California High School Exit Examination

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1 California High School Exit Examination Directions for Administration Special Test Versions July 2014 May 2015 CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS

2 Copyright 2014, California Department of Education. All rights reserved. The California High School Exit Examination Directions for Administration Special Test Versions is published by ETS. ETS is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service. The California Department of Education grants permission to California public schools and LEAs to photocopy and reproduce any parts of the California High School Exit Examination Directions for Administration Special Test Versions for use in training LEA CAHSEE coordinators and test examiners. No other person or agency is authorized to reproduce or distribute any parts of this publication in any form or by any means or to store the information in any database or retrieval system.

3 T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s Important Reminders... 1 Introduction... 2 Test Security...2 General Directions for Test Administration... 3 Test Format...3 Materials Required for Special Test Versions...3 Test Setting...4 The Answer Document...4 Testing Variations, Accommodations, and Modifications...5 Testing Variations Regularly Used in the Classroom...5 Extra Time: All Students...5 Marking in the Test Booklet: All Students...5 If Variations Regularly Used in the Classroom...5 Accommodations and Modifications...6 Testing Variations for English Learners...6 Responding to Multiple-Choice Questions...6 Addressing the Writing Task...7 Test Administration...7 After Testing...9 Audio CD Version (Version 001) Specific Directions Distribution of the Answer Document...11 After Testing...12 Administering the Audio CD Version English Language Arts Session Distribution of Test Materials and Directions for Students...13 Administering the Audio CD Version English Language Arts Session Administering the Audio CD Version Mathematics Session Distribution of Test Materials and Directions for Students...22 Administering the Audio CD Version Mathematics Session CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS

4 Large-Print Version (Version 998) Specific Directions Distribution of the Answer Document...30 After Testing...31 Administering the Large-Print Version English Language Arts Session Distribution of Test Materials and Directions for Students...32 Administering the Large-Print Version English Language Arts Session Administering the Large-Print Version Mathematics Session Distribution of Test Materials and Directions for Students...40 Administering the Large-Print Version Mathematics Session Braille Version (Version 999) Specific Directions Marking Responses...49 After Testing...49 Administering the Braille Version English Language Arts Session Distribution of Test Materials and Directions for Students...50 Administering the Braille Version English Language Arts Session Administering the Braille Version Mathematics Session Distribution of Test Materials and Directions for Students...57 Administering the Braille Version Mathematics Session Appendix A Do Not Disturb Sign Appendix B Test Administration Incident Report Form Appendix C Test Security Breach Report Form Appendix D Security Sign CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS

5 Important Reminders I m p o r t a n t R e m i n d e r s Braille version The items to be left blank have changed. Please see separate sheet, CAHSEE Braille Directions, for more details. The Test Administration Incident Report Form should not be returned to ETS or the CDE. The completed form is to stay at the test site or the LEA office as documentation. The Test Security Breach Report Form must be returned to the LEA CAHSEE coordinator immediately. The completed form will be shared with the CDE, ETS, and its Office of Testing Integrity. The CAHSEE should be administered in an environment that does not detract from the students opportunity for optimal performance. All students should be treated fairly and courteously. CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS 1

6 Introduction I n t r o d u c t i o n Planning for the administration of the California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE ) should begin early. There are numerous preliminary tasks to be completed to allow for students who require special consideration. Each student must be afforded the accommodations and modifications allowed by his or her individualized education program (IEP) or Section 504 plan. This manual contains both general and specific instructions that apply to all of the special test versions. The first set of instructions covers administering the English language arts (ELA) and mathematics tests via audio CD. The second set is for administering the large-print version, and the last is for the braille version. Versions are handled differently; please review each set of directions as applicable. This manual is meant to accompany the Directions for Administration and the LEA and Test Site Coordinator s Manual; it does not replace these manuals. Please read this manual for the test version you will be administering and refer to the Directions for Administration for more general directions. The Directions for Administration Special Test Versions begins with general directions applying to all three versions and then discusses each version separately. T e s t S e c u r i t y Test examiners will receive their testing materials from the test site coordinator. All test examiners and proctors must sign a Test Security Affidavit and return it to the test site coordinator before testing. It is important to remember that if a student is found cheating or to have compromised the security of this examination, his/her scores may be invalidated and not scored. Compromising the security of this examination includes the use of cell phones, music players, and all other electronic devices during the test administration. If any of these electronic devices are used, for example, to take pictures of CAHSEE test materials to post on social media Web sites, then the student s test results may be invalidated and not scored. All audio CDs, large-print and braille test booklets, and answer documents are secure and must be accounted for and returned to the test site coordinator after testing. They may NOT be electronically copied, photocopied, transcribed, or disclosed to anyone. Disclosure of any secure information is a serious breach of test security and is prohibited. Please read the Directions for Administration and follow the security procedures for storing and handling test materials before, during, and after testing. After test booklets, answer documents, and other test materials have been collected following the administration of each session, the materials must be securely stored and returned to the students at the beginning of the next session. Please take extra care to ensure that each student receives his or her own test booklet and answer document for the next session. 2 CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS

7 General Directions for Test Administration G e n e r a l D i r e c t i o n s f o r T e s t A d m i n i s t r a t i o n T e s t F o r m a t The CAHSEE has two portions: ELA and mathematics. The ELA portion consists of two parts: Session 1 and Session 2. Each session contains reading selections followed by multiple-choice questions. Session 1 also includes one writing task. The mathematics portion also consists of two sessions. Each session contains multiple-choice questions that often include figures and graphs. M a t e r i a l s R e q u i r e d f o r S p e c i a l T e s t V e r s i o n s The following checklist indicates the items that are needed when using the special test versions: All Special Versions The LEA and Test Site Coordinator s Manual, Directions for Administration, and Directions for Administration Special Test Versions One answer document per student Sharpened No. 2 pencils with erasers to mark student answer documents Audio CD General Directions for Test Administration Four audio CDs (one for each session of ELA and one for each session of mathematics) Version 001 test booklet for each student CD player that identifies tracks, when appropriate Large Print One set of large-print test booklets, Version 998 (one for ELA and one for mathematics) per student, when appropriate Braille One set of braille test booklets, Version 999 (one set for ELA and one set for mathematics) per student, when appropriate. Each braille test booklet set includes a large-print test book and audio CD for Version 999 Equipment to help students plan and complete writing tasks and work math problems, such as a stylus and slate, computer, or braille typewriter CAHSEE Braille Directions that indicate which questions are not in braille and should be left blank CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS 3

8 General Directions for Test Administration T e s t S e t t i n g In selecting a testing room, it is essential to provide students with good lighting, comfortable temperature, adequate ventilation, and freedom from noise and interruptions. Put the Do Not Disturb sign on the door (available in Appendix A). Arrange seating so that the students will work independently. All seats should face the same direction with spacing of at least four feet from center of desk to center of desk. If using a scribe, be sure the scribe is seated close to the student and that their conversations will not reach other students in the room. Avoid interruption from noise during the assessment time each day. It is recommended that the school office be notified that testing is taking place and that interruptions should be made only in an emergency. Students may not have books, cell phones, electronic devices of any kind, or reference materials on their desks. General Directions for Test Administration Remove or cover any materials on the classroom walls that might help students answer test questions. Demographic Information T h e A n s w e r D o c u m e n t The demographic information on the student s answer document must be checked and completed for each student. Any demographic information not provided as part of the Pre-ID service must be completed. Some of this information must be entered by test-site staff. If the LEA did not participate in the Pre-ID service, all demographic information must be completed and checked. See the Directions for Administration ( Demographic Fields That Must Be Completed By School Personnel ) for more specific directions. Two fields are very important for students taking any of the special test versions: the test booklet version number and special test version used. The version number must reflect the version of the test administered. Audio CD Version code 001 Large-print Version code 998 Braille Version code 999 For students with Section 504 plans or IEPs, the Accommodations and Modifications section (Box 24) on page 12 of the student s answer document must be filled in by test-site staff AFTER the student completes the test. The boxes and marking on pages 1 and 2 of the answer document should be completed for every student. The student s name should be written on every test booklet used. The information about version, test booklet serial number, and math classes taken (answer document pages 3 and 9) MUST be completed for every student. See the Directions for Administration ( Detailed Directions for Test Administration ) for more information. 4 CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS

9 General Directions for Test Administration General Information All responses must be submitted on the student s answer document. The student s responses will only be scored from an answer document. Verify that the student s name and birthdate are correct on the barcode (if the Pre-ID service is being used). At the beginning of each session, verify that each student has the answer document with his or her first and last name on it. Use No. 2 pencils ONLY on the answer document. Erase completely all changes, or clearly cross out words on writing tasks. Do not use ink pens or correction fluid on the answer document. Complete all demographic and test data on the answer document with or for the student. See the Directions for Administration ( Demographic Fields That Must Be Completed By School Personnel and After Testing ) for more complete instructions. T e s t i n g V a r i a t i o n s, A c c o m m o d a t i o n s, a n d M o d i f i c a t i o n s Testing Variations Regularly Used in the Classroom Some exceptions to the administration of the tests apply to all students and some apply to students who have special conditions as part of their classroom activities. All students may have directions, but not test items, simplified or clarified. Extra Time: All Students CAHSEE is an untimed test. All students may be provided extra time within a testing day. The testing day may last as long as examiners are available. Testing over more time than a single testing day is considered an accommodation that must be part of the student s IEP or Section 504 plan. If the student does need more than one testing day for either ELA or math, contact the CAHSEE test site coordinator. General Directions for Test Administration Marking in the Test Booklet: All Students Students may write in the test booklet using the white space as needed or in the designated scratch pages in the answer document. Separate scratch paper is not allowed. If Variations Regularly Used in the Classroom The following testing variations are available to any student who regularly uses them in the classroom. They do not have to be documented in an IEP or Section 504 plan. Special or adaptive furniture Special lighting, special acoustics, or visual magnifying or audio amplification equipment CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS 5

10 General Directions for Test Administration Individual carrel or study enclosure Separate, supervised location Colored overlay, mask, or other means to maintain visual attention to the examination or test questions Manually Coded English or American Sign Language to present directions for test administration Accommodations and Modifications Accommodations and modifications (defined in Education Code Section 60850) change the manner in which a test is presented or administered, or in how a test taker is allowed to respond. Accommodations continue to give accurate measurements, while modifications change what is measured or affect the comparability of scores. IEPs or Section 504 plans alone determine whether a student may be tested with accommodations or modifications. Testing Variations for English Learners General Directions for Test Administration LEAs shall provide identified English learners or adult English learner students the following additional testing variations if regularly used in the classroom or for assessment: TESTING VARIATIONS FOR ENGLISH LEARNERS Students will Hear the test directions printed in the test administration manual translated into the student s primary language. Ask clarifying questions about the test directions in the student s primary language. Receive additional supervised breaks within a testing day or within a test session, provided that the test session is completed within the day of testing. Have the opportunity to be tested in a separate room with other English learners provided that the student is directly supervised by a school, LEA, or nonpublic school employee who has signed the Test Security Affidavit. Have access to translation glossaries (English to primary language). The glossaries are to include ONLY the English word with the corresponding primary language word. The glossaries must not include any definitions or formulas. R e s p o n d i n g t o M u l t i p l e - C h o i c e Q u e s t i o n s Responses to multiple-choice questions are to be marked in the space provided for each question on the student s answer document. In many cases, this will be done by the student. Some students may have the accommodation to circle their responses to multiple-choice questions directly in the test booklet. When a student circles his or her responses directly in the test booklet, a scribe or test examiner MUST transcribe the student s responses onto his/her answer document. 6 CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS

11 General Directions for Test Administration Some students may have the accommodation to speak their responses aloud to a scribe, who then marks the student s responses on the answer document. When a student dictates his or her responses to multiple-choice questions to a scribe, the scribe must confirm the answer with the student prior to marking each answer on the answer document. For the braille test, the person transcribing the responses should pay special attention to marking the responses on the answer document. Certain questions have been eliminated, so some items on the answer document must be left blank. See CAHSEE Braille Directions, a separate document accompanying braille test booklets, for each administration. A d d r e s s i n g t h e W r i t i n g T a s k For a writing task to be scored, it must be written on the answer document by the student or transcribed onto the answer document by a scribe or test examiner. The ELA writing task MUST be written on pages 3, 4, and 5 of the answer document under the heading Writing Task. Responses should NOT be written on or transcribed onto pages 7, 8, or 11; these pages are to be used as scratch paper only. If students have the accommodation to dictate their writing task to a scribe, the writing task must be written on the student s answer document and then read back to the student, so the student may make any desired revisions. Scribes should request spelling of key words, confusing words, or those with multiple spellings. If the scribe provides spelling, grammar, or language conventions, then this transcription is considered a modification and the corresponding letter on the Accommodations and Modifications table found in the Directions for Administration should be marked in Box 24. Additional information about the use of scribes can be found at the CDE CAHSEE Accommodations and Modifications Web page at General Directions for Test Administration If the student is using braille assistive technology, the writing task must be transcribed from braille onto the answer document. Upon completion of the student s response, the student should read the writing task and spell the words in the writing task to the scribe who will write it on the answer document. If the assistive device corrects spelling, grammar, or language conventions, then this use is considered a modification, and the corresponding letter on the Accommodations and Modifications table found in the Directions for Administration should be marked in Box 24. A No. 2 pencil MUST be used on the answer document, and any errors should be completely erased (multiple-choice responses) or neatly crossed out (writing task) and the correction written clearly. T e s t A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Be sure students who have taken and passed the CAHSEE ELA and/or mathematics tests are not retaking the portion that they have already passed. The Score Code field on the answer document should be marked with an R for all students who have satisfied the CAHSEE requirement (see pages in the Directions for Administration). CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS 7

12 General Directions for Test Administration Instructions to the administrator are in italics or regular font. Instructions to the scribe are in italics. Instructions to be read to the student are in bold font. Read the directions in bold exactly as they are written. Test examiners may answer student questions about the directions but may NOT give help on specific test questions. If a mistake is made in reading directions, stop and say, No, that is wrong. Listen again. Then read the directions again. Try to maintain a natural classroom atmosphere during the test administration. Encourage students to do their best and advise them not to spend too much time on any one question. Check periodically to make sure that students are recording their responses properly and are working on the correct testing session. Make sure only No. 2 pencils are being used to record responses on the answer documents. All erasures should be as clean as possible. Have extra pencils available. General Directions for Test Administration Students should remain in the testing room during the examination; however, follow test site procedures for allowing students to use the restroom during testing. Check with the test site coordinator for school procedures on excusing students who finish early. It is crucial that students not move ahead to the second session of the examination while taking the first session or go back to the first session of the examination while taking the second session. The expectation is that most students will finish testing within the testing times suggested. For the students who may not complete the examination within the suggested time, please make every effort to provide them with sufficient time to complete the examination. If necessary, and if space and staff are available, the students who need more time may move to another location to complete their examination. The recommended time for students taking the braille version has already been increased, but additional time may be given if necessary. Read the Directions for Administration and the LEA and Test Site Coordinator s Manual for more information, or contact the test site coordinator if you have questions. 8 CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS

13 General Directions for Test Administration General Directions for Test Administration A f t e r T e s t i n g When collecting test booklets and answer documents after the administration of the first session, securely store the materials and then return them to the students at the beginning of the second session. Please take extra care to ensure that the student receives his or her own test booklet and answer document for each subsequent session. After testing is complete, test-site staff must complete pages 2 and 12 of the answer document. Be sure students do NOT mark on these pages. ALL used and unused test booklets and answer documents are secure materials. Pack and return all of these materials to your test site coordinator according to the Directions for Administration. See Returning Secure Materials to Test Site Coordinator on page 23 of the DFA. CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS 9

14 Audio CD Version (Version 001) Specific Directions A u d i o C D V e r s i o n ( V e r s i o n ) S p e c i f i c D i r e c t i o n s The audio CD version has been developed for students who cannot access the test by reading it, and whose IEP or Section 504 plan specifies the need for audio presentation of the material. The audio CD version of the examination should accompany the test booklets labeled Version 001. No modifications to the visual presentation or the questions have been made. IMPORTANT: The test booklets labeled Version 001 are the only booklets that should be used in conjunction with the audio CD. The ELA and mathematics audio CD packages each contain two CDs and the Track List. The Track List begins with a Table of Contents and provides an outline of the passages or questions on each track of the CD. However, it is important that the test examiner becomes very familiar with the particular CD player being used for the examination before the day of the administration. The recording contains instructions and questions. If students require more time between questions, the test examiner will need to replay questions or pause the recording during the administration. Audio CD Version (Version 001) The CDs contain all of the directions that a student will need to complete the examination. However, you will still need to provide the additional test administration instructions specified in this manual. If you need additional test booklets for students taking the audio CD version, please contact the test site coordinator. If students need both braille and the audio CD, use Version 999. The audio CD (Version 001) has been created as an accompaniment to the test booklet and is not intended for use by students who are visually impaired. It is designed for students who have difficulty accessing information in print format and who may benefit from receiving the test questions aurally. No modifications to the visual presentation or the questions in the test booklet have been made in the audio CD version. However, the student will need to refer to the test booklet (Version 001 only) for graphs and diagrams accompanying the examination questions. 10 CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS

15 Audio CD Version (Version 001) Specific Directions Test examiners and proctors administering the examination with the audio CD version will need to become very familiar with the specific equipment at the location they will be administering the examination. It is important to practice with the equipment and to learn how to pause and replay specific questions before the examination is given. Students should use only test booklet Version 001 with the audio CD version unless using the braille version, too. Although the ELA and the math tests include some tables, figures, or graphs, they are not described in great detail on the CD. Students will still need to refer to their test booklets for additional information. Questions and passages may be replayed within the same session of the examination upon student request. The Table of Contents and Track List are packaged with the CDs, so test examiners can quickly identify which track number corresponds to specific questions or passages. Students may respond to test questions in several ways. (See the sections on Testing Variations, Accommodations, and Modifications, Responding to Multiple-Choice Questions, and Addressing the Writing Task earlier in this manual.) The sections for administering the audio CD will give directions for students marking the answer document or students circling their responses in the test booklet. Directions are given for students completing their own writing task and for students dictating a writing task to a scribe. For students who can use the answer document but have trouble keeping their place, it may be suggested that they use a place marker. D i s t r i b u t i o n o f t h e A n s w e r D o c u m e n t Make certain that you have a copy of the appropriate test booklet and an answer document for each student. Be sure all desks or tables are cleared of books, cell phones, electronic devices of any kind, or other materials not needed for the assessment, and see that each student has a No. 2 pencil and an eraser. Audio CD Version (Version 001) Distribute the answer documents, making sure any answer documents having a name on them are given to the student with that name. Have the necessary demographic information on pages 1, 2 and 12 of the answer document checked and completed before handing it out or complete it with the students. See the Directions for Administration ( Demographic Fields That Must Be Completed By School Personnel and After Testing ) for more complete instructions. A scribe, rather than the student, may enter the information on pages 1 and 3 of the answer document and at the beginning of each session (pages 3, 6, 9, and 10 in the answer document). CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS 11

16 Audio CD Version (Version 001) Specific Directions A f t e r T e s t i n g Check that all responses circled in each test booklet have been transcribed onto the student s answer document. Check that the writing task is written on the appropriate pages in the answer document. Please follow After Testing procedures outlined in the DFA, pages Audio CD Version (Version 001) 12 CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS

17 Administering the Audio CD Version English Language Arts Session 1 A d m i n i s t e r i n g t h e A u d i o C D V e r s i o n E n g l i s h L a n g u a g e A r t s S e s s i o n 1 All directions to be read to students are in bold type and are preceded by the word SAY. Text in italic type is information for test examiners and is NOT to be read to the students. Read the directions exactly as they are written. Test examiners may answer student questions about the directions but may NOT give help on specific test questions. If a mistake is made when reading the directions, stop and say, No, that is wrong. Listen again. Then read the directions again. Try to maintain a natural classroom atmosphere during the assessment administration. Encourage students to do their best. Check periodically to make sure students are writing their responses in the correct places, following instructions, and working until they finish the test. Be sure all desks or tables are cleared of books, cell phones, electronic devices of any kind, or other materials not needed for the assessment. See that each student has a No. 2 pencil and an eraser. Pens must not be used. Students may write in the test booklet using the white space as needed or in the designated scratch pages in the answer document. Separate scratch paper is not allowed. Please note that students must complete Session 1 before starting Session 2. After starting Session 2, students are NOT permitted to return to Session 1. Dictionaries, thesauruses, spell-checkers, or other supportive materials are not permitted unless they are modifications specified in the student s IEP or Section 504 plan. If the students must complete the demographic information on their answer documents, please refer to the Directions for Administration ( Completing the Demographic Fields Students With BLANK Answer Documents ). Audio CD Version (Version 001) To all students D i s t r i b u t i o n o f T e s t M a t e r i a l s a n d D i r e c t i o n s f o r S t u d e n t s It is important to remember that if you are found cheating or to have compromised the security of this examination, your scores may be invalidated. Compromising the security of this examination includes the use of cell phones, music players, and all other electronic devices during the test administration. CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS 13

18 Administering the Audio CD Version English Language Arts Session 1 If any of these electronic devices are used, for example, to take pictures of CAHSEE test materials to post on social media Web sites, then your test results may be invalidated and not scored. If you have one of these devices with you, it must be turned off and put away during the test administration, even after you have finished testing. You may write in the test booklet using the white space as needed or in the designated scratch pages in the answer document. Separate scratch paper is not allowed. Today you will be answering questions for the California High School Exit Examination. Please do your best work. Now I am going to give you a test booklet. When you get your booklet, sign your name in the space provided. Read the following to all students and have them sign and print today s date in the space provided on page 1 of the answer document. Find Box 1 marked Student Name on the top left side of page 1 on the answer document. Has everyone found it? Sign your name and print today s date in the space provided. Audio CD Version (Version 001) Give students time to sign and date the answer document. The scribe may sign or initial as required. Distribute the test booklets. If the student is marking the test version and serial number Look at the front cover of your test booklet. Find the word VERSION printed in black letters followed by a three-digit number. Turn to page 3 of the answer document. Under Version Number write the number you see on the front cover of your test booklet. It should say 001. If you do not have Version 001, please raise your hand. [If student does not have Version 001, the teacher should take back the test booklet and give the student the correct version.] Print the version number, one number per blank. Now, underneath each box, fill in the circle that has the same number that you wrote in the box. 14 CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS

19 Administering the Audio CD Version English Language Arts Session 1 Next, on the back cover of your test booklet, find the barcode with the ten-digit number printed over it. Print that number, one number per blank, in the box labeled Test Book Serial Number on page 3 of your answer document. Be sure to write the correct number on your answer document. Do not include spaces or hyphens when you mark the number. Double-check that you have every number correct. Now, underneath each box, fill in the circle that has the same number that you wrote in the box. Once the test version and serial number have been entered on page 3 of the answer document (by student or staff) In this test period we will complete Session 1 of the English language arts portion of the examination. It will be read aloud to you, but you will want to follow along in the test booklet. I will be stopping and starting the CD, so we can work at a pace that is comfortable for you. Please let me know if you do not hear a question or passage completely or if you need it replayed. When you have finished, you may go back to check your work or go back to questions that you have omitted in this session. The audio CD contains all of the directions you need to answer the questions. However, listen carefully, as I will also be giving you some additional directions throughout this testing time. For students who will be marking their own responses on the answer document You will answer each question by marking the circle for your answer on your answer document. Fill in the circle completely. If you need to erase, make sure you erase the marks completely. Do NOT write your answers in the test booklet. Audio CD Version (Version 001) For students who are not able to mark the answer document on their own You will answer the questions by circling your answers in the test booklet, and your answers will be transcribed onto an answer document later. CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS 15

20 Administering the Audio CD Version English Language Arts Session 1 Then read to all students Now you may open your test booklet to page 1. In this session you will hear several passages, answer 21 multiple-choice questions, and complete one writing task. Listen to the directions for each part and follow along in your test booklet. If you do not understand what to do on any part of the examination, raise your hand, and I will stop the CD and clarify the directions for you. You will fill in the answers to the multiple-choice test questions on page 3 of the answer document. Please locate the area where you will mark your answers. Remember to make all marks dark and to fill in the circles completely. For all, continue with these directions This test is untimed, but you should be able to complete this session in about 2 hours and 30 minutes. I will tell you when you have been working for 1 hour and 30 minutes. If you finish all your work before the session is over, you may go back and check your work. After you have finished, close your test booklet and sit quietly until the end of the test session is announced. Audio CD Version (Version 001) Respond to all questions. Are there any questions? Now, turn the page in your test booklet and find the first set of directions. Listen to the directions and then each of the questions. Start English language arts Session 1 CD #1. Play one question at a time so that the students have time to consider and write their responses. Replay any questions students request to be repeated. Circulate among the students to make certain that they are working on the correct question. After 1 hour and 30 minutes You have been working for 1 hour and 30 minutes. 16 CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS

21 Administering the Audio CD Version English Language Arts Session 1 Continue playing the CD, adjusting the rate at which the questions are played to the needs of the students. Replay any questions students request to be repeated. When students have completed question 21, say the following for students completing the writing task themselves The final question of Session 1 is a writing task. Here is a list of directions for you to follow when completing your writing task: You must complete your writing task on pages 3, 4, and 5 of the answer document. You may give your writing a title if you would like, but it is not necessary. You may NOT use a dictionary. If you do not know how to spell a word, sound the word out and do the best you can. [If specified in the student s IEP or Section 504 plan, supportive materials may be used as a modification.] You may either print or write in cursive. It is important to write as clearly and darkly as you can. Any erasures or strike-throughs should be as clean as possible. If needed, use the blank space in your test booklet to plan your essay before you begin writing. Any notes you make in your test booklet will NOT be considered when your responses are scored. You must read and plan by yourself. Read the following to students who are dictating the writing task to a scribe Audio CD Version (Version 001) Here is a list of directions for you to follow when writing and dictating your writing task to a scribe: If you are using a scribe, dictate exactly what you want written in the answer document. The scribe will read it back to you, and you will be able to make revisions. You may give your writing a title if you like, but it is not necessary. CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS 17

22 Administering the Audio CD Version English Language Arts Session 1 The scribe may ask you to spell certain words and will write exactly what you dictate. You may NOT use a dictionary or thesaurus. If you do not know how to spell a word, sound the word out and do the best you can. No one can tell you the spelling of a word. [If specified in the student s IEP or Section 504 plan, supportive materials may be used as a modification.] If needed, use the blank space in your test booklet to plan your essay before you begin writing. Any notes you make in your test booklet will NOT be considered when your responses are scored. You must plan the writing task yourself. I can only replay the prompt for you, and no one can help you plan what to write. When all students have finished, stop the CD Put your pencil down now and close your test booklet and answer document. You will not be able to go back to this session of the exam after the break. We will now take a break. Audio CD Version (Version 001) If the rest break will be a short one, students should remain in the testing room unless they need to use the restroom. Students must be monitored at all times, including breaks. In cases of extended breaks, such as lunch, collect and account for all test materials before dismissing students for the break. Please make sure ALL test materials have been collected before dismissing students. Be sure to place the materials in a secure and locked location until the next testing session if the students are taking an extended break. 18 CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS

23 Administering the Audio CD Version English Language Arts Session 2 A d m i n i s t e r i n g t h e A u d i o C D V e r s i o n E n g l i s h L a n g u a g e A r t s S e s s i o n 2 If the break was an extended one, look at the student s name on the test booklet and answer document and return the student s materials to him or her. Be sure that each student receives the correct test materials. Be sure all desks or tables are cleared of books, cell phones, electronic devices of any kind, or other materials not needed for the assessment. See that each student has a No. 2 pencil and an eraser. Pens must not be used. As a reminder, the use of cell phones, music players, and all other electronic devices are not allowed during the test administration. If you have one of these devices with you, it must be turned off and put away during the test administration, even after you have finished testing. In this test period you will hear Session 2 of the California High School Exit Examination English language arts test booklet read aloud on CD, but you will want to follow along in the test booklet. I will be stopping and starting the CD so we can work at a pace that is comfortable for you. Please let me know if you do not hear a question or passage completely, and if you need it replayed. When you have finished, you may go back to check your work or go back to questions that you have omitted in this session only. The CD contains all of the directions you need to answer the questions. Listen carefully, as I will also be giving you some additional directions throughout this testing time. Audio CD Version (Version 001) For students who will be marking their own responses on the answer document You will answer each question by marking the circle for your answer on your answer document. Fill in the circle completely. If you need to erase, make sure you erase the marks completely. Do NOT write your answers in the test booklet. For students who are not able to mark the answer document on their own You will answer the questions by circling your answers in the test booklet, and your answers will be transcribed onto an answer document later. CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS 19

24 Administering the Audio CD Version English Language Arts Session 2 Then read to all students Now open your test booklet to the page on which Session 2 begins. In this session you will hear several passages and answer 58 multiple-choice questions. Session 2 begins at question 22 and ends at question 79. Listen to the directions for each part and follow along in your test booklet. You will fill in the answers to the multiple-choice test questions on page 6 of the answer document. Please locate the area where you will mark your answers. Remember to make all marks dark and to fill in the circles completely. If you do not understand what to do on any part of the test, raise your hand, and I will stop the CD and clarify the directions for you. This test is untimed, but you should be able to complete this session in about 1 hour and 30 minutes. I will tell you when you have been working for 1 hour. If you finish all your work before Session 2 is over, you may go back and check your work for this session only. Then close your test booklet and sit quietly until the end of the test session is announced. You may NOT look back at the questions, answers, or writing task for Session 1. Audio CD Version (Version 001) Respond to all questions. Are there any questions? Turn the page and find the directions. Listen to the directions and then each of the questions. Start English language arts Session 2 CD #1. Play one question at a time, so the students have time to consider and write their responses. Replay any questions students request to be repeated. Circulate among the students to make certain they are working on the correct question and that they do not return to Session 1. After 1 hour You have been working for 1 hour. 20 CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS

25 Audio CD Version (Version 001) Administering the Audio CD Version English Language Arts Session 2 Continue playing the CD, adjusting the rate at which the questions are played to the needs of the students. Replay any questions students request to be repeated. When all students have finished Has everyone completed session 2? Proceed directly to the questionnaire in the back of your test booklet. Locate the box labeled Questionnaire on page 6 of the answer document. Answer each question by marking the space for your answer on page 6 of the answer document. I will play these questions. After the questions are completed Put your pencil down. I will come by to collect your materials. Please be sure to collect ALL test materials, including test booklets and answer documents, before dismissing students. Dismiss students according to test site procedure. Make sure all student demographic information (including Accommodations & Modifications and English Learner Variations) is complete. Be sure to complete the After Testing procedures specified in the Directions for Administration, including Returning Secure Materials to Test Site Coordinator. CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS 21

26 Administering the Audio CD Version Mathematics Session 1 A d m i n i s t e r i n g t h e A u d i o C D V e r s i o n M a t h e m a t i c s S e s s i o n 1 All directions to be read to students are in bold type and are preceded by the word SAY. Text in italic type is information for test administrators and is NOT to be read to the students. Read the directions in bold exactly as they are written. The test examiner may answer student questions about the directions but may NOT give help on specific test questions. If a mistake is made in reading the directions, stop and say, No, that is wrong. Listen again. Then read the directions again. Try to maintain a natural classroom atmosphere during the assessment administration. Encourage students to do their best. Check periodically to make sure students are writing their responses in the correct places, following instructions, and working until they finish the test. Be sure all desks or tables are cleared of books, cell phones, electronic devices of any kind, or other materials not needed for the assessment. See that each student has a No. 2 pencil and an eraser. Pens must not be used. Students may write in the test booklet using the white space as needed or in the designated scratch pages in the answer document. Separate scratch paper is not allowed. Audio CD Version (Version 001) Please note that students must complete Session 1 before starting Session 2. After starting Session 2, students are NOT permitted to return to Session 1. Calculators are not permitted unless this is a modification specified in the student s IEP or Section 504 plan. If the students must complete the demographic information on their answer documents, please refer to the Directions for Administration ( Completing the Demographic Fields Students With BLANK Answer Documents ). D i s t r i b u t i o n o f T e s t M a t e r i a l s a n d D i r e c t i o n s f o r S t u d e n t s Distribute the answer documents to students. If there are students who have already taken the English language arts portion of the test, they will use the same answer document to take the mathematics portion. Be sure to return the correct answer document to the correct student. Before administering the test, be sure ALL students have completed the information requested in the boxes on page 1 of the answer document. Some students will not have taken the English language arts portion of the examination, so verify that the 22 CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS

27 Administering the Audio CD Version Mathematics Session 1 information is completed before testing begins. If this information on the answer document has not been completed yet, see the Directions for Administration ( Completing the Demographic Fields Students With BLANK Answer Documents ). It is important to remember that if you are found cheating or to have compromised the security of this examination, your scores can be invalidated and not scored. Compromising the security of this examination includes the use of cell phones, music players, and all other electronic devices during the test administration. If any of these electronic devices are used, for example, to take pictures of CAHSEE test materials to post on social media Web sites, then your test results may be invalidated. If you have one of these devices with you, it must be turned off and put away during the test administration, even after you have finished testing. You may write in the test booklet using the white space as needed or in the designated scratch pages in the answer document. Separate scratch paper is not allowed. Today you will be answering mathematics questions for the California High School Exit Examination. Please do your best work. Now I am going to give you a test booklet. When you get your booklet, sign your name in the space provided with a number two pencil. Do NOT write anything else on it until instructed to do so. Distribute the mathematics test booklets. If you are having students mark the test version and serial number Look at the front cover of your test booklet. Find the word VERSION printed in black letters followed by a three-digit number. Turn your answer document to page 9 and find the box labeled Version Number. The test booklet should say 001. If you do not have Version 001, please raise your hand. Audio CD Version (Version 001) [If any student does not have Version 001, the test examiner should take back the booklet and give the student the correct version.] Print the version number, one number per blank. Now, underneath each box, fill in the circle that has the same number that you wrote in the box. Next, on the back cover of your test booklet, find the barcode with the ten-digit number printed over it. Print CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS 23

28 Administering the Audio CD Version Mathematics Session 1 that number, one number per blank, in the box labeled Test Book Serial Number on page 9 of your answer document. Be sure to write the correct number on your answer document. Do not include spaces or hyphens when you mark the number. Double-check that you have every number correct. Now, underneath each box, fill in the circle that has the same number that you wrote in the box. Pause to allow students to fill out these sections. Mathematics Classes Taken On page 9 of your answer document, find the box titled Mathematics Classes Taken. Please mark the most recent grade in which you have taken or are taking each of the math classes listed below. If you haven t taken the class, leave it blank. You should mark only one class per grade. If you have not taken a class or do not see your class listed here, please leave the row blank. Are there any questions? Respond to student questions, referring to the mathematics course descriptions below. If students have not taken one of the courses listed and/or are not currently enrolled, advise them to leave that class blank. Students should mark only one circle per class. Audio CD Version (Version 001) MATHEMATICS COURSE DESCRIPTIONS: GENERAL MATH: This category includes all courses that are not algebra-based. Traditionally, these courses cover such topics as basic arithmetic, i.e., fractions, decimals, and percents. PRE-ALGEBRA: This category includes all courses that are a transition to Algebra 1. ALGEBRA 1: This category includes all Algebra 1 courses, including Algebra 1 programs given over two or three years. GEOMETRY: This is traditional high school geometry. ALGEBRA 2: This is traditional high school Algebra 2. INTEGRATED MATHEMATICS COURSES (I, II, III): These include any integrated mathematics high school courses. ADVANCED MATHEMATICS COURSES: These include advanced mathematics courses such as trigonometry, pre-calculus, statistics, math analysis, or any other post-algebra 2 courses. In this test period you will hear Session 1 of the California High School Exit Examination mathematics test booklet read aloud on CD. I will be stopping and 24 CAHSEE DIRECTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL TEST VERSIONS


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