Pragmatic Analysis of Persuasive Strategies Used In Some Selected Biblical Texts

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1 Al-Mustansiriya University College of Arts Department of English Language and Literature Pragmatic Analysis of Persuasive Strategies Used In Some Selected Biblical Texts Key words: (Strategies, persuasion, Biblical Texts) BY: Asst.Prof. Abbas Lutfi Hussein Alaa khaled Nasef September, 2015

2 الجامعه المستنصرية كليه االداب قسم الللغه االنكليزية تداولية دراسة الستراتيجيات االقناع لبعض النصوص المختارة من الكتاب المقدس الكلمات المفتاحيه: )استراتيجيات,االقناع,الكتاب المقدس( مقدم من قبل االء خالد نصيف االستاذ عباس لطفي حسين ايلول, 5102

3 Abstract Persuasion is not a recent term; it has been tackled earlier by Aristotle and Plato. It is an activity in which a communicator attempts to induce a change in the belief, attitude, or behavior of another person or group of persons. Persuasive strategies are used excessively in religious language, particularly in Biblical texts. A specific language features characterize this type of religious language, and set them apart from other types of languages. The problems dealt with in this study are, what are strategies exploited to influence the readers of the Bible?, and to what degree such persuasive strategies can convince hearers or readers?. Furthermore, what are the linguistic markers used to give a highly persuasive effect and to realize persuasion in Biblical language? This study aims at identifying the types of persuasive strategies employed in the selected Biblical texts in order to direct audience's attention towards a certain course of action. Furthermore, it attempts to show how the strategies used deal with language in use in relation to its linguistic context,as well as to its situational context in which they occur. To achieve the aims of the study, the researcher puts forwards the following hypotheses: 1. The most common strategy of persuasion is authority strategy, which is mostly directed from the higher status, acknowledgeable and trustworthy persuader. 2. The Biblical texts depend on specific linguistic features and clause relations in order to achieve a persuasive effect on the listener. These features and relations contribute in realizing the way persuasive strategy is developed and structured.

4 3. Persuasive strategies, in the Biblical texts, are used by the persuader to promote particular values and change recipient's opinions and attitudes. They are mostly implemented through the performance of the speech acts of warning, requesting, promising and advising. Three Biblical texts have been selected for the data analysis, with the aim of assigning persuasive strategies pragmatically, making use of the clause relations and language features or markers to realize persuasion in these texts. The study arrives at the following conclusions: 1. Authority strategy of persuasion is the most common one in the Biblical texts, which is mostly directed from the higher status, acknowledgeable and trustworthy than the receiver, representing by God, Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H.) and Prophet Moses. 2. Most strategies of persuasion used in the analyzed texts are realized through specific types of clause relation; the logo strategy is realized in most cases by the cause effect relation, and characterized by the lexical marker for, so and then. It can also be realized through bonding clause relation indicated by the lexical item and and but. This relation is used to add information and reasons for more persuasive effect. 3. The goal of most persuasive strategy used in the analyzed texts is for advising, and giving instructions mostly through using the imperative structure to promote particular values and faith. On the basis of the findings above, some recommendations and suggestions for further research have been put forward.

5 مستخلص ا االل بع ن ش يظطهحب حذ ضب فمذ رى ر ب ن ي لجم اسصط افالؽ فبالل بع ص هخ ر اطم حب ل ي خالن ب ان زكهى احذاس رغ ش ف يؼزمذاد ا رظشفبد ا اساء شخض ا يج ػخ اشخبص. ش م االل بع اسثغ ػ ايم اصبص خ ان ظذس انشصبنخ ان زهم ان لف ؼز ذ االل بع ثشكم كج ش ػه اصزشار ج بد االل بع ان ضزخذيخ. رضزخذو اصزشار ج بد االل بع ثبفشاؽ ف انهغخ راد انطبثغ انذ ثشكم اخض ف ظ ص انكزت ان مذس )اال ج م( ح ش ر ز خظبئض يؼ خ ن زا ان ع ي انهغخ ػ غ ش ب ي انهغبد. ان شبكم انز رؼبنج ب انذساصخ : يب االصزشار ج بد ان ضزخذيخ نهزبص ش ػه لبسئ انكزبة ان مذس ال دسجخ ك الصزشار ج بد االل بع ا رم غ انمشاء ا انضبيؼ ػال ح ػه رنك, يب انذالالد انهغ خ ان ضزخذيخ نزحم ك االل بع ف انكزت ان مذس ر ذف انشصبن نذساص رحه م اصزشار ج بد االل بع ان ضزخذي نهزبص ش ف انمبسئ ا ان ضز غ ك ب رج انذساص ا ؼب يذ ربص ش انزحه م انزذا ن ف رض م ف ى انغشع ان مظ د ي ان ض رج انذساص ا ؼب انذ س انشئ ض انز هؼج ص بق انحذ ش ف اخز بس اصزشار ج االل بع ان ضزخذي. نغشع رحم ك ا ذاف انشصبنخ لذو انجبحش ان ظش بد االر خ: االصزشار ج خ االكضش ش ػب ػ اصزشار ج خ انضهط غبنجب ر ج ي ئخ ػه ب راد يؼشفخ جذ شح ثبنضمخ. رؼز ذ انهغخ انذ خ ػه خظبئض نغ خ يؼ خ س اثؾ ج م نزحم ك االل بع نذ ان ضز غ. ز انخظبئض انش اثؾ رضب ى رط س ث بء اصزشار ج خ االل بع ان ضزخذيخ نمذ رى اخز بس خ ض ػشش ظب ك بد نهزحه م نغشع دساص اصزشار ج بد االل بع رذا ن ب ثبالصزفبد ي س اثؾ انج م خظبئض ا دالالد انهغ, لذ خشجذ انشصبن ثبالصز زبجبد انزبن : 1.اصزشار ج انضهط االكضش ش ػب ف ظ ص انكزبة ان مذس )اال ج م( غبنجب يب رظذس ي ج راد ي زن اػه اكضش ػه ب اجذس ثبنضم ي ان زهم رز ضم ثبهلل, ض ع ان ض ح )ػه انضالو ), ان ج ي ص )ػه انضالو(. 2. رزحمك يؼظى اصزشار ج بد االلزبع ف ان ظ ص انذ ي خالل ا اع يؼ ي س اثؾ انج م فبصزشار ج ان طك رزحمك ي خالل ػالل انضجت- انزبص ش رز ز ثبصزخذاو ان فشداد " "ل" "حز " "صى". ك ا رزحمك ا ؼب ي خالل ػالل انشثؾ رز ز ثبصزخذاو ان فشداد " "

6 "نك " رضزخذو ز انؼالل الػبف ان ؼه يبد االصجبة نزؼز ز ػ ه االل بع, ن زا انضجت رحز يؼظى ان ظ ص ػه ج م ؽ ه, ج م يشكج رحز ػه ج م سئ ض ج ه ا ج هز فشػ ز. 3. يؼظى اصزشار ج بد االل بع ان ضزخذي ف ان ظ ص ان ذس ص ر ذف نه ظح اػطبء انزؼه بد غبنجب ي خالل ط غ االيش نزؼز ز اال ب انم ى االخالل. نمذ رى ػغ ثؼغ انز ط بد ان مزشحبد ػه اصبس ان زبئج اػال الجشاء ان ز ذ ي انجح س يضزمجال.

7 Section One: Introduction 1.1 The Problem Persuasion is a cover term of influence. It can attempt to influence a person's beliefs, attitudes, intentions, motivations, or behaviors.there are different strategies used by writers or speakers to convince their audience or readers of a particular issue. The degree of success of persuasion depends on what we call persuasive strategies or persuasive techniques. In this study the researcher focuses on persuasive strategies as found in the Bible; and there are questions that reflect the problem. - What are strategies exploited to influence the readers of the Bible? To what degree such persuasive strategies can convince hearers or readers? What is the linguistics markers used, to give a highly persuasive effect, and to realize persuasion in Biblical language? 1.2 The Aims The study aims at: 1. Analyzing pragmatically persuasive strategies used in some selected Biblical texts. 2. Showing the function of persuasive strategies in the selected religious texts, and explaining how these strategies worked in an effective way that serves the aims of the texts. 3. Explaining how the strategies used deal with both, language in use in relation to its linguistic context,as well as to its situational context in which they occur. 1.3 The Hypotheses 1

8 It is hypothesized that: 1. The most common strategy of persuasion is authority strategy, which is mostly directed from the higher status, acknowledgeable and trustworthy persuader. 2.The Biblical texts depend on specific linguistic features and clause relations in order to achieve a persuasive effect on the listener. These features and relations contribute in realizing the way persuasive strategy is developed and structured. 3. Persuasive strategies, in the Biblical texts, are used by the persuader to promote particular values and change recipient's opinions and attitudes.they are mostly implemented through the performance of the speech acts of warning, requesting, promising, commanding and advising. 1.4 The Procedures The following steps are to be adopted: 1. Presenting a survey of various definitions of the concept persuasion, focusing on persuasive strategies. 2. Identifying how persuasive strategies function in the texts to influence the readers. 3. Selecting three Biblical texts as the data and investigating the utilization of persuasive strategies, and obtaining results of the data-analyzed. 4. Presenting conclusions, recommendation and suggestions for further reading. 1.5 The Limits The study is restricted to analyzing the persuasive strategies used in the Holy Bible, selected from Old and New Testaments and fifteen Biblical texts are deliberately selected for this pragmatic analysis. 1.6 The Value 2

9 1. This study will be beneficial to those who are interested in linguistics, as it offers a somewhat congruent picture of the utilization of persuasion in actual religious texts. 2. The study would hopefully be of benefit to students and researchers interested in studying types of persuasive strategy used, and the situation context of the Biblical text. Section Two: Persuasion Definitions and Strategies 2.1 Persuasion Definitions Many scholars and linguists have dealt with the concept of persuasion, according to their interests and purposes. Persuasion is typically defined as "human communication that is designed to influence others by modifying their beliefs, values, or attitudes" (Simons, 1976:21). Similarly, Perloff (2003:8) defines persuasion as "a symbolic process in which communicators try to convince other people to change their attitudes or behaviours regarding an issue, through the transmission of a message in an atmosphere of free choice". Focusing on attitude change as a result of persuasion proses, some authors and writers do not require attitude or behavior change to take place, as they relate persuasion to verbal activity geared to bring about some change in belief or attitude. In this connection, Cegalal (1987: 6) and Burgoon et al. (1994: 177) see in persuasion that transmitted symbolic act is intended to form, modify, or strengthen the beliefs, opinions, values, attitudes, and /or behaviours of one person or more. Some scholars explain persuasion from physiological sides considering communication as a way of effect. It is an attitude and a way of thinking, and does not involve threats, torture or including people into hypnotic, helpless states. In this 3

10 regard Levy, Collins and Nail (1998:732) explain persuasion as 'a modification in one's attitude that is the consequence of exposure to a communication'. 2.2 Persuasion as a speech act Speech act of persuasion has been tackled by several linguists, for example, Browrn and Levinson s (1987) show that persuasion in politeness theory is categorized as a face threatening act. In this respect, Grundy (2000:146) states that Linguistic politeness is the redressing of the affronts to face posed by facethreatening acts to addressees and the ways in which linguistic actions and expressions are properly and appropriately carried out in social interaction so as to avoid being offensive. Ide (1989:225) regards linguistic politeness as the language usage associated with smooth communication, realized through (1) the speaker's use of intentional strategies to allow his or her message to be received favorably by the addressee and (2) through the speaker's choice of expressions to conform to the expected and/or prescribed norms of speech appropriate to the contextual situation in individual speech communities. 2.3 Strategies of persuasion Reciprocity strategy Reciprocation is a widely held strategy, which means that when a person gives us something, we try to repay him in kind. Reciprocation creates a sense of obligation, which can be a powerful weapon in persuasion ( Cialdini, 2001:9) Social proof strategy This strategy means that people often base their actions and beliefs on what others around they are doing, how others act or what others believe. Cialdini describes it as the power of the crowd" is very effective. Because we all want to 4

11 know what others are doing around us, that we then try to be just like other people (ibid:116) Strategy of contrast Hogan, (1996:45) says that "when two items are relatively different from each other, we will see them as more different if placed near together in time or place" Strategy of conformity This law says that most people tend to agree to proposals, products, or services that will be perceived as acceptable by the majority of other people or a majority of an individual s peer group (ibid:57) Getting benefit strategy Party B may benefit in a different way from the right or privilege that Party A seeks. One argument in pleas of the oppressed is that oppression hurts the oppressor as well as the oppressed. (Kriesberg, 1982:116) Reframing strategy This type of persuasive argument tries to turn a divisive issue into a problem that is shared and needs a mutually satisfactory solution. Reframing strategy allows the person to see the issue differently and to retreat from a previously stated singular position to a new, mechanism.(ibid:117) Presentation strategy it may also serve as a face saving Johnston (1989: 147) illustrates that: presentational persuasion based on the assumption that being persuaded is being moved, being swept along by a rhythmic flow of words and sounds, in the way people are swept along by poetry. The goal of presentational persuasion is to make one's claim maximally present in the 5

12 audience's consciousness, by repeating it, paraphrasing it, and calling aesthetic attention to it". 2.4 Covert Strategies of Persuasion Hogan and Speakman, (2006:1) illustrate that covert strategies is the most effective kind of persuasion. That is, the concept covert, doesn t mean they are sneaky Instead, they are completely moral, but so proficient that no one will even notice that the speakers are using them. Beasley and Danesi, (2002:32) state that Sigmund Freud ( ) is one among other psychologists who is interested in explaining the physiology of the persuasion techniques, he mentions that these techniques effect the unconscious part of the human mind, which contains the hidden images, memories, fears, wishes and that are prevented from gaining expression by the conscious part of the mind. There are different types of covert or psychological strategies of persuasion which can be described as follows: Terror Strategy Richardson (2007: 160) explains fear as a way of persuasion achieved through pathos which are excited explicitly or implicitly in an argument. Audience can be moved from one emotional state to another through pathos which are intentionally used in an argument as a rhetorical means: "pathetic arguments may move an audience to anger or pity, fear, etc.; alternatively, pathetic argument can be used to calm an audience down Euphemism Strategy: Generally, euphemism is a term used to pacify audiences in order to make an unpleasant reality more acceptable, It is believed that euphemism is universal and not specific to any one language or set of languages, it deals with human feelings 6

13 by exploiting the extended capacities of language (Rahimi and Sahragard, 2006:11) Transfer Strategy Shabo, (2008:69) states that this technique known as association and false connection, it encourages the transfer of feeling and associations form one idea, symbol or person to another. It evokes an emotional response, which stimulates the target to identify with recognized authorities Common Ground Strategy Common ground refers to those individual aspects we all share, Larson, (2013:17) illustrates that persuasion is most effected when based on common ground,or the shared beliefs,values, experiences, and interests existing between persuaders and persuadee Scapegoat Technique Strategy Allinson (2005:15) explains that scapegoat refers to the kind of persuasion in which individuals try prevent themselves from responsibility and blame by attributing it to others. In scapegoating, feelings of guilt, aggression, blame and suffering are transferred away from a person or group so as to fulfill an unconscious drive to resolve or avoid such bad feelings. This is done by the displacement of responsibility and blame to another who serves as a target for blame both for the scapegoater and his supporters, (Karpman, 1968:41) Repetition Strategy This strategy generally means repeating an idea for effect,it works either by repeating specific sounds,image or words or by repeating the persuasive message several times. Cacioppo and Petty (1979:98) argue that moderate levels of repetition within a message tend to create greater agreement with the message, 7

14 along with greater recall. They also suggest that too much repetition has an adverse impact and can lead to stronger disagreement with the argument being made. Section Three: Religious language: A Theoretical Framework 3.1 Religious language Religion and language are closely connected to each other, there are elements of relationship between language and religion, that is,acquiring a religion involves to some extent learning a new vocabulary and syntax. It would be impossible to acquire a religion without the medium of language. (Ugwueye and Ezenwa- Ohaeto, 2011:176). Keane (1997:49) argues that religious language is basically associated with assumptions about human matters and divine beings; it is also problematic, because it interacts with invisible being. Furthermore, Hutchison (1963: 227) observes that religious language involves the use of two types of statements: 1. Faith statements are expressive in form and involving terms that represent images. Their main function is the direct expression of religious experience. religious forms that involve the use of faith statements include confession, prayer, ritual, myth or sacred story, commandment or moral imperative, homily or sermon and scripture or sacred writing (ibid:228). 2. Theological statements are conceptual in form, their terms are concepts and their function is to serve as a linguistic vehicle for the study and understanding of religion. faith statements are statements in religion, whereas theological statements are statements about religion (ibid). 3.3 Characteristics of Religious Language The language of religion, as a kind of language used by a religious community to express its faith, is often considered one of the most distinctive variety, including 8

15 a great deal of characteristics and linguistic features restricted solely to religious contexts (Crystal, 2011: 371; Crystal and Davy, 1988: 147). Crystal (1964:151) distinguishes three kinds of distinctiveness in the religious text that compose the whole effect and distinguish it from other varieties: archaism, formulaic Diction and specialized vocabulary. Section Four: Data Analysis 4.1 Introduction This chapter is devoted to presenting the proposed model and the procedures employed in the pragmatic analysis of the data collected from the Bible which includes the Old and New Testaments. The researcher has adopted an eclectic model for the analysis of the selected Biblical texts, as follows: 1.Analyzing the text pragmatically, the analysis is basically based on the approaches of speech acts as discussed by van Eemeren and Grootendorst s felicity conditions (1992) to identify which utterance can predict persuasion, These conditions are: (p stand for propositions ),the felicity conditions are: 1. Propositional content condition:utterances (p1,p 2,..) constitute the elementary speech acts in which a commitment is undertaken to the propositions expressed. 2. Essential condition: The performance of the constellation of speech acts that consists of the elementary speech acts counts as an attempt by the speaker to justify p; that is, to convince the listener of the acceptability of his standpoint with respect to p. 3. Preparatory conditions: a. The speaker believes that the listener does not accept (or at least not automatically or wholly accept) his standpoint with respect to p. 9

16 b. The speaker believes that the listener is prepared to accept the propositions expressed in the elementary speech acts (p1, p 2...).c. The speaker believes that the listener is prepared to accept the constellation of the elementary speech acts as an acceptable justification of p. 4. Responsibility conditions: a. The speaker believes that his standpoint with respect to p is acceptable. b. The speaker believes that the propositions expressed in the elementary speech acts 1, 2, are acceptable. c. The speaker believes that the constellation of elementary speech acts is an acceptable justification of p. 2. The analysis will be done according to the details of different persuasive strategies explained in chapter two. It will focus on the message, and on the situation of the communication. Furthermore, the purpose of communication expressed of the selected texts, is described based on Ellicott's Commentary on the Whole Bible by Charles J. Ellicott. 3. The model adapted for the taxonomy of the clause relations is Crombie s (1985:16), as it is concerned with the study of semantic relations, involving the study of the communicative function of an utterance through the process of persuasion, that is distinct from the sentence meaning or the conceptual content of an utterance. In the analysis the sentence of each text has been enumerated, and if a sentence consists of more than one member then they are labeled as (a) (b) and so forth. Text (1) (1)(a)44For I am the LORD your God, (b) ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves,(2) (a)and ye shall be holy; (b) for I am holy: (c) neither shall ye defile yourselves with any manner of creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.,(3) (a) 45For I am the LORD that bringeth you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God, (b) ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy. Leviticus 11:44,45 10

17 The Analysis The context of this text is that the Lord orders Moses and Aaron to explain to Israelites that they must be holy, and abstain from all these objects of defilement, to communicate with him. In this context, the Lord also reminds them of how he delivered them from the land of bondage and helps them. Felicity Conditions of Persuasion 1.Propositional content condition:utterances p1, p2 and p3 constitute the elementary speech acts, in which a commitment is undertaken to the propositions expressed. That is Moses and Aaron try to persuade Israelites in the following propositions: (p1)for I am the LORD your God: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves, (p2)ye shall be holy; for I am holy: neither shall ye defile yourselves with any manner of creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth (p3) For I am the LORD that bringeth you up out of the land of Egyp, to be your God: ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy. 2. Essential condition: The performance of the constellation of speech acts that consists of the elementary speech acts counts as an attempt to convince Israelites of the acceptability of the standpoint. 4. Preparatory conditions:moses and Aaron believe that Israelites may accept (p1, p2and p3) as an acceptable justification. 5.Responsibility conditions: Moses and Aaron believe that the propositions expressed in (p1, p2 and p3) are acceptable. Clause Relations Table (4.1) Clause Relation in Text (1) 11

18 Types of clause relation Number Grammatical relation marker Cause-effect/reason-result (1) (a) + (b) therefore is used to provide reasons to convince the listener. Bonding /coupling (1)+ (2) and is used to add information to support the persuasion process Cause-effect/reason -result (2) (a)+ (b) for which is interpreted as because,also used to give more reassons. Alternation/contrastive alternation Cause-effect/means -result (2) (b) + (c) (3) (a) + (b) neither indicates that the Lord orders them to be morally clean and holy. for,and therefore are used to provide reasons to support the idea. Strategies Used In the first sentence the main strategy of persuasion used is the strategy of repetition which is realized through repeating the phrase I am the Lord, which is repeated to emphasize God s authority and holiness which is repeated in (1) (a) and (3) (a). Moreover, the phrase for I am holy is also repeated in (1) (a) and (3) (b) to emphasize the idea of God s holiness and credibility. Moreover, the other strategy used is quasilogical which is used in the all three sentences, which is realized through the use of logical connectives therefore and for. They involve cause /effect relation to provide logical explanations for convincing the listener. Authority strategy is also used in the text in through using I am in (1) (a), which reflect the authority, credibility and the holiness of the speaker. It is also 12

19 repeated in (2) (a) and (3) (a) and (b). This strategy is also realized through using the imperative structure be holy. Reciprocity strategy is used as a powerful persuasive strategy as it is realized through the use of I am the LORD that bringeth you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God. That is God delivered them from the land of bondage to the land of freedom. This technique of persuasion creates a sense of obligation on the people to be holy and obey God. Table (4.2) persuasive strategy in text (1) Strategy Proposition Realization 1 Repetition -For I am the LORD your God Repeting I am the Lord - For I am the LORD that bringeth you 2 Repetition -.and ye shall be holy;.for I am holy. Repeating holy - therefore be holy,. for I am holy. 3 Quasilogical ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves. By Using the logical connective therefore 4 Quasilogical ye shall therefore be holy By using land of Egypt Setting/conduct- event/state location relation 5 Reciprocity For I am the LORD that bringeth you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God Imperative structure 6 Authority therefore be holy Through using the pronoun 7 Authority I am the LORD I which indicates authority. 13

20 Text: 2 (1) (a) 4 Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, (b)and how I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself. (2) (a)now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, (b) then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: (3) (a) for all the earth is mine: (b) 6 And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel. ". Exodus 19:4-6 The Analysis The context of this text is that Prophet Moses addresses peoples of Israel.He conveys the message of God and tries to persuade them to obey him by reminding them of what God had done for them, and present some proof or evidence,like, the plagues he brought upon them in Egypt, and the destruction of them at the Red sea; these things they were eyewitnesses of, and therefore must be under obligation to obey God. In the same text, God speaks to Prophet Moses and tells him that he brought him to the mountain, where he has appeared to him, and this acts is considered as a way of convincing him, and a sign of the truth of his mission. Felicity Conditions of Persuasion 1. Propositional content condition: Utterances p1, p2, p3 constitute the elementary speech acts in which a commitment is undertaken to the propositions expressed. That is, Prophet Moses conveys the message of God in the following propositions: (p1)ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself. (p2) Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above 14

21 all people: (p3) for all the earth is mine: And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. 2. Essential condition:the performance of the constellation of speech acts that consists of the elementary speech acts P1, P2 and P3 counts as an attempt by Prophet Moses to convince the listeners of the acceptability of his standpoint. 3. Preparatory conditions:prophet Moses believes that the people of Israel is prepared to accept (p1,p2,p3) as an acceptable justification. 4. Responsibility conditions: People of Israel believe that the propositions expressed in (p1,p2,p3) are acceptable. Clause Relations Table (4.3) Clause Relation in Text (2) Types of clause relation Numbers Grammatical relation marker Bounding / coupling (1) (a) +( b) and is used to add information to support the persuasion process Cause effect/means purpose Truth and validity / statement- affirmation (1) + (2) therefore, explains the reasons to convince the listener. (2)(a) + (b) if this relation explains the promise to People of Israel. Cause effect/reason-result (3) (a) + (b) for explains the reasons to convince the listener. Strategies Used 15

22 In the first sentence, the strategy of logo is used.that is, Prophet Moses tries to persuade people by the use of informations or reasons, by reminding the people of what God has done for them,( the plagues he brought upon them in Egypt, and the destruction of them at the Red Sea).This is deemed as a reason to justify his proposition. The first sentence includes bounding clause relation used to add information to back his persuasion, by using the grammatical clause relation and. Symbolic strategy (metaphor) is also used in the first sentence, when he uses (eagles' wings).this figure of speech shows tenderness of God for people. He uses this figure of speech to state that when young eagles are first fledged, the eagle s mother is said to assist them in their flight by flying beneath them, so that they may settle upon its wings or back, if necessary. This means that God is the bestowed upon his people, he gives them the same tender and powerful care and saved them from disaster. In the second sentence, he uses the quasilogical strategy through using the structural and vocabulary items of formal logic to reflect that his proposition is logically convenient, and to make the people of Israel feel impossible not to accept Prophet Moses s conclusions, through the use of the logical connective therefore.presentation strategy is also used, realized through using the rhetorical deixis now in all the earth is mine. That is, Prophet Moses tells people if they obey God fully and keep his covenant, then out of all nations they will be his treasured possession. In the second sentence Prophet Moses uses commitment strategy, when he promises them if they obey God laws he will rewards them and choose them from the rest of the people.this strategy is realized by using the clause relation (truth and validity) and the grammatical relation marker indicated by (if). 16

23 In the third sentence, authority strategy is used when God illustrates to people that although the whole earth is his, people will be for him a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. This shows the authority and power of God upon people. This strategy is used because people tend to believe and listen to those who are trustworthy and knowledgeable, and here the speaker has great and holiness authority that people can trust him,so they change their attitudes and ideas. This strategy is realized through using the pronoun mine which indicates ownership, that is, the earth cannot be owned by any one expect by God. Table (4.4) Persuasive Strategy in Text (2) Strategy Proposition Realization 1 Logo Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians,,and how I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself 2 Figurative language how I bare you on eagles' wings 3 Quasilogical therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, 4 Presentation Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people 5 Commitment if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people 6 Logo for all the earth is mine 17 and adds more evidence and reasons using metaphor Using the logical connective therefore By using rhetorical deixis now By using the clause relation truth and validity which is realized through using the grammatical marker if which shows the benefits they will have if they obey God using the clause relation truth and validity which is realized through using the grammatical

24 marker for. 7 Authority all the earth is mine using the pronoun mine which expresses ownership that the earth cannot be owned by any one expect by God. Text:3 (1) (a) 46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord,(b) and do not the things which I say? (2)(a) 47 Whosoever cometh to me,(b) and heareth my sayings, and doeth them,(3) (a)i will shew you to whom he is like: (b) 48 He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: (c) when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: (d)for it was founded upon a rock. 49 (4) (a)but he that heareth, and doeth not, (b)is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, (c) immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great. Luke 6:46-49 The Analysis The context of this text is that Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H.) advises people and tries to persuade them to obey God s words, in the beginning.he blames them and tells them why do you call me, `Lord, Lord,' and do not follow what I say. He explains his point through an example. That is, he says such people who hear his speech but do not follow it, they are like a man building a house, which dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. But the one who hears his words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation so it can be destroyed easily. 18

25 Felicity Conditions of Persuasion 1.Propositional content condition: Utterances p1, p2, p3andp4 constitute the elementary speech acts in which a commitment is undertaken to the propositions expressed. That is Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H.) tries to persuade people in the following propositions: (P1) why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? (P2) Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will show you to whom he is like: (P3) He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock.(p4) But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great. 2. Essential condition: The performance of the constellation of speech acts that consists of the elementary speech acts counts as an attempt by Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H.) to convince people of the acceptability of his standpoint. 3.Preparatory conditions: Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H.) believes that people is prepared to accept (p1, p2,p3 and p4) as an acceptable justification. 4.Responsibility conditions: People believe that the propositions expressed in (p1,p2,p3 and p4) are acceptable. Clause Relations Table (4.5) Clause Relation in Text (3) Types of clause relation Numbers Grammatical relation marker Bonding /contrastive coupling (1) (a) + (b) and, is used to add information to support the 19

26 persuasion process Bonding /coupling (2) (a) + (b) and, is used to back and support the persuader. Bonding /statement (3) (a)+(b) like explains the idea exemplification through an example. Temporal /temporal overlap (3) (b) + (c) when, explains more details about the example. Cause-effect /means-purpose (3) (c) + (d) for, is used to explain the example through reasoning. Bonding/contrastive coupling (3) +(4) but, explains the different types of person in the example mentioned,who is in contrast to the one in the previous sentences. Bonding /statement exemplification (4) (a)+(b) like, is explains the idea which expressed through an example. Setting/ conduct (4) (b)+ (c) Immediately, expresses the manner in which an event was conducted in the example mentioned. Strategies Used In the first sentence, Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H.) uses rhetorical question strategy of persuasion, which implies asking question not for purpose of eliciting an answer but for the purpose of asserting something "Why do you call me, `Lord, Lord,' and do not listen to what I say?. This strategy asserts the idea that people hear God s words but they do not obey them. The relation in(1) (a) + (b) expresses a Bonding relation which implies a; contrastive coupling that is, in (a) people calls God while in (b) they do not obey him also, (1) (a) the speaker uses the strategy of repetition when he repeats Lord,Lord to emphasis the idea that people make use of his name and authority and do not obey the things which God 20

27 say; or command; and they neither obey God, nor observe his commands. therefore such words would be of no use to them, since In the third sentence, the speaker resorts to the strategy of figurative language, to give a clear picture for his ideas and to make it easy to understand. That is, he uses simile in I will show you to whom he is like. This strategy is signalled by the lexical item like. That is, he compares the person who hears God s words and puts them into practice and follows them down deep and laid the foundation on rock. is like a man building a house, who dug Similarly, in sentence four, the strategy of figurative language is also used to describe the person who hears God words and does not puts them into practice and follows them is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation which is easily destroyed. In the fourth sentence,the speaker appeals to logic in (4) (b)+ (c) through Cause-effect relation. That is,he tries to persuade the listener through presenting logical reasoning through the example mentioned,and tells people if a person builds a house on the ground without a foundation it will absolutely easily destroyed. Strategies Used Table (4.6) Persuasive Strategy in Text (3) Strategy Proposition Realization 1 Rhetorical question "Why do you call me Using the wh-word 2 Repetition Lord, Lord,' and do not what I say 3 Figurative language /simile He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock Why Repeating the word lord to emphasize the idea. The word like, to explains the idea through an example. 21

28 5 Appeals to logic without a foundation immediately it fell The cause effect relation in the example is used to clearly the idea. 5.2 Conclusions The present study has come up with the following conclusions: 1. Authority strategy of persuasion is the most common one, since most Biblical texts are delivered from higher and holy status like God, Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H.) and Prophet Moses. People tend to listen and believe those who are acknowledgeable and trustworthy. This verifies the first hypothesis 2. Pragmatic analysis of different types of persuasive strategy facilitates understanding the communicative intention of religious text. It seems that most strategies of persuasion used in the analyzed texts is clarified through specific type of clause relation, for example the logo strategy is realized in most cases by the cause effect relation, and it is characterized by the lexical marker for, so and then. And it is also realized through bonding clause relation realized by the lexical item and and but. This relation is used to add information and data for more persuasive effect. This verifies the second hypothesis. 3. Most strategies are used for the sake of advising, teaching and giving explanations to promote particular values and change recipient's opinions and attitudes, among these strategies are repetition, symbolism language, pathos and logo. This verifies the third hypothesis. 4. The dominant type of covert strategies of persuasion, is the symbolic language strategy (figurative language), they help to make abstract ideas 22

29 easier to comprehend and create specific link to some experiences or concepts about which people have strong feelings. Thus, the actual words used in this strategy cannot be taken literary because it represents semantic shift of words and phrases that expresses the beauty of the language as well as the creativity of the author.its goal is to effect the receiver and make him infer the message. References - Allinson, R. E. (2005). Saving human lives: Lessons in management ethics. Dordrecht: Springer. -Burgoon,M.,Hunsaker,F.G.&Dawson,E.J.(1994).Human ed.thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ommunication.3rd -Brown, P. &. Levinson S. C. (1987). Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -Beasley, R., & Danesi, M. (2002). Persuasive signs: The semiotics of advertising. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. - Cegala, D.J.(1987) Persuasive Communicatio : Theory and Practice, 3 rd ed. Edina, MN: Burgess Intern - Cialdini, R (2001), Influence: Science and Practice, 4 th Edition, Allyn & Bacon. - Cacioppo, J. and Petty, R. (1979), Effects of Message Repetition and Position on Cognitive Response, Recall, and Persuasion Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 37, Crystal, D. and Davy, D. (1988). Investigating English Style. London: Longman. 23

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