Lancashire Primary Literacy. Children's Targets for Writing

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1 Lancashire Primary Literacy Children's Targets for Writing


3 Teaching Objectives and child-friendly 'I will be able to' versions An 'I will be able to' or 'I will know' target is a child-friendly version of a teaching objective. It represents a skill to be acquired and then applied frequently, consistently and independently. It is created so that the pupil understands more easily what is being taught, how it applies to them and what they need to be able to do to be a more skilful writer. Targets are just that. Something to be aimed for; something not yet achieved. Pupils should understand, and be able to explain what they need to do to achieve their target. The following pages list targets which have been made accessible for pupils. The first section contains the teaching objective alongside its childfriendly target equivalent. The last section contains just the children's targets. They have been created from the National Curriculum Level descriptors, the Framework pupil writing targets, strands 9, 10 and 11, and the Lancashire Assessment and Progression in Writing document. All of the descriptors have been translated into targets. The targets are arranged under the Assessment Focuses so that a balance of writing strategies can be targeted and taught. AF5: vary sentences for clarity, purpose and effect AF6: write with technical accuracy of syntax and punctuation in phrases, clauses and sentences AF3: organise and present whole texts effectively, sequencing and structuring information, ideas and events AF4: construct paragraphs and use cohesion within and between paragraphs AF1: write imaginative, interesting and thoughtful texts AF2: produce texts which are appropriate to task, reader and purpose AF7: select appropriate and effective vocabulary AF8: use correct spelling Handwriting and presentation AF1: Presenting ideas in ways which interest and engage the reader and make them want to read on. AF2: Presenting ideas to engage different audiences. Knowing how to use the right language, structure and format for each type of writing. AF3: Writing flows so that ideas and events are linked together throughout. The reader can understand the order of events in my stories and how I organise information in my nonfiction writing. AF4: Relating ideas or events together in paragraphs. Linking sentences with connectives and by adding further detail, actions or information to the paragraph s key idea. AF8: Spelling high frequency words correctly. Using spelling knowledge to attempt unfamiliar words. Handwriting and presentation: Handwriting is well-formed and easy to read. Presenting writing in interesting and attractive ways to reflect its purpose and engage the readers. AF5: Starting sentences in different ways. Using a variety of sentence structures to create different effects such as suspense, description, speech and action. AF6: Writing different types of sentences correctly. Sentences make sense and are easy to read. Using punctuation correctly and for effect. AF7: Choosing the best words to make my writing clear and easy to understand. Using the best vocabulary to identify, describe, inform, persuade, explain and instruct. Points to remember: When setting targets, set those that are the pupil's next steps in learning, not what they already can do, or do not relate to their current needs. Targets may be achieved in one session or over time. Select targets that are significant steps for that pupil/group of pupils. They may already be able to do many of the skills listed in the sub-level above their current level so only need the target/s that will make a difference. A target may provide the focus for one or several guided reading sessions. As the target will be a child-friendly version of the objective, it provides a simple way of informing the children of what is being taught, learned and applied. Targets need not be typed up and laminated as long as the teacher, the child and the parents have a note of it. The target should inform teaching and learning until achieved.

4 Level 1 L Assessment and Progression Statement Writes simple words and phrases I will be able to write some words. AF5 AF6 1c 1b 1a Composes a sentence orally and attempt to replicate it in writing Shows some awareness of how full stops are used in writing or reading. Full stops may be used to mark the end of a line rather than a sentence. Begins to join ideas with and. Some use of capital letters. Writing begins to show an awareness of how full stops are used Writes simple sentences that makes sense. Begins to join simple sentences with and. Some sentences demarcated with capital letters and full stops. Sometimes attempts to match sentence structure to purpose. I will be able to say a sentence of my own and write it down I will be able to point out full stops and say what they are used for. This is a common characteristic of writing at this level; it is not a target I will be able to use the word and in my sentences. I remember to use a capital letter to start a sentence. I remember to end my sentence with a full stop. I will be able to write sentences which make sense. I will be able to join sentences with the word and. I try to remember to use capital letters and full stops in my writing. I will be able to say and write sentences for different reasons like instructions and stories. L Assessment and Progression Statement AF3 AF4 1c 1b 1a Writing is orientated correctly, (top to bottom, left to right). Some ideas may be linked by and. Simple beginning, middle and end are becoming apparent through imitated story language. Some events or ideas are in an appropriate order Ideas are sequenced appropriately, e.g. stories have a beginning, middle and an end or instructions are in the correct order. Some formulaic phrases are used to indicate the start / end, e.g. once upon a time, one day, the end. I will be able to start my writing at the top of the page on the left side. I will be able to use the word and to join my ideas. I will be able to tell a simple story with a beginning, middle and end. I will be able to put events in the right order. I will be able to order events from a story or recount. I will be able to use words from stories like once upon a time, one day, and the end. L Assessment and Progression Statement Recognisable letters and simple words and phrases are used to convey meaning I will be able to write some letters and words. AF1 AF2 1c 1b Writing may need to be mediated to be understood Begins to write in different forms; e.g. lists, captions, simple stories Writing can generally be read without mediation. Begins to use story language. There may be some simple but appropriate vocabulary linked to the context. Narrative or non-narrative identifiable This is a common characteristic of writing at this level; it is not a target. I will be able to try writing lists, captions and stories. I will be able to use my phonics when I am writing so that my teacher and my friends can read it. I will be able to use some story language like once upon a time, big bad wolf and happily ever after I will be able to choose some good words to put in my writing. I will be able to write stories and non-fiction. AF7 1a Pupil uses appropriate vocabulary, making choices between alternatives supplied, e.g. word banks. Some interesting descriptive language used, e.g. for appearance, feelings, characters and settings. I will be able to use a word bank and choose the best words to put in my writing. I will be able to write descriptions using some good words.

5 Level 2 L Assessment and Progression Statement 2c Uses simple sentences and compound sentences joined by and Uses full stops and capital letters more consistently. I will be able to write simple sentences. I will be able to write compound sentences joined by the word and. I use capital letters and full stops in my writing. AF5 2b Some evidence of the use of other punctuation such as exclamation and question marks Uses a range of connectives to make a compound sentence e.g. and, but because, so. Full stops, capital letters and question marks are used more consistently. Pronouns are used to avoid repetition. Begins to experiment with exclamation marks. Starts some sentences in different ways e.g. Subject; preposition; pronoun. Begins to use subordination to show time and reason Sentences start in a variety of ways. Past and present tense is mainly accurate I try to use exclamation marks and question marks in my writing. I will be able to make compound sentences using connectives like and, but, because and so. I remember to use full stops, capital letters and question marks in my writing. I use words like he, she and they so I don t use the character s name too often. I will be able to use exclamation marks. I will be able to start sentences in different ways. I will be able to use connectives like when and because. I start sentences in different ways in my writing. I use the past tense for stories and recounts. AF6 2a Connectives used at the beginning and within sentences e.g. when, if. Full stops, capital letters and question marks used accurately. I will be able to start sentences with connectives like when, if and because. I use full stops, capital letters and exclamation marks in my writing. Exclamation marks used more effectively. I use exclamation marks for effect in my writing. Commas used to separate items in a list. I will be able to use commas to separate items in a list. Begins to experiment with speech marks I try to use speech marks to show the words spoken by a character. L Assessment and Progression Statement AF3 AF4 2c 2b 2a Writing begins to show characteristics of chosen form based on the structure of known texts. Chronological and non-chronological texts show simple structures. Organisation reflects the purpose of the writing, e.g. Instructions. Related ideas are grouped together. Some basic layout conventions are used. Uses connectives that signal time, e.g. then, after, before, meanwhile. Uses appropriate language and structures for the textform. Pupil starts to show awareness of paragraphs. Appropriate presentational features I will be able to tell and write stories based on those I have read. I will be able to write stories with a beginning, middle and end and information texts with different sections. I will be able to organise my writing. I will be able to collect information and ideas in sections for my writing. I set out my writing correctly on the page for different text types, e.g. instructions, information texts and stories. I will be able to use time connectives like then, after, before, meanwhile I use the right sort of words and organise my writing correctly for different text types. I will be able to say how paragraphs are used and will begin trying to use them in my writing. I will be able to set out my writing correctly on the page and use titles, sub- headings and captions appropriately.

6 Level 2 (continued) L Assessment and Progression Statement AF1 AF2 AF7 2c 2b 2a Considers and selects from alternative word choices related to the subject matter. Words chosen for effect. Variation in word choices, some of which is ambitious; (adjectives and nouns) Detail is used to engage the reader. Simple but appropriate text features apparent. Sustains form in narrative, including use of person and time. Makes adventurous word and language choices appropriate to the style and purpose of the text. Dialogue or actions show character and viewpoint. I will be able to think about different words and choose the best ones to put in my writing. I will be able to choose words that I think the reader will like. I will be able to use describing words in my writing. I will be able to include detail in my writing so it is interesting for my reader. I will be able to write different sorts of writing like stories, poems, and information texts I will be able to write stories which have clear characters and events all the way through. I will be able to choose the best words and phrases to use in lots of different types of writing. I will be able to show what my characters are like, and how they feel, by what they do and what they say.

7 Level 3 L Assessment and Progression Statement AF5 AF6 3c 3b 3a Writing is generally composed in effective simple and compound sentences which are grammatically correct. Uses first and third person consistently. Uses a range of connectives to signal time, e.g. first, next, then, after a while, eventually; Uses a range of connectives to signal cause/reason, e.g. because, so. Adds detail through noun phrases, e.g. golden coins; and adverbs, e.g. glistening brightly. Speech marks attempted where appropriate. Writing is composed in effective simple and compound sentences, grammatically correct. Begins to use subordination such as when, while, until, because. Uses complex sentences with adverb starters, e.g. slowly, carefully; or relative clauses, e.g. The boy, who was caught stealing apples, was chased by the farmer s dog. Begins to use commas to mark embedded clauses. e.g. The pirate,with his cutlass clenched in his teeth, swung on to the ship. Uses apostrophe for possession. Speech marks mostly accurate Uses a variety of sentences for effect e.g. long and short sentences for description or suspense. Starts sentences in a variety of ways. Subordination connectives are used between, at the beginning, and within sentences. We wore our wellies when we played in the puddles. When we played in the puddles we wore our wellies. Tense mostly accurate. Accurate use of commas in a list and to mark clauses. Mostly accurate use of punctuation within dialogue and within the complete sentence. I will be able to use a mixture of simple and complex sentences which make sense. I will be able to write stories and recounts using the first person (I) and third person (he, she, they) consistently. I will be able to use time connectives like first, next, then, after a while and eventually I will be able to use connectives to show cause and reason like because, so, if, therefore and in order to. I will be able to use adjectives and adverbs to add detail to my writing. I use speech marks to show the words spoken by characters. I will be able to use a mixture of simple, compound and complex sentences which make sense. I will be able to use connectives like when, while, until because, both in the middle and at the start of sentences. I will be able to start sentences with adverbs like slowly, energetically or carefully I will be able to construct a complex sentence with a drop in clause, e.g. The boy, who was caught stealing apples, was chased by the farmer s dog. I will be able to use commas to mark where an extra clause has been added e.g. The pirate, with his cutlass clenched in his teeth, swung on to the ship. I will be able to use an apostrophe correctly to show possession, e.g. Katy s dog, I remember to use speech marks to show the words spoken by a character in my writing. I will be able to use a variety of sentences for effect e.g. long and short sentences for description or suspense. I will be able to start sentences in different ways, e.g. with an adverb or a connective like when because or if. I will be able to use connectives like when, while, until because between sentences, in the middle and at the start of sentences I choose the right tense for my writing and use it all the way through. I will be able to use commas; to separate items in a list and to mark clauses I will be able to use punctuation to show speech - speech marks, commas, question marks, exclamation marks and full stops.

8 Level 3 (continued) L Assessment and Progression Statement AF3 AF4 3c 3b In narrative, the main features of story structure are used to organise events openings and endings are indicated. Story structure is present but may not be balanced, e.g. long beginnings and sudden endings. In non-narrative, some simple layout features are used. There are some links between ideas but these may not be clear. Pupil starts to group related material into short paragraphs but links between paragraphs may be unclear. In narrative, pupil uses beginning, middle and end in which events are sequenced logically and the main conflict is resolved. The story is balanced and there is an attempt to create pace In non narrative, the layout attempts to organise key elements. Related material is grouped into paragraphs. Some attempts to link paragraphs. Text is organised into paragraphs to distinguish between different information, events or processes. Narrative events are well paced. I will be able to write stories with clear beginnings and endings. This is a common characteristic of writing at this level; it is not a target I will be able to use layout features like titles, subheadings, text boxes and introductions when writing non-fiction. This is a common characteristic of writing at this level; it is not a target I will be able to group information and ideas into paragraphs. I will be able to write stories which include a problem to overcome and have a clear beginning and ending. I will be able to write stories where the sections are well balanced. In non-fiction writing, I include an introduction, information in sections and a conclusion. I will be able to use paragraphs to organise my writing. I will be able to link paragraphs using connecting words and phrases. I will be able to use paragraphs in fiction and non-fiction writing. I will be able to write stories which are well paced. 3a Cohesion is achieved through use of nouns and their related pronouns. Writes narratives with a build up and complication that lead towards a defined ending. Each element of narrative is grouped into separate paragraphs. I will be able to use pronouns to link ideas within sentences and between sentences. I will be able to write stories with an opening, build up, problem, resolution and ending. I will be able to use paragraphs within different sections of my stories. L Assessment and Progression Statement AF1 AF2 AF7 3c 3b 3a Uses a range of verbs and adjectives for impact. Selects nouns to be specific, e.g. Ferrari instead of car. Begins to use technical language appropriate to text-type. Attempts to engage reader through detail or word choices. Uses a range of technical and descriptive language. Varies the use of verbs and adjectives to achieve impact. Adverbs are used to add detail to actions. The beginnings of a conscious written style are evident, e.g. directly addressing the reader Most features of appropriate text-type are executed with increasing confidence. Carefully selected detail is included to support purpose and engage reader s interest. Some vocabulary is chosen to add interest or clarity or to introduce opinion or persuasion. In narrative, a range of devices are used to describe settings. Characters are created with some interaction to reveal feelings. Word use is lively and imaginative intended to amuse, entertain, etc I will be able to use a range of verbs and adjectives for impact. I will be able to select nouns to be specific, e.g. Ferrari instead of car. I will be able to use technical language in some of my writing. I will be able to choose words and phrases which will engage my reader. I will be able to use a range of technical and descriptive language in my writing. I will be able to use a lot of different verbs and adjectives to have an impact on my reader. I will be able to use adverbs to add detail to my characters actions. I will be able to think about my reader and make my writing sound like the books I read. I will be able to confidently use words, phrases and sentences which are appropriate for the text type. I will be able to think about the reader and the purpose of my writing and carefully choose the words and phrases with these in mind. I will be able to choose words to: add interest or add clarity introduce opinion or persuasion. I will be able to use a range of devices to describe settings, e.g. details about sights, smells and sounds; use of precise nouns and adjectives. I will be able to create characters with some interaction to show their feelings. I will be able to use words imaginatively in order to have an effect on my reader, e.g. to entertain or amuse them.

9 Level 4 L Assessment and Progression Statement AF5 Af6 4c 4b 4a Complex sentences used appropriate to text Beginning to try different sentence lengths and structures to create effect. Tense and person accurate. Appropriate word order selected for interest, precision, clarity or economy. Dialogue layout and punctuation accurate. Varied sentence starter techniques used, e.g. ing, ed, simile, adverbial. Uses subordinate clauses to add relevant detail to complex sentences. Extended noun phrases are used to add detail, e.g. golden coin glistening brightly; flickering candle-light. Tense and person are accurate and consistent with noun verb agreement. Beginning to show an awareness of the difference between spoken and written language reflected in use of dialogue. Mostly accurate use of commas to demarcate clauses. Conscious attempts to vary sentence structure and length to create intended effects. Writes sentences in an appropriate and effective style in relation to text-type, audience and purpose, e.g. pace, build-up, suspense, draw the reader in with a question. Uses punctuation to clarify meaning in complex sentences. Begins to use the full range of punctuation, e.g. ellipsis, hyphen, brackets, colon, semicolon. Different speech punctuation used, such as split dialogue; speaker identified before, between and after dialogue. I will be able to use complex sentences in my fiction and non- fiction writing. I will experiment with my sentences to create an effect on the reader. I am able to write accurately, in the first and third person, using different tenses correctly. I think about the order of the words I will be able to use and choose them for effect, e.g. to be interesting, precise, clear or to the point. I will be able to set out speech correctly, starting a new line for a new speaker, and punctuate it correctly. In my own writing, I will be able to use complex sentences with different starters, e.g. ing, ed, simile, adverbial I will be able to use subordinate clauses to add relevant detail to my complex sentences. I will be able to add detail to my writing by using extended noun phrases. I will be able to use tense and person accurately, making sure my nouns and verbs agree, e.g. we were, he was I will be able to use realistic dialogue in my writing. I will be able to use commas correctly to show clauses in my writing. I will be able to choose sentences for effect. I will be able to choose sentences appropriately for the text type, purpose and audience. I will be able to use punctuation in my complex sentences to make the meaning clear for the reader. I will be able to use a full range of punctuation including ellipsis, hyphen, brackets, colon and semi colon. I will be able to punctuate speech correctly including split dialogue. L Assessment and Progression Statement In narrative, attempts are made to vary the pace I will be able to vary the pace within my stories. AF3 AF4 4c 4b 4a Some appropriate layout features are used to enhance organisation. Causal and logical connectives are used in addition to those that signal time, e.g. however, therefore. Ideas are sustained and some are developed within and between paragraphs or sections Layout is appropriate and supports the purpose Uses paragraphs of varying length to achieve pace and emphasis, and to structure the plot. Paragraphs used to signal a change of time, scene, action, mood or person. Use of varied structures to shape and organise text coherently. There is a balance of dialogue, action and description in narrative. Begins to experiment with the order of sections and paragraphs to achieve different effects. Use of a range of connecting words and phrases appropriate to text type. Ideas are sustained and developed within and between paragraphs or sections. Structure is well developed with clear evidence of the chosen form. A widening range of organisational or presentational elements may be included. I will be able to use layout features to help organise my writing. I will be able to use connectives for cause, time and reason. I will be able to sustain ideas within and between paragraphs. I will be able to make the layout of my writing right for my audience and purpose. I will be able to use paragraphs of different lengths for different effects. I will be able to use paragraphs to signal a change of time, scene, action, mood or person. I will be able to use a variety of structures to help organise my fiction and non- fiction writing. I will be able to use a balance of action, dialogue and description when writing stories. I will be able to achieve different effects by moving paragraphs in my writing. I will be able to use of a range of connecting words and phrases appropriate to text type. I will be able to develop ideas within and between paragraphs and sections. I will be able to structure my writing effectively and show features of the text type. I will be able to organise and present my writing in effective and unusual ways.

10 Level 4 (continued) L Assessment and Progression Statement AF1 4c Settings are described in some detail. Characters are developed through description and/or dialogue. Writing is lively to interest, inform or engage the reader. There is significant interaction between characters using action or dialogue. I will be able to create settings which include detail to help my reader picture them. I will be able to develop my characters through description and dialogue. I will be able to make the purpose of my writing clear, e.g. to interest, inform or engage. I will be able to create characters with significant interaction, using action and dialogue. Well chosen and effective vocabulary is sometimes used. I will be able to choose effective vocabulary. AF2 4b Appropriate written style is consistent Main ideas are sustained and developed in a logical way. Information is clearly presented, including detail to add interest, persuade, etc. Uses different narrative techniques to engage and entertain the reader. Viewpoint is consistent. Appropriate tone and style is mostly consistent. Character dialogue and action is used to carry narrative forward. Main features of text-type apparent Elements of description, action and characterisation are well developed and may be interwoven. I will be able to maintain an appropriate written style which is suitable for my audience and purpose. I will be able to sustain and develop my ideas in a logical way in my writing. I will be able to present information clearly including detail to add interest, persuade, etc. I will be able to use different narrative techniques to engage and entertain the reader. I will be able to maintain a consistent viewpoint. I will be able to maintain a tone and style which is appropriate to my purpose and audience. I will be able to move the story forward using dialogue and action. I will be able to write texts which show all of the main features of the text type. I will be able to use a mixture of action, dialogue and description to introduce and manage my characters. Pace is varied. I will be able to vary pace within my writing. AF7 4a Some experimentation with different techniques such as breaking conventions to achieve specific effects, e.g. one word sentences; starting with And. Vocabulary is appropriate to task, audience and purpose, chosen to convey shades of meaning. Characters convey thoughts and emotions. Confident use of grammar appropriate to text type. I will be able to achieve specific effects by experimenting with techniques. I will be able to select vocabulary according to the purpose and audience of my writing. I can use words to show shades of meaning. I will be able to create characters and convey thoughts and emotions. I will be able to choose sentences which match the text type and use them for effect.

11 Level 5 L Assessment and Progression Statement AF5 AF6 5c 5b 5a Uses sentence variation to contribute to the effectiveness of the writing. Adverbials of place, e.g. walked wearily into the deep, dark forest; time, e.g. in the blink of an eye; or manner, e.g. stomping angrily out of the room; are used to add detail. Some sentences start with conjunctions; although, despite, as, since, whenever. Pupil adapts conventions to achieve creative effect. Uses the full range of punctuation appropriately. Extended use and control of complex sentences by deploying subordinate clauses effectively. Connectives are appropriate to text-type; e.g. discursive; explanatory; and indicate the relationship between clauses. Punctuation is used to convey and clarify meaning and to integrate speech into longer sentences. Punctuation used for effect as well as demarcation. No! Stop... Sentence structures are chosen to have a specific effect upon the reader. Conventions are broken in order to achieve specific effects, e.g. starting a series of sentences with and to convey tedium or relentlessness Tense manipulated for effect, e.g. diaries written in all three tenses, e.g. When I woke this morning; As I write I can hear; Later on I shall I will be able to use a variety of sentences to make my writing effective. I will be able to use adverbials to add detail to sentences within my writing. I will be able to use complex sentences which start with conjunctions in my writing. I will be able to bend the rules in writing to create an effect. I will be able to use the full range of punctuation appropriately and consistently. I will be able to use complex sentences effectively in my writing of different text types. I will be able to use a wide range of connectives which are appropriate to the text type. I will be able to use punctuation to make meaning clear for the reader and to show speech within longer sentences. I will be able to use punctuation for effect and clarity. I will be able to choose sentences for their effect upon my reader. I will be able to break the rules when writing to achieve specific effects. I will be able to use tense for effect, e.g. diaries written in all three tenses, e.g. When I woke this morning; As I write I can hear; Later on I shall L Assessment and Progression Statement AF3 AF4 5c 5b 5a Within paragraphs/sections a range of devices support cohesion e.g. secure use of pronouns, connectives Non-fiction contains relevant introduction and clear presentation of information. Events related logically so that writing is coherent and coverage is good. Pupil begins to create own layouts to present information on paper or on screen. Development of ideas is managed across the text e.g. closing refers back to opening. In non-chronological writing, introduces, develops and concludes paragraphs appropriately. Pupil presents texts which integrate words images and sounds clearly and effectively. Layout is fully developed, appropriate and often designed by the pupil. It supports the coherent organisation of ideas into paragraphs. A range of devices is used within and between paragraphs to achieve cohesion. Chronology or logical sequence is maintained throughout. ICT presentations are clear, effective and have impact. I will be able to use a range of devices to link ideas within paragraphs including pronouns and connectives. I will be able to ensure my non-fiction writing contains a relevant introduction and has clearly presented and organised information. I will be able to make my writing coherent and balanced. I will be able to make my own decisions about layout and presentation when writing. I will be able to show clear development of ideas across the text, including linking openings and closings. I will be able to structure individual paragraphs effectively. I will be able to write and present texts which use words, images and sounds clearly and effectively. I will be able to decide on the layout of my text to suit the purpose of my writing and my audience. I will be able to use a range of devices within and between paragraphs to achieve cohesion. I will be able to ensure my writing is sequenced effectively throughout. I will be able to write and create ICT presentations which are clear, effective and have an impact on the audience.

12 Level 5 (continued) L Assessment and Progression Statement AF1 AF7 5c 5b 5a May address the reader directly Word choice supports purpose with increasing precision. Textually appropriate writing style is shown through a range of sentences employed for specific effects. Elements of description, action and characterisation are combined effectively. The passive voice may be used to create suspense or science reports. Experiments with language, including the use of imagery, alliteration, rhythm and rhyme. There are direct attempts to involve the reader. The writer may comment upon the character s thoughts and feelings. The reader s interest is maintained through use different narrative techniques. Vocabulary is varied and appropriate including use of specific and technical words to enhance precision and economy. Vocabulary is chosen to reflect shades of meaning, e.g. irritated, angry, furious, apoplectic. Appropriate style and form selected to suit specific purpose and audience, drawing on knowledge of different text types. The style of the piece demonstrates the writer s control over the language. Varied vocabulary is used confidently to create effects. Sustained awareness of the reader is shown. I will be able to include direct attempts to involve the reader in my writing. I will be able to choose vocabulary which is well matched to the purpose of my writing. I will be able to use a writing style appropriate to the text type by creating sentences for effect. I will be able to effectively combine elements of description, action and characterisation. I will be able to use the passive voice to create suspense or write texts like science reports. I will be able to create and use effectively a range of language techniques such as imagery, alliteration, rhythm and rhyme I will be able to include direct attempts to involve the reader in my writing I will be able to comment upon the character s thoughts and feelings. I will be able to maintain the reader s interest through use different narrative techniques. I will be able to use varied and appropriate vocabulary including use of specific and technical words to make my writing more precise. I will be able to choose vocabulary to reflect shades of meaning, e.g. irritated, angry, furious, apoplectic. I will be able to select the appropriate style and form to match the purpose, audience and text type. I will be able to demonstrate clear control over the words I use throughout the text. I will be able to use varied vocabulary with confidence to create a range of effects. I will be able to show sustained awareness of my reader through the words and sentences I choose. Narrative theme is developed. I will be able to effectively develop a narrative theme. Informal or formal style is used and is consistent I will be able to use and maintain both formal and informal styles in my writing.

13 Level 1c I will be able to write some words. I will be able to say a sentence of my own and write it down I will be able to point out full stops and say what they are used for. I will be able to start my writing at the top of the page on the left side. I will be able to use the word and to join my ideas. I will be able to write some letters and words. This is a common characteristic of writing at this level; it is not a target. I will be able to try writing lists, captions and stories.

14 Level 1b I will be able to use the word and in my sentences. I remember to use a capital letter to start a sentence. I remember to end my sentence with a full stop. I will be able to tell a simple story with a beginning, middle and end. I will be able to put events in the right order. I will be able to use my phonics when I am writing so that my teacher and my friends can read it. I will be able to use some story language like once upon a time, big bad wolf and happily ever after I will be able to choose some good words to put in my writing. I will be able to write stories and non-fiction.

15 Level 1a I will be able to write sentences which make sense. I will be able to join sentences with the word and. I try to remember to use capital letters and full stops in my writing. I will be able to say and write sentences for different reasons like instructions and stories. I will be able to order events from a story or recount. I will be able to use words from stories like once upon a time, one day, and the end. I will be able to use a word bank and choose the best words to put in my writing. I will be able to write descriptions using some good words.

16 Level 2c I will be able to write simple sentences. I will be able to write compound sentences joined by the word and. I use capital letters and full stops in my writing. I try to use exclamation marks and question marks in my writing. I will be able to tell and write stories based on those I have read. I will be able to write stories with a beginning, middle and end and information texts with different sections. I will be able to think about different words and choose the best ones to put in my writing. I will be able to choose words that I think the reader will like.

17 Level 2b I will be able to make compound sentences using connectives like and, but, because and so. I remember to use full stops, capital letters and question marks in my writing. I use words like he, she and they so I don t use the character s name too often. I will be able to use exclamation marks. I will be able to start sentences in different ways. I will be able to use connectives like when and because. I will be able to organise my writing. I will be able to collect information and ideas in sections for my writing. I set out my writing correctly on the page for different text types, e.g. instructions, information texts and stories. I will be able to use time connectives like then, after, before, meanwhile I will be able to use describing words in my writing. I will be able to include detail in my writing so it is interesting for my reader. I will be able to write different sorts of writing like stories, poems, and information texts

18 Level 2a I start sentences in different ways in my writing. I use the past tense for stories and recounts. I will be able to start sentences with connectives like when, if and because. I use full stops, capital letters and exclamation marks in my writing. I use exclamation marks for effect in my writing. I will be able to use commas to separate items in a list. I try to use speech marks to show the words spoken by a character. I use the right sort of words and organise my writing correctly for different text types. I will be able to say how paragraphs are used and will begin trying to use them in my writing. I will be able to set out my writing correctly on the page and use titles, sub- headings and captions appropriately. I will be able to write stories which have clear characters and events all the way through. I will be able to choose the best words and phrases to use in lots of different types of writing. I will be able to show what my characters are like, and how they feel, by what they do and what they say.

19 Level 3c I will be able to use a mixture of simple and complex sentences which make sense. I will be able to write stories and recounts using the first person (I) and third person (he, she, they) consistently. I will be able to use time connectives like first, next, then, after a while and eventually I will be able to use connectives to show cause and reason like because, so, if, therefore and in order to. I will be able to use adjectives and adverbs to add detail to my writing. I use speech marks to show the words spoken by characters. I will be able to write stories with clear beginnings and endings. I will be able to use layout features like titles, subheadings, text boxes and introductions when writing non-fiction. I will be able to group information and ideas into paragraphs. I will be able to use a range of verbs and adjectives for impact. I will be able to select nouns to be specific, e.g. Ferrari instead of car. I will be able to use technical language in some of my writing. I will be able to choose words and phrases which will engage my reader.

20 Level 3b I will be able to use a mixture of simple, compound and complex sentences which make sense. I will be able to use connectives like when, while, until because, both in the middle and at the start of sentences. I will be able to start sentences with adverbs like slowly, energetically or carefully I will be able to construct a complex sentence with a drop in clause, e.g. The boy, who was caught stealing apples, was chased by the farmer s dog. I will be able to use commas to mark where an extra clause has been added e.g. The pirate, with his cutlass clenched in his teeth, swung on to the ship. I will be able to use an apostrophe correctly to show possession, e.g. Katy s dog, I remember to use speech marks to show the words spoken by a character in my writing. I will be able to write stories which include a problem to overcome and have a clear beginning and ending. I will be able to write stories where the sections are well balanced. In non-fiction writing, I include an introduction, information in sections and a conclusion. I will be able to use paragraphs to organise my writing. I will be able to link paragraphs using connecting words and phrases. I will be able to use a range of technical and descriptive language in my writing. I will be able to use a lot of different verbs and adjectives to have an impact on my reader. I will be able to use adverbs to add detail to my characters actions. I will be able to think about my reader and make my writing sound like the books I read.

21 Level 3a I will be able to use a variety of sentences for effect e.g. long and short sentences for description or suspense. I will be able to start sentences in different ways, e.g. with an adverb or a connective like when because or if. I will be able to use connectives like when, while, until because between sentences, in the middle and at the start of sentences I choose the right tense for my writing and use it all the way through. I will be able to use commas; to separate items in a list and to mark clauses I will be able to use punctuation to show speech - speech marks, commas, question marks, exclamation marks and full stops. I will be able to use paragraphs in fiction and non-fiction writing. I will be able to write stories which are well paced. I will be able to use pronouns to link ideas within sentences and between sentences. I will be able to write stories with an opening, build up, problem, resolution and ending. I will be able to use paragraphs within different sections of my stories. I will be able to confidently use words, phrases and sentences which are appropriate for the text type. I will be able to think about the reader and the purpose of my writing and carefully choose the words and phrases with these in mind. I will be able to choose words to: add interest or add clarity introduce opinion or persuasion. I will be able to use a range of devices to describe settings, e.g. details about sights, smells and sounds; use of precise nouns and adjectives. I will be able to create characters with some interaction to show their feelings. I will be able to use words imaginatively in order to have an effect on my reader, e.g. to entertain or amuse them.

22 Level 4c I will be able to use complex sentences in my fiction and non- fiction writing. I will experiment with my sentences to create an effect on the reader. I am able to write accurately, in the first and third person, using different tenses correctly. I think about the order of the words I will be able to use and choose them for effect, e.g. to be interesting, precise, clear or to the point. I will be able to set out speech correctly, starting a new line for a new speaker, and punctuate it correctly. I will be able to vary the pace within my stories. I will be able to use layout features to help organise my writing. I will be able to use connectives for cause, time and reason. I will be able to create settings which include detail to help my reader picture them. I will be able to develop my characters through description and dialogue. I will be able to make the purpose of my writing clear, e.g. to interest, inform or engage. I will be able to create characters with significant interaction, using action and dialogue. I will be able to choose effective vocabulary. I will be able to maintain an appropriate written style which is suitable for my audience and purpose.

23 Level 4b In my own writing, I will be able to use complex sentences with different starters, e.g. ing, ed, simile, adverbial I will be able to use subordinate clauses to add relevant detail to my complex sentences. I will be able to add detail to my writing by using extended noun phrases. I will be able to use tense and person accurately, making sure my nouns and verbs agree, e.g. we were, he was I will be able to use realistic dialogue in my writing. I will be able to use commas correctly to show clauses in my writing. I will be able to sustain ideas within and between paragraphs. I will be able to make the layout of my writing right for my audience and purpose. I will be able to use paragraphs of different lengths for different effects. I will be able to use paragraphs to signal a change of time, scene, action, mood or person. I will be able to use a variety of structures to help organise my fiction and non- fiction writing. I will be able to use a balance of action, dialogue and description when writing stories. I will be able to sustain and develop my ideas in a logical way in my writing. I will be able to present information clearly including detail to add interest, persuade, etc. I will be able to use different narrative techniques to engage and entertain the reader. I will be able to maintain a consistent viewpoint. I will be able to maintain a tone and style which is appropriate to my purpose and audience. I will be able to move the story forward using dialogue and action. I will be able to write texts which show all of the main features of the text type.

24 Level 4a I will be able to choose sentences for effect. I will be able to choose sentences appropriately for the text type, purpose and audience. I will be able to use punctuation in my complex sentences to make the meaning clear for the reader. I will be able to use a full range of punctuation including ellipsis, hyphen, brackets, colon and semi colon. I will be able to punctuate speech correctly including split dialogue. I will be able to achieve different effects by moving paragraphs in my writing. I will be able to use of a range of connecting words and phrases appropriate to text type. I will be able to develop ideas within and between paragraphs and sections. I will be able to structure my writing effectively and show features of the text type. I will be able to organise and present my writing in effective and unusual ways. I will be able to use a mixture of action, dialogue and description to introduce and manage my characters. I will be able to vary pace within my writing. I will be able to achieve specific effects by experimenting with techniques. I will be able to select vocabulary according to the purpose and audience of my writing. I can use words to show shades of meaning. I will be able to create characters and convey thoughts and emotions. I will be able to choose sentences which match the text type and use them for effect.

25 Level 5c I will be able to use a variety of sentences to make my writing effective. I will be able to use adverbials to add detail to sentences within my writing. I will be able to use complex sentences which start with conjunctions in my writing. I will be able to bend the rules in writing to create an effect. I will be able to use the full range of punctuation appropriately and consistently. I will be able to use a range of devices to link ideas within paragraphs including pronouns and connectives. I will be able to ensure my non-fiction writing contains a relevant introduction and has clearly presented and organised information. I will be able to make my writing coherent and balanced. I will be able to make my own decisions about layout and presentation when writing. I will be able to include direct attempts to involve the reader in my writing. I will be able to choose vocabulary which is well matched to the purpose of my writing. I will be able to use a writing style appropriate to the text type by creating sentences for effect. I will be able to effectively combine elements of description, action and characterisation. I will be able to use the passive voice to create suspense or write texts like science reports. I will be able to create and use effectively a range of language techniques such as imagery, alliteration, rhythm and rhyme I will be able to include direct attempts to involve the reader in my writing

26 Level 5b I will be able to use complex sentences effectively in my writing of different text types. I will be able to use a wide range of connectives which are appropriate to the text type. I will be able to use punctuation to make meaning clear for the reader and to show speech within longer sentences. I will be able to use punctuation for effect and clarity. I will be able to show clear development of ideas across the text, including linking openings and closings. I will be able to structure individual paragraphs effectively. I will be able to write and present texts which use words, images and sounds clearly and effectively. I will be able to comment upon the character s thoughts and feelings. I will be able to maintain the reader s interest through use different narrative techniques. I will be able to use varied and appropriate vocabulary including use of specific and technical words to make my writing more precise. I will be able to choose vocabulary to reflect shades of meaning, e.g. irritated, angry, furious, apoplectic.

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