APPENDIX C: FINAL SURVEY QUESTION FREQUENCIES. Section I: Random Statewide Survey Question Frequencies

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1 APPENDIX C: FINAL SURVEY QUESTION FREQUENCIES Section I: Random Statewide Survey Question Frequencies TZONE: Computed Time Zone with area code. Total % Hawaii % Alaska % Pacific % Mountain % Arizona % Central % Eastern % Indiana (East) % Atlantic (Canada) % ORGPH: Imported original phone number ORGZP: Imported original zip code CNTY1: Total % Baker % Benton % Clackamas % Clatsop % Columbia % Coos % Crook % Curry % Deschutes % Douglas % Gilliam % Grant % Harney % Hood River % Jackson % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 143

2 Jefferson % Josephine % Klamath % Lake % Lane % Lincoln % Linn % Malheur % Marion % Morrow % Multnomah % Polk % Sherman % Tillamook % Umatilla % Union % Wallowa % Wasco % Washington % Wheeler % Yamhill % TOWN: Total % INTRO: OK Continue 00 D % Answering machine 01 => INT01 0 0% Busy 02 => INT02 0 0% No answer 03 => INT03 0 0% FAX machine 04 => INT04 0 0% Number change Operator intercept 05 => /TEL01 0 0% Cell phone refusal 06 => INT06 0 0% Non-working, disconnected number 07 => INT07 0 0% Non-residential number 08 => INT08 0 0% Language/Disability barrier 09 => INT09 0 0% Pay phone 10 => INT10 0 0% Group home 11 => INT11 0 0% 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 144

3 NTRO1: Hello, my name is $I, and I'm calling from Portland State University on behalf of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. We are conducting a survey on the use of household chemicals to help improve household safety. I assure you I am not trying to sell you anything and your responses will be kept completely confidential. This voluntary survey will take about 10 minutes of your time. You can stop at any time or skip any item you don't want to answer. May I please speak to a household member who is 18 years of age or older? IWR NOTE: For Refusal Conversion say, "We are only surveying a few households so your response would be very helpful." I'll get them 0 => NTRO1 0 0% Yes, that would be me 1 D => ELIG % Not good time now schedule CB w/specific time 2 => INT50 0 0% Not interested/not now automatic CB in 3 days 3 => INT55 0 0% No one in hh 18 years or older 5 => INT13 0 0% Language/Disability Barrier 6 => INT09 0 0% Non-residential number 7 => INT08 0 0% Hung up w/out saying anything automatic CB in 3 days 8 => INT95 0 0% Refused to start 9 => INT91 0 0% ELIG1: I would first like to ask you just a few quick questions to see if your household is in an area we are currently surveying. Press Enter to Continue 0 D % CNTY2: DO NOT READ OPTIONS Could you please tell me what Oregon County you live in? Baker % Benton % Clackamas % Clatsop % Columbia % Coos % Crook % Curry % Deschutes % Douglas % Gilliam % Grant % Harney % Hood River % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 145

4 Jackson % Jefferson % Josephine % Klamath % Lake % Lane % Lincoln % Linn % Malheur % Marion % Morrow % Multnomah % Polk % Sherman % Tillamook % Umatilla % Union % Wallowa % Wasco % Washington % Wheeler % Yamhill % Not in Oregon 77 => /INT14 0 0% Don't know 88 => /CITY 0 0% Refused 99 => /INT15 0 0% CITY: Ok. Could you please tell me the city you live in or are closest to? TOTAL 8 100% Enter City Name 0 DO 8 100% Don't Know 8 => /INT14 0 0% Refused 9 => /INT15 0 0% ELIG2: Thank you. It looks like you are eligible to complete the survey. Is now a good time to answer a few questions? if (CNTY2=77 OR CNTY2=99 OR CITY=8 OR CITY=9) Yes, Press enter to continue 0 D % Not good time now - schedule CB w/specific time 2 => INT50 0 0% Not interested/not now - automatic CB in 3 days 3 => INT55 0 0% 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 146

5 INT01: Answering machine if NOT (INTRO=01) TOTAL % Answering machine 01 D => /END % INT02: Busy if NOT (INTRO=02) TOTAL % Busy 02 D => /END % INT03: No answer if NOT (INTRO=03) TOTAL % No answer 03 D => /END % INT04: FAX machine if NOT (INTRO=04) TOTAL 0 100% FAX machine 04 D => /END 0 100% INT06: I am sorry to have bothered you. Is there a better number I can reach you at or may we call you at off-peak hours? Cell phone refusal - Should only be used if R refuses to complete the survey using the cell phone. if NOT (INTRO=06) TOTAL 0 100% Cell phone refusal 06 D => /END 0 100% INT07: Non-working, disconnected number if NOT (INTRO=07) TOTAL 0 100% Non-working, disconnected number 07 D => /END 0 100% 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 147

6 INT08: Sorry to have bothered you. We are surveying area households only. Thank you for your time today. Should be used for non-residential numbers. if NOT (INTRO=08 OR NTRO1=7) TOTAL 0 100% Non-residential number 08 D => /END 0 100% INT09: Language Barrier: Sorry to have bothered you. We do not have anyone that speaks your language. Disability Barrier: Sorry to have bothered you. Thank you for your time today. Hearing Problem: Sorry to have bothered you. We are not able to complete this survey with a TTY system. Should be used for R's who cannot complete the survey due to cognitive/mental/physical disability that prevents them from answering and/or understanding questions. If you deem a R to fit into one of these categories, the survey should NOT be conducted with that R. if NOT (INTRO=09 OR NTRO1=6) TOTAL 0 100% Language/Disability barrier 09 D => /END 0 100% INT10: Sorry to have bothered you we are surveying residential households only. Thank you for your time today. if NOT (INTRO=10) TOTAL 0 100% Pay phone 10 D => /END 0 100% INT11: Sorry to have bothered you we are surveying residential households only. Thank you for your time today. Should be used for communal phones. Should NOT be used for nursing homes, where residents have their own individual/residential lines. if NOT (INTRO=11) TOTAL 0 100% Group home, dormitory 11 D => /END 0 100% INT13: I'm sorry to have bothered you. We are only surveying people who are 18 or older. Thank you for your time today. if NOT (NTRO1=5) TOTAL 0 100% No one in HH 18 years of age or older 13 D => /END 0 100% 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 148

7 INT14: I'm sorry to have bothered you. We are only surveying people from certain areas of the state. Those are all the questions I have for you today. I appreciate your willingness to complete the survey. Thank you for your time. if NOT (CNTY2=77 OR CITY=8) TOTAL 0 100% R does not live in OR or did not know County and City 14 D => /END 0 100% INT15: I'm sorry to have bothered you. Thank you for your time. if NOT (CNTY2=99 OR CITY=9) TOTAL 0 100% R refused to provide County or did not know County and refused to provide City15 D => /END 0 100% INT50: When would be a better time for us to reach you? if NOT (NTRO1=2 OR ELIG2=2) TOTAL % English specific callback 50 D => /CB % INT55: Not interested/not now - automatic CB in 3 days if NOT (NTRO1=3 OR ELIG2=3) TOTAL % English generic callback 55 D => /END % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 149

8 INT91: Hang up and code the refusal accordingly General Refusal: The results of this survey will be used by the Department of Environmental Quality to develop a program to reduce environmental and health risks to Oregonians associated with hazardous household products. The survey is completely confidential and voluntary and takes about 10 minutes to complete. Can we ask you some questions now or would there be a more convenient time? If R wants contact information they may call any of the following: If you have any questions about this survey, you may contact the survey coordinator for the Department of Environmental quality, Abby Boudouris, at The Department of Environmental Quality website is: If you have questions about the validity of the study or the Survey Research Lab you may call Dr. Debi Elliott, the Director of the Survey Research Laboratory at Portland State University, at or visit the Survey Research Lab website at If you have concerns or questions about your rights as a research subject or your privacy protection, please contact the PSU Human Subjects Research Review Committee at or Was this a refusal or a never callback? if NOT (NTRO1=9) TOTAL 0 100% Refusal [please specify] 91 O => /END 0 100% Never callback 92 => /END 0 100% INT95: Hung up without saying anything - automatic CB in 3 days. if NOT (NTRO1=8) TOTAL 0 100% Hung up without saying anything automatic CB in 3 days 95 D => /END 0 100% SECT: First, I am going to read you a list of common household products. For each product, please tell me how dangerous you consider it to be. Press enter to continue 0 D % Q2A: READ OPTIONS 1-4 Oven cleaner. Is it... IWR NOTE: If needed, say: "How dangerous do you consider oven cleaner to be?" IWR NOTE: R should still answer even if they do not have or use product. Not at all Dangerous % A Little Dangerous % Moderately Dangerous % Very Dangerous % Don't Know % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 150

9 Refused % Q2B: READ OPTIONS 1-4 Drain opener. Is it... IWR NOTE: If needed, say: "How dangerous do you consider drain opener to be?" IWR NOTE: R should still answer even if they do not have or use product. Not at all Dangerous % A Little Dangerous % Moderately Dangerous % Very Dangerous % Don't Know % Refused % Q2C: READ OPTIONS 1-4 AS NEEDED Compact fluorescent light bulbs? IWR NOTE: If needed, say: "How dangerous do you consider compact fluorescent light bulbs to be?" IWR NOTE: R should still answer even if they do not have or use product. IWR NOTE: Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs are also known as CFL's. IWR NOTE: A Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb is a fluorescent lamp that has a "screw in" base. It is typically shaped like a spiral, a globe, or an oval. Four-foot tubes (like the SRL has) are not CFL's. Not at all Dangerous % A Little Dangerous % Moderately Dangerous % Very Dangerous % Don't Know % Refused % Q2F: READ OPTIONS 1-4 AS NEEDED Lawn chemicals? IWR NOTE: If needed, say: "How dangerous do you consider lawn chemicals to be?" IWR NOTE: R should still answer even if they do not have or use product. IWR NOTE: Lawn Chemicals include all commercial lawn products (e.g. fertilizer, pesticide, weed & feed). Not at all Dangerous % A Little Dangerous % Moderately Dangerous % Very Dangerous % Don't Know % Refused % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 151

10 Q2E (Deactivated): READ OPTIONS 1-4 AS NEEDED Latex or water-based paint? IWR NOTE: If needed, say: "How dangerous do you consider latex or water-based paint to be?" IWR NOTE: R should still answer even if they do not have or use product. TOTAL % Not at all Dangerous % A Little Dangerous % Moderately Dangerous % Very Dangerous % Don't Know % Q2D: READ OPTIONS 1-4 AS NEEDED Oil-based wall paint? IWR NOTE: If needed, say: "How dangerous do you consider oil-based wall paint to be?" IWR NOTE: R should still answer even if they do not have or use product. Not at all Dangerous % A Little Dangerous % Moderately Dangerous % Very Dangerous % Don't Know % Refused % Q3A: Have you ever purchased oil-based wall paint? No % Yes % Don't Know % Refused % Q3A1: Did you ever have any leftover that you wanted to get rid of? IWR NOTE: Original Q=Have you ever purchased oil-based wall paint? => /Q3B if NOT(Q3A=1) TOTAL % No % Yes % Don't Know % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 152

11 Q3A2: DO NOT READ OPTIONS; USE OPTIONS TO CLARIFY IF NEEDED; SELECT ALL THAT APPLY How did you get rid of it? IWR NOTE: The option "threw it in the garbage" can include both garbage that is picked up at home by a garbage collection service, and garbage that the resident drives to a landfill or garbage transfer station (self-haul). IWR NOTE: If R says "I took it to a facility," clarify with: "Would that be a garbage facility or a hazardous waste facility?" if NOT(Q3A1=1) (There were zero responses of Refused ) Q3A2: 1 Threw it in the garbage TOTAL % Threw it in the garbage Yes % Not Yes % Q3A2: 2 Took it to a special event or facility -where hazardous wastes are collected TOTAL % Took it to a special event or facility -where hazardous wastes are collected Yes % Not Yes % Q3A2: 3 Flushed it down the sink or toilet TOTAL % Flushed it down the sink or toilet Yes 0 0% Not Yes % Q3A2: 4 Put it down the storm drain TOTAL % Put it down the storm drain Yes 0 0% Not Yes % Q3A2: 5 I didn t - I still have it TOTAL % I didn t - I still have it Yes % Not Yes % Q3A2: 7 Other (please specify) TOTAL % Other (please specify) Yes % Not Yes % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 153

12 Q3A2: 8 Don t Know TOTAL % Don t Know Yes 5 2.7% Not Yes % Q3B: Have you ever purchased latex or water-based wall paint? No % Yes % Don't Know % Q3B1: Did you ever have any leftover that you wanted to get rid of? IWR NOTE: Original Q=Have you ever purchased latex or water-based wall paint? => /Q3C if NOT(Q3B=1) TOTAL % No % Yes % Don't Know % Q3B2: DO NOT READ OPTIONS; USE OPTIONS TO CLARIFY IF NEEDED; SELECT ALL THAT APPLY How did you get rid of it? IWR NOTE: The option "threw it in the garbage" can include both garbage that is picked up at home by a garbage collection service, and garbage that the resident drives to a landfill or garbage transfer station (self-haul). IWR NOTE: If R says "I took it to a facility," clarify with: "Would that be a garbage facility or a hazardous waste facility?" if NOT(Q3B1=1) (There were zero responses of Refused ) Q3B2: 0 Threw dried-out paint in the garbage TOTAL % Threw dried-out paint in the garbage Yes % Not Yes % Q3B2: 1 Threw liquid paint in the garbage TOTAL % Threw liquid paint in the garbage Yes % Not Yes % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 154

13 Q3B2: 2 Took it to a special event or facility -where hazardous wastes are collected TOTAL % Took it to a special event or facility -where hazardous wastes are collected Yes % Not Yes % Q3B2: 3 Recycled it TOTAL % Recycled it Yes % Not Yes % Q3B2: 4 Flushed it down the sink or toilet TOTAL % Flushed it down the sink or toilet Yes 5 1.3% Not Yes % Q3B2: 5 Put it in a storm drain TOTAL % Put it in a storm drain Yes 1 0.3% Not Yes % Q3B2: 6 I didn't-i still have it in storage TOTAL % I didn't-i still have it in storage Yes 74 19% Not Yes % Q3B2: 7 Other (please specify) TOTAL % Other (please specify) Yes % Not Yes % Q3B2: 8 Don't Know TOTAL % Don t Know Yes % Not Yes % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 155

14 Q3C: Have you ever purchased compact fluorescent light bulbs? IWR NOTE: Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs are also known as CFL's. IWR NOTE: Some households may have CFL's without having purchased them, because of retail or utility give-aways. IWR NOTE: A Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb is a fluorescent lamp that has a "screw in" base. It is typically shaped like a spiral, a globe, or an oval. Four-foot tubes (like the SRL has) are not CFL's. No % Yes % No, I have not purchased them, but I have some that were given to me % Don't Know % Q3C2: DO NOT READ OPTIONS; USE OPTIONS TO CLARIFY IF NEEDED;SELECT ALL THAT APPLY How did you get rid of these after they burned out? IWR NOTE: Original Q=Have you ever purchased compact fluorescent light bulbs? IWR NOTE: The option "threw it in the garbage" can include both garbage that is picked up at home by a garbage collection service, and garbage that the resident drives to a landfill or garbage transfer station (self-haul). IWR NOTE: If R says "I took it to a facility," clarify with: "Would that be a garbage facility or a hazardous waste facility?" => /Q3D if NOT(Q3C=1 OR Q3C=2) (There were zero responses of Refused ) Q3C2: 1 Threw them in the garbage TOTAL % Threw them in the garbage Yes % Not Yes % Q3C2: 2 Took them to a special event or facility - where hazardous wastes are collected TOTAL % Took them to a special event or facility - where hazardous wastes are collected Yes 44 10% Not Yes % Q3C2: 3 Took them back to a store TOTAL % Took them back to a store Yes 8 1.8% Not Yes % Q3C2: 4 They haven't burned out yet TOTAL % They haven't burned out yet Yes % Not Yes % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 156

15 Q3C2: 5 I didn't-i still have them in storage TOTAL % I didn't-i still have them in storage Yes % Not Yes % Q3C2: 7 Other (please specify) TOTAL % Other (please specify) Yes % Not Yes % Q3C2: 8 Don't Know TOTAL % Don't Know Yes % Refused Not Yes % Q3C3: Would you be willing to take old compact fluorescent light bulbs back to the store where you bought them, if they accepted them for recycling? if (Q3C2=3) TOTAL % No % Yes % Don't Know 8 0 0% Refused % Q3C4 (Deactivated): Would you be willing to take old compact fluorescent light bulbs to a recycling center in your area, if it accepted them for recycling? if (Q3C2=2) TOTAL % No % Yes % Don't Know 8 0 0% 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 157

16 Q3D: Have you ever purchased chemicals for your lawn such as herbicides to kill weeds or pesticides to kill insects? IWR NOTE: This only includes lawn (turf) and NOT garden, flowers, vegetables, or trees. IWR NOTE: A pesticide is a chemical that kills pests - weeds, bugs, etc. The term pesticide is often interpreted to mean insecticide (insect killer). IWR NOTE: Herbicides kill plants and are a subset of pesticide. No % Yes % Don't Know 8 0 0% Q3D1: Did you ever have any leftover that you wanted to get rid of? IWR NOTE: Original Q=Have you ever purchased chemicals for your lawn such as herbicides to kill weeds or pesticides to kill insects? => /Q3E if NOT(Q3D=1) TOTAL % No % Yes % Don't Know % Q3D2: DO NOT READ OPTIONS; USE OPTIONS TO CLARIFY IF NEEDED; SELECT ALL THAT APPLY How did you get rid of it? IWR NOTE: The option "threw it in the garbage" can include both garbage that is picked up at home by a garbage collection service, and garbage that the resident drives to a landfill or garbage transfer station (self-haul). IWR NOTE: If R says "I took it to a facility," clarify with: "Would that be a garbage facility or a hazardous waste facility?" if NOT(Q3D1=1) (There were zero responses of Refused ) Q3D2: 0 Threw it in the garbage TOTAL % Threw it in the garbage Yes % Not Yes % Q3D2: 1 Took it to a special event or facility - where hazardous wastes are collected TOTAL % Took it to a special event or facility - where hazardous wastes are collected Yes % Not Yes % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 158

17 Q3D2: 2 Flushed it down the sink or toilet TOTAL % Flushed it down the sink or toilet Yes 1 1.3% Not Yes % Q3D2: 3 Put it in a storm drain TOTAL % Put it in a storm drain Yes 0 0% Not Yes % Q3D2: 4 Emptied it on the ground TOTAL % Emptied it on the ground Yes 2 2.5% Not Yes % Q3D2: 5 Burned it TOTAL % Burned it Yes 0 0% Not Yes % Q3D2: 6 I didn't-i still have it in storage TOTAL % I didn't-i still have it in storage Yes % Not Yes % Q3D2: 7 Other (please specify) TOTAL % Other (please specify) Yes 5 6.3% Not Yes % Q3D2: 8 Don t Know TOTAL % Don't Know Yes 1 1.3% Not Yes % Q3E: Have you ever purchased pool or hot tub chlorine? No % Yes % Don't Know 8 0 0% 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 159

18 Q3E1: Did you ever have any leftover that you wanted to get rid of? IWR NOTE: Original Q=Have you ever purchased pool or hot tub chlorine? => /Q3F if NOT(Q3E=1) TOTAL % No % Yes % Don't Know % Q3E2: DO NOT READ OPTIONS; USE OPTIONS TO CLARIFY IF NEEDED; SELECT ALL THAT APPLY How did you get rid of it? IWR NOTE: The option "threw it in the garbage" can include both garbage that is picked up at home by a garbage collection service, and garbage that the resident drives to a landfill or garbage transfer station (self-haul). IWR NOTE: If R says "I took it to a facility," clarify with: "Would that be a garbage facility or a hazardous waste facility?" if NOT(Q3E1=1) (There were zero responses of Don t Know and Refused ) Q3E2: 1 Threw it in the garbage TOTAL % Threw it in the garbage Yes % Not Yes % Q3E2: 2 Took it to a special event or facility where hazardous wastes are collected TOTAL % Took it to a special event or facility where hazardous wastes are collected Yes % Not Yes % Q3E2: 3 Flushed it down the sink or toilet TOTAL % Flushed it down the sink or toilet Yes % Not Yes % Q3E2: 4 Put it in a storm drain TOTAL % Put it in a storm drain Yes 0 0% Not Yes % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 160

19 Q3E2: 5 I didn't-i still have it in storage TOTAL % I didn't-i still have it in storage Yes % Not Yes % Q3E2: 7 Other (please specify) TOTAL % Other (please specify) Yes % Not Yes % Q3F: Have you ever had any pharmaceuticals, such as prescription or over-the-counter medications, that you wanted to get rid of? No % Yes % Don't Know 8 0 0% Q3F2: DO NOT READ OPTIONS; USE OPTIONS TO CLARIFY IF NEEDED; SELECT ALL THAT APPLY How did you get rid of them? IWR NOTE: Original Q=Have you ever had any pharmaceuticals, such as prescription or over-the-counter medications, that you wanted to get rid of? IWR NOTE: The option "threw it in the garbage" can include both garbage that is picked up at home by a garbage collection service, and garbage that the resident drives to a landfill or garbage transfer station (self-haul). IWR NOTE: If R says "I took it to a facility," clarify with: "Would that be a garbage facility or a hazardous waste facility?" => /Q4A if NOT(Q3F=1) (There were zero responses of Refused ) Q3F2: 1 Threw them in the garbage TOTAL % Threw them in the garbage Yes % Not Yes % Q3F2: 2 Took them to a special event or facility- where hazardous wastes are collected TOTAL % Took them to a special event or facility- where hazardous wastes are collected Yes 9 2.2% Not Yes % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 161

20 Q3F2: 3 Flushed them down the sink or toilet TOTAL % Flushed them down the sink or toilet Yes % Not Yes % Q3F2: 4 I didn't-i still have them TOTAL % I didn't-i still have them Yes % Not Yes % Q3F2: 7 Other (please specify) TOTAL % Other (please specify) Yes % Not Yes % Q3F2: 8 Don't Know TOTAL % Don't Know Yes 4 1.0% Not Yes % Q3F3: READ OPTIONS 1-3 How often would you be willing to take unwanted medications to a pharmacy in your area, if they accepted them for safe disposal? TOTAL % Always % Sometimes % Never % Don't Know % Q3F4: READ OPTIONS 1-3 If your pharmacy provided postage-paid mailing envelopes, how often would you be willing to mail your unwanted medications in for safe disposal? IWR NOTE: They would be mailed to a secure location for incineration. TOTAL % Always % Sometimes % Never % Don't Know % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 162

21 Q4A: Have you ever taken any leftover or unwanted products to a household hazardous waste collection event or facility? => /+1 if (Q3A2=2 OR Q3B2=2 OR Q3C2=2 OR Q3D2=1 OR Q3E2=2 OR Q3F2=2) TOTAL % No % Yes % Don't Know % Q4B: DO NOT READ OPTIONS; USE OPTIONS TO CLARIFY IF NEEDED Why not? IWR NOTE: If R provides more than one response, say: "What is the main reason?" IWR NOTE: Original Q was: "Have you ever taken any leftover or unwanted products to a household hazardous waste collection event or facility?" => /+1 if NOT (Q4A=0) TOTAL % Too far to travel % Schedule/Timing of service not convenient % Don't like to wait in line (at event, facility) % Don't have any service % Don't know if we have any service % Have never thought about it % Don't think it is needed/isn't worth the effort % Other (please specify) 7 O % Don't Know % Q5: I am now going to read you several statements regarding product safety. For each statement, please tell me if you Strongly Disagree, Somewhat Disagree, Somewhat Agree, or Strongly Agree. Press enter to continue 0 D % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 163

22 Q5A: READ OPTIONS AGAIN I trust that the household cleaners I find in the store are safe for me, my family, and the environment. IWR NOTE: Original Q was: "I am now going to read you several statements regarding product safety. For each statement, please tell me if you Strongly Disagree, Somewhat Disagree, Somewhat Agree, or Strongly Agree." Strongly Disagree % Somewhat Disagree % Somewhat Agree % Strongly Agree % Don't Know % Refused % Q5B: READ OPTIONS AGAIN I trust that the lawn chemicals I find in the store are safe for me, my family, and the environment. Strongly Disagree % Somewhat Disagree % Somewhat Agree % Strongly Agree % Don't Know % Q5C: READ OPTIONS AS NEEDED Manufacturers should be required to provide a complete list of ingredients in their products. Strongly Disagree % Somewhat Disagree % Somewhat Agree % Strongly Agree % Don't Know 8 0 0% Refused % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 164

23 Q5D: READ OPTIONS AS NEEDED Manufacturers should be required to share in the responsibility for safely recycling or disposing of the products they make and sell to consumers. Strongly Disagree % Somewhat Disagree % Somewhat Agree % Strongly Agree % Don't Know % Refused % SECT2: Now I have a few questions about lawn care. Do you participate in, or know about, the care of your lawn or the purchasing of lawn supplies? This only includes your lawn and NOT your garden, flowers, vegetables, or trees. No, that is not me % Yes, that is me % No, no yard % No, use lawn care service % Don't Know % LP2: In the past year, have you applied any of the following to your entire lawn? => /SECT3 if NOT(SECT2=1) TOTAL % Press enter to continue 0 D % LP2C: A combination weed and feed product? IWR NOTE: Original question=in the past year, have you applied any of the following to your entire lawn? IWR NOTE: Select "yes" if it is applied to the entire lawn (vs. spot applications). IWR NOTE: IF NEEDED, CLARIFY WITH: "Again, this would be applied to your entire lawn." TOTAL % No % Yes % Don't Know % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 165

24 LP2A: A weed killer? IWR NOTE: Original question=in the past year, have you applied any of the following to your entire lawn? IWR NOTE: Select "yes" if it is applied to the entire lawn (vs. spot applications). IWR NOTE: IF NEEDED, CLARIFY WITH: "Again, this would be applied to your entire lawn." TOTAL % No % Yes % Don't Know % LP2B (Deactivated): A fertilizer? IWR NOTE: Original question=in the past year, have you applied any of the following to your entire lawn? IWR NOTE: Select "yes" if it is applied to the entire lawn (vs. spot applications). IWR NOTE: IF NEEDED, CLARIFY WITH: "Again, this would be applied to your entire lawn." TOTAL % No % Yes % Don't Know 8 0 0% LP2D: An insect controller? IWR NOTE: Original question=in the past year, have you applied any of the following to your entire lawn? IWR NOTE: Select "yes" if it is applied to the entire lawn (vs. spot applications). IWR NOTE: IF NEEDED, CLARIFY WITH: "Again, this would be applied to your entire lawn." TOTAL % No % Yes % Don't Know % LP2E: A moss controller? IWR NOTE: Original question=in the past year, have you applied any of the following to your entire lawn? IWR NOTE: Select "yes" if it is applied to the entire lawn (vs. spot applications). IWR NOTE: IF NEEDED, CLARIFY WITH: "Again, this would be applied to your entire lawn." TOTAL % No % Yes % Don't Know 8 0 0% 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 166

25 LP2F: Do you use a spot spray chemical weed killer that you apply to just certain spots on your lawn? IWR NOTE: IF NEEDED: "Examples of spot spray chemical weed killers are Roundup and Crossbow." TOTAL % No % Yes % Don't Know 8 0 0% LP3: Do you know if these products are conventional chemical products, organic products, or a combination? IWR NOTE: Organic would include manures, compost, corn gluten, bone meal, blood meal, lime, compost tea, ladybugs, nematodes, other beneficial insects, and other minimally manufactured "natural" products. IWR NOTE: Chemical includes artificial and manufactured complex chemical formulations typically sold under brand names such as Roundup, Weed-B-Gone, Scott's Turf Builder, Curtail, Preen 'n Green, Weed & Feed, etc. if NOT(LP2C=1 OR LP2A=1 OR LP2B=1 OR LP2D=1 OR LP2E=1 OR LP2F=1) TOTAL % Chemical products % Organic products % Combination-both - chemical and organic % Don't Know % LP4: ENTER NUMBER OF TIMES How many times a year do you spread a lawn care product over your entire lawn? => /LP6 if NOT (LP2A=1 OR LP2B=1 OR LP2C=1 OR LP2D=1 OR LP2E=1) TOTAL % Less than one time a year % % % % % % % % % % % Don't Know % Refused % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 167

26 LP4A: DO NOT READ OPTIONS; USE OPTIONS TO CLARIFY IF NEEDED;SELECT ALL THAT APPLY How do you know how much to apply? => /LP6 if LP4=888 OR LP4=999 (There were zero responses of Refused ) LP4A: 1 I read the label but the instructions are unclear TOTAL % I read the label and follow the instructions Yes % Not Yes % LP4A: 2 I read the label but the instructions are unclear TOTAL % I read the label but the instructions are unclear Yes 2 0.9% Not Yes % LP4A: 3 I use the prescribed setting on the spreader TOTAL % I use the prescribed setting on the spreader Yes % Not Yes % LP4A: 4 I do what looks right TOTAL % I do what looks right Yes % Not Yes % LP4A: 5 I do what I've always done TOTAL % I do what I've always done Yes 6 2.6% Not Yes % LP4A: 7 Other (please specify) TOTAL % Other (please specify) Yes % Not Yes % LP4A: 8 Don't Know TOTAL % Don't Know Yes 5 2.2% Not Yes % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 168

27 LP4B: Before applying chemicals to your lawn, do you check the weather forecast? TOTAL % No % Yes (Why do you check the weather?) 1 O % Don't Know % LP6: For the following statements, please tell me if you Strongly Disagree, Somewhat Disagree, Somewhat Agree, or Strongly Agree. TOTAL % Press enter to continue 0 D % LP6A: READ OPTIONS AGAIN Using lawn chemicals is easier than using natural methods. IWR NOTE: Natural includes manures, compost, corn gluten, bone meal, blood meal, lime, compost tea, ladybugs, nematodes, other beneficial insects, and other minimally manufactured "natural" products. TOTAL % Strongly Disagree % Somewhat Disagree % Somewhat Agree % Strongly Agree % Don't Know % Refused % LP6B: READ OPTIONS AGAIN I don't use natural methods on my lawn because I don't know enough about them. => /+1 if NOT(LP3=1) TOTAL % Strongly Disagree % Somewhat Disagree % Somewhat Agree % Strongly Agree % Don't Know % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 169

28 LP6C: READ OPTIONS AS NEEDED Chemical methods are more effective than natural methods of lawn care. TOTAL % Strongly Disagree % Somewhat Disagree % Somewhat Agree % Strongly Agree % Don't Know % LP6D: READ OPTIONS AS NEEDED Having a green, mostly weed-free lawn all year round is important to me. TOTAL % Strongly Disagree % Somewhat Disagree % Somewhat Agree % Strongly Agree % Don't Know 8 0 0% LP6E: READ OPTIONS AS NEEDED My neighbors will disapprove if my lawn is brown or has weeds. TOTAL % Strongly Disagree % Somewhat Disagree % Somewhat Agree % Strongly Agree % Don't Know % Refused % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 170

29 LP8: DO NOT READ OPTIONS; USE OPTIONS TO CLARIFY IF NEEDED; How many times a week do you water your lawn in the summer? TOTAL % Less than once a week % Once a week % 2 x /week % 3 x /week % 4 x /week % 5 x /week % 6 x /week % Every day % I do not water my lawn % Don't Know % Refused % LP9: Do you normally leave grass clippings on the lawn after mowing, or do you remove them? TOTAL % Leave clippings on the lawn % Remove clippings from the lawn % Don't Know % LP10: DO NOT READ OPTIONS What do you think is the recommended height to set mower blades to keep your lawn healthy? TOTAL % 1" or less % About 2" % About 3" % About 4" or more % Don't Know % SECT3: Now I have a few questions about household maintenance and cleaning. Do you participate in, or know about, the cleaning and maintenance of your house? No % Yes % Don't Know 8 0 0% 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 171

30 CL1: DO NOT READ OPTIONS; SELECT ALL THAT APPLY Thinking back to the last time you had a clogged drain, how did you try to unclog it? IWR NOTE: Commercial means a product specifically formulated to unclog drains that you buy at a store (vs. homemade). IWR NOTE: Baking soda, vinegar, and hot water can be used in some combination. The typical sequence is baking soda, followed by vinegar, and then waiting 15 minutes and flushing with hot water. => /SECT4 if NOT (SECT3=1) (There were zero responses of Refused ) CL1: 1 Commercial Drain Cleaner TOTAL % Commercial drain cleaner Yes % Not Yes % CL1: 2 Baking Soda, Vinegar, and Hot Water TOTAL % Baking soda, vinegar, and hot water Yes % Not Yes % CL1: 3 A Plunger TOTAL % A Plunger Yes % Not Yes % CL1: 4 A Plumbing Snake TOTAL % A Plumbing Snake Yes % Not Yes % CL1: 5 Call a Plumber TOTAL % Call a Plumber Yes % Not Yes % CL1: 6 Other TOTAL % Other Yes % Not Yes % CL1: 7 Never Had a Clogged Drain TOTAL % Never had a clogged drain Yes % Not Yes % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 172

31 CL1: 8 Don t Know TOTAL % Don t Know Yes 6 1.0% Not Yes % CL1A: Did you use a fast-acting chemical product or a slower-acting enzyme-based product? IWR NOTE: A fast-acting chemical product is one that you pour in and wait typically 30 minutes like Drano. IWR NOTE: An slower-acting enzyme-based product is typically poured into the drain and allowed to sit, undisturbed, overnight. => /CL2 if NOT(CL1=1) TOTAL % Fast-acting chemical product % Slower-acting enzyme-based product % Other (please specify) 7 O 7 3.5% Don't Know % CL2: Do you do anything to prevent clogged drains? IWR NOTE: This includes any type of drain (kitchen, bathroom sink, tub/shower, laundry room floor). TOTAL % No % Yes % Don't Know % CL2A: DO NOT READ OPTIONS; SELECT ALL THAT APPLY What do you do? IWR NOTE: This includes any type of drain (kitchen, bathroom sink, tub/shower, laundry room floor). IWR NOTE: Baking soda, vinegar, and hot water can be used in some combination. The typical sequence is baking soda, followed by vinegar, and then waiting 15 minutes and flushing with hot water. => /+1 if NOT(CL2=1) (There were zero responses of Don t Know and Refused ) CL2A: 1 Use a Chemical Drain Cleaner TOTAL % Use a Chemical Drain Cleaner Yes % Not Yes % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 173

32 CL2A: 2 Use Baking Soda, Vinegar, and Hot Water TOTAL % Use Baking soda, vinegar, and hot water Yes % Not Yes % CL2A: 3 Use a Sink Strainer TOTAL % Use a sink strainer Yes % Not Yes % CL2A: 4 Avoid Pouring Grease Down the Drain TOTAL % Avoid pouring grease down the drain Yes % Not Yes % CL2A: 5 Avoid Putting Things Down the Drain Such as Hair TOTAL % Avoid putting things down the drain - such as hair Yes % Not Yes % CL2A: 6 Other TOTAL % Other Yes % Not Yes % CL2A: 7 Nothing TOTAL % Nothing Yes 1 0.2% Not Yes % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 174

33 CL3: DO NOT READ OPTIONS; USE OPTIONS TO CLARIFY IF NEEDED; How do you clean your oven? IWR NOTE: An example of a chemical oven cleaner is Easy Off. IWR NOTE: A non-toxic oven cleaner could include a commercial product that is labeled "non-toxic" or a "homemade" cleaner such as baking soda, lemon juice, vinegar, etc. It could also include "elbow grease" with a copper or steel wool scrubbing pad. TOTAL % Use a chemical oven cleaner % Use a non-toxic oven cleaner (such as Baking Soda) % Run oven self-cleaning system % I don't have an oven % I don't clean my oven % Other (please specify) 7 O 7 1.2% Don't Know % CL4: DO NOT READ OPTIONS; USE OPTIONS TO CLARIFY IF NEEDED;SELECT ALL THAT APPLY When you clean mildew, mold, or other stains from bathroom and shower tiles and walls, what do you use? (There were zero responses of Refused ) CL4: 1 Elbow Grease TOTAL % "Elbow grease" (muscle, sponge/cloth, water)-no cleaners Yes % Not Yes % CL4: 2 A Non-Toxic Cleaner Such as Baking Soda or Bon Ami TOTAL % A non-toxic cleaner such as Baking Soda or Bon Ami Yes % Not Yes % CL4: 3 Bleach TOTAL % Bleach (this includes straight bleach or diluted bleach but not a commercial product containing bleach) Yes % Not Yes % CL4: 4 A Multi-Purpose Household Cleaner TOTAL % A multi-purpose household cleaner (Soft Scrub, Comet, Fantastic, Formula 409) Yes % Not Yes % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 175

34 CL4: 5 A Strong Stain Remover That Requires Wearing Gloves TOTAL % A strong stain remover that requires wearing gloves Yes % Not Yes % CL4: 6 I Don t Clean It TOTAL % I don't clean it Yes % Not Yes % CL4: 7 Other (please specify) TOTAL % Other (please specify) Yes % Not Yes % CL4: 8 Don t Know TOTAL % Don t Know Yes % Not Yes % CL5: I am now going to read you a list of factors that may impact your decisions when purchasing chemical cleaning products. Please tell me how important each factor is on a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 means Not Important, and 4 means Very Important. TOTAL % Press enter to continue 0 D % CL5A: Cost of the product IWR NOTE: Original Q was: "I am now going to read you a list of factors that may impact your decisions when purchasing chemical cleaning products. Please tell me how important each factor is on a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 means Not Important, and 4 means Very Important." TOTAL % Not Important % % % Very Important % Don't Know % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 176

35 CL5B: Effectiveness of the product TOTAL % Not Important % % % Very Important % Don't Know % Refused % CL5C: Potential risks to you and your family TOTAL % Not Important % % % Very Important % Don't Know % CL5D: The brand of the product TOTAL % Not Important % % % Very Important % Don't Know % CL7: Have you ever had anything harmful happen to you because of chemical cleaning products? TOTAL % No % Yes % Don't Know 8 0 0% 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 177

36 CL8: DO NOT READ OPTIONS; SELECT ALL THAT APPLY What happened? => /+1 if NOT(CL7=1) (There were zero responses of Don t Know and Refused ) CL8: 0 Nausea/Vomiting TOTAL % Nausea/Vomiting Yes 6 4.8% Not Yes % CL8: 1 Irritated Eyes TOTAL % Irritated Eyes Yes % Not Yes % CL8: 2 Burned or Irritated Skin TOTAL % Burned or irritated skin Yes % Not Yes % CL8: 3 Had Trouble Breathing/Burned or Irritated Throat or Lungs TOTAL % Had trouble breathing/burned or Irritated Throat or Lungs Yes % Not Yes % CL8: 4 Harmed a Child TOTAL % Harmed a child Yes 3 2.4% Not Yes % CL8: 5 Harmed a Pet TOTAL % Harmed a pet Yes 3 2.4% Not Yes % CL8: 6 Light Headedness/Headache/Fainted or Almost Fainted TOTAL % Light Headedness/Headache/Fainted or almost Fainted Yes % Not Yes % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 178

37 CL8: 7 Other (please specify) TOTAL % Other (please specify) Yes % Not Yes % SECT4: Now I have a few questions about the use of fishing weights. Have you gone fishing in the last year? No % Yes % Don't Know 8 0 0% LD3: READ OPTIONS 1-3; SELECT ALL THAT APPLY What do you use to attach the fishing weights to the line? => /DEMO if NOT(SECT4=1) (There were zero responses of Refused ) LD3: 1 Use pliers TOTAL % Use pliers Yes % Not Yes % LD3: 2 Use teeth TOTAL % Use teeth Yes % Not Yes % LD3: 3 Use other tools or something else (please specify) TOTAL % Use other tools or something else (please specify) Yes % Not Yes % LD3: 7 I don t use weights TOTAL % I don t use weights Yes 8 5.5% Not Yes % LD3: 8 Don t Know TOTAL % Don t Know Yes 3 2.1% Not Yes % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 179

38 LD4: DO NOT READ OPTIONS Are any of the fishing weights you use made of lead? => /DEMO if NOT(LD3=1,2,3) TOTAL % No % Yes % Don't Know 8 => /LD % Refused 9 => /LD7 0 0% LD4A: Do you make your own lead fishing weights? => /LD4D if (LD4=0) TOTAL % No % Yes % Don't Know 8 0 0% LD4B: DO NOT READ OPTIONS Where do you make them? IWR NOTE: If R says detached garage, select garage. => /LD4C if NOT(LD4A=1) TOTAL % House (Could you please be more specific?) 1 O % Garage % Basement % Porch/Yard % Other (please specify) 7 O 0 0% Don't Know 8 0 0% Refused % LD4C: Do you purchase non-lead fishing weights? TOTAL % No, Never 0 => /LD % Yes (sometimes or always) % Don't Know 8 => /LD % Refused 9 => /LD7 0 0% 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 180

39 LD4D: SELECT ALL THAT APPLY Are the non-lead weights bought at a store, on-line, or elsewhere? if NOT(LD4C=1 OR LD4=0) (There were zero responses of Don t Know and Refused ) LD4D: 1 Retail Store TOTAL % Retail Store Yes % Not Yes 3 6.8% LD4D: 2 On-Line TOTAL % On-Line Yes 1 2.3% Not Yes % LD4D: 3 Other (please specify) TOTAL % Other (please specify) Yes 2 4.5% Not Yes % LD5: Have you ever considered purchasing non-lead weights? => /LD7 if NOT (LD4C=0) TOTAL % No % Yes % Don't Know % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 181

40 LD5A: DO NOT READ OPTIONS Why not? IWR NOTE: If R provides more than one response, say: "What is the main reason?" => /+1 if NOT (LD5=0) TOTAL % I didn't know they made non-lead weights/ not aware of alternatives % They cost more 1 0 0% They are hard to find/i don't know - where to find % Non-lead weights don't work as- well or are harder to use % I don't think non-lead weights are safer/not concerned about lead 4 0 0% I'm happy with what I'm using % No reason % Other (please specify) 7O 2 4.8% Don't Know 8 0 0% LD7: READ OPTIONS 1-4 How much risk do you believe that lead fishing weights pose to the people who use them? TOTAL % No Risk % Little Risk % Moderate Risk % Huge Risk % Don't Know % DEMO: The following questions are for demographic purposes only. Press enter to continue 0 D % SEX: Record R'S gender, as observed. If you can't tell, ask: "Because the quality of phone connections sometimes makes it difficult to tell, I have to ask you your gender. Are you male or female?" Male % Female % Don't know 8 0 0% 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 182

41 AGE: ENTER AGE May I please have your age? $E Enter Age % 96 or over % 17 or younger 97 => /INT20 0 0% Don't know % Refused % INT20: I'm sorry to have bothered you. We are surveying people who are 18 or older only. Thank you for you time today. => /+1 if NOT (AGE=97) TOTAL 0 100% R is not 18 years of age or older made it half way through the survey 20 D=> /END 0 0% CHILD: Sometimes people with children change their behaviors regarding hazardous products. Do you have any children under the age of 8 living with you? No % Yes % Don't Know 8 0 0% Refused % PETS: Do you have any pets that walk on the lawn? IWR NOTE: If R asks why this is being asked, say: "People with pets may have different lawn treatment behaviors". No % Yes % Don't Know 8 0 0% Refused % HOME1: Do you own or rent your home? Own % Rent % Other (please specify) 3 O 9 1.5% Don't Know 8 0 0% Refused % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 183

42 HOME2: READ OPTIONS 1-4 Which of the following best describes the type of housing you live in? Single-Family Home % 2-, 3-, or 4-plex % Larger apartment or condo complex % Other (please specify) 4 O 0 0% Don't Know 8 0 0% Refused % RACE: READ OPTIONS 1-5 Which of the following groups best identifies you? White % American Indian or Alaskan Native 2 6 1% Asian or Pacific Islander % Black or African-American % Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino % Other (please specify) 7 O 2 0.3% Don't Know % Refused % INCOM: READ OPTIONS UNTIL STOPPED I'm now going to read you a list of income ranges. Please stop me when I reach the category that describes your estimated total annual household income in IWR Note to R: Your best estimate is fine. Less than $15, % $15,000 to less than 25, % $25,000 to less than 35, % $35,000 to less than 50, % $50,000 to less than 75, % $75,000 to less than 100, % $100,000 or more % Don't know % Refused % 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 184

43 CT1: Would you like the Department of Environmental Quality to send you information about how to avoid and handle hazardous household waste? IWR NOTE: If R asks what kind of information is available, say: "This could include information about household hazardous waste collection events and information on alternatives to buying hazardous products." IWR NOTE: If R has concerns about confidentiality, say: "Your contact information will be supplied to DEQ in a list that is separate from your survey responses. Your responses will never be connected to your name or contact information." No 0 => /THEND % Yes % Don't know 8 => /THEND 2 0.3% Refused 9 => /THEND 2 0.3% CT2: CHECK ALL THAT APPLY Would you prefer to receive this information by mail or ? => /THEND if NOT(CT1=1) TOTAL % Mail % % Don't know 8 X 0 0% Refused 9 X 0 0% MAIL: ENTER CONTACT MAIL ADDRESS May I please have your address so that DEQ can send the information to you? if NOT(CT2=1) TOTAL % Enter address (ex: 1600 SW 4th Ave. Portland, OR 97207) 0 DO % Don't know 8 0 0% Refused % ENTER CONTACT ADDRESS May I please have your address so that DEQ can send the information to you? if NOT(CT2=2) TOTAL % Enter address (ex: 0 DO % Don't know 8 0 0% 08-LQ-086 Oregon DEQ HHW Survey Results Report 185

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