VICCI. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) A Practical Introduction and Technology Overview. Dipl.-Inf. Christoph Seidl

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1 VICCI Visual and Interactive Cyber-Physical Systems Control and Integration The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) A Practical Introduction and Technology Overview Dipl.-Inf. Christoph Seidl

2 Overview of EMF Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Modeling framework and code generation facility Employs structured data model that can be used by other tools Capabilities Define data structures (save and load, cross references, listeners etc.) Generate code Specify languages (graphical, textual) Perform validation Transform model representations Generate editors (graphical, textual) The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 2

3 EMF is very powerful but ETL Ecore The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 3

4 Overview of Presentation Generative Model-Based Programming Textual Domain-Specific Languages Graphical Editors/Viewers and Data Visualization Code Generation using Template Engines Further Tools and Technologies Validation Model-to-Model Transformation Data Handling Searching and Finding Model Elements Misc. Tools and Technologies The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 4

5 The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Generative Model-Based Programming

6 Terms and Definitions Model Abstraction from real world capturing important aspects (and neglecting the ones not important) regarding an application area Application area here is software development for the target domain Can be expressed as textual language, graphical notation, various data structures etc. Meta Model Blueprint /building rules for models Describe what model elements may exist and how they interrelate Meta Meta Model Building rules for meta model In the case of EMF: Ecore The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 6

7 EMF Ecore MOF (Meta Object Facility) Specifies standard for meta meta models Defined by the Object Management Group (OMG) Complex EMOF (Essential MOF) Simplified/reduced version of standard for meta meta models EMF Ecore Implementation of EMOF Uses structured data for models that other tools can build upon Meta modeling notation of EMF (meta meta model) Tightly integrates with Eclipse but can be used without it The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 7

8 Things you get for Free with Ecore Source code for models Change listener support Automatic handling of cross/opposite references Serialization/deserialization (save/load) Visual tree-based editor Property sheets Eclipse integration Compatibility with many other tools The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 8

9 What (not) to expect from EMF What model-based development in EMF is Specification (closed world assumption) Data description (and more) Suitable for many platforms through code generation Aid in developing software (esp. tools) What model-based development in EMF is not Description/knowledge engineering (no open world assumption) Just another form of object-oriented programming Fully platform independent Panacea/silver bullet (there are caveats and pitfalls) The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 9

10 Notation: Cardinality-Based Feature Model Feature [1..1] AutomotiveMultimedia [1..3] Group [0..1] AudioPlayer [1..1] OnBoardComputer [1..2] [0..1] PersonalNavigation [1..2] [1..1] Radio [0..1] CDPlayer [0..1] VoiceRecognition [1..1] Maps [1..1] [0..1] AudioCDPlayer [0..1] MP3CDPlayer Feature cardinality: 0..1 is optional 1..1 is mandatory Group cardinality: 1..1 is alternative 1..n is or m..n is arbitrary The notation of cardinality-based feature models and the content presented here will serve as running example. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 10

11 Practical Example Specifying a Meta Model

12 Create a Plugin Project The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 12

13 Create a Plugin Project The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 13

14 Create a Plugin Project The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 14

15 Create a Plugin Project The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 15

16 Create a Plugin Project The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 16

17 Create a Folder for (Meta) Models The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 17

18 Create a Folder for (Meta) Models The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 18

19 Create the Meta Model (Diagram) The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 19

20 Create the Meta Model (Diagram) The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 20

21 Create the Meta Model (Diagram) The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 21

22 Create Meta Model Elements The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 22

23 Create Meta Model Elements The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 23

24 Create Meta Model Elements The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 24

25 Create Meta Model Elements The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 25

26 Create Meta Model Elements The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 26

27 Create Meta Model Elements Set type of attribute. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 27

28 Create Meta Model Elements The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 28

29 Create Meta Model Elements The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 29

30 Create Meta Model Elements The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 30

31 Create Meta Model Elements Create generalization link. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 31

32 Create Meta Model Elements The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 32

33 Create Meta Model Elements The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 33

34 Create Meta Model Elements The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 34

35 Create Meta Model Elements The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 35

36 Create Meta Model Elements The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 36

37 Create Meta Model Elements The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 37

38 Create Meta Model Elements Containment reference: owns referenced element (serialization). An object can only be in one containment relation at a time. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 38

39 Create Meta Model Elements The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 39

40 Create Meta Model Elements The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 40

41 Set Meta Model Namespace URI Namespace URI is the unique identifier of the meta model (click on diagram background to see). The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 41

42 Set Meta Model Namespace URI Set it to a value unique and under your control (usually webpage URL). The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 42

43 Inspect Meta Model in.ecore File (optional) Underlying representation of feature meta model. Meta model could be specified in this editor as well. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 43

44 Practical Example Generating Model Code from the Meta Model

45 How it Works: Code Generation Meta model (.ecore) is platform independent No idea about packages, Java classes etc. Can (in theory) be used to generate any kind of source code Ecore has generator for Java code Needs platform information! Generator Model (.genmodel) Contains information for code generation Java compliance level Which projects to generate Which packages to use Names for Java classes are derived from Ecore classes Possible to include generator models of referenced meta models to reuse their generated code (not covered here) The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 45

46 Create Generator Model (.genmodel) The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 46

47 Create Generator Model (.genmodel) The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 47

48 Create Generator Model (.genmodel) The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 48

49 Create Generator Model (.genmodel) The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 49

50 Create Generator Model (.genmodel) Load manually! The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 50

51 Create Generator Model (.genmodel) The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 51

52 Create Generator Model (.genmodel) The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 52

53 Customize Generator Model The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 53

54 Customize Generator Model: Model The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 54

55 Customize Generator Model: Model Set directories to generate code in the src-gen folder instead of the src folder. (Best practice, benefits follow later) Do this for: Edit Directory, Editor Directory, Model Directory, Tests Directory The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 55

56 Customize Generator Model: Package Set base package for code generation to a plausible value. The string value of Ecore.Package.NSPrefix will be appended. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 56

57 Generate Model Code The Model code is the source code representing the described data model. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 57

58 Inspect Generated Model Code (optional) Generated classes for meta model classes are divided into interface (e.g., Feature ) and its default implementation (e.g., FeatureImpl ). The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 58

59 Inspect Generated Model Code (optional) The Factory class creates objects for specified types of the meta model (e.g. new FeatureImpl() for Feature). The Package class has knowledge of all the types of the meta model, the namespace etc. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 59

60 Practical Example Creating a Model using the Generated Editor

61 Generate Edit Code The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 61

62 Generate Edit Code Edit code defines how model elements are represented for editing in multiple editors (which values with which ranges to edit, what icons to use etc.). The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 62

63 Generate Editor Code The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 63

64 Generate Editor Code Editor code implements a basic tree-based editor to create models obeying meta model. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 64

65 Generate Edit and Editor Code Generating stubs for tests is also possible but the test need manual implementation (not shown here). The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 65

66 Start Runtime Eclipse Instance to Use Editor The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 66

67 Development and Runtime Instance of Eclipse Until further notice, we are operating in the runtime instance of Eclipse! The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 67

68 Create an Example Model The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 68

69 Create an Example Model The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 69

70 Create an Example Model The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 70

71 Create an Example Model The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 71

72 Create an Example Model Pick the root element of the model (e.g., FeatureModel abbreviated to Model by editor due to meta model name Feature ). The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 72

73 Create an Example Model The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 73

74 Create Model Elements Editor allows only creation of appropriate elements. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 74

75 Create Model Elements Property sheets are generated from attributes in meta model classes. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 75

76 Create Model Elements [1..1] AutomotiveMultimedia [1..3] [0..1] AudioPlayer [1..1] OnBoardComputer [1..2] [0..1] AudioCDPlayer [0..1] MP3CDPlayer [0..1] PersonalNavigation [1..1] Radio [0..1] CDPlayer [0..1] VoiceRecognition [1..1] Maps [1..1] [1..2] After this slide, we are back in the development instance of Eclipse! The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 76

77 Practical Example Creating a Model Programmatically

78 Creating a Model Programmatically Factory is a singleton that creates all instances of meta model classes (careful when defining model programmatically and overriding factory - see later) The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 78

79 Practical Example Operations for Meta Model Classes

80 Add an Operation The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 80

81 Add an Operation The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 81

82 Add an Operation The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 82

83 Add an Operation The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 83

84 Add an Operation The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 84

85 Regenerate Meta Model Code The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 85

86 Regenerate Meta Model Code The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 86

87 Regenerate Meta Model Code The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 87

88 Regenerate Meta Model Code The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 88

89 Inspect Generated Code (optional) Interface defines method. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 89

90 Inspect Generated Code (optional) Impl creates standard implementation (to be overwritten). The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 90

91 Practical Example Customizing Generated Code (Naive Way Don t do this!)

92 Writing into Generated Code Files Mark method NOT so that it is not overwritten with next generation. Write your code directly in the generated Impl file. Do NOT do this. Mixes generated and manually created code. Horrible for maintenance and version control! The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 92

93 Practical Example Customizing Generated Code (Using Annotations Don t do this either!)

94 Annotate Operation with Implementation The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 94

95 Annotate Operation with Implementation The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 95

96 Annotate Operation with Implementation The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 96

97 Annotate Operation with Implementation The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 97

98 Annotate Operation with Implementation Code generator will use annotation and place string value (!) as implementation of operation. Do NOT do this. Includes code (low abstraction) in meta model (high abstraction). Bad practice, no type safety whatsoever and hard to find where logic is specified. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 98

99 Practical Example Customizing Generated Code (Using the Generation Gap Pattern Do this!)

100 The Generation Gap Pattern src-gen folder generated src folder manual The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 100

101 Use the src Folder Manually created code goes into src folder, generated code goes into src-gen. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 101

102 Create Custom Specializations Create new package impl.custom in src folder. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 102

103 Create Custom Specializations Create custom specialization of meta model class. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 103

104 Create Custom Specializations Override functionality in custom class. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 104

105 Create Custom Specializations Create custom specialization for the factory. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 105

106 Create Custom Specializations Have the custom factory create custom implementation for meta model class. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 106

107 Register Custom Factory with Eclipse Use Eclipse s extension mechanism to plug in custom factory for use. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 107

108 Register Custom Factory with Eclipse The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 108

109 Register Custom Factory with Eclipse Add a new extension. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 109

110 Register Custom Factory with Eclipse Choose to override an Ecore factory. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 110

111 Register Custom Factory with Eclipse Namespace URI (identifier) of the meta model in question. Qualified name of the custom factory specialization. New Eclipse instances perform extension and use custom factory instead of standard factory. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 111

112 Caution: Model Code with Custom Factory Careful when creating model programmatically with a custom factory (in the development instance of Eclipse). Factory is overriden only in new Eclipse instance. Only regular Impl classes are created. Solution see next slides The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 112

113 Override Created Factory in Generated Code The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 113

114 Override Created Factory in Generated Code Mark as generated NOT to avoid overriding change with next code generation. Solution is not ideal as it mixes generated and manually writting code. However, just two (trivial) lines in a single class. Create object for custom factory. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 114

115 The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Textual Domain-Specific Languages

116 What is it? Specify textual syntax for models Create models from textual syntax (Parsing) Create textual representation from models (Printing) The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 116

117 Benefits of Textual Languages Why create textual syntax for models (Printer)? Readability Version control (diff/merge) Evolution Tool automation Quick model instantiation Why create models from textual syntax (Parser)? Tool reuse (e.g., graphical editors etc.) Know-how reuse Explicit representation of text document structure Tracing software artifacts Graphs instead of strings Source: The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 117

118 General Procedure Use metamodel to specify structure of data Specify a grammar for textual syntax (e.g., EBNF) Generate code to get (for free!): Parser Transforms text to model Printer Transforms model to text Editor Syntax highlighting Auto completion Error/warning reports Integration with other EMF technology The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 118

119 Tools and Technologies EMFText Originally created by Software Technology Group at TU Dresden Now maintained by DevBoost Xtext Originally created as part of openarchitectureware Now part of the Eclipse project The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 119

120 EMFText: Overview Generate parser, printer, editor for textual DSLs Support for interpreters, builders, validation etc. Syntax zoo with over 100 predefined languages (e.g., Java 5, Regular Expressions, Requirements etc.) Good documentation, screencast, mailing list support Very easy to learn and handle The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 120

121 EMFText: Workflow Define Meta Model (.ecore) Define Concrete Syntax (.cs) Generate Code (via Context Menu) The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 121

122 Create a Concrete Syntax for Meta Model (.cs) The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 127

123 Create a Textual Model using the Concrete Syntax The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 135

124 Xtext: Overview Generate parser, printer, editor for textual DSLs Great potential for customization (syntax coloring, quick fixes etc.) Powerful tool Good documentation with many screencasts Integrates well with Xtend, Xpand, MWE The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 139

125 Xtext: Workflow Define Syntax (.xtext) Auto Generate Meta Model (.ecore) Generate Code (via MWE) - OR - Define Meta Model (.ecore) Define Syntax (.xtext) Generate Code (via MWE) The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 140

126 Xtext: Example Source: The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 141

127 Sidenote: Xtend Statically-typed programming language defined in Xtext Translates to Java source code (not bytecode, good for Android/GWT) Feels like java but has a few extensions (extension methods, operator overloading, polymorphic dispatch etc.) Can be extended by new language constructs! The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 142

128 Xtend: Example Source: The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 143

129 Conclusion Easy to specify textual languages for models Great time saver compared to writing parsers or printers manually Good tool support: Choice between EMFText and Xtext is a matter of preference Tools integrate well with other EMF technology (see rest of presentation) The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 144

130 The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Graphical Editors/Viewers and Data Visualization

131 What is it? Tooling to build graphical editors/viewers and data visualization Graphical editor: modify underlying data in graphical DSL Graphical viewer: visualize underlying data in graphical DSL Data visualization: represent underlying data and its connection in a generic way (e.g., nodes and connections) [1..1] AutomotiveMultimedia [1..3] [0..1] AudioPlayer [1..1] OnBoardComputer [1..2] [0..1] PersonalNavigation [1..2] [1..1] Radio [0..1] CDPlayer [0..1] VoiceRecognition [1..1] Maps [1..1] [0..1] AudioCDPlayer [0..1] MP3CDPlayer The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 146

132 Benefits of Graphical Languages Why create graphical syntax for models? Use two dimensions (x/y, not just linear as text) Many (primarily) graphical notations (e.g., UML Class Diagrams/State Charts, Petri Nets) Some notations are easier to grasp graphically (e.g., Public Transport Route Maps, Feature Models, Mind Maps etc.) Why create models for graphical syntax? Allow processing of underlying data in the usual way Integrate with other EMF technology (validate, etc.) The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 147

133 General Procedure Use metamodel to specify structure of data Define how data elements should be represented visually Generate/write graphical editor The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 148

134 Tools and Technologies Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) Zest Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) EuGENia Graphiti Spray The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 149

135 GEF: Overview Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) Code base for (manual) creation of graphical editors Not tied to EMF Ecore but integrates very well Philosophy: write all code manually The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 150

136 GEF: Workflow Define Meta Model (.ecore) Manually Write GEF Code Graphical Editor The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 151

137 GEF: Basic Classes Uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern Domain Model Arbitrary model representation May be models of Ecore meta models The model of MVC Figure Visual representation of domain model elements (e.g., Circles, Squares) The view of MVC EditPart Business logic for editing domain model elements (e.g., what to do when element is deleted) Delegate concrete work to EditParts (see next slide) The controller of MVC The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 152

138 Zest: Overview Visualization toolkit Predefined layout algorithms and visualization components Philosophy: Layout data and its relation with minimum effort Not the right tool to implement editors/viewers for graphical domain specific languages The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 154

139 Zest: Workflow Define Meta Model (.ecore) Bind to Zest Graphical Visualization The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 155

140 GMF: Overview Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) Builds on GEF but uses models to specify tools, editors, palettes etc. Philosophy: use models to configure generation of GEF code Faster to get an editor out than manual GEF Specifying models for configuration is clumsy Generated code is hard to comprehend and customization is clumsy The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 156

141 GMF: Models Domain Model Data representation Preferrable in Ecore GMF Graph Model (.gmfgraph) Defines visual representation for figures, nodes, links etc. Customize appearance by shape, color, line weight etc. GMF Tool Model (.gmftool) Defines palette, creation tools, actions etc. Specify which domain elements may be created, modified, deleted, connected to each other etc. Specify how the tools (in the palette) are named and represented GMF Map Model (.gmfmap) Specify how visual representations and tools relate to domain models The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 157

142 GMF: Workflow Define Meta Model (.ecore) Define GMF Configuration Models (.gmfgraph,.gmftool,.gmfmap) Generate GEF Code Graphical Editor The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 158

143 EuGENia: Overview Part of Epsilon project Builds on GMF but generates its configuration models Annotate meta model with information for graphical editor Integrates well with EMFatic (later slides) Philosophy: specifying GMF models is too clumsy -> generate them! The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 159

144 EuGENia: Workflow Define Meta Model (.ecore) Annotate Meta Model Generate GMF Configuration Models (.gmfgraph,.gmftool,.gmfmap) Generate GEF Code Graphical Editor The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 160

145 Graphiti: Overview Part of the Eclipse project (Incubation) Originally created by SAP Builds on GEF but hides underlying code in its API Uses preconfigured elements (graphical, tools etc.) Good integration of layouting algorithms Philosophy: generate code and use sensible defaults The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 161

146 Graphiti: Models Domain model Data representation Preferrably in Ecore but may be in other format Pictogram model Contains representation information Link model Connects data and representation The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 162

147 Graphiti: Workflow Define Meta Model (.ecore) Define Graphiti Configuration Models (Pictogram, Link) Generate GEF Code Graphical Editor The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 163

148 Spray: Overview Textual DSL defined in Xtext to create graphical editors Builds on Graphiti and uses it for code generation Generated code can be customized Code is still under heavy development The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 164

149 Spray: Workflow Define Meta Model (.ecore) Define Spray Textual Format (.spray) Generate Graphiti Configuration Models (Pictogram, Link) Generate GEF Code Graphical Editor The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 165

150 Spray: Example Source: Spray user guide ( The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 166

151 Wrap Up Graphical Editors/Viewers Data Visualization EuGENia Spray Zest GMF Graphiti GEF Ecore The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 167

152 Conclusion Many tools to help build graphical editors Zest is for visualizing data and its connection GEF, GMF, EuGENia, Graphiti, Spray can be used for graphical DSLs Recommendation Build (small) editor with GEF to get acquainted If comfortable with it, switch to generation The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 168

153 The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Code Generation using Template Engines

154 What is it? Transform model to code with a template engine Arbitrary textual representations (e.g., source code, textual DSLs, configuration files etc.) Special form of model transformation Target is a textual representation Model-to-Text (M2T) transformation Difference between Printing and M2T Printing: target text format has same meta model M2T: target text format (usually) has different meta model (or no explicit one at all) The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 170

155 General Procedure Use metamodel to specify structure of data Specify a template (skeleton of textual format with slots for data) Use template engine to fill in data into slots of template The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 171

156 Tools and Technologies Java Emitter Templates (JET) Part of the Eclipse project Very easy, no typing Acceleo Part of the Eclipse project Medium complexity Xpand Part of the Eclipse project Powerful, statically typed The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 172

157 Overview: JET Java Emitter Templates (JET) Can generate all textual languages but has a (slight) focus on Java Uses Java to create data to fill templates Very easy to learn Used by Ecore for code generation The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 173

158 JET: Example Source: The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 174

159 Overview: Acceleo Pragmatic implementation of the OMG MOF Model to Text Language (MTL) standard Modules, Templates The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 175

160 Acceleo: Example Source: The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 176

161 Overview: Xpand Powerful template engine Uses textual DSL to create data to fill templates (statically typed) Good integration with Xtext Uses Xtend to specify custom operations on models used only for code generation Caution: Xpand s Xtend language is another one than Xtext s Xtend (which was originally called Xtend 2) The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 177

162 Xpand: Example Source: The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 178

163 Conclusion Multiple competing template engines JET is easiest to learn Xpand is very powerful Acceleo is somewhere in between Recommendation Use JET until you grow out of it Start using Xpand when you know that you need it The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Christoph Seidl 179

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