Reading Action Plan Tukwila Elementary

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1 Reading Action Plan Tukwila Elementary School Improvement Goal: Tukwila Elementary will improve the blended WASL Reading score by 10% each year. Rationale: 1) Students understand that reading is an important tool they will use throughout their lives. 2) To increase the student literacy rate in our building. 3) To accommodate alternative learning and teaching styles. 4) To facilitate assessing information and showing evidence of learning. Activities: Steps to be taken. What will occur? Houghton Mifflin Curriculum will be utilized in all classrooms. Flexible, mixed grade level groups will be utilized for Reading Instruction. Literacy Blocks will be utilized in Grades 3 through 5. Weekly Team meetings will be implemented to discuss and analyze student data. Cross class reading observations will occur. Many teachers will use literature circles as an instructional strategy Who is Responsible? Who is Involved? Who will provide the leadership? Who will do the work? Teachers Grades K through 5. Teachers Grades 3 through 5. ELL staff Para educators WRC Teachers Grades K through 5. Timeline When will this strategy or action begin and end? Resources Needed What existing and new resources will be used to accomplish the strategy? Reading Program Leveled Readers HM Reading Materials. Weekly Skills and Selection Tests. Skills Focus Sheets Literature Collections. Expected Impact What measurable change will be seen? Students will increase reading levels and exit smaller groups. Students will increase performance on skills-based Reading Assessments. Student skills will develop in Reading. Monitoring Effectiveness What formative evidence will be gathered to demonstrate progress? Weekly Skills Tests. Classroom based assessments. Theme Tests. Weekly Skills Scores. Oral Reading Records. Selection Tests. HM Focus Sheets Classroom Based Assessments. Tier 3 students will be identified and meet regularly in small groups, focus groups, and individual appointments with the. Classroom Teachers Student Assessment Data. Student Work Samples. Struggling learners will work to develop reading skills. Reading levels will increase. Informal Assessments. Weekly Group work. Individual assignments and assessments.

2 Computerized reading interventions will be available for student and teacher use. -Academy of Reading -Lexia -Orchard -Earobics Teacher-directed intervention programs will be available and utilized. -Companion Reading -Read Well -Distar Zero hour tutoring will be available for struggling students. WRC will tutor struggling Tier 2 students in small groups or one-onone. WRC will facilitate homework and Reading Club during TCSC after school program. WRC will recruit and support volunteer tutors. Peer and Cross-aged tutors will work with struggling students. Classroom Teachers Zero Hour Tutors WRC Classroom Teachers Specialists Cross-Aged Tutors Para educators Principal Teachers WRC Teachers WRC Computers Programs Support Staff Volunteers Classroom Teachers. Support Materials. Intervention Programs. Computer Based interventions. Student work plan folders. Reading materials Reading Library/collection of books. Reading skills Games and activities. Recruitment materials. Volunteer logs to maintain records Students will develop phonetic skills. Students will work independently to focus on targeted skills. Student skill levels and Reading levels will increase. Students will increase reading levels and skills. Phonetic skills will develop. Increased reading levels of students. Skill development. Movement of Tier 2 into on-level. Individualized instruction to support classroom skills will increase reading performance. Program Data. Classroom Based assessments. Student Progress monitoring. Reading Assessments. Classroom Assessments. Student work plans will be assessed. Computer based assessments. Classroom Assessments. Informal reading assessments/ Progress monitoring. Classroom assessments. Classroom assessments. Weekly skills assessments.

3 After-school WASL clubs will be available. TCSC after school program will provide tutoring and academic support. Classroom Teachers Specialists TCSC Staff WRC WASL prep materials. Student academic support plans. Increased WASL scores. Reading levels of all students will increase. Reading Assessments. WASL Assessment. MAINTAINING A LITERATE ENVIRONMENT WRC will plan and conduct family involvement events and activities. WRC will host an annual Family Literacy Night. WRC will organize a morning Reading Club. WRC Staff Literacy Materials, such as books, activities, and games. Increased attendance at Literacy events. Increased attendance at Book Club. Attendance records at events and book club. Reading Assessments, both formal and informal. Scholastic and Barnes and Noble Book Fairs will be held throughout the school year. Reading banners will promote the importance of reading Librarian Tukwila Elementary Staff Improved Reading scores. Books Increased number of reading materials both in the building and at students homes. Reading Banners Increased reading minutes in students. Inventories of books sold and donated. Reading inventories. Reading Records. Class reading minutes. AR points

4 Reading Incentive programs will be available and utilized. These programs include Global Reading Challenge and Accelerated Reader. The Bookroom will be updated with additions to out fiction and nonfiction selections. An annual Book Drive will provide new resources for students and staff. Librarian Classroom Teachers Classroom Teachers Staff AR program and books Global Reading books Books Slightly Used Books Increased student scores on AR assessments Increased number of Global Reading Teams. Increased number of staff and student materials. Increased number of Literacy materials in the home. AR assessment data. Global Reading Challenge results. Reading book inventory. Teacher/student surveys. Log of books collected and donated. ASSESSMENTS: Teachers will administer continual assessment of Reading progress through classroom based assessment, observations, and running records. Classroom Teachers Support staff HM assessment materials. Oral Reading Records Increased Reading levels. Student skills improvement. HM Assessment data. Monthly Reading Records. Analytical Reading Inventory will be administered school wide. STAR and STAR Early Literacy will be used as building assessments. Classroom Teachers Observation notes ARI STAR Assessments Students will increase reading levels from Sept. to Jan. to June. Tier 3 students will move into Tier 2. More on grade level progress.

5 Students will be assessed in Reading and Writing on statewide assessment WASL. Staff and Support Staff WASL Increased WASL scores. WASL assessment scores. Principals DIBELS will be piloted in Grades 3 through 5. Weekly Skills assessment will be utilized to track student progress in comprehension areas. Oral Reading Records will be administered and maintained to track progress in student fluency. DIBELS More specific data on students, with clear fluency data. Classroom Teachers Procedures for Evaluating Progress Toward Goal: HM Assessments Oral Reading Records Books For Fluency Rates and speed will increase. Increased comprehension scores on skills tests. Increased Fluency in all students. DIBELS Assessments scores. ARI scores. Weekly skills data will be plotted and monitored. Oral Reading Records will be filed on all students grade 3-5.

6 Math Action Plan Tukwila Elementary School Improvement Goal: Tukwila Elementary will improve the blended WASL Math score by 15% each year. Rationale: 1) Students use real world problems in learning and showing evidence of learning. 2) Students will use math skills throughout their entire lives. 3) To accommodate alternative learning and teaching styles. 4) To facilitate assessing information and showing evidence of learning. Activities: Steps to be taken. What will occur? Computerized practice/intervention tools will be available and used -Accelerated Math -Academy of Math -Apex Math Problem-solving kits will be available for all classrooms grades 2-5 Who is Responsible? Who is Involved? Who will provide the leadership? Who will do the work? Teachers grades 2-5 Math Specialist Teachers grades 2-5 Math Specialist Timeline When will this strategy or action begin and end? Resources Needed What existing and new resources will be used to accomplish the strategy? Accelerated Math, Academy of Math, and Apex Math Expected Impact What measurable change will be seen? Increase math skills Problem solving kits Increase problem solving skills/strategies Monitoring Effectiveness What formative evidence will be gathered to demonstrate progress? Daily assignments and tests Daily assignments and tests Math topic kits will be available to all staff Staff Kits Math manipulatives and resource books will be available to all staff Staff, Math Specialist Literature and math connection library (stories about math) will be available to staff Staff, Math Specialist Manipulatives Assignments Math Stories

7 Math extension files will be available in all major math strands Staff, Math Specialist Increase math concepts Assignments SPARK will support advanced math SPARK Specialist, staff Extensions Tests Common problem-solving steps and language will be taught Staff Advanced math curriculum Increase problem solving skills 4 th grade staff will teach new third grade staff about problem-solving steps and vocabulary WASL Math Vocabulary posters will be posted in all classrooms Teachers grades 3-4 Math Specialist, staff Problem solving materials Problem solving materials Teachers will implement information from WASL scoring workshop (Feb. 06) Staff, Math Specialist Posters WASL scores increased Grade level math maps (year long plan) will be created and followed Grade level, teachers K-5 Aligned Curriculum Math maps

8 Math maps will be aligned to state GLEs Grade level, teachers K-5 Aligned Curriculum Staff will use math with the students in using the pond project Staff Math maps Ability to transfer After-school WASL clubs will be available Staff development will be provided about problem solving strategies at staff meetings Teachers, Math specialist, Para educators Math Extensions WASL test questions knowledge increased Curriculum Math Specialist More tools for teachers Teachers will differentiate instruction as appropriate for high and low students Teachers grades K-5 TCSC will offer after-school tutoring and academic support TCSC Cross-age tutoring will be available before and during school hours Math Specialist Curriculum extensions

9 Title 1 Math support will be available for teachers and students Math Specialist Math maps revised to include information from item specs. WASL vocabulary and problem-solving strategies Math Spec. Provide coaching and assistance to all grade levels Grade level teachers K-5 Math Specialist Math maps Procedures for Evaluating Progress Toward Goal:

10 Technology Action Plan Tukwila Elementary School Improvement Goal: Use technology effectively to include all students in powerful learning and WASL preparation. Rationale: 1) Students use real world technology in learning and showing evidence of learning. 2) To increase the ease of student presentations and immediate feedback. 3) To accommodate alternative learning and teaching styles. 4) To facilitate assessing information and showing evidence of learning. Activities: Steps to be taken. What will occur? Use research-based academic programs to support, remediate, assess and accelerate student learning. Continue the use of Lexia, Academy of Reading, Accelerated Reader, Earobics, Accelerated Math, Academy of Math, STAR Reading, STAR Math and STAR Literacy. Continue to look at research to identify and pursue additional programs Continue the use of Word, PowerPoint, Easy Book, and Excel by students to create products that show their learning. Who is Responsible? Who is Involved? Who will provide the leadership? Who will do the work? Leadership Principal, Literacy Special, Math Specialist Tech Leader Implementing All teachers, Paraeducators Principal, Literacy Specialist, Math Specialist, Tech Leader Leadership Principal, Literacy Specialist, Math Specialist, Tech Leader Implementing All teachers, Paraeducators Timeline When will this strategy or action begin and end? as funds become available Resources Needed What existing and new resources will be used to accomplish the strategy? Use the existing programs mentioned. Provide periodic inservice to insure effective use of the programs by staff. Funds to purchase Software identified Existing -Classroom and lab computers New as funds become available wireless laptop carts to allow more students to work in classrooms Expected Impact What measurable change will be seen? WASL score improvement WASL score improvement Student portfolios electronic and conventional print Monitoring Effectiveness What formative evidence will be gathered to demonstrate progress? Teacher observations, classroom based assessments and WASL score improvements Teacher observations, classroom based assessments and WASL score improvements Student portfolios

11 Continue the use of technology, including data bases and the Internet, in student research projects Continue and extend the use of document cameras and projectors in the classroom for teacher and student presentations Provide in-service on the use of technology in students projects with an emphasis on the use of document cameras by teachers and students Leadership Principal, Literacy Specialist, Math Specialist, Library Media Specialist Tech Leader Implementing All teachers, Paraeducators Leadership Principal, Literacy Specialist, Math Specialist, Tech Leader Implementing All teachers Principal, Instructional Coach, Tech Leader, All teachers as funds become available Access to Internet and appropriate databases Last year we had one document camera and projector for each grade level. We have increased the number of document cameras and projector sets by 6 this fall and will add 2 more sets using new technology money given by the state this fall. We are moving closer to our goal of one set per classroom (regular, specialist, ELL, special education) Professional development training for teachers Wider variety of resources accessed and utilized by students Increased instructional effectiveness and increased quality of student presentations Increased instructional effectiveness and increased quality of student presentations Teacher observations, classroom based assessments Teacher observations, classroom based assessments Teacher observations, classroom based assessments Procedures for Evaluating Progress Toward Goal: Quarterly updates, checks for progress

12 Tukwila Elementary School SIP ELD Inclusion Model Summary November 19, 2007 Staffing at present: ELL Cert. 1.0 FTE ELL Para. 7 hours ELL Student count 129 October 2006 Description of ELD Inclusion Model and Program for English Language Learners ELD - English Language Development Standards based approach to language acquisition in content areas. Tukwila Elementary has been implementing the ELD Standards as mandated by OSPI. The ELD Standards for Reading, Writing, Listening, & Speaking are available to teachers on the OSPI website. The ELD Standards for Reading are in final form and align with the Reading EALRs and GLEs; the other ELD content areas (Writing, Listening and Speaking) are still in draft form. All teachers in our building have hardcopies of the ELD Standards in each of the content areas in the latest version available from OSPI. This is what a typical day of ELL instruction looks like: The ELL cert. pushes-in to grade level classrooms (K-5) for push-in language acquisition instruction to differentiate & facilitate academic content area instruction in various classes (about 30 minutes each class-five days a week) during the course of the day. The ELL cert. is available to staff for collaboration/consultation/professional development. The ELL Para works in the classrooms also for about 30 minutes each class to teach ELL students in language acquisition to enhance and facilitate learning in the content area of instruction that is being taught by the mainstream teacher.

13 The Model We have been implementing the Content ESL model since the 2003/2004 school year; This is a model in which ELL students are included in their mainstream classrooms. We call it our ELD Inclusion or push-in model. In June 2003 major stakeholders proposed disbanding our half-day, self-contained program for ELL beginners (levels 1 & 2 on the LAS-O assessment) in order to implement our ELL push-in model. This move away from a pullout model and toward a new English Language Development model was based on the best practices recommendations & long-term research study done by Thomas and Collier National Study on Effectiveness of School Programs for Language Minority Students, C According to this study, schools having a wide diversity of native languages such as our school, the model of instruction that has shown to be most effective is ESL taught through academic content. This was the impetus for a change of models at Tukwila Elementary. The consensus among teachers was that the transformation to an inclusion model would be in the best interest of our ELL students in regard to their academic achievement. Our school culture is such that classroom teachers are willing and flexible enough to take on the challenge of educating not only their own students, but also ELL students from other grade levels who are a good fit or placement into a leveled reading group in their classrooms. Also, this major paradigm shift necessitates the ELL Cert. role to shift even more toward the role of coach and collaborator helping Gen. Ed. teachers to adapt and differentiate lessons in order to accelerate ELL learning for maximum student achievement in meeting the goals of the ELD Standards. Since implementing our inclusion model, ELL students have been acquiring English at Tukwila Elementary at an accelerated rate as evidenced by our WLPT & WASL scores and the number of students who have achieved to learn English well enough to exit our ELL program as specified by OSPI detailed as follows: ELL Student Achievement Exit ELL by WLPT 2001/2002: 1 student School Total: 44 ELL Exit ELL by WASL 2001/2002: NA Exit ELL by WLPT 2002/2003: 11 Students School Total: 81 ELL Exit ELL by WASL 2002/ 2003: 11 students Exit ELL by WLPT 2003/2004: 15 students School total: 105 ELL Exit ELL by WASL 2003/2004: 4 students Exit ELL by WLPT 2004/2005: 19 students School total: 126 ELL

14 Exit ELL by WASL 2004/2005: 3 students Exit ELL by WLPT-II 2005/2006: 31 students School total: 133 ELL Exit ELL by WASL 2005/2006: NA Exit ELL by WLPT-II 2006/2007: 42 students School total: 135 ELL Exit ELL by WASL 2006/2007: NA How it Works One strength of our push-in ELD model is that ELLs work with their peers in mainstream classroom setting and thus are surrounded by many people(including native-english speakers) modeling appropriate academic English. Also, the ELL teacher is aware of the pedagogy and curriculum in various classrooms, and therefore is better able to assist the General Ed. Teacher to implement strategies such as cooperative learning, and GLAD strategies that will promote achievement of ELL students by meeting the ELD Standards. In this way, The ELL teacher is able to coach Gen. Ed teachers in how to enhance their curriculum by adding language objectives to the lessons, as well as provide teachers input as to how to further differentiate instruction. The increased exposure to English language helps ELLs to acquire English better and faster than with any pull-out program. Also, the ELLs learn classroom procedures, expectations, and teacher directions by following what their English speaking peers are doing. Another benefit is that students feel like they are part of their class being with their peers rather than being segregated as a language minority class group. Also, the ELL teacher collaborates with classroom teachers to coach and model incorporation of language objectives into lessons as well as various strategies and/or accommodations to enhance English language acquisition based on the ELD Standards. Why it works The ELD inclusion or push-in model works because of the school culture that has developed and continues to evolve at this school. Our school has developed the infrastructural flexibility to meet the needs of ELLs, especially in the area of Reading so that individual students are taught at an appropriate instructional level; this is yet another meaning for the term push in. For example, a second grade teacher is willing to take in one or two fourth or fifth grade ELLs into her reading group because that is the instructional level that the child needs. All of the staff here are committed to the motto, It takes a village to educate a child, and this saying is especially true and applicable to our school when it comes to educating ELL students. In other words, we the staff are the village. In this school, that means all of the teachers take responsibility for educating the children, even the ones who are not on their class lists. The staff, especially the teachers, are so committed to the education of every child in the building that they are willing to take on the burden of an additional child or two in their

15 classrooms (for +/- 1 hour) if the need arises. The ELL cert. arranges for and facilitates tweaking individual student schedules (to push in ) according to individual needs including rearranging their specialists schedules when necessary. Professional Development ELD Standards The ELL Cert. conducted professional development for staff introducing the implementation of ELD Standards on September 28, Gen. Ed. Teachers have become familiar with the scope and sequence of the ELD Standards as well as their purpose and utility. Future professional development will continue to focus on ELD Standards in all content areas Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking as well as strategies and techniques to enhance instruction of ELLs. In order to further maximize achievement for our ELLs, professional development will continue to focus on the use of strategies that enhance learning & differentiate instruction for ELLs. Training of staff by the ELL Cert. in the enhancement of teaching strategies to meet the ELD Standards will be continuous. Professional Reference Library A facet of the Tukwila Elementary School Professional Development Cadre s work was to dedicate a bookcase in the Staff Room for books concerning professional development including many that directly relate to the topic of better teaching and instructional strategies for teaching of ELL students. The books that are housed here have such relevant topics as strategies for teaching ELL students, a set of books describing graphic organizers, and many books that help teachers to better understand various cultures and subcultures that are represented at our school. The Professional Development Cadre recently purchased $ worth of books to add to our existing collection of teacher reference books. Spanish Language for Educators Funding for this course was made available thru the district office as a mini-grant of title 3 monies. An instructor from Seattle Pacific University conducted this course in our school. Spanish is the predominant minority language amongst ELLs at this school. About half of the Tukwila Elementary staff participated in this class offered for university credit, or clock hours. This course was conducted in the spring of Professional Development District Cadre This cadre has brought on board Gen. Ed. teachers to goal set with ELL in planning future ongoing professional development for Gen. Ed. teachers. This cadre sends various Gen. Ed. teachers to workshops or conferences related to best practices in teaching ELLs. For example, our Reading Specialist will attend the Promising Practices in October 2005.

16 Also, as a result of this cadres work, several staff of this school attended the workshop, Involving Bilingual Families in Schools in Autumn, In addition, the Professional Development Cadre arranged for the ELL Cert. to attend the Thinking Maps workshop in summer The ELL Cert. is piloting the program with ELL students during the current school year. Members of this cadre who attended the GLAD Guided Language Acquisition Design training strongly recommended this training as a district-wide initiative for mainstream classroom teachers. Parent Involvement International Day Every spring we have a big event to celebrate the cultures represented at the school. The International Day includes various world foods, songs, dances, and a flag ceremony with flags from the various countries that our students have come from. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend this event. Spanish Language Parental Contact We have established dedicated times (80 minutes/day) for our bilingual paraeducator to have both in-person and telephonic Spanish contact with Hispanic parents. She also works on written translations of vital communications with parents. The ABCs of Helping your Child Succeed in School This booklet is one facet of culminating cadre work of a two year cycle of our school reform plan. It was written and produced by the Tukwila Elementary ELL / Early Literacy Cadre. This booklet is a practical guide for parents on ways they can help their young children become more literate and thus better ready for school. Beginning of School Year Parent Survey This is a survey that teachers send home at the beginning of the school year to better understand the parent and the parental expectations, concerns, and issues that they might have regarding their child and her education. This survey gives teachers the unique insight into parents perceptions of their child. No Child Left Behind Booklets The US Department of Education Publishes various titles intended for parents such as Helping Your Child Become a Reader, Helping Your Preschool Child, and Helping Your Child Succeed in School. These booklets, of which we

17 have both English and Spanish versions, were handed out to parents at Open House 2004, Open House 2005, and Open House 2006 as well as being handed out by teachers at their discretion at other times of the year. Promoting ELL Reading Interest & Parental Interaction Library Collection One focus of the school is to provide a larger number of books that are relevant to the various cultures represented in our school and thus the school librarian has been expanding our collection of non-fiction books about countries around the world, which contain information on the country s culture & customs. Another recent addition is numerous books about the cooking culture of various cuisines of the world. In addition, numerous bilingual books have been added to the collection over the past two years as research shows that a child who continues to grow in reading in her fist language will also achieve higher in English. The library has also been adding a vast array of various language translation dictionaries to its reference collection to help ELL students better or more precisely express themselves in English. Approximately $ has been spent in the last year or so for the purchase of bilingual library materials. ELL Reading Instruction & Technology The ELL / Early Literacy Cadre purchased $ of Leap Frog, Leap Pad instructional technology equipment. This expenditure is consistent with the technology portion of the SIP for Tukwila Elementary. In the pilot year, 2005/2006, we are providing each grade level with one work station to be used throughout the school day, or even for students to check out and take home. This is a user-friendly interactive reading aide that comes self-contained in a backpack, complete with all of the hardware, software and books. The Leap Pad system is designed to help beginner and emergent readers comprehend, excel and move on to the next level in reading. Upon evaluation, the collection of Leap Pads may be expanded in future.

18 Tukwila Elementary School SIP Professional Development Summary November 2007 Due to the ever-changing professional development needs of our staff, the proposed professional development calendar is fluid. We will work within the district calendar of early release days, Learning Improvement Days (LID), and staff meetings to plan the sessions as needs arise. District staff may be also be asked to attend trainings after school or during the school day with release time. The following topics were identified last year and continue to be the focus of professional development at Tukwila Elementary School in the second year of a two-year cycle. Some new topics this year are the Response to Intervention model. Also, a new science curriculum was adopted this year; with the adoption, initial-use trainings, expository writing and WASL preparation trainings have been provided by Seattle Public Schools. In addition to these topics, we will be constantly evaluating new needs as they arise and will include them into staff development time. Professional development topics include: Response to Intervention (RTI) Science Initial-Use, Expository Writing, and WASL preparation classes 6-Trait Writing Math Problem-Solving strategies CASL Group work support for reading program (Houghton Mifflin) implementation Technology Training Constant review and application of previous staff development topics In addition to using early release, staff meeting, and LID days, informal professional development will occur through activities such as: conversations with Learning & Teaching Specialists, staff collaboration, principal conversations during grade level meetings or Kid Talk. Future Staff Development Dates School Year August 30-Optional Staff Day September 26-Early Release Day October 12-LID Day October 31-Early Release Day January 24-Early Release Day March 27-Early Release Day March 28-LID Day May 7-Early Release Day **Staff Meetings as scheduled


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