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1 St.MARTIN S ENGINEERING COLLEGE Dhulapally, Secunderabad Subject: OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Class : IT III QUESTION BANK GROUP - A (SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS) UNIT I 1. Define UML. 2. Explain modelling. 3. Describe the history of uml. 4. List out the method wars. 5. State the goals of UML. 6. Describe the importance of modelling. 7. Define the basic building blocks of uml. 8. Explain the things in uml. 9. Classify structural things. 10. Classify behavioral things in uml. 11. Define grouping things. 12. Define class. 13. Define class and object. 14. Define an Interface. 15. Define collaboration. 16. Describe component. 17. Explain about active class 18. Compare relationships. 19. Define Uml diagrams. 20. Explain common mechanisms in uml.

2 UNIT II 1. Define classes. 2. Explain about name. 3. Describe an attribute. 4. Define responsibilities. 5. Define modelling vocabulary of system. 6. Define distribution of responsibilities in a system. 7. Define dependency. 8. Define generalization. 9. Explain association. 10. Discuss about aggregation. 11. List the simple dependencies. 12. Demonstrate the modeling of single inheritance. 13. Discuss modelling structural relationships. 14. Define note. 15. Define stereotypes. 16. List tagged values. 17. Explain constraints. 18. Illustrate how to model comment. 19. Illustrate how to model different views of a system. 20. Explain modeling of new semantics. 21 Explain about class diagram. 22 State common properties in class diagram. 23 List out contents of class diagram. 24 Illustrate modelling of collaboration. 25 Discuss modelling a schema. 26 Explain how to forward engineer a class diagram. 27 Explain how to reverse engineer a class diagram. 28 Enumerate object diagram. 29 Tabulate common properties in object diagram. 30 Express the contents of object diagram. 31 Discuss modelling object structure. 32 Define an object. 33 Explain how to forward engineer a object diagram. 34 Explain how to reverse engineer a object diagram. 35 Explain collaboration. 36 State the interfaces.

3 UNIT III 1. Define interactions. 2. Explain about context. 3. Describe about association. 4. Discuss about self. 5. Explain about global. 6. Discuss about local scope. 7. Define parameter. 8. Explain messages in uml. 9. Discuss about sequencing. 10. Discuss about procedural sequence. 11. Explain about flat sequence. 12. Discuss How to model flow of control. 13. Explain collaboration diagrams. 14. Discuss how to forward engineers sequence diagrams. 15. Discuss how to reverse engineer collaboration diagrams. 16. State new link. 17. Explain about destroyed. 18. Describe about transient in detail. 19. Illustrate the common properties of interaction diagrams. 20. Explain How to model flow of control by organization. 21 Define Use case. 22 Interpret the relationship between Usecases and actors. 23 Demonstrate the need of Use case diagram. 24 Demonstrate an Actor. 25 Compare System Use case and business use case. 26 Explain types of requirements should not be documented in use cases. 27 Demonstrate the relationship between use cases and test cases. 28 Demonstrate an Activity Diagram. 29 Explain What types of requirements should not be documented in activity diagrams. 30 Discuss components of a activity diagram. UNIT-IV 1. Illustrate the characteristics of a well-structured active class and active object. 2. Define event and signal. 3. Summarize various parts of a transition. 4. Illustrate family of Signals. 5. Demonstrate exceptions in behavioural modelling. 6. State the events modelled by uml. 7. Discuss Event trigger. 8. State Guard condition. 9. Define state Machine. 10. Illustrate the steps to model the distribution of objects. 11 Define Node. 12 Demonstrate how nodes are organized. 13 Explain the steps required to model processors and devices.

4 14 Discuss the contents of component diagrams. 15 State common uses of component diagrams. 16 Compare components and classes. 17 State how component and interface are related. 18 Discuss the properties of components. 19 Discuss the standard stereotypes UML defines. 20 Describe the steps to enumerate executable release. UNIT-V 1. Define Framework. 2 Define Patterns. 3 Explain problem statement for unified library application. 4 Define Mechanism. 5. Discuss actors in library application. 6. Design classes in library application. 7. Illustrate objects in library application. 8. Design use cases in library application. 9. Discuss action states in library application. 10. Define use case for librarian. 11. State nodes in library. 12. Compare sequence and collaboration in library application. 13. Explain packages in library application GROUP-B (LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS) UNIT - I 1 Illustrate How is generalization/specialization contrasted with more code reuse? State Liskov s substitution principle. 2 (a) State Why is it necessary to have a variety of diagrams in a model of a system. (b) State Which UML diagrams give a static view and which give a dynamic view of a system. 3 (a) Explain briefly runtime polymorphism illustrating a program in Java or C++. (b) Discuss the principles of modelling. (c) Explain the antisymmetric and transitive properties of aggregation. 4 Consider a computer-based system that plays chess with a user. Which UML diagrams would be helpful in designing the system. 5 Explain the antisymmetric and transitive properties of aggregation. 6 Pick the ones that are related. Justify. i. Behavioral things, verbs ii. Structural things, nouns iii. Generalization, specialization, adjectives iv. Associations, verbs. 7 Explain the following briefly. i. class/object dichotomy ii. interface Vs. implementation

5 8 Explain the various relationships in UML briefly. 9 (a) Explain the following with UML notation i. behavioural things ii. Grouping things iii. Annotational things 10 Define the following: (a) use case driven (b) architecture centric (c) iterative process (d) Incremental process (e) stakeholder (f) artifact (g) use case (h) Active class 11 Explain model? What are the aims of modelling. 12 Explain the conceptual model of UML. 13 Explain briefly about the various diagrams in UML. 14 (a) Enumerate any six artifacts. (b) Explain the extensibility mechanisms in UML. 15 Enumerate the object oriented modelling. 16 Explain the various views considered in modeling a system s architecture? Explain. 17 Enumerate the UML approach to software development life cycle? Explain the various phases. 18 Contrast the following: i. Actors Vs. Stakeholders ii. Use case Vs. Algorithm. 19 Define software architecture. Explain the 4+1 view model of systems architecture. 20 Define using relationship. Give UML notation UNIT II 1 (a) Explain any three features used in creating abstractions. (b) Enumerate the steps to model the vocabulary of a system. 2 Write a simple JAVA applet for printing Hello, World! in a web browser. 3 Define relationship. Explain the four adornments that apply to an association. 4 Enumerate the steps to model single inheritance. 5 Enumerate the steps to model using relationship. 6 (a) Define the following: i. System ii. Model iii. subsystem iv. Use case 7 Illustrate distribution of responsibilities in a system. 8 State modeling different levels of abstraction. 9 ( a) Explain the UML s behaviour diagrams. (b) Contrast is-a relationship with has-a relationship. 10 Explain the following relationships with UML notation i. Using ii. Realization iii. Simple aggregation iv. Composite aggregation

6 11 Contrast interface inheritance with class inheritance. 12 Define modelling non software things and primitive type. 13 Enumerate modelling simple dependencies. 14 a) Interpret relation between interfaces, types and roles. b) Enumerate modelling new building blocks. 15 a) Enumerate the steps to model different views of a system. b) Enumerate modelling comment s and new semantics 16 a) Enumerate the steps to model complex views. b) Enumerate modelling new properties. 17 a) Define idiom. Enumerate the steps to model structural relationships. b) Enumerate modelling seams in a system. 18 Enumerate modelling static and dynamic type. 19 Enumerate modelling group of elements. 20 Contrast simple aggregation with composite aggregation. 21 Design a class diagram that depicts the various relationships in UML. 22 Explain the common properties and uses of class diagrams. 23 Illustrate the contents in class diagrams. 24 Explain the use of forward engineering and reverse engineering class diagrams. 25 Contrast object diagram with class diagram. 26 Enumerate the steps to model concrete instances. 27 Illustrate the following modeling issues with class diagrams. i. Modeling simple collaborations ii. Modeling logical database schema. 28 Enumerate the steps to model prototypical instances. 29 Enumerate the steps to model object structures. 30 Enumerate the steps to forward and reverse engineer object diagram. 31 Demonstrate class diagram. 32 Enumerate the steps to model logical database schema. 33 Enumerate the steps to model logical database schema. Give all example class diagrams. 34 State forward engineering and reverse engineering. UNIT - III 1 Describe interaction diagrams. What are their contents and common properties. 2 Define semantic equivalence between two kinds of interaction diagrams. 3 Enumerate the steps to model flows of control by time ordering. 4 Design a sequence diagrams that specifies the flow of control involved in initiating a simple, two-party phone call. 5 Design a collaboration diagram that specifies the flow of control involved in registering a new student at a school. 6 Explain the sequence diagram and collaboration diagram and draw an example diagram for each one. 7 Consider the use case withdraw amount related to ATM transaction modeling. Draw both the interaction diagrams for the use case. Explain briefly.

7 8 Discuss the properties and common uses of sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams. 9 Explain the sequence diagram and collaboration diagram and draw an example diagram for each one. 10 Discuss a collaboration diagram that specifies the flow of control involved in registering a new student at a school. 11 Explain forward engineering and reverse engineering of interaction diagrams. 12 Describe Messages and Links. 13 Describe modeling a flow of control. 14 Describe Sequencing in Interaction diagrams. 15 Design a use case diagram to model the behaviour of a cellular phone. Explain briefly. 16 Discuss the contexts, common properties and common uses of use case diagrams. 17 Explain the significance of context in modelling use cases. 18 Demonstrate the various adornments to ends of links denoted as standard stereotypes? Explain about objects and roles. 19 a) Explain the use of forward engineering and reverse engineering use case diagrams. b) Contrast action with activity. Define state and event. 20 Design a use case diagram that depicts the context of a credit card validation system. Explain briefly. 21 a) Design the UML diagram to model the requirements of a system. b) Discuss various parts of a transition. Explain briefly. 22 a)a retail system will interact with customers who place and track orders. Illustrate UML diagram that uses various use cases. b)enumerate steps to model workflow and operation. 23 Sketch the use case diagram for modeling a hospital information system aimed at collecting and storing complete information pertaining to the patients treatment history and disease behavior where actors could be doctor, lab technician, patient, duty nurse, receptionist, visitors etc. 24 Demonstrate actors in use case diagram. UNIT IV 1 Enumerate the steps in modeling timing constraints. Illustrate with a UML diagram and explain. 2 Consider an object diagram that models the distribution of certain objects In a real-time system. Draw the diagram and explain briefly. 3 (a) Enumerate the steps to model a family of signals. (b) Enumerate the steps to model interposes communication. 4 Design a UML diagram which models IPC in a distributed reservation system with processes spread across four nodes. Briefly explain. 5 State the sketch of a state machine for the controller in a home security system, which is responsible for monitoring various sensors around the perimeter of the house. Briefly explain. 6 Illustrate modeling lifetime of an object and modeling exceptions with UML diagram. 7 a) Enumerate the steps to model multiple flows of control. b) Enumerate the steps to model distribution of objects.

8 a) Define event and signal. Explain the four kinds of events 8 modelled by UML. b) Enumerate the steps to model reactive objects and objects that migrate. 9 Contrast action with activity. Define state and event. What are the various parts of a state? Explain briefly. 10 Explain the four kinds of events modelled by UML. 11 (a) Enumerate the steps to model adaptable systems. Illustrate with a UML diagram. (b)explain the common uses of component diagrams. 12 a) Illustrate modeling source code and executable release. b) Illustrate modeling physical database and adaptable systems. 13 Explain the properties of a well-structured component diagram. 14 Define component. Contrast differences between components and classes? How are component and interface related? 15 (a) Describe the properties of components. (b) Discuss standard stereotypes UML defines that apply to components. 16 Demonstrate the contents, common properties and common uses of component diagrams? Explain briefly 17 Enumerate the steps to model the following. Illustrate UML diagrams and explain briefly. (a) Modeling processes and devices. (b) Modeling distribution of components. 18 a) Define node. Contrast node with components. b) Illustrate modeling Fully distributed system. 19 Enumerate the steps to model an embedded and client server system. Illustrate with a UML diagram. 20 Enumerate the steps to model the following. Illustrate with UML diagrams and explain briefly (a) Tables, files and documents (b) API (c) Source code. UNIT - V 1 Enumerate the steps to model design patterns. Illustrate with a UML diagram 2 Enumerate the steps to model architectural patterns. Illustrate with a UML diagram 3 Define Framework. Illustrate framework with a UML diagram. 4 Explain Patterns and Architecture. 5 Design class diagram for library Application. 6 Design object diagram for library Application. 7 Design use cases diagram for library Application. 8 Design sequence diagram for library Application. 9 Design collaboration diagram for library Application. 10 Design activity diagram for library Application. 11 Design statechart diagram for library Application. 12 Design component diagram for library Application. 13 Design deployment diagram for library Application. 14 Design Class diagram with common mechanisms for library Application.

9 15 Design a sequence diagram for the use case lend item. 16 Draw a class diagram of business objects in the design model and explain. GROUP-III (ANALYTICAL QUESTIONS) UNIT I 1 Explain Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)? What are the phases (stages) of it? Which phase requires maximum efforts? Also explain why domain analysis i.e. domain class model, domain state model and domain interaction model is important. 2 Illustrate out evolution of UML. 3 Explain Method wars. 4 Define a domain model. 5 Explain the critical ability of object oriented systems. 6 Explain the 3 ways to apply UML. 7 Describe Unified process. 8 Explain the importance of Unified process. 9 Describe the iterative and evolutionary development. 10 Discuss why waterfall is so failure prone. 11 Explain the benefits of iterative development 12 Discuss agile methods. UNIT II 1 Define an abstract class? Mention its use. Can concrete class be a super class? If yes, give example, if no, give reason. Create a class hierarchy to organize the following drink classes: Mineral water, wine, alcoholic, non alcoholic, grape juice, soda, bears. 2 Categorize the following relationship into generalization, aggregation, composition and association. 1. Files contain records. 2. A drawing object is text, a geometrical object or group. 3. Modems and keyboards are input/output devices. 4. Object classes may have several attributes. 5. Car has accelerator, break and wheels as parts. 6. Windows is composed of lot of frames. 7. An account is either type savings or type current. 3 Explain any four standard constraints that apply to generalization relationships. 4 Discuss the stereotype applied to generalization relationships? Give a brief. 5 Compare abstract and concrete operation. 6 Illustrate the ability to navigate from class A to class Bin UML. 7 Explain business entity and service class. 8 Briefly explain the four adornments that apply to all association. 9 Enumerate the steps to model webs of relationships. 10 Prepare object diagram showing at least 10 relationships among the following object classes. Include associations and qualified associations, aggregations, generalizations, and multiplicity. You may add additional objects. Also show attributes and operations. School, playground, principal, school board, classroom, book, student, teacher, canteen, restroom, computer, desk, chair.

10 11 Model the relationship between a car (that has an engine and a colour) and its owners (having a name) in a UML class diagram. A car can have several owners over time, but only one or none owner at a time. Do not forget cardinalities, role names, attributes and their types 12 Draw class diagram for ATM. 13 Draw class diagram for Library Management system. 14 Draw object diagram for ATM. 15 Draw object diagram for Library Management system. 16 Explain composite structure diagram. 17 Discuss reflexive association in class diagram. 18 Design a class diagram for Document editor. 19 Design a class diagram for rotating machine. UNIT - III 1 Create a sequence diagram for the following collaboration. Use the classes and methods on the next slide.a customer wants to draw money from his bank account. He enters his card into an ATM (automated teller machine). The ATM machine prompts Enter PIN. The customer enters his PIN. The ATM (internally) retrieves the bank account number from the card. The ATM encrypts the PIN and the account number and sends it over to the bank. The bank verifies the encrypted Account and PIN number. If the PIN number is correct, the ATM displays Enter amount, draws money from the bank account and pays out the amount. 2 Design sequence diagram for ATM. 3 Design collaboration diagram for ATM. 4 Design sequence diagram for Library Management system. 5 Design collaboration diagram for Library Management system. 6 Compare class and sequence diagram. 7 Design sequence diagram for online shopping. 8 Describe activity diagram for restaurant. 9 Describe activity diagram for hotel canteen. 10 Describe use case diagram for restaurant. 11 Describe use case diagram for library. 12 Describe use case diagram for company. 13 Describe activity diagram for library. 14 Describe activity diagram for online shopping. UNIT IV 1 Describe statechart diagram for telephone line. 2 Describe statechart diagram for restaurant. 3 Describe state chart diagram for school. 4 Describe statechart diagram for library. 5 Describe statechart diagram for atm. 6 Describe statechart diagram for online shopping. 7 Describe component diagram for restaurant. 8 Describe deployment diagram for restaurant. 9 Describe component diagram for library. 10 Describe deployment diagram for atm. 11 Describe component diagram for library. 12 Describe deployment diagram for atm. 13 Explain how uml flows in actual project.

11 UNIT - V 1 Define framework. Illustrate framework with UML diagram. 2 Demonstrate classes in class diagram 3 Demonstrate actors and use cases in sequence diagram 5 Demonstrate components in library system 6 Draw a sequence diagram for the Add title use case. 7 Explain the Process of building a domain model. 8 Draw a class diagram of business objects in the design model and explain. 9 Discuss nodes in library management system 10 Explain active object in library system 11 Explain systems used in deployment diagram of library system 12 Describe activity diagram to inform a person when a loan is due and explain. 13 Design class diagram for user interface classes in the functions menu and explain..

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