Improving Depth-first PN-Search: 1 + ε Trick

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1 Improving Depth-first PN-Search: 1 + ε Trick Jakub Pawlewicz, Łukasz Lew {pan,lew} Institute of Informatics, Warsaw University Banacha 2, Warsaw, Poland Abstract. Various efficient game problem solvers are based on PN- Search. Especially depth-first versions of PN-Search like DF-PN or PDS contrarytootherknowntechniques areabletosolvereallyhard problems. However, the performance of DF-PN and PDS decreases dramatically when the search space significantly exceeds available memory. A simple trick to overcome this problem is presented. Experiments on AtariGoandLinesofActionshowgreatpracticalvalueoftheproposed enhancement. 1 Introduction In many popular two-person zero-sum games there often arises a situation with anon-trivialbutforcedwinforoneoftheplayers.inordertocomputeawinning strategy a large tree search is performed. PN-Search like algorithms are able to solveaproblemwithaforcedwinsequenceasdeepas20plyanddeeper. Unfortunately usage of the basic PN-Search is in fact limited to very short runsbecauseofhighmemoryrequirements.thesimpleimprovementispn 2 algorithm which was deeply investigated in[1]. It is still a best-first algorithm and needssomememorytoworkwith,sothelengthofthesinglerunisstilllimited. Several depth-first versions of PN-Search have appeared to overcome the memory requirements problem and they were successful in many fields. Seo[2] successfully appliedittomanydifficultproblemsinhistsume-shogisolverusingpn.the PDSalgorithm anextensionofpn wasdevelopedbynagai[3].another successful algorithm is DF-PN[4] which is a straightforward transformation of PN-Search to a depth-first algorithm. However, all those methods lose their effectiveness on very hard problems when the search lasts so long that the number of positions to explore significantly exceeds the available memory. The methods spend most of time repeatedly reproducing trees stored in the transposition table but overwritten by a search in otherbranchesofagametree.thiskindofperformanceleakdoesnotoccurin alpha-beta search. Thereisstillaroomtoimprovethesemethods.ForinstanceWinands[5] presented a method called PDS-PN used in his LOA program. This variation wascreatedbytakingthebestofpn 2 andpds.kishimotoandmüller[6] successfully applied DF-PN in their tsume-go problems solver. They enhanced DF-PN by additional threshold increments.

2 This paper presents a more general approach of threshold increments, which reduces the number of tree reproductions during the search and results in a very efficient practical enhancement. The enhancement is applicable both to DF-PN and PDS and possibly to other variants of tree-walking algorithms. A deeper understanding of DF-PN is needed to see the enhancement value. The second section precisely describes a transformation of PN-Search algorithm to the depth-first search algorithm. The third section makes a further insight into DF-PNsearchandshowsitsweakpointalongwitharemedy.Thesamesection presents also an application of the trick to PDS. The fourth section presents results of experiments. The last section concludes. 2 Depth-first Transformation of PN-Search Section 2.1 briefly describes PN-Search. Section 2.2 describes DF-PN as a depthfirst transformation of PN-Search. 2.1 PN-Search For detailed description of PN-Search we refer to[7]. We recall only selected properties essential for an analysis in the later sections. The algorithm maintains a tree in which each node represents a game position. With each node we associate two numbers: the proof-number(pn) and the disproof-number(dn). ThePN(DN)ofanode vistheminimumnumberofleavesinthesubtree rooted at v valued unknown such that if they change theirs value to true(false) thenthevalueof vwouldalsochangetotrue(false). Inotherwords,thePN(DN)isalowerboundonthenumberofleavesto expand in order to prove(disprove) v. PNandDNforaprovednodearesetto0and + andforadisprovednode aresetto + anunsolvedinternalnodepnanddncanbecalculatedrecursivelyasshownin Fig.1.AsquaredenotesanORnodeandacircledenotesanANDnode. OR node AND node p = min p i d = P d i p = P p i d = min d i p 1 d 1 p 2 d 2 p n d n p 1 d 1 p 2 d 2 p n d n Fig.1.InanORnodePNisaminimumofchildren spnswhilednisasumof children sdns.inanandnodepnisasumofchildren spnswhilednisaminimum of children s DNs

3 The algorithm iteratively selects a leaf and expands it. To minimize the total numberofexpandednodesinthesearchitchoosesaleaftoexpandinasuch way that proving(disproving) it decreases the root s PN(DN) by 1. Such a leaf is called the most proving node(mpn). ItcanbeeasilyshownthatMPNalwaysexists.Thisleafmaybefoundby walkingdownthetreeandchoosingchildonlyonthebasisofpnsanddns ofthenode schildren.inanodeoftypeor(and)wechooseachildwiththe minimumpn(dn).thatisthechildwiththesamepn(dn)asitsparent. AfterexpandingtheMPN,PNsandDNsareupdatedbygoingbackonthe pathuptotheroot.thealgorithmstopswhenitdeterminesagamevalueofthe root,i.e.ifoneoftheroot snumberswillbeinfinitywhiletheotherwilldrop tozero.anexampleofselectingmpnandupdatingpnsanddnsisshownin Fig selecting MPN updating PNs and DNs Fig.2.SelectingMPNandupdatingPNsandDNs. 2.2 DF-PN AsinFig.2weseethatupdatingPNsandDNscanbestoppedbeforewereach the root. It happens for instance when updating a node does change neither PNnorDN.InthatcasewemaybeginsearchofthenextMPNfromthelast updated node instead from the root. Infactwecanshortenthewayupevenmore.IfthenextMPNisinasubtree rootedinthenodecurrentlyvisitedwecansuspendupdateoftheparentand furtherancestors.observethatweneedvalidvaluesofpnsanddnsofthe ancestors only while walking down and selecting MPN. Therefore in general we cansuspendupdatingtheancestorsaslongasmpnresidesinthesubtreeofthe node.

4 To take advantage of the above observation we introduce PN and DN thresholds.thethresholdsarestoredonlyfornodesalongthepathfromtherootto thecurrentnode.let pand dbethepnanddnofnode v.wewanttodefine thethresholds ptand dtfornode vinsuchawaythatif p < ptand d < dtthen thereexistsmpninthesubtreerootedat vandconverselyifthereexistsmpn inthesubtreerootedat vthen p < ptand d < dt. Wewillnowdeterminetherulesforsettingthethresholds.Fortherootwe setthethresholdsto +.Clearly,thecondition p < + and d < + holds onlyifthetreeisnotsolved. WenowlookcloserwhathappensinaninternalORnode(Fig.3).Let pand pt p = min p i dt d = P d i pt 1 dt 1 p 1 d 1 p 2 d 2 p n d n Fig.3.VisitingthefirstchildinanORnodeandsettingthethresholds dbethenode spnanddnrespectively.let ptand dtbeitsthresholds.assume thenodehas nchildren.assumethe i-thchild spnanddnequal p i and d i. Withoutlossofgeneralityweassume p 1 p 2... p n. ThesubtreewhereMPNliesisrootedatthechildwiththeminimumPN. Since p 1 isthesmallestvalue,mpnliesintheleftmostsubtree,sowearegoing tovisitthefirstchild.wehavetosetthethresholds pt 1 and dt 1 forthischild suchthatifthepnordnreachesitsthreshold(i.e.if p 1 pt 1 or d 1 dt 1 ) then MPN must lie outside this child s subtree. Wesetconstraintsfor pt 1 todeducetheactualvalue.when p 1 exceeds p 2, thenthesecondchildwillhavetheminimumpnandmpnwillnolongerliein thefirstchild ssubtree.hence pt 1 p When p 1 reaches pt,butdoesnot exceed p 2,thenthePN pintheparentwillalsoreachitsthreshold pt,andby ptthresholddefinition,mpnwillnolongerbeadescendantoftheparentand thusitwillnotlieinthechild ssubtree.hencethesecondconstraintis pt 1 pt. Thesetwoconstraintsgiveustheformula pt 1 = min(pt,p 2 + 1). Consequently,when d 1 increasessuchthat dreaches dt,thenagainmpnwill beoutsidethecurrentsubtree.wecalculatehow dchangeswhen d 1 changesto d 1.Let d denotednoftheparent,afterdnofthefirstchildhaschanged from d 1 to d 1.Thenwehave d = d + (d 1 d 1 ).Weareinterestedwhether d dt.replacing d andrewritingtheinequalitywegettheanswer.thatis: if d 1 dt d + d 1 then d dt.thereforewehaveaformulafordnthreshold dt 1 = dt d + d 1.

5 pt 1 = min(pt,p 2 + 1), dt 1 = dt d + d 1. Itremainstoshowthatfortheabovethresholdsinequalities p 1 < pt 1 and d 1 < dt 1 holdifandonlyifmpnisinthefirstchild ssubtree.wehavealready seenthatif p 1 pt 1 or d 1 dt 1 thenmpnisnotinthechild suppose p 1 < pt 1 and d 1 < dt 1.Then p < ptand d < dt,hencempnliesinthe parent ssubtree.moreover p 1 < p Thisisthesameas p 1 p 2.Thusthe firstchildhasthesmallestpnamongallchildren.thereforempnliesinthe first child s subtree. Similarly,wecangettheformulasforanANDnodeforthefirstchild s thresholds(assuming d 1 d 2... d n ): pt 1 = pt p + p 1, dt 1 = min(dt,d 2 + 1). Usingthresholdswecansuspendupdatesaslongasitispossible. Another important advantage of this approach is possibility of switching from maintaining a whole search tree to using a transposition table to store positions (nodes ) PN and DN. Insuchimplementationifalgorithmvisitsanode,wecantrytoretrieveits PNandDNfromthetranspositiontablesearchingforanearlycut.Incaseof failureweinitializethenode spnanddnthesamewayaswedoitforaleaf allowing the further search to reevaluate them. The resulting algorithm called DF-PN[4]isadepth-firstalgorithm,anditcanbeimplementedinarecursive fashion. ThemainpropertyofDF-PNisthefollowing.Ifallnodescanbestoredina transposition table, then nodes are expanded in the same order as in standard PN-Search.OfcourseinDF-PN,wearenotobligatedtostoreallnodes,and usuallywestoreonlyafractionofthem,withaslightlossofefficiency. 3 Enhancement Section 3.1 shows a usual scenario for which DF-PN has poor performance. Section3.2showsthe 1 + εtrickappliedtodf-pn.section3.3describesan analogous improvement of PDS. 3.1 Weak Point of DF-PN Summarizing,wegettheformulasforanORnodeforthefirstchild sthresholds: Weremindthatincaseofafailureinretrievingchildren svaluesfromatransposition table, DF-PN initializes children s PNs and DNs to 1 and re-search their values. Usually in an OR(AND) node with a large subtree all the children s

6 PNs(DNs) are very similar, because DF-PN search the child with the smallest PN(DN)andreturnassoonasitexceedsthesecondsmallest. Consider the following typical situation during a run of DF-PN. Suppose we areinanornodewithatleasttwochildren.supposefurtherthatthethreshold isbigandsearchlastssolongthatmostofthenodessearcheddonotfitinthe transposition table. Aftersometime,thesearchedtreewillbesolarge,thatthealgorithmwillnot beabletostoremostofthesearchednodes.nowdf-pnwillmakearecursive treesearchforthefirstchildwithapnthresholdfixedtothesecondchild spn plusone.eventuallysearchwillreturnbutduetotheweakthresholdthenew PNwillbeonlyslightlygreaterthanbeforethesearch.SeeFig.4forexample tt tt tt tt rebuilt nodes expanded nodes visiting the first child state after the recursive call Fig.4.ExampleofasinglerecursivecallinanORnodeduringarunofDF-PN.The numbersarepotentialvaluesduringthesearch.graypartofatreemarkedasttdenotes nodes stored in a transposition table. The left picture shows what happens during the recursivecallforthefirstchild.thestateafterthecallisshownintherightpicture. ThencontrolgoesbacktotheparentlevelandwecallDF-PNforthesecond child, again setting the PN threshold to its sibling s PN plus one. After expensive reconstruction of the second child s tree, its PN increases insignificantly and we will have to again switch to its sibling. Unfortunately, most information from theprevioussearchinthefirstchildhasbeenlostduetoinsufficientmemory. Weseethatforeachsuccessiverecursivecall,wehavetorebuildalmostthe whole child s tree. Usually the number of recursive calls in the parent node is linear to the parent s PN threshold εtrick TheaboveexampleshowsthatwhenweareinanORnode,settingthePN thresholdtothenumberonelargerthan p 2 canleadtotheverybignumberof visits in a single child, causing multiple reconstructions of a tree rooted in that

7 child.tobemoreeffectiveweshouldspendmoretimeinasinglenode,doing some search in advance. Wehaveaconstraint pt 1 p 2 +1forthechild spnthresholdinanornode. Wecanloosenthatconstraintalittletoasmallmultiplicityof p 2,forexample to 1 + ε,where εisasmallrealnumbergreaterthanzero.thuswechangethe constraintto pt 1 p 2 (1+ε) andthenewformulaforthechild spnthreshold inanornodeis pt 1 = min(pt, p 2 (1 + ε) ). That way after each recursive call the child s PN increases by a constant factor rather by a constant addend. More precisely after the call either the parent s DN thresholdisreachedorthechild spnincreasesatleast 1 + εtimes.therefore singlechildcanbecalledatmost log 1+ε pt = O(log pt)timesbeforereachingthe parent s PN threshold. As a consequence the described trick has a nice property of reducing number of recursive calls from linear to logarithmic in the parent s PN threshold. This enhancement not only improves the way a transposition table is used, but also reduces the overhead of multiple replaying the same sequences of moves. Observe that using the presented trick we lose the property of visiting nodes in the same order as in PN-Search. 3.3 Application to PDS The 1 + εtrickisalsoapplicabletopds.inpdsweusetwothresholds ptand dt like in DF-PN. The main difference is their meaning. The algorithm stays in anodeuntilboththresholdsarereachedorthenodeissolved.pdsintroduces the notion of proof-like and disproof-like nodes. When making a recursive call at achildwithpn p 1 anddn d 1,itsetsthethresholds pt 1 = p 1 + 1and dt 1 = d 1 ifthenodeisproof-like,and pt 1 = p 1 and dt 1 = d 1 + 1ifthenodeisdisprooflike.PDSusesasimpleheuristictodecidewhetherthenodeisproof-likeor disproof-like. We refer the reader to[3] for the details. ThesimilarweaknessasinDF-PN,describedin3.1,hurtsPDS.Weapplyour techniquebysettingthethresholds: pt 1 = p 1 (1 + ε), dt 1 = d 1 foraproof-like child,and pt 1 = p 1, dt 1 = d 1 (1 + ε) foradisproof-likechild. 4 Experiments InthissectionweexaminethepracticalefficiencyofDF-PNandPDSwithand without the presented enhancement. We focus on solving times for various setups. First, section 4.1 describes the background for the performed experiments. Then the results of these experiments are described. In section 4.2 we test the influence ofthesizeofatranspositiontable.insection4.3wecomparethealgorithms under tournament conditions. In section 4.4 we explore capabilities to solve hard problems.

8 4.1 ExperimentEnvironment Wechoosetwogamesforourexperiments.ThefirstoneisAtariGo,thecapture gameofgo.insection4.2wetakeasastartingpositiona6 6boardwitha crosscut in the centre. The second one is Lines of Action. For more information werefertowinands webpage[8].therulesandtestingpositions,usedin section 4.3 and 4.4, were taken from there. OurimplementationoffoursearchmethodsintheAtariGoandLOAgames doesn t have any game-specific enhancements. For a transposition table, TwoBig scheme[9] is used. ForacceleratedversionofDF-PNwiththe 1+εtrick, εwassetempiricallyto 1/4. With bigger values of ε, enhanced DF-PN tends to significantly over-explore some nodes. With smaller values, enhanced DF-PN is usually slower. InPDSspendingmoretimeinonechildisacommonbehaviorbecausethe ending condition requires to exceed both thresholds simultaneously. Usage of 1 + εtrickinpdsmakesthisdeepexploringbehaviorevenmoreexhaustive, what can often lead to over-exploring. Therefore ε should be much smaller in enhanced version of PDS. We found 1/16 as the best ε value. All experiments were performed on 3GHz Pentium 4 with 1GB RAM under Linux. 4.2 The Size of a Transposition Table, Tested on Atari Go We run all four methods with different transposition table sizes. The results are showninfig.5andexacttimesforthesizesbetween 2 12 and 2 22 nodesare shownintable1. ttsizeinnodes DF-PNwith 1 + εtrick DF-PN PDSwith 1 + εtrick PDS Table1.SolvingtimesinsecondsofAtariGo 6 6withacrosscut Obviously enhanced DF-PN is the fastest method and plain DF-PN is the second fastest. Settingthesizegreaterthan 2 20 doesn tnoticeablyaffectthetimes.inthat range there is no remarkable difference between plain and enhanced PDS. For sizessmallerthan 2 20 enhancedpdsbecomesfasterthanplainpds. Anoticeabledropofperformancecanbeobservedwhenthesizeisbelow Withina2hourtimelimitPDSisunabletosolvetheproblemfortransposition tablewithsizeof 2 14 nodes,df-pnwithsizeof 2 13 nodesandenhancedpds withsizeof 2 12 nodes.

9 running time 2h 1.5h 1h 30m 20m 10m 5m 3m 2m 1m 40s DF PN with 1 + ε trick DF PN PDS with 1 + ε trick PDS transposition table size in number of nodes Fig.5.SolvingtimesofAtariGo 6 6withacrosscut The enhanced versions are much better for really small transposition tables. Forsizes 2 14 andsmaller,enhanceddf-pnisfarbetterthananyothermethod. Enhanced DF-PN is able to solve the problem almost not using a transposition tableatall.withamemoryof 256nodesitneeded 1535secondsandwitha memoryof 32nodesitneeded 5905seconds.Ofcoursethereisasubstantial information stored in the local variables in each recursive call. 4.3 Efficiency under Tournament Conditions, Tested on a Set of Easy LOA Positions WehavealreadyseenthatDF-PNwiththe 1+εtrickperformsexcellentlywhen the search space significantly exceeds the size of a transposition table. In this sectionwecheckapracticalvalueofthemethodsonthesetof[8]488loa positions.thepurposeofthistestistoevaluatetheefficiencyofsolvingthe positions with tournament time constraints, as it is desired in the best computer programs. Thesizeofatranspositiontableissetto 2 20 nodesandshouldfitintomemory ofmostcomputers.theresultsareshowninfig.6.thefigurewascreatedby measuring solving time for each method for every position from the set. Then for everytimelimitwecaneasilyfindthenumberofsolvedpositionswithtimenot exceeding the limit. Exact numbers of solved positions for selected time limits areshownintable2. Here enhanced DF-PN is clearly the most efficient method, plain DF-PN is the second best and both PDS versions are the least efficient. The difference between enhanced PDS and plain PDS is unnoticeable.

10 timelimit 0.5s 1s 2s 5s10s20s30s1m2m5m DF-PNwith 1 + εtrick DF-PN PDSwith 1 + εtrick PDS Table 2. Numbers of solved positions from the set[8] for selected time limits 4.4 Efficiency of Solving Hard Problems, Tested on a Set of Hard LOA Positions This experiment is aimed at checking our ability of solving harder problems in reasonabletime.286testpositionsweretakenfrom[8].againwesetthesize ofatranspositiontableto 2 20 nodes.theresultsareshowninfig.7andexact number of solved positions for selected time limits are shown in Table 3. timelimit 5s10s20s30s1m2m3m5m10m20m30m DF-PNwith 1 + εtrick DF-PN PDSwith 1 + εtrick PDS Table 3. Numbers of solved positions from the set[8] for selected time limits Again, as in the previous test, enhanced DF-PN is the most efficient method, plaindf-pnisthesecondbestandbothpdsversionsaretheleastefficient. The difference between enhanced PDS and plain PDS is now noticeable. For each time limit greater than 90 seconds enhanced PDS solves more positions thanplainpds.itshowsadvantageofenhancedpdsoverplainpdsforharder positions. To illustrate speed differences in numbers for each two methods we calculated ageometricmeanofratiosofsolvingtimes(table4).thegeometricmeanis more appropriate for averaging ratios than the arithmetic mean because of the followingproperty:if Ais r 1 timesfasterthan B, Bis r 2 timesfasterthan C and Ais r 3 timesfasterthan Cthen r 3 = r 1 r 2. 5 Conclusions and Future Work The 1+εtrickhasbeenintroducedtoenhanceDF-PN.Wehaveshownthatthe trick can also be used in PDS. The experiments showed a noticeable speedup when the search space significantly exceeds the size of a transposition table. The trick is particularly well-suited to DF-PN, since the experiments have shown a big advantage of enhanced DF-PN over the other methods. The AtariGo

11 positions solved out of DF PN with 1 + ε trick DF PN PDS with 1 + ε trick PDS 500ms 1s 2s 5s 10s 20s 30s 1m 2m time limit Fig. 6. Numbers of solved easy LOA positions from the set[8] for given time limit 286 positions solved out of DF PN with 1 + ε trick DF PN PDS with 1 + ε trick PDS 5s 10s 20s 30s 1m 2m 3m 5m 10m 20m 30m time limit Fig. 7. Numbers of solved hard LOA positions from the hard set[8] for given time limit

12 DF-PN enhanced DF-PN PDS enhanced PDS DF-PN enhanced DF-PN PDS enhanced PDS Table 4. Overall comparison for positions from the set The number rintherow Aandthecolumn Bsays Ais rtimesfasterthan Binaverage. experiment has shown that this method performs extremely well in low memory conditions. Moreover, DF-PN with the 1+ε trick was the most efficient method in the real-life experiment on the LOA game so it should be valuable in practice. The 1+ε trick is possibly applicable to other threshold-based depth-first versions of PN-Search. Thenicepropertyofthetrickisthatitcanbeaddedtoexistingimplementations with little effort. Its value has to be confirmed in other games different thanatarigoandloa.wenoticethatinothergamesandinotherdepth-first variantsofpn-search,thevalueof εcanbedifferent,anditshouldbefurther investigated. We hope that the presented technique becomes attractive for a brute-force frontsearchforgamessolving.howevertherearestillsomeweakpointsinpn based methods and more work for improvements is required to make depth-first PN-Search even more useful. References 1.Breuker,D.,Uiterwijk,J.,vanderHerik,H.:ThePN 2 searchalgorithm.invanden Herik, H., Monien, B., eds.: Advances in Computer Games. Volume 9., Universiteit Maastricht, Maastricht, The Netherlands(2001) Seo,M.,Iida,H.,Uiterwijk,J.:ThePN searchalgorithm:applicationtotsumeshogi. Artificial Intelligence 129(1 2)(2001) Nagai, A.: A new AND/OR tree search algorithm using proof number and disproof number. In: Proceeding of Complex Games Lab Workshop, Tsukuba, ETL(1998) Nagai, A.: Df pn Algorithm for Searching AND/OR Trees and its Applications. Ph.d. thesis, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan(2002) 5. Winands, M., Uiterwijk, J., van den Herik, H.: An effective two-level proof-number search algorithm. Theoretical Computer Science 313(3)(2004) Kishimoto, A., Müller, M.: Search versus knowledge for solving life and death problems in go. In: Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence(AAAI- 05).(2005) Allis, L., van der Meulen, M., van den Herik, H.: Proof number search. Artificial Intelligence 66(1994) Winands, M.:(Mark s LOA Homepage) 9. Breuker, D., Uiterwijk, J., van der Herik, H.: Replacement schemes and two level tables. ICCA J. 19(3)(1996)

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