Bilaga 2: Sammanställning av SFO-miljöernas svar på vissa frågor

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1 Bilaga 2: Sammanställning av SFO-miljöernas svar på vissa frågor Förord Uppföljningen av de strategiska forskningsområdena (SFO) omfattar 43 miljöer. Denna bilaga innehåller miljöernas enkätsvar på vissa centrala frågor avseende verksamheten 2012, sorterade enligt de önskemål regeringen angav i uppdragen. Miljöernas fullständiga enkätsvar måste läsas för att få en rättvisande bild av vad som har skett inom miljöerna eftersom de har valt att lägga tonvikt på olika frågor. Följande sammanställning ger en övergripande totalbild av vad som skett inom satsningen, men är inget underlag för analys av enskilda miljöer. Nedan följer en beskrivning av vilka frågor regeringen lämnat i uppdraget. Under varje fråga specificeras vilka enkätfrågor myndigheterna har valt ut för att ge ett kortfattat svar på regeringens frågor. Regeringens fråga: Beskriv de samlade resurser som avsatts för det strategiska området. Svar enkätfråga C3a och C3b Regeringens fråga: Beskriv de huvudsakliga prioriteringar som under året. Svar enkätfråga Q1 Regeringens fråga: Beskriv den verksamhet som bedrivits under året Svar enkätfråga Q2 Regeringens fråga: Beskriv de väsentliga resultat som uppnåtts under året. Svar enkätfråga Q3 1 (153)

2 Innehåll Bilaga 2: Sammanställning av SFO-miljöernas svar på vissa frågor... 1 Förord Strategiskt forskningsområde: Cancer StratCan - Center for Integrated Cancer Studies at Karolinska Institutet - an environment for translational cancer research BioCARE - Biomarkers in Cancer Medicine Improving Health Care, Education and Innovation The U-Can Comprehensive Cancer Consortium Strategiskt forskningsområde: Diabetes Translational Program in Diabetes Research, Education and Care EXODIAB Excellence of Diabetes Research in Sweden Strategiskt forskningsområde: Effekter på naturresurser, ekosystemtjänster och biologisk mångfald BECC - Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate A multiscale, cross-disciplinary approach to the study of climate change effect on ecosystem services and biodiversity Strategiskt forskningsområde: Energi Chalmers Energy Initiative Bio4Energy StandUp Strategiskt forskningsområde: Epidemiologi Epidemiology: from mechanism to prevention, from surveillance to safety Epidemiology for Health (EpiHealth): for Innovation and Excellence in Open-Access, Basic-Translational and Applied Epidemiological Research Strategiskt forskningsområde: E-vetenskap Swedish e-science Research Centre essence An escience Collaboration Strategiskt forskningsområde: Havsmiljöforskning Ecosystem Approach to the Baltic Sea Ecosystem dynamics in the Baltic Sea in a changing climate perspective ECOCHANGE Strategiskt forskningsområde: Hållbart nyttjande av naturresurser Sustainable use of mineral resources securing the future (153)

3 8.2 Forests and other plants Strategiskt forskningsområde: IT och mobil kommunikation, inklusive framtida lösningar för kommunikation och ledningssystem ICT The Next Generation elliit the Linköping Lund Initiative on IT and Mobile Coummunication Strategiskt forskningsomtråde: Klimatmodeller ModElling the Regional and Global Eart system MERGE Modelling initiative of the Bert Bolin Centre for Climate Change Strategiskt forskningsområde: Materialvetenskap, inklusive funktionella material Strategic Initiative Materials Science International Interdisciplinary Materials Science Laboratory for Advanced Functional Materials Strategiskt forskningsområde: Molekylär biovetenskap Science for Life Laboratory a national resource center for high-throughput molecular bioscience SciLifeLab, Uppsala Strategiskt forskningsområde: Nanovetenskap och nanoteknik Chalmers Nano-initiative The nanometer Structure Consortium at Lund University Strategiskt forskningsområde: Neurovetenskap, inklusive hjärnans och nervsystemets sjukdomar Cognitive and Motor functions in Health and Disease during the Lifespan Multidisciplinary research focused on Parkinson s disease MultiPark Strategiskt forskningsområde: Politiskt viktiga geografiska regioner The Middle East in the Contemporary World Uppsala Russian Research Center Strategiskt forskningsområde: Produktionsteknik Sustainable Production Initiative XPRESS Initiative for excellence in production research Strategiskt forskningsområde: Stamceller och regenerativ medicin Center for Regenerativ Medicine National initiative on Stem Cells for Regenerativ Therapy Strategiskt forskningsområde: Säkerhet och krisberedskap Security Link Natural-Disaster Science (153)

4 19. Strategiskt forskningsområde: Transportforskning Chalmers Sustainable Transport Initiative TrenOp, Transport Research Environment with Novel Perspectives Strategiskt forskningsområde: Vårdforskning Toward Person-Centered Care in Long-term Illness: A Research Core Center Bridging Research and Practice for Better Health: The Comprehensive Care Science Centre U-CARE: Better Psychosocial Care at a Lower Cost? Evidence-based assessment and Psychosocial Care via Internet, a Swedish Example (153)

5 1. Strategiskt forskningsområde: Cancer Huvudansvarig myndighet: Vetenskapsrådet Samrådande myndighet: - År Total budget Avsättning till infrastruktur Budget efter avsättning StratCan - Center for Integrated Cancer Studies at Karolinska Institutet - an environment for translational cancer research Huvudsökande: Karolinska Institutet 100% a. Income of the strategic research environment 2012 (all income, Question C3a) b. Costs of the strategic research environment 2012 (regarding Government strategic research funding, Question C3b) a. b. Funding category Funding in SEK Cost type Cost i SEK Government strategic research funding Personell Co funding from main applicant higher education institution Running costs Co-funding from-co-applicant higher education institution High cost Equipment - Funding from collaborating research institutes Infrastructure running costs - Funding from other collaborators Other Costs Other external funding Totalt: Totalt: Please specify the types of funding sources included in "Other external funding" from the table above, together with a rough estimate of their relative contribution. (E.g. funding from public agencies, public research foundations, EU-framework programmes, other international funding, private non-profit organisations, or private companies). N.B an exhaustive list is not required. Our report structure involves a selective part of cancer research conducted at KI centered on the SFO funding. As in 2011, co-financing and scientific outcome stems from the ten principal investigators presented in the original application and the coordinators of the two Linnécenters and the three Thematic Translational Centers 5 (153)

6 focusing on cancer. In addition, this year five new principal investigators receiving StratCan support 2012 are reporting. Other external funding includes funding from: - Cancerfonden: 29% of other external funding - Vetenskapsrådet: 18% of other external funding - EU: 15% of other external funding - Stockholms Läns Landsting: 5% of other external funding - ALF-medel: 5% of other external funding Please state the main priorities within the environment in (Question Q1) Cancer research is one of the major research themes within Karolinska Institutet, involving a large number of research groups (about 150 groups of varying sizes) and several research centers, which are spread over many different departments and three geographical locations. The cancer research base is thus very broad and includes a number of groups that are internationally leading in their respective areas of cancer research. The Strategic Research program (StratCan) is based on several research groups, both within basic and clinical research, with the aim of taking the lead for joint cancer activities to promote internationally competitive cancer research at Karolinska Institute. Notably, the programme brings together the three Thematic Theme Centers and the two Linné centers within cancer research. In addition, StratCan connects with the National research school in clinical cancer research (NatiOn) and the cancer tissue biobanking initiative at Karolinska Institutet. Thus, the SFO funding is a unique opportunity to join different large efforts within cancer research and thereby obtain synergistic effects. The overall aim is the integration of basic and clinical cancer research, by building on and expanding the existing strength in cancer biology at Karolinska Institutet and promoting the translation of findings into clinical practice. StratCans major priorities during 2012: - Development and strengthening of research through the support of the human capital, especially young researchers. - Support to researchers that combine clinical practice and research to meet the increased need for competitive clinical cancer researchers. - Support to infrastructure that will facilitate high quality basic research and the translation of findings into clinical practice. - Establishment of strategic alliances with international cancer research environments of the highest quality, with industrial partners and with Stockholm county council. - Support to the education of a new generation of cancer researchers. - Establishment of a national strategic forum devoted to strengthening of cancer research and improved cancer prevention and treatment, together with the other two Swedish strategic research programs in cancer. - Development of industrial interaction and innovation. Please describe the major activities within the environment in (Question Q2) "During 2012, StratCan has continued the investment in the human capital by the distribution of research support, especially to young scientists and to clinical scientists. The two Young Investigator Awards and the ten positions in the post-doc program that were launched in 2011 continue the support of young talented scientists. Also the four research support directed towards clinical researchers that were awarded during (153)

7 were distributed during Another major activity for StratCan during 2012 has been the continued support to infrastructure that will facilitate high quality basic research and the translation of findings into clinical practice. During 2012, StratCan has established a pre-clinical test facility, which will maintain and develop relevant experimental mouse tumor models for target validation and pre-clinical testing. Importantly, it will also hold equipment and expertise for advanced state-of-the-art imaging of small animals. Another essential infrastructural activity influencing the possibility to perform high quality translational research has been the recruitment of an experienced mouse pathologist to Karolinska Institutet. Other infrastructural activities to strengthen early clinical research are the support of a research nurse at the Karolinska Trial Unit at the Karolinska University Hospital and a one-year support allowing the completion of a phase II clinical trial in leukemia. StratCan s vision is to establish strategic alliances with international cancer research environments of the highest quality, with industrial partners and with Stockholm county council. During 2012, discussions about collaboration have been ongoing with the MD Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas, the Mayo Clinic, Pfizer, Sanofi and with the Regional Cancer Center Stockholm-Gotland. During 2012, StratCan has initiated work to catalyze harmonization of tissue biobanking and implementation of a tumor characterization program, not only an important infrastructure for cancer research but also a key asset for future cancer diagnosis, treatment and care." Please describe the major results within the environment in (Question Q3) "During 2012, StratCan s efforts to strengthen the infrastructure at Karolinska Institutet to facilitate high quality basic research and the translation of findings into clinical practice have resulted in the establishment of a pre-clinical test facility. A dedicated lab manager has been recruited, most of the imaging equipment is in place and the build-up of the facility has started. In addition, an experienced mouse pathologist has been recruited to KI since April. StratCan s support to early clinical research and the research nurse at the Karolinska Trial Unit at the Karolinska University Hospital has resulted in that the Karolinska Trial Unit is now Phase I-certified. During 2012, StratCan has contributed to the strategic recruitment of the internationally renowned cancer scientist Randall Johnson. StratCan will continue the efforts to attract other top-level cancer scientists to KI. StratCan has taken the initiative for a national assembly of cancer researchers together with two additional SFO s, UCAN and BioCare. The aim is to co-operate on national strategic issues and to co-organize annual national cancer meetings. The first conference was held this year in Malmö. During 2012, StratCan has formed a strategic alliance with the Regional Cancer Center (RCC) Stockholm Gotland; StratCan is now RCC s research partner. The first joint task will be to co-finance work on the harmonization of tissue biobanking with implementation of a tumor characterization programand harmonization with patient characterization using patient records and quality registries. StratCan has for the second year organized a very successful Interactive Summer School for young scientists, again resulting in an excellent evaluation by the participants. The Summer School was international with five world-leading cancer researchers as invited lecturers and discussion leaders on the topic of Tumor 7 (153)

8 Immunology. From the many publications originating from the principal investigators of StratCan the following high impact publications during 2012 can be highlighted: - From Jussi Taipale s group comes a publication in Science on a gene regulatory element controlling intestinal tumor development in mice (Science 338 (6112): ). The same gene regulatory element contains a SNP that is associated with increased risk of developing human colorectal or prostate cancer. - Klas Wiman and collaborators are evaluating mutant p53 reactivation as a novel strategy for improved cancer therapy. The small molecule APR-246 (PRIMA-1Met) has been tested in a Phase I/II clinical trial in patients with hematological malignancies or prostate cancer (Journal of clinical oncology 30(29): ). The study demonstrates that APR-246 is safe and that it can induce p53-dependent biologic effects in vivo. This research is at the international frontline: No other mutant p53-targeting compound has reached the clinic. APR-246 is developed towards a Phase II clinical trial together with the company Aprea AB and the long-term goal is novel efficient cancer therapy. - Jonas Bergh and collaborators have demonstrated that clinically used breast cancer markers are unstable throughout tumor progression (Journal of clinical oncology 30(21): ). The authors conclude that marker investigations at relapse may potentially improve patient management and survival. The launch of StratCan has in an unprecedented way brought together the best research talent present in different departments to develop a common strategy to create a cancer research environment of the highest international standard. Of particular importance is the integration of basic and clinical cancer research. An additional aspect of this development is that StratCan connects the activities of three Thematic Translational Centers and two Linné centers working in cancer research. It is now apparent that interactions, decisions and actions across departments and centers have been greatly facilitated through StratCan. As a measure of the present standing of cancer research at Karolinska Institutet, the Swedish Cancer Society points out in its 2012 annual ranking of cancer research that Karolinska Institutet is ranked number 12 and the only European institution among the top 20 institutions within cancer research in the world." 8 (153)

9 1.2. BioCARE - Biomarkers in Cancer Medicine Improving Health Care, Education and Innovation Huvudsökande: Lunds universitet 70% Medsökande: Göteborgs universitet 30% a. Income of the strategic research environment 2012 (all income, Question C3a) b. Costs of the strategic research environment 2012 (regarding Government strategic research funding, Question C3b) a. b. Funding category Funding in SEK Cost type Cost i SEK Government strategic research funding Co funding from main applicant higher education institution Personell Running costs Co-funding from-co-applicant higher education institution Highcost Equipment Funding from collaborating research institutes 0 Infrastructure running costs 0 Funding from other collaborators 0 Other Costs Other external funding Totalt: Totalt: Please specify the types of funding sources included in "Other external funding" from the table above, together with a rough estimate of their relative contribution. (E.g. funding from public agencies, public research foundations, EU-framework programmes, other international funding, private non-profit organisations, or private companies). N.B an exhaustive list is not required. Our main external sources include Cancer Research Foundation (51 mkr, 18%), The Swedish Research Council (50 mkr, 18%), Region Västra Götaland (26 mkr, 9%), Childrens Cancer Foundation (14.5 mkr, 5%), European Research Council (11.9 mkr, 4%) and Region Skåne (7.2 mkr, 3%). Q1. Please state the main priorities within the environment in " BioCARE is a shared strategic cancer programme at the universities in Lund (LU) and Gothenburg (GU). The overall aim of BioCARE is to promote research of highest international standard and, importantly, to facilitate the translation of acquired knowledge within the cancer biomarker field to the Health Care Sector and Industry and to facilitate the development of personalized cancer medicine. The main priorities for 2012 were: Support projects with a strong clinical translational edge, so called BioCARE Translational Projects Continued support of the BioCARE Research School with biannual retreats and Advanced Seminars to foster new research contacts and collaborations within and between our two universities and university hospitals Recruitment of international top scientists to our cancer centres Support to young promising scientists to facilitate their scientific independence Support of scientific meetings with cancer biomarker focus 9 (153)

10 Consolidation and establishment of the Sahlgrenska Cancer Center and Lund University Cancer Centre including infrastructural support" Please describe the major activities within the environment in (Question Q2) " The main BioCARE activities in 2012 have been: Support to and organization of scientific meetings including BioCARE Research School Retreats, Advanced Seminars and the 1st joint BioCARE, StratCan and U-Can Cancer Research Meeting in Malmö Extended support to BioCARE translational projects Support to young promising scientists Continued support of PhD positions Development of work routines for BioCARE Trial Group regarding initiation and promotion of clinical research projects of highest international standard Promotion of contacts with the health care sector, big pharma and biotech companies to facilitate translational efforts Consolidation of inter-strategic research programme contacts with StratCan and U-Can, the two other cancer programmes in Sweden" Please describe the major results within the environment in (Question Q3) " The main results obtained during 2012 were: Identification, characterization and implementation of new diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic biomarkers in cancer with impact on the health care sector Formal establishment of a Cancer Centre at Lund University and consolidation of the Sahlgrenska Cancer Center Successful new recruitments of basal and clinical top scientists Launching of support to young scientists Establishment of infrastructure for xenografting patient-derived tumours in mice for subsequent pre-clinical testing of individualized cancer therapy Launch of an initiative for cross-disciplinary research, first workshop to be held between cancer researchers and investigators within the field of nanotechnology (The Nanometer Consortium at LU), thus merging the efforts of two Lund University-based SRAs." 10 (153)

11 1.3. The U-Can Comprehensive Cancer Consortium Huvudsökande: Uppsala universitet 50% Medsökande: Umeå universitet 40%, Stockholms universitet 5%, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan 5% a. Income of the strategic research environment 2012 (all income, Question C3a) b. Costs of the strategic research environment 2012 (regarding Government strategic research funding, Question C3b) a. b. Funding category Funding in SEK Cost type Cost i SEK Government strategic research funding Co funding from main applicant higher education institution Co-funding from-co-applicant higher education institution Funding from collaborating research institutes Personell Running costs High cost Equipment Infrastructure running costs Funding from other collaborators Other Costs Other external funding 0 Totalt: Totalt: Please specify the types of funding sources included in "Other external funding" from the table above, together with a rough estimate of their relative contribution. (E.g. funding from public agencies, public research foundations, EU-framework programmes, other international funding, private non-profit organisations, or private companies). N.B an exhaustive list is not required. NOT APPLICABLE Please state the main priorities within the environment in (Question Q1) " 1) To become an international leader in terms of high-quality longitudinal biobanking of certain cancers. The novel and standardized framework for structured sampling and patient management supported by U-CAN is now running successfully and the collaboration between Uppsala University and Akademiska Hospital and between Umeå University and Norrlands University Hospital has been further expanded. During 2012 U-CAN has allocated additional resources across each of the cancer disciplines, to ensure prompt and efficient collection and processing of patient samples and information. By December 2012, nearly 4000 patients had consented to participation in U-CAN. The U-CAN materials, including information about every patient, are now ready to be used for biomarker studies to optimize diagnosis, therapy and follow-up. 11 (153)

12 2) To be the substrate for competitive translational and clinical cancer research. The value of biobanks is strongly linked to the depth of information on included patients. Biomaterial with detailed patient information is the top priority of pharmaceutical industries and academia, to allow rapid identification of cases of interest for further research. To accomplice a structured database is challenging in cancer biobanking as cancer patients are handled in many different ways and in several different clinics and hospitals. U-CAN has, during 2012, continued to work with the technical, legal and organizational complexities of integrating the clinical records systems (journalsystemen), the cancer quality registers, Laboratory Information Management Systems and a new database of easily-searchable longitudinal information. In particular, we have assisted local healthcare authorities in specifying and procuring a next-generation decision support system for cancer care according to specifications by academia, industry, and healthcare. Once finished during 2013, the U-CAN collections of blood and tissue samples will be ready for use by implementing the most recently developed molecular tools and techniques for analyses of somatic mutations, affinity proteomicsbased screening for serum and plasma and cell-based assessment of mutation phenotypes. 3) To enhance collaboration between academia and industry. During 2012, U-CAN has extended the collaboration with UU Innovation and enhanced external activities with local and international Life Science companies. U-CAN also jointly organized a cancer Academia Industry Meeting Day in order to extend the exchange of knowledge and expertise between academia and industry. Please describe the major activities within the environment in (Question Q2) " 1) To become an international leader in terms of high-quality longitudinal biobanking of certain cancers. The overall long term goal for the U-CAN is the establishment of a functioning cancer biobank infrastructure. During 2012 additional research nurses and biomedical analysts have been employed across each of the cancer disciplines. This has resulted in an efficient sample collection for all the prioritised cancer diagnoses. U-CAN has intensified the development work of standardised reporting forms in radiology and pathology and U-CAN has continued to support the work by Uppsala Biobank to create a centralised sample routine and storage facility at Akademiska Hospital. Furthermore, scientists and clinicians with interests in gynecological cancers have joined U-CAN since January 2012 as they see value in the biobanking structure and potential for scientific collaboration. Similarly, breast cancer and lung cancer will be included in U-CAN during 2013 as the U-CAN supported infrastructure now is running well. The latter diagnosis groups are joining U-CAN at their own expense, which bears witness to the quality of the biobank programme. 2) To be the substrate for competitive translational and clinical cancer research For the collection and storage of patient-related information, Akademiska Hospital has, in close collaboration with U-CAN, finished the procurement process for a real-time database that will function as a decision support system for cancer care. This real-time database for cancer care will easily and safely register more structured information relevant for research than is currently recorded in even the most developed quality registries, information which is necessary for translational cancer research and essential for clinical research and trials. 3) To enhance collaboration between academia and industry U-CAN has continued the process of determining which Life Science companies could be interested in starting collaborative research platforms and other interactions with U-CAN researchers in terms of collaborative 12 (153)

13 research contracts, regulation of intellectual property rights, publications and the handling of samples and data." Please describe the major results within the environment in (Question Q3) " 1) To become an international leader in terms of high-quality longitudinal biobanking of certain cancers. Tissue sample collection is now on-going for five cancer-types, including colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, gynecological cancer and haematological and neurological malignancies, and has proved highly successful. So far U-CAN has collected blood and/or tissue samples from 1222 colorectal cancer patients, 1299 prostate cancer patients, 770 brain cancer patients, 110 gynecological cancer patients and 445 leukaemia and lymphoma patients. Since the summer 2010, U-CAN has collected 6722 serum samples and 2312 tissue samples from 3846 patients. During 2012 U-CAN also has allocated additional resources across each of the cancer disciplines. This effort covers the inclusion of Falun Hospital as the first county council included in the U-CAN collaboration. U-CAN has also initiated steps towards the inclusion the other county councils within the Uppsala/Örebro and Umeå health care regions and the next hospitals to be included in the U-CAN cooperation are Gävle and Sunderbyn. 2) To be the substrate for competitive translational and clinical cancer research. Researchers from Uppsala University, Umeå University, KTH and Stockholm University have started extensive collaborations with the aim to improve outcome, e.g. to determine why some tumours respond to treatment whereas others are resistant and to explore concepts of tumor stem cells. A further research project involves functional imaging and has aims to predict who will respond to various therapies and rapidly evaluate who has responded to a particular therapy. Two new research projects involving researchers from Uppsala University and the Swedish company Denator AB have started during the autumn U-CAN has increased the support to Stockholm University for the development of a high-throughput RNAi knock-out technology and during 2012 four RNAi screening projects for assay development have been initiated. 3) To enhance collaboration between academia and industry. Meetings are organized with industry representatives twice per year to ensure that the U-CAN activities meet industry partners needs for future clinical trials and drug development in oncology. This has entailed new collaborations with Swedish and foreign companies. During the Academia Industry Meeting Day 2012, 70 University scientists and 30 external guests representing 13 companies and organizations from Sweden and Europe met at the Rudbeck Laboratory in Uppsala to discuss issues of common interest in the cancer area, and to propose future actions. The questions raised by the companies were covered in 26 different workshops, and led to many varied and productive discussions and two new research collaborations." 13 (153)

14 2. Strategiskt forskningsområde: Diabetes Huvudansvarig myndighet: Vetenskapsrådet Samrådande myndighet: - År Total budget Avsättning till infrastruktur Budget efter avsättning Translational Program in Diabetes Research, Education and Care Huvudsökande: Karolinska Institutet 85% Medsökande Umeå universitet 15% a. Income of the strategic research environment 2012 (all income, Question C3a) b. Costs of the strategic research environment 2012 (regarding Government strategic research funding, Question C3b) a. b. Funding category Funding in SEK Cost type Cost i SEK Government strategic research funding Personell Co funding from main applicant higher education institution Running costs Co-funding from-co-applicant higher education institution 0 High cost Equipment 0 Funding from collaborating research institutes Infrastructure running costs 0 Funding from other collaborators Other Costs Other external funding Totalt: Totalt: Please specify the types of funding sources included in "Other external funding" from the table above, together with a rough estimate of their relative contribution. (E.g. funding from public agencies, public research foundations, EU-framework programmes, other international funding, private non-profit organisations, or private companies). N.B an exhaustive list is not required. Other external funding includes funding from public agencies (VR, ca 20 %; SSF, ca 2 %), funding from private foundations (KAW, ca 12 %; Family Erling Persson foundation ca 26 %; Novo Nordisk Foundation ca 7 %; other private foundations ca 6 %) and funding from EU (European Research Council and EU framework programmes, ca 20 %). 14 (153)

15 Please state the main priorities within the environment in (Question Q1) The overall goal of the Strategic Research Programme in Diabetes at Karolinska Institutet (SRP Diabetes) is to improve both prevention and treatment of diabetes by forming a strong, integrated translational research environment in the diabetes field, rich in collaboration, communication, and scientific exchange. The programme should foster an internationally competitive environment, cultivating substantial expertise and unique technical resources that form a natural contact point for international collaborations and attracting excellent researchers. The priorities from 2011 have been maintained. The goal is to form an integrated research environment by organizing several different forums for continued interactions (smaller meetings, seminars, retreat and symposia) and developing new approaches to recruiting and supporting younger promising researchers. The newly established diverse research infrastructures, which are designed to support both clinical and experimental research in the metabolism and diabetes field, will also receive continued prioritization. New priorities for this year have been to support innovation processes for researchers, both within the programme, as well as on a national level. Another priority for 2012 has been to have an international evaluation of the activities in the programme to ensure optimal development of the programme. Please describe the major activities within the environment in (Question Q2) " Integration between the research groups: Meetings: To increase the likelihood of forming new interdisciplinary and translational collaborative projects between the groups, several different forums have been organized, such as smaller meetings for the group leaders, a seminar series for all junior researchers, an internal retreat, an international seminar series, and an international symposium with outreach activities beyond the program. Project funding: Direct funding has been provided for each group leader aimed towards funding post doctoral fellows or technical staff to increase the cooperation between the member groups. Supporting younger and mid-stage independent researchers at the level of Docent and Assistant Professors: Four new awardees for the Rolf Luft Senior Researcher Grant have been selected through an international evaluation. The recruited Assistant Professors and Docents are supported with funds, access to the research infrastructures and participation in the senior group leader activities. Infrastructure: Further development and utilization of the established facilities, has been achieved through increased recruitment of technical staff and expertise within the facilities, as well as new instrumentation. Innovation support: To support innovation processes within the programme, several liaisons have been made with the Karolinska Institutet Innovation system. In addition, we have taken advantage of historical experience of entrepreneurial scientists within the programme. On a national level the program has come together with EXODIAB, the other SFO Diabetes Program funded in Sweden, and has been awarded funding from VINNOVA to establish a national strategic innovation and research agenda for promoting innovation from Swedish diabetes research. Midterm evaluation: An international evaluation of the program was organized by the management team, where all the program activities were scrutinized. The program has also received very positive feedback from a national midterm evaluation organized by the Stockholm County Council/Karolinska Institutet for their cofounding through the Theme Center Diabetes." Please describe the major results within the environment in (Question Q3) "Integration between the research groups: Several new collaborative research projects have been initiated. Several of these collaborative projects involve the young researchers that have been recruited (Assistant Professors) or affiliated (ERC awardees) to the programme. 15 (153)

16 Infrastructure: An increased activity within the supported infrastructures has been noted, signaling that the program members have benefited from these new initiatives. Selected new research results and projects: Internationally recognized discoveries from SRP Diabetes researchers include novel insights on how short-term exercise can alter DNA through epigenetic effects. One of the newly recruited Assistant Professors has identified a new protein that plays a key role in muscle growth and power. Several hitherto unrecognized regulators of insulin release in the pancreas have been described, highlighting new entry-points into future diabetes treatment. Novel risk factors for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes have also been identified through clinical studies performed within the programme. As partners in large international multicenter human genetics consortia, researchers in the programme have contributed to a better understanding of vascular complications often observed in diabetes patients. These include identification of genes involved in both cardiovascular disease and diabetic nephropathy. Animal models have also revealed pathological mechanisms behind diabetic ulcers and proposed novel possible treatments improving diabetic wound healing and decreasing nerve damage in diabetic patients. Interactions with society: Successful outreach activities have been conducted through communication with the media (both national and international television, radio and newspaper) covering the recent discoveries made by researchers within the programme. A popular science day was organized whereby the diabetes research within the programme was presented to the general public together with a political debate." 16 (153)

17 2.2 EXODIAB Excellence of Diabetes Research in Sweden Huvudsökande: Lunds universitet 70% Medsökande: Uppsala universitet 30% a. Income of the strategic research environment 2012 (all income, Question C3a) b. Costs of the strategic research environment 2012 (regarding Government strategic research funding, Question C3b) a. b. Funding category Funding in SEK Cost type Cost i SEK Government strategic research funding Personell Co funding from main applicant higher education institution Running costs Co-funding from-co-applicant higher education institution Funding from collaborating research institutes High cost Equipment 0 Infrastructure running costs Funding from other collaborators Other costs Other external funding Totalt: Totalt: Please specify the types of funding sources included in "Other external funding" from the table above, together with a rough estimate of their relative contribution. (E.g. funding from public agencies, public research foundations, EU-framework programmes, other international funding, private non-profit organisations, or private companies). N.B an exhaustive list is not required. Our by far largest financial support is given by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet), representing approximately 45% (59 MSEK) of the total. EU funding for several projects stands for 14% of the total (18.5 MSEK) Another large funding body is Region Skåne, the Scanian regional authorities, which supports us with 7% (9 MSEK); this is excluding the so-called ALF financing (agreement for physicians active in research as well the clinic) Another large funding agency is the American National Institute of Health, 9% (11.3 MSEK) of the total. Additionally, we have well-functioning collaborations with foreign non-profit organisations (research institutes, universities) which contribute to the environment with 12.5 MSEK, corresponding to approx. 9.5% of our other external funding. 17 (153)

18 Please state the main priorities within the environment in (Question Q1) "EXODIAB EXCELLENCE OF DIABETES RESEARCH IN SWEDEN Exodiab is a joint research initiative in the diabetes area combining internationally competitive diabetes research at Lund and Uppsala universities. In collaboration with industrial partners we develop novel approaches tools for early risk assessment, prevention and individualized treatment of diabetes. RESEARCH PRIORITIES IN 2012 A) The Human Tissue Lab, HTL, remains a main priority in The HTL is a resource for the study of human tissues relevant to diabetes, with few, if any, equals world-wide. It has granted access to human pancreatic islets, which are central in development of type 2-diabetes, but also other human tissues. We expect to unravel the mechanisms behind the progression of diabetes and to explore new transplantation methods to improve life conditions for diabetes patients. In 2012, the Exodiab HTL has been crucial for several internationally highly acclaimed scientific publications and innovation projects; B) Recruitment of new diabetics to the two clinical cohorts ANDIS/ANDIU (All New Diabetics in Scania and All New Diabetics in Uppsala) has been prioritized and will be a first attempt in the world to use genetic markers and biomarkers to subgroup diabetes and use this information to improve and individualize treatment; C) Performing excellent and translational research, expanding our fundamental understanding of diabetes, thereby generating top-class candidate projects for commercial development. INNOVATION PRIORITIES IN 2012 In 2012 Exodiab prioritized to D) make advancements to the establishment of a company called Diabridge; E) explore strategic ways to promote future funding for innovation activities, including the establishment of a process to identify, evaluate and fund new projects; F) arrange an AIMday(r) Diabetes where academia and Life Science companies met to discuss selected topics in diabetes. EDUCATION PRIORITIES IN 2012 G) Coordinated actions to increase our competitiveness in educating and recruiting students within Bioinformatics, a research field of increasing and fundamental importance for life sciences. To this end we have in 2012 prioritized recruitment of internationally renowned experts for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching; H) Finally, in 2012 we have prioritized to broaden our methods for dissemination to the lay public by a measured concentration on video films and social media, i.e. Facebook and Twitter." Please describe the major activities within the environment in (Question Q2) "RESEARCH ACTIVITIES FOR EXODIAB IN 2012 The Human Tissue Lab, HTL, has been established by Exodiab as a national resource for diabetes research by providing tissue and data to researchers. The two clinical cohort ANDIS and ANDIU continue to recruit new diabetics that are subsequently followed closely. The ambition is to improve detailed diagnosis and subclassification of diabetes in order to develop individualized treatment strategies. Close to 50 research groups in Lund and Uppsala, each group with specialized scientific competence, join forces in unravelling the genetic and environmental factors contributing to diabetes and in finding new ways for treatment and disease control. The multi-disciplinary scientific approach taken has proven very successful. A rich and varied flora of scientific publications has emerged. 18 (153)

19 INNOVATION ACTIVITIES FOR EXODIAB IN 2012 Enhancing academic and industrial communication: Lund University has made contacts with several big-pharma and biotech companies to present the resources within Exodiab and to better understand the current needs within the industrial sector. An AIMday(r) Diabetes was held at Uppsala University (2012) where academia and Life Science companies met to discuss selected topics. Identifying innovation projects: A prerequisite for any innovation activities is the identification of suitable innovation projects stemming from the research within Exodiab. This has been successfully done using our strategy for developing early-stage projects and external commercial evaluators. Forming the Diabridge company: Discussions with group leaders about starting a company, Diabridge, were intensified in The Diabridge is envisioned to serve as the natural commercialization platform for the research within Exodiab, but also for other Swedish researchers. The above efforts to identify projects with the potential of being part of the Diabridge project portfolio have met with increasing success. Finding funding for innovation projects: Furthermore, efforts to position diabetes research and locate funding for innovative projects such as starting Diabridge, have been intensified. EDUCATION ACTIVITIES FOR EXODIAB IN 2012 In 2012 an education coordinator has been engaged part time to coordinate and improve bioinformatics education. Close contacts with internationally recognized experts in the bioinformatics field have been taken. Discussions concerning their potential recruitment to our environment as bioinformatics teachers have been held. Our ambition is to attract international bioinformatics teachers to Swedish bioinformatics education. In 2012, we have broadened our ways for dissemination to the lay public by making more YouTube films available on our website Diabetesportalen. In addition, we have entered into the social network arena and are now active on Facebook and Twitter." Please describe the major results within the environment in (Question Q3) "RESEARCH RESULTS FOR EXODIAB IN 2012 Exodiab has produced a rich and varied flora of scientific publications, more than 330 articles in 2012, all contributing to clarifying varying aspects of diabetes. In 2012 significant findings were the systems biology approach to identify new genes and pathways for type 2 diabetes and elucidating the etiology of type 1 diabetes. Particularly gratifying are the contributions from several new groups with junior group leaders that hold immense promise for the future. During 2012 a number of high-profile research papers have emerged that are likely to be considered as seminal contributions to the field well into the future. This has to a large extent been made possible thanks to the expansion of the Exodiab Human Tissue Lab, HTL. To date more than 153 pancreases have been donated to the national HTL, whereof 18 come from diagnosed diabetics. In addition, the HTL also includes other tissues relevant for diabetes research, such as fat, muscle, liver, kidney and blood vessels. Since the beginning in 2008 more than 7200 newly diagnosed diabetics have been recruited to the clinical cohorts ANDIS and ANDIU. INNOVATION RESULTS FOR EXODIAB IN 2012 Enhancing academic and industrial communication: An AIMday(r) was held at Uppsala University in 2012 where academia and Life Science companies met to discuss selected topics. This has already resulted in new personal contacts, new project ideas and a joint EU application. 19 (153)

20 Identifying innovation projects: Two collaboration projects with an industrial partner were started in 2011 and two were started in Fifteen potential innovation projects were evaluated during 2012 resulting in five new active projects, of which four were presented to potential investors. Forming the Diabridge company: In 2012 the preparative work to the launch of the company Diabridge has been undertaken. A business plan is being finalized and potential investors have been contacted for early feedback. The general construction of Diabridge and legal matters are subject to investigation. Our ambition is to start the company in 2013 and have a portfolio of various projects that can constitute the first intellectual projects that can be sold to prospective Life Science customers. Finding funding for innovation projects: Support for projects is currently received from NovoNordisk, the Innovation fund within Exodiab and LUIS (Lund University Innovation system). On a more general note, the Life Science sector needs a new take on a concerted and tailor-made innovation strategy to prevent that this knowledge-based industrial sector disappears completely from Sweden. Until recently this sector was a strong force in Swedish business life, generating thousands of jobs in knowledge-based enterprises, but now has a very uncertain future. Exodiab has taken the initiative with the strategic research area at Karolinska Institute/Umeå University and AstraZeneca as partners to develop an agenda for innovation within diabetes and metabolism. This pilot project has been granted by VINNOVA and will be finished in March EDUCATION RESULTS FOR EXODIAB IN 2012 In the light of the difficulties of making a difference in education, in 2012 we have worked intensively to create a high profile bioinformatics education with internationally recognized teachers. Teachers and scientists with an interest in bioinformatics have been identified. Meetings with teachers from different faculties have taken place in 2012 and a joint agenda and curricula are currently being put together. Furthermore, contacts with internationally recognized bioinformatics experts have been established and nurtured which in the future is expected to add a distinct international character to our improved bioinformatics education. By joining forces with other Strategic Research Areas (SRAs) and other areas at the universities, in an intensified coordinated action to improve and expand bioinformatics education, we have strengthened our case and expect to harvest results from our efforts in the near future. Discussions with the Vice Chancellor s Office have been initiated by Exodiab during 2012 to reach an understanding for the importance for coordinated actions to improve and expand present bioinformatics education. A strategy for future funding of an internationalization of the bioinformatics education has been put forward." 20 (153)

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