WorkPackage 1 The Courseware for European networking junior engineer profile (A Vocational Training Course proposal) *-*-*

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1 DRAFT Veerrss ioon i 1 WorkPackage 1 The Courseware for European networking junior engineer profile (A Vocational Training Course proposal) *-*-* Leonardo E.C.N.L. WorkPackages Abssttrraacc tt WP1 Courseware profile WPP2 -- E_leaarrnni inng WPP3 aa-- PPerrssoonnaal l aannd vvooccaa ttioonnaal l sskilll aannaal lyyssi iss,, WPP3 bb -- PPoorrttffool lioo WPP4 -- PPaa rrtticci ipaa ttivve maannaagemenn tt WPP5 -- Evvaal luuaa ttioonn ((aassssessssmenn tt)). Wp6 -- Syyl llaabuuss WPP7 -- Diss sseminnaa ttioonn WPP8 -- Web Gaa tte Leonardo da Vinci project: agreement N.[I/01/B/F/PP ] [This project was financed by the European Commission - Directorate General for Education and Culture] [The content of this project does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission or of the National Agency, nor does it involve any responsibility on their part]

2 Indice 0. Introduction (background and Job Areas) 1. data Communications Engineer job area description - Itroduction - Data Communications Engineer s activities: - Data Communication Engineer s knowledge: - Data Communication Engineer s skills: 2.Professional profile: 3. Fundamental activities related to the professional profile - basics activityes profile 4. Minimum skill set 5. Skill profile description 6. Correlation between professional profile and ECNL certificate. - A.1.1 Networking and data communication basics - A.2.1 LAN TECHNOLOGY - A.3.1 WAN Technology - A.4.1 Internetworking - A.5.1 Laboratory Skills - B.1.1 Network Operating System - D - Wireless Inter-Networking - E. Corporate network implementation 7- An example of professional profile 8. Capitalizable Units system and credits: general characteristics. 9. Example of professional profile (Italian case study) - Synopsis of the professional profile - Detailed description of the professional profile Example of professional profile (French case study) Example of professional profile (Slovak case study) Example of professional profile (Rumenian case study) Example of professional profile (Austrian case study) WP1_courseware.doc Pagina 2 di 49

3 0. Introduction (background and Job Areas 1 ) The Leonardo_ECNL project was approved by the European Community with the aim of performing a feasibility study on a proposal for a Networking European Certification and outlining a possible educational model for young people seeking their first job opportunity, as well as already employed adults (Life Long Learning). Il progetto Leonardo_ECNL è stato approvato dalla Comunità Europea con l intento di realizzare lo studio di fattibilità di una proposta di certificazione europea del networking ed evidenziare un modello di formazione possibile per giovani in cerca di primo impiego e per adulti già occupati (Life Long Learning). As mutually agreed by project partners, the educational model to be designed will refer to professional areas (job areas) already defined by the European Community. The main issue thus consists in defining, in agreement with other countries participating in the project, professional profiles within a well-defined technological area, for which a syllabus for skills certification has been already established (refer to workpackage 6 for further details). The relevant technological area regards wired and wireless networks, as well as network operating system. Various educational profiles within this professional area, with varying degree of detail, have been considered. Arguments covered by this project are therefore internetworking, network administration and design of both LAN and WAN networks. The design of common educational pathways and the sharing of skills identification among different European countries will lay the basis for transversal educational systems; in this way, the various European educational systems, while having different origins and histories, will be able to establish common and homogeneous professional standards throughout Europe. This will account for the effective recognition of academic degrees and educational credits in all European countries. Il modello di formazione da progettare, concordato fra i diversi partner, farà riferimento ad aree professionali (job area) già definite dalla Comunità europea. Il lavoro consiste pertanto del definire e concordare fra i paesi partner del progetto declinazioni di profili professionali su un area tecnologica ben precisa e rispetto alla quale è già stato definito un syllabus di certificazione di competenze (vedasi riferimento workpackages 6). L area tecnologica di riferimento abbraccia le reti fisse e mobili ed i sistemi operativi di rete. Si è voluto pensare anche a diversi percorsi di studio nell area professionale strutturando il lavoro su diversi livelli di approfondimenti. Sono state pertanto anche affrontate le problematiche legate all internetworking ed alla comunicazione fra reti, alla amministrazione ed al progetto di reti LAN e di reti WAN. Progettare e concordare percorsi formativi comuni e definire competenze condivise fra diversi paesi europei, significa gettare le premesse per una trasversalità fra i sistemi di formazione, che pur avendo origine e storie diverse, tendono alla formazione di un livello di professionalità comune ed omogeneo in tutta Europa. Ciò significa anche rendere effettivo il riconoscimento dei titoli di studio conseguiti ed il riconoscimento dei crediti formativi. WP1_courseware.doc Pagina 3 di 49

4 References: 1. The term job area denotes the minimum set of activities and acquires skills objective of an educational pathway 2. As far as professional profiles are regarded, in agreement with partners, we will refer to the European job area Data Communication Engineering ; a description of this job area can be found at the Web site 3. Within the Italian scenario, we will refer to the profile termed TECNICO SUPERIORE PER LE TELECOMUNICAZIONI, which is depicted at and in the MIUR Web site Riferimenti: 1. Vengono indicate con il termine di job area, un insieme di attività e competenze che costituiscono il risultato minimo in esito ai percorsi formativi 2. In considerazione delle caratteristiche del profilo professionale, d intesa con i partner, si è deciso di fare riferimento alla job area europea Data Comminication Engineering, della quale si potranno trovare i riferimenti al sito Internet In modo analogo per l Italia il profilo di riferimento è quello indicato come TECNICO SUPERIORE PER LE TELECOMUNICAZIONI, consultabile all indirizzo ed al sito del MIUR all indirizzo: ) Professional profile: Expert technician in networking and routing/ European Networking junior engineer 1. Integration and Test Engineering 2. ICT Marketing Management 4. System Specialist 5. Software and Applications Development 7. Communications Network 8. Data Communications Design Engineering 10. Software Architecture and Design 13. Radio Frequency (R.F.) Engineering 16. Research and Technology Development 3. Multimedia Design 6. IT Business Consultancy 9. Product Design 11. DSP (Digital Signal 12. Digital Designer Processing) Applications Design 14. Technical Support 15. ICT Project Management 17. ICT Management 18. ICT Sales Management [1]: [Career Space is sponsored by BT, Cisco Systems, IBM Europe, Intel, Microsoft Europe, Nokia, Nortel Networks, Philips Semiconductors, Siemens AG, Telefónica S.A., Thales, and EICTA, the European Information, Communications and Consumer Electronics Industry Technology Association and by the European Commission and CEDEFOP. WP1_courseware.doc Pagina 4 di 49

5 Project management and co-ordination is provided by ICEL, International Co-operation Europe Limited. It is supported by CEN/ISSS, the European standardisation body for the information society, EUREL, the Convention of National Societies of Electrical Engineers of Europe, e- skills NTO, the UK national training organisation for ICT, and over twenty universities and technical institutions across Europe.]. 1. data Communications Engineer job area description The professional profile that we are going to describe belongs to the following technical job areas: transmission media (wired and wireless) and hardware interfaces real-time Operating Systems I.P. distributed algorithms WWW (for instance http, cgi, Browsers, Servers) UNIX, network analysis and simulation R.F. backbone architectures Introduction La figura professionale che verrà descritta nel seguito raccoglie le seguenti aree di competenza: transmission media (wired and wireless) ed interfacce hardware sistemi operativi real-time I.P. distributed algorithms WWW (es., http, cgi, browsers, servers) UNIX, e simulazione ed analisi network R.F. architettura backbone (dorsali) WP1_courseware.doc Pagina 5 di 49

6 INTRODUCTION Data communications will ultimately enable access to the information society. Data communications is in fact a common platform across different technologies and applications. Users increasing demand for faster transmission requires higher bandwidth and greater security at a lower cost, given the competitive nature of this market. Voice, moving images and text, in digital format, need to be seamlessly integrated. a) Data Communications Engineer Activity The Data Communications Engineer is responsible for designing, implementing, testing and maintaining all network management systems and network devices, i.e. hub/switch/router, required to enable information transmission. Moreover, he/she is responsible for connecting end-user terminals, such as PC, to LANs and WANs. The Data Communications Engineer must interact with the client in order to identify user requisites on network architecture and services (e.g. mobility, Voice over IP, video conference, Fax over IP). He/she must then choose a suitable network architecture in order to satisfy user requirements, simulate, design, implement and test such architectures, and finally plan the acquisition and/or construction of network devices and the integration of available enabling technologies in order to build innovative solutions. b) Required knowledge for the Data Communications Engineer profile This professional profile requires knowledge on available network protocols and devices, as well as emerging theories and best practices in the field of networking. Moreover, business and project management know-how is of paramount importance in order to design cost-effective solutions to face the ever-increasing demand for bandwidth. This is a technical career, well-suited for people who want to exploit I.C.T. to create innovative solutions to support information transmission and enterprise management systems. c) Required skills for the Data Communications Engineer profile Good learning abilities, great predisposition for changes, creativity, a desire for lifetime learning and technical challenges, and the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in designing practical solutions, are essential prerequisites for people who wish to enter I.C.T. as a career. Team building and team working aptitudes are also of paramount importance in order effectively manage or cooperate within a team. Time management and leadership are also essential qualities in order to ensure convergence of each team component s efforts towards the common goal and timely compliance with delivery terms, especially during the final phases of product development, which are the most critical since the integration of contributions of various engineers involved in the project is required. Finally, communicative and relational skills are essential for effective customer relationships management. The development of information communications systems requires extensive collaboration with colleagues; therefore, a deep sense of responsibility, as well as ability in assigning priority, is of paramount importance. WP1_courseware.doc Pagina 6 di 49

7 2.Professional profile ( 1 ): In the following, a general description of the professional profile denoted as European Junior Networking Engineer will be given. [1: A professional profile is usually defined on the basis of actual professional needs. Minimal standards are thus combined with additional skills and knowledge, as required by the specific job/task to undertake. At the end of the present workpackage, some examples of actual professional profiles from different countries participating in this project will be shown.] Nel seguito viene effettuata la descrizione generale di un profilo professionale che viene indicato con il nome di european networking junior engineer (tecnico europeo junior del networking). [1: in realtà il profilo professionale, viene normalmente definito sulla base dei fabbisogni professionali locali. Esso è pertanto il risultato dell implementazione degli standard minimi con competenze aggiuntive e specifiche che rispondono alle esigenze locali. Al termine del presente workpackages, verranno pertanto declinati alcuni esempi di profili professionali dei singoli paesi partecipanti al progetto] He/she works and cooperate in the design, configuration, operation and maintenance (both from a hardware and software viewpoint) of LAN and/or WAN networks. He/she employs his/her knowledge of transmission media, network protocols and devices, determining the appropriate network topology and architecture in order to satisfy user requirements. He/she is responsible for constant update on new and emerging technologies, also considering the fast and steady market evolution towards mobile networks and devices. He/she is aware of national and international standards and regulations. He/she designs and implements both LAN and WAN networks, and adopts proper solutions to ensure network security. He/she understands underlying principles of public and private telephone networks. Opera e collabora nell ambito delle attività di progetto, configurazione, gestione, manutenzione (hw e sw) e supporto delle reti di telecomunicazione di tipo locale (LAN) e/o geografico (WAN). Utilizza le conoscenze dei mezzi trasmissivi, dei protocolli e dei dispositivi di comunicazione, definendone l impiego in funzione dei requisiti espressi dagli utenti e della topologia appropriata. Cura il costante aggiornamento sulle tecnologie emergenti anche alla luce della rapida e consistente evoluzione del mercato verso le reti che impiegano dispositivi di elaborazione mobili. Conosce le norme e gli standard nazionali ed internazionali. Progetta e realizza reti LAN e WAN, sviluppa problematiche di sicurezza. Conosce le linee telefoniche pubbliche e private. WP1_courseware.doc Pagina 7 di 49

8 3. Fundamental activities related to the professional profile Fundamental activities related to the professional profile To understand and use proper technical English; To understand personal computer architecture and configure system software and network operating systems (Unix/Linux based servers and clients, Microsoft Windows based systems); To identify and properly configure network devices; To analyze users and resources local interconnection demands; To perform technical feasibility studies and cost estimates; To evaluate and select among different hardware and software technologies; To satisfy network optimization, scalability, interoperability and upgrade needs; To design and implement remote interconnection networks; To analyze users ad resources remote interconnection demands and perform feasibility studies and cost estimates; To evaluate different technical solutions in terms of reliability and adherence to user requirements; Attività fondamentali della figura Comprendere e utilizzare la Lingua Inglese Tecnica; Comprendere l architettura di un personal computer e utilizzare e configurare i software di base ed i sistemi operativi di rete ( server e client Unix/Linux e Microsoft Windows); Individuare e programmare i componenti di una rete, le loro peculiarità e caratteristiche; Analizzare le esigenze di interconnessione locale di utenti e risorse. Definizione del progetto di fattibilità tecnica e di valutazione dei costi. Valutazione e scelta delle soluzioni tecniche e tecnologiche (hardware e software) più adeguate Gestire esigenze di ottimizzazione, scalabilità, interoperabilità ed aggirnamento della rete. Progettare ed implementare una rete per interconnessioni remote Analizzare le esigenze di interconnessione remota, definire la fattibilità tecnica e di valutazione dei costi. Valutare la scelta delle soluzioni tecniche e tecnologiche più adeguate ed affidabili; To understand the underlying principles of the ISO/OSI protocol stack and standards; Conoscere gli standard OSI e le problematiche connesse; To install and configure TCP/IP networks, as well as TFTP, DHCP, DNS, FTP, , etc.. servers; To configure network routing and naming services; To perform configuration and management operations on both LAN and WAN routers and switches; To understand issues related to access to public and private networks for data Installare e configurare una rete TCP/IP, i server TFTP, DHCP, DNS, FTP, Posta, etc. Configurare una rete di calcolatori rispetto alle funzionalità di instradamento (routing) e di gestione dei nomi (name server); Eseguire operazioni di configurazione e di gestione di router e switch per reti LAN e WAN; Conoscere le problematiche di accesso alle reti pubbliche e private nella trasmissione WP1_courseware.doc Pagina 8 di 49

9 transmission (PSTN, xdsl, FR, ATM); To employ and configure wireless devices; To adopt security mechanisms in both LAN and WAN environments; To utilize fault detection tools; dati (PSTN, xdsl, ISDN, F.R., ATM.); Utilizzare e configurare dispositivi wireless; Utilizzare le tecnologie di sicurezza per reti locali e geografiche; Utilizzare strumenti diagnostici. To perform network troubleshooting, provide technical supports to users and undertake proper actions for fault recovery and network upgrade. Realizzare il trobleshooting di rete: applicare metodologie e strumenti diagnostici ed euristici, gestire il supporto tecnico all'utenza, identificare le procedure necessari per l intervento hardware e software; 4. Minimum skill set WP1_courseware.doc Pagina 9 di 49

10 Minimum skill set (Minimal educational objectives) To know hardware devices used in data transmission and telecommunications systems; To master user-oriented operating systems (on the client side); To master network-oriented operating systems (on the server side); To be aware of existing standards and of standardization institutions; To be aware of the most commonly used network architectures in both office and automation environments; To be aware of available information transmission techniques in the different network architectures; To understand and employ network project methodologies and structured cabling techniques; To understand and employ internal security mechanisms (Mirroring, backup, virus protection) To be able to protect a network against unauthorized access and external attacks (accounts and password management, cryptography, firewalls); To understand routing protocols and master router operating systems (Cisco IOS and other vendors); To master switch operating systems (of Cisco and other vendors devices); To be aware of network monitoring systems and techniques. Insieme minimo di competenze (Obiettivi minimi di conoscenza) Conoscere l hardware informatico e telematico necessario per i sistemi di trasmissione dati e di telecomunicazioni; Conoscere e saper utilizzare agevolmente i S.O. orientati all'utente finale (lato Client ); Conoscere e saper utilizzare agevolmente i sistemi operativi orientati alla rete (lato Server); Sapere quali sono gli standard di comunicazione esistenti e gli enti preposti alla loro definizione; Sapere quali sono i tipi di rete usate negli uffici e nelle fabbriche moderne Sapere quali sono le tecniche di trasferimento di informazioni tra reti diverse Saper usare i metodi per la progettazione di una rete e la realizzazione di un cablaggio strutturato; Saper usare i sistemi di sicurezza interna: Mirroring, Backup, Antivirus Saper usare i sistemi di sicurezza esterna: Password, Account, Chiavi di cifratura, Firewall; Conoscere il sistema di Routing delle reti Conoscere i sistemi operativi reali di router (IOS-Cisco ed altri vendors); Conoscere i sistemi operativi reali di Switching (Cisco ed altri vendors) Conoscere i sistemi di monitoraggio. WP1_courseware.doc Pagina 10 di 49

11 5. Skill profile description Given the specification of a computer network, the European junior networking engineer must be able to design and implement the network and to do hardware and software maintenance. Specifically, the network engineer must be able to: - design a computer network in an enterprise, school or campus environment according to international structured cabling regulations; - implement a LAN cabling, compliant to both safety regulations and network standards; - provide network maintenance; - install and configure data transmission devices (modem) on PSTN, ISDN, FR, ATM and X.25 networks; - install and configure network devices (e.g. hubs, routers, bridges, switches); - be aware of topology and architecture of public and private telecommunications networks (PSTN, ISDN, X.25, ATM, etc.); - enforce safety regulations; - manage shared network resources; - identify users and grant access privileges accordingly; - employ proper technical lexicon; - diagnose faults and conflicts in the network; - utilize proper instruments for identification of network failures; - master network protocols, transmission medias, network models and standards; - master connection protocols and IP addressing techniques; - configure and maintain and file transfer (FTP) services; - utilize discussion means over the Internet (newsgroup, chat, forum, etc.); Descrizione del sapere II "tecnico europeo junior del networking", avendo a disposizione le specifiche di una rete di computer, sarà in grado di realizzarla, renderla operativa ed effettuare su di essa eventuali interventi di manutenzione hardware e software. In particolare il tecnico sarà in grado di: - progettare una rete in azienda, scuola, università secondo le norme internazionali del cablaggio strutturato; - cablare una rete locale, seguendo le regole del cablaggio strutturato, operando secondo le normative di sicurezza; - eseguire interventi di manutenzione sulla rete; - installare e configurare apparati di trasmissione dati (modem) su linee PSTN, ISDN, FR, ATM, X.25; - installare e configurare apparati di rete (management): hub, router, bridge, switch; - conoscere topologia e protocolli delle linee telefoniche pubbliche e private (PSTN, ISDN, X.25, ATM, etc ); - comprendere le norme di installazione e le norme antinfortunistiche; - sovrintendere la condivisione delle risorse della rete; - identificare gli utenti e gestire i permessi di accesso; - conoscere e utilizzare la terminologia tecnica specifica del settore; - diagnosticare i guasti e i conflitti nella rete; - utilizzare la strumentazione idonea alla diagnosi dei malfunzionamenti; - conoscere protocolli di comunicazione, mezzi di trasmissione, modelli e standard; - conoscere e utilizzare i protocolli di connessione e gli indirizzi Internet; - utilizzare e gestire i servizi e i protocolli di posta elettronica e di WP1_courseware.doc Pagina 11 di 49

12 - master the TCP/IP protocol suite; - install, configure and maintain network servers (TFTP, DCHP, DNS, FTP, , etc..); master the HTTP protocols and HTTP-based programs (browsers and search engines); - install and configure network management software (network operating systems, Unix/Linux, Windows 2000); - ensure network security (protection against viruses, firewall, security protocols, etc..); - work in a team; - conform to the basic rules of a work environment (being on time, selforganization, respect of roles); - know and conform to safety, accident prevention and sanitary regulations and, more generally, behave according to basic safety principles; - seek quality throughout process execution and control; - have an active aptitude towards chances of educational and professional growth at the workplace. trasferimento file (FTP); - intervenire in gruppi di lavoro e di discussione via Internet (newsgroup, chat, forum, ecc.) - conoscere e utilizzare i protocolli di rete (suite TCP/IP); - conoscere, gestire ed installare server di rete (TFTP, DCHP, DNS, FTP, posta, etc ); - conoscere i protocolli (HTTP) e i programmi che ne consentono l'accesso (browser, motori, di ricerca); - configurare e installare il software per la gestione della rete (sistemi operativi di rete, Unix/Linux, W_2000); - conoscere le procedure per la gestione della sicurezza delle reti (protezioni dai virus, fírewall, protocolli per la sicurezza, ecc.); - lavorare in gruppo, in un équipe di lavoro; - conoscere e applicare le più comuni regole di un ambiente di lavoro (puntualità, consapevolezza organizzativa, rispetto dei ruoli, ecc.); - conoscere e applicare le norme di antinfortunistica e igiene del lavoro, e in generale ispirare i propri comportamenti a principi di sicurezza; - tendere alla qualità del lavoro, in termini di esecuzione e controllo del processo o della parte di processo che gli viene affidata; - avere un atteggiamento attivo rispetto alle ulteriori occasioni formative e di crescita professionale sul luogo di lavoro; WP1_courseware.doc Pagina 12 di 49

13 6. Correlation between professional profile and ECNL certificate. The importance of correlating a professional profile with skill certifications arises from the fact that professional training constitutes the main way to obtain formal certification of acquired skills. The acquisition of additional, more advanced skills lays the basis for life-long learning, as repeatedly advocated by the European Community. The strict correlation between professional skills and certification objectives, shared by the different European countries, is an effective mean to make different European educational boards communicate with each other and define common minimum criteria in the technical training area. Il significato di mettere in correlazione il profilo professionale con la descrizione di una certificazione di competenze, sta nel fatto che la formazione professionale è il principale strumento che consente di acquisire l attestato formale della certificazione stessa. Conseguire elementi di professionalità nuovi e più avanzati è un modo di realizzare nel concreto quella ipotesi di formazione continua (Life Long Learning) ripetutamente propugnata dalla Comunità Europea. La stretta correlazione fra competenze professionali ed abilità da acquisire, con gli obiettivi della certificazione, condivisi fra i diversi paesi europei, è un modo efficace per mettere in comunicazione parti dei sistemi formativi dei diversi paesi europei e definire obiettivi minimi condivisi nell area della formazione tecnica. WP1_courseware.doc Pagina 13 di 49

14 The whole set of skills is mapped into the following Higher conceptual level of macro skill (Incremental Skill Unit ISU) A. Networking and data communication Standard units titles A.1.1 Networking and data Knowledge (Basic levels) communication basics A Signals and Systems, network and standard Competencies (how he/she does to do that he/she does) to provide a firm foundation in the physics of data communications and in the history of data communications development Signals and systems: Electric signals, waveforms, frequencies, analog-to-digital, noise, attenuation, digital encoding, character codes, modulation introduced, digital-to-analog, channels and bandwidths, multiplexing, normal and common mode, differential signals, ground loop, spike, surge, sag, oscillation. Data transmission: serial and parallel, synchronous and asynchronous, error-checking, simplex, half and full duplex, DTEs and DCEs, modems, codecs, and DSUs, interfaces, physical media, unbounded transmission, satellite transmission, transmission size and speed, transmission delay, frequency and bandwidth, in-band and out of band signalling Networks and Standards: PSTN and services, dial-up data links, dedicated links on- and off-line computing, host/terminal computing, distributed processing, network evolution, client/server computing, physical and logical network topologies, access methods, WAN switching methods, packet switching vs. circuit switching, introduction to standards, standards bodies, OSI model, TCP/IP model, Wireless link Activities. be able to; explain the fundamentals of signal theory, list modulation techniques and explain how each works, identify modes of transmission; describe the evolution of telecommunications networks, identify LAN and WAN components, appreciate the importance of standards bodies; explain and describe network architectures, topologies; WP1_courseware.doc Pagina 14 di 49

15 A.1.1 Networking and data communication basics A Protocol layers, OSI model, networking protocols Competencies to introduce the topologies, protocols, and strategies of networks; A.1.1 Networking and data communication basics A Transmission Media Competencies to identify the main transmission media types and their characteristics Knowledge (Basic levels) Layers and the OSI Model: principle of layering, the OSI model, physical layer standards, layers 2 concepts, technologies and protocols basics (bit-oriented DL protocols, HDLC and SDLC, HDLC, the 802 series, (LLC), (CSMA/CD), (Token Ring), FDDI), network, transport, session, presentation, application layers functions and protocols. Networking Protocols: ARCnet, AppleTalk, FDDI, Introduction to TCP/IP, TCP/IP model, the IP layer, IP protocol, IP addressing, network masking, subnetting, basics of IP routing, The transport layer (TCP and UDP), upper layer protocols, (introduction to NetWare, IPX.) Activities. to be able to: explain the principles of protocols and the OSI model in context, define standards at the physical layer of the OSI reference model and protocols at the datalink layer, define the major 802 standards as used in LANs,describe the functions of the upper and lower OSI layers; describe some non-ieee LAN lower-layer protocols, explain the TCP/IP protocols, discuss the NetWare protocol suite, discuss a range of proprietary networking protocol suites. Knowledge (Basic and intermediate levels) Transmission media Transmission media types, characteristics, standards, connectors, plugs, jacks, patch panels, coaxial cable, twisted Pair, TP category, optical fiber, wireless, tools Activities. to be able to identify each transmission media; compare the main types of media in terms of expense, interference, susceptibility, reliability, and security; chose the correct transmission media A. Networking and data communication A LAN TECHNOLOGY Knowledge (Basic and intermediate levels) WP1_courseware.doc Pagina 15 di 49

16 A LAN TECHNOLOGY Competencies to identify the main characteristics of LAN topologies and access techniques; to design and realise LANs Definition and characteristics, the LAN Standards: IEEE 802 Project, the LAN architecture, the LAN topologies, LLC protocol (IEEE 802.2), IEEE 802.3/Ethernet, IEEE 803.5/Token Ring, IEEE o 100VGAnyLAN, IEEE 802.3z, IEEE 802.3ab( Gigabit Ethernet), ISO 9314 o FDDI, IEEE o Wireless LAN, The LAN internetworking, VLAN, IEEE 802.1q Activities. to be able to: recognize a LAN and its characteristics, describe types of topology, explain various access methods, describe the process of base-band signaling; describe the purpose of IEEE 802 series in relation to the OSI model, know different types, protocols and realization rules of LANs and their evolutions; connect LANs using correct devices, principles and techniques of VLAN networking A. Networking and data communication A.3.1- WAN Technology Knowledge (Basic, intermediate and advanced levels) A WAN Technology Competencies To enjoy detailed knowledge of the objectives and operation of bridging and routing technologies -WAN Technology (Principles, architecture and standard) PSTN, SDH, ISDN, xdsl, Packet Switching -WANs: X.25 Network; Frame Relay; ATM. B-ISDN; protocols that characterize each type of WAN and that are used to transmit data from origin to destination (HDLC family protocols, PPP,PPP security, etc ); Internet and intranet. Multimedia architecture and technology; Protocols RSVP, RTP, RTCP, RTSP, SCTP.Videoconferencing technology: Protocols SIP, SDP, H.323 Activities to be able to: describe about the several WANs architectures, standards, technologies, services and applications; recognize the different protocols used about each WAN and the PDUs for each protocol (to use network analyzer) describe internet multimedia architecture and protocols WP1_courseware.doc Pagina 16 di 49

17 A. Networking and data communication A Internetworking Knowledge (Basic, intermediate and advanced levels) switching, bridging and routing principles; Bridge types (transparent bridge, ecc ); Bridging protocols; Switching techniques (Store and forward, fast forward, etc.); routing algorithms and protocols (RIP, IGRP, EIGRP, EGP, BGP, OSPF); Router; TCP/IP architecture and routing (TCP/IP Model, TCP/IP layers, introduction to Internet addressing, address Classes, subnetting and supernetting, routing and routers, routing protocols. TCP/IP internet, host-to-host and application protocols (telnet, FTP, SMTP, POP, WWW, NNTP, DNS). TCP/IP management (monitoring and control, management standards, standard MIB structure, the MIB object, the SNMP operation, the SNMP messages, SMNP v.2, RMON); NAT: Network address translation. Novell IPX, LAN Switching, Virtual LAN, Layers 3 switching A Internetworking Competencies to enjoy detailed knowledge of the objectives and operation of bridging and routing technologies Activities. To be able to describe how bridging and routing fits in the OSI model; describe different types of bridge and their operation mode; describe the router functions, compare routing with bridging and switching, explain the importance of addressing, distinguish between routed and routing protocols, outline the characteristics of routing protocols, evaluate and compare different routing protocols WP1_courseware.doc Pagina 17 di 49

18 A.5.1- Wireless Inter-Networking Knowledge (Basic, intermediate and advanced levels) Competencies In this course, the students will learn the fundamentals of wireless LANs and how to use one already installed wireless LAN Using and designing wireless LANs Competencies Required competencies are about different wireless (cellular) technologies, in order to set up a wireless LAN or a remote connection using mobile devices. In particular a basic knowledge on wireless technologies will be required for implementing and using a wireless solution in SOHO (small office home office) environment. Ability Describe standard and wireless Describe wireless topologies Describe security issues of wireless LANs Use a simple network GSM - GPRS - UMTS - Overview of mobile devices and PDAs (Personal Digital Assistant) - IEEE (DSSS and FHSS) Bluetooth Wireless security issues, mobile networks, mobile IP. Ability. To be able to: -set simple wireless network for home and small office; -set simple Wi Fi network for small public hot spots -to combine wired Wi - Fi network for home and office - wireless backbone ( or wired backbone ) - set a connection over GSM, GPRS and UMTS (when and where available); - an example of use could be a mobile connection to pop and/or http server - install a mobile LAN based on IEEE , in particular with point to point and access point based connection; also security aspects will be considered A. Networking and data communication A.6.1 Laboratory Skills Knowledge (Basic and intermediate levels) WP1_courseware.doc Pagina 18 di 49

19 A.6.1 shared Laboratory Skills (0 to 25) Labbs. 0 : background, 1: PC Hw and Sw, 2: OSI and TCP/IP Model, 3: cabling and use test equipment, 4: Structured cabling, 5: Network discovery and monitoring, 6: IP addressing and subnet mask, 7: Packets and frame analysing, 8: Router basic, 9: Router access and testing, 10: Router configuration, 11: Router set-up, 12: Router setup and routing, 13: router upgrade and backup, 14: switch basic, switch configuration 15- VLANs, 16: VLAN advanced and VLAN configuration, 17: routing protocols, 18: Access List, 19 WAN, 20 PPP, 21 - ISDN, Frame relay 22- Configure DNS Server, 23- Configure http server, 24- Configure ftp/tftp server, 25-Configure SMTP/POP3 server, 26-Configure DHCP server, 27 Configure Proxy server B. Network Operating System B.1.1 Network Operating System B Operating System basics -basic concept on Network Operating System and persona computer. -processes and thread -deadlock -memory management (mono and multiprogramming, virtual memory, memory pages management, algorithm for programs) -input and output (Hardware and I/O management, I/O drivers software management) -disk management -the file system (the files, the directory, file system implementation, file system examples) - multimedia operating system (audio code, video compression, multimedia process schedule, file system paradigms, cache managing) - distributed systems, multiprocessor systems; - security ( intrusions, accidental data losses, cryptography, user authentication, hacker attack to the system, protection mechanisms) - main Internet server description (DNS Server ; http server ; ftp/tftp server; SMTP/POP3 server; DHCP server Proxy server) WP1_courseware.doc Pagina 19 di 49

20 Competences Fundamental commandline features of a NOS Network Operating System environment including file system navigation, file permissions, the vi text editor, command shells, and basic network use. This course provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform administration tasks in a network. This course is suitable for people with no prior experience in system administration. Ability. To be able to: Log in and log off Navigate the environment file system Manipulate text files Create files and directories Change permissions of files and directories Identify and modify initialization files Use basic network CLI commands Use commands to search directories and files Systems Administration in a Networked Environment Add user accounts and grant access permissions to groups. Administer users and groups. Administer file resources and monitor access to it. Administer printer resources. Manage data storage. Back up and restore files and folders. Create and configure Internet zones. Configure Internet client and server side services Maintain and troubleshoot Internet services. WP1_courseware.doc Pagina 20 di 49

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