Isle of Wight Children s Services Sample School Gifted and Talented Action Plan - December 2008

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1 Isle of Wight Children s Services Sample School Gifted and Talented Action Plan - December 2008 Personalised Learning component A - Effective teaching and learning strategies IQS generic Target Action Timescale Success Criteria Led Resources Monitored 1. Identification To effectively identify gifted and talented learners in To make all staff aware of the meaning of gifted and talented and develop a shared understanding and agreed definition. Whole staff has a shared understanding and agreed definition of gifted and talented. all year groups and monitor their progress. Agree criteria, identification strategies and processes to identify learners for inclusion in the gifted and talented register. Systems in place to identify gifted and talented learners in all year groups. Criteria and processes agreed whole staff. Multiple criteria and sources of evidence are used to identify gifts and talents. Seek nominations from all staff based on both quantitative and qualitative data. Gifted and talented register is compiled and regularly updated. Seek peer and self nominations through questionnaires for Nominations included in school gifted and talented register where appropriate. Every child in school is recognised as having a gift or talent Seek parental nominations through school newsletter and parents evenings. Cross reference all of the above to create a cohort of approximately 10% of the whole school population to be highlighted in the school census. Ensure this data is passed to admin team prior to census. Support identified cohort in applying for full membership of Young, Gifted and Talented. Review composition of the identified gifted and talented cohort to ensure it is broadly representative of the whole school population. and this is shared with School is aware of activities learners take part in outside of school. Nominations included in school gifted and talented register where appropriate. Gifted and talented register is compiled and parents and learners are informed. Gifted and talented learners are listed on the school census. All learners identified on the gifted and talented census are full members of Young, Gifted and Talented. Composition of gifted and talented register is analysed. The gifted and talented cohort is broadly representative of the whole school population. 1

2 1. Identification cont. 2. Effective provision in the classroom Target Action Timescale Success Criteria Led Resources Monitored Identify any under-represented groups and develop strategies for inclusion. To effectively identify gifted and talented learners in all year groups and monitor their progress. Cont./ To provide effective and challenging provision within the classroom. Ensure identification systems are inclusive for learners with dual exceptionality (learners with specific gifts/talents and special educational needs) and that staff are aware of their particular socio-emotional and academic needs. Track the progress of the identified gifted and talented cohort and that of potential able underachievers. Develop strategies to address any underachievement and to increase motivation and self-esteem. Monitor impact. Involve all staff in reviewing the register at the end of the academic year and in preparation for transfer. Update planning proformas to ensure provision for gifted and talented learners is differentiated and made explicit in planning for all lessons. Create a monitoring/observation system to ensure that teaching and learning addresses the needs of gifted and talented learners (i.e. through work scrutiny, peer observations, formal/informal monitoring). All staff to self-evaluate their provision for gifted and talented learners using the Classroom and/or Core Subject Quality Standards. Compile and review outcomes. provide guidance to staff on teaching and learning strategies to engage and extend gifted and provide guidance to staff on ways of integrating personalised learning pathways into the Creative/Futures Curriculum. Composition of gifted and talented cohort is analysed, any necessary intervention strategies are implemented and their impact is monitored. Identification systems are inclusive for learners with dual exceptionality. Progress of identified gifted and talented learners is tracked and reported on. Underachievers are tracked, any necessary intervention strategies are implemented and their impact is monitored. Individual learners are screened annually against clear criteria at school and subject level. Planning ensures gifted and talented learners are extended and engaged within lessons. Clear observation/monitoring in place to ensure the needs of gifted and talented learners are being met. All staff have evaluated their own classroom practice and know the next steps for improvement. Professional development needs identified. The use of teaching and learning strategies to engage and extend gifted and talented learners is evident in lesson planning and delivery. Impact on pupil progress is monitored. The use of personalised learning strategies is evident in lesson planning and delivery. Impact on pupil progress is monitored. 2

3 2. Effective provision in the classroom. cont. Target Action Timescale Success Criteria Led Resources Monitored provide guidance to staff on strategies to meet the needs of able underachievers and exceptionally able All staff are aware of and use strategies to meet the needs of able underachievers and exceptionally able To provide effective and challenging provision within the classroom. cont. 3. Standards Improve provision and attainment for gifted and talented Whole staff to develop strategies to extend the independent learning skills of gifted and Whole staff to develop strategies to integrate the use of new technologies across the curriculum to support personalised learning. Review the impact of the use of new technologies on raising the achievement and motivation of gifted and talented Review levels of attainment and achievement for the gifted and talented cohort, overall and within core subjects, for each year group. Compare levels of attainment and achievement against local, regional and national levels. Identify any under-performance or exceptional performance. Self-evaluate current practice and provision using the National Institutional Quality Standards. Develop a gifted and talented action plan explicitly linked to SMART outcomes highlighting improvements in attainment and achievement. Review progress on a termly basis and report to SMT and governing body on progress. Gifted and talented learners routinely work independently and self-reliantly. Impact on pupil progress is monitored. The use of new technologies across the curriculum is focused on personalised learning needs. The innovative use of new technologies raises the achievement and motivation of gifted and talented Levels of attainment and achievement for the gifted and talented cohort are comparatively high in relation to the rest of the school population. Levels of attainment and achievement for the gifted and talented cohort are in line with or above those of similar pupils in similar schools. Under-performance and exceptional performance of gifted and talented learners is highlighted and acted upon. Gifted and Talented Leading Teacher is aware of the schools position against the Quality Standards and the next steps for school improvement. All staff and Governors aware of school gifted and talented action plan. SMT and governing body track progress against targets in the action plan. Provision, attainment and achievement for gifted and talented learners improves. 3

4 Personalised Learning component B Enabling curriculum entitlement and choice IQS generic 4. Enabling curriculum entitlement and choice Target Action Timescale Success Criteria Led Resources Monitored Devise a curriculum that better meets the diverse needs of all lead whole staff training on classroom strategies to challenge and support gifted and Staff have an awareness of a bank of ideas/strategies on how to stretch gifted and talented learners within their class/group. Use of strategies is evident in lesson Develop personalised learning opportunities enabling all learners to choose and design tasks according to their aptitudes and interests. Develop opportunities for gifted and talented learners to work in cross phase/age groups, according to their aptitudes and interests. Develop opportunities for enrichment through the Creative/Futures Curriculum, Extended Schools programme and access to LA and regional G&T enrichment programmes. planning and delivery. Staff are aware of the impact that a personalised learning approach can have on the progression of gifted and Learners are provided with support and guidance in making choices. The curriculum offers opportunities and guidance to gifted and talented learners that enable them to work beyond their age and/or phase. Gifted and talented learners have access to a range of extra curricular activities and opportunities to work with like-minded peers. The curriculum offers personalised learning pathways for learners that result in sustained impact on pupil attainment and achievement. 4

5 Personalised Learning component C Assessment for learning IQS generic 5. Assessment for learning 6. Transfer and transition Target Action Timescale Success Criteria Led Resources Monitored Use routine progress reviews, using both qualitative and quantitative data, to plan progression in pupils learning. Assessment data are used teachers and across the school to ensure challenge and sustained progression Make AfL explicit in planning and delivery of lessons for gifted and Ensure transfer information informs targets for gifted and talented learners to ensure progress in learning. Provide systematic oral and written feedback to help learners to set challenging curricular targets. Provide opportunities for gifted and talented learners to design their own targets and tasks. Distribute data of identified gifted and talented cohort to all staff. Screen new admissions for possible inclusion in the gifted and talented cohort. Distribute LA guidance to all staff on Strategies to support transition for gifted and talented pupils. Identify areas for development and implement relevant strategies. Work closely with feeder and receiving schools to ensure that transfer data is disseminated and is used to inform planning of teaching and learning. in individual pupils learning. Formative assessment and individual target setting combine to maximise and celebrate pupils achievements. Classroom practice regularly requires learners to reflect on their own progress against targets, and engage in the direction of their own learning. Data shared with all staff. New admissions are included in the gifted and talented cohort where appropriate. All staff aware of areas for development and implement relevant strategies for improvement. Staff aware of transfer information needed to inform targets for gifted and talented learners to ensure progress in learning. Transfer data is used to ensure progression according to ability rather than age or phase. 5

6 Personalised Learning component D School organisation IQS generic Target Action Timescale Success Criteria Led Resources Monitored 7. Leadership Distribute responsibility for Appoint a member of the governing body with responsibility for gifted and talented Governor with responsibility for gifted and talented learners appointed. gifted and talented provision provision and for the evaluation of its impact across the Gifted and talented governor to attend LA training. Gifted and talented governor aware of responsibilities and able to carry out duties effectively. whole staff. Report to governors on a regular basis and ensure that they play a significant supportive and evaluative role. Governors are aware of the provision for, and progress of, gifted and talented learners within school. Governors take a lead in celebrating achievements of gifted and talented Agree responsibilities and job description Clear responsibilities set out for Gifted 8. Policy Review the gifted and talented policy to direct best practice in provision. for Gifted and Talented Leading Teacher. Where appropriate, appoint a member of the Senior Management Team to support and mentor the Gifted and Talented Leading Teacher. Clarify the expectation that all staff are responsible for supporting and extending gifted and Build into performance management processes. Review school policy for able, gifted and Refer to updated LA sample policy (available January 2009) and guidance (available December 2008). Seek to include input from staff, learners, parents and governors in the development of the new policy. Ensure the new policy is integral to the school s inclusion agenda and approach to personalised learning. Ensure the new policy feeds into and from the school improvement plan and is consistent with other policies. Set date for review. and Talented Leading Teacher. A named member of the governing body, Senior Management Team and the lead professional responsible for gifted and talented education have clearly directed responsibilities for motivating and driving gifted and talented provision. Responsibility for gifted and talented provision is distributed, and evaluation of its impact shared, at all levels in the school. School policy is reviewed. School policy is revised in line with LA and national guidance. The policy includes input from the whole school community. New policy is integral to the school s inclusion agenda and approach to personalised learning. The policy directs and reflects best practice in the school, is regularly reviewed and is clearly linked to other policy documentation. 6

7 9. School ethos and pastoral care Target Action Timescale Success Criteria Led Resources Monitored Further develop reward systems to ensure that achievement is recognised and success is celebrated across a wide range of abilities. The school recognises achievement and celebrates the successes of all its pupils. Foster an environment to promote high achievement and emotional well being for gifted and Review targets to ensure there are high expectations for gifted and talented learners that are shared staff, learners and parents. Further develop school mentoring and pupil voice systems to ensure that gifted and talented learners are listened to and their views are taken into account. Distribute LA and national guidance to all staff on the particular social and emotional needs of gifted and talented learners, including underachievers and those from disadvantaged groups. Where necessary, facilitate access to and/or develop strategies to counteract bullying and any adverse effects of social and curriculum pressures. Where necessary, facilitate access to and/or develop specific support for able underachievers and pupils from different cultures and social backgrounds. Develop opportunities for gifted and talented learners to use their talents to benefit other pupils and the wider community. Challenging targets are set for gifted and An ethos of ambition and achievement is agreed and shared the whole school community. Gifted and talented learners are listened to and their views taken into account. The school identifies and addresses the particular social and emotional needs of gifted and talented learners in consultation with learners, parents and carers. The school places equal emphasis on high achievement and emotional well being, underpinned programmes of support personalised to the needs of gifted and Specific support for able underachievers and learners from different cultures and social backgrounds is available and accessible. The school promotes and actively seeks projects for gifted and talented learners to take part in. 7

8 10. Staff development Target Action Timescale Success Criteria Led Resources Monitored Audit professional development undertaken staff relating to meeting the needs of gifted and All staffs skills and needs are audited. Build staff capacity to improve the teaching, learning and attainment of gifted and talented Identify development needs for all staff and link to performance management processes. Update the induction programme for new staff to ensure that it addresses gifted and talented issues, both at whole school and specific subject/aspect level. Provide whole school professional development on meeting the needs of gifted and Provide specific training for Learning Support Assistants on how to support gifted and talented learners effectively. Create an observation programme of teachers who provide effective personalised learning within their classroom. attend relevant LA training and termly network meetings. take part in regional professional learning visits to observe and share good and effective practice. Development needs for all staff have been identified and are monitored through performance management processes. The induction programme for new staff addresses gifted and talented issues. Staff have received professional development on meeting the needs of gifted and talented learners and use of these strategies is evident in planning and observations. Support staff contribute to creating an effective learning environment for gifted and Staff undertake a series of peer observations to observe and share good and effective practice within the school. Gifted and Talented Leading Teacher attends termly network meetings and is up to date with recent local and national initiatives. Professional development is informed research and collaboration within and beyond the school. 8

9 Target Action Timescale Success Criteria Led Resources Monitored 11. Resources Ensure gifted and talented provision is supported Secure a financial budget for gifted and talented development linked to targets within the action plan. Provision for gifted and talented learners is supported appropriate budgets and resources. appropriate budgets and resources and their Ensure a time allocation is included within the budget to enable the Gifted and Talented Leading Teacher to drive forward Provision for gifted and talented learners is supported appropriate budgets and resources. use is monitored for impact and best value. the action plan. Investigate support available from extended schools programme and local, regional and national resources. Allocated resources include school based and local, regional and national resources. Develop SMART outcomes to measure the impact on the progress that gifted and talented learners make and their attitudes to learning. Resources have a significant and measurable impact on the progress that pupils make and their attitudes to learning. 12. Monitoring and evaluation Plan s of gifted and talented provision to clear objectives and regularly evaluate performance. Whole school targets are set using prior attainment data. Self-evaluate whole school provision for gifted and talented learners using the National Institutional Quality Standards. All staff to self-evaluate class/subject based provision for gifted and talented learners using the Classroom and/or Core Subject Quality Standards. Set whole school targets for improvement, plan all s of provision against clear objectives and evaluate performance against outcome criteria on a termly basis. Performance against targets (including at pupil level) is regularly reviewed. Whole school gifted and talented provision self-evaluated and next steps for development identified. Subject and phase audits focus on the quality of teaching and learning for gifted and talented learners and next steps for development are identified. Performance against targets is rigorously evaluated against clear criteria. Qualitative and quantitative outcomes inform whole school selfevaluation processes. 9

10 Personalised Learning component E Engaging with the community, families and beyond IQS generic 13. Engaging with the community, families and beyond. Target Action Timescale Success Criteria Led Resources Monitored Seek parental nominations for the gifted and talented register through the school newsletter and at parent evenings. Parents/carers contribute to identification processes and are kept informed of developments in gifted and Actively engage parents/carers in extending provision for gifted and Share good practice and work collaboratively with other schools. Ensure parents/carers are aware of, and have access to, the school s policy on gifted and talented provision. Seek parental input in the review of the school s gifted and talented policy. Encourage parents to engage in supporting their child attending some of the enrichment activities provided. Where appropriate, develop strategies to engage and support hard-to-reach parents/carers. Where appropriate, integrate support for gifted and talented learners with other children s services (e.g. Sure Start, EAL, traveller, refugee, LAC Services) attend LA training and termly network meetings for Gifted and Talented Leading Teachers. take part in regional professional learning visits. Seek opportunities to network and develop collaborative provision with other schools, local businesses and community organisations. talented provision. Parents/carers are aware of the school s policy on gifted and talented provision. Parental input into the school policy has been taken into account. Parents informed of enrichment activities available to gifted and Progression of gifted and talented pupils is enhanced effective homeschool partnerships. Support for gifted and talented provision is integrated with other children s services. Gifted and Talented Leading Teacher attends termly network meetings and is up to date with recent initiatives The school shares good and effective practice with other schools, colleges and the wider community. A coherent strategy for networking with other schools, local businesses and community organisations extends and enriches gifted and talented provision. 10

11 14. Learning beyond the classroom Target Action Timescale Success Criteria Led Resources Monitored Incorporate opportunities for enrichment within the Creative/Futures Curriculum. Facilitate access to a variety of enrichment and extension opportunities to help meet individual pupils learning needs. Further develop opportunities for pupils to learn beyond the school day and site (through extended hours and out-of-school activities). Develop dedicated school-based gifted and talented enrichment activities and monitor engagement and outcomes. Support and encourage gifted and talented learners to engage with YG&T and access local, regional and national enrichment programmes. Opportunities for learning beyond the classroom further enhance teaching and learning and develop higher level thinking and problem solving skills. Enrichment and extension activities complement teaching and learning and help identify pupils latent gifts and talents. Gifted and talented learners access a variety of opportunities to broaden their experiences. Local and national on-line and face-toface provision helps meet individual pupils learning needs. 11

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