Charlotte Schweizer, if ~ef.. c '"~~ I they are real, are not new and \.. ~. certainly not caused by the meeting ~ - at Verona. On the contrary, the - efforts that were put into organis- ~. ing the meeting at Verona by the "!'If!~. the public put a lot of mon ey in the hat. The organisers of other meetings, where everyone has to pay for everything: entrance fee, workshops, admission to the public show, souvenir poster, accommodation, food, etc. have not suffered the injustice of receiving such criticism or ag- Sports Department of the council contributed to affirming the dignity~~ ~ of the juggler. However, it is im- c portant that we play our part in ~ making an effort to affirm our own-"'~ dignity, for example by eliminating anything which might be considered "repulsive" (clothes, cleanliness, etc.). If Charlotte would be interested, I could communicate to her a t length my thoughts on t he problems she raises: how real they are, where they come from, what the consequences and solutions are. - ~~< v ~~~,.,~- ~<:-... -~-.,;;., A. {<; ' ~,,,.. ~:<'.><$' ~. -~~ /, _- ' ' -~ ~Artsl&iat ~ ',~ -... ~tv;:. /.... ~ ' 0.r ~~,,,,_.... ~~~ -\-',,.,,,c.; p Re : IS A JUGGLING CONVENTION that ~o" LIKE A MAGIC CONVENTION?,,.,' ~.,,. --~If we take as our starting point -~ ~.~. R'-+: e ""~'\:; the idea that juggli~g conventions -~~, ~~S ~hould be an expre~s1on of our en- -,, ;Joyment and provide a pleasant, ~. context in which to meet friends, ~ ~we are forced to admit that there t_~ - have been a number of events re... ~..,-,. /, cently which barely deserve the " name "convention". There is an increasing tendency for juggling / Conventions to take on a form : r:which has been common for magic :_;,co nventions for some time now. ::. That is to say: the organisers hire and pay a fee to certain jugglers to give workshops or perform in the public show. This results in :;(higher "registration fees" of up to DM 50 ( 15) for 2 days. It also ' putting emphasis on aspects...-:-~ -~..,,,, ~~ i,00 ~,.,;: lie ':.-.;-::;:: S. "' ' - USA.! Oc.. - ===who get paid pay. This all helps to spread the suspicion that this kind of show business is becoming increasingly commercialized. If this is the sort of juggling event we are going to see in the future, then the organisers should at least have the decency to find a different name for what is no longer a convention in the strict sense. Otherwise, participants are bound to feel cheated ' ",. ~ '2.



34 ~----. Meetings AUSTRIA VIENNA Anyone in the Vienna area who is interested in juggling and circus, please contact: Das Bunte Dorf - Freiraum, Davidgasse 79, I 100 Wien, Tel I 96. We organize meetings and workshops and know where to get props in Vienna Verein Schwerkraft. If you come to Vienna, look us up and we can overcome gravity together. Tel or BELGIUM BRUSSELS Contact: L' cole Sans Filet, Chaussee de Boondael I 04, B- I 050 Bruxelles. Tel DENMARK AALBORG Nordjydsk Jongl r Laug meet at Sportsh jskolen, Annebergvej. Thursdays from I O pm. Contact J rgen, Tel or S ren, Tel COPENHAGEN Jongl rer mod tyngdekraften meet Mon pm in Medborgerhuset "H nen", Ahlefeidtsgade 33. During the summer: Sundays, 1 pm around the fountain in Kongens Have. Contact: Erik, Tel , or Mette, Tel FRANCE LYON Contact: Jean-Claude Meunier, 44/ o Rue Carnot, St. Fons, Tel. 16(7) NANTES Nantes Juggling Club meets at La Bernardiere, Rue de Dijon, St. Herblain (a suburb of Nantes) PARIS Creation d 'un atel!er de jonglage a Paris. Pour tout renseignement, s'adresser a Edouard Fixe, Tel Workshops by the ADA C, organized by the Malrie de Paris. Thurs pm at 3 rue Amyot, Paris. (Costs 300 FF for 3 months) "Forum des Hailes", an informal meeting takes place almost every afternoon. RENN ES Contact: Laurent Gautier, 32 rue du Dr. Francois Joly, Rennes TOURS Contact: Compagnle Off, 37 Quai d'orleans, _'.fyurs, Tel GREAT BRITAIN BRADFORD Fridays 5 pm Mannlngham Sports Centre, Bradford. Run by Playspace, 40 Marlborough Rd., Bradford, W. Yorks. Contact: Sam Scurfield, Tel (daytime) or (evening) BRIGHTON Mon Kemptown Pier, 110 St. Georges Road (practice session). Tues pm, Natural Health Centre, Regents Street. (Workshop) Contact: Mim, Tel BRISTOL run by Fool Time. Mon pm and Thurs pm at Fool Time, 40 Thomas St., Bristol BS2 9LL, Tel CAMBRIDGE Patchwork Circus run circus workshops every Sunday evening from pm in the Cambridge Drama Centre, Covent Garden, Mill R'lad, Cambridge CBI 2HR. Tel ask for Richard or Richard! Anybody ls welcome at any time. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY Cambridge Jugglers Association. Contact: Michael Day. Meet Wednesdays pm (term-time) in Vivian Stuart Room, Newhall, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge CARDIFF Balls-Up now meet Monday nights, Sunday afternoons and occasionally on Tuesdays. Contact Ali on Cardiff CHELTENHAM Sundays 6-9 pm at The Youth Centre, Grosvenor St., Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Contact: Andy Clay, Tel DERBY Tomfoolery holds open workshops every Thurs. 7-9 pm at Derby Community Arts. Contact: Lindsay Davies, Tel EDINBURGH Tollcross State Circus. Tollcross Community Centre, Edinburgh. Monday pm. Contact: Angelo, Tel HEBDEN BRIDGE, YORKS. "Snapdragon Circus" Workshop, Melbourne St., Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire. Mon. 6-8 pm. Tel LEEDS Hullaballoo Community Circus runs juggling workshops at Woodhouse Community Centre, Woodhouse Street, Woodhouse, Leeds, W. Yorks. Wed pm. Contact: Pete, Tel. Leeds (daytime) or Clare, TeL Leeds (evenings) LIVERPOOL New Circus Network meets Thurs pm in Toxteth Sports Centre. Contact: Max and Joe, Tel or Jon, Tel LONDON Sunday 12-4 pm Columbo St reet Sports Centre. Contact Max and Susi, Tel Tues. 7-1 O pm, The Circus Space, the timber store, United House, North Road, London N7 9DP. For information, Tel Tuesday pm at Henry Thornton School, Clapham Common South Side. Contact: Dug Orton, Tel Wednesday 7-10 pmat East Finchley Youth and Drama Centre, 142 East Flnchley High Road, N2. Contact Max & Susi (see Sunday) Wednesday pm at Burntwood School, West Hill, SW18. Contact Dug Orton (see Tuesday) Thursday pm at Tulse Hill School, Upper Tulse Hill, SW2. Contact Richard Briscoe, Tel Friday pm at the Strand Centre, Elm Park, SW2. Contact Ri chard Briscoe (see Thurs.) MANCHESTER Workshops run by Manchester Community Circus. Sundays pm, Birch Community Centre, Birch Grove, Rusholme. Contact: Clive, Tel NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE Tues. 6-7 pm, Newcastle Polytechnic Students Union Juggling Club, Contact: Michele, Tel Tues pm, free juggling at Church Hall, Brighton Grove, Fenham. Contact: Jim, c/ o Tel Wed pm, Workshop. The Buddle, 258b Station Road, Wallsend. Contact: Simon NOTTINGHAM Juggling weekends and evenings. Contact: Callum, Tel , or Sue, OXFORD East Oxford Community Centre, Cowley Road, Oxford. Sundays 5-7 pm. Contact: Hugh, Tel. Oxford SHEFFIELD The Drop-Its, Jeremy and Chris, Tel. Sheffield SHETLAND Thurs. 7-9 pm, Islesburgh Community Centre, Lerwick. Sat am, Sandwick Junior High School. Contact: Gary Worrall, Tel. Shetland (home), (work). STOCKPORT Stockport Community Circus runs workshops every Wednesday from I -4 pm at Pulse, Stockport Young People's Centre, Royal Oak Yard, Little Underbank, Stockport, Cheshire. Contact: Clive, Tel. 06I 88I 5283

35 ., 3S TAUNTON Community Circus meets once weekly. Venue changes. Contact: Sally, Tel TUNBRIDGE WELLS Co ntact: Andy, Tel YATTENDON Yattendon Juggline Club meets every Thurs. In the Yattendon Village Hall. 1 per session (50p concession). Contact: Barney, Tel ISRAEL JERUSALEM Jerusalem Juggling Club meets every Saturday 10 am - 2 pm at Sacher Park, Sederot yizhaq Be n Zevi. Contact: Fred Schlomka, Tel , or David Perkins, Tel ext. 6 (answering service) 6 Ben Yehuda ITALY MILAN Mon.-Fri., 5-8 pm spring and summer, Parco Sempione-Fontana di De Chirico. Contact: Kinesis Piccolo Circo, via Elba 7, Milano, Tel (Claudio) SPAIN MADRID Asociaci6n Malabaristas now meet Wed. from pm at the Madrid Youth Hostel, "Albergue Richard Schirrmann" en la Casa de Campo. Metro: Lago. Contact: Javier Jimenez, C/ Duques de Parcent No.2, bajo derecha, Madrid, Tel SWEDEN STALLARHOLMEN Sundays. Contact: Birgit Philipson, Tel SWITZERLAND AARAU lst and 3rd Monday of each month, Jugendhaus Aarau (youth centre), Fltisserplatz, in the disco. Contact: Urs, Tel or Brigitte, ARBON Tues. 7-9 pm, at the Seeparksaal by the lake (weather permitting, or in the Rondelle Youth Centre. Contact: Res Ryser, Tel BERN Thurs. from 7 pm, sports hall at the Ka-We-De Ice rink and swimming baths in the zoo (next to the U.S. embassy! I). Contact: Gerda Saxer, Schtinburgstr. 18, 3013 Bern. Tel DIETLIKON/ZH Thurs pm, Fadacher sports hall, Dietlikon. Contact: Bea und Plet, Tel GENEVA Tues. 6-8 pm at the Ecole d'ingenleurs de Geneve, 4 Rue de Ja Prairie. Contact: Cesar Salvador!, Tel or Bernard Gisin, Tel WEST GERMANY AACHEN Tues. from 5 pm in the Westpark, VaalserstraJ}e. Contact: Krenne. Aymans, Diippelstr. 16, Tel or: Uli Schnelder, Bliicherplatz 4, 5100 Aachen, Tel ATTENDORN Mon. from 5 pm (fine weather) : Alter Markt (in front of the museum). If the weather is really bad : Jugendzentrum Attendorn (Youth Centre), Heggener Weg 9. Contact: Jugendzentrum Attendorn, Tel BAD REICHENHALL Mon pm in the sports hall of the St. Zeno school, Zenostrasse. Contact: Robert Hehenberger, Tel BAMBERG Mon pm, VHS Hall. Contact: Annette Grabige r or Manfred "Mac" Harder, Klosterstr. 30, 8600 Bamberg, Tel BERLIN Tues. 6 pm Statthaus Bticklerpark in the Bticklerpark, Kreuzberg. BIELEFELD Meet Fridays, 7 pm, Gymnastics Hall at the University. Contact: Jens Kordtomeikel, Melanchthonstr. 58, Bielefeld I BOCHUM Fri pm, Bochum-Werne. Contact: Manfred and Dieter, Fahrradladen und Balance, Tel BRAUNSCHWEIG Sun. 3 pm in the Prinzenpark (fine weather) or in the FEZ-Atelier (bad weather). Wed. 6 pm in front of the Technical University Mensa. Contact: Karin, Tel BREME N Mon., Thurs. and Fri. at 7 pm in the foyer of the University sports centre (winter) and in the Biirgerpark (near the Stern) (summer). Contact: Holger, Tel BREMERHA VEN Monday, 7 pm in the Freizeltheim Lehe Treff, Eupener Str., 2850 Bremerhaven. Contact: Joachim Hamm, Pferdegasse 2, 2858 Geestenseth, Tel COL BE Wed pm in the Gemelndehalle Cl:Hbe. Contact: Heinz Paiz-Gerling, Tel DARMSTADT Wed., 8-10 pm In the small sports hall at the Lichtenberg School, LudwigshOhstr Run by TSG 1846 Darmstadt. Contact: Achim Voigt, Thurs. 6-1 O pm at the Technlsche Hochschule (Technical College). old main building, Hochschulstra13e, Room 11/25. Contact: Till Pohlmann or Andreas Hecker or Claus Schmauch N en :0 en Ol co en... Q) c :i... 0 ' 0 c:i en i5 O> co... c 0 ~ c 2 -~ en O> c :J c -:Q SPlELEN JONGLIEREN SCHMINKEN WIR SIND UMGEZOGEN: srt\\ 6 i Dieburger StraBe Darmstadt Telefon:

36 ~ DORTM UND Mon pm in Freizeitzentrum West, Neu er Graben 167. Contact: Sebastian Schlund, Tel DOSSELDORF Wed pm in the ZAKK, Fichtenstr. 40, Diisseldorf-Flingern. Contact: Guido Volkmar, Am Heidhilgel 12, Diisseldorf, Tel ERLANGE N Tues. and Thurs. from 8 pm in the "E Werk ". Contact: Holger Dietrich, Nurnberger Str. 79, 8520 Erlangen, Tel ESSE N Fri pm at the University Sports Hall, Gladbacher Strape 180 (on the B224). Takes place regularly during term-time. At other times contact: Klaus Borkens, Tel. 020 l or Rhinozeros, Tel ESSLINGEN Mon. 7 pm, Jugendhaus "Komma", In der Maille 5. Contact: Klaus Riedel, Amstetter Str. 2, 7000 Stuttgart 61 FRANKFURT Thursday evenings in the small hall of the Volksbildungsheim (Underground Station: Eschenheimer Tor). Contact: Fritz Brehm, Tel Wed pm in the main hall of Frankfurt Fachhochschule (Technical College), Nibelungenallee, on the corner of Friedberger LandstraPe. Contact: Thomas Mill, Tel FREIBURG Contact: Bruno Zilhlke, Maienstr. l, 7800 Freiburg i. Br., Tel FREILASSING Contact: "Begnackte Korper", Maximilian Auerbach, Gaisbergstr. 4, 8228 Frellassing, Tel GIESSE N Sun pm. Fine weather: sports ground on the bank of the Lahn. Bad weather: Credner Str. 6 (at the back). Contact: Ebi , Peter , Alex GOTTINGEN Fri. 2-4 pm and Sun pm ln the KAZ, Hospltalstrasse 6. Contact: Reinhard, Tel HAGEN Mon. 6-8 pm in the Pelmke School, Pelmkestr. 14. Contact: Manfred SchloPer, Tel or HAMBURG Wed. 3-6 pm ln the gym of the University Sports Faculty, Rothenbaumchaussee/ Turmweg. Ask for details of further meetings. Contact: Kay Krauel, Schumannstr. 60, 2000 Hamburg 76, Tel , or Martin Schnelder, Tel HAN AU Thurs pm ln the Olaf Palme House. Contact: Detlef, Tel Meetings HANOVER Tues. from 5 pm, Haus der evangelischen Jugend. Contact: Sebastian Mecklenburg, Sedanstr. 47, 3000 Hannover l, Tel Thurs. 7 pm ln the UJZ Glocksee, Glockseestrasse. HEIDELBERG Mon. and Fri pm. Rhein-Neckar Halle Eppelhelm. In fine weather, on the banks of the Neckar. Contact: Keule & Co., Tel HERNE (WANNE-EICKEL) Tues pm ln the room above the sports hall, Hibernia School, Holsterhauser Str. 70. Contact: Willi Hettrlch, Tel KARLSRUHE Summer and fine weather: ln the Schlo()garten on the big field, or at the Temple. Winter: Mon., Wed. und Thurs. evening. Contact: Jutta C. Beyer, Tel (evenings) KASSEL Wed pm, Haus der Jugend, Altmarkt. Contact: Joachim Wondrak, Tel or Lambert Zumbriigel, Tel KEMPTEN Thurs. 6-9 pm, Jugendhaus, LandwehrstraPe. Contact: 0. Weizenegger, Tel or R. Jager, Tel KREFELD Wed. 6-8 pm, BI St. Josef, Cornellusstr. 43, Tel Contact: Ralph Herbertz, Tel MAINZ Tues pm Jugendzentrum (Youth Club) Mainz-Mombach (formerly Jahnschule), ZeystraPe. Contact: Reinhold, Tel MARBURG During term-time: Fridays 9 pm at the Instltut filr Lelbesilbungen (= Sports Faculty of the University), BarfilPerstr. I. Contact: Kathrin und Jochen, Tel or contact: Florian and Sebastian Gempf, Alte Weinstr. 11, 3551 Lahntal-Sarnau, Tel MONCHENGLADBACH Contact: Hermann-Josef Noll, J(lllcher Str. 71, 4053 J!lchen 1, Tel MUNICH Contact: Michael Hock, Implerstr. 28, 8000 Milnchen, Tel MONSTER Mon pm ln the SchloPgarten (fine weather), or in winter and bad weather: ESG, Am Breu! 43. Contact: Olaf Zerfrowskl, Tel MURRllARDT Sun. 6-9 pm in Murrhardt Youth Centre, OetlngerstraPe 3. Contact: Axel Horn, Am Rain 9, 7157 Murrhardt, Tel NORDHORN Wed. from 6.30 pm in Nordhorn Youth Centre, Barn. Contact: Inga Michael, Nledersachsenstr. 61, Tel OFFENBACH Mon pm, Gymnasium of the Anne-Frank-School, Eberhard-v. Rochow-Str. Organised by the Vereln fiir Sport- und Bewegungskultur. Contact: Hasi, Tel or Hans, OLDENBURG Tues pm, Thurs pm at the Carl von Ossietzky University, Uhlhornsweg (during term-time) OSNABROCK Wed pm In the Fachhochschule, Westerberg site. Contact: Andre, Tel or Jurgen, Tel RECKLING HAUSEN Mon pm, Hitlorf School, old gym. Contact: Michael Korthaus, Tel REUTLINGEN Mon. 7-9 pm ln the "Zelle", Obere Wassere 3. Contact: Michael Kromer, Enge Str. 5, 7414 Lichtenstein, Tel ROSSELSHEIM Tues pm in the "Freies Kulturcafe", Mainstr. 11. Contact: Frank Lilckert, Tel SAARBROCKEN Tues pm at the university (term-time only). Contact: Markus Jaschek, Graf-Johann-Str. 23, 6600 Saarbrilcken, Tel SCHWEINFURT Tues. 6-8 pm in the Kulturhaus/Schreinerei. Contact: Bernd Hofmann, Tel STUTTGART Wed pm ln the hall of the Adventure Playground West, SchwabstraPe. Contact: Hlltrud Henn, Tel Tues. 8 pm, Forum 3, Gymnaslumstr. 21, Tel TRIER Wed pm, Jugendzentrum Exzellenzhaus, Zurmalenerstr. 114 (in the gym on the first floor). Contact: Willy Rauchs, Maarstr. 4, 5500 Trier, Tel WIESBADEN Wed. 7-1 O pm, Haus der Jugend, Elsl!.sser Platz. Contact: Soren Nossek, RhelnstraPe 115, Tel JUGGLERS WANTED SPEYER Contact: Michael Kogel, Tel

37 ..J l-l r;37 S.mall We're looking tor people who would like to travel with us and our circus. We are: Anna, 2 years, Petra, 24, Roland, 27 and we have a complete mini-circus (incl. a 1 Orn diameter tent). We live in a circus wagon. Our programme includes: giant soap bubbles, juggling, fireblowing, acrobatics, magic and lots more, and is mainly aimed at children. If you fancy the life of the circus and the travelling player, get in touch with us. Our postal address is: Petra & Roland Krappmann, Wiesenstr. 96, D-6057 Dietzenbach, West Germany. We're spending the winter in Spain and will contact you in Feb./March. Juggling videos wanted - any kind. Wolfram De Bruyn, Feldherrnstr. 63, D-4600 Dortmund 1, West Germany, Tel: 0231/88918 oder Ads Used giraffe wanted. Philipp Hofer, Katharinenstr. 9, D-7012 Feilbach, West Germany, Tel: 0711/ Videos urgently wanted: juggling and associated arts, etc. Some exchange possible. Contact Rich Windsor, 94 Pennsylvania Road, Exeter, EX4 6DQ, Tel Unusual solo or duo or more acts wanted for Phone England, Out-of-print circus and Juggling literature, old circus posters, etchings from the 18th or 19th centuries and much more. For a free catalogue, write to: Antiquariat Frank Pflaum, Seegasse 7 / 3, D Sandhausen, West Germany, Tel: Partner wanted: Juggler in the Rhineland is looking for a technically good juggler for some original teamwork. Preferably able to play a musical instrument. Tel. West Germany, or colour sticker - "nur Jongleure haben alles im Griff" - for DM 1,50 each (DM 1 each for orders of 1 O or more) + stamped addressed envelope. 'Volfram Gentner, Rathausplatz 2, D-7920 Heidesheim 6, West Germany For sale: unused Dube top 1, Price: DM 65, Eckart Schulz, Karwendelstr.11, Tilrkenfeld, West Germany. hat, Size Schwarz D-8087 Lost unicycle! Who can help me recover the loss, incurred at a convention in June, or who can sell me a similar model? Please phone West Germany, , daytime. The Cycologist, the quarterly newsletter of the IUF, lampoons unicyclists while occasionally going for the juggler. Photos of your friends doing a dumb are frequently featured. Distributed jointly with On One Wheel, newsletter of the Unicycling Society of America. $15/ yr ($25/yr foreign) in US funds to: Curt Morgan, Editor, The Cycologist, 5109 Vera Cruz Dr., Garland, TX 75043, USA Juggling videos wanted: Moschen, W.C. Fields, Bobby May (new US video), etc. Also have videos to exchange. Has anybody got a video of the public show from Maastricht? Contact Frank Rodlaff or D. Dropit, August Str. 19, D-5000 Koln 60, West Germany. Neu!! Juggling videos wanted! Who can sell us videos of "old-time" jugglers? We're also looking for videos of Erlangen 1988 and Maastricht Offers to West Germany, Tel Hamacas - cotton hammocks from Mexico, available in all the colours of the rainbow - striped, single colour or natural colour. Three sizes from "shoulder V'idth" up to the 2-person hammock. DM 30, DM 55, DM 75 + postage. Write to Hamaca, c/ o Berti Zins, Kl. Falterstr. 14, D-7000 Stuttgart 70, West Germany. Or just call me and tell me your favourite colour: Tel I'd be happy to rummage in my storeroom for you! in Utrecht Would you like to know more about the world of circus? If so, why not join the CIRCUS FANS ASSOCIATION OF GREAT BRITAIN? Membership includes the quarterly circus magazine "King Pole" which is packed with photographs and features on circus stars, past and present. For further details send 1 O (Europe only, outside Europe 12) to our Membership Secretary, John Exton, 43 Waterloo Lane, Skellingthorpe, Lincoln LN 6 5SJ, Great Britain. For sale: Semcycle giraffe unicycle ( cm; 20 inch wheel). Good as new!!! Reasonable offers welcome. Tel. West Germany, or Joram. Holland Ein Spezialgeschaft fur Jonglierbedarf und Einrader! Wir liefern: Keulen, Devil Sticks, Squeezits, Cigar Boxes, Jojos (Proyo}, Diabolos, und alle Semcycle Einrader Fa. v.d. Wel Amsterdamsestraatweg 38 Postanschrift: Postfach 10024, NL-3505 AA Utrecht, Holland Telefon: +(30) Telefax: +(30)

38 EDITORIAL EASTERN EUROPE All eyes have been on Eastern Europe recently. The magic divide between East and West suddenly seems to have disappeared. Now we are at last able not just to take a look over the wall, but to actually venture into this other half of the world. We jugglers have always cast a jealous glance eastwards. The status and training opportunities for artists in the East is something we could never even dream of. But now we have the opportunity to use Kaskade to make a small contribution to closing the gap between East and West. We hope to make contacts in East Germany and other Eastern European countries and to be able to print reports from there. And of course, we would like to inform the people over there about what the Western jugglers are up to. That is where we're asking our readers for support in bringing the two worlds of juggling together. Our request to all of you who have addresses and contacts in the East is: pass the addresses on to us so that we can send a Kaskade there - free of charge, of course. And we ask those of you who have already been there - before or since the Wall collapsed - to tell us about it: what was it like, what is it like now, what could it be like in the future,...? We look forward to hearin~ fnom you soon. And wish you a very successful New Decade I o(jx).!,c..,' -1- ~ ~ Copy Deadline for No.18: 2 April 1990 Advertising Rates are available from the editors on request. Non-commercial small ads are FREE! Copy deadline for No.18: 2 April 1990 Subscribe! UK subscribers: please send us a cheque for Non-European subscribers: please se nd us US$15 (cash if possible!) to cover the cost of AIR MAIL de li v ery. All other subscribers: please transfer OM 20 to our account, or send a cheque if payable to a German bank, or a eurocheque with the card number on the back. Please do not send postal orders or stamps. I would like to orde r the next 3 issues of KASKADE starting from No. Price for one year's subscription = DM 20 (incl. postage) I'm paying in cash D by cheque by direct transfer to: Gabi & Paul Keast Annastr. 7 D-6200 Wiesbaden West Germany D D Bank a ccount number: Bank code: at the Nassauische Sparkasse, Wiesbaden DATE: SIGNED : NAME : ADDRESS: I would like the magazine in D D English Ge rman but I would rat her read it in D D French? Only pre-paid orders accepted!


40 die Jonglerie Ei nze lhande l GroBhandel dub8 Hasenheide Berlin 61 Telefon: O juggling equipment ~Iii ~OS BEST lltlcycle. Jonglierartikel Unser Service. BALlABAILA dube'auch bei' Koln * IOO GOGL * FLIC FlAC * WFTIKUS * ODDBAIL * PEbASUS * SITLBRUClI * Maribo.Oldenbur2 Munster Wilhelmshaven London Hannover Darmstadt

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