The Newsletter of the Belgian Statistical Society Belgische Vereniging voor Statistiek Société Belge de Statistique

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1 B - Stat News The Newsletter of the Belgian Statistical Society Belgische Vereniging voor Statistiek Société Belge de Statistique Number 45 January 2009 Editeur responsable/verantwoordelijke uitgever : Sophie Vanbelle, Service de Biostatistique, Université de Liège CHU Sart Tilman, 4000 Liège

2 THE COUNCIL OF THE SOCIETY President Pr. Paul Janssen, Universiteit Hasselt Vice-President Pr. Marcel Rémon, Facultés universitaires ND de la Paix, Namur Secretary of the Society Pr. Gentiane Haesbroeck, Université de Liège. Treasurer Pr. Marc Aerts, Universiteit Hasselt Administrators Pr. Thomas Bruss, Université Libre de Bruxelles Dr. Guy Brys, Directorate General, Statistics Belgium Dr. Filip De Ridder, Janssen Pharmaceutica Pr. Uwe Einmahl, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pr. Peter Goos, Universeit Antwerpen Pr. Christian Ritter, Université Catholique de Louvain Pr. Martina Vandebroek, Katholiek Universiteit Leuven Pr. Dirk Van Den Poel, Universiteit Gent Pr. Ingrid Van Keilegom, Université Catholique de Louvain Pr. Kristel Van Steen, Université de Liège Website of the Society B-Stat News editor Sophie Vanbelle : Webmaster Laurence Seidel :

3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Belgian statisticians: with Pierre Dagnelie...3 International Biometric Society Channel Network...9 Forthcoming statistical events...11 Recent PhD thesis Member list

4 BELGIAN STATISTICIANS with Pierre Dagnelie You graduated as an engineer in agronomy. Could you explain the relationship between agronomy and statistics and what brought you to statistics? Statistics has always played a major role in agronomy because of the inherent variability of all vegetal and animal material. It is not by chance that a great deal of modern statistics started with the work of Fisher at the Rothamsted Experimental Station in the 1920 s. But long before Fisher, statistics was present in agronomy, e.g. in problems of estimating tree volumes and forest productions. Indeed I studied agronomy, more specifically forestry, at the Faculté Universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques of Gembloux (FUSAGx) and had many statistical courses. For my master thesis on beech forests production in the Ardennes I largely used statistical methods. After that I served 18 months in the army. During my military service, Professor Teghem (who taught mathematics and statistics in Gembloux and also some courses at ULB), offered me an assistant position under the condition, which did not displease me, to complement my training at ULB with one year in mathematics (together with mathematics students) and one year in statistics (at that time, the ULB Certificate of the Institute of Statistics). How did you come to the creation of a department of statistics at the FUSAGx? As assistant to Jean Teghem, I was in charge of practical sessions and exercises in mathematics for first year students and in statistics for second year students in agronomy. Then, the circumstances were such that Professor Teghem gave up the teaching of statistics in Gembloux to increase his presence at ULB. So, I was asked to give the courses in statistics in his place but I continued to work with him in mathematics until he could have another assistant. From that time on, I stood on my own two feet and decided to create a department, first in statistics and later also in computing. 3

5 What was the role of computing in the department of statistics? For my PhD thesis, before 1960, I already made extensive use of computers but not in Gembloux because we had no computer at that time. Actually, I did that in Great Britain, during a stay at Rothamsted Experimental Station, and later at ULB. Upon my return, I convinced the faculty authorities to buy a computer and that s how my department became also in charge of computer science. Progressively, we also taught computer programming to the students and the number of computer users started to grow rapidly. What was the subject of your PhD thesis? My PhD thesis was essentially devoted to the study of plant communities by means of multivariate methods, in particular factor analysis, principal component analysis and that kind of methods. Who were the statisticians who influenced you during your career? Jean Teghem, my mentor in mathematics and statistics in Gembloux, was my local supervisor but I also worked with David Finney. I was visiting professor Finney in his department at the University of Aberdeen and later in Edinburgh. I am still in contact with both of them because Jean Teghem and David Finney, both born in 1915, are still very well! What was your major research subject during all these years? I pursued my research in the study of plant communities by multivariate statistical techniques. I continued to be interested in the estimation of trees and forest productions. Unfortunately, I became quickly overwhelmed with the management of my department and the administration of the faculty, so that my personal research suffered and became more occasional. Is this a regret? No, this is not really a regret. I think everyone should face the situations occurring in the course of life. If it is possible to employ and to encourage young researchers, this is as important as doing research by yourself at a certain time. Thus, you were busy with the department of statistics but you continued to teach and write many books on statistics. Could you give us an overview of your career as a teacher? I begin with the books and I will speak about my teacher s career afterwards. The books were at the beginning simply syllabi. They progressively expanded and included many bibliographic references. These lecture notes were no longer simple syllabi for the students but statistical companions that might be useful later in their career. My first two books, published respectively in 1969 and 1970, were widely distributed. This was in part, I think, because they were written in French and there were only few 4

6 French textbooks in applied statistics at that time. Remember that most French statisticians were very theoretical. Thus, these books were widely distributed in Belgium, in France and also in the French speaking part of Africa. I also wrote other books, one on multivariate analysis, one on the design of experiments, and another book of exercises. About my career as a teacher, let me say that I rapidly became full-time professor here at the Faculty of Gembloux for basic courses in theoretical and applied statistics and in planning of experiments. I also taught some courses with econometric orientation for the section of economy and rural sociology. I also spent much time teaching abroad because I could benefit from funds of the Administration Générale de la Coopération au Dévelopement (AGCD). These funds enabled the development of a statistical department at the Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II in Rabat (Morocco), where I acted as chair of the Department of applied mathematics during 15 years. I went there generally once a year. One period of purely Belgian cooperation lasted for 9 years, I think, then a mixed Belgo-Moroccan team took place to finally end up with only Moroccan statisticians. I forgot one thing about my teachings. In 1967, here in Gembloux we started a post-graduate program in applied statistics. This was the first such program in Belgium, attracting many students from all around the world, mainly from developing countries. In particular, the students of the Hassan II Institute in Rabat came for the 2-year specialization in statistics and then returned home to work and teach statistics in their country. So, I had at the same time the responsibility of the Department at the Hassan II Institute and of the final training of their students here in Gembloux. Later they became my co-workers at the Hassan II Institute. I also worked during several years at the Institut National Agronomique in Algiers but that was less exciting. There, I occasionally taught essentially various courses. Holidays are coming soon! Could you let us dream about countries to which you traveled as visiting professor and share an experience that impressed you? Overall, I visited about 30 different countries. I already mentioned Morocco, which I visited most. I never went abroad for more than, I think, 10 continuous weeks but I spent about 3 or 4 years in total with shorter stays. Outside Morocco, I would like to name Rwanda. Rwanda, before the genocide, was a privileged country for Belgian cooperation. At that time, in the 1970 s, the Rwanda agronomic research was widely funded by Belgium with permanent Belgian human resources. The scientific leadership was assured by the Faculty of Gembloux but the principle was that each year a Belgo-Rwandese mixed commission evaluated the results obtained, set the 5

7 programs and the budgets for the following year. The Belgian delegation was traditionally composed of the Belgian ambassador in Kigali, three professors from Gembloux and one representative of AGCD. This gave me the opportunity to visit the same research stations during several consecutive years. It seemed very important to me that the young researchers working there were supervised. I had the chance to learn more about the reality of this developing country. We learned a lot about the particular experimental conditions for different types of crops: mixed crops, very small plots of land, very sloping hills, terraces, etc... All these types of cropping conditions were very different from those encountered in the plains of Western Europe. I also had other missions for the Belgian cooperation or the FAO, for which the siege is in Rome. In particular I remember missions in Senegal and Niger. Do you have a special anecdote for us about your trips? There are many but here is one I tell quite often. Independently of my stays in Africa, as I said before, I was visiting professor David Finney s in his department in Aberdeen and taught a 10-week course on multivariate analysis. I remember that I stayed in a hotel downtown and I went to the university by bus every morning and often met the same students on the bus. One of them, a girl who took my course used to correct what I had said in English the day before. For example: You should not say that but you should say this. Thus, I had free English lessons on my way to the university each morning, a thing I could never imagine here. I don t think that one should dare to correct a visiting professor here. This was fun and nice at the same time... and very useful! You were much involved in the Belgian statistical life. Could you say a few words on that? I was indeed part of the 1991-group who revived the Belgian Statistical Society (BSS) since it was created in The BSS had indeed fallen in lethargy and it was decided to revive the society with the help of a few people, including Marc Hallin and Jef Teugels. I was also much involved in the Belgian branch of the International Biometric Society (IBS), called the Adolphe Quetelet Society. I was member of the administration board for a long time, vice-president, president and editor of its journal, which no longer exists, namely Biométrie-Praximétrie. I was also member of the board of the IBS, Belgian representative and later became president of the IBS for 2 years. 6

8 You are also honorary life member of the International Biometric Society. Yes, I was greatly honored by this distinction which was granted to me, I think, widely for my international vision of the development of biometry, in particular with respect to the Third World countries. You were also editor of the B-Stat News. Do you still read it? Yes, I read it regularly but I wait for the paper version. I just have a quick look at the electronic version on the SBS-BVS website but I don t like to read long texts on the screen, so I read the paper version. What do you think about the current state of the SBS-BVS? I think that the SBS-BVS is doing very well, not only by the number of its members, but also by its multiple scientific activities and its financial stability. It is very well handled. The SBS BVS has really helped in giving Belgian statistics a solid worldwide representation. You do many things. Is it not too difficult to have a family life with all the occupations you had? You should ask my wife... She indeed recognizes that I was frequently away. I have the advantage that I need little sleep, at least much less than most people. Still now, although I retired, 6 hours per night is a maximum. I feel however that the years 60 s and 70 s and maybe the 80 s were easier for the teachers than those of today. Easier because the administration was less heavy and it was possible to find some free time. In particular, there used to be 3 weeks of free time between the end of the courses and the exams, which no longer exists. Moreover, if we finished the theoretical courses earlier and had assistants for the practical sessions, we had practically 5 or 6 weeks of freedom between the end of the theoretical courses and the exams each year. This allowed to do many things during that period. Do you have an advice for young statisticians and how do you see the future of the French statistics? My first advice to the younger generation, even non-statistician, is to choose what they really like to do. My second advice would definitively be work. Concerning French statistics, I think it has improved over the past decades. It has always been more theoretical but there are currently parallel developments in the applied statistical field, in particular in the medical sector, where an increasing number of statisticians work. Something else? Yes, there is family life for which we also have time to spend. I devote much of my time to my grandchildren. But I also like to keep a balance with other activities. In particular I like hiking, mountaineering, trekking and 7

9 things like that which I still do. I think it has nothing to do with statistics but it is also important. Moreover I had a private pilot license during 10 years and I did tourism flying. This is a good way to enjoy oneself and to take your mind off things. Thank you for sharing a few moments with me! Sophie Vanbelle 8

10 International Biometric Society Channel Network Second conference Gent, Belgium, 6-8 April 2009 The Belgian Region of the International Biometric Society is hosting the second Channel Network Conference, to take place from April 6-8, 2009, in Gent, at the conference centre Het Pand. The Channel Network Steering Group identified the following three broad themes as the invited programme: Biological versus Statistical Interactions Invited speakers: Sir David Cox (Oxford University, U.K.), Anders Skrondal (Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway), Tyler VanderWeele (University of Chicago, U.S.A.) Mixture Models and Growth Curves Invited speakers: Mario Cortina Borja (University College London, U.K.), Richard Silverwood (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, U.K.), Stef van Buuren (TNO Quality of Life, The Netherlands) Multivariate Survival Analysis Invited speakers: Alioum Ahmadou (Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux II, France), Robin Henderson (Newcastle University, U.K.), Hans van Houwelingen (LUMC, The Netherlands) The conference will start on Monday, April 6 (9h to 12h30) with an optional `Crash Course on P-splines' given by Paul Eilers (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands) and close with a keynote lecture given by Thomas Schiex, (INRA, France). You are invited to submit an abstract for a contributed oral/poster presentation. Contributions may cover a wide range of topics, but contributions devoted to one of the topics of the invited sessions are particularly encouraged. Deadine for abstracts is: February 15, Online registration for this conference is possible before March 15, 2009 through the conference website The 9

11 deadline for early bird registration is February 15, Registration for the short course will be opened from mid January onwards. Participants should arrange their own accommodation, e.g. through the website: for hotels or for bed and breakfast facilities. Because the conference takes place during the mid term holiday, early booking is strongly encouraged. A list of hotels in the city center (i.e. around the shopping street `Veldstraat', which is 100 meters away from the conference center) and in the neighborhood of the train station `Gent Sint Pieters' (which has a fast tram connection with the city center) will also soon be provided on the conference website. I look forward to welcoming you at the next Channel Network Conference! Stijn Vansteelandt Chair organizing committee Stijn Vansteelandt Ghent University Dept. Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Krijgslaan 281, S9 B-9000 Gent, Belgium Phone Fax

12 FORTHCOMING STATISTICAL EVENTS February 11, 2009 UCL (CORE), Measuring causality between volatility and returns with high-frequency data, Abderrahim TAAMOUTI, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid More information: February 13, 2009 Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL), Belgium, Particularités statistiques des études de cas uniques en neuropsychologie, Matthieu Dubois, Université Pierre Mendès-France, Grenoble, France, Evaluation de choix individuels à l'aide de la méthodologie des préférences déclarées: le point sur la méthode, ses points forts, ses faiblesses, Cédric Taverne, Institut de statistique, UCL, Belgium More information: February 13, 2009 Hasselt (UHasselt), Belgium, Joint meeting of the Quetelet Society and the 3CC group of the Royal Statistical Society Microarray Data, More information: February 16, 2009 Gembloux (FUSAGx), Belgium, Mutations d'un cours de biostatistique suivant le développement d'un site Web d'autoapprentissage et utilisation de questions à choix multiples en ligne pour la détection des obstacles à l'apprentissage, MM. G. VINCKE and E. DEPIEREUX, FUNDP - Namur More information: February 20, 2009 Hasselt (UHasselt), Belgium, Empirical copula estimator in the presence of a covariate, Marek Omelka (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic) More information: February 24, 2009 Gembloux (FUSAGx), Belgium, Les statistiques au service de l'excellence industrielle, M. D. LE TALLEC, GSK Bio More information: February 25, 2009 UCL (CORE), Nonlinear adjustment of the real exchange rate towards its equilibrium value: a panel smooth transition error correction modelling, Joint with LSM Finance Seminar Sophie BEREAU, Université Paris 10 Nanterre More information: 11

13 March 3, 2009 Gembloux (FUSAGx), Belgium, Analyses multivariées au service du traitement des tableaux de relevés de végétation, M. G.BOUXIN, More information: March 9, 2009 Gembloux (FUSAGx), Belgium, Estimation du nombre de sujets nécessaires dans les essais cliniques, M. S. GHABRI, Keyrus- Biopharma More information: March 17, 2009 Gembloux (FUSAGx), Belgium, Application des statistiques pour l'organisation et l'interprétation des essays interlaboratoires (EIL), Mme V. PLANCHON, CRA-W More information: March 27, 2009 Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL), Belgium, Parametric frailty models for clustered survival data, Andreas Wienke, Institute of Medical Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Informatics, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany Competing risk analysis in the presence of time-dependent confounding, Stijn Vansteelandt, Ghent University More information: April 3, 2009 Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL), Belgium, "Domains of attraction of the random vector (X,X^2) and applications", Edward Omey, Bruxelles More information: April 6-8, 2009 Gent, Belgium, "Second Channel Network Conference", organized by the Belgian Region of the International Biometric Society More information: May 10-14, 2009 Istanbul, Turkey, "5 th conference of the Eastern Mediterranean Region of the International Biometric Society (EMR-IBS)", More information 12

14 RECENT PHD THESES Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) Jullion Astrid. Adaptive Bayesian P-splines models for fitting time-activity curves and estimating associated clinical parameters in Positron Emission Tomography and Pharmacokinetic study (2008) Promotor: Pr. Philippe Lambert (ULg). In clinical experiments, the evolution of a product concentration in tissue over time is often under study. Different products and tissues may be considered. For instance, one could analyse the evolution of drug concentration in plasma over time, by performing successive blood sampling from the subjects participating to the clinical study. One could also observe the evolution of radioactivity uptakes in different regions of the brain during a PET scan (Positron Emission Tomography). The global objective of this thesis is the modelling of such evolutions, which will be called, generically, pharmacokinetic curves (PK curves). Some clinical measures of interest are derived from PK curves. For instance, when analysing the evolution of drug concentration in plasma, PK parameters such as the area under the curve (AUC), the maximal concentration (Cmax) and the time at which it occurs (tmax) are usually reported. In a PET study, one could measure Receptor Occupancy (RO) in some regions of the brain, i.e. the percentage of specific receptors to which the drug is bound. Such clinical measures may be badly estimated if the PK curves are noisy. Our objective is to provide statistical tools to get better estimations of the clinical measures of interest from appropriately smoothed PK curves. Plenty of literature addresses the problem of PK curves fitting using parametric models. It usually relies on a compartmental approach to describe the kinetic of the product under study. The use of parametric models to fit PK curves can lead to problems in some specific cases. Firstly, the estimation procedures rely on algorithms which convergence can be hard to attain with sparse and/or noisy data. Secondly, it may be difficult to choose the adequate underlying compartmental model, especially when a new drug is under study and its kinetic is not well known. The method that we advocate to fit such PK curves is based on Bayesian Penalized splines (P-splines): it provides good results both in terms of PK 13

15 curves fitting and clinical measures estimations. It avoids the difficult choice of a compartmental model and is more robust than parametric models to a small sample size or a low signal to noise ratio. Working in a Bayesian context provides several advantages: prior information can be injected, models can easily be generalized and extended to hierarchical settings, and uncertainty for associated clinical parameters are straightforwardly derived from credible intervals obtained by MCMC methods. These are major advantages over traditional frequentist approaches. 14

16 2009 MEMBER LIST AERTS Marc (Pr.)- Universiteit Hasselt - Centrum voor Statistiek - Campus Diepenbeek Agoralaan, Gebouw D - B-3590 DIEPENBEEK - BELGIUM - ALBERT Adelin (Pr)- Université de Liège - Informatique médicale et Biostatistique - CHU Sart Tilman (B35) - B-4000 LIEGE - BELGIUM - ALLAOUI El Maâti (Mr)- Université Libre de Bruxelles - Institut de Sociologie - Avenue Jeanne, 44 (CP 124) - B-1050 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - ALONSO ABAD Ariel (Dr)- Universiteit Hasselt - Centrum voor Statistiek - Campus Diepenbeek Agoralaan, Gebouw D - B-3590 DIEPENBEEK - BELGIUM - AMBRUGEAT Johann (Mr)- UCB Pharma - - Chemin du Foriest - B-1420 BRAINE L'ALLEUD - BELGIUM - AMPE Bart (Mr)- Universiteit Gent - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Salisburylaan, B-9820 MERELBEKE - BELGIUM - ANDRIES Ellen (Mrs)- - Kapelbergweg, B-3520 ZONHOVEN - BELGIUM - ARIAS ORTIZ Elena (Mrs)- Université Libre de Bruxelles - - Avenue Roosevelt, 50 - B-1050 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - AUGUSTYNS Ilse (Dr)- Janssen Pharmaceutica - - Turnhoutseweg 30 - B-2340 BEERSE - BELGIUM - BALOGH Agnes (Mrs)- Bristol Myers Squibb - Parc de l'alliance - Avenue de Finlande, 8 - B-1420 BRAINE L'ALLEUD - BELGIUM - BANCKEN Fabrice (Dr)- Bristol Myers Squibb - Parc de l'alliance - Avenue de Finlande, 8 - B-1420 BRAINE L'ALLEUD - BELGIUM - BASHIR Saghir (Dr)- - Waterpoelstraat, B-1652 ALSEMBERG - BELGIUM - 15

17 BAUDELET Christine (Dr)- Bristol-Myers Squibb - Parc de l'alliance - Avenue de Finlande, 8 (04E-04F) - B-1420 BRAINE L'ALLEUD - BELGIUM - BECK Benoît (Dr)- - Drève Emmanuelle, 28A - - B-1470 BOUSVAL - BELGIUM - BECKERS François (Mr.)- Université Catholique de Louvain - Unité de Biométrie - Place Croix du Sud, 2 - B-1348 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE - BELGIUM - BEGUIN Claire (Dr)- - Avenue Pierre Damien, 9 (boîte 3) - - B-1150 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - BEIRLANT Jan (Pr.)- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Departement Wiskunde - Celestijnenlaan, 200B - B-3001 HEVERLEE - BELGIUM - BELLAMAMMER Leïla (Mrs.)- Statistiques et Information Economique - - Rue de Louvain, 44 - B-1000 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - BELMANS Dirk (Dr.)- - Jan Davidtsstraat, B-3010 KESSEL-LO - BELGIUM - BENNALA Nezar (Mr)- Université Libre de Bruxelles - LMTD - CP Avenue Jeanne, 44 - B-1050 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - BENOIT Anne (Mrs)- UCB - - Avenue de l'industrie - B-1420 BRAINE L'ALLEUD - BELGIUM - BEUNCKENS Caroline (Mrs)- Universiteit Hasselt - Centrum voor Statistiek - Campus Diepenbeek Agoralaan, Gebouw D - B-3590 DIEPENBEEK - BELGIUM - BIJNENS Luc (Dr.)- Janssen Pharmaceutica - Biometrics and Clinical Informatics - Turnhoutseweg 30, Box B-2340 BEERSE - BELGIUM - BILLIET Jaak (Mr.)- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Department Sociology - E. Van Evenstraat, 2B - B-3001 LEUVEN - BELGIUM - BODDAERT Michel (Mr.)- UCB Pharma - R&D R8 - Biostatistics - Chemin du Foriest - B-1420 BRAINE L'ALLEUD - BELGIUM - BOEHM Hilmar (Mr)- - Isestrasse, D HAMBURG - GERMANY - 16

18 BOEL René (Dr.)- Universiteit Gent - Vakgroep Elektrische Energietechniek - Technologiepark Zwijnaarde, 9 - B-9052 ZWIJNAARDE-GENT - BELGIUM - E- mail : BOGAERTS Kris (Dr)- Katholiek Universiteit Leuven - Biostatistisch Centrum - Kapucijnenvoer 35, bus B-3000 LEUVEN - BELGIUM - BOGAERTS Jan (Dr)- EORTC Data Center - - Avenue Mounierlaan, 83/11 - B BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - BOLLAERTS Kaatje (Mrs)- Universiteit Hasselt - Center for Statistics - Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan 1, Gebouw D - B-3590 DIEPENBEEK - BELGIUM - E- mail : BONTEMPI Gianluca (Dr)- Université Libre de Bruxelles - Institut d'informatique - Bd du Triomphe, CP B-1050 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - BOULANGER Bruno (Dr)- UCB Pharma - R&D, Clinical Pharmacometrics - Chemin du Foriest - B-1420 BRAINE L'ALLEUD - BELGIUM - BOULTON Muriel (Mrs)- UCB Pharma - - Chemin du Foriest - B-1420 BRAINE L'ALLEUD - BELGIUM - BRAAT Sabine (Mrs)- N. V. Organon - ADD: Biometrics - Monlenstraat, 100 PO BOX 20 - NL 5340 BH OSS - THE NETHERLANDS - BRAEKERS Roel (Pr)- Universiteit Hasselt - Centrum voor Statistiek - Campus Diepenbeek Agoralaan, Gebouw D - B-3590 DIEPENBEEK - BELGIUM - BRAMATI Maria Caterina (Mrs)- FOD Economie - - Leuvenseweg 44 - B-1000 BRUSSEL - BELGIUM - BROSTAUX Yves (Dr)- Faculté universitaire des Sciences agronomiques - Unité de statistique, informatique et math. appl. - Avenue de la Faculté, 8 - B-5030 GEMBLOUX - BELGIUM - BRUCKERS Liesbeth (Mrs.)- Universiteit Hasselt - Centrum voor Statistiek - Campus Diepenbeek Agoralaan, Gebouw D - B-3590 DIEPENBEEK - BELGIUM - BRUSS Thomas (Pr.)- Université Libre de Bruxelles - Institut de Statistique - Boulevard du Triomphe CP B-1050 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - 17

19 BRYS Guy (Mr)- AIM TRADING - - Brughoevestraat, 8 - B-2820 RIJMENAM - BELGIUM - BUGLI Céline (Ir)- Aepodia s.a. - - Avenue Albert Einstein, 2a - B-1348 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE - BELGIUM - BURTIN Bernard (Dr.)- UCB Pharma - - Chemin du Foriest - B-1420 BRAINE L'ALLEUD - BELGIUM - BURZYKOWSKI Tomasz (Dr)- Universiteit Hasselt - Centrum voor Statistiek - Campus Diepenbeek Agoralaan, Gebouw D - B-3590 DIEPENBEEK - BELGIUM - BUYSE Marc (Dr)- IDDI - - Avenue Provinciale, 30 - B-1340 OTTIGNIES - BELGIUM - BUYZE Jozefien (Mrs)- Universiteit Gent - Vakgroep Toegepaste Wiskunde en Informatica - Krijgslaan, 281-S9 - B-9000 GENT - BELGIUM - CALLAERT Herman (Pr)- Universiteit Hasselt - Centrum voor Statistiek - Campus Diepenbeek Agoralaan, Gebouw D - B-3590 DIEPENBEEK - BELGIUM - CALLENS Marc (Dr)- Research Centre of the Flemish Government - SVR - Boudewijnlaan 30 - B-1000 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - CARBONEZ An (Dr)- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Universitair Centrum voor Statistiek - W. de Croylaan, 54 - B-3001 HEVERLEE - BELGIUM - CARLETTI Georges (Dr)- - Rue du Poncia, B-5030 GEMBLOUX - BELGIUM - CETINYUREK Aysun (Mrs)- Université de Liège - Department of Mathematics - Grande Traverse, 12 - B-4000 LIEGE - BELGIUM - CHEUVART Brigitte (Mrs)- - Rue des Cortils, B-5101 ERPENT - BELGIUM - CHRISTMANN Andreas (Pr)- Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Faculteit Wetenschappen - Pleinlaan, 2 - B-1050 BRUSSEL - BELGIUM - CLAESKENS Gerda (Pr)- Katholiek Universiteit Leuven - OR & Business Statistics - Naamsestraat, 69 - B-3000 LEUVEN - BELGIUM - 18

20 CLAUSTRIAUX Jean-Jacques (Pr)- Faculté universitaire des Sciences agronomiques - Unité de Statistique, Informatique & Math appliq. - Av. de la Faculté d'agronomie, 8 - B-5030 GEMBLOUX - BELGIUM - COLLETTE Sandra (Mrs)- EORTC - - Avenue E. Mounier, 83/11 - B-1200 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - COLLETTE Laurence (Dr)- EORTC Data Center - Statistics Department - Avenue Emmanuel Mounier, 83/11 - B-1200 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - COMTE Laetitia (Mrs)- Université de Liège - Institut de Mathématique - Grande Traverse, 12 - B-4000 LIEGE - BELGIUM - CONSENTINO Fabrizio (Mr)- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - - Naamsestraat, 69 - B-3000 LEUVEN - BELGIUM - COPPENOLLE Hans (Dr)- Janssen Pharmaceutica - - Turnhoutse weg 30, BOX B-2340 BEERSE - BELGIUM - CORTINAS ABRAHANTES José (Mr)- Universiteit Hasselt - Centrum voor Statistiek - Campus Diepenbeek Agoralaan, Gebouw D - B-3590 DIEPENBEEK - BELGIUM - COSTANTINI Chiara (Mrs)- UCB Pharma - - Chemin du Foriest - B-1420 BRAINE L'ALLEUD - BELGIUM - COUCKE Wim (Mr)- Scientific Institute of Public Health - Department Clinical Biology - J. Wytsmanstraat, 14 - B-1050 BRUSSEL - BELGIUM - CREEMERS An (Mrs)- Universiteit Hasselt - Center for statistics - Agoralaan, gebouw D - B-3590 DIEPENBEEK - BELGIUM - CROUX Christophe (Pr)- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Faculty of Economics and Applied Economics - Naamsestraat, 69 - B-3000 LEUVEN - BELGIUM - E- mail : DAGNELIE Pierre (Pr)- - Chaussée de Charleroi, B-5030 GEMBLOUX - BELGIUM - DANIELSON Linda (Ms.)- IDDI - - Avenue Provinciale, 30 - B-1340 OTTIGNIES - BELGIUM - DANNIAU Anne (Mrs)- - avenue des myrtilles, B-1950 KRAAINEM - BELGIUM

21 DARIUS Paul (Pr)- MEBIOS - - Kasteelpark Arenberg, 30 - B-3001 HEVERLEE - BELGIUM - DAVID Marie-Pierre (Mrs.)- GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals - - Rue de l'institut, 89 - B-1330 RIXENSART - BELGIUM - DAWAGNE Jean-Marie (Mr)- Statistics Belgium (NIS/INS) - - Rue de Louvain, 44 - B-1000 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - DE BACQUER Dirk (Pr)- Vakgroep Maat. Gezondh. - - De Pintelaan, 185 Blok A - B-9000 GENT - BELGIUM - DE BLANDER Rembert (Dr)- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - HIVA - Parkstraat, 47 - B-3000 LEUVEN - BELGIUM - DE FRENNE Anne (Mrs.)- Société MATH-X - - Avenue des Tilleuls, 8 - B-1180 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - DE KERCHOVE D' EXAERDE Gérard (Ir)- - Chaussée de Jodoigne, B GREZ-DOICEAU - BELGIUM - DE LOBEL Lizzy (Mrs)- Universiteit Ghent - - Krijgslaan, B-9000 GENT - BELGIUM - DE MAERTELAER Viviane (Pr)- Université Libre de Bruxelles - IRIBHM - Route de Lennik, 808, CP B-1070 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - DE MEYER Anna Maria (Dr.)- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - LUDIT - de Croylaan, 52a - B-3001 HEVERLEE - BELGIUM - DE PRIL Veerle (Mrs.)- Bristol Myers Squibb - Parc de l'alliance - Avenue de Finlande, 8 - B-1420 BRAINE L'ALLEUD - BELGIUM - DE RIDDER Filip (Dr.)- Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical R&D - - Turnhoutseweg, 30 - B-2340 BEERSE - BELGIUM - DE SCHEPPER Ann (Pr)- Universiteit Antwerpen - Faculty of Applied Economics - Prinsstraat, 13 - B-2000 ANTWERPEN - BELGIUM - DE SMEDT Heidi (Dr)- - Platenendreef, B-2960 BRECHT - BELGIUM

22 DEBRUYNE Michiel (Mr)- University of Antwerp - Department of mathematics and computer science - Middelheimlaan, 1G - B-2020 ANTWERP - BELGIUM - DECLERCK Lieven (Dr.)- S-Clinica - - Boondaalse Steenweg, 6 - B-1050 BRUSSEL - BELGIUM - DECLERCQ Katrien (Mrs)- SAS Institute NV - - Hertenbergstraat, 6 - B-3080 TERVUREN - BELGIUM - DECUYPER Johan (Mr)- National Bank of Belgium - - Boulevard de Berlaimont, 14 - B-1000 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - DEHON Catherine (Dr)- Université Libre de Bruxelles - - Avenue F. D. Roosevelt, 50 CP B-1050 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - DEJARDIN David (Mr)- Bristol Myers Squibb - Parc de l'alliance - Avenue de Finlande, 8 - B-1420 BRAINE L'ALLEUD - BELGIUM - DEJONCKHEERE Joachim (Dr)- - Paul Van Ostaijenstraat, B-8560 GULLEGEM - BELGIUM - DELBAEN Freddy (Pr.)- ETH-Zürich - Departement für Mathematik - - CH-8092 ZURICH - SWITZERLAND - DELINCE Jacques (Dr.)- Unité Agriculture - Centro Commune di Ricerca - Via Fermi 2749 I Ispra - I ISPRA (VA) - ITALY - DELOUILLE Véronique (Mrs)- Observatoire Royal de Belgique - - Avenue Circulaire, 3 - B-1180 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - DELTENRE Alain (Mr)- - rue Van Opré, 61 bte B-5100 JAMBES - BELGIUM - DENUIT Michel (Pr)- Université Catholique de Louvain - Institut de Statistique - Voie du Roman Pays, 20 - B-1348 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE - BELGIUM - DEPIEREUX Eric (Pr.)- Facultés Univ. Notre-Dame de la Paix - Biologie Moléculaire - Rue de Bruxelles, 61 - B-5000 NAMUR - BELGIUM - DERDE Marie-Paule (Mrs.)- DICE - - Koning Albert Avenue, B-1082 BRUSSEL - BELGIUM - 21

23 DESCHEPPER Ellen (Mrs)- Universiteit Gent - - Coupure Links, B-9000 GENT - BELGIUM - DESMEDT Frans (Mr)- - Le Fèvere de Ten Hovelaan, B-9050 GENTBRUGGE - BELGIUM - DESMET Lieven (Mr)- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Maths Department UCS - De Croy Laan, 54 - B-3001 HEVERLEE - BELGIUM - DESPONTIN Marc (Pr.)- Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Centrum Voor Statistiek en Operationeel Onderzoek - Pleinlaan, 2 - B-1050 BRUSSEL - BELGIUM - DEVROYE Luc (Pr.)- School of Computer Science - McGill University University Street - MONTREAL H3A 2K6 (Canada) - CANADA - DEWE Walthère (Mr.)- GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals - - Rue de l'institut, 89 - B RIXENSART - BELGIUM - DHAENE Geert (Pr.)- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Centrum voor Economische Studieën - Naamsestraat, 69 - B-3000 LEUVEN - BELGIUM - E- mail : D'HOORE William (Pr)- Université Catholique de Louvain - Ecole de Santé Publique - Clos Chapelle-aux-champs, 30, bte B-1200 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - DIERCKX Goedele (Mrs.)- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Universitair Centrum voor Statistics - W. de Croylaan, 54 - B-3001 HEVERLEE - BELGIUM - DING Huijuan (Mrs)- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Research Center ORSTAT - Naamsestraat, 69 - B-3000 LEUVEN - BELGIUM - DONICA Margarita (Mrs)- Bristol Myers Squibb - Parc de l'alliance - Avenue de Finlande, 8 - B-1420 BRAINE L'ALLEUD - BELGIUM - DONNEAU Anne-Françoise (Mrs)- Université de Liège - Informatique médicale et biostatistique - CHU, Sart Tilman (B23) - B-4000 LIEGE - BELGIUM - DONY Julia (Mrs)- Vrije Universiteit Brussel - - Pleinlaan, 2 - B-1050 BRUSSEL - BELGIUM - 22

24 DOUHA Martine (Mrs)- GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals - - rue de l'institut, 89 - B RIXENSART - BELGIUM - DRAMAIX - WILMET Michele (Pr)- Université Libre de Bruxelles - Ecole de Santé Publique, Dpt de Biostatistique - Route de Lennik, B-1070 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - DROESBEKE Jean-Jacques (Pr)- Université Libre de Bruxelles - L.M.T.D. - Avenue Jeanne, 44 C.P B-1050 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - DUBOIS Cécilia (Mrs)- UCB Pharma - R&D R8 - Biostatistics - Chemin du Foriest - B-1420 BRAINE L'ALLEUD - BELGIUM - DUBOIS Cécile (Mrs.)- UCB Pharma - R&D R8 - Biostatistics - Chemin du Foriest - B-1420 BRAINE L'ALLEUD - BELGIUM - DUCHATEAU Luc (Dr)- Universiteit Gent - Faculty of Veterinary Sc. - Physiology, Biochemistry & Biometrics - Salisburylaan, B-9820 MERELBEKE - BELGIUM - EDRICH Pascal (Mr)- UCB Pharma - R&D R8 - Biostatistics - Chemin du Foriest - B-1420 BRAINE L'ALLEUD - BELGIUM - EINMAHL Uwe (Pr.)- Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Dept. Wiskunde - Pleinlaan, 2 - B-1050 BRUSSEL - BELGIUM - EL GHOUCH Anouar (Mr)- Université Catholique de Louvain - Institut de Statistique - Voie du Roman Pays, 20 - B-1348 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE - BELGIUM - ESCH Louis (Pr.)- Université de Liège - HEC-Ecole de Gestion (Bât N1) - Rue Louvrex, 14 - B-4000 LIEGE - BELGIUM - FAES Christel (Mrs)- Universiteit Hasselt - Centrum voor Statistiek - Campus Diepenbeek Agoralaan, Gebouw D - B-3590 DIEPENBEEK - BELGIUM - FAUCONNIER Cécile (Mrs)- Université de Liège - HEC-Ecole de Gestion (B31) - Bd du Rectorat, 7 - B-4000 LIEGE - BELGIUM - FILS Jean-François (Mr)- SGS Life Science Services - - Generaal de Wittelaan, B-2800 MECHELEN - BELGIUM - FIORINI Alessandro (Mr)- - Via di Scorticabove, 53-B - - I ROME - 23

25 ITALY - FORTPIED Catherine (Mrs)- UCB Pharma - R&D R8 - Biostatistics - Chemin du Foriest - B-1420 BRAINE L'ALLEUD - BELGIUM - FOURNEAU Marc (Mr.)- GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals - Manager Biometrics - Adults & Internat. Vaccines - Rue de l'institut, 89 - B-1330 RIXENSART - BELGIUM - FRANCART Julie (Mrs)- Université Catholique de Louvain - - Clos Chapelleaux-Champs, 30/58 - B-1200 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - FRANCIS Stephen (Mr)- Bristol-Myers Squibb - Parc de l'alliance - Avenue de Finlande, 8 - B-1420 BRAINE L'ALLEUD - BELGIUM - FRANCOIS Nancy (Mrs)- Université Catholique de Louvain - Institut de Statistique - Voie du Roman Pays, 20 - B-1348 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE - BELGIUM - FRANK Bernard (Mr)- - Avenue Demolder, B-1342 LIMELETTE - BELGIUM - FRANQUET Ann (Mrs)- IDDI - - Avenue Provinciale, 30 - B-1340 OTTIGNIES - BELGIUM - FREYERMUTH Jean-Marc (Mr)- Université Catholique de Louvain - Institut de statistique - Voie du Roman Pays, 20 - B-1348 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE - BELGIUM - GADDAH Auguste (Mr)- Universiteit Hasselt - Center for statistics - Campus Diepenbeek Agoralaan, Gebouw D - B-3590 DIEPENBEEK - BELGIUM - GARROI Jean-Jacques (Mr)- - Rue Thiniheid, B-4801 STEMBERT - BELGIUM - GEENENS Gery (Mr)- The University of Melbourne - Department of Mathematics and Statistics MELBOURNE - AUSTRALIA - GENICOT Bruno (Dr)- - rue du Clos, CH-2034 PESEUX - SUISSE - E- mail : GERARD Paul (Pr.)- Université de Liège - Institut de Mathématique - Grande Traverse, 12 - B-4000 LIEGE - BELGIUM - 24

26 GEYS Helena (Dr)- Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical R&D - - Turnhoutseweg, 30 - B-2340 BEERSE - BELGIUM - GIEZEK Hilde (Mrs)- Merck Sharp & Dhome - - Clos du Lynx, 5 - B-1200 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - GIJBELS Irène (Pr)- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Universitair Centrum voor Statistiek - Celestijnenlaan, 200B - B-3001 HEVERLEE - BELGIUM - GILLET Marc (Mr.)- GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals - - Rue de l'institut, 89 - B RIXENSART - BELGIUM - GLAVIE Christian (Mr)- National Bank of Belgium - - Boulevard de Berlaimont, 14 - B-1000 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - GOEGEBEUR Yuri (Mr.)- University of Southern Denmark - Department of statistics - J.B. Winslows Vej, 9 - DK-5000 ODENSE - DENMARK - GOETGELUK Sylvie (Mrs)- Universiteit Gent - - Krijgslaan, 281 S9 - B-9000 GENT - BELGIUM - GOETGHEBEUR Els (Pr)- Universiteit Gent - TWI - Krijgslaan, S9 - B GENT - BELGIUM - GOETHALS Klara (Mrs)- Universiteit Gent - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Salisburylaan, B-9820 MERELBEKE - BELGIUM - GOEYVAERTS Nele (Mrs)- Universiteit Hasselt - Department WNI - Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan (Gebouw D) - B-3590 DIEPENBEEK - BELGIUM - E- mail : GOOS Peter Philiep (Mr)- Universiteit Antwerpen - Dpt of Mathematics, Statistics & Actuarial Science - Prinsstraat, 13 - B-2000 ANTWERPEN - BELGIUM - E- mail : GOVAERTS Bernadette (Pr.)- Université Catholique de Louvain - Institut de Statistique - Voie du Roman Pays, 20 - B-1348 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE - BELGIUM - HABIMANA Laurence (Mrs)- Université Catholique de Louvain - Ecole de Santé Publique - Clos Chapelle-aux-Champs, 30 (bte 3058) - B-1200 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - HAESBROECK Gentiane (Pr)- Université de Liège - Institut de Mathématique - Grande Traverse, 12 (B37) - B-4000 LIEGE - BELGIUM

27 HAFNER Christian (Pr.)- Université Catholique de Louvain - Institut de statistique - Voie du Roman Pays, 20 - B-1348 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE - BELGIUM - E- mail : HALLIN Marc (Pr)- Université Libre de Bruxelles - Institut de Statistique - Boulevard du Triomphe CP B-1050 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - HARDY André (Pr.)- Facultés Univ. Notre-Dame de la Paix - Département de mathématique - Rempart de la Vierge, 8 - B-5000 NAMUR - BELGIUM - HENRARD Severine (Mrs)- Université Catholique de Louvain - Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit - Clos Chapelle aux Champs, 30 bte B-1200 WOLUWE- SAINT-LAMBERT - BELGIUM - HENS Niel (Dr)- Universiteit Hasselt - Centrum voor Statistiek - Campus Diepenbeek Agoralaan, Gebouw D - B-3590 DIEPENBEEK - BELGIUM - HEUCHENNE Cédric (Mr)- Université de Liège (B31) - Statistique appliquée - Boulevard du Rectorat, 7 - B-4000 LIEGE - BELGIUM - HOOGSTEYN Valérie (Mrs)- All4it - - Drève Richelle, 161 (Bât G) - B-1410 WATERLOO - BELGIUM - HUBERT Mia (Pr)- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Department of mathematics - Celestijnenlaan, 200B - B-3001 LEUVEN - BELGIUM - ION Roxana Alice (Dr)- Janssen Pharmaceutica - - Turnhoutseweg, 30 - B-2340 BEERSE - BELGIUM - IWEINS Françoise (Mrs)- - Sint-Antoniuslaan, B-1950 KRAAINEM - BELGIUM - JACOBS Tom (Mr.)- Universiteit Hasselt - Centrum voor Statistiek - Campus Diepenbeek Agoralaan, Gebouw D - B-3590 DIEPENBEEK - BELGIUM - JAMOUL Corinne (Ms.)- - rue de Virginal, B-1480 TUBIZE - BELGIUM - JANSEN Ivy (Mrs)- Universiteit Hasselt - Centrum voor Statistiek - Campus Diepenbeek Agoralaan, Gebouw D - B-3590 DIEPENBEEK - BELGIUM - 26

28 JANSSEN Paul (Pr)- Universiteit Hasselt - Centrum voor Statistiek - Campus Diepenbeek Agoralaan, Gebouw D - B-3590 DIEPENBEEK - BELGIUM - JANSSENS Luc (Mr.)- Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical R&D - - Turnhoutseweg 30/ B-2340 BEERSE - BELGIUM - JARA VALLEJOS Alejandro (Mr)- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Biostatistical Centre, U.Z. Sint-Rafaël - Kapucijnenvoer, 35 - B-3000 LEUVEN - BELGIUM - JONES John T. (Mr)- UCB Pharma - - Lake Park Drive, SMYRNA, GA - USA - JULLION Astrid (Mrs)- Université Catholique de Louvain - Institut de Statistique - Voie du Roman Pays, 20 - B-1348 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE - BELGIUM - E- mail : KASIM Adetayo (Mr)- Universiteit Hasselt - Center for Statistics - Agoralaan - Building D - B-3590 DIEPENBEEK - BELGIUM - KAUFMAN Leonard (Pr.)- Faculteit Geneeskunde - Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Laarbeeklaan, B-1090 BRUSSEL - BELGIUM - KESTEMONT Bruno (Mr.)- Statistics Belgium (NIS/INS) - - Rue de Louvain, 44 - B-1000 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - KEY PRATO Maria (Mrs)- UCB Pharma - Exploratory Statistics, Clinical Pharmacometrics - Chemin du Foriest - B-1420 BRAINE L'ALLEUD - BELGIUM - KNAPEN Koen (Mr)- SAS Institute NV - - Hertenbergstraat, 6 - B-3080 TERVUREN - BELGIUM - KRISTANTO Paulus (Dr.)- Pharmionic Systems - Espace Entreprise de Visé - Rue des Cyclistes Frontière, 24 - B-4600 VISE - BELGIUM - 27

29 KUBUSHISHI Tite (Dr)- SPF Santé publique, Sécurité de la Ch aliment. - Direction générale des Soins de Santé Primaires - Eurostation, Place Victor HORTA 40 bte 10 - B-1060 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - LAENEN Annouschka (Mrs)- Universiteit Hasselt - Centrum voor Statistiek - Campus Diepenbeek Agoralaan, Gebouw D - B-3590 DIEPENBEEK - BELGIUM - LAMBERT Philippe (Pr)- Université de Liège, ISHS (B31) - Méthodes quantitatives en sciences sociales - Boulevard du Rectorat, 7 - B-4000 LIEGE - BELGIUM - LANGE Anne-Catherine (Mrs)- Pharmionic Systems - Espace Entreprise de Visé - Rue des Cyclistes Frontière, 24 - B-4600 VISE - BELGIUM - LAUWERS Marie-Christine (Dr)- - Ruiterdreef, B-2970 SCHILDE - BELGIUM - LE BAILLY DE TILLEGHEM Céline (Mrs)- Université Catholique de Louvain - Institut de Statistique - Voie du Roman Pays, 20 - B-1348 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE - BELGIUM - LE BOULENGE Eric (Pr.)- Université Catholique de Louvain - AGRO/MILA/ENGE - Environmetry and Geomatics Unit - Place Croix du Sud, 2 BP 16 - B-1348 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE - BELGIUM - LEBACQ Marie (Mrs)- SGS Life Science Services - - Vieux Chemin du Poête - B-1300 WAVRE - BELGIUM - LEBRUN Pierre (Mr)- Université de Liège (B36) - Département de Pharmacie (Chimie analytique) - Avenue de l'hôpital, 1 - B-4000 LIEGE - BELGIUM - E- mail : LEDEINE Jean-Marie (Ir.)- - 23, rue aux cailloux - - B-5080 RHISNES - BELGIUM - LEDENT Edouard (Mr)- - avenue Alphonse Allard, B-1420 BRAINE L'ALLEUD - BELGIUM - LEFEVRE Claude (Pr)- Université Libre de Bruxelles - Institut de Statistique - Bd. du Triomphe CP B-1050 BRUXELLES - BELGIUM - LEGRAND Catherine (Mrs)- Université catholique de Louvain - Institut de Statistique - Voie du Roman Pays, 20 - B-1348 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE - BELGIUM - 28

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