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1 RÉSUMÉ WRITING Your résumé often creates the first impression that you make with an employer. The information you include and the way you present it can determine whether you will have the opportunity to interview for a position. If the résumé is strongly written and presented attractively, it will often open the door to an interview. Your résumé is your marketing tool. It provides a quick overview of the skills, knowledge, and experience you have to sell to an employer. A résumé summarizes your educational and employment experiences. It should be a concise, easy-to-read review of your qualifications. PREPARATION FOR WRITING THE RÉSUMÉ Before you begin to write your résumé, it is important that you evaluate the skills you have to offer an employer and develop a statement of your career objective(s). Working through these steps will make construction of your résumé easier and make your résumé a more focused document. Developing Your Career Focus A résumé should support your career goals by presenting evidence to the employer that you have the skills and knowledge necessary to perform the job. If you are unsure which career options you want to pursue, it will be more difficult to design an effective résumé. Therefore, it is important to have some type of objective in mind (if not on paper!) when constructing your résumé. Your objective will enable you to write a résumé that highlights your most important qualifications for specific kinds of jobs. Formulating at least a general career goal forces you to assess the skills and knowledge you have to offer employers and enables you to focus your energy on the most likely job opportunities. A vague career goal will be interpreted by employers as a lack of direction and self-knowledge. If you don t know the types of positions for which your background can best be utilized, the employer cannot afford the time and energy to figure it out for you! When you feel confident that you have identified your skills, defined your objectives, and become familiar with options in your chosen career field (including potential employers), you are ready to begin writing your résumé. RÉSUMÉ CONTENT A résumé is a flexible document. It can be adapted to highlight your particular skills or experiences. Information can be included or deleted according to your needs. The order in which you present this information can vary as well. The content categories you select for your résumé will be determined by a number of factors, especially by your strongest selling points, relative to the type of position you are seeking. You may find that you have several versions of your résumé if you are targeting different types of career positions. The length of a résumé is generally one page, but two pages are usually acceptable if you need the space to show the breadth of your experience. If you go to two pages, make sure the information on page two is relevant and that you use the majority of the second page. ***For Engineering undergraduates, a one-page résumé is highly recommended.*** 1

2 The Importance of Keywords Many organizations utilize keyword searches for their résumé databases. Even large web sites like CareerBuilder.com and Monster.com employ this type of technology. Keywords are what an employer would type in to extract résumés from the large database. Think carefully when constructing your résumé for the buzz words that would be significant to industries in which you are interested. Including a Relevant Course Work category may also help assure that keywords are in the résumé simply with listing course titles (see section below on Relevant Courses ). Types of information normally included in the résumé: Identification Data This section includes name, address/es (current and permanent if appropriate), zip code(s), , and phone number(s) including area code(s). You may include a web site address if you have developed your own web site or have an online portfolio of your work (web site content must be relevant to the job search). Make sure your address sounds professional! Career Objective Whether or not to include an objective is confusing because some sources advise you to leave an objective off the résumé while others tell you to include one. If you decide not to include an objective on your résumé, then your objective should be clearly articulated in your cover letter. If you do include an objective, be specific don't explain what you want from an organization but rather address the skills you are bringing to that organization. Objectives do not include pronouns such as I, my, or me. An objective can range from a simple job title to a statement that mentions skills, settings, or philosophy. If you are considering several fields, or are not aiming for a particular job title, a skills or functional objective will allow you flexibility while still providing focus. Education Your academic experiences should be listed in reverse chronological order with your most recent degree or experience first and work backward in time. You may list your cumulative grade point average (GPA) and/or GPA in your major, if you feel that this information enhances your qualifications. The guideline for including a GPA is 3.0 or above. Academic achievement is one of the areas in which employers will have an interest, particularly if you do not have extensive work experience or activities. Do not include too many decimals ex this is unnecessary. If you earned a significant part of your educational expenses, you might mention this. Example: Responsible for 70% of college expenses. Relevant Courses You may list courses you have taken which relate specifically to your career goals. Remember not to abbreviate the courses using a course number but include titles instead. If an employer uses a keyword search, this list of relevant courses may allow your résumé to be pulled from the database. ***According to the July 2005 edition of Spotlight Online, published by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), including relevant courses on your résumé may be helpful if an employer uses a key word search to obtain résumés from a database especially if you re applying online.*** 2

3 Experience The experience section should include not only paid full-time positions but also part-time, volunteer, field experience, observation, internship, senior design project, major class projects, and cooperative education experience. For each position, list the organization s name, the location (city and state), job title, and dates (month/year) of employment. There is no single correct order for the presentation of this information as long as you are consistent throughout the résumé. You are highly encouraged to differentiate between "Relevant Experience" or Professional Experience which relates to the position you are targeting and another category entitled "Other Experience" or Work Experience and lists general work experiences unrelated to major/career goals. Give a brief description of the skills and responsibilities for each position using short phrases and clauses rather than full sentences. Avoid the use of any personal pronouns (I, my, or me). It is particularly effective to begin each fragment with an active verb (see the list in this handout for suggestions). Take credit for what you have done especially for those activities that you initiated, developed, or supervised. Be careful not to exaggerate your responsibilities but do not undersell yourself either. Activities The activities section indicates your interests, willingness to accept responsibility, and leadership abilities. Your involvement in clubs, student government, athletics, and social organizations shows an employer you have broadened your education with activities outside the classroom. These activities can also demonstrate important work-related skills and knowledge such as organizational or management experience and the ability to work effectively with others. Be sure to include offices or other positions of leadership you have held, as well as describing the positions and related tasks. Optional Special Sections You may list other types of information if they relate to your career and/or reflect achievements in which an employer may have an interest. Honors and Awards Honors such as Dean s List, membership in an academic honorary, or scholarships may be listed in a separate category. Special Skills This section highlights any expertise you may have in foreign languages, computer operation and programming, technical writing, equipment you can use, testing procedures, processes, or other areas that have not been mentioned elsewhere. Professional Affiliations If you have joined a professional association (either a campus or national chapter) that is related to your major or chosen career field, be sure to list the name (no abbreviations). Additional Training You may list any significant seminars, workshops, or other training that has given you background or knowledge which will be helpful in your chosen career field. Research If you have assisted a professor with her/his research, you should include a brief description of the research itself as well as your role in the project. This gives the employer additional insight into your professional abilities, training, and level of responsibility. Presentations If you have given a presentation at an academic or professional conference, you should list the date, title of paper, name of the conference, and conference location. 3

4 Publications List titles of articles, books, stories, or poems you have written which have been published or selected to be published. The title of the publication should be listed, too. Qualifications Summary Candidates with strong skills or extensive experience may be well served by listing the qualifications concisely in a separate category. This listing can highlight skills not explicitly stated elsewhere as well as point out unique aspects of your background. A qualifications summary is often used in a functional résumé; this section is usually unnecessary for a traditional college student. Study Abroad Students with study abroad experience are highly encouraged to create a separate category which is usually listed after the Education section. Studying abroad shows a prospective employer that you have challenged yourself to function in a different culture and have an understanding of diversity issues which would allow you to relate to international clients. Volunteer Significant volunteer experience demonstrates your commitment to the community and may be relevant to your chosen career area. Military Experience This may be listed under its own heading or included as one of your work experiences. Be sure to reflect promotions you received during your military career in addition to describing your responsibilities. State your type of discharge, if honorable. Certifications A section listing any certifications you possess first aid, food safety, engineering, CPR, etc. Do Not Include Personal If it doesn t relate to how well you can do the job, leave it out! Personal data (e.g. height, weight, date of birth, social security number, marital and health status) are not mentioned. Information about your family is also inappropriate in the résumé. Much of this information is potentially discriminatory and inappropriate for the employer to have prior to offering you a job. Photographs In the United States, photographs are not included on a résumé. High School High school graduation dates and activities are generally left off the résumé. However, if some aspect of your high school experience relates to your career goal (ex. education major who was involved in high school athletics and plans to coach) then it is acceptable to include in the résumé. 4

5 Ethical Issues You must represent your skills and qualifications honestly to prospective employers whether it is on a résumé, cover letter, reference sheet, interview, career fair, or any other type of Ohio University event/service. Social Networking Sites Check to make sure you do not have inappropriate information accessible in Facebook, My Space, other online blogs, or Google. Employers and graduate committees are researching candidates online accounts and/or Googling their names. You are advised to edit the content in these accounts or change your privacy settings. 5

6 ACTIVE VERBS achieved edited prepared acted enabled presented adjusted encouraged processed administered established produced advertised estimated programmed advised evaluated proofread analyzed executed publicized arranged expanded published assembled expedited purchased assessed experimented rated began facilitated recommended budgeted filed recorded built formed recruited calculated generated referred chaired guided regulated changed handled reorganized clarified identified repaired classified illustrated reported coached implemented represented collaborated (with) increased reproduced collected initiated researched communicated inspected retrieved compiled installed reviewed composed instructed revised computed interacted (with) scheduled conducted interviewed selected constructed inventoried served contacted investigated simplified contributed led sold controlled made solicited coordinated maintained studied corresponded (with) managed supervised counseled marketed synthesized created measured systematized defined monitored targeted delegated negotiated taught delivered observed tested demonstrated obtained trained designed operated translated described ordered tutored developed organized updated directed oversaw utilized dispensed participated (in) verified distributed persuaded volunteered drafted planned wrote 6

7 RÉSUMÉ STYLES There are many good résumé layouts. There is no perfect style. A sample is included in this handout, but other examples are available online through reputable sites: and others. The layout of your résumé is important in creating a favorable first impression in the mind of the employer. The appearance of your résumé may determine whether it is even read at all. Many recruiters recommend not using résumé templates that are available with your word processing software. It is more impressive to create your own résumé from scratch utilizing categories and formatting which fit your unique qualifications. The style you select will depend upon which of your qualifications you want to emphasize. The following explanations should help you decide which style may best serve your purposes. TRADITIONAL or PAPER RÉSUMÉ STYLES Traditional résumé styles generally employ serif fonts, are 1-2 pages in length, and utilize active verbs to focus on various skills developed during work experience. However, traditional/paper résumés are not necessarily designed for submission through electronic means. You are encouraged to develop both a traditional paper résumé and an electronic résumé to meet employers preferences. If you send an electronic résumé, then it would be acceptable to take a traditional, fully-formatted résumé to the interview or a career fair. CHRONOLOGICAL STYLE With this style, information is presented in reverse chronological order most recent information is listed first, and you work backward in time. This approach is the easiest to follow and is often used by job seekers with limited experience. If you have an extensive list of jobs, but they do not all warrant a full description, you may find it useful to end your listing of work experience with a composite or summary statement which combines several less important positions. This statement could read, Additional experience as a retail salesperson and as a child care provider using good interpersonal and problem-solving skills." The fact that you have worked during your college years, even though the positions may only be income-generating in nature, is significant to many employers. FUNCTIONAL STYLE The focus of this style is on skills and abilities not on when or where they were attained. Related skills are grouped together in comprehensive listings. The skill areas should relate closely to the stated career objective. Some experienced workers find this style a good way to display their qualifications. It is best used by people who may have changed careers, taken time off from their career, or who have gained their skills in volunteer or community service settings. It can also be used effectively by persons whose responsibilities were more extensive than their job titles would suggest. A list of employing organizations with dates of employment should always be included on the résumé. This should be in reverse chronological order. 7

8 ELECTRONIC OR SCANNABLE STYLES Scanning résumés allows human resource departments to manage the large volume of résumés they receive. While more traditional résumé formatting techniques were covered earlier in this handout, it is important to understand the guidelines for creating a scannable résumé. The following list explains what to include and what to avoid when developing an electronic or scannable résumé. You are highly encouraged to go to this web site: and search for Writing Electronic Résumés. There are several excellent articles that provide more detail on this topic. Avoid on Electronic/Scannable Résumé *Boldface, italics, underlining, highlighting, boxing, shading (no gray screens), or script text *Avoid vertical lines completely *Pictures or graphics *Bullets *Columns scanners read left-to-right and will not read columns *Do not compress text to fit 1-2 pages; letters may blur *Do not use unusual characters or put brackets around area codes *Do not send several versions of your résumé to the same employer scanners can catch this and flag the employer *Do not staple, use paperclips, or fold *Do not put information on the back of your résumé *Do not format the résumé to look like a newsletter or newspaper *Do not focus as much on active verbs as key words *Do not put all of your contact information on one line each item should have its own line *Do not exceed 65 characters per line *Do not include an Interests or References section *Do not use colored ink only black *Do not use tabs for indents use the space bar instead Include on Electronic/Scannable Résumé *Horizontal lines should have ¼ above and below *Use (*) or (+) rather than bullets *10-14 point font size; do not exceed 20 pt. for name *White, light gray, or beige paper color *Use sans serif fonts like Helvetica or Arial *Do use technical industry terms and jargon and make sure to spell out any abbreviations *Send clear, original copies from a laser printer *Use a 1 margin although ½ will usually work *Scannable résumé may be 2-3 pages in length because you cannot use columns or compression techniques; however, do not go beyond 3 pages *Use 8 ½ x 11 paper no unusual sizes *It is appropriate to send a hard copy of your résumé if you fax it first *The use of key words is imperative! Nouns play a more important role in electronic résumé writing. Computers search for key words, not verbs repeat key words *Mail flat in a large envelope *Leave a good amount of white space between sections *Use 20 lb. paper or slightly heavier *Capital letters can be substituted for bold face *When faxing, use the highest mode rather than standard *Include a Key word Summary section after the contact information section 8

9 FINAL POINTERS * It is essential that you use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Not all computer programs automatically run spell check! * Use abbreviations sparingly. Spell out your degree, the name of the university, and organizations to which you belong. * If you are asked to your résumé, ask whether it needs to be in ASCII format, as an attachment, or in the body of the . * Use a serif font for a traditional résumé (Times Roman, Garamond, etc.). Do not switch fonts. * Present similar information consistently. For example, in listing work experience, list name of employing organization, location, position title, and length of time worked in the same order and style throughout the résumé. * Use capitals, underlining, spacing, highlighting and white space creatively to emphasize the most important points but don t overdo it! * You must get your point across quickly and clearly. Studies show that employers will typically read a résumé for an average of seconds. * You may want to develop different résumés if you are seriously considering several career areas. If you choose this option, not only should the career objectives be different, but the way in which you describe your work and academic experiences may also need to be changed to match the qualifications for the different positions. * Reproduce your résumé on good quality paper and use a laser or letter-quality printer. White, cream, ivory, or very light gray are acceptable paper color options. Avoid pastels or very bright colors. Since it is possible your résumé will be copied for distribution within an organization to which you have applied, choose a paper which copies well (without shadows). Also pay attention to the texture of the paper as a texture may obscure information if the résumé is scanned. If you are using résumé paper with a watermark, make sure the watermark can be read if you hold up the paper to a light. The watermark is usually the name of the paper manufacturing company, and it is not proper etiquette to have the watermark backwards or upside down. Remember the importance of key words on the résumé in the event you are applying to an employer s electronic database. BE SURE THAT THE RÉSUMÉ IS ABSOLUTELY PERFECT no typographical errors, no misspellings, no grammatical errors! Proofread it carefully and ask others to proof it for you. 9

10 MINI PORTFOLIO Depending on your major, you may decide to provide a prospective employer with a mini portfolio, which includes a résumé, cover letter, and samples of your work. Students and alumni in various majors often mail these portfolios (or distribute at a career fair). If appropriate, you could even send a CD/DVD with samples of your work in addition to hard copies of cover letters and résumés. If you decide to submit this type of documentation, make sure you prepare the materials professionally. Ask professors and professionals in the field what type of information to include and how to prepare a portfolio so it represents your credentials appropriately. If you are sending clips of written work, do not shrink them so they become unreadable; send clips as photocopies or computer printouts. NEVER send originals as they may not be returned even if you request they be mailed back to you! Place the materials in a professional-looking binder and do not staple the various documents together. Call the employer approximately one week after sending your materials to make sure they were received. If you need the materials returned after the job search has concluded, make sure to include a stamped, addressed envelope large enough so the mini-portfolio may be returned. Web sites are also a way to develop an online portfolio of your work; simply include the URL on a résumé and clearly state that you have an online portfolio at that web address. 10

11 RÉSUMÉ CHECKLIST CHECK ITEM If there is an objective, does it list specific skills the person is bringing to the organization rather than mentioning what the person wants from the organization? Objective is it excessively wordy? Is the objective vague? Is the résumé 1-2 pages in length? Are the identification data (name, addresses, phone numbers, , URL) clearly listed? Do the addresses read Permanent Address and Current Address rather than Home Address and School Address? Does the address sound professional? Is Education listed first if you are a recent graduate? Is the formal name of the degree clearly spelled out (ex. Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in Communication)? Check graduate/undergraduate catalogs! Is the expected or anticipated graduation date listed? Is high school information included? High school is generally not included unless it relates to career. Leave off other colleges/universities if no degree was completed at an institution other than Ohio Univ. Are the types of categories included logical? Does the information relate to professional goals? Is information presented in a uniform fashion? If relevant, is the experience section broken into Relevant/Professional Experience and then Other/Work Experience? Do job descriptions begin with active verbs? Are the verbs used descriptive enough? Are descriptions of jobs or other activities in fragment format? Paragraph/sentence format is generally avoided. Does work or internship information include the name, city, state, position title, and tasks performed? Are the activities, honors, volunteer experiences, etc. described clearly? Has a description of responsibilities/tasks been included if a leadership position is/was held? Is personal information left off the résumé (height, weight, date of birth, social security number, marital status, photograph)? Such personal information should not be included. Are all categories with dates in reverse chronological order based on when the position started? Are work experiences listed even if they do not relate directly to career goals? Work experience is important to employers even if not directly related to career. 11

12 Is the spelling perfect? Grammar? Punctuation? Is the phrase References Available Upon Request omitted? This phrase is left off résumés. Has a separate sheet been used for references? References are not included on résumé. Is the most important information listed first on the résumé? Are abbreviations/acronyms spelled out? Are abbreviations used sparingly? Have too many fonts been used? Is the font professional? Is font size appropriate? Are there periods at the ends of the sentence fragments? Periods should be included. Are bullets or some type of symbol used to begin sentence fragments? Do the bullets line up? If the résumé utilizes a creative layout, is it still easy to find needed information? Does everything line up? Is similar information presented consistently? Are bolds, highlights, underlines, and any other graphic techniques used consistently? Does the layout appear crowded? Are there blank lines between categories/sections? The résumé needs room to breathe. Is there unused white space which detracts from the layout? Are margins too wide? Too narrow? If applicable, does the résumé need to go onto a second page? If two pages, the last name and page number 2 should be included on the second page. Is the layout constructed in such a manner that the reader s eye is guided to the most important information? Is the résumé printed on good quality paper? Is the color of the paper appropriate? Is the print quality the best possible? Does the watermark go the right direction if paper has a Watermark? Are dashes and hyphens formatted consistently? Is the résumé formatted correctly depending on the type of résumé being used? 12

13 Russ T. Stocker Current Address Permanent Address 186 Mill Street Apt # Estates Drive Athens, OH Wheelersburg, OH Education OHIO UNIVERSITY, Athens, OH Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, June 2007 GPA 3.1/4.0 Relevant Experience 4/2006-9/2006 Honda of America, Mfg Marysville, Ohio Electrical Engineering Co-Op Optimized cycle time through robot and PLC reprogramming Coordinated product countermeasure efforts at production, design, and supplier levels Developed and implemented a training program to help incorporate new Kinematics software package across entire Quality department 1/2005-6/2005 Rockwell Automation Gallipolis, Ohio Electrical Engineering Co-Op Tested AC/DC/Brushless DC Motor Developed and Designed new testing methods Reprogrammed Test Benches using LabView Work Experience 9/2006 6/2007 Ohio University Office of Cooperative Education Athens, Ohio Coordinated efforts with employers to help students participating in Cooperative Education Program 5/2005-8/2005 Scioto Hills Camp and Retreat Center Wheelersburg, Ohio Counseled children ages 8 to 18 9/ /2004 Ohio University Alumni Association Athens, Ohio Provided facilities/maintenance services Honors/Leadership Computer Literacy Activities Vice President Student Alumni Board Student Alumni Board New Member of the Year (2004) University Scholar Franklin Whitmore Memorial Scholarship Waller Family Engineering Scholarship Russ College of Engineering and Technology Student Ambassador (Faculty Appointed) Operating Systems: Windows, MAC, Linux Software: LabView, Matlab, Catia V5, AutoCad, PowerWorld, Excel, Word, PowerPoint IEEE Engineering Ambassadors Student Alumni Board Campus Crusade 13

14 REFERENCES The reference sheet is a document separate from the résumé and includes the following information: name, title, relationship to you, address, phone number, and address. This sheet can be enclosed with the résumé or carried to an interview. Never list just the name and phone number of a reference! Make sure you include your personal information on the top of the reference sheet using the same header as what is on your résumé. The font style and paper type/color should match your cover letter and résumé. Do NOT staple the reference sheet (or your cover letter) to the résumé. Some suggestions relating to selecting and working with your references: Always ask the person s permission to use him or her as a reference. Do not assume that the person will be willing to recommend you. This courtesy is appreciated and may avoid later embarrassment or a negative letter of reference. Would you be comfortable serving as a reference for me? opens the subject. Be prepared to hear a no or to deal with some reservations. Give the person a copy of your current résumé. In many cases, a person will know you in only one context (in the classroom, as an advisor, on the job). The reference may be stronger if the person has complete knowledge of your other accomplishments. Discuss with the person the type of position you will be seeking and your career goals. If there are particular skills or information you hope he or she will include in the reference, mention these. Share descriptions of specific positions for which you are being considered with your references in case your references are contacted by phone. Consider maintaining a portfolio or file of letters of reference, transcripts, and other information that employers may request or you plan to share during the job search. Just a reminder: The people who provide your references should be able to share information about your skills and abilities relevant to the types of positions for which you will be applying. Professional references are typically former or current employers, professors who know you well (preferably from your major field of study or courses which relate to your career goals), colleagues, professionals with whom you have worked on projects, or advisors with whom you have been involved in activities. Three to five references are considered an appropriate number for the reference sheet. 14

15 Russ T. Stocker Current Address Permanent Address 186 Mill Street Apt # Estates Drive Athens, OH Wheelersburg, OH REFERENCES Douglas Lawrence, Ph.D. Associate Professor Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Russ College of Engineering and Technology Ohio University Stocker Center 355 Athens, OH Relationship: Academic Advisor, Professor Kelley Jolley Administrative Coordinator Office of Cooperative Education and Career Programs Russ College of Engineering and Technology Ohio University Stocker Center 159A Athens, OH Relationship: Supervisor Robbyn T. Matthews, M.A. Coordinator for Career Programs Office of Cooperative Education and Career Programs Russ College of Engineering and Technology Ohio University Stocker Center 159A Athens, OH Relationship: Supervisor 15

16 THE COVER LETTER Each time you submit your résumé to an employer, you should enclose a cover letter. The cover letter serves several important functions: Explains why you are submitting the résumé. Introduces you to the employer. Serves as a vehicle for you to sell yourself more effectively to the employer and is the key to creating interest in your candidacy. The cover letter gives you the opportunity to draw an employer s attention to the skills and experience outlined in your résumé. You can also expand upon information which matches the position for which you wish to be considered. The cover letter can highlight special achievements which might otherwise go overlooked. In summarizing your qualifications, highlight your most appropriate skills or background in relation to a particular position without simply reiterating the information on your résumé. Refer the reader to your enclosed résumé for further details of your past accomplishments. There are two types of cover letters: 1. The letter of inquiry is written when you are asking an employer for information about possible job openings in a particular area. If you have previously obtained information about the organization, be sure to mention this in your letter as it indicates you are sincerely interested and have done your research. 2. The letter of application is written when you are applying for a specific opening. It provides the opportunity for you to call attention to your education or experience which is appropriate to the open position. Remember: Similar to the Career Objective on your résumé, the focus of the cover letter is what you can do for the organization not what you want from the organization! You must personalize your cover letter by preparing each letter individually and addressing it to an individual rather than a title or department. As with the résumé, use a letter quality printer. Duplicated or obvious form letters are inappropriate and unprofessional. The cover letter should be no more than one page long and should be produced on the same paper as your résumé and reference sheet. The following checklist may be helpful in avoiding some of the mistakes people make when preparing their cover letters. 16

17 COVER LETTER CHECKLIST Use this checklist to evaluate your cover letter and avoid common mistakes. Is it addressed to a particular person (unless it is a response to a blind ad)? Do not use the person s first name in the salutation (ex. Write Dear Mr. Robinson: rather than Dear David Robinson: ). Is the salutation followed by a colon rather than a comma? Have you told the employer exactly what position you are applying for and how you found out about it? Have you stated why you are interested in the position and the organization? Have you told the employer what you can do for the organization rather than what it can do for you? Did you use specific examples to sell your skills? Have you avoided rewriting your résumé in your cover letter? Is the sentence structure varied? Have you limited the use of the words I and My at the beginning of each sentence? Do too many sentences begin with prepositional phrases? Did you express appreciation for the employer considering your application? Is it an original letter rather than an obviously mass-produced copy? Is it neat and attractive? Is the letter centered on the page with equal top and bottom margins? Is every word spelled correctly? Grammar, punctuation, and capitalization correct? Is it free of typographical errors? Does the whole letter fit on one page? Have you signed your name in black or blue ink? Is it printed on high-quality paper that matches your résumé? Is it printed on a high-quality printer? Does the watermark go the correct direction? 17

18 COVER LETTER FORMAT (Make top and bottom margins approximately equal) September 21, North Main St. Athens, OH Mr. Jack Thompson XYZ Engineering Company 7 West Plum St. Cincinnati, OH Dear Mr. Thompson: Opening Paragraph: State why you are writing, the position for which you are applying/type of work you are seeking. Mention how you heard of the opening or the organization. Middle Paragraph: This is the main body of what you want to communicate: the skills, experience, education, etc. that may be of interest to this particular employer. You may want to refer to the enclosed résumé but do not re-hash the entire résumé; mention only the highlights that will make them want to read the résumé. Be sure to address the key points described in the want ad or job posting. You may also want to discuss what attracts you to this position/organization. Closing Paragraph: Mention your sincere interest in an interview opportunity, and thank them for the consideration. Sincerely, Russ T. Stocker Russ T. Stocker Enclosure (If a résumé or other information is enclosed, be sure to refer to it in the letter) Copyright 2007 Office of Career Programs Russ College of Engineering and Technology Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 18


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