Study Regulation for the Consecutive Master Study Program Psychology: Human Performance in Socio-Technical Systems (HPSTS)

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1 Technical University Dresden Faculty of Science Study Regulation for the Consecutive Master Study Program Psychology: Human Performance in Socio-Technical Systems (HPSTS) Pre-release, issued by the Faculty Board on On grounds of 36 of the higher education act in the Free State of Saxony (Saxon Higher Education Act - SächsHSG) of December 10, 2008 (SächsGVBl. p 900), last amended by article 5 of the law of October 4, 2011 (SächsGVBl. p. 380, 391), the Technical University Dresden passes the following study regulation as a statute: Contents 1 Applicability 2 Program 3 Admission Requirements 4 Commencement and of the Study Program 5 of Learning 6 Structure and Sequence of the Study Program 7 Course Contents 8 Course 9 Course Guidance 10 Modification of Module Descriptions 11 Coming-Into-Effect and Publication Appendix 1: Module Descriptions Appendix 2: Curriculum HPSTS

2 1 Applicability This study regulation, on grounds of the higher education act in the Free State of Saxony and the examination regulations, governs objectives, contents, structure, and the sequence of studying the consecutive master study program in Psychology: Human Performance in Socio-Technical Systems (HPSTS) at the Technical University Dresden. 2 Program (1) The students know and understand, beyond the bachelor level, central approaches, theories and findings of psychological science against the background of fundamental principles, methods, and potential applications. On this basis, they are able to develop ideas for research questions and projects independently, carry these out in a methodologically appropriate fashion, and critically reflect, evaluate, and present their results.. Students are able to use the described abilities and skills in new and interdisciplinary research settings and applied contexts, such as in the intersecting areas between human performance and cognitive-affective neuroscience, clinical psychology and psychotherapy, as well as adjoining areas of the life sciences. The students are able to integrate information from a variety of theoretical and methodological sources and to deal with the complexity of each issue from the field of psychological science adequately and in a (method-) critical fashion, even when and especially if information is incomplete or contradictory. At the same time, they have the necessary tools to reflect the social and ethical aspects of their actions concerning psychological research and practice in a responsible manner. The students have the ability to communicate the logic, the results, and the conclusions drawn from their work in the field of psychology adequately and unambiguously, and to communicate these ideas to both a professional and layman audience. On the basis of the forms of instruction and learning employed in the study program, the students possess those learning skills that allow them to acquire theoretical and methodological knowledge in the field of psychology in a self-directed and independent manner. (2) After adequate time of familiarization in professional life, the graduates are empowered through a broad psychological knowledge, the knowledge of scientific methods, the competence of abstraction and transfer of knowledge to deal with multifaceted and complex tasks in the field of psychology and its applications. In particular, students can apply their theoretical and methodological knowledge in a problem- and goal-oriented fashion to solve design, research, and intervention issues concerning the optimization of human behavior, learning, and performance in socio-technical systems. They possess scientific psychological skills for the analysis, (re-)design, and evaluation of work systems. They are able to implement, scientifically evaluate, and optimize validated methods of aptitude testing, requirements analysis, personnel selection, and of expertise development in socio-technical systems. The students are also able to develop and evaluate educational and training interventions as well as related learning environments for training and education on the basis of the knowledge acquired. They have mastered essential practical intervention strategies of traffic psychology and are able to use fundamental knowledge of social psychology to analyze and solve practical problems at the workplace. In addition, the students can present the main aspects of study design, data collection, and analysis both in written and spoken word.

3 3 Admission Requirements (1) Requirement for admission is a first university degree recognized in the Federal Republic of Germany in the field of psychology with a minimum duration of 6 semesters or a first university degree in one of the following subjects: work sciences, computer sciences, engineering-, traffic-, economic sciences, business education, industrial engineering, teacher training, public health, occupational health, sociology. (2) A further requirement is specialized knowledge in the fundamental subjects of psychology and the core areas of the study program. Proof of this is demonstrated in accordance with the regulation concerning the determination of eligibility. Since participating in the study program is possible in English as well, a good command of the English language (level B2 of the European framework of reference for languages) is required if English is not the native language of the applicant. 4 Commencement and of the Study Program (1) The study program can be taken up every winter semester. (2) The regular period of study is four semesters and includes - besides regular attendance - self-study, supervised internship, and the master examination. 5 Forms of Teaching and Instruction (1) The content of the curriculum is structured in modules. In each module, teaching contents are taught, strengthened, and deepened through lectures, seminars, extended seminars, self-study, and supervised internships. (2) Lectures give an introduction to the subject areas of the modules. In seminars and extended seminars, the acquisition of central key qualifications and vocationally relevant skills is promoted through participation and practical exercises. Seminars allow students to inform themselves under supervision and on the basis of literature and other materials on selected issues, to present the findings, discuss them in a group, and / or present them in written. Extended seminars allow students to practice praxisrelevant learning objects under supervision and with individual feedback in groups half the size compared to seminars. Both seminars and extended seminars are courses with high scientific standards that are influenced by scientific discourse, which should be supported by an active and regular participation. Supervised internships serve the purpose of applying the conveyed knowledge and the acquisition of practical skills in potential career fields. deepens the engagement with the contents of each module by course-related reading and other forms of self-guided learning. 6 Structure and Sequence of the Study Program (1) The program structure is modular. The curriculum is divided into four semesters. (2) The master program HPSTS is structured in 9 modules in the compulsory area and the modules in the compulsory elective area I (Research & Intervention) and compulsory elective area II (supplemental area Cognitive-Affective Neuroscience or Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy). The choice of the compulsory elective area is binding.

4 (3) Contents and objectives, teaching and learning methods, conditions, availability, frequency, and duration of work of the individual modules can be found in the module descriptions (appendix 1). (4) In accordance with the module description, the courses will be held in. (5) The appropriate distribution of the modules to individual semesters, the adherence of which allows for the completion of studies in the regular period of study, as well as the nature and scope of each included lecture and the number and regular time dates of the required study records and examinations can be reviewed in the attached study curriculum (appendix 2). (6) The offering of compulsory elective modules and the study curriculum can be modified upon proposal of the study committee by the expert commission of the department of psychology. The current offering of compulsory elective modules is to be announced at the beginning of the semester as it is usual throughout the department. The revised study plan is binding for the students to whom it is announced at the beginning of the study program. The examination committee rules on exceptions concerning subsection 3 upon request. 7 Course Contents The master study program HPSTS is strongly research-oriented. The program contents are: 1. Knowledge on human behavior, learning and performance in socio-technical systems (Organizational and Work Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Learning and Instruction, Traffic and Transportation Psychology, Applied Cognitive Psychology, Social Interaction and Performance); 2. Methods of analysis, design, development, and evaluation of competency-based and performance-conducive socio-technical systems (Advanced Multivariate Statistics, Research and Intervention in Work-, Organizational-, and Personnel Psychology, Learning and Instruction, Traffic and Transportation, Psychology and Applied Cognitive Psychology; Master Thesis Seminar); 3. Applications of knowledge on human behavior, learning, and performance in socio-technical systems in different application areas. For profiling goals, contents from the supplemental areas of clinical psychology and psychotherapy, or cognitive-affective neuroscience are added. In addition, an internship and general qualifications are elements of the course content. 8 Course (1) ECTS course credits document the average workload of students and their individual academic progress. One credit equals a workload of 30 hours. As a rule, 60 credits per academic year are awarded, i.e., 30 per semester. The total workload for the program equals 120 credits and includes the instruction and learning forms as designated by type and scope in the module descriptions (appendix 1), the performance records and examinations, as well as the Master thesis. (2) The module descriptions (appendix 1) indicate how many credits can be acquired through each module. Course credits are awarded if the module test is passed. 28 of the examination regulations remains unaffected by this. 9 Course Guidance (1) General study guidance is provided by the student service at TU Dresden and encompasses questions on study possibilities, matriculation matters, and general student matters. Study-related counsel-

5 ling is in the area of responsibility of the student service at the department of psychology. This offering of study-counselling assists students in particular issues of how to plan their study program. (2) At the beginning of the third semester, every student who has not attained any performance record up to this point has to participate in a student counselling session. 10 Modification of Module Descriptions (1) In order to adapt to changing conditions, the module descriptions can in the context of an optimal organization of the study program be modified in a simplified process with the exception of the fields module name, contents and objectives, instruction methods, conditions for the award of credits and credits and grades. (2) In the simplified process, the expert commission of the department of psychology rules on the modification of the module description upon proposal of the study commission. The changes are to be announced as it is usual throughout the department. 11 Coming-Into-Effect and Publication This regulation comes into effect on and will be published in the official announcements of the Technical University Dresden. Issued on grounds of the ruling of the faculty board of the Faculty of Science at the Technical University of Dresden of with the consent of the rector of #Datum#. Dresden, #Ausfertigungsdatum# The rector of the Technical University Dresden Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. DEng/Auckland Hans Müller-Steinhagen

6 Appendix 1 Module Descriptions for the Master Study Program HPSTS MA-HPSTS-1 Organization- and Work Psychology Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wegge the Award of Course Students know and understand current psychological knowledge on work systems and organizations. They are able to implement, scientifically evaluate, and optimize measures of job analysis and job design in socio-technical systems. Key topics: Work safety, work analysis, work design, organizational development, organizational diagnosis, leadership, specific methods of work analysis and design; salutogenic work design, age and work; entrepreneurship, virtual work; interventions to optimize (pluricultural) group work, quality diagnostics and quality management, (distributed) leadership at multiple levels in organizations. General qualifications: cost-benefit thinking and behavior, critical reflection of research findings and theoretical positions; identification of open questions and possible applications, solving of complex problems. 2 SWS lectures 4 SWS seminars none The module is a compulsory module in the master study program HPSTS and a prerequisite for HPSTS-8A. The credits are awarded if the module examination is passed. The module examination consists of an oral exam of 30 minutes. The preparatory assessment is based on an in-class presentation and a term paper, each of the scope of 45 hours. Students may choose from predefined themes for in-class presentations or term papers, while the total number of the topics offered corresponds to the number of seminar participants and each topic is assigned only once. The preparatory assessment is considered as passed if the inclass presentation or term paper is graded as sufficient. With this module, 9 credit points (CP) can be acquired. The module grade corresponds to the grade of the oral exam. The module is offered annually in the winter semester.

7 The workload for the students is 270 hours. The module spans 2 semesters. MA-HPSTS-2 Personnel Psychology Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wegge the Award of Course Students know and understand current psychological knowledge on requirements analyses and professional qualifications. They are in a position to implement, scientifically evaluate, and optimize validated measures of aptitude testing, requirements analysis, personnel selection, and of development of expertise in sociotechnical systems. Key topics: personnel selection, excellence, personal development, specific methods of requirements analysis and aptitude tests (e.g., multimodal interview, AC); analysis, evaluation, and design of systems of personnel selection and personnel development (e.g., succession planning, mentoring), employee surveys, organizational socialization, promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship, international deployment of personnel, exit from the labor market. General qualifications: critical evaluation of research findings and theoretical positions; self-organization at work; entrepreneurial thinking and action; giving feedback on the behavior of others. 2 SWS lectures 2 SWS seminars None The module is a compulsory module in the master study program HPSTS and a prerequisite for HPSTS-8A. The credits are awarded if the module examination is passed. The module examination consists of an oral exam of 30 minutes. The preparatory assessment is based on an in-class presentation and a term paper, each of the scope of 45 hours. Students may choose from predefined themes for in-class presentations or essays, while the total number of the topics offered corresponds to the number of seminar participants and each topic is assigned only once. The preparatory assessment is considered as passed if the in-class presentation or essay is graded as sufficient. With this module, 6 credit points (CP) can be acquired. The module grade corresponds to the grade of the oral exam.

8 The module is offered annually in the summer semester. The workload for the students is 180 hours. The module spans 1 semester. MA-HPSTS-3 Competence Acquisition in / with Socio-Technical Systems Prof. Dr. Hermann Körndle the Award of Course Students have fundamental psychological knowledge on situational and individual conditions and effects of successful competence development in and with socio-technical systems. On basis of this knowledge, they are able to understand theoretical approaches, methods, and findings of psychological instruction-learning research, and to derive and discuss consequences for the design of instruction and learning situations in and with socio-technical systems. General qualifications: Multimedia literacy, literature, selfregulated learning and work, collaborative learning and work, preparation and presentation of complex data in different formats (e.g., verbal, graphic, audio-visual, multimedia), organizing and facilitating group learning and discussions, methods of scientific working, time management 2 SWS lectures 2 SWS seminars none The module is a compulsory module in the master study program HPSTS and a prerequisite for HPSTS-8B. The credits are awarded if the module examination is passed. The module examination consists of an oral exam of 30 minutes. The preparatory assessment is based on an in-class presentation of the scope of 45 hours. The preparatory assessment is considered as passed if the in-class presentation is graded as sufficient. With this module, 6 credit points (CP) can be acquired. The module grade corresponds to the grade of the oral exam. The module is offered annually in the winter semester.

9 The workload for the students is 180 hours. The module spans 1 semester. MA-HPSTS-4 Traffic and Transportation Psychology Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schlag the Award of Course On successful completion of the module, students possess a deepened understanding of the most important research and application areas of traffic and transportation psychology, they have an overview of traffic psychological theories and specific research methods, and they know fundamental practical intervention strategies of traffic psychology. General qualifications: Understanding and evaluating as well as processing and presentation of complex issues in an interdisciplinary context; reflection between theory, empirical research, and practical traffic psychological activity; self-regulated as well as cooperative learning and working 2 SWS lectures 2 SWS seminars none The module is a compulsory module in the master study program HPSTS and a prerequisite for HPSTS-8C. The credits are awarded if the module exam is passed. The module examination consists of an oral examination of 30 minutes. The preparatory assessment is based on an in-class presentation or a term paper of the scope of 45 hours. The preparatory assessment is considered as passed if the in-class presentation or term paper is graded as sufficient. With this module, 6 credit points (CP) can be acquired. The module grade corresponds to the grade of the oral exam. The module is offered annually in the winter semester. The workload for the students is 180 hours.

10 The module spans 1 semester. MA-HPSTS-5 Applied Cognitive Research Prof. Dr. Boris M. Velichkovsky the Award of Course Students understand, besides contemporary terminology, trends in the development of the overall field of interdisciplinary applied cognitive research. They are able to apply the experimental methodology and principles of cognitive ergonomics and selected measurement methods in the development of man-machineinterfaces and for the improvement of human performance. Key topics: attentional landscapes, situation awareness, change blindness, distractor effect, two visual systems, convergence of methods and disciplines, eye-tracking, risk perception, humancomputer interaction, cognitive architecture, deceptions and illusions, levels of attention, multimodal and adaptive interfaces, perception and attention in static and dynamic environments, usability, errors. General qualifications: Understanding and assessing as well as processing and presentation of complex issues in an interdisciplinary context, reasoning techniques, methods, critical thinking, problem-oriented software application 2 SWS lectures 2 SWS seminars none The module is a compulsory module in the master study program HPSTS and a prerequisite for HPSTS-8D. The credits are awarded if the module examination is passed. The module examination consists of a written exam of 90 minutes or an oral exam of 30 minutes. The preparatory assessment is based on an in-class presentation or a term paper of the scope of 45 hours. Students may choose from predefined themes for in-class presentations or term papers, while the total number of the topics offered corresponds to the number of seminar participants and each topic is assigned only once. The preparatory assessment is considered as passed if in-class presentation or term paper is graded as sufficient. With this module, 6 credit points (CP) can be acquired. The module grade corresponds to the grade of the written exam or the grade

11 of the oral exam. The module is offered annually in the winter semester. The workload for the students is 180 hours. The module spans 1 semester. MA-HPSPS-6 Social Interaction and Performance Prof. Dr. Roland Deutsch the Award of Course Through participation in this module, students know and understand theories, research methods, and key empirical findings in social psychology, particularly in terms of social perception and social interaction and their impact on work and organizational issues, as well as issues of human-machine-interaction. They are able to use fundamental knowledge of social psychology to analyze and solve practical problems in the workplace. Key topics include: group structures, judgments, and decisions in small groups, group performance, social identity, stereotypes and discrimination, intergroup interaction, as well as psychological conditions / effects of power. General qualifications: efficient reading of academic English tests, processing and comprehensible presentation of complex issues in a variety of formats, knowledge of international publication standards and their implementation, transfer of acquired practical knowledge and skills to other applications, theoretical and method-critical review of procedures, team work, self-organization at work. 2 SWS lectures 2 SWS seminars none The module is a compulsory module in the master study program HPSTS. The credits are awarded if the module examination is passed. The module examination consists of an oral exam of 30 minutes. The preparatory assessment is based on an in-class presentation of the scope of 45 hours. The preparatory assessment is considered as passed if the in-class presentation is graded as sufficient.

12 With this module, 6 credit points (CP) can be acquired. The module grade corresponds to the grade of the oral exam. The module is offered annually in the summer semester. The workload for the students is 180 hours. The module spans 1 semester. MA-HPSTS-7 Advanced Multivariate Statistics Professor for Methods of Psychology, p. p. Dr. Rudolf the Award of Course After completing the module, the students know important complex multivariate statistical methods in terms of their preconditions, their approach, and with respect to the interpretation of the results. They can assess the possibilities of application of the complex multivariate methods including their limits in actual application scenarios. Students possess practical experience in data analysis on all issues that require the application of the complex multivariate methods conveyed as well as of appropriate statistical software. Key topics: Linear structural equation modeling, multilevel analysis (HLM), change measurements and longitudinal designs, overview of further multivariate statistical methods, complex metaanalyses, problem-oriented application of current statistical software. General qualifications: Statistical thinking in complex multivariate structures, problem-oriented software application, critical thinking methods. 4 SWS seminars none The module is a compulsory module in the master study program HPSTS. The credit points are awarded if the module examination is passed. The module examination consists of a written exam (90 minutes). Preparatory assessments are 10 exercises accompanying the module which are composed of written questions to be answered. The questions relate to theoretical and applied aspects of the outlined methods. Answering the questions may require the practical appli-

13 cation of statistical software. The preparatory assessment is considered as passed if 50% of the total score possible has been achieved. With this module, 6 credit points (CP) can be acquired. The module grade corresponds to the grade of the written exam. The module is offered annually in the winter semester. The workload for the students is 180 hours. The module spans 2 semesters. MA-HPSTS-8A Work-, Organization- and Personell Psychology (WOP) - Research & Intervention Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wegge the Award of Course Students acquire fundamental psychological skills for the analysis, (re)design, and evaluation of work systems. They put this to the test in a practical project and present their findings in participating organizations. Key topics: work analysis, work design, organizational development, organizational diagnostics, practical testing of specific methods of work analysis and design; interventions to optimize work systems (small group work). General qualifications: Presentation and discussion moderation, diagnostics, target analysis, quality management. 6 SWS extended seminars The successful completion of a preparatory assessment from HPSTS-1 is a requirement. The module is one of four compulsory elective modules in the master study program HPSTS in accordance with 27 subsection 3 of the examination regulation, one of which has to be chosen. The credit points are awarded if the module examination is passed. The module examination consists of an in-class presentation of the scope of 45 hours and project work of the scope of 12 weeks. With this module, 9 credit points (CP) can be acquired. The module grade corresponds to the arithmetic mean of the simple weighted grade of the in-class presentation and the double

14 weighted grade of the project work; the module is only considered passed if both requirements have been passed. The module is offered annually in the summer semester. The workload for the students is 270 hours. The module spans 2 semesters. MA-HPSTS-8B Learning & Instruction - Research & Intervention Prof. Dr. Hermann Körndle the Award of Course Students have fundamental psychological knowledge on the design and evaluation of educational and training activities for education and training in socio-technical systems. Based on this knowledge, they are able to understand approaches, methods, and findings of educational and training research and discuss implications for the design and evaluation of educational and training activities in socio-technical systems. They are furthermore able to independently develop ideas for project work and to plan the implementation of these ideas, execute, and present them with critical reflection. General qualifications: Multimedia literacy, literature research, self-regulated learning and work, collaborative learning and work, preparation and presentation of complex data in different formats (e.g., verbal, graphic, audio-visual, multimedia), organization and execution of project work, methods of scientific work, time management 6 SWS extended seminars The successful completion of HPSTS-3 is a requirement. The module is one of four compulsory elective modules in the master program in accordance with 27 subsection 3 of the examination regulation, one of which has to be chosen. The credit points are awarded if the module examination is passed. The module examination consists of an in-class presentation of the scope of 45 hours and project work of the scope of12 weeks; the module is only considered passed if both requirements have been passed. With this module, 9 credit points (CP) can be acquired. The module grade corresponds to the arithmetic mean of the simple

15 weighted grade of the in-class presentation and the double weighted grade of the project work. The module is offered annually in the summer semester. The workload for the students is 270 hours. The module spans 2 semesters. MA-HPSPS-8C Traffic and Transportation Psychology - Research & Intervention Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schlag the Award of Course After successful completion of the module, students are able to utilize their theoretical and methodological knowledge of traffic and transportation psychology-oriented knowledge in a problemoriented and purposeful manner for solving research and intervention issues of traffic and transportation psychology. They have indepth skills of the methods of scientific work. General qualifications: Understanding and evaluation as well as processing and presentation of complex issues in an interdisciplinary context; self-regulated as well as cooperative learning and working, project and time management. 6 SWS extended seminars The successful completion of HPSTS-4 is a requirement. The module is one of four compulsory elective modules in the master study program HPSTS in accordance with 27 subsection 3 of the examination regulation, one of which has to be chosen. The credit points are awarded if the module examination is passed. The examinations consist of the research report of the scope of 45 hours and the presentation of research findings; the module is only considered passed if both requirements have been passed. With this module, 9 credit points (CP) can be acquired. The module grade corresponds to the mean score of 60% of the grade of the research report and 40% of the grade of the presentation. The module is offered annually in the summer semester.

16 The workload for the students is 270 hours. The module spans 2 semesters. MA-HPSTS-8D Cognitive Ergonomics - Research & Intervention: Prof. Dr. Boris Velichkovsky After successful completion of the module, students are able to utilize their theoretical and methodological knowledge of engineering psychology-oriented knowledge in a problem-oriented and purposeful manner for solving research and intervention issues of engineering psychology and cognitive ergonomics. General qualifications: Understanding and evaluation as well as processing and presentation of complex issues in an interdisciplinary context; self-regulated as well as cooperative learning and working, project and time management. 6 SWS extended The successful completion of HPSTS-5 is a requirement. the Award of Course The module is one of four compulsory elective modules in the master program in accordance with 27 subsection 3 of the examination regulation, one of which has to be chosen. The credit points are awarded if the module examination is passed. The examinations consist of the research report of 45 hours and the presentation; the module is only considered passed if both requirements have been passed. With this module, 9 credit points (CP) can be acquired. The module grade corresponds to the mean score of 60% of the grade of the research report and 40% of the grade of the presentation. The module is offered annually in the summer semester. The workload for the students is 270 hours. The module spans 2 semesters.

17 HPSTS-I HPSTS Internship Prof. Dr. Petra Kemter Through the guidance or professionally experienced practitioners/researchers, students are familiar with future work fields in the areas of analysis, design, and evaluation of socio-technical systems and the corresponding working and boundary conditions. They have advanced knowledge and skills in the practical implementation of the competencies acquired in the fundamental modules of the master study program HPSTS. General qualifications: collaboration with others in a group, responding to and empathizing with others, giving feedback on the behavior of others, organizing and facilitating group(learning) processes and discussions, understanding and evaluation, as well as processing and presentation, conveying sensitive information to non-specialists so that the receiver can handle the message. in practical/research projects for the duration of 6 weeks (240 hours; a distribution along 12 weeks is possible in agreement with the internship institution; see the guidelines for supervised internships in the MA study program HPSTS); preparatory and accompanying self-study (160 hours) the Award of Course The successful completion of 3 out of the 7 compulsory modules HPSTS1-7 is a requirement. The module is a compulsory module in the master study program HPSTS. The credit points are awarded if the module examination is passed. The module examination consists of an ungraded internship report on the supervised internship of ca. ten A4 pages, in which the experience of the internship activities are well documented and critically evaluated. In accordance with 14 subsection 1 of the examination regulation, as a further requirement for the passing of the module examination a written confirmation of the supervising institution about the completion of the supervised internship of 240 hours has to be submitted. With this module, 15 credit points (CP) can be acquired. The module examination is graded as passed or not passed in accordance with 12 subsection 3 of the examination regulation (PO). The module is offered in the winter and in the summer semester. The workload for the students is 450 hours.

18 The duration of the module is six work weeks à 40 hours; 50 hours for the preparation of the report; and 160 hours for the preparatory and accompanying self-study. MA-HPSTS-9 Master Thesis Seminar Dean the Award of Course Students have extensive knowledge in the field HPSTS. On basis of this knowledge, they are able to plan studies on design and evaluation issues against the background of current research, implement and evaluate them, as well as present the main aspects of the study design, execution, and evaluation, in both written and oral form. Key topics: preparation and conduct of empirical research, presentation skills, project planning, publication in designated journals. General qualifications: critical reflection of research findings and theoretical positions, self-organization at work, literature research, knowledge of international publication standards and their implementation, presentation and discussion moderation. 4 SWS seminars The successful completion of 3 out of the 7 compulsory modules HPSTS1-7 is a requirement. The module is a research-oriented compulsory module in the master study program HPSTS. The credits are awarded if the module examination is passed. The module examination consists of two in-class presentations in which the research questions and the intended methodological procedure as well as the results of the empirical studies conducted in the Master thesis are presented. With this module, 6 credit points (CP) can be acquired. The module grade corresponds to the arithmetic mean of the grades of both in-class presentations; the module is only considered passed if both requirements have been passed. The module is offered annually in the winter semester. The workload for the students is 180 hours. The module spans 2 semesters. Module Description of Supplemental Area A

19 CANE Cognitive-Affective Neuroscience Export Prof. Dr. Thomas Goschke In the module, students acquire fundamental knowledge in the subject area of cognitive-affective neuroscience. They acquire knowledge on approaches, research methods, and key empirical findings from three of the following areas: (a) cognitive neuroscience (general psychological aspects such as operating principles and neural correlates of cognitive, emotional, and volitional processes); (b) psychoendocrinology / psychobiology (biopsychological approaches including effects of stress and other acute and chronic stress conditions on cognitive functioning and emotional processes); (c) developmental neuroscience (developmental approaches, e.g., neural correlates of cognitive development across the life span); (d) neurobiology of individual differences (differential psychological perspectives on the relationships of cognitive functions and intelligence, creativity, temperament, and affectivity including neurobiological foundations and genetic aspects); and (e) cognitive neuroscience methods (contribution of imaging techniques to the advancement of cognitive neuroscience). Here-in, the students deepen, particularly in the seminars, the fundamental science behind their respective focal master; based on this knowledge, they are able to guide implications for applied problems. General qualifications: ability to self-organize at work, literature research, teamwork and their moderation as well time management; furthermore, the presentation of complex issues in German and English, including utilization of multimedia 6 SWS lectures 4 SWS seminars Eligibility for the master study program Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy / Human Performance in Sociotechnical Systems The module is a module of the compulsory elective area II (supplemental area in the master study program HPSTS in accordance with 27 subsection 3 of the examination regulation) the Award of Course The credits are awarded through successful passing of the module examinations (3 x 90-minute written exams). Ungraded examinations have to be passed, i.e., two in-class presentations with a workload of 45 hours each. With this module, 15 credit points (CP) can be acquired. The module grade corresponds to the arithmetic mean of the partial grades of the three examinations; the module is only considered passed if all requirements have been passed.

20 The module is offered annually in the winter semester. The workload for the students is 450 hours. The module spans 3 semesters. Module Description of Supplemental Area B KPP E1 Models of Disorders and Interventions Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Wittchen the Award of Course Students know fundamental models of disorders and important therapeutic approaches. They understand the therapeutic process starting from diagnosis up to intervention. They are able to critically reflect on current issues in fundamental and applied research in clinical psychology and psychotherapy. General qualifications: In-depth and critical examination of extensive information. 4 SWS lectures none The module is one of two modules in the compulsory elective area II (supplemental area in the master study program HPSTS in accordance with 27 subsection 3 of the examination regulation), one of which has to be chosen. The credits are awarded if the module examination is passed. The module examination consists of two written exams with a duration of 45 minutes each. The module is only considered passed if both written exams have been passed. With this module, 6 credit points (CP) can be acquired. The module grade corresponds to the arithmetic mean of the grades of the written exams. The module is offered annually in the winter semester. The workload for the students is 180 hours. The module spans 2 semesters. KPP E2 Basic Competencies of Clinical Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Wittchen

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