Principles of Programming Languages Topic: Imperative Programming II Professor Lou Steinberg Fall 2004

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1 Principles of Programming Languages Topic: Imperative Programming II Professor Lou Steinberg Fall 2004 CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 1

2 Review Imperative programming: based on underlying machine: RAM, thread of control variable: a memory location assignment L-values and R-values Pointers * and & #INCLUDE #DEFINE STACKSIZE = 10; printf CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 2

3 L- and R-values int a; int [10] b; int *p 12 a &a b[2] b *b p *p L-value illegal address of variable a illegal address of 3rd element of b illegal illegal address of p contents of p R-value 12 contents of variable a address of variable a contents of 3rd element of b address of 1st element of b contents of 1st element of b contents of p contents of variable that p points to CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 3

4 Excerpt from List in Java public class List extends Object { protected Object element; protected List sublist; /** * Create an new List, initially empty. */ public List() { element = null; sublist = null; } //cons operation public List(Object newelement,list oldlist){ element = newelement; sublist = oldlist; } } CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 4

5 How List building works? List p = new List(); List q = new List( a,p); a List( b,q); b a CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 5

6 list2.c /*sample program to write a linear linked list of integers built like in Java, adding new elements on the front*/ #include<stdio.h> /*this makes these definitions and variables global*/ void *malloc(); typedef struct cell listcell; struct cell{ }; int num; listcell *next; listcell *head, *ele, *p; CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 6

7 cast list2.c, cont. void main(void) { int j; /*create first node in list*/ head = (listcell *) malloc(sizeof (listcell)); head->next = NULL; Allocates heap storage /*now create entries in list of numbers from 1 to 10*/ head->num = 1; for (j=2; j<11; j++) { ele = (listcell *) malloc(sizeof (listcell)); ele->num = j; ele->next =head; /***/ head = ele; } /*now traverse the list and print the elements*/ for (p=head; p!=null; p=p->next) printf("%d ",p->num); printf("\n"); } (*head).next is same as head->next CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 7

8 head->num = 1; head ele list2.c for (j=2; j<11; j++) { ele=/* &(new listcell*/ ele->num = j; ele->next =head; /***/ head head = ele; } at /***/ in 1st iteration ele 3 head 2 1 at /***/ in 2nd iteration CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 8

9 list2.c output scherzo!c> gcc list2.c scherzo!c>./a.out scherzo!c> CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 9

10 Review: Stack vs Heap Procedure activations, statically allocated local variables, parameter values Lifetime same as block in which variables are declared Stack frame with each invocation of procedure Dynamically allocated data structures, whose size may not be known in advance Lifetime extends beyond block in which they are created Must be explicitly freed or garbage collected CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 10

11 Heap Storage void *malloc (size_t n) returns pointer to block of contiguous storage of n bytes (chars), if possible if not enough memory left for allocation, malloc returns a NULL pointer So you ALWAYS have to check the return value to allocate storage of a different type requires sending malloc the proper amount of bytes needed and casting the return pointer value appropriately head = (listcell *) malloc(sizeof (listcell)); CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 11

12 listwithfree.c /*sample program to write a linear linked list of integers built like in Java, adding new elements on the front*/ #include<stdio.h> /*this makes these definitions and variables global*/ void *malloc(); void free(); typedef struct cell listcell; struct cell{ }; int num; listcell *next; listcell *head, *ele, *p; Almost same declarations as list2.c CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 12

13 listwithfree.c, cont. main(void) { int j; /*create first node in list*/ head = (listcell *) malloc(sizeof (listcell)); /*now create other entries in list of numbers from 1 to 10*/ head->num = 1; for (j=2; j<11; j++) { ele = (listcell *) malloc(sizeof (listcell)); ele->num = j; ele->next =head; /***/ head = ele; } printf(" values in the list: "); /*now traverse the list and print the elements*/ for (p=head; p!=null; p=p->next) printf("%d ",p->num); printf("\n"); } Same building of the list and printing it out as list2.c CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 13

14 listwithfree.c, cont. /*now delete the first 2 elements of the list and free their storage */ ele = head->next; /*1*/ free (head); /* free 1st list element storage*/ head = ele; ele = head->next; /*2*/ free (head); /* free 2nd list element storage*/ head = ele; /*3*/ /*now traverse the list and print the elements*/ printf(" values in list after two free's: "); for (p=head; p!=null; p=p->next) printf("%d ",p->num); printf("\n"); } CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 14

15 Trace After ele = head->next; /*1*/ ele head head ele After free (head); head = ele; ele = head->next; /*2*/ CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 15

16 listwithfree.c, cont. head ele ele head After 8... free (head); head = ele; /*3*/ /* output 221 remus!c> a.out values in the list: values in list after two free's: remus!c> */ CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 16

17 Functions Prototype: int mult(int, int); int square(int n); often in a *.h or header file used by compiler for type checking Definition: int square(int n) {return n*n;} Invocation: int b = 3; c = square(b); (formal) parameter argument CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 17

18 Functions Parameter Passing uses Call by Value Value of actual argument is copied into formal parameter Example: void swap(int a,int b) {int temp; temp=a; a=b; b=temp;}... int x=3; int y=5; swap(x,y); printf( %d %d,x,y); --> 3 5!?! Why? CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 18

19 Functions To get the effect of Call by Reference use pointers Example: void swap(int *a, int *b) {int temp; temp=*a; *a=*b; *b=temp;}... int x=3; int y=5; swap( &x, &y ); printf( %d %d,x,y); --> 5 3 CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 19

20 scanf int i; double x; scanf( %i %lf, &i, &x); remus> man scanf CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 20

21 Structures Structure: Aggregate object with named fields Declaration: struct EMPLOYEE { int age; double payrate; } joe, mary; struct EMPLOYEE bill = {35, }; Accessed as: joe.age = 45; bill.payrate *= 1.1; CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 21

22 Structures Structure may contain actual fields, as opposed to references struct STACK { int top; int contents[5]; } stack1; struct STACK { int top; int *contents; } stack1; CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 22

23 Structures Defining new types: typedef float Celsius; typedef float Fahrenheit; enum {BROWN, BLOND} hishair, herhair; typedef enum {BLACK, BROWN, RED, BLOND, GRAY} HairColors; CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 23

24 Structures Defining new structure types: typedef struct { float x-coord; float y-coord; } Point; struct POLYGON { Point vertices[10]; int N; } p; CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 24

25 Structures Pointers to Structures: typedef struct { int age; double payrate; } Employee; Employee joe, *maryp; Accessed as: (*maryp).payrate = ; (*maryp).payrate += ; maryp->payrate += ; CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 25

26 Recursive Structures This is legal: typedef struct NODE { int data; struct NODE *next; } Cell; These are not legal: typedef struct NODE { int data; struct NODE next; } Cell; typedef struct { int data; Cell *next; } Cell; CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 26

27 Memory Allocation Remember the Stack and the Heap? Parameters and local variables can be allocated on the stack, as part of the stack frame: int n, *pn; pn = &n; But consider: Employee *maryp; If you want to create the Employee structure that is pointed to by maryp, where does it go? On the Heap! CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 27

28 Memory Allocation This is similar to the storage of lists in Scheme, except that you have to do it yourself! Standard allocation procedure: Employee *maryp; maryp = (Employee *) malloc( sizeof(employee) ); Note: malloc returns the NULL pointer if it cannot find enough space. To release memory: free( maryp ); CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 28

29 head Example: list.c ele 1 head 2 1 at /***/ in 1st iteration ele 3 head 2 1 at /***/ in 2nd iteration CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 29

30 Example: listwithfree.c After ele = head->next; /*1*/ ele head head ele After free (head); head = ele; ele = head->next; /*2*/ CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 30

31 Example: listwithfree.c head ele ele head After 8... free (head); head = ele; /*3*/ /* output 59 scherzo!c> a.out scherzo!c> */ CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 31

32 Compare: List in Java public class List extends Object { protected Object element; protected List sublist; /** * Create a new List, initially empty. */ public List() { element = null; sublist = null; } /* cons operation */ public List(Object newelement, List oldlist){ element = newelement; sublist = oldlist; }...} CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 32

33 Compare: List in Java List p = new List(); List q = new List( a,p); a List( b,q); b a CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 33

34 Pointers vs.. References Cell and Cell* are different Explicit dereference operator Pointers needed for recursive definitions Casting results in type conversion: int x = (int) (&w); Memory management is usually performed by user Everything is a reference Dereference is implicit Recursive definitions are automatic Casting just satisfies the type checker Memory management is usually automatic CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 34

35 Pointers to Functions Syntax: int foo(int x){ } int (*pf)(int x); pf = &foo; Motivation: Polymorphic Processing e.g., sorting an array of integers in increasing vs. decreasing order e.g., sorting an array of intgers vs. an array of floats vs. an array of Employee structs vs.... How can we do this? CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 35

36 Pointers to Functions Suppose Cell is defined as before, but the data field could be an int, a char, a struct, or... Use a callback function: Cell * searchlist(cell *c, void *value, } int (*compare)(void *, void *)) { for ( ; c!=null; c=c->next){ if ((*compare)(&(c->data), value)) break;} return c; CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 36

37 Arrays Array: Typed collection of values indexed by nonnegative integers. Type and size must be known at compile time, except in the case of formal parameters: int a[20]; void sort(int b[], int n); Arrays in C are one-dimensional: piece chess[8][8]; Strings are arrays of characters: char msg[21] = Enter your password: ; CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 37

38 Arrays and Pointers An array name is considered to be a pointer to its first element. Thus, given the declarations: int A[20], *ip; A is a pointer to A[0] ip = A; and ip = &A[0]; have the same meaning Array subscripting is defined in terms of pointer arithmetic *(A + 3) and A[3] have the same meaning Array names are not variables, but constants A++ and A = ip are illegal CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 38

39 Arrays and Pointers Pointer Arithmetic: int j = 5; int *k = &j; (*k+2) means ((*k)+2) : legal R-value, illegal L-value (k+2) : legal R-value, legal (but not necessarily meaningful) L-value *(k+2) : legal R-value, illegal L-value General Rule: 1024 k Given declaration T *ptr; (ptr + k) points to location ptr + k sizeof(t) 5 j CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 39

40 Arrays and Pointers Two ways to process the array A[20] with subscripts: int k; for(k=0; k < 20; k++){ A[k] = 0; } with pointers: int *ap; for(ap=a; ap < A+20; ap++){ *ap = 0; } CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 40

41 Strings and Pointers The library package string.h assumes that a string is an array of characters terminated by \0. Thus: char name[5] = Mary ; Example: int strlen(char const *str){ int n=0; for( ; *str!= \0 ; str++) { n+=1;} return n; } CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 41

42 Strings and Pointers Example: char *strcpy(char *dst, char const *src){ char *str = dst; for( ; *src!= \0 ; src++, dst++) {*dst = *src;} *dst = \0 ; return str; } Caution: User must guarantee that dst has been allocated enough memory to store src CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 42

43 Pointers to Functions To search a list of integers using less than, define: int lessthanints(void *a, void *b){ if ( *(int *)a < *(int *)b ) return 1; else return 0; } Then call: Cell *foundit; int k=5; foundit = searchlist(head, &k, lessthanints); CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 43

44 Pointers to Functions To search a list of characters using equals, define: int equalchars(void *a, void *b){ if ( *(char *)a == *(char *)b ) return 1; else return 0; } Then call: Cell *foundit; char ch= a ; foundit = searchlist(head, &ch, equalchars); CS 314, LS, BR, LTM: Imperative Programming 44

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