Chapter 8: Physical security

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1 : Physical security 189

2 190 : Physical security Summary Violent crime and sexual assault affect a small proportion of the population. Most of us do not greatly fear becoming victims of crime. Some groups, however, are still more likely than average to experience physical or sexual crime, and are more worried about the possibility of becoming victims. Men in general, and young men in particular, are more likely to experience physical assault than women. However, women are much more likely to be victims of rape than men, and are more likely to experience domestic violence or partner abuse. They are also more likely to experience forced marriage and violence at the hands of relatives in so-called honour attacks; they are uniquely likely to experience female genital mutilation (FGM). Young people are disproportionately likely to be victims of violence, with year-olds three times more likely than average to experience physical assault. Older people show high levels of concern about violent crime, but evidence suggests that they are less likely on average to experience it. However, older people who rely on carers and relatives for support and who experience domestic abuse at their hands may be particularly vulnerable to repeat occurrences. Racist and religiously aggravated attacks are a persistent phenomenon in British life. People from ethnic minority backgrounds are roughly twice as likely as White people to report being worried about violent crime. People who are not Christian are roughly 10 times more likely to report being attacked or harassed because of their faith than Christian people. Attacks directed against disabled and lesbian, gay or bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people are now being recognised as specific forms of hate crime and this helps to encourage victims to report such incidents and ensures that they are dealt with appropriately. The figures paint a stark picture, though, suggesting that significant proportions of people among these groups have experienced attacks some of a very serious nature. There is evidence to suggest that a large proportion of victims of hate crime are still reluctant to report such attacks.

3 : Physical security 191 Lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people are more likely than average to have experienced sexual assault and domestic violence during their lifetimes. They are also more likely than average to be worried about violent crime. Similarly, the evidence suggests that disabled people are more likely than average to experience sexual and domestic violence, and have above average fear of being the victim of attack. Finally, the evidence suggests a strong association between socio-economic background and experience of crime. People who are unemployed are twice as likely to experience violent crime as people who are employed. There are also differences in relation to educational background: people who hold degrees are less likely to experience violence than people whose highest qualifications are O levels or GCSEs; and people living in deprived areas and social housing are more likely than average to fear crime. Introduction Physical security means being safe and feeling safe. It means being able to go about daily life free from harm, and free from the fear of harm. The state has a positive duty to protect people by punishing crime and preventing it, as well as by rehabilitating offenders. Britain has pioneered many elements of modern criminal justice and influenced policing practice across the world. Historically, however, the criminal justice system (CJS) has offered greater protections to some groups than others. As little as 50 years ago it was responsible for enforcing laws that discriminated against some minority groups (such as gay men). Meanwhile, victims of certain types of crime including rape, domestic violence and targeted violence (such as racist attacks), have not always had confidence that the CJS would deal with their concerns effectively. In some cases, confidence has been so low that many have chosen not to report serious crime. It is comparatively recently that the state has taken measures in law and in policy to attempt to address the CJS s historic failures to meet the needs of vulnerable and marginalised groups. The link between experience of crime and perception of crime is not always straightforward. Yet fears and perceptions represent a problem in and of themselves, especially when they have the result of making some vulnerable people reluctant to go about their day-to-day business, such as going to the shops alone, or walking in the dark.

4 192 : Physical security This chapter draws on three indicators identified by the Equality Measurement Framework (EMF) as important aspects of physical security: Indicators 1. Crimes against the person 2. Targeted violence 3. Fear of crime We examine three key measures under crimes against the person: the percentage of people reporting that they have been victims of violent crime, the percentage of people reporting that they have been victims of sexual assault (focusing on rape), and the percentage of people reporting that they have been victims of domestic violence and abuse or partner abuse. Under targeted violence, we show the percentage of people reporting that they have been victims of violence either thought to be, or which might have been, motivated by their ethnicity, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation or transgender status. For fear of crime, we give the percentage of people reporting that they are worried about physical and sexual violence, and the percentage who report that they feel unsafe alone at home or in the local area. As in the rest of Part II, this chapter explores what we know about these indicators and what the evidence tells us about the experiences of different groups.

5 : Physical security What we know about crimes against the person Measures: Violent crime Percentage that are victims of violent crime Sexual violence Percentage that are victims of sexual violence, including attempts (focusing on rape) Domestic violence and partner abuse Percentage that are victims of domestic violence and partner abuse How these measures work: Violent crime Data for this measure come from the face-to-face module of the 2009/10 British Crime Survey (covering England and Wales) and from the 2008/09 Scottish Crime and Justice Survey. There are methodological differences between the British Crime Survey and Scottish Crime and Justice Survey which means that data on violent crime are not directly comparable. 1 Data from the British Crime Survey can be disaggregated by gender, age (16+), socio-economic factors and limiting long-term illness (LLTI) or disability. Disaggregation is possible by ethnicity and by religion or belief often only by pooling data as the numbers are generally too small to yield statistically significant results. Data from the British Crime Survey relating to this measure cannot be disaggregated to reflect the experiences of LGB or transgender people. There is limited related literature for this measure on groups defined by sexual orientation and transgender status. They are therefore not covered in this section. Data from the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey can be disaggregated by gender, age (16+). Respondents postcodes are matched to the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation, which we use as a proxy for socio-economic status. 1 The Scottish Crime and Justice Survey prioritises coding a crime as assault over other crimes such as damage or theft when both crime types occur in a single incident. This may account for some of the difference between Scottish figures and those for England and Wales.

6 194 : Physical security Sexual violence The sources for this measure are the British Crime Survey and Scottish Crime and Justice Survey self-completion modules: these provide a more accurate reflection of the levels of domestic and partner abuse than do the face-to-face survey data. 2 We focus here on rape, which as we describe in more detail below is one of the most persistent forms of Violence Against Women and Girls. While the British Crime Survey allows us to illustrate trends over time, there are no comparable Scottish Crime and Justice Survey data: instead, we use the latter to illustrate current estimated levels of sexual abuse in Scotland. 3 Both self-completion modules are administered only to those aged 16 to 59, meaning that we are missing information about elder and child abuse, although we use supplementary sources of information where possible. The British Crime Survey disaggregates by gender, and contains information about the experiences of lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people, but due to the small number of respondents disclosing a non-heterosexual identity, this comes with a health warning. 4 2 See discussion in Walby, S., Armstrong, J. and Strid, S Physical and Legal Security and the Criminal Justice System: A Review of Inequalities. UNESCO Chair in Gender Research Group Lancaster University. This paper is available on the Equality and Human Rights Commission s Triennial Review web pages. 3 MacLeod, P., Kinver, A., Page, L., Iliasov, A. and Williams, R. 2009b. Scottish Crime and Justice Survey , Sexual Victimisation and Stalking. Table A1.1. Edinburgh: Scottish Government. Figure 2.2. Page 9. 4 Smith, K., Flatley, J., Coleman, K., Osborne, S., Kaiza, P., and Roe, S., Homicides, Firearm Offences and Intimate Violence 2008/09: Supplementary volume 2 to Crime in England and Wales 2008/09. London: Home Office. See page 62. Since April 2007, the self-completion section of the British Crime Survey questionnaire has included a question asking respondents about their sexual orientation. This makes it possible to produce figures for experience of intimate violence by sexual orientation... Around 500 out of the 25,000 self-completion respondents in each year identified themselves as gay, lesbian or bisexual. Due to this relatively small number, data from the 2007/08 and 2008/09 British Crime Survey have been combined for the purposes of analysis. These data show that 94% of adults aged 16 to 59 identified themselves as heterosexual/straight, 2% as lesbian/gay or bisexual and a further 4% selected either the do not know or do not want to answer response options... The small numbers of respondents identifying themselves as gay/lesbian or bisexual, combined with the significant proportions of respondents unable or refusing to answer the question on sexual orientation means that figures on incidence of domestic abuse by sexual orientation should be treated with caution.

7 : Physical security 195 We draw on police figures to identify levels of police recorded rape affecting people aged under-16. In addition, we draw on preliminary analysis of 2007/08 British Crime Survey data for the Equality Measurement Framework (EMF) to highlight socio-economic and disability related differences. 5 The Scottish Crime and Justice Survey also disaggregates by gender and age, and matches respondents postcodes to the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation: we use these data as a proxy for socio-economic status. Domestic violence and abuse (partner abuse in Scotland) Data for this measure are derived from the self-completion modules of both surveys (as discussed immediately above). No comparisons can be made between the survey data contained in the British Crime Survey and the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey, as they are measuring different things. The British Crime Survey self-completion module asks about partner and family abuse (including emotional, financial and sexual abuse, and the use of threats or force). We also draw on the face-to-face British Crime Survey for information about domestic violence. 5 Alkire, S., Bastagli, F., Burchardt, T., Clark, D., Holder, H., Ibrahim, S., Munoz, M., Terrazas, P., Tsang, T., and Vizard, P., Developing the Equality Measurement Framework: selecting the indicators. Research Report 31. Manchester: Equality and Human Rights Commission. In the development of the Equality Measurement Framework indicators, the technical phase was to check sample size rather than generate final data analysis tables, so these are preliminary results for group means and the significance of the variations in group means, as well as a report on sample size. Significance tests are reported at the 95 per cent level. A series of cross-checks are required at the next stage of the development of the Equality Measurement Framework before final data tables can be produced.

8 196 : Physical security The Scottish Crime and Justice Survey asks about partner abuse only, but lists a broader range of physical and emotional forms. The British Crime Survey data on domestic violence and abuse have been disaggregated by gender, age, socio-economic status, LLTI/disability, ethnicity and sexual orientation, but due to the small number of respondents disclosing a non-heterosexual identity, this comes with a health warning. 6 The Scottish Crime and Justice Survey also disaggregates by gender and age, and matches respondents postcodes to the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation: we use these data as a proxy for socio-economic status. In addition, we have drawn on literature relating to the experiences of victims of forced marriage, trafficking, female genital mutilation (FGM) and honour crimes. We have also consulted literature about the experiences of children and older people; disabled people; ethnic and religious minorities including asylum seekers and Gypsies and Travellers; LGB people; and transgender people in relation to domestic violence and abuse. 6 Smith, K. et al See footnote 4.

9 : Physical security 197 Overview Violent crime is heavily concentrated among young men. This does not mean that violence is only an issue for young men: some other groups are particularly vulnerable to sexual assault and hate crimes. The age concentration explains patterns of crime recorded in national surveys: Mixed Race adults are disproportionately young 7 and they have more than average levels of violent crime committed against them. However, ethnicity is not independently associated with the risk of general victimisation: other factors like age, gender and socio-economic status are. 8 Although levels of recorded sexual and domestic violence and abuse are falling, these forms of violence continue to affect large sections of the female population. Over 1 in 4 women and around 1 in 6 men have experienced domestic abuse since reaching the age of 16 in England and Wales. Meanwhile, 1 in 7 women in Scotland and 1 in 9 men have experienced physical partner abuse since reaching the age of 16. In England and Wales, around eight times as many women as men say that they have been raped (including attempts) since they were In some communities, women are particularly vulnerable to crimes such as honour killings, sexual violence and human trafficking. What we know about the overall situation and trends Violent crime The number of violent incidents reported in the British Crime Survey fell by half in England and Wales between 1995 and 2009/10. There were 2 million fewer police-reported incidents and around 800,000 fewer victims. 10 Meanwhile in Scotland, the number of violent incidents almost doubled in this period from nearly 160,000 incidents in 1995 to nearly 320,000 in 2008/ Sources: Census, April 2001, Office for National Statistics; Census, April 2001, General Register Office for Scotland. 8 Nicholas, S., Kershaw, C. and Walker, A. (eds.) Crime in England and Wales 2006/07. Home Office Statistical Bulletin 12/06. London: Home Office. 9 Smith, K., et al Table Flatley, J., Kershaw, C., Smith, K., Chaplin, R., and Moon, D., Crime in England and Wales 2009/10: Findings from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime. London: Home Office. Table 2.03, and page MacLeod, P., Page, L., Kinver, A., Iliasov, A., Littlewood, M. and Williams, R. 2009c. Scottish Crime and Justice Survey: First Findings. Scottish Government Social Research. Table A1.2.

10 198 : Physical security It is estimated that the incidence rate for assault is higher in Scotland than in England and Wales, although the data are not directly comparable: in 2008/09, the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey calculated 698 assaults per 10,000 adults while the rate calculated by the British Crime Survey was 417 per 10,000 adults. 12 Around 30% of crime as measured by the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey in 2008/09 was violent crime compared with 20% of crime measured by the British Crime Survey in England and Wales in the same period. 13 Sexual assault (focusing on rape) It appears that overall levels of sexual assault in England and Wales have fallen (see Figure 8.1.1, below). Figure Percentage experiencing sexual assault in the last year in England and Wales, 2004/ /10 14 Percentage / / / / / /10 Sexual assault (any) Serious sexual assault Rape Year Assault by penetration Less serious sexual assault Source: British Crime Survey, 2009/10. Notes: 1. The fall in less serious sexual assault since 2004/05 is statistically significant as is the drop in levels of sexual assault overall. The other changes (in levels of rape and serious sexual assault) are not. 2. The levels measured against each crime include attempts. 12 MacLeod, P. et al. 2009c. Figure MacLeod, P. et al. 2009c. Pages Flatley, J. et al Table 3.16.

11 : Physical security 199 There has been no significant fall in the level of rape or serious sexual assault recorded in the British Crime Survey since 2004/05. However, there has been a rise in the number of rapes reported to the police (see Chapter 7: Legal security). 15 The decline overall in levels of sexual assault can be attributed to a drop in the level of less serious sexual assault which forms the majority of cases recorded in by the British Crime Survey. For the rest of this section, therefore, we focus primarily on rape (including attempted rape). Domestic violence and abuse, and partner abuse Overall, levels of domestic abuse in England and Wales have fallen significantly since 2004/05 when it affected 6% of adults: in 2009/10, domestic abuse affected almost 5%. 16 However, there is a smaller rate of decline in domestic abuse measured in the self-completion data and there has been a rise in the number of cases referred to the Crown Prosecution Service see Chapter 7: Legal security. Moreover, there is a link between partner violence and homicide (see Chapter 6: Life). Domestic violence is associated with a higher rate of repeat-victimisation than any other kind of violent or acquisitive crime: in 2009/10, three-quarters (76%) of all incidents of domestic violence in England and Wales were repeat offences. 17 Almost half (47%) of victims experienced domestic violence on more than one occasion between 2009 and 2010, compared to 31% of victims of acquaintance violence and 16% of victims of stranger violence. 18 Levels of domestic abuse (by family and partners including emotional, financial and sexual abuse, and the use of threats or force) recorded in the British Crime Survey have fallen since 2004/05 (see Figure 8.1.2, below) This may in part reflect changing counting rules and the National Crime Recording Standard (NCRS) in 1998 and 2002 respectively. 16 Flatley, J. et al Table Flatley, J. et al Page Flatley, J. et al Figure Flatley, J. et al Table 3.16.

12 200 : Physical security Figure Percentage experiencing domestic abuse in the last year in England and Wales, 2004/ / Percentage / / / / / /10 Year Any domestic abuse Any partner abuse Any family abuse Source: British Crime Survey, 2009/10. Notes: 1. The decline in each kind of domestic abuse since 2004/05 is statistically significant. 2. The decline in family abuse between 2008/09 and 2009/10 is statistically significant. 3. Partner abuse (any) and Family abuse (any) do not include domestic violence. They include threats, force, sexual assault and stalking. 20 Flatley, J. et al Table 3.01.

13 : Physical security 201 What we know about the situation for different groups Gender Violent crime Levels of violent crime victimisation vary greatly by gender and age. In England and Wales, men are twice as likely to experience violence as women. In 2009/10, the proportions affected were 4% and 2%, respectively (see Figure 8.1.3, below) men were victims in two-thirds (67%) of violent incidents in 2009/10 women in one-third (33%). 21 Men living in England and Wales are more likely than women to be attacked by strangers (79% of stranger violence affected men in 2009/10; 21% affected women): they are also more likely to be attacked by acquaintances (66% of acquaintance violence affected men in 2009/10; 34% affected women). 22 Women are more likely than men to be attacked in a domestic context (see section on domestic violence, below). Figure Percentage experiencing violent crime by gender and age in England and Wales, 2009/ Percentage over 75 Average Age Men Women All Source: British Crime Survey, 2009/ Flatley, J. et al Table Flatley, J. et al Table Flatley, J. et al Table 3.05.

14 202 : Physical security Similar patterns are apparent in Scotland: men were twice as likely to experience violence as women in 2008/09 (the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey recorded levels of 6% and 3%, respectively). Rape In England and Wales, women are significantly more likely than men to have been raped (levels for women and men (respectively) recorded in the British Crime Survey in 2009/10 were 0.4% and 0.1% attempts in the previous 12 months, and 4% and 0.5% attempts since reaching the age of 16). 24 Similarly, in Scotland, significantly more women than men have been forced to have sexual intercourse since reaching the age of 16 (3% and 0%, respectively). 25 Domestic violence and abuse and partner abuse Women were the victims of just under three-quarters (73%) of the domestic violence recorded in the 2009/10 British Crime Survey. 26 Over 1 in 4 women (27%) and around one in six men (15%) have experienced some form of domestic abuse since reaching the age of 16 in England and Wales. 27 Figure (below) highlights that significantly more women than men report experiencing partner abuse in the last year in England and Wales; the gender differences in relation to family abuse are less marked. 24 Smith, K. et al Table MacLeod, P. et al. 2009b. Table Flatley, J. et al Table Note, however, that these data are from the full survey and not the self-completion module, and therefore are less reliable. 27 Smith, K. et al Table 3.01.

15 : Physical security 203 Figure Percentage experiencing domestic abuse in the last year by gender in England and Wales, 2009/10 28 Any domestic abuse Family abuse (force) Family abuse (threats) Family abuse (emotional/financial) Family abuse (any) Partner abuse (force) Parter abuse (threats) Partner abuse (emotional/financial) Partner abuse (any) Percentage All Women Men Source: British Crime Survey, 2009/10. Notes: 1. Partner abuse (any) does not include domestic violence. It includes threats, force, sexual assault and stalking as does Family abuse (any). According to the 2008/09 Scottish Crime and Justice Survey, around 1 in 7 women (15%) and around 1 in 9 men (11%) in Scotland have experienced physical forms of partner abuse since reaching the age of 16. Around 1 in 5 women (19%) and 1 in 9 men (11%) have experienced psychological abuse since reaching the age of As Figure (below) highlights, men and women in Scotland experienced similar levels of partner abuse overall in 2008/09, with men slightly more likely than women to report having experienced physical abuse. 28 Smith, K. et al Table MacLeod, P., Kinver, A., Page, L., Iliasov, A. and Williams, R., 2009a. 2008/09 Scottish Crime and Justice Survey: Partner abuse. Scottish Government Social Research.

16 204 : Physical security However, in relation to experiences of abuse since reaching the age of 16, men are most likely to say that they have had an object thrown at them (57%, compared to 46% of women): women are more likely to say that they have experienced all other forms of physical abuse including choking or strangulation (21%, compared to 3% of men), forced sexual intercourse (20%, compared to 3%), and being pushed or held down (47%, compared to 11% of men). 30 This difference may be reflected in the figures relating to experiences in the last year. Figure Percentage experiencing partner abuse in the last year by gender in Scotland, 2008/ Percentage Any psychological abuse Any physical abuse Any psychological or physical abuse Both psychological and physical Men Women All Source: Crime and Justice Survey, 2008/09. Notes: 1. Partner abuse as measured by the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey in is any psychological or physical abuse undertaken against a man or a woman carried out by a male or female partner or ex-partner (including any boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife or civil partner). 2. Psychological partner abuse includes emotional, financial and other forms of psychological abuse. 3. Physical partner abuse includes physical and sexual violence, but also the use of force or having objects thrown at them. 4. Experienced any psychological or physical abuse means that a respondent has experienced at least one of the forms of psychological or at least one of the forms of physical partner abuse listed in the questions. 5. Experienced both psychological and physical abuse means that a respondent has experienced at least one of the forms of psychological and at least one of the forms of physical partner abuse listed in the questions. 30 MacLeod, P. et al. 2009a. Page MacLeod, P. et al. 2009a. Table A1.2.

17 : Physical security 205 The data in Figures and suggest that in all three nations, psychological forms of abuse are the most common. Moreover, the Scottish data suggest that physical abuse is often accompanied by psychological abuse Box Related issues: Honour killings, Female Genital Mutilation, forced marriage and trafficking Women are disproportionately subject to honour killings, forced marriage and trafficking, which often occur alongside other kinds of sexual and domestic violence and abuse: they are uniquely affected by Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). There is no national survey data, given the dangers of disclosure to those who are victims. 32 Levels of prosecution and conviction are also low for similar reasons (see Chapter 7: Legal security). In place of national survey data, a range of estimates based on numbers from academic research, the voluntary sector, government reports and specialised governmental units is summarised by Walby et al In 2008 an estimated cases of either actual or threatened forced marriage were reported in England alone, according to a data collection exercise within 10 Local Authorities commissioned by the former Department for Children Schools and Families. The majority originated from within Asian communities (97%), with forced marriage found to affect Pakistani families in particular (72%). The overwhelming majority of cases involved female victims (96%), but the report notes that this might reflect the lack of services available to male victims in the agencies involved. Of the reported cases, 41% involved children aged under 18 (14% were under 16 and 26% were aged 16-17), 40% involved adults aged and 20% involved adults aged 24 or over. 34 There is growing evidence of a rise in forced/sham marriages among LGB people Home Office Together we can end violence against women and children. London: Home Office. 33 Walby, S. et al See Table Kazimirski, A. et al Forced Marriage Prevalence and Service Respon se. Department for Children, Schools and Families Research Report 128. Note, figures do not add up to 100% due to rounding. 35 A leaflet has been produced by the Forced Marriage Unit to help gay and lesbian people facing forced marriage in the UK. Available at: resources/en/pdf/foced-marriage-lgbt.

18 206 : Physical security Box Continued Where a forced marriage has taken place, courts can make orders to protect the victim and help remove them from that situation. 36 Table below shows that the highest number of protection order applications is made for children. Table Forced marriage protection order applications made since implementation in England and Wales, November 2008 end of October Location Total applications 3 Adult victims Child victims Third party applicants Other applicants 1 Outside jurisdiction 2 England and Wales Source: Ministry of Justice, Notes: 1. This may include cases where courts have noted third party applications under other. 2. This category is intended to capture those applications made while the Person To Be Protected (PTBP) is out of the UK but some courts may have recorded cases that have come from out of their local area. 3. This figure does not include Outside jurisdiction. Refugee women are more affected by violence against women than any other women s population in the world. 38 Large numbers of refugees report suffering physical and sexual violence before, during and after their journey to the UK the risk is heightened among those who are unable to access the limited available support The Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007 came into force on 25 November The Act enables family courts to make Forced Marriage Protection Orders to protect someone from being forced into marriage. An order can also be made to protect someone who has already been forced into marriage, to help remove them from the situation. 37 Ministry of Justice, 2009a. One year on: the initial impact of the Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007 in its first year of operation. Available at: pdf Accessed 25/08/2010 Table The Stop Violence Against Women website gives evidence for the heightened levels of violence against refugee women, and is often cited by the UN, UNHCR, Human Rights Watch, and World Health Organisation. See 39 See Refugee Council The Vulnerable Women s Project: Refugee and asylum seeking women affected by rape or sexual violence; a literature review. London: Refugee Council.

19 : Physical security 207 Age Violent crime New figures from the British Crime Survey experimental children s module show that though there are difficulties in interpreting what should be counted as a crime in the context of children, in general they are at higher risk of crime than adults; and they are at highest risk of violence, though much of it does not result in injury. The experimental statistics also show that children frequently do not interpret as criminal offences incidents of which they may be counted as victims. 40 Figure 8.1.6, below, highlights that those aged between 16 and 24 experienced around three times the average levels of violence in 2009/10 (levels are 9% and 3%, respectively). Young men in this age-group experienced four times the average levels of violence (levels in 2009/10 were 13%) although this difference has not been tested for statistical significance. 41 Proportionately fewer older people experience violent crime: women aged over 75 were much less likely to experience violence than the average person in 2009/10, although this has not been tested for statistical significance Millard, B. and Flatley, J Experimental statistics on victimisation of children aged 10 to 15: Findings from the British Crime Survey for the year ending December 2009 England and Wales. Home Office Statistical Bulletin 11/10. Page 11. The experimental children s module is the extension of the British Crime Survey to children aged 10 to 15 years resident in households in England and Wales. 41 Flatley, J. et al Table Flatley, J. et al Table 3.05.

20 208 : Physical security Figure Proportion of adults who were victims of violence in the last year by type of violence and age in England and Wales, 2009/ Percentage over 75 All adults Age All Violence Acquaintance Domestic Stranger Source: British Crime Survey, 2009/10. Mugging (robbery & snatch theft) Similar patterns are found in Scotland, where young men (aged 16-24) are over four times more likely than average to have experienced violence levels in 2008/09 were 18% and 4%, respectively; women aged over 60 are around 14 times less likely in 2008/09, 0.3% were affected. 44 Rape In England and Wales, the amount of police-recorded rape affecting girls aged under 13 years rose by over 70% in just 5 years to 2008/09 (see Figure 8.1.7, below). Such trends need to be interpreted with caution however, because crimes reported to the police are more susceptible to changes in reporting rates than other data presented in this chapter. 43 Flatley, J. et al Table MacLeod, P. et al. 2009c. Table A1.6.


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