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1 Testking.M Q Number: M Passing Score: 800 Time Limit: 120 min File Version: M Magento Front End Developer Certification Exam a) I found your Questions & Answers and explanations remarkably practical and easy to understand. b) TestKing is amazing stuff, really. I have passed my M exam very easily and without any problems. c) Passed the exam successfully 90%. Thanks for the help. d) There are 7 new questions that was covered in this dumps. e) The prep labs were simply awesome and I was amazed as to how much I learned and how fast f) you will surely use this exam preparation engine for the rest of exams. Thank-you so very much!

2 Exam A QUESTION 1 Which of the following will render the custom content block custom, name to a page based on the native 3columns.phtml template? A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D Correct Answer: A QUESTION 2 You want to stop all events on someelement. Which two methods from prototype.js will do this? (Choose TWO.) A. $ ("someelement").stopevent() B. $ ("someelement").stopobserving() C. Event.stop("someElement") D. $("someelement").stop () E. Event.stopEvent("someElement") F. Event.stopObserving("someElement") Correct Answer: BF

3 rightful. QUESTION 3 Which two of the following statements regarding Magento configuration scopes are true? (Choose TWO.) A. "Website" has a higher priority than "Store View". B. "Store View" has a higher priority than "Website". C. "Global" has a higher priority than "Website." D. "Website" has a higher priority than "Global". E. "Global" has a higher priority than "Store View". F. "Global" has a higher priority than "Store". G. "Store" has a higher priority than "Store View". Correct Answer: BD QUESTION 4 Which file adds "breadcrumbs" on pages? A. page.xml B. breadcrumbs.xml C. navigation.xml D. core.xml E. header.xml Correct Answer: A sophisticated. QUESTION 5 Which is the proper XML markup for creating a new content block containing the content from a CMS static block?

4 A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D Correct Answer: B QUESTION 6 In a "new order" transactional template, which two of the following are valid ways to get properties of the template variable "order"? (Choose TWO.) A. {{order var=customer_lastname}} B. {{var data=order.customer }} C. {{var order.customer_lastname}} D. {{var $order.getcustorner ()}} E. {{var order.getcustomerlastname()}} F. {{var order.getcustomerfirstname}} E QUESTION 7 What does the <update handle="catalog_seo_sitemap" /> element do in the following piece of layout XML?

5 A. It unsets all elements defined in the layout handle called catalog_seo_sitemap. B. It loads the layout handle catalog_seo_sitemap_category into the layout handle ca catalog_seo_sitemap. C. It loads the layout handle catalog_seo_sitemap into the layout handle called catalog_seo_sitemap_category. D. It updates the name on the layout handle catalog_seo_sitemap_category to catalog_seo_sitemap. QUESTION 8 Which two of the following statements are true regarding Magento configuration scopes? (Choose TWO.) A. "Websites" contain "Stores". B. A "Store" can be associated with multiple "Websites". C. A "Store View" can be associated with multiple "Stores". D. A "Store" can be associated with multiple "Store Views". E. Multiple "Websites" can share a "Store View". Correct Answer: AD

6 QUESTION 9 Which element in layout XML specifies a method to be called on a referenced or newly defined block? A. <action> B. <call> C. <change> D. <method> E. <update> Correct Answer: A QUESTION 10 The name of a design package in the Design tab of the System->Configuration window in Admin is also used as and. (Choose TWO.) A. a folder name in app/design/frontend B. a configuration value taken from index.php C. a folder name in skin/frontend D. a setting in the menu System -> Design E. a folder name in app/design/frontend/base Correct Answer: AC QUESTION 11 You have a "custom/default" design package. You need to edit this file: /app/design/frontend/base/defauit/template/page/html/header.phtml Which method is a bad practice because the file will be overwritten during Magento upgrades? A. Edit the "base/default" file directly. B. Create a new module in "base/default" called "custom" and copy the file there for editing. C. Create a new package called "custom/custom" and copy the file there for editing. D. Copy the file to "custom/default" for editing. Correct Answer: A QUESTION 12 What type of block is created by the code below?

7 A. Content block B. Text block C. Structural block D. Bulleted list block E. Navigation block QUESTION 13 Which of the following is a native frontend layout handle in Magento? A. catalog_product_details B. catalog_category_list C. checkout_onepage_shippingmethod D. customer_account_default E. multiple_addresses_progress QUESTION 14 Which three of the following action method(s) are valid ways to add custom JavaScript files? (Choose THREE.) A. <action method="addj">< xscript>example.js</script></action> B. <action method="addscript" ><type>js</type><src>example.js</src></action> C. <action method="addjs">< type>skin_js</typexname>example.is</name></action> D. <action method="addltem><type>skin_js</type><name>example-js</namex/action> E. <action method= "newitem" >< "type>js</type><script>example.js</script></action> F. <action method="addscript"><script>example.js</script></action> G. <action method= "additem" ><type>js</typexname>example.js</name ></action> Correct Answer: ADG QUESTION 15 You want to add a block to the content of the product detail page, without having to modify a template. Which three container blocks are rendered regardless of product type and configuration? (Choose THREE.)

8 A. alert.urls B. product.info.extrahint C. product.info.options.wrapper D. product.info.options.wrapper.bottom E. product.info.additional F. product.info.container1 G. product.info.container2 H. product.info.attributes Correct Answer: ABE QUESTION 16 Given a configured package "tmypackage" and a configured theme "mytheme", which THREE of the following templates would be part of the design fallback? (Choose THREE.) A. mypackage/default/template/my/template.phtml B. base/mytheme/template/my/template.phtml C. default/default/template/my/template.phtml D. base/default/template/my/template.phtml E. default/mytheme/template/my/template.phtml F. mypackage/mytheme/template/my/template.phtml Correct Answer: ADF QUESTION 17 Which four of the following page elements can be updated from the Magento Admin in System- > Configuration-> Design? (Choose FOUR.) A. Breadcrumb Separator B. Copyright C. Favicon D. Logo E. Navigation F. Page Title G. Top Links Correct Answer: BCDF QUESTION 18 What is the function of the attribute output= "to Html" when applied to a <block> tag? A. Renders a block without any other explicit calls B. Specifies the sequence of blocks on the page

9 C. Marks a block as a structural block D. Marks a block as a content block Correct Answer: A QUESTION 19 Given the information shown below, which answer will correctly assign a customized template file using layout XML? Block type: example/controller Template path: /a pp/design/frontend/base/exampletheme/examplefolder/example.phtml A. <template block type="example/ controller" name= "example" as="example1' file path="examplefolder/ example.phtml"/ > B. <block name="example/controller" template="examplefolder/example.phtml" /> C. <block type="example/controller" name="example" as="example" template="examplefolder/ example.phtml" /> D. <reference name="example/controller" as "example" template="examplefolder/example.phtml" /> QUESTION 20 Which one of the following methods assigns a custom template to the product compare sidebar block?

10 A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D Correct Answer: A QUESTION 21 Given the layout XML example below, which one of the following actions will cause the title, "Some Title," to be translated by Magento? EXAMPLE:

11 A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D Correct Answer: B QUESTION 22 Given the following code, what color is the word "sale"?

12 A. #AA0000 B. # C. # D. #AA9900 QUESTION 23 Where are the core module translations located? A. app/code/locale/ B. app/locale/ C. app/design/frontend/default/default/locale/ D. app/etc/modules/locale/ Correct Answer: B QUESTION 24 Layered navigation is displayed for a specific category when? A. layered navigation is enabled in System-> Configuration-> Catalog B. the category contains products with filterable attributes C. "Is Anchor" is set to "Yes" in the category settings D. custom layout update XML adds the layered navigation block

13 QUESTION 25 You have created a system of multiple stores within a single Magento installation. Which one of the following levels of settings is NOT available? A. Global B. Website C. Store Group D. Store E. Store View QUESTION 26 Which file adds the search module on a Magento website frontend? A. page.xml B. search.xml C. catalogsearch.xml D. searchproducts.xml QUESTION 27 Given the following layout XML, what will be the expected result on the Magento frontend? A. The top.menu block will be displayed on all pages within the header block B. The top.menu block will never be displayed C. The top.menu block will be displayed within the default block D. The top.menu block will only be displayed within "Catalog" pages Correct Answer: B

14 QUESTION 28 Which code snippet shows the correct way to add a JavaScript file from your custom theme to all Magento pages? A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D Correct Answer: A QUESTION 29

15 If a layout handle exists in the "base/default" package, your custom design package, and the custom package's "local.xml", which handles can be merged? A. All of the handles can be merged. B. Only the handles in "base/default" can be merged. C. Only the handles in your design package can be merged. D. Only the handles in "local.xml" can be merged. E. Only the handles in "base/default" and "local.xml" can be merged. F. Only the handles in your design package and "local.xml" can be merged. Correct Answer: A QUESTION 30 Using prototype.js, which selector would be used to target a group of list items with the class of item? A. $(`ul').children(`li.item') B. $(`item') C. $$(`li.item') D. $$(`ul > li#item') QUESTION 31 A website contains the three store views "English", "French", and "German", with the following settings configured: The template file template/page/lcolumn.phtml exists within the following frontend themes:

16 A. base/default B. default/default C. package1/default D. package1/theme1 E. package1/theme2 F. package1/theme3 QUESTION 32 In which of the following directories is a.xml file located? A. CSS B. Layout C. Skin D. Template Correct Answer: B QUESTION 33 What is System -> Design used for? A. Configuring the fallback system of a store view B. Overriding the fallback system of a store view for a limited period of time C. Activating the fallback system of a store view D. Overriding the fallback system of a subpart (Layout, Templates,...) of a store view E. Configuring basic Package and Theme settings of your Magento instance Correct Answer: B QUESTION 34 Which three types of files are contained in the folder "app/design!"? (Choose THREE.) A. CSS

17 B. Image C. JavaScript D. Layout E. Template F. Translate Correct Answer: DEF QUESTION 35 What is the difference between "display: none" and "visibility: hidden"? A. The "display: none" rule removes the element from the DOM. The "visibility: hidden" rule leaves the element in the DOM. B. The "display: none" rule leaves the element in the DOM. The "visibility: hidden" rule removes the element from the DOM. C. The "display: none" rule removes the space used by the element from the page. The "visibility: hidden" rule reserves space on the page for the element. D. The "display: none" rule reserves space on the page for the element. The "visibility: hidden" rule removes the space used by the element from the page. QUESTION 36 What is the correct PHP code for adding the output of a CMS block to a template? A. $this->getchildcms (`mycmsblock') B. $this->getchildhtml(`mycmseloclc') C. $this->getchildblock (`mycmsblock') D. $this->getcrnshtml(`mycmselock') E. $this->gethtml(`mycmsblock') Correct Answer: B QUESTION 37 Given a configured package "mypackage", which of the following sequences of design fallback steps is correct?

18 A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D Correct Answer: A QUESTION 38 How can a template be included in a CMS block? A. {{block template= "path/to/template.phtm1'}} B. {{block type="core/template" template="path/to/template.phtml"}} C. {{block template="path/to/template.phtml"}} D. {{block id="path/to/template.phtml"}} E. {{block type="core/template" method="settemplate" param="path/to/template.phtml1" } } Correct Answer: B QUESTION 39 You want to add CSS to an HTML page. Which HTML tag would you use? A. CSS B. Style

19 C. Script D. styling Correct Answer: B answer is good. QUESTION 40 Which of the following functions is guaranteed to be executed after the DOM is ready? (Assume that the page only includes the prototype.js library.) A. $(function() {... }) B. $(documerit).ready(function() {... }) C. $("dom:loaded", function()... }) D. document.observe( "dom:loaded", function()... }) E. document.observe("html:loaded", function()... }) F. document.event("html:load", function()... }) Correct Answer: D trustful answer. QUESTION 41 Which XML layout handle is used to assign layout configurations to all pages of a store? A. All B. Base C. Root D. Every E. Default Correct Answer: E right. QUESTION 42 Which two of the following code samples contain correct XML code for adding style.css to a page? (Choose TWO.) A. <action method= "add"><stylesheet>css/styles.css</stylesheet></action> B. <action method="addcss"><stylesheet>css/styles.css</stylesheet></action> C. <action method="addltem"><name>css/styles.css</name></action> D. <action method= "addltem"><type>css</type><name> css/styles.css </name></action> E. <action method= "addltem" ><type>skin_css</ type><name> css/styles.css</name></action> Correct Answer: BE

20 meaningful answer. QUESTION 43 Given the HTML and CSS shown below, which attribute would clear the floated columns if applied to the "grid" element? A. clear:both B. clear:left C. display:block D. display:inline E. overflow:auto F. overflow:hidden Correct Answer: F proper. QUESTION 44 You want to load my-file.js only on the exam' CMS page. In native Magento, which two of the following statements are true? (Choose TWO.) A. You must create exam.xml and put the appropriate XML inside the <cms_page_exam> layout handle, B. You must make sure that my-file.js is present in app/design/base/default/cms/exam/. C. You must add appropriate XML to the CMS Layout-Update-XML textarea of the exam CMS page. D. You must add <?php echo $this->getchildjs (`js/my-file.js');?> to head.phtml. E. You must make sure you are not using a layout handle in the Layout-Update-XML textarea of the "exam" CMS page. E tactful answer. QUESTION 45 If you want to provide an existing custom theme for a mobile device browser, you'll only have to. A. Create a new store for that theme B. Configure the setting in main menu "Mobile"

21 C. Create an exception under System->Design for an appropriate UserAgent D. Create an exception under the System->Configuration "Design" tab for an appropriate UserAgent Correct Answer: D reliable answer. QUESTION 46 A parent HTML element has the style position:relative". You need to position a child element within the parent so that the child's position originates from the parent element's box. Which style on the child will accomplish that? A. position:absolute B. position:fixed C. position:relative D. position:static Correct Answer: A QUESTION 47 You want to override the lcolumn.phtml file. Which two of the following methods could you use? (Choose TWO.) A. Rename the file in base/default to enable overriding. B. Rename the root template configuration in the admin. C. Create a file with same file name in the same directory structure as your theme. D. Create a file exception in System -> Design, clear cache, and rebuild indexes. E. Create a file with different file name and different directory structure; then change the template with the settemplate method. E verified answer. QUESTION 48 In an template or a CMS block, which two of the following directives specify a store URL without requiring you to hardcode the base URL? (Choose TWO.) A. {{store url="checkout/cart/index"}} B. {{store route="checkout/cart/index"}} C. {{store checkout/cart/index}} D. url="checkout/cart/index"}} E. {{base url=""}}checkout/cart/index F. {{store direct_url="checkout/cart/index"}} Correct Answer: AF

22 fit answer. QUESTION 49 You want to remove the right structural block from a page. Which code should you use? A. <remove name= "right"/> B. <remove_block name= "right"/> C. <remove type=" right"> D. <remove_structure name=" right"/> Correct Answer: A great answer. QUESTION 50 You want to add the file "somescript.js" in a template. The JS-file is in the folder "root: js/lib". Which piece of code should you use? A. $this->getitemurl(`lib/somescript.js') B. $this->getskinurl(`lib/somescript.js') C. $this->getjsurl(`lib/somescript.js') D. $this->getfileurl(`lib/somescript.js') E. $this->getliburl(`lib/somescript.js') real answer. QUESTION 51 Which layout handle can be used to assign a customized template file to the filter navigation block in the left column? A. default B. catalog_category_view C. catalog_category_layered D. page_two_columns_left tricky answer. QUESTION 52 The underscore prefix ("_") in variable names in Magento template files marks these variables as? A. "protected" B. "public" C. "private"

23 D. declared in the template file Correct Answer: D QUESTION 53 Where can you assign a root category for a new store in your Magento installation? A. Global B. Website C. Store D. Store View actual answer. QUESTION 54

24 Magento is searching in the fallback system for a my-template.phtml file. As shown in the graphic above, you have configured Magento to the following: In which four places might Magento find that file, assuming it has been placed there? (Choose FOUR) A. app/design/frontend/my_pkg/my_theme/template/ B. app/design/frontend/default/default/ C. app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/ D. app/design/frontend/my_pkg/common/template E. app/design/frontend/my_pkg/christmas/template F. skin/frontend/my_pkg/christmas/template G. skin/frontend/my_pkg/common/ H. app/design/frontend/my_pkg/default/template I. app/design/frontend/base/default/template Correct Answer: DEHI QUESTION 55 When you create an inline translation, where is it stored? A. In a browser cookie B. In a CSV file C. In an XML file D. In the database E. In the Magento cache Correct Answer: D fit. QUESTION 56 Which three types of file are contained in the folder "skin/" in Magento? (Choose THREE.) A. CSS B. Image C. JavaScript

25 D. Layout E. Template F. Translate Correct Answer: ABC QUESTION 57 How can you minimize the number of HTTP requests made by your native Magento sites for JavaScript files? A. Enable JavaScript merging in the admin. B. Move JavaScript requests to footer block in local.xml. C. Enable all Cache Storage Management. D. Remove Magento JavaScript and only use files hosted by a third party CDN. Correct Answer: A nice. QUESTION 58 Given the following HTML and CSS, what color will the word "nice be: A. Black B. Blue C. Green D. Red Correct Answer: D true. QUESTION 59 When assigning a template file, what is the difference between

26 A. No difference: Both set a template for an existing block. B. Template= "" can only be used when the block is being instantiated. C. <action method="settemplate"> can only be used when the block is being instantiated. D. Template="" is wrong and doesn't work at all. Correct Answer: B correct answer. QUESTION 60 In Magento layouts, which attribute for <block> defines the functionality of the block? A. As B. Action C. Type D. Name proper. QUESTION 61 Using Magentos JavaScript translator object, which is the correct option for translating JavaScript strings within a.phtml file? A. Translator.newTranslation({"To be translated":"translated Copy Here"}); B. Translator.add("To be translated"); C. Translate({"To be translated","<?php echo $this-> (`To be translated');?>"}); D. Translator-add({"To be translated":"<?php echo $this->_('to be translated');? >"}); Correct Answer: D QUESTION 62 You have created a custom theme called my_theme within the default package and want to override the native template file /page/lcolumn.phtml. You will need to place the file in the following structure: A. app/design/frontend/base/my_theme/template/page/lcolumn.phtml B. app/design/frontend/my_theme/default/template/page/lcolumn.phtml C. app/design/frontend/default/my_theme/template/page/lcolumn.phtml D. skin/design/frontend/my_theme/template/page/lcolumn.phtml E. skin/design/frontend/base/my_theme/template/page/lcolumn.phtml

27 QUESTION 63 Which one of these code samples will assign a root template to a specific page of native Magento? A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D Correct Answer: D QUESTION 64 You want to create a new "screendesign" package based on the "default" package's "default" theme. Which ONE of the following steps do you have to take?

28 A. Copy app/design/base to app/design/screendesign B. Create an empty folder app/design/frontend/screendesign and copy app/design/frontend/default/default into it C. Create skin/frontend/screendesign, then copy the CSS and images folders and their files from /skin/ frontend/default/default/ to skin/frontend/screendesign/default D. Inside app/design/frontend and skin/frontend, copy the folder "default" to the folder "custom"; then rename custom/default to custom/screendesign in both places E. Create app/design/frontend/default/screendesign QUESTION 65 Which ONE of the following adds links to the top links navigation? A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D Correct Answer: B

29 QUESTION 66 When a block of type is rendered, all its child blocks are rendered automatically, without the need to call the getchildhtml () method. A. Page/html B. Core/template C. Core/text_list D. Page/html_wrapper QUESTION 67 Which is the correct type attribute for a structural block? A. core/block B. core/html_wrapper C. core/text D. core/text_list Correct Answer: D QUESTION 68 What is the proper layout update handle for adding a CSS file to the product page? A. <product> B. <catalog_product> C. <catalog_product_view> D. <default> sophisticated answer. QUESTION 69 Which two of the following examples can be used to include a custom JavaScript on every page? (Choose TWO.)

30 A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D E. Option E Correct Answer: BD QUESTION 70 You want to change the number of columns per row in the list of upsell products on all product pages. Where do you set the parameter that specifies the number of columns? A. Admin panel B. XML layout C. Template D. Database

31 Correct Answer: B straight. QUESTION 71 If you open an HTML document with the following code sample in the browser, what will you see in the text of the two Alerts in the browser? A. "1" and "1" B. "2" and "2" C. "1" and "Undefined" D. "2" and "false" E. "false" and "false" F. "Undefined" and "Undefined" Correct Answer: B QUESTION 72 Which string will NOT be translated?

32 A. "You can save % s %% in the next 15 min.", "Du kannst % s %% in den nachsten 15min sparen" B. "Click <a href= "%s">here</a> to continue.","klicken Sie <a href="%s">hier</a> um welter zu machen." C. "We\'ll send you a new password.", "Wir werden dir emneues Password zusenden." D. "The coupon has expired", " Der Coupon ist "abgelaufen" Correct Answer: B right. QUESTION 73 Within a Magento instance configured to use the package name "my_package" and the theme name "my_theme", which file would override the default catalog search template? A. app/frontend/base/my_package/my_theme/template/catalogsearch/form.mini.phtml B. app/design/frontend/base/default/template/customsearch/form.mini.phtml C. app/design/frontend/my_theme/my_package/template/catalogsearch/custom.form.mini.phtml D. app/design/frontend/my_package/my_theme/template/catalogsearch/form.mini.phtml E. app/frontend/default/my_theme/customsearch/form.mini.phtml Correct Answer: D proper answer. QUESTION 74 What result will be produced by the following layout handle? A. On a non-anchored category page the layered navigation will be moved into the main content block. B. On an anchored category page the layered navigation will be moved into the main content block. C. On an anchored category page the layered navigation will be removed from the page. D. This XML will produce a syntax error. Correct Answer: B QUESTION 75 Based on the code below, what color will a browser display in rendering the text inside the div tag?

33 A. green B. blue C. red D. black Correct Answer: A QUESTION 76 You need to add a custom structural block template to a block that will render all children automatically. Which three attributes are required in the block's XML definition? (Choose THREE.) A. after B. as C. before D. name E. template F. type Correct Answer: BDF QUESTION 77 You want to add additional XML ("Additional XML Declaration") to an existing layout block. Which is the proper tag for adding it? A. <reference type="block">additional XML Declaration</ reference> B. <action method= "addnewblock"><block name>additional XML Declaration <I block name></ action> C. <reference name="block.name">additional XML Declaration</reference> D. <method action= "setblockcontent"><xml>additional XML Declaration</xml></method> true answer. QUESTION 78

34 In order to display a custom design on a category landing page for a set number of days, you need to make a change to the area of Magento. A. XML B. Admin Panel C. CSS D. Block Correct Answer: B QUESTION 79 In layout XML, which tag attributes are always used when configuring a template block? (Choose THREE.) A. as B. name C. type D. value E. before F. module G. template Correct Answer: BCG QUESTION 80 To configure a category to display a set of "Shop By" filters, what is the correct option to set in the Magento admin? A. "Is Anchor" set to "Yes" B. "Show Filters" set to "Yes" C. "Category Links" set to "No" D. "Is Active" set to "No" Correct Answer: A authentic. QUESTION 81 What is the total width of a block-element styled with the following CSS?

35 A. 200px B. 202px C. 222px D. 232px Correct Answer: D QUESTION 82 Which attribute of an XML tag in the layout defines the system configuration key to be checked before performing the action method? A. as B. Config C. if D. ifconfig E. iftrue Correct Answer: D QUESTION 83 Which of these block types can be used to define "breadcrumbs" on a page? A. page/breadcrumbs B. page/ html_bread crumbs C. core/ htmlbreadcrumbs D. core1 template Correct Answer: B good answer. QUESTION 84 In System->Configuration `Design' you can configure individual theme names for. (Choose FIVE) A. templates

36 B. images only C. layout XML D. all skin files E. translations F. default theme G. admin panel H. modules Correct Answer: ACDEF Answer: A, C, D, E, F QUESTION 85 Which file contains the code that renders the grid of products for a page of the catalog? A. catalog/product/list.phtml B. catalog/product/grid.phtml C. catalog/category/list.phtml D. catalog/category/grid.phtml Correct Answer: A QUESTION 86 You have added some HTML to a custom template located at "template/mytemplates/custom.phtml". Which code snippet is the correct way to create a block for custom.phtml in the layout XML? A. <block type="core/template" name="custom" template="mytemplates/custom.phtml"/> B. <block type="core/template" name="custom" template="template/mytemplates/ custom.phtml"/> C. <block type="custom1' name="custom" template="template/mytemplates/ custom.phtml"/> D. <block type="custom" name="custom" template="mytemplates/custom.phtml"/> Correct Answer: A actual answer. QUESTION 87 In layout XML, which two handles are used to assign layout rules to catalog category pages of a store? (Choose TWO.) A. <catalog_category> B. <catalog_layered> C. <catalog_category_default> D. <catalog_category_index> E. <catalog_category_layered> E

37 QUESTION 88 Which three of the following folders should NOT be publicly accessible? (Choose THREE.) A. /app/design/frontend/package/theme/layout B. /app/design/frontend/package/theme/locale C. /app/design/frontend/package/theme/template D. /skin/frontend/package/theme/css E. /skin/frontend/package/theme/js F. /skin/frontend/package/theme/img Correct Answer: ABC QUESTION 89 How can you override a native template file in an activated custom theme, using the design fallback? A. Copy the file to the appropriate folder. B. Copy the file to the appropriate folder and specify the path to it in the admin panel. C. Copy the file to the appropriate folder and specify the path to it in the database. D. Copy the file to the appropriate folder and rename it by adding the suffix "as". Correct Answer: A QUESTION 90 Which of the following is the layout update handle loaded for built-in simple products? A. TYPE_simple B. PRODUCT_TYPE_simple C. PRODUCT_simple D. Simple_product Correct Answer: B

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DEMO ONLY VERSION. Easy CramBible Lab M70-301. Magento Front End Developer Certification Exam. ** Single-user License ** Easy CramBible Lab ** Single-user License ** M70-301 Magento Front End Developer Certification Exam This copy can be only used by yourself for educational purposes Web: http://www.crambible.com/ E-mail:

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