Road Traffic Accidents in Japan. October 25, 2012

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1 New Approaches to Reduce Road Traffic Accidents in Japan October 25, 2012

2 <Contents> (1) Current Situation of Traffic Accidents in Japan (2) The Management Approach for Safer Roads (3) New Efforts to Combat Traffic Accidents (4) Conclusion 1

3 (1) Current Situation i of Traffic Accidents in Japan 2

4 Traffic Accidents in Japan Traffic war * led by post-war motorization became a social problem and fatality reached a record high of 16,765 in In 2011, however, the number decreased down to less than one third of the 1970-level. Changes in traffic fatalities (1,000) Traffic war years 16,765 (1970) Highest in the past Fatalities Traffic Safety Program 4,612 (2011) Data from National Police Agency *expression indicating a high number of deaths from traffic accidents 3

5 Factors of the decline in traffic fatalities during the last 40years (1) Improvement of road infrastructure (2) Reduction in drunk driving accidents (3) Increased use of seatbelts (4) Increased pedestrian awareness to keep traffic rules (5) Enhanced vehicle safety 4

6 Outline of the 9 th Traffic Safety Program ( ) Goals (1) Reduce the annual number of deaths resulting from traffic accidents to below 3,000 so that Japan becomes the nation with the world s safest road traffic. (2) Reduce injuries to 0.7 million or fewer. Countermeasures <Point of view> 1 Ensure safety of the elderly and children. 2 Ensure safety of pedestrians and cyclists. 3 Ensure safety of road users on residential and arterial roads. 5

7 (2) The Management Approach for Safer Roads 6

8 Accident rates in the Tokyo Metropolitan region Accidents tend to occur frequently at certain spots on arterial roads. Measures are focused on these black spots. Black spot An example of black spot (National Hwy 16, Yokohama) Legend 1,000 or fewer accidents per billion vehicle km 2,000 or fewer accidents per billion vehicle km 3,000 or fewer accidents per billion vehicle km 3,000 or more accidents per billion vehicle km 7

9 Designation of Black Spots Designate arterial road sections with high frequency of accidents as black spots" and promote accident prevention measures. About 4,000 black spots were designated in 2003 and 3,400 spots in Criteria for black spot designation in 2008 All of the following segments for the average from 2003 to ,000 or more injury accidents/billion vehicle km 10 or more fatal accidents/billion vehicle km 8

10 Countermeasures for Black Spots and Their Effects Improvements of signal system and intersections were carried out through the cooperation between police and road administrators. Fatal and injury accidents were declined by 31% amongst 3,271 black spots after the improvements during the target years (2003 to 2007) [Illustration of improvements at black spot (intersection)] Additional signal patterns (for right-turning cars) Pavement improvement (nonslip finishing) (color finishing) Measures By road administrators By public safety commission Channel (marking) 信 号 機 の 高 輝 度 化 Installment of brighter signals Bicycle crossing Road lighting Right turn lane Pavement improvement (multi-function) s and injury accidents (thousand) 死 傷 Fatal 事 故 件 数 ( 千 件 ) [Accident prevention effect of measure] Assuming 全 the 国 と trend 同 じ 傾 is 向 the same as で nationwide 推 移 すればone 16,449 17,945 指 定 Before 前 対 4ヶ 策 前 年 平 均 31% 抑 止 Reduction 対 After 策 後 平 均 12,351 9

11 Case Example of Countermeasure at Black Spot (Daiku Intersection On National Hwy 2, Okayama Pref.) Daiku intersection on Hwy 2 is one the most accident-prone spots in Okayama pref. Reduced radius of left turn channel on one side and removal of left turn channel on the other side brought reduction of sudden collision and left turning accidents. [Causes of accidents] <Daiku intersection on Hwy 2, Okayama pref.> (Cause) High-speed cars enter pedestrian crossing causes frequent car-cyclist/pedestrian collisions. [Countermeasures (completed in 2008) 至 大 元 (1) Reduced radius of left-turn channel 至 野 田 至 岡 山 駅 Encounter To Okayama Stn. 至 大 雲 寺 (2) Removal of left-turn channel Lane before measure Lane after measure Okayama city hall (Cause) There are high chances for cars to encounter other car or cyclists/pedestrians, causing frequent collisions. Car Cyclists/pedestrians [Change in traffic accidents] Traffic 事 故 件 数 accident ( 件 / 年 ) (/year) その Other 他 In left turn 左 折 導 流 channel 路 内 約 50% 5 reduction 割 減 少 Before After 対 策 前 対 策 後 10

12 Case Example of Countermeasure at Black Spot (Nagare Intersection on National Hwy 3, Fukuoka Pref.) With increasing traffic volume, more than 20 accidents occur annually. Improvement of intersection (grade separation) brought accident reduction by half. Before <Traffic accidents> 22 accidents in 2001 (improvements completed in 2003) 10 accidents in 2004 Reduced to less than half Nagare intersection Hwy 3 (Fukuoka pref.) After 11

13 Management Cycle to Improve Black Spots Conduct effective e measures under the management cycle to improve black spots including causal analysis, planning of countermeasures, implementation of countermeasures and evaluation of the effects. [Plan] Identifying black spots Causal analysis Planning of countermeasures [Do] Implementation of countermeasures [Action] Examining improvement plan [Check] Analyzing and evaluating effects Measuring effects 12

14 Database for Management Cycle Support A database was created to support management cycle to improve black spots. The database is accessible on the web by every road administrator for planning countermeasures. Outline of accident database Subject -Black Spots About 4,000 spots designated in 2003 About 3,400 spots designated in 2008 Data Items - Traffic Accident Situation - Process of Planning Countermeasures - Items of Countermeasures - Accident data before and after countermeasures 13

15 Traffic Accident Countermeasure Database 様 式 A 基 本 情 報 対 策 検 討 Format A(basic information, examination of measures) 概 要 版 様 式 箇 所 の 基 本 情 報 事 故 発 生 傾 向 箇 所 概 要 6 整 備 局 関 東 地 方 整 備 局 箇 所 ID t 5 事 務 所 路 線 名 住 所 長 野 国 道 事 務 所 一 般 国 道 19 号 単 路 交 差 点 区 分 単 路 部 長 野 市 篠 ノ 井 山 布 施 字 北 之 平 7808 番 1~ 篠 ノ 井 山 布 施 字 小 坪 7604 番 1 事 業 区 分 距 離 標 交 差 点 名 沿 線 状 況 事 故 危 険 箇 所 (H15~H19) ~ 山 地 死 傷 事 故 件 数 ( 件 / 年 ) Displays a graph to show annual changes of accident status. H8 H9 H10 H11 H12 H13 H14 H15 H16 H17 H18 H19 H20 Displays 道 路 交 通 状 況 information H17センサス 1072 日 交 通 量 23,986 such 大 型 as 混 入 names 率 of roads, 21.00% 混 雑 度 2.56 types of roads, and 着 目 事 故 対 策 方 針 対 策 工 種 ドライバーにとって 死 角 となる 箇 所 の 状 況 を 注 対 策 前 の 道 路 状 況 写 真 正 面 衝 突 意 喚 起 情 報 提 供 するとともに 減 速 を 促 す traffic status. 人 体 車 両 正 面 衝 突 追 突 出 会 い 頭 左 折 時 右 折 時 その 他 車 両 相 互 車 両 単 独 その 他 事 故 発 生 要 因 の 分 析 事 故 対 策 の 立 案 着 目 事 故 対 策 方 針 対 策 種 追 突 追 突 車 両 が 制 御 不 能 となる 要 素 を 除 去 する ドライバーにとって 死 角 となる 箇 所 の 状 況 を 注 意 喚 起 情 報 提 供 するとともに 減 速 を 促 す 対 向 車 接 近 表 示 装 置 ( 道 路 管 理 者 ) 舗 装 改 良 ( 排 水 性 舗 装 ) 法 定 外 看 板 表 示 ( 文 字 マー ク 矢 印 等 )( 道 路 管 理 者 ) 前 方 の 線 形 を 確 認 出 来 ないまま 速 度 超 過 でカーブ 区 間 に 突 入 する 対 策 前 の 道 路 現 状 図 前 方 の 線 形 を 確 認 出 来 ないまま 速 度 超 過 で カーブ 区 間 に 突 入 す る 前 方 の 線 形 を 確 認 出 来 ないまま 速 度 超 過 でカーブ 区 間 に 突 入 する Displays photographs and figures to show road structures and roadside conditions before implementing measures. Displays accident factor analysis and the history of examining proposed preventive measures. 14

16 Traffic Accident Countermeasure Database Format B(Evaluation of implemented measures and effects) 様 式 B 実 施 対 策 効 果 評 価 箇 所 概 要 事 務 所 住 所 長 野 国 道 事 務 所 長 野 市 篠 ノ 井 山 布 施 字 北 之 平 7808 番 1~ 篠 ノ 井 山 布 施 字 小 坪 路 線 名 交 差 点 名 一 般 国 道 19 号 対 策 前 の 道 路 交 通 状 況 写 真 対 策 工 種 対 策 年 対 策 工 種 対 策 年 対 向 車 接 近 表 示 装 置 ( 道 路 管 理 H15 舗 装 改 良 ( 排 水 性 舗 装 ) H18 Displays 法 定 外 看 板 表 示 ( 文 字 マーク 矢 印 等 )( 道 路 管 理 者 ) implemented measures and years of implementation. 対 策 後 の 道 路 現 況 図 H18 概 要 版 様 式 対 策 効 果 評 価 事 故 発 生 状 況 図 Displays road conditions after implementing measures. 対 策 完 了 年 H18 Displays a diagram of accident status before implementing measures. Display a diagram of accident status after implementing measures. 対 策 写 真 舗 装 改 良 法 定 外 標 示 対 向 車 接 近 表 示 等 事 故 デ タ Displays photographs to show how the measures are implemented. 死 傷 事 故 件 数 ( 件 / 年 ) Displays genre-based accident data before and after implementing measures to identify preventive effects. 0 対 策 前 対 策 後 人 体 車 両 正 面 衝 突 追 突 出 会 い 頭 左 折 時 右 折 時 その 他 車 両 相 互 車 両 単 独 その 他 15

17 (3) New Efforts to Combat Traffic Accidents 16

18 Utilizing Probe Data from Telematics Service to Identify Hazardous Spots -Typical Telematics Service Managed by Automobile Manufacturers- A data center collects from subscribers And provides refined traffic information Providing Refined Traffic Information (current travel time, expected congestion on the road) data center Collecting Running Data (vehicle location, speed, etc) route from which running data are collected IP communication The number of subscribers to HONDA system has reached 1.48 millions. TOYOTA and NISSAN provide a similar system. 17

19 Traffic Accident Countermeasures Using Probe Data -Trial by Saitama Prefecture office - Saitama pref. signed an agreement with Honda and uses probe data for road development (since Dec 2007). Traffic accident countermeasures are carried out after identifying sudden-braking-prone spots using the probe data. After improvements, frequency of sudden braking and fatal or injury accidents declined on the spots. Work flow 5 or more sudden-brakings* occur in the same direction in a 50m-mesh mesh area. Example of countermeasure Sudden-braking prone spot Before Before Sudden-braking prone spot Designate these spots as sudden-brakingprone spots After After Identify the causal factors on site. Carry out the countermeasures (160 spots in the pref.) Effects Better lookout after trimming tree Total number of sudden-brakings in a month 70% reduction! Draw attention by road marking Number of fatal and injury accidents 20% reduction! * Defined as a breaking with deceleration at 0.3G or higher. Generally, deceleration at 0.3G or higher is thought to cause passengers discomfort. Before After Before After 145 spots where improvements were completed by Sep

20 Ensuring Traffic Safety on School-Commuting Roads Elementary school students in Japan walk to school on the school-commuting roads designated by their schools (in groups for security reason). A series of traffic accidents involving students on the road to and from school occurred this April. April 23 rd (Mon) Kameoka city, Kyoto pref. A car crashed into a group of 9 students and a parent of Ansyo municipal elementary school killing 2 students and a parent with 7 major or minor injuries. April 27 th (Fri) Tateyama city, Chiba pref. A car crashed into an elementary student who had been waiting for a bus to death. April 27 th (Fri) Okazaki city, Aichi pref. A car crashed into 2 elementary students who had been crossing the pedestrian crossing, causing both injuries. Images of elementary school students going to school in a group 19

21 Cooperative Urgent Inspection of School-Commuting Roads cooperation cooperation Ministry of Infrastructure Ministry of Education National Police Agency Report Notice Report Notice Notice Report Adjustment Adjustment Road administrator School board Pref. police Report Order School and PTA School route setting and safety inspection Indentifying the dangerous spots Joint inspection Identifying spots to be y g improved by the end of August 2012 Findings Number of inspected schools:about 20, Number of inspected spots:about 70,000 Number of spots to be improved: about 60,000 20

22 Image of Typical Countermeasures on School-Commuting Roads Involved party school board, school, PTA road administrators police road users Pedestrians sometimes have to enter the roadway to go around utility poles. Cyclists and students use the same road, which can cause accident. <Countermeasure> Traffic controlling by volunteers Too narrow pedestrian space in grade crossing <Countermeasure> Grade crossing widening <Countermeasure> Undergrounding elementary school 文 Large vehicle on the narrow residential roads A bus stop in the middle of narrow side walk Stn. <Countermeasure> Change of school route Narrow side walk with gaps <Countermeasure> Sidewalk widening Barrier-free side walk Stn. <Countermeasure> Restrict large vehicles Narrow the road using fence :Designated route :Points to be improved 21

23 Conclusion - Systematic efforts in traffic safety are effective. - New approaches such as introduction of a management cycle and utilization of prove data should be continued. - Cooperative work with other authorities and cooperation with citizens are effective and should be enhanced. 22

24 Thank You for Your Attention 23

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