The short and long run impact of technology on employment: evidence from Italy

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1 The short and long run impact of technology on employment: evidence from Italy Bianca Biagi 1, Maria Gabriela Ladu 2 1. University of Sassari and CRENoS via Muroni, Sasari - Italy phone number : fax: University of Sassari and CRENoS via Muroni, Sasari - Italy phone number : fax: Abstract When technological change accelerates job destruction and job creation occur simultaneously, however the results for the whole economy will depend on which effect eventually dominates. This paper investigates whether there are any systematic regional differences in the Italian regions between short- and long-run dynamics of employment. Specifically, the aim of the present work is to analyze the relative importance of the capitalization effect and the creative destruction effect for a panel of Italian regions for the period from 1977 to Unlike a previous work on a panel of OECD countries but on the same line of a recent analysis on EU countries, our findings suggest that in Italy the job destruction effect prevails in the short and the long run. Few empirical studies explore this specific topic, and most of those are cross-countries. The results obtained in this work highlight the need to further explore this relationship within countries. JEL: J01; J20; O30; R11; R23. 1

2 1. Introduction Economic growth and labor market theories have been developed independently until the 1990s. During this decade (1990s), the work of Pissarides (1990; 2000) breaks the dichotomy by developing a model in which the rate of technical progress directly affects the labor market tightness as measured by the ratio of vacant jobs to the unemployment rate. According to this theory, high productivity growth increases the expected profits and provides incentives to open new jobs. This outcome has been termed the capitalization effect of growth on employment. Some years later, Aghion and Howitt (1998) find that faster productivity growth, embodied in industrial innovations, generates job destruction rather than job creation, thereby reducing the value of posting vacancies. This outcome has been named the creative destruction effect. Thereafter, Mortensen and Pissarides (1998) show that the two effects (i.e., the capitalization effect à la Pissarides and the creative destruction effect à la Aghion and Howitt) depend on the type of technology such that if the technology is disembodied, as in the Solow growth model, even old jobs can take advantage of technological change. In this case, the capitalization effect is expected to prevail; however, if the technology is embodied, only new jobs can take advantage of technological progress and old jobs will be destroyed. In the latter case, the creative destruction effect prevails over the capitalization effect. More recently, Prat (2007) investigates the relationship between unemployment and disembodied technological change using a search-matching model where firms operate in a stochastic environment. He finds that the effect of technological change on unemployment depends on the degree of uncertainty as unemployment can increase or decrease with the pace of innovation. Pissarides and Vallanti (2007) model employment by deriving steady state rules for job creation and job destruction for the representative firm. As in Mortensen and Pissarides (1998), the impact of growth of total factor productivity (TFP), which is used to measure economic growth, depends on whether the technology is embodied or disembodied. Despite the importance of the above-mentioned theoretical contributions, the empirical applications of the relationship between growth and employment are not many, and they do not produce straightforward results (Bean and Pissarides, 1993; Caballero, 1993). Blanchard and Wolfers (2000), analyzing the rise of unemployment for a panel of 20 OECD countries over 5-year intervals from 1960 to 2000 conclude that the interaction between shocks and institutions are crucial to explain trends in unemployment rates in heterogeneous countries. 2

3 Staiger et al. (2001), using quarterly data for a panel of US states, identify a positive relationship between growth and employment. Pissarides and Vallanti (2007), investigating the relationship between TFP growth and employment for a panel of 15 industrial countries, conclude that TFP growth has a negative impact on employment in the short run and a positive impact in the long run. The majority of empirical applications focus on the relationship between growth and employment at a cross-country level or a country level. However, those types of analyses neglect the role of regional disparities within countries. Empirical literature shows that regional disparities are larger when compared to cross-countries differences. For the case of the European Union, for instance, economic disparities are persistent despite the acceleration of the European Integration of the last decades (Ladu, 2010). Thus far, only Ladu (2012) offers a regional analysis based on a panel of 83 regions in 10 European countries between 1976 and The author finds that when this relationship is investigated at a more disaggregated level (NUTS 2 European regions), the finding of Pissarides and Vallanti (2007) provides a rather different picture of this relationship in the long run for the case of European regions. More precisely, the effect of TFP on employment is not found to be positive, as it is in their study. Those outcomes suggest that the final results are actually country-specific; therefore, it is crucial to investigate this relationship at a more disaggregated level to determine its implications for regional growth and related policies. Hence, the purpose of this work is to examine the relationship between productivity growth (measured by the TFP) and employment in the Italian regions for the period 1977 to Specifically, following Pissarides and Vallanti (2007), we investigate whether there are any systematic regional differences between short- and long-run dynamics of employment when technological change accelerates (TFP). The main aim is to determine the relative importance of capitalization effect and creative destruction effect on employment. A more detailed regional analysis for the case of Italy may yield further hints on the persistency of the south north economic divide and the so-called empirical puzzle (Faini et al., 1997). The latter refers to the decrease of south to north interregional migration experienced in Italy between the mid-1970s and mid-1990s with respect to the previous decades, while major economic differences still persisted between high unemployment rates in the south and low unemployment rates in the north. The slowdown is most likely due to the types of jobs created in the north if the creative destruction effect prevailed only for labor that required specific types of skills. 3

4 Findings suggest that in northern regions, the job destruction effect dominates. Furthermore, as in Ladu (2012), in the Italian regions, creative destruction is confirmed even in the long run. The obtained results shed light on the employment-tfp dynamic for the case of the Italian regions but they also highlight the importance of extending the analysis to other countries to better understand in which country/region the negative or positive effect prevails in the short and in the long run. The results by country are essential to draw ad hoc policy actions. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the theoretical background. Section 3 shows the estimation procedure of the TFP and the empirical model. Section 4 presents the results, and section 5 concludes the paper. 2. Theoretical background To derive the effect of productivity growth (measured by TFP) on employment, we follow the approach of Pissarides and Vallanti (2007). As in Mortensen and Pissarides (1998), Pissarides and Vallanti (2007) derive a model in which the impact of TFP on job creation and job destruction depends on the type of technology, i.e., whether the new technology is disembodied, as in the Solow growth model, or embodied in new jobs (Schumpeterian type). Pissarides and Vallanti introduce a Cobb-Douglas production function with the two types of technology. One, denoted by A 1, can be applied in existing jobs as well as in new jobs, thus allowing existing jobs to take full advantage of new technological improvements. In the other production function, denoted by A 2, can only be applied in new jobs. This is the Schumpeterian assumption of embodied technology. In the production function, the output per worker is denoted by f(.,.). The first argument denotes the creation time of the job, while the second denotes the valuation time. At time τ, the output per worker in a new job is:, =, 1 where k(τ,τ) is the capital-labor ratio in new jobs at τ. However, in jobs of vintage τ, output per worker at time t>τ is:, =, 2 where, in general, k(τ,t) is different from k(τ,τ). The value of a job created at time 0 and lasting until T satisfies the following Bellman equation for t ϵ [0, T]: 4

5 0,+0, = 0, 0, 0, 0,+0, 3 0, = 0 In the above equation, the value of a job consists of two parts: the value of its capital stock and a value V(.,.) 0, which is due to the frictions and the quasi-rents that characterize employment. The job can be destroyed either by an exogenous process, which occurs at rate s, or because of obsolescence, which occurs T periods after creation. Capital depreciates at rate δ, and there is a perfect market for capital in which the firm can re-sell its capital stock when the job is destroyed. There are no capital adjustment costs, r is the exogenous rental rate of capital and w(0, t) is the wage rate at t in a job of vintage 0. The interpretation of the Bellman equation derives from search theory, that is, firms hire capital stock k(0, t) and realize profit V(0, t) as a result. The firm controls at time 0 whether or not to create a job. Once the decision to create a is made, the next decision is when to terminate it, and the path of k(0, T) for t ϵ [0, T]. Pissarides and Vallanti assume that the firm and the worker jointly determine the wage rate after bargaining. Maximizing the Bellman equation (3) with respect to k(0,t) we obtain: 0, = 0/ +!0," 4 Wages play a key role in the transmission of the effects of growth on employment, showing that due to the competition of new jobs, workers reservation wages grow faster than the marginal product of labor in existing jobs. Accordingly, jobs eventually become unprofitable. The wage equation is derived using a Nash bargaining solution:, = 1 $%+$&',+$(, 5 where b(t) is the unemployment income, ' 0 is a measure of market tightness, m(θ) is the rate at which new jobs are offered to unemployed workers and β ϵ [0,1) is the share of labor. There is no search regarding the job. In existing jobs, technology and capital stock grow at a lower rate than they do in new jobs, while wages grow at a rate that is close to new jobs due to their dependence on reservation wages. The differential rates of growth of labor s marginal product and reservation wages drive the results of employment. A job is destroyed when the reservation wage becomes equal to the worker s marginal product. Wages then become equal to reservation wages as well and the job is then unprofitable as reservation wages continue to grow faster than the marginal product of labor. Employment in the representative firm evolves, on average, according to the difference between job creation and job destruction: 5

6 + =, -./, + 6 where x(t) is job creation and exp(- st) is the fraction of jobs of vintage t - T that survive to T and accordingly, it becomes obsolete. 3. Estimation of the TFP and the empirical model The final purpose of the present work is to investigate the connection between economic growth and employment for 20 Italian regions over the period 1977 to Specifically, the aim is to investigate whether and to what extend economic growth has created or destroyed jobs. Following Pissarides and Vallanti (2007) and Easterly and Levine (2001), economic growth is measured by means of TFP growth. The latter note that much of the empirical evidence indicates that factor accumulation explains only a portion of the observed crosscountry growth. De la Fuente and Doménech (2000) also highlight that TFP dynamics are crucial for the productivity dynamic. Methodologically, the analysis follows two main steps. In a first step, TFP for the country as a whole is estimated. As in Marrocu et al. (2012), to avoid any potential bias due to endogeneity, the national TFP is obtained using two-stage least squares estimation method (2SLS) and an IV procedure. The estimated coefficients of α and β are then used to compute the TFP for each region and year of the sample under analysis. In a second step, the TFP and the lag of the TFP are included as explanatory variables in the employment equation, à la Pissarides and Vallanti (equation 8) and both variables are included to distinguish between the short- and long-run effects of growth on employment. We check for the presence of any systematic difference of TFP growth impact on employment with respect to regional contexts by including two interaction dummies (i.e., TFP in the northern and central regions). Finally, the entire time period is divided into two sub-periods (1980 to 1991 and 1992 to 2003) to verify whether the effect of growth on employment changes over time. 3.1 The first step: the estimation of TFP The estimation of the TFP for a panel of Italian regions is not new: Marrocu et al. (2001) measure the TFP for 17 sectors over the period ; Ascari and Di Cosmo (2004) calculate it over the period , while Byrne et al. (2009) for One of the most used approaches to calculate the TFP is the growth accounting methodology that has 6

7 been suggested by Solow in a seminal paper of the This method allows measuring the so-called Solow residual that is interpreted as technical change and innovation. As Byrne et al. (2009, 66) well explain, one of the main limitations of this method is the assumption of constant return to scale, perfect competition, and constant factor shares and time invariability of the production technology. Following previous works (Marrocu et al. 2001; Marrocu et al., 2012) to overcome those problems this paper follows the so-called quasigrowth accounting approach that consists in estimating factor endowment elasticities rather than imposing them. For the estimation of the TFP we use as dependent variable the Value added in constant prices (VA) in millions of Euros for each Italian region (i=20) by the years The data come from the database of the Italian Centre for North South Economic Research (CRENoS). The capital stock (K) is calculated by using the perpetual inventory method assuming a depreciation rate, δ, as constant. The initial capital stock is calculated as K 0 = I 0 / (g+δ), where g is the average annual growth of investment expenditure and I 0 is investment expenditure in the first year for which data on investment expenditures are available. Pissarides and Vallanti (2007) apply a depreciation rate of 8%, however, their work is based on national data a panel of OECD countries- while the present work is applied to regional data. Therefore, we decide to follow the recent work Marrocu et al. (2012) on EU regions that use a depreciation rate of 10%. Data on investment expenditures in million of Euros are derived from the database of the Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT). The units of labor in thousands (L) come from the Labor Force Survey of ISTAT. In this study, TFP is computed by the estimation of the following Cobb-Douglas production function: ln 34 = 5 3 +αln7 34 +$ln where i = 1, N = 20 regions; t = 1977, 2003 (27 years); VA is value added, K is capital stock, L are units of labor, are time dummies and 8 = is the error term. On average, the estimated coefficient for K and L are, respectively, 0.38 and Those values are consistent with previous findings on Italy using the pure growth accounting approach (see for instance Byrne et al., 2009). Furthermore, the sum of the coefficients close to the unity implies constant return to scale. At this point, we test the properties of value added, capital stock and labor by applying panel unit root tests in order to avoid spurious correlation problems. Specifically, we test nonstationarity of our variables by using three types of panel unit root tests: Levin-Lin-Chu 7

8 (LLC, 2002) that tests the null hypothesis of the presence of unit roots in homogenous panel and assumes that all series are stationary under the alternative; Im-Pesaran-Shin (IPS; 2003) that tests the hypothesis of presence of unit roots in heterogeneous panel and it allows for individual effect, time trends, and common time effect (unlike LLC, IPS is consistent under the alternative that only a fraction of the series is stationary 1 ); and finally Fisher test that performs a unit-root test on each panel s series separately, next it combines the p-values to get an overall test of whether the panel series contains a unit root (Baltagi, 2013) 2. As it can be seen from Table 1A in the appendix, in the majority of cases the series are non-stationary in the levels but stationary in the first difference. Following the results of the tests, the next step is to check whether there is a statistically acceptable cointegration relationship between the variables of interest. In order to do that, the test developed by Pedroni (1999) is applied. The test performs seven statistics, four are within-dimension statistics (panel v-stat; panel rho-stat; panel pp-stat; panel adf-stat) and three are between-dimension statistics (group rho-stat; group pp-stat; group adf-stat). The four within dimension statistics are based on pooling the autoregressive coefficients across the different regions for the unit root tests on the estimated residuals, while the three between-dimension statistics are based on estimators that simply average the individual estimated coefficients for each region. The null hypothesis of all seven tests is no cointegration. The application of the tests to equation 7 above indicates that five out of seven statistics are in favor of cointegration (see Table 2A). 3.2 The second step: the impact of TFP on employment The structural employment equation is represented by equation 6 (see previous section). Because of the impossibility to have a long time series for job creation and job destruction, we estimate a single equation for employment, as in Pissarides and Vallanti (2007). As a consequence, job creation and job destruction depend on the same variables, which are the level of marginal product (proxied by the level of TFP and the level of the capital-labor ratio), the wage rate level and the expected rates of growth of both the marginal product and the wage rate (both proxied by the rate of TFP growth). The estimated employment equation is: ln+/>? 34 = G + G +η See help of Stata version See also Stata command xtunitroot. 8

9 where L/WP is the ratio of total employment to working age population; k* is the ratio of capital stock to working age population; ln is the real cost of labor; lntfp is the level of TFP; lnde G is the TFP growth rate; lnde G is the lag of the TFP growth rate; K 3 and 4 are, respectively, region and time fixed effects that are included to remove common employment trends and cycles and 8 34 is the error term. The estimation method is the two stage least squares (IV2SLS) and as in previous works (Marrocu et al., 2012), the variable k* is instrumented by using a one year lag. 3 For the estimation of the effect of the TFP on employment rate, as in Pissarides and Vallanti (2007), the dependent variable is the log of employment rate (ln(l/p)) calculated as the ratio of employment (L) to working age population (P). The units of labor in thousands (L) come from the Labor Force Survey of the Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT), whereas data on working population in thousands (P) comes from the dataset of the Cambridge Ecometrics (Table 3A in the appendix). The other variables are: W, Real labor cost (nominal wage/gdp deflator) that come, respectively from Cambridge Econometrics EUROSTAT; TFP that come from the computation in the previous step (for a complete description of the variables and the related sources see Table 3A in the Appendix). 4. Results Results of the estimation are reported in Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4. Time dummies are introduced in all of the models to remove the common trends and cycles in the regions of the sample, thus avoiding spurious correlations due to these co-movements. The dependent variable is the log of employment rate (ln(l/p)) calculated as the ratio of employment to working age population. The independent variables are the level of TFP (lntfp), the rate of growth of TFP (lnde G,@ADE G, the level of the capital-labor ratio (lnk), the real cost of labor (ln, which, as previously stated, has been instrumented by using a one year lag. Table 1 in the first column shows the results of Model 1, which represents equation 8 for the whole sample. The overall model indicates that the impact of TFP growth (lntfp g ) on employment is negative in the short run and remains negative in the long run (to determine what happens in the long run, we sum the coefficient of lntfpg with the coefficient of lntfpg -1 ). Both coefficients are significant and negative, thus implying a negative impact of TFP growth on employment. Hence, overall, the analysis indicates that the creative destruction effect prevails both in the short and in the long run. The second column of Table 1 3 When controlling for longer lags of k*, the result remains broadly unchanged. 9

10 indicates whether those results are confirmed after controlling for the TFP level, growth and lag in the northern and central regions with respect to the southern regions (equation 8 plus six interaction dummies TFP NORTH, TFP g,north, TFP g-1,north and TFP CENTER, TFP g,center, TFP g-1,center ). If we examine the growth rate of TFP (TFP g,north ), the results indicate that the negative impact of TFP growth of northern regions is stronger than that of the southern regions at a 10% level. These results likely depend on the fact that the majority of manufacturing industries of the countries are located in the northern regions. However, this finding requires deeper investigation. Table 2 illustrates the results of further analyses that have been performed to determine whether the sign of the relationship between growth and employment changes according to two different decades, that is, 1980 to 1991 and 1992 to As evidenced from the first column of Table 2, in the first sub-period (1980 to 1991), growth has no effect on employment (Model 3 a ). However, when we control for differences in the northern and central regions with respect to the southern regions (second column, Model 4 b ), the effect of growth on employment is found to be significant and negative for the northern regions (TFP G,NORTH ), but only in the short run, while in the long run, the coefficient of TFP G-1,NORTH is not significant. In the second sub-period (1992 to 2003; column 3 Model 5 c ), TFP growth has a negative impact on employment in both the short and long run. These results are confirmed also in Model 6 d, where regional TFP growth differences are taken into account. Finally, Tables 3 and 4 present the results of the estimations of equation 8 for the 4 subperiods, respectively, 1980 to 1985 and 1986 to 1991 in Table 3 and 1992 to 1997 and 1998 to 2003 in Table 4. Table 3 indicates that in the 1980 to 1985 period, the growth of the TFP has a positive impact on employment, but only in the medium run (Model 7 a ). However, it is also noted that the impact of TFP growth on employment is negative for the northern regions and positive for the central regions (Model 7 b ). No model reveals a significant relationship of growth on employment in the medium run. Models 8 a and 8 b show results for the sub-period 1986 to It seems that there is no impact of TFP growth on employment in either the short run or the long run, even after examining the territorial locations of the regions. Table 4 shows results for the sub-periods 1992 to 1997 and 1998 to Model 9 a shows that TFP growth has a negative effect on employment in the short run and this effect remains negative even in medium run. We do not find any differences among regions (Model 9 b ). Models 10 a and 10 b show results for the last sub-period of our sample. We find no impact of TFP growth on employment for the period 1998 to 2003, we find a negative relationship between the two variables but only at a national level and in the the short run. 10

11 Summarizing, as in Pissarides and Vallanti (2007) the impact of TFP on employment in Italy is negative in the short run, however unlike this previous work this impact remains negative even in the long run. The present study shows that in Italy during the time span job destruction effect prevails in both, the short and the long run. Furthermore, analyzing more in depth the time span (Models 4-10), we find that on average this pattern reinforces in the second sub-period ( ) and, precisely, during the years between 1992 and The negative impact of the TFP on employment becomes particularly strong in the Northern part of the country during the decade where the majority of manufacturing firms locate, whereas in the following decades the effect in the northern regions is not different respect to the country as a whole. 5. Conclusions Equilibrium models of employment imply that the effects of faster growth can be either positive or negative and that they depend on the extent to which new technology is embodied in new jobs. Following Pissarides and Vallanti (2007), the main purpose of this work is to analyze the short- and long-run relationship between TFP growth and employment in the Italian regions over the period 1977 to 2003 and to see whether there are any systematic differences according to the territorial locations of the regions. Consistent with Ladu (2012), for European regions and in contrast to Pissarides and Vallanti (2007) for industrialized countries, the present analysis of Italy finds that the short-run negative effect of growth on employment does not become positive in the long run. Specifically, for the Italian regions, we find that this effect is consistently negative, even in the long run. Furthermore, the negative relationship between TFP growth and employment is evident in the northern regions of Italy where the majority of manufacturing industries are located. Furthermore, the analysis of this relationship for sub-periods highlights specifically how creative destruction started in the 1990s. This outcome provides further information about the empirical puzzle, à la Faini et al. (1997), thus indicating that the slowdown of the south to north migration in Italy was likely due to a mismatch in the types of skills required by labor demand and also highlighting the need to further investigate the impact of growth on employment both theoretically and empirically. The results obtained for Italy confirm the need to extend this analysis to other countries (specifically in the European context). Employment/economic growth dynamics still remain an open question that requires more 11

12 applied studies. Finally, further extensions, beyond the scope of this paper, could go towards analyzing whether the impact of TFP on employment in the short and in the long run changes by type of workers - skilled and unskilled. 12

13 Table 1. 2SLS Estimation. Dependent variable: ln(l/p) Variables Model 1 a Model 2 b Lnk* *** (0.015) lntfp ** (0.032) lntfp g *** (0.060) lntfp g ** (0.059) Lnw (0.054) *** (0.017) *** (0.040) (0.074) (0.073) 0.192*** (0.057) TFP NORTH 0.300*** (0.053) TFP G,NORTH * (0.107) TFP G-1,NORTH (0.108) TFP CENTRE 0.262*** (0.061) TFP g,centre (0.157) TFP g-1,centre Constant 4.327*** (0.680) Number of code (0.154) 3.470*** (0.683) Observations Year dummies yes yes Fixed effects yes yes *, **, *** indicate the significance levels at 10 %, 5 % and 1 %, respectively a whole model b model with interaction dummy variables for north and center. # instrumented variables (the instruments used are all the exogenous variables in the regression and lags of the endogenous variables) 13

14 Table 2. 2SLS Estimation. Dependent variable: ln(l/p) Variables Model 3 a (80-91) Model 4 b (80-91) Lnk# *** *** (0.029) (0.033) lntfp *** *** (0.071) (0.083) lntfp g (0.065) (0.085) lntfp g (0.063) (0.083) Lnw ** 0.193** (0.085) (0.092) TFP NORTH (0.076) TFP g,north ** (0.126) Model 5 c (92-03) (0.029) ** (0.036) *** (0.066) *** (0.065) (0.082) Model (92-03) 6 d *** (0.033) *** (0.058) *** (0.078) ** (0.076) 0.181** (0.082) 0.510*** (0.089) (0.105) TFP g-1,north (0.122) TFP CENTER (0.129) TFP g,center (0.198) TFP g-1,center constant 5.043*** (1.234) (0.176) 5.291*** (1.300) 4.919*** (1.084) number of code observations year dummies yes yes yes yes fixed effects yes yes yes yes *, **, *** indicate the significance levels at 10 %, 5 % and 1 %, respectively a time period b model with interaction dummy variables for north and center, time period c time period d model with interaction dummy variables for north and center, time period # instrumented variables (the instruments used are all the exogenous variables in the regression and lags of the endogenous variables) (0.101) 0.502*** (0.104) (0.155) (0.153) 3.703*** (1.010) 14

15 Table 3. 2SLS Estimation. Dependent variable: ln(l/p) Variables Model 7 a (80-85) Model 7 b (80- Model 8 a Model 8 b 85) (86-91) (86-91) Lnk# * * ** (0.071) (0.079) (0.048) (0.054) lntfp ** ** (0.128) (0.186) (0.109) (0.114) lntfp g (0.094) (0.122) (0.088) (0.111) lntfp g ** (0.088) (0.120) (0.075) (0.100) Lnw ** 0.277* (0.131) (0.142) (0.108) (0.107) TFP NORTH *** (0.203) (0.089) TFP g,north * (0.182) (0.153) TFP g,-1,north (0.177) TFP CENTER (0.470) TFP g, CENTER 0.588** (0.295) TFP g-1, CENTER constant 3.965* (2.231) (0.227) 5.573*** (2.353) 5.538*** (1.745) number of code observations year dummies yes yes yes yes fixed effects yes yes yes yes *, **, *** indicate significance levels at 10 %, 5 % and 1 %, respectively a time period b model with interaction dummy variables for north and center, time period c time period d model with interaction dummy variables for north and center, time period # instrumented variables (the instruments used are all the exogenous variables in the regression and lags of the endogenous variables) (0.146) (0.141) (0.213) (0.212) 6.135*** (1.740) 15

16 Table 4. 2SLS Estimation. Dependent variable: ln(l/p) Variables Model 9 a (92-97) Model 9 b (92-97) Lnk# * (0.067) (0.079) lntfp (0.079) (0.126) lntfp g *** *** (0.117) (0.147) lntfp g ** *** (0.109) (0.135) Lnw (0.188) (0.207) TFP NORTH 0.285* (0.169) TFP g, NORTH (0.172) Model 10 a (98-03) (0.066) ** (0.092) (0.089) (0.071) (0.145) Model 10 b (98-03) (0.069) ** (0.107) *** (0.107) (0.095) (0.151) (0.181) (0.185) TFPg-1, NORTH (0.165) TFP, CENTER (0.218) TFP g, CENTER (0.303) TFP g-1,center constant 4.787** (2.298) (0.288) 5.785** (2.478) 5.900** (2.375) number of code observations year dummies yes yes yes yes fixed effects yes yes yes yes *, **, *** indicate significance levels at 10 %, 5 % and 1 %, respectively a time period b model with interaction dummy variables for north and center, time period c time period d model with interaction dummy variables for north and center, time period # instrumented variables (the instruments used are all the exogenous variables in the regression and lags of the endogenous variables) (0.152) (0.254) 0.765*** (0.252) (0.217) 6.267*** (2.398) 16

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19 Appendix Table 1A. Unit root tests VA K L LLC Level Diff -7.68*** -4.09*** -4.56*** IPS Level Diff -9.52*** -3.30*** -7.64*** Fisher-DF Level Diff *** *** *** Fisher_PP Level *** Diff *** *** *** Notes: *, ** and *** denotes the 1 %, 5% and 10 % significance level respectively. All variables are in logs. LLC H0 in all tests: the series are not stationary. Table 2A. Pedroni panel cointergration test. Statistics Value panel v-stat 1.937** panel rho-stat panel pp-stat *** panel adf-stat *** group rho-stat group pp-stat *** group adf-stat *** Notes: *, ** and *** denotes the 1 %, 5% and 10 % significance level respectively. Nsecs = 20, Tperiods = 27, no. regressors = 2 All reported values are distributed N(0,1) Ho in all tests: no cointegration. Panel stats are weighted by long run variances. Critical values at 1%, 5% and 10% are , and respectively. 19

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