Stage 1 Desired Results Established Goals: Matter and Energy Transfer, Biomes, Survival, Competition, and Symbiotic Relationships

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1 Stage 1 Desired Results Established Goals: Matter and Energy Transfer, Biomes, Survival, Competition, and Symbiotic Relationships Unit 6: Ecology Learning Standard: S7L4. Students will examine the dependence of organisms on one another and their environment. Related Element: a. Demonstrate in a food web that matter is transferred from one organism to another and can recycle between organisms and their environments. b. Explain in a food web that sunlight is the source of energy and that this energy moves from organism to organism. c. Recognize that changes in environmental conditions can affect the survival of both individuals and entire species. d. Categorize relationships between organisms that are competitive or mutually beneficial. e. Describe the characteristics of Earth s major terrestrial biomes (i.e. tropical rain forest, savannah, temperate, desert, taiga, tundra, and mountain) and aquatic communities (i.e., freshwater, estuaries, and marine) Characteristics of Science S7CS1. Students will explore the importance of curiosity, honesty, openness, and skepticism in science and will exhibit these traits in their own efforts to understand how the world works. a. Understand the importance of and keep honest, clear, and accurate records in science. b. Understand that hypotheses can be valuable, even if they turn out not to be completely accurate. S7CS2. Students will use standard safety practices for all classroom laboratory and field investigations. a. Follow correct procedures for use of scientific apparatus. b. Demonstrate appropriate techniques in all laboratory situations. c. Follow correct protocol for identifying and reporting safety problems and violations. S7CS3. Students will have the computation and estimation skills necessary for analyzing data and following scientific explanations. a. Draw conclusions based on analyzed data. S7CS4. Students will use tools and instruments for observing, measuring, and manipulating equipment and material in scientific activities. a. Use appropriate technology to store and retrieve scientific information in topical, alphabetical, numerical, and keyword files, and create simple files. b. Use appropriate tools for measuring objects and/or substances. c. Learn and use on a regular basis standard safety practices for scientific investigations. S7CS5. Students will use the ideas of system, model, change, and scale in exploring scientific and technological matters. a. Observe and explain how parts can be related to other parts in a system such as predator/prey relationships in a community/ecosystem. b. Understand that different models (such as physical replicas, pictures, and analogies) can be used to represent the same thing. S7CS6. Students will communicate scientific ideas and activities clearly. a. Write clear step-by-step instructions for conducting particular scientific investigations, operating a piece of equipment, or following a procedure. c. Organize scientific information using appropriate simple tables, charts, and graphs, and identify relationships they reveal. S7CS8. Students will investigate the characteristics of knowledge and how that knowledge is achieved. Students will apply the following to scientific concepts: a. When similar investigations give different results, the scientific challenge is to judge whether the differences are trivial or significant, which often requires further study. Even with similar results, 1

2 Unit 6: Ecology scientists may wait until an investigation has been repeated many times before accepting the results as meaningful. b. When new experimental results are inconsistent with an existing, well-established theory, scientists may pursue further experimentation to determine whether the results are flawed of the theory requires modification. c. As prevailing theories are challenged by new information, scientific knowledge may change. S7CS9. Students will investigate the features of the process of scientific inquiry. Students will apply the following to inquiry learning practices. a. Investigations are conducted for different reasons, which include exploring new phenomena, confirming previous results, testing how well a theory predicts, and comparing competing theories. b. Scientific investigations usually involve collecting evidence, reasoning, devising hypotheses, and formulating explanations to make sense of collected evidence. c. Scientific experiments investigate the effect of one variable on another. All other variables are kept constant. d. Scientists often collaborate to design research. To prevent this bias, scientists conduct independent studies of the same questions. e. Accurate record keeping, data sharing, and replication of results are essential for maintaining an investigator s credibility with other scientists and society. f. Scientists use technology and mathematics to enhance the process of scientific inquiry. g. The ethics of science require that special care must be taken and used for human subjects and animals in scientific research. Scientists must adhere to the appropriate rules and guidelines when conducting research. S7CS10. Students will enhance reading in all curriculum areas by: a. Reading in all curriculum areas Read a minimum of 25 grade-level appropriate books per year from a variety of subject disciplines and participate in discussions related to curricular learning in all areas. c. Building vocabulary knowledge Demonstrate an understanding of contextual vocabulary in various subjects. Use content vocabulary in writing and speaking. Explore understanding of new words found in subject area texts. d. Establishing context Explore life experiences related to subject area content. Discuss in both writing and speaking how certain words are subject area related. Determine strategies for finding content and contextual meaning for unknown words. Common Core Reading Standards for Literacy in Science 6-8RST1: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts. 6-8RST2: Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; provide an accurate summary of the text distinct from prior knowledge or opinions. 6-8RST3: Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying our experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks. 6-8RST4: Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 6-8 texts and topics. 6-8RST7: Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flow chart, diagram, model, graph, or table). 6-8RST8: Distinguish among facts, reasoned judgment based on research findings, and speculation in a text. 6-8RST9: Compare and contrast the information gained from experiments, simulations, video or multimedia sources with that gained from reading a text on the same topic. 6-8RST10: By the end of grade 8, read and comprehend science/technical texts in the grades 6-8 text complexity band independently and proficiently. 2

3 Unit 6: Ecology Common Core Writing Standards for Literacy in Science 6-8WHST2: Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/experiments, or technical processes. 6-8WHST4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. 6-8WHST5: With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on how well purpose and audience have been addressed. 6-8WHST6: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and present the relationships between information and ideas clearly and efficiently. 6-8WHST8: Gather relevant information from multiple sources. 6-8WHST10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for reflection and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. Big Ideas: Matter and Energy Transfer Interdependence of Life Biomes Understandings: Students will understand that 1. a food web is a series of overlapping food chains. 2. organisms are interdependent on one another and their environment. 3. the food web demonstrates that all energy is transferred and recycled among organisms and their environment. 4. any change in a food wed will eventually affect all the organisms within the food web. 5. matter and energy are recycled, not destroyed. 6. predation plays a major role in the structure of a food web. 7. the sun is the primary energy source for the living world. 8. producers make food via photosynthesis. 9. energy is transferred from producers to consumers. 10. an ecosystem consists of all living and nonliving matter. 11. ecosystems change over time. 12. limiting factors control population growth. 13. organisms depend on one another and their environment for survival. 14. symbiotic relationships occur between many types of organisms. 15. competition is necessary to control over population within a species. 16. the earth is divided into terrestrial and aquatic biomes. 17. all biomes are characterized by biotic and abiotic factors. Textbook: Glencoe Georgia Science Grade 7, 2008 pgs , 312, 314, , , , , , Essential Questions: 1. How is life like a web? 2. What types of relationships do organisms have in an ecosystem? 3. Why is it necessary for everything in an ecosystem to work together? 4. How does a change in temperature and precipitation affect the living things in the environment? 5. How would a change in climate affect the living organisms within a biome? 6. How do the abiotic factors in an environment contribute to the adaptations of living organisms? 7. How do the various components of an environment affect competition within both populations and communities? 8. How are biomes of the world alike? 9. How are biomes of the world different? 10. What does modern science tell us about ecology? 3

4 18. organisms are dependent on biomes for survival. 19. energy and nutrients flow through biomes via food chains. Knowledge: Students will know 1. terminology and contextual language of the standards. 2. the difference between producers, consumers, and decomposers, and their roles in the food web. 3. the Law of the Conservation of Energy. 4. energy passes from one trophic level to the next. This energy is neither created nor destroyed but simply changes form (Animals may use chemical energy for mechanical energy motion, sound energy to attract a mate, or even light energy). 5. available energy decreases as you move up the energy pyramid. 6. energy from the sun is made available to the food chain through the photosynthesis of plants. 7. photosynthesis converts light energy into chemical energy that can be used consumers. 8. in addition to energy, matter such as proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals are also passed from one organism to the next in a food chain. 9. abiotic factors determine the biotic factors that live in a biome. 10. relationships between organisms can either be helpful, harmful, or neither. 11. levels of organization from a species all the way to a biome. 12. biotic (flora and fauna) and abiotic (rainfall, temp, location, and other key characteristics) characteristics of each biomes. 13. the differences between marine and freshwater ecosystems, including estuaries. 14. limiting factors in an ecosystem determine the carrying capacity. 15. students will understand organisms have adaptations that allow them to survive in an ecosystem. Unit 6: Ecology Skills: Students will be able to.. 1. determine the type of relationship that exists between two organisms (predator/prey, competitive, parasitic, mutualism, commensalism) 2. draw a food chain and use arrows to show the direction energy and matter moves through the food chain. 3. given a list of organisms, students will be able to identify each as a consumer, producer, or decomposer. 4. construct an energy pyramid and label the amount of available energy at each level. 5. explain that much of the energy obtained by an organism is then used for life processes to live, grow, and reproduce. 6. recognize a biome from its biotic and abiotic factors. 7. how a change in a biotic or abiotic factor in an ecosystem can affect the survival of an organism. 8. explain the role of photosynthesis in a food web. 9. explain the role of cellular respiration in a food web. 10. explain the role of decomposition in a food web. 11. explain the importance of the water, carbon, and nitrogen cycle in an ecosystem. 12. explain why an estuary and a rainforest are so diverse. 13. explain how a limiting factor can determine the population size of an organism. 14. illustrate a biome including all biotic and abiotic factors. 15. identify the biomes of earth. 16. compare and contrast terrestrial and aquatic biomes. 17. differentiate between freshwater and marine ecosystems. Performance Tasks: 1. Owl Pellets owlpellet.html Stage 2 Assessment Evidence Other Evidence: 1. Picture from a magazine students identify biotic and abiotic factors in the picture. 4

5 2. Students will research an organism of their choice and the relationships with other organisms. Students should identify a competitive relationship and a mutually beneficial relationship, as well as each symbiotic relationship. 3. Symbiotic Relationships rks/gso%20frameworks/7%20science%20 Interdependence%20of%20Life%20Symbio tic%20relationships.pdf 4. GA DOE Links Board Game Interdependence of Life framework rks/gso%20frameworks/7%20science%20 Framework%20Interdependence%20of%20 Life.pdf 5. Ecological Survival Documentary technology required (scrapbook could be used) Students complete a multimedia presentation of a biome that includes: Location with a map, human impact/ecological concerns, climate description, common plants and their adaptations for success, common animals and their adaptation for success, a food web, relationships within the biome mutualism, commensalism, parasitism, competition, predator/prey. rks/gso%20frameworks/7%20alternative %20Integrated%20Framework%20Ecologis t.pdf 6. Biome Community Quilt rks/gso%20frameworks/7%20science%20 Interdependence%20of%20Life%20Biome %20Community%20Quilt.pdf 7. Biomes rks/gso%20frameworks/7%20science%20 Interdependence%20of%20Life%20Biomes. pdf Unit 6: Ecology 2. Choose an ecosystem students will list the biotic and abiotic factors that would affect the population growth of an organism in the area. 3. Visualizing population growth pg Food Chains and Food Webs Jeopardy 5. Biome scrapbook includes location, temperature, precipitation, vegetation, organisms 6. Essay Describe the relationship of an organism within each biome. What characteristics does that organism have that allow it to survive in that biome? How is that organism dependent on the other organisms and the environment in which it lives? Learning Activities: Stage 3 Learning Plan Suggested Content Literacy Strategies: Concept maps Note-taking strategies RAFT writing techniques Vocabulary cards Word sorts (key concepts on small cards that students sort into a word web or concept map) 5

6 Unit 6: Ecology Word wall Writing Literacy Ideas Science literacy ideas and worksheets Video Worksheets - Learning Activities after Pre-Assessment: Daily vocabulary scaffolding Outside observation log How do the things you observe work together? Energy Flow PowerPoint - Food Web Webquest - Food web visual make sure students show the flow of energy with arrows pointing in the direction the energy is flowing. Lab: grow plants in and out of sunlight to help students understand that a plant initially used the energy stored in the seed but as soon the leaves sprout, sunlight will be required for continued growth. String web activity Life Line students toss a ball of yarn from one to another loosely wrapping the yarn around one of their index fingers. When the web is complete, place a bowl of candy on top of the web in the middle. Discussion ensues regarding what would happen when environmental and man-made changes occur (someone moves with the string still attached, a string gets cut, etc.) Predator/Prey graph - Kaibab Deer Activity carrying capacity and limiting factors also shows how biotic and abiotic factors affect a population. Oh Deer whole group outdoor activity to illustrate limiting factors and carrying capacity. Symbiosis graphic organizer/foldable type of relationship/ symbols (++, +-, or +0) and an example of each Symbiotic relationships PowerPoint/pictures/videos that illustrate each type of symbiotic relationship. Zebra Mussels Invasive Species article with questions - Research how nitrogen cycles through an aquarium ecosystem especially helpful if you have an aquarium in your room. Students are already familiar with the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration; use this to help explain the carbon cycle. Also relate the release of carbon from fossil fuels to dead organisms that lived long ago as well as the carbon released from the burning or decay of once living organisms. Biome Coloring Map Precipitation graph for biomes to help students understand the relationship between precipitation and the type of plant life in a biome. Biome table to help organize information biome, location, temperature, precipitation, type of plants, type of animals. Biome Web Lesson Biome Concept Map Biome Venn Diagrams compare and contrast two biomes Students research plant and animals adaptation that allow species to survive in each biome. NASA online activities: Mission: Biomes, Great Graph Match, To Plant or Not to Plant?, Air Quality, Water Quality, Precipitation 6

7 Unit 6: Ecology Placemat symbiotic relationships can be a group or individual activity. A large piece of construction paper is the placement. Center circle says relationships the paper is then divided into four sections and labeled commensalism, parasitism, mutualism, predator/prey. Students define, give examples, and illustrate each relationship. Inquiry Lab effect of pollution in a water supply on an ecosystem Bad Things Come in Small Packages Teaching with Technology can be used as an alternate teaching mechanism or to supplement instruction - can be used for vocabulary enrichment according to how the teacher sets up his/her account. You Tube ParrMr songs with PowerPoint Food Chain song, Plant Food Song, Freshwater Biomes Song, Marine Biomes Song, Symbiosis Song, Ecosystems Song, Decomposers Song, You re An Omnivore Song, It Starts with Producers Song Study jams cartoon videos, songs (sing karaoke, quizzes) Kahoot game-based, blended learning and classroom engagement tool (quizzes, surveys, polls. can be used with computers and it is also an Android app.) (ios, Android, and web app) online tool for making flashcards with video and audio elements, taking notes, and preparing for exams create interactive timelines create word clouds with main points from a unit or reading selection students can create illustrated books this is a great alternative for paper books and especially helpful for students who do not like to draw. teachers or students can create a video with a whiteboard to teach, review, or show what you know video 25 Teaching Tools for the Technology Classroom - teaching-tools-to-organize-innovate-manage-your-classroom/ Enrichment Activities Recycle City students learn the role of recycling in a city Endangered Species Research and Concept Map Environmental Action - group critical thinking activity Interpreting Ecological Data Edgenuity: Gizmo Labs Rabbit Population by Season, Plants and Snails Reinforcement Activities Organization from population to ecosystem pg. 687 Reteach (Ecosystem Display) You Tube ParrMr Climatographs Song about biomes, Food Chain Song, Freshwater Biomes Song 7

8 Food web Food web 2 Unit 6: Ecology Contextual Language of the Standards: biotic, abiotic, producer, consumer, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, decomposer, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, energy pyramid, population, limiting factors, carrying capacity, extinction, competition, predator, prey, mutualism, commensalism, parasitism, tundra, taiga, desert, grassland, rainforest, deciduous forest, estuary, biome, terrestrial, aquatic, marine June

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