Cloud Computing Strategic View

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1 Donald Bell IBM Academic Initiative April 2010 Cloud Computing Strategic View

2 Strategy & Enterprise Initiatives Topics Cloud Computing IBM Academic Skills Cloud (Pilot) 2

3 Strategy & Enterprise Initiatives What is cloud computing? Cloud computing is a new consumption and delivery model inspired by consumer Internet services. Cloud services Cloud enables: Self-service Sourcing options Economies of scale Cloud computing model Cloud represents: The industrialization of delivery for IT-supported services 3

4 To improve the economics of business and IT workloads, virtualization, standardization and automation have to come together + + = Cost VIRTUALIZATION STANDARDIZATION AUTOMATION Flexibility to free budget for new investment and speed deployment of new capabilities. 4

5 Self-service drives process standardization End Users Service Portal Service Request Catalog Provisioning Engine Workflows Expert Systems Scripts Optional Service Modules e.g. Metering/ Usage Billing, Monitoring, etc. Benefits: Lower cost Ease-of-use and access Process transformation Virtualized Cloud Infrastructure 5

6 Cloud is different in many dimensions Time to Deploy a Server Weeks or Months Seconds to Minutes Commitment to use Service Negotiate & Commit Year-long Contract Select from Catalog & Pay As You Go Necessary Upfront Investment $K-$M in Infrastructure $$ per IT hour No or Low Upfront per IT hour 6 Source: IBM Corporate Strategy

7 Strategy & Enterprise Initiatives IBM Technical Adoption Program (TAP) ROI Analysis Innovation Cloud for 100,000 Subscribers 100% New Development Software Costs Power Costs Current IT Spend Labor Costs (Operations and Maintenance) Reduced Capital Expenditure Liberated funding for new development, transformation investment or direct saving (annualized) 7 Strategic Change Capacity Additional Benefits Reduced risk, less idle time, more efficient use of energy, acceleration of innovation projects, enhanced customer service Deployment Deployment (1-time) (1-time) Software Costs Power Costs (- 89%) Hardware Costs Reduced Operations Expenditure Labor Costs ( - 81%) Hardware Costs ( - 89%) Hardware, labor & power savings reduced annual cost of operation by 84% Business Case Results: Annual savings: $3.3M (84%) from $3.9M to $0.6M Payback Period: 73 days Net Present Value (NPV): $7.5M Internal Rate of Return (IRR): 496% Return On Investment (ROI): 1039%

8 Strategy & Enterprise Initiatives The IBM Cloud Delivery Models Private 1 Public Enterprise D a ta C e n t e r 2 Enterpris e D a ta C e n te r Managed Private Cloud Private C loud IBM operated Enterprise Enterprise owned Either enterprise operation or 3rd party Fixed price or time and materials services 3 Enterprise Hosted Private Cloud IBM IBM owned owned and and operated operated 3rd party owned and operated Centralized, secure delivery center 4 Enterprise A Enterprise B Enterprise C S h a r e d C lo u d S e r v ic e s 5 User User User A B C User User D E P u b lic C lo u d S e r v ic e s Mix of shared and dedicated resources Shared resources Shared facility and staff Pay as you go Elastic scaling Public internet Fixed price, time and materials, or pay as you go Internal network Pay as you go VPN access or public internet Internal network Dedicated assets Dedicated assets 8

9 IBM Cloud Services Portfolio Development and Test IBM Smart Business Test Cloud IBM Smart Business Development and Test on the IBM Cloud Information Workloads IBM Smart Analytics Cloud IBM Smart Business Storage Cloud Desktop Workloads IBM Smart Business Desktop Cloud IBM Smart Business End User Support - IBM Service Assist Collaboration IBM LotusLive (BPM BlueWorks) IBM LotusLive inotes Infrastructure Services IBM Computing on Demand (CoD) Business Services Business Continuity and Resiliency Services (BCRS) BCRS Information Protection Services Cloud Consulting Services W h ich clou d offerings are ap p licable to A cad em ic Initiativ e? W h ich offerings p rov id e th e best op p ortu nity to im p rov e ou r serv ice d eliv ery of softw are / technology to F acu lty? 9

10 IBM Academic Initiative Skills Cloud

11 The IBM Academic Initiative Our mission Partner with academic institutions to better educate millions of students for a smarter planet and more competitive IT workforce Our offerings No-charge access to IBM technology & tools (thousands of software titles) No-charge access to course materials and curriculum (hundreds of modules) Skills enhancement supported by a worldwide community of IBM volunteers A SMARTER PLANET WILL BE INSTRUMENTED, INTERCONNECTED, INTELLIGENT PEOPLE WANT IT. WE CAN DO IT. 11

12 The IBM Academic Initiative 12

13 Benefits and Offerings Software IBM Software Access to thousands of full-function, leadingedge software applications available for faculty to download at no charge. Faculty can: - Make copies of the software for their students; - Install the software on lab machines their students access; and - Make the software available on a private network their students can access 13 Virtual Computing - SOA Sandbox - System Z Sandbox - Remote access to large and mid-range systems - On-demand demos - Rational Developer Sandbox for System i

14 Courseware Repository hundreds of industry-leading courses, all at no charge IBM Courseware More than 250 no-charge course modules created by IBM to help clients get the most from their IT investment. Faculty can use them to enrich their students classroom experience. 14 Covering topics such as: Software Development Lifecycle Business Process Modeling and SOA Enterprise Systems Data Management Social Networking and Collaboration I/T Service Management/Monitoring Service Science much more

15 Cloud Computing & The IBM Academic Skills Cloud Cloud Academic Skills Cloud C lo u d c o m p u tin g is a n e m e rg in g s ty le o f c o m p u tin g w h o s e fo u n d a tio n is th e delivery of services software a n d processing capacity u s in g private or public networks C lo u d e n a b le s th e dynamic availability of IT applications a n d in fra s tru c tu re, re g a rd le s s o f lo c a tio n IB M h a s a n n o u n c e d a n A c a d e m ic S k ills C lo u d p ro je c t to d y n a m ic a lly d e liv e r p ro v is io n e d v irtu a l s e rv e r im a g e s o f s o m e o f it s le a d in g s o ftw a re fo r u s e b y C o lle g e /U n iv e rs ity F a c u lty to m o re e a s ily te a c h IT re la te d s k ills, v ia c lo u d c o m p u tin g s e rv ic e s. T h e g o a l is to e x p e d ite th e s e rv ic e d e liv e ry o f s o ftw a re u s e d to te a c h IT s k ills a t c o lle g e s /u n iv e rs itie s th ro u g h a h ig h ly a u to m a te d, h ig h ly v irtu a liz e d, v e ry d y n a m ic, a n d fle x ib le s e lf s e rv ic e c lo u d e n v iro n m e n t. Value IB M A c a d e m ic C lo u d, d e liv e re d b y IBM Development Test Cloud d e liv e rs a b ro a d p o rtfo lio o f e a s y to c o n s u m e, re a l-tim e p ro v is io n in g a n d e n te rp ris e s o ftw a re s e rv ic e s R e d u c e s th e n e c e s s ity o f fa c u lty to c o n d u c t tra d itio n a l a n d tim e c o n s u m in g s o ftw a re d o w n lo a d, in s ta lla tio n, d e p lo y m e n t a n d c o n fig u ra tio n ro u tin e s to le v e ra g e o u r s o ftw a re fo r te a c h in g p u rp o s e s. F a s te r d e p lo y m e n t o f IB M d e v e lo p m e n t to o ls fo r u s e in c la s s e s. In c re a s e s fa c u lty tim e fo c u s in g o n te a c h in g c o n te n t, le s s tim e o n lo g is tic s, a n d a d m in is tra tio n. P ro v id e s fa c u lty a n d s tu d e n ts p a rtic ip a tin g in c la s s e s p re c o n fig u re d v irtu a l s o ftw a re im a g e s e m b o d y in g b e s t p ra c tic e s. 15

16 Strategy & Enterprise Initiatives IBM Academic Initiative: Member Faculty Experience Traditional Academic Initiative Member Faculty Experience New Academic Initiative Member Faculty Experience via Cloud Download software from Academic Initiative site Identify available hardware for class use Identify software from Academic Initiative site Purchase, or secure lab hardware resources No Yes Install Configure Deploy With assistance from Academic Initiative Ambassador volunteer* Teach Using IBM Software Un-install / Decommission 16 A c a d e m ic S k ills C lo u d Provision Image on Cloud Teach Using IBM Software Close Image Instance

17 IBM Academic Skills Cloud A self service cloud delivery model of key IBM software for teaching purposes to build skills via highly virtualized cloud environment. R a tio n a l R e q u ire m e n ts C o m p o s e r R a tio n a l A s s e t M a n a g e r R a tio n a l T e a m C o n c e rt R a tio n a l In s ig h t R a tio n a l B u ild F o rg e A g e n t R a tio n a l A p p lic a tio n D e v e lo p e r R a tio n a l B u ild F o rg e R a tio n a l A s s e t M a n a g e r R a tio n a l Q u a lity M a n a g e r R a tio n a l S o ftw a re A rc h ite c t W e b S p h e re s M a s h W e b S p h e re A p p lic a tio n S e rv e r a n d R a tio n a l A g e n t C o n tro lle r W e b S p h e re P o rta l a n d W e b C o n te n t M a n a g e r In fo rm ix D y n a m ic S e rv e r D B 2 E x p re s s -C V 9.7 ID S x C 5 D E L o tu s T u rb o F o rm s S U S E L in u x W e b /J 2 E E D e v e lo p m e n t S o ftw a re E n g in e e rin g R e q u ire m e n ts M a n a g e m e n t S o ftw a re A rc h ite c tu re D a ta b a s e M a n a g e m e n t W e b In fra s tru c tu re Q u a lity M a n a g e m e n t C o lla b o ra tiv e S o ftw a re D e v e lo p m e n t S o ftw a re D e liv e ry A u to m a tio n Im a g e L ib ra ry S e lf P ro v is io n in g P e rs o n a liz e d C o n tro l P a n e l C o m m u n ity F o ru m s G e ttin g S ta rte d G u id e s G e ttin g S ta rte d D e m o s A c a d e m ic S k ills C lo u d 17

18 Getting Started with IBM Academic Initiative Cloud 1 REGISTER Create Account IBM Development Cloud Watch Demonstration 2 REVIEW ASSET CATALOG Identify Image(s) of interest Identify Product Review default topology 3 TEST Add an Instance Create Virtual Server Provision Server Access and Test Getting Started Materials Demo Video Samples Provide Feedback 18

19 Thank you! For more information, please visit: Or, contact me: 19

20 Appendix

21 New Cloud Offering for Academic Initiative Members IBM Academic Skills Cloud Goal IBM has announced an Academic Skills Cloud project to dynamically deliver provisioned virtual server images of some of it s leading software for use by College/University Faculty to more easily teach IT related skills via cloud computing services. Academic Skills Cloud is designed to augment and enhance software delivery capabilities. Unlike traditional environments, member faculty will be able to log on to IBM Cloud and get access to customizable virtual machines in minutes. With this new pilot program, Academic Initiative is offering choices to deploy workloads that will assist faculty in teaching with IBM software with greater efficiency, productivity and control to benefit students. This new environment provides compute and storage as a service, IBM Rational Software Delivery Services, Rational, WebSphere and Information Management software to help speed the delivery of software applications for teaching purposes. To expedite the delivery of key IBM software for teaching purposes via a highly automated, highly virtualized, very dynamic, and flexible self service cloud environment. Accelerate the teaching of IT skills of the future, and build skills for a smarter planet 21

22 Cloud is a new consumption and delivery model inspired by Internet services a definition broadly accepted High Quality User Experience Easy access to best in class functions Flexibility and choice Lower costs Enhanced security and reliability Rapidly Provisioned Changes in Consumption User provisioned Self service model Tiered, flexible pricing Cloud Services Changes in Delivery Standardized offerings Virtualized and automated Compute Storage Network Significantly Improved Supply Economics Lower operating costs via standards and automation Improved capital efficiency Rapid, flexible services enhancements Enabling Technology Enabled by dynamic Infrastructure Open, standards-based Common components and processes Elastic scaling and fault recovery 22

23 A crisis of complexity the need for progress is clear $0B Source: IBM Corporate Strategy analysis of IDC data Global Annual Server Spending (IDC) Power and cooling costs Management and admin costs New system spend To make progress, delivery organizations must address the server, storage and network operating cost problem, not just CAPEX Uncontrolled management and energy costs Steady CAPEX spend

24 By 2011, the world will be 10 times more instrumented then it was in Internet connected devices will leap from 500M to 1 Trillion. Exabytes 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1, x growth in five years RFID, Digital TV, MP3 players, Digital cameras, Camera phones, VoIP, Medical imaging, Laptops, smart meters, multi-player games, Satellite images, GPS, ATMs, Scanners, Sensors, Digital radio, DLP theaters, Telematics, Peer-to-peer, , Instant messaging, Videoconferencing, CAD/CAM, Toys, Industrial machines, Security systems, Appliances Approximately 70% of the digital universe is created by individuals, but enterprises are responsible for 85% of the security, privacy, reliability, and compliance. 24

25 Standardization and optimization by workload enables economies of scale Unit cost Traditional Infrastructure Service Provider Cloud (cost) Scale Internal Cloud Large enterprises can significantly reduce costs for some workloads compared with traditional IT. 25

26 26

27 Development & Test Information Solutions Collaboration & Desktop IBM Smart Business Development and Test IBM on Smart the IBM Analytics Cloud: Cloud: D is c o v e r A c c e le ra te y o u r s o ftw a re re a l-tim e b u s in e s s in s ig h ts. A c c e s s a p p lic a tio n d e v e lo p m e n t a n d a n d a n a ly z e m u lti-s o u rc e d a ta w ith te s t e ffo rts w ith th is a ffo rd a b le th is o n -s ite a n a ly tic s s o lu tio n fo r th e a lte rn a tiv e, fe a tu rin g IB M e n te rp ris e. S o ftw a re D e liv e ry S e rv ic e s. E lim in a te p ro v is io n in g d e la y s, im p ro v e s o ftw a re u tiliz a tio n, a n d lo w e r d e p lo y m e n t c o s ts fo r y o u r a p p lic a tio n s. IB M S m a rt B u s in e s s D e v e lo p m e n t a n d T e s t C lo u d : N o w a v a ila b le fo r in s ta lla tio n b e h in d y o u r c o rp o ra te fire w a ll. R e a liz e c o s t s a v in g s a n d fa s te r tim e to v a lu e in y o u r s e c u re c lo u d e n v iro n m e n t. 27 IBM Smart Business Storage Cloud: M a n a g e m a s s iv e in fo rm a tio n d e m a n d s w h ile re d u c in g c o s ts a n d e n a b lin g e n te rp ris e -w id e file s h a rin g a n d c o lla b o ra tio n. IBM Information Archive: A rc h iv e a ll ty p e s o f in fo rm a tio n (e.g., re g u la to ry ) c o n tro llin g IT c o s ts, m a n a g in g ris k a n d im p ro v in g p ro d u c tiv ity. IBM LotusLive : U n le a s h e m p lo y e e p o te n tia l w ith w o rld - c la s s s o c ia l n e tw o rk in g s e rv ic e s a n d o n -lin e c o lla b o ra tio n to o ls in c lu d in g file s h a rin g, w e b c o n fe re n c in g a n d in s ta n t m e s s a g in g. IBM LotusLive inotes : E n a b le th e e n tire e n te rp ris e w ith s e c u re, c lo u d -b a s e d s e rv ic e fo r e -m a il, s c h e d u lin g a n d c o n ta c t m a n a g e m e n t. IBM Smart Business Desktop Cloud: P ro v id e s a n y tim e, a n y w h e re a c c e s s to a p p lic a tio n s, in fo rm a tio n a n d re s o u rc e s. A re s ilie n t a n d s e c u re d e s k to p e n v iro n m e n t b e h in d y o u r fire w a ll o r o n th e IB M C lo u d.

28 IBM Cloud Services Portfolio Smart business on the IBM cloud Standardized services on the IBM cloud Analytics Collaboration Development IBM Lotus Live IBM Lotus inotes and test Smart Business Development and Test on the IBM Cloud (beta) Desktop and devices IBM Smart Business Desktop Cloud Smart Business End User Support Infrastructure compute IBM Computing on Demand Infrastructure storage IBM Information Protection Services Business services BPM BlueWorks (design tools) Smart business expense reporting on the IBM cloud IBM Smart Business Services Private cloud services, behind your firewall, built and/or managed by IBM IBM Smart Analytics Cloud IBM Smart Business Test Cloud IBM Smart Business Desktop Cloud IBM Smart Business Storage Cloud IBM Smart Business Systems Preintegrated, workloadoptimized systems IBM Smart Analytics System IBM CloudBurst family IBM Information Archive Smart Business for Small or Midsize Business (backed by the IBM Cloud) Global Technology Services 28

29 IBM Academic Skills Cloud Press Release & Webcast IBM Press Release NEW YORK, NY - 10 Feb 2010: Today at a conference in New York, IBM (NYSE: IBM) announced it will make key parts of its software portfolio available in a cloud computing environment to more easily allow professors around the world to incorporate technology into their curricula. Webcast Replay Available Contact the IBM Academic Initiative Team with inquiries: Academic Skills Cloud 29

30 Getting Started with IBM Academic Initiative Cloud Powered by IBM Development and Test Cloud Great selection of software images with affinity to computer science Rational, WebSphere, Information Mgt, SUSE Linux Automated Image/Instance Creation Configuration Community / Forums Getting Started Flash Tutorials 30

31 Image Descriptions Image Rational Requirements Composer Rational Asset Manager Summary Requirements definition solution that provides easy-to-use elicitation and definition capabilities. It includes visual and collaborative tools that enable the capture and refinement of business needs into unambiguous requirements that drive improved quality, speed and alignment across the IT life cycle. The capabilities leverage the extensible architecture of the Jazz platform. It reduces risk by eliciting, organizing and connecting information that enables the definition, clarification and elaboration of business goals and objectives and the solution requirements into which they are translated. A collaborative software development asset management solution that gives organizations the ability to identify, manage, and govern the design, development, and consumption of services as part of an SOA initiative or other reusable development assets. It can be accessed from an easy-to-use Web client, as well as a Web services-enabled Eclipse client extending the IBM Rational Software Delivery Platform portfolio. This makes it easier for globally distributed teams to collaborate on assets. It is a development asset management repository, and it uses the reusable asset specification to define, create, and modify assets. It delivers asset-type-specific search and governance capabilities, and measures asset reuse in development. It handles any kind of asset, including applications, components, patterns, software that runs systems and products, services, frameworks, templates, and so on. Rational Team Concert Rational Insight Rational Build Forge Provides a collaborative software development environment that allows project teams to simplify, automate, and govern software delivery. Rational Team Concert integrates source control, work item, and build capabilities to improve software quality and accelerate software delivery. Rational Team Concert supports the collaborative infrastructure of the Jazz Team Server. A performance measurement and management solution, helps you improve project and process performance. It delivers measurement best practices to help organizations reduce time to market, improve quality, and take greater control of software and systems development and delivery. It provides objective dashboards and measures for transparency and control into risks, status, and trends. provides a high-performance, reliable, repeatable, automation engine to streamline software delivery throughout the development lifecycle. It enhances rapid troubleshooting and error resolution capabilities to increase quality and reduce time to market. It also gives developers controlled, self-service access to production build processes from within their integrated development environment. 31

32 Image Descriptions Image Rational Application Developer Summary A comprehensive integrated development environment, with full support for the J2EE programming model including Web, Java, Web services and EJB development that accelerates application development. With integrated Portal development, UML visual editing, code analysis, and automated test and deployment tools, Application Developer includes everything developers need to be productive and to help ensure their code is well designed, scalable and ready for production. Built-in version control and team tools enable developers working on complex projects or within large teams to coordinate versioning and to protect team assets. It is optimized for WebSphere software and provides capabilities for development on other technology platforms. Rational software helps organizations become more responsive, resilient, and focused by improving their software development capability. Rational Quality Manager Includes the first centralized test management offerings on the Jazz Technology Platform and is a collaborative, role-based business-driven software quality environment. It is designed for test planning, workflow control, tracking and metrics reporting that is capable of quantifying how project decisions and deliverables impact and align with business objectives and outcomes. Rational Software Architect for WebSphere An integrated design and development tool that leverages UML based model-driven development for creating wellarchitected applications and services. With it, you can unify all aspects of IT software design and development to develop applications more productively, exploit the latest in modeling language technology, review and control the structure of Java applications, leverage an open and extensible modeling platform, deliver applications for WebSphere Application Servers and WebSphere Portal Servers, simplify design and development tool solution and integrate with other facets of the lifecycle. DB2 Express Is the ideal entry level data server. Suitable for transaction processing or complex query workloads on servers with up to four processors. It includes all core DB2 capabilities, installs quickly and easily, automates administration, keeps data protected and available 24/7, cuts costs with unique workload management capabilities, and powers the next generation of agile SOA applications with purexml. 32

33 Image Descriptions Image Informix Dynamic Server Developer Edition Summary Delivers legendary reliability and blazing fast Online Transaction Processing, and reduces the total cost of ownership. It delivers new features that address the needs of today's mission critical business with near 24 x 7 x 365 global availability and scalability, delivering continuous business information across the worldwide enterprise. At the same time, it helps meet the challenges of optimizing IT investment and lowering cost of maintaining databases with nearly invisible administration. This product includes features that speed application development, increase performance, and improve data security. IDS provides a secure, resilient, and agile information management system for valuable information assets WebSphere smash WebSphere smash is a development and execution environment which enables the agile development of dynamic web applications using SOA principles. It gives developers the power to rapidly create, assemble, and execute situational composite applications by using dynamic scripting, lightweight application assembly, and REST-style service invocation. It supports dynamic scripting languages (Groovy and PHP) and leverages Web 2.0 technologies for service invocation, service composition and data interchange to improve developer productivity and efficiency. Developers can create and execute situational applications quickly by using dynamic scripting languages, templates and pre-built services. The lightweight browser-based composition (visual and scripting) tool and REST-style architecture simplifies the development process. Agile applications can be created via simple deployment where the application acts as the server and runtime characteristics are clean, cost-effective and short-lived. 33

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